Each month, Toyotarō provides a drawing of a Dragon Ball character — as well as an accompanying comment — on the official Japanese Dragon Ball website. Following up on the wealth of characters already drawn, for his February 2023 entry, Toyotarō has contributed a drawing of Coola:
COOLA (Final Form)
He has a form beyond what his younger brother Freeza had, so I remember being completely astonished at the time. He’s a really cool character and I really like him.
Coola debuted in the fifth Dragon Ball Z film back in 1991 (The Incredible Strongest vs Strongest), and appeared as the main antagonist again in the sixth film the following year. Coola went on to receive minor and supporting roles across ancillary productions like Plan to Eradicate the Saiyans, and remains a fairly standard inclusion in video games.
This drawing and comment set has been added to the respective page in our “Translations” archive.