Each month, Toyotarō provides a drawing of a Dragon Ball character — as well as an accompanying comment — on the official Japanese Dragon Ball website. Following up on the wealth of characters already drawn, for his November 2021 entry, Toyotarō has contributed a drawing of Resident Number TKM118755 Bulma:
Resident Number TKM118755 Bulma
One of only three people named Bulma in West City. She only appears in one panel and only her face is shown, so I designed her clothes based on the other residents. I wonder what kind of person the remaining Bulma is…?
The character originates in Dragon Ball chapter 68, where after a series of unfortunate events for everyone that Goku runs into in West City, our hero eventually asks a policeman where his friend Bulma lives. It turns out there are actually a few people named “Bulma” living in West City, but the second one that they look up on the policeman’s computer — the daughter of the owner of Capsule Corporation! — is the correct one.
This drawing and comment set has been added to the respective page in our “Translations” archive.