- Get it! 振り返るな
- Get it! Furikaeru na
- Get it! Don’t turn back
- もう許さない
- Mō yurusanai
- I won’t let you get away with this any longer
- 怒りが燃え上がる
- Ikari ga moeagaru
- My anger is flaring up
- 愛する力を いま 見せてやる
- Ai suru chikara o ima misete yaru
- Now I’ll show you the power of love
- 誰も奪えやしない
- Dare mo ubae ya shinai
- Nobody will steal it from me
- Get a chance オレのバイブレーション
- Get a chance ore no baiburēshon
- Get a chance — My vibrations
- 熱く限界を突き破れ
- Atsuku genkai o tsukiyabure
- Heat up and break through this barrier
- ★マジだぜ Super Dragon Soul
- ★ Maji da ze Super Dragon Soul
- ★ I’m deadly serious, Super Dragon Soul
- 大地切り裂いてゆく
- Daichi kirisaite yuku
- I split the ground as I go
- 戦うたびに強くなるぜ
- Tatakau tabi ni tsuyoku naru ze
- I become stronger each time I fight
- 終わりなきバトルは 命のかぎり続く
- Owari naki batoru wa inochi no kagiri tsuzuku
- This endless battle will continue as long as I’m alive
- この手で守る 愛を抱いて
- Kono te de mamoru ai o daite
- I’ll protect them with my own hands, embracing love
- 宇宙に証を立てろ
- Uchū ni akashi o tatero
- And stand as proof to the universe
- Get it! 目を閉じるな
- Get it! Me o tojiru na
- Get it! Don’t close your eyes
- いま 受けて立つ
- Ima ukete tatsu
- Now, I’ll accept this challenge
- 恐怖を解き放て
- Kyōfu o tokihanate
- Release your fear
- 戦いのあとに 残されるのは
- Tatakai no ato ni nokosareru no wa
- iEven knowing that only emptiness
- 虚しさと知ってても
- Munashisa to shitte ’te mo
- Will remain after this battlei
- Get a chance オレがぶっちぎり
- Get a chance ore ga butchigiri
- Get a chance — I’ll still win
- そうさ 極限越えのエナジー
- Sō sa kyokugen-goe no enajii
- That’s right, this energy surpasses even the outermost limits
- ☆サクレツ Super Dragon Soul
- ☆ Sakuretsu Super Dragon Soul
- ☆ An explosive Super Dragon Soul
- 熱い奇跡を起こせ
- Atsui kiseki o okose
- Bring about a mighty miracle
- 宇宙のパワー 高めてゆけ
- Uchū no pawā takamete yuke
- Go heighten the universe’s power
- 魂の正義を 誰も壊せやしない
- Tamashii no seigi o dare mo kowase ya shinai
- No one can break the justice of the soul
- 愛に満ちた命に触れた
- Ai ni michita inochi ni fureta
- You’ve experienced a live filled with love
- その手で未来を守れ
- Sono te de mirai o mamore
- Protect the future with your own hands
- ★ Repeat
- ★ Repeat
- ★ Repeat
- ☆ Repeat
- ☆ Repeat
- ☆ Repeat
- i…i The lines indicated have been transposed for clarity.