As a special bonus to those buying the “Dragon Ball The Movies” individual discs, Toei Animation released a diorama figure set covering some of the Dragon Ball Z movies. Every individual disc released contained a point ticket, worth 1 point towards that particular diorama figure set. These point tickets contained a 16 digit code, which could be redeemed for their point at Jumpland’s Dragon Ball DVD Website. However, to do so you had to be a registered member. As a registered member, you could enter your “point number” to receive its 1 point. Once enough points were acquired, one could request the diorama figure set once it was released. The last day to request any of the individual disc diorama sets was 30 September 2009.
Special Diorama Figure
To receive this special diorama figure set, one had to purchase all 17 individual discs and redeem each point ticket they contained. This set covered the entire series, and features Super Saiyan Gogeta (Dragon Ball Z Movie 12), the Legendary Super Saiyan Broli (Dragon Ball Z Movie 8), and Coola (Dragon Ball Z Movie 5). Unlike all of the other individual disc diorama figure sets, each figure came on its own stand made to look like rocks, instead of one large stand. The Dragon Balls are also included and are divided up with each figure, most notably with the Four-Star Ball being placed with Gogeta, which is a nice touch seeing as Goku is a part of that fusion. These sets can be set around the base of Karin Tower to complete a larger diorama figure set.