Each month, Toyotarō provides a drawing of a Dragon Ball character — as well as an accompanying comment — on the official Japanese Dragon Ball website. Following up on the wealth of characters already drawn, for his May 2023 entry, Toyotarō has drawn Shallot:
A very mysterious Saiyan that came from a bygone era. Congratulations to Dragon Ball Legends on its 5th anniversary!
Shallot was designed by Akira Toriyama for inclusion in the 2018 mobile video game Dragon Ball Legends:
It is worth noting that the exact spelling of the name シャロット (sharotto) had previously been used for an original female Saiyan character in the 2016 Nintendo 3DS video game Dragon Ball Fusions, pre-dating this Dragon Ball Legends character. In Dragon Ball Fusion‘s English localization, the name spelling of シャロット was adapted as “Shalot” (pre-emptively avoiding a direct name duplication in English… but not in Japanese!):
This drawing and comment set has been added to the respective page in our “Translations” archive.