Each month, Toyotarō provides a drawing of a Dragon Ball character — as well as an accompanying comment — on the official Japanese Dragon Ball website. Following up on the wealth of characters already drawn, for his January 2022 entry, Toyotarō has contributed a drawing of Colonel Yellow:
Colonel Yellow
Since 2022 is the year of the Tiger!
Speaking of Colonel Yellow, I ended up really liking the scene from one of the chapters in Dragon Ball SD volume 4 where it turns out that Goku, who had just come from Yahhoi, was wearing Colonel Yellow’s fur all along.
Dragon Ball SD is a manga series originally published in Saikyō Jump (now published digitally-only on YouTube) by Naho Ooishi adapting events from the original story in humorous new ways with “chibi” or “super deformed” (the titular “SD”) styled characters. Toyotarō references here events during the SD-original “solitary training arc” where Yellow donates his tiger skin to Goku, which in turn explains his outfit when he arrives at the 22nd Tenka’ichi Budōkai.
This drawing and comment set has been added to the respective page in our “Translations” archive.