“The Saiyan Conflict” is the first season of Dragon Ball Z for the North American syndication television market as produced by FUNimation. The episodes released on those discs are as-is from their original syndication run on American television beginning in 1996 (although in the original run episode 26 was considered part of season one, it is included on the season two box set). These releases are edited, English-dubbed ONLY (with the Ocean Studios cast, as opposed to FUNimation’s in-house cast, which did not yet exist), and were distributed by Pioneer Home Entertainment (later renamed to Geneon). The Japanese episodes listed with these discs in this guide indicate which original Japanese episodes these dubbed episodes correspond to based on their visual content due to edits and episode splicing. FUNimation’s sub-licensing agreement with Pioneer expired on 31 August 2003, resulting in a complete return to FUNimation’s control. For more information on the Pioneer/FUNimation licensing agreement, please refer to the “Newbie Guide“.
FUNimation had announced plans to go back and re-dub the first two seasons with their own in-house actors (which had already done the rest of the series), and release this re-dub uncut on DVD with the Japanese version included as well. These discs had been in-process of release under the “Ultimate Uncut Edition” line, but the line was canceled after releasing 27 episodes in favor of the faux-“remastered” season box sets.
TV Series Volume #01 – “Arrival”
- 13 April 1999
- Released
- English Dubbed Only
- Dialogue
- 4:3 Standard / Edited
- Format
TV Series Volume #02 – “The Saiyans”
- 11 May 1999
- Released
- English Dubbed Only
- Dialogue
- 4:3 Standard / Edited
- Format
TV Series Volume #03 – “Snake Way”
- 11 May 1999
- Released
- English Dubbed Only
- Dialogue
- 4:3 Standard / Edited
- Format
TV Series Volume #04 – “Pendulum Room”
- 1 June 1999
- Released
- English Dubbed Only
- Dialogue
- 4:3 Standard / Edited
- Format
TV Series Volume #05 – “Doom”
- 1 June 1999
- Released
- English Dubbed Only
- Dialogue
- 4:3 Standard / Edited
- Format
TV Series Volume #06 – “Immortals”
- 13 July 1999
- Released
- English Dubbed Only
- Dialogue
- 4:3 Standard / Edited
- Format
TV Series Volume #07 – “Destruction”
- 13 July 1999
- Released
- English Dubbed Only
- Dialogue
- 4:3 Standard / Edited
- Format
TV Series Volume #08 – “Showdown”
- 7 August 1999
- Released
- English Dubbed Only
- Dialogue
- 4:3 Standard / Edited
- Format