Translation Update: “Special Project: Toyotarō Drew It!” Image #81
Published by 23 August 2024, 3:00 PM EDT

Roughly every month, Toyotarō provides a drawing of a Dragon Ball (or related…!) character — as well as an accompanying comment — on the official Japanese Dragon Ball website. Following up on the wealth of characters already drawn, for his August 2024 entry, Toyotarō has drawn Abel, the main character from the anime series Dragon Quest: Legend of the Hero Abel:

ABEL (from Dragon Quest: Legend of the Hero Abel)
I have memories of being glued to the screen while watching this show when I was in primary school. I still get emotional when I hear the ending theme from Hideaki Tokunaga-san!

Though Legend of the Hero Abel had an extensive staff outside of the franchise’s original creators (perhaps most notably Rintaro!), Akira Toriyama himself did produce several character designs for the 1989 series, including Abel himself:

(image from the 1990 artbook release, Akira Toriyama: The World)

This drawing and comment set has been added to the respective page in our “Translations” archive.

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