Dragon Ball Kai Green Tint

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Re: Dragon Ball Kai Green Tint

Post by crabshank1 » Mon Nov 26, 2018 7:22 pm

A little colour remapping shader I made in hlsl:

Code: Select all

sampler s0 : register(s0);
float4 p0 :  register(c0);
float4 p1 :  register(c1);

#define width   (p0[0])
#define height  (p0[1])
#define counter (p0[2])
#define clock   (p0[3])
#define one_over_width  (p1[0])
#define one_over_height (p1[1])

float3 rgb2hsv(float3 c)
    float4 K = float4(0.0, -1.0 / 3.0, 2.0 / 3.0, -1.0);
    float4 p = lerp(float4(c.bg, K.wz), float4(c.gb, K.xy), step(c.b, c.g));
    float4 q = lerp(float4(p.xyw, c.r), float4(c.r, p.yzx), step(p.x, c.r));
    float d = q.x - min(q.w, q.y);
    float e = 1.0e-10;
    return float3(abs(q.z + (q.w - q.y) / (6.0 * d + e)), d / (q.x + e), q.x);

float3 hsv2rgb(float3 c)
    float4 K = float4(1.0, 2.0 / 3.0, 1.0 / 3.0, 3.0);
    float3 p = abs(frac(c.xxx + K.xyz) * 6.0 - K.www);
    return c.z * lerp(K.xxx, clamp(p - K.xxx, 0.0, 1.0), c.y);
//Source: http://lolengine.net/blog/2013/07/27/rgb-to-hsv-in-glsl

//Bounds for interpolation//
static float r_x_b[2]={0,1};static float r_y_b[2]={0,1};static float g_x_b[2]={0,1};static float g_y_b[2]={0,1};static float b_x_b[2]={0,1};static float b_y_b[2]={0,1};static float h_x_b[2]={0,1};static float h_y_b[2]={0,1};static float s_x_b[2]={0,1};static float s_y_b[2]={0,1};static float v_x_b[2]={0,1};static float v_y_b[2]={0,1};

static float2 r[3] = {
0, 0,    // row 1; x,y

static float2 g[3] = {
0, 0,    // row 1; x,y

static float2 b[3] = {
0, 0,    // row 1; x,y

static float2 h[7] = {
0, 0,    // row 1; x,y

static float2 s[3] = {
0, 0,    // row 1; x,y

static float2 v[4]= {
0, 0,    // row 1; x,y

float red_map(float red){int i=0;int exact=0;for (i=0; i<34; i++) {if (r[i][0]/255 == red ){red=r[i][1]/255;exact=1;break;}else if (r[i][0]/255 < red && r[i][0]/255>r_x_b[0]){r_x_b[0]=r[i][0]/255;r_y_b[0]=r[i][1]/255;}else if(r[i][0]/255 > red && r[i][0]/255<r_x_b[1]){r_x_b[1]=r[i][0]/255;r_y_b[1]=r[i][1]/255;}}if(exact=0){red=red;}else{red=r_y_b[0] + (red-r_x_b[0])*((r_y_b[1]-r_y_b[0])/(r_x_b[1]-r_x_b[0]));}return red;}
                                                                                            // i < no. of rows

float green_map(float green){int i=0;int exact=0;for (i=0; i<34; i++) {if (g[i][0]/255 == green ){green=g[i][1]/255;exact=1;break;}else if (g[i][0]/255 < green && g[i][0]/255>g_x_b[0]){g_x_b[0]=g[i][0]/255;g_y_b[0]=g[i][1]/255;}else if(g[i][0]/255 > green && g[i][0]/255<g_x_b[1]){g_x_b[1]=g[i][0]/255;g_y_b[1]=g[i][1]/255;}}if(exact=0){green=green;}else{green=g_y_b[0] + (green-g_x_b[0])*((g_y_b[1]-g_y_b[0])/(g_x_b[1]-g_x_b[0]));}return green;}
                                                                                                      // i < no. of rows

float blue_map(float blue){int i=0;int exact=0;for (i=0; i<34; i++) {if (b[i][0]/255 == blue ){blue=b[i][1]/255;exact=1;break;}else if (b[i][0]/255 < blue && b[i][0]/255>b_x_b[0]){b_x_b[0]=b[i][0]/255;b_y_b[0]=b[i][1]/255;}else if(b[i][0]/255 > blue && b[i][0]/255<b_x_b[1]){b_x_b[1]=b[i][0]/255;b_y_b[1]=b[i][1]/255;}}if(exact=0){blue=blue;}else{blue=b_y_b[0] + (blue-b_x_b[0])*((b_y_b[1]-b_y_b[0])/(b_x_b[1]-b_x_b[0]));}return blue;}
                                                                                                // i < no. of rows
                                                                                                        // i < no. of rows
float hue_map(float hue) { int i = 0; int exact = 0; for (i = 0; i < 34; i++) { if (h[i][0] / 360 == hue) { hue = h[i][1] / 360; exact = 1; break; } else if (h[i][0] / 360 < hue && h[i][0] / 360 > h_x_b[0]) { h_x_b[0] = h[i][0] / 360; h_y_b[0] = h[i][1] / 360; } else if (h[i][0] / 360 > hue && h[i][0] / 360 < h_x_b[1]) { h_x_b[1] = h[i][0] / 360; h_y_b[1] = h[i][1] / 360; } } if (exact = 0) { hue = hue; } else { hue = h_y_b[0] + (hue - h_x_b[0]) * ((h_y_b[1] - h_y_b[0]) / (h_x_b[1] - h_x_b[0])); } return hue; }

float sat_map(float sat) { int i = 0; int exact = 0; for (i = 0; i < 34; i++) { if (s[i][0] / 100 == sat) { sat = s[i][1] / 100; exact = 1; break; } else if (s[i][0] / 100 < sat && s[i][0] / 100 > s_x_b[0]) { s_x_b[0] = s[i][0] / 100; s_y_b[0] = s[i][1] / 100; } else if (s[i][0] / 100 > sat && s[i][0] / 100 < s_x_b[1]) { s_x_b[1] = s[i][0] / 100; s_y_b[1] = s[i][1] / 100; } } if (exact = 0) { sat = sat; } else { sat = s_y_b[0] + (sat - s_x_b[0]) * ((s_y_b[1] - s_y_b[0]) / (s_x_b[1] - s_x_b[0])); } return sat; }
                                                                                                     // i < no. of rows
float val_map(float val) { int i = 0; int exact = 0;  for (i = 0; i < 34; i++) { if (v[i][0] / 100 == val) { val = v[i][1] / 100; exact = 1; break; } else if (v[i][0] / 100 < val && v[i][0] / 100 > v_x_b[0]) { v_x_b[0] = v[i][0] / 100; v_y_b[0] = v[i][1] / 100; } else if (v[i][0] / 100 > val && v[i][0] / 100 < v_x_b[1]) { v_x_b[1] = v[i][0] / 100; v_y_b[1] = v[i][1] / 100; } } if (exact = 0) { val = val; } else { val = v_y_b[0] + (val - v_x_b[0]) * ((v_y_b[1] - v_y_b[0]) / (v_x_b[1] - v_x_b[0])); } return val; }
                                                                                                     // i < no. of rows

float4 main(float2 tex : TEXCOORD0) : COLOR {
	float4 c0 = tex2D(s0, tex);

//c0.r=red_map(c0.r);		//red
//c0.g=green_map(c0.g);	//green
//c0.b=blue_map(c0.b);	//blue

float3 colorHSV= rgb2hsv(c0.rgb);
colorHSV.x=hue_map(colorHSV.x); c0.rgb=hsv2rgb(colorHSV); colorHSV= rgb2hsv(c0.rgb); //hue
colorHSV.y=sat_map(colorHSV.y); c0.rgb=hsv2rgb(colorHSV); colorHSV= rgb2hsv(c0.rgb); //sat
colorHSV.z=val_map(colorHSV.z); c0.rgb=hsv2rgb(colorHSV); colorHSV= rgb2hsv(c0.rgb); //val
	return c0;


http://www.framecompare.com/screenshotc ... n/WYD7NNNX

Shows you just how much green is in there...

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Re: Dragon Ball Kai Green Tint

Post by crabshank1 » Tue Nov 27, 2018 10:24 am

Slight fix for that code:

Code: Select all

sampler s0 : register(s0);
float4 p0 :  register(c0);
float4 p1 :  register(c1);

#define width   (p0[0])
#define height  (p0[1])
#define counter (p0[2])
#define clock   (p0[3])
#define one_over_width  (p1[0])
#define one_over_height (p1[1])

float3 rgb2hsv(float3 c)
    float4 K = float4(0.0, -1.0 / 3.0, 2.0 / 3.0, -1.0);
    float4 p = lerp(float4(c.bg, K.wz), float4(c.gb, K.xy), step(c.b, c.g));
    float4 q = lerp(float4(p.xyw, c.r), float4(c.r, p.yzx), step(p.x, c.r));
    float d = q.x - min(q.w, q.y);
    float e = 1.0e-10;
    return float3(abs(q.z + (q.w - q.y) / (6.0 * d + e)), d / (q.x + e), q.x);

float3 hsv2rgb(float3 c)
    float4 K = float4(1.0, 2.0 / 3.0, 1.0 / 3.0, 3.0);
    float3 p = abs(frac(c.xxx + K.xyz) * 6.0 - K.www);
    return c.z * lerp(K.xxx, clamp(p - K.xxx, 0.0, 1.0), c.y);
//Source: http://lolengine.net/blog/2013/07/27/rgb-to-hsv-in-glsl

//Bounds for interpolation//
static float r_x_b[2]={0,1};static float r_y_b[2]={0,1};static float g_x_b[2]={0,1};static float g_y_b[2]={0,1};static float b_x_b[2]={0,1};static float b_y_b[2]={0,1};static float h_x_b[2]={0,1};static float h_y_b[2]={0,1};static float s_x_b[2]={0,1};static float s_y_b[2]={0,1};static float v_x_b[2]={0,1};static float v_y_b[2]={0,1};

#define red_points 3

static float2 r[red_points] = {
0, 0,    // row 1; x,y

#define green_points 3

static float2 g[green_points] = {
0, 0,    // row 1; x,y

#define blue_points 3

static float2 b[blue_points] = {
0, 0,    // row 1; x,y

#define hue_points 7

static float2 h[hue_points] = {
0, 0,    // row 1; x,y

#define sat_points 3

static float2 s[sat_points] = {
0, 0,    // row 1; x,y

#define val_points 4

static float2 v[val_points]= {
0, 0,    // row 1; x,y

float red_map(float red){int i=0;int exact=0;for (i=0; i<red_points; i++) {if (r[i][0]/255 == red ){red=r[i][1]/255;exact=1;break;}else if (r[i][0]/255 < red && r[i][0]/255>r_x_b[0]){r_x_b[0]=r[i][0]/255;r_y_b[0]=r[i][1]/255;}else if(r[i][0]/255 > red && r[i][0]/255<r_x_b[1]){r_x_b[1]=r[i][0]/255;r_y_b[1]=r[i][1]/255;}}if(exact=0){red=red;}else{red=r_y_b[0] + (red-r_x_b[0])*((r_y_b[1]-r_y_b[0])/(r_x_b[1]-r_x_b[0]));}return red;}

float green_map(float green){int i=0;int exact=0;for (i=0; i<green_points; i++) {if (g[i][0]/255 == green ){green=g[i][1]/255;exact=1;break;}else if (g[i][0]/255 < green && g[i][0]/255>g_x_b[0]){g_x_b[0]=g[i][0]/255;g_y_b[0]=g[i][1]/255;}else if(g[i][0]/255 > green && g[i][0]/255<g_x_b[1]){g_x_b[1]=g[i][0]/255;g_y_b[1]=g[i][1]/255;}}if(exact=0){green=green;}else{green=g_y_b[0] + (green-g_x_b[0])*((g_y_b[1]-g_y_b[0])/(g_x_b[1]-g_x_b[0]));}return green;}

float blue_map(float blue){int i=0;int exact=0;for (i=0; i<blue_points; i++) {if (b[i][0]/255 == blue ){blue=b[i][1]/255;exact=1;break;}else if (b[i][0]/255 < blue && b[i][0]/255>b_x_b[0]){b_x_b[0]=b[i][0]/255;b_y_b[0]=b[i][1]/255;}else if(b[i][0]/255 > blue && b[i][0]/255<b_x_b[1]){b_x_b[1]=b[i][0]/255;b_y_b[1]=b[i][1]/255;}}if(exact=0){blue=blue;}else{blue=b_y_b[0] + (blue-b_x_b[0])*((b_y_b[1]-b_y_b[0])/(b_x_b[1]-b_x_b[0]));}return blue;}

float hue_map(float hue) { int i = 0; int exact = 0; for (i = 0; i < hue_points; i++) { if (h[i][0] / 360 == hue) { hue = h[i][1] / 360; exact = 1; break; } else if (h[i][0] / 360 < hue && h[i][0] / 360 > h_x_b[0]) { h_x_b[0] = h[i][0] / 360; h_y_b[0] = h[i][1] / 360; } else if (h[i][0] / 360 > hue && h[i][0] / 360 < h_x_b[1]) { h_x_b[1] = h[i][0] / 360; h_y_b[1] = h[i][1] / 360; } } if (exact = 0) { hue = hue; } else { hue = h_y_b[0] + (hue - h_x_b[0]) * ((h_y_b[1] - h_y_b[0]) / (h_x_b[1] - h_x_b[0])); } return hue; }

float sat_map(float sat) { int i = 0; int exact = 0; for (i = 0; i < sat_points; i++) { if (s[i][0] / 100 == sat) { sat = s[i][1] / 100; exact = 1; break; } else if (s[i][0] / 100 < sat && s[i][0] / 100 > s_x_b[0]) { s_x_b[0] = s[i][0] / 100; s_y_b[0] = s[i][1] / 100; } else if (s[i][0] / 100 > sat && s[i][0] / 100 < s_x_b[1]) { s_x_b[1] = s[i][0] / 100; s_y_b[1] = s[i][1] / 100; } } if (exact = 0) { sat = sat; } else { sat = s_y_b[0] + (sat - s_x_b[0]) * ((s_y_b[1] - s_y_b[0]) / (s_x_b[1] - s_x_b[0])); } return sat; }

float val_map(float val) { int i = 0; int exact = 0;  for (i = 0; i < val_points; i++) { if (v[i][0] / 100 == val) { val = v[i][1] / 100; exact = 1; break; } else if (v[i][0] / 100 < val && v[i][0] / 100 > v_x_b[0]) { v_x_b[0] = v[i][0] / 100; v_y_b[0] = v[i][1] / 100; } else if (v[i][0] / 100 > val && v[i][0] / 100 < v_x_b[1]) { v_x_b[1] = v[i][0] / 100; v_y_b[1] = v[i][1] / 100; } } if (exact = 0) { val = val; } else { val = v_y_b[0] + (val - v_x_b[0]) * ((v_y_b[1] - v_y_b[0]) / (v_x_b[1] - v_x_b[0])); } return val; }

float4 main(float2 tex : TEXCOORD0) : COLOR {
	float4 c0 = tex2D(s0, tex);

//c0.r=red_map(c0.r);		//red
//c0.g=green_map(c0.g);	//green
//c0.b=blue_map(c0.b);	//blue

float3 colorHSV= rgb2hsv(c0.rgb);
colorHSV.x=hue_map(colorHSV.x); c0.rgb=hsv2rgb(colorHSV); colorHSV= rgb2hsv(c0.rgb); //hue
colorHSV.y=sat_map(colorHSV.y); c0.rgb=hsv2rgb(colorHSV); colorHSV= rgb2hsv(c0.rgb); //sat
colorHSV.z=val_map(colorHSV.z); c0.rgb=hsv2rgb(colorHSV); colorHSV= rgb2hsv(c0.rgb); //val
	return c0;

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Re: Dragon Ball Kai Green Tint

Post by DB1984 » Tue Nov 27, 2018 9:59 pm

Kei17 (who posted in this thread) said that the reason why some Kai episodes look better than others is because those episodes in particular were shot using 35mm film stock.

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Re: Dragon Ball Kai Green Tint

Post by Robo4900 » Tue Nov 27, 2018 10:02 pm

DB1984 wrote:Kei17 (who posted in this thread) said that the reason why some Kai episodes look better than others is because those episodes in particular were shot using 35mm film stock.
That only applies to a handful of episodes in the Namek/Freeza arc.
The point of Dragon Ball is to enjoy it. Never lose sight of that.

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Re: Dragon Ball Kai Green Tint

Post by TVfan721 » Tue Dec 11, 2018 11:37 pm

It was sad seeing this old thread, damn I miss Kei17 :cry: He was hands down the best member here.

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Re: Dragon Ball Kai Green Tint

Post by DragonBallFan » Thu Dec 13, 2018 7:40 pm

TVfan721 wrote:It was sad seeing this old thread, damn I miss Kei17 :cry: He was hands down the best member here.
Who's Kei17? What happened to him?

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Re: Dragon Ball Kai Green Tint

Post by Danfun64 » Fri Dec 14, 2018 1:48 am

Kei17 was a Japanese user who had at least one stack of the original broadcast tapes. He bolted sometime before the first leak, and the way things are going I doubt he'll return anytime soon

He was knowledgeable and had a lot of rare stuff (including the first episode of harmony gold Dragon Ball) but he liked to use copyright law as an excuse not to share his goodies on the internet beyond mere clips (that or maybe it's a cultural thing)
Robo4900 wrote:Mouse is BRILLIANT SCIENTIST dumb.
Jack is just kinda dumb.

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Re: Dragon Ball Kai Green Tint

Post by Robo4900 » Fri Dec 14, 2018 6:05 am

I had a brief chat with him elsewhere not long ago, and he cited one reason for having no interest in returning to Kanzenshuu as simply him really not liking Super, and being uninterested in getting involved in discourse around it.

However, I have reason to believe part of the reason he initially left was that he was bullied off by people who wanted to get ahold of his tapes of the original Japanese run and didn't want anyone else having it. So... Make of this what you will.

Anyway, apparently Kei has pretty much an encyclopedic knowledge of the Kikuchi score, and knows pretty much everything you could ever want to know about pre-revival Dragon Ball. Interesting chap.
Danfun64 wrote:he liked to use copyright law as an excuse not to share his goodies on the internet beyond mere clips (that or maybe it's a cultural thing)
IIRC, the main thing was he was afraid of was Toei getting on his ass about this stuff. Which I understand to be a valid concern, as apparently Toei are pretty awful about this stuff. If you want an example of Toei being crazy about their copyright, I suggest asking TFS about their views on Toei and copyright. :lol:
The point of Dragon Ball is to enjoy it. Never lose sight of that.

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Re: Dragon Ball Kai Green Tint

Post by JohnnyCashKami » Fri Dec 14, 2018 10:25 am

Robo4900 wrote:the main thing was he was afraid of was Toei getting on his ass about this stuff. Which I understand to be a valid concern, as apparently Toei are pretty awful about this stuff.
If he sincerely was that concerned about it, he wouldn't have even shared it with anyone let alone make backups of it. If you check the IPs of people who download stuff from a piracy website, you'll see many of them are from Japan so he might have very well used that as an excuse. Not that it matters to me, each to their own.

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Re: Dragon Ball Kai Green Tint

Post by Robo4900 » Fri Dec 14, 2018 3:53 pm

JohnnyCashKami wrote:
Robo4900 wrote:the main thing was he was afraid of was Toei getting on his ass about this stuff. Which I understand to be a valid concern, as apparently Toei are pretty awful about this stuff.
If he sincerely was that concerned about it, he wouldn't have even shared it with anyone let alone make backups of it. If you check the IPs of people who download stuff from [ARRRRR], you'll see many of them are from Japan so he might have very well used that as an excuse. Not that it matters to me, each to their own.
He shared it with a couple of specific people because he wanted to send what he had to Toei and/or Funimation. Toei didn't bite. Funimation... He tried. Some of the people who were supposed to be helping him get the stuff to Funi screwed him over and ran with sizeable chunks of his stuff, which has now been leaked among the public.
It's not a case of inadequate caution or anything like that which caused digital copies of his stuff to get online, it's a case of him being screwed over.
The point of Dragon Ball is to enjoy it. Never lose sight of that.

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Re: Dragon Ball Kai Green Tint

Post by TVfan721 » Fri Dec 14, 2018 9:46 pm

Robo4900 wrote:
JohnnyCashKami wrote:
Robo4900 wrote:the main thing was he was afraid of was Toei getting on his ass about this stuff. Which I understand to be a valid concern, as apparently Toei are pretty awful about this stuff.
If he sincerely was that concerned about it, he wouldn't have even shared it with anyone let alone make backups of it. If you check the IPs of people who download stuff from [ARRRRR], you'll see many of them are from Japan so he might have very well used that as an excuse. Not that it matters to me, each to their own.
He shared it with a couple of specific people because he wanted to send what he had to Toei and/or Funimation. Toei didn't bite. Funimation... He tried. Some of the people who were supposed to be helping him get the stuff to Funi screwed him over and ran with sizeable chunks of his stuff, which has now been leaked among the public.
It's not a case of inadequate caution or anything like that which caused digital copies of his stuff to get online, it's a case of him being screwed over.
That's horrible. Did Kei17 have a backup copy of that stuff or do you mean those people actually took a portion of his collection from him? I hope those bastards get what's coming to them for what they did to Kei17.

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Re: Dragon Ball Kai Green Tint

Post by TVfan721 » Fri Dec 14, 2018 9:48 pm

Danfun64 wrote:Kei17 was a Japanese user who had at least one stack of the original broadcast tapes. He bolted sometime before the first leak, and the way things are going I doubt he'll return anytime soon

He was knowledgeable and had a lot of rare stuff (including the first episode of harmony gold Dragon Ball) but he liked to use copyright law as an excuse not to share his goodies on the internet beyond mere clips (that or maybe it's a cultural thing)
And that was perfectly within his right to do. It's HIS collection and he can do what he wants with it. He shouldn't have even had to make an excuse in the first place for not sharing his stuff with people. People should just respect when someone says no.

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Re: Dragon Ball Kai Green Tint

Post by SpiritBombTriumphant » Sat Dec 15, 2018 1:32 am

I am simply amazed at how people are in regards to broadcast tapes. I mean for fuck's sake, some of these people I'm hearing about are acting like it's a damned death note or one hundred trillion dollars. Or RL working dragon balls.

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Re: Dragon Ball Kai Green Tint

Post by Robo4900 » Sat Dec 15, 2018 5:38 am

TVfan721 wrote:That's horrible. Did Kei17 have a backup copy of that stuff or do you mean those people actually took a portion of his collection from him? I hope those bastards get what's coming to them for what they did to Kei17.
He had backups; what was taken was just digital copies. But he'd been screwed over pretty hard by that point. Since it's now spreading freely, I don't feel any danger of these people benefitting from my saying that at least three people were offering somewhat-degraded copies of the broadcast audio in exchange for fairly substantial sums of money. Sometimes just about $50, but sometimes more in the range of a couple of hundred, or more.

(By somewhat-degraded, I'm referring to a specific subset of the audio. All the episodes are cut down to just the preview, recap, and main episode content, but 226 is missing some of its recap, and 218 is taken from a source that missed half the episode. On top of this, episodes 115-183 were tampered with in some sort of "Remastering" effort. And only one source was provided of each of the episodes that has a PSA jingle in it, so you get brief audio interruptions in a few episodes)
SpiritBombTriumphant wrote:I am simply amazed at how people are in regards to broadcast tapes. I mean for fuck's sake, some of these people I'm hearing about are acting like it's a damned death note or one hundred trillion dollars. Or RL working dragon balls.
Something this exclusive and rare often ends up gravitating towards those who would prefer to keep it to themselves. It's somewhat known that a lot of rare video game betas are kept behind closed doors among a handful of people who trade this stuff between each-other. And naturally, anyone who doesn't already have some of their own is unable to get into it, so it ends up being a pretty closed circle of elite people who get to stand above everyone else. You see the same thing with movie workprints, rare anime dubs, you name it.
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Re: Dragon Ball Kai Green Tint

Post by Metalwario64 » Sun Dec 30, 2018 6:45 am

Speaking of green tints, don't a couple of the newly remastered films have green tints? Why does this keep happening?
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Re: Dragon Ball Kai Green Tint

Post by Ajay » Sun Dec 30, 2018 7:22 am

Metalwario64 wrote:Speaking of green tints, don't a couple of the newly remastered films have green tints? Why does this keep happening?
Someone at Toei just really, really loves the colour green. :lol:

I kind of wonder if maybe someone's just so used to conventional skin tones that they're just allergic to the pinkier tones you find in the old material. Rather than look at the overall image, they're just sliding that green curve up, seeing the skin tone change to something resembling what they're used to, and somehow thinking that's okay.
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Re: Dragon Ball Kai Green Tint

Post by Dagon » Sun Dec 30, 2018 7:42 am

Ajay wrote:
Metalwario64 wrote:Speaking of green tints, don't a couple of the newly remastered films have green tints? Why does this keep happening?
Someone at Toei just really, really loves the colour green. :lol:

I kind of wonder if maybe someone's just so used to conventional skin tones that they're just allergic to the pinkier tones you find in the old material. Rather than look at the overall image, they're just sliding that green curve up, seeing the skin tone change to something resembling what they're used to, and somehow thinking that's okay.
I think the actual film stock is aging and they are not color-correcting it. They didn't color-correct the Dragon Boxes, they just scanned it and shipped it.
Funimation gets hate for their color-correcting jobs but I'll take theirs over the green tint any day.

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Re: Dragon Ball Kai Green Tint

Post by Ajay » Sun Dec 30, 2018 9:55 am

Dagon wrote:I think the actual film stock is aging and they are not color-correcting it. They didn't color-correct the Dragon Boxes, they just scanned it and shipped it.
Funimation gets hate for their color-correcting jobs but I'll take theirs over the green tint any day.
In the case of the Dragon Box, that's true, but Boo Kai is corrected and consistently green, and the colour degradation found on the Dragon Box Movies set is distinctly different from what's found on the Blu-rays, despite being from the same source.
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Re: Dragon Ball Kai Green Tint

Post by Dagon » Sun Dec 30, 2018 8:31 pm

Ajay wrote:
Dagon wrote:I think the actual film stock is aging and they are not color-correcting it. They didn't color-correct the Dragon Boxes, they just scanned it and shipped it.
Funimation gets hate for their color-correcting jobs but I'll take theirs over the green tint any day.
In the case of the Dragon Box, that's true, but Boo Kai is corrected and consistently green, and the colour degradation found on the Dragon Box Movies set is distinctly different from what's found on the Blu-rays, despite being from the same source.
To my knowledge the movies use larger or higher quality film stock than the series. Maybe whoever was color grading Kai final chapters had a skewed monitor tint and it looked ok from their end, or they had poor vision.

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Re: Dragon Ball Kai Green Tint

Post by Robo4900 » Wed Jan 02, 2019 7:16 pm

Dagon wrote:
Ajay wrote:
Dagon wrote:I think the actual film stock is aging and they are not color-correcting it. They didn't color-correct the Dragon Boxes, they just scanned it and shipped it.
Funimation gets hate for their color-correcting jobs but I'll take theirs over the green tint any day.
In the case of the Dragon Box, that's true, but Boo Kai is corrected and consistently green, and the colour degradation found on the Dragon Box Movies set is distinctly different from what's found on the Blu-rays, despite being from the same source.
To my knowledge the movies use larger or higher quality film stock than the series. Maybe whoever was color grading Kai final chapters had a skewed monitor tint and it looked ok from their end, or they had poor vision.
The movies use 35mm film, the TV shows use 16mm. That's the main difference. There's also the fact that the previews, OPs, EDs, and I believe the recaps all have to be mastered from prints instead of negatives due to the way the show was produced.
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