As a special bonus to those buying the “Dragon Ball Z” individual discs, Toei Animation released two diorama figure sets covering the entire series. Each diorama set is a third of a circle, and if you have all three you can connect them together to form one circular diorama set of the entire series. Now that’s an awesome idea, but it gets even better. For gathering both sets, you received a model of Karin’s Tower that could be used as a pedestal to set the diorama figure sets inside!
Every individual disc released contained a point ticket, worth 1 point towards that particular diorama figure set. These point tickets contained a 16 digit code, which could be redeemed for their point at Jumpland’s Dragon Ball DVD Website. However, to do so you had to be a registered member. As a registered member, you could enter your “point number” to receive its 1 point. Once enough points were acquired, one could request the diorama figure set once it was released. The last day to request any of the individual disc diorama sets was 30 September 2009.
Special Diorama Figure Set #1
To receive this diorama figure set, you had to purchase the first 18 discs and redeem each point ticket they contained. This set covered the Saiyan and Freeza arcs of the series, and features Son Goku after having transformed into a Super Saiyan, Vegeta, and final-form Freeza on Planet Namek.
Special Diorama Figure Set #2
To receive this diorama figure set, you had to purchase discs 19 through 33 and redeem each point ticket they contained. This set covered the Artificial Human arc of the series, and features Super Saiyan Son Gohan, Future Trunks, and perfect-form Cell on the Cell Games stage.
Special Diorama Figure Set #3
To receive this diorama figure set, you had to purchase the discs 34 through 49 and redeem each point ticket they contained. This set covered the Majin Boo arc of the series, and features Super Saiyan 3 Son Goku, Mister Satan, and Majin Boo on Earth.
Special Diorama Figure Set Bonus
As a special bonus, a replica model of Karin Tower was sent to those who had purchased all 49 discs. The diorama figure sets could then be connected and set inside of the model as shown. This first model would become the basis for creating a larger diorama figure set.
Behind the Scenes
While the special diorama figure sets were being produced, Jump’s official blog site would often be updated with some behind the scene production photos, giving fans an inside look at the production process. Here are some of these clay production models that were created based on Toriyama’s initial artwork.