- Dokkan Dokkan ツイてる!
- Dokkan Dokkan tsuite ’ru!
- Dokkan Dokkan1 I’m in luck!
- Dokkan Dokkan Paradise
- Dokkan Dokkan Paradise
- Dokkan Dokkan Paradise
- 元気玉が弾け飛ぶぜ Go Go Let’s do it
- Genki-dama ga hajiketobu ze Go Go Let’s do it
- The Genki-dama bursts forth, Go Go Let’s do it
- うごめくあやしいエナジー
- Ugomeku ayashii enajī
- A squirming, bewitching energy
- 容赦はしないぜ 見てろよ
- Yōsha wa shinai ze mite ’ro yo
- I won’t show any mercy, just you watch
- 命に代えても守るよ
- Inochi ni kaete mo mamoru yo
- I’ll protect them, even if it costs me my life
- 愛する勇気を 強さに変えろ
- Ai suru yūki o tsuyosa ni kaero
- Change your loving courage into strength
- やり抜く気合いで ピンチを越えてく
- Yarinuku kiai de pinchi o koete ’ku
- I’ll get through this pinch with a kiai2
- 手強いヤツほど わくわくもでっかいぜ
- Tegowai yatsu hodo waku waku mo dekkai ze
- The stronger the guy, the huger the excitement
- Dokkan Dokkan ツイてる!
- Dokkan Dokkan tsuite ’ru!
- Dokkan Dokkan I’m in luck!
- Dokkan Dokkan チャンスさ
- Dokkan Dokkan chansu sa
- Dokkan Dokkan It’s my chance
- ラッキーの風に ビュンビユン乗って
- Rakkī no kaze ni byun-byun notte
- Zip along on the winds of luck
- Dokkan Dokkan ツイてる!
- Dokkan Dokkan tsuite ’ru!
- Dokkan Dokkan I’m in luck!
- Dokkan Dokkan 明日も
- Dokkan Dokkan ashita mo
- Dokkan Dokkan Even tomorrow
- 答えをもう 魂は知ってるのさ Dragon Soul!
- Kotae o mō tamashii wa shitte ’ru no sa Dragon Soul!
- My soul already knows the answer, Dragon Soul!
- 宇宙のパワーをこの手に
- Uchū no pawā o kono te ni
- With the power of the universe in my hand
- ひとりで行くんじゃないのさ
- Hitori de yuku n ja nai no sa
- I don’t go alone
- 光は闇夜に負けない
- Hikari wa yamiyo ni makenai
- Light won’t lose to the black night
- 小さな夢でも輝いてるよ
- Chiisa na yume de mo kagayaite ’ru yo
- Even a small dream shines
- アレコレ迷うな 集中するんだ
- Arekore mayou na shūchū suru n da
- Don’t get lost amidst this and that, concentrate
- ツベコベ言わずに 体ごと突き抜けろ
- Tsubekobe iwazu ni Karada goto tsukinukero
- Don’t complain, and break through with your whole body
- ★ Dokkan Dokkan ツイてる!
- ★ Dokkan Dokkan tsuite ’ru!
- ★ Dokkan Dokkan I’m in luck!
- Dokkan Dokkan 来てるぜ
- Dokkan Dokkan kite ’ru ze
- Dokkan Dokkan It’s here
- もっと未来が楽しくなるよ
- Motto mirai ga tanoshiku naru yo
- The future will be even more fun
- Dokkan Dokkan ツイてる!
- Dokkan Dokkan tsuite ’ru!
- Dokkan Dokkan I’m in luck!
- Dokkan Dokkan Paradise
- Dokkan Dokkan Paradise
- Dokkan Dokkan Paradise
- 元気玉が弾け飛ぶぜ Go Go Let’s do it Dragon Soul!
- Genki-dama ga hajiketobu ze Go Go Let’s do it Dragon Soul!
- The Genki-dama bursts forth, Go Go Let’s do it Dragon Soul!
- Dokkan Dokkan ツイてる!
- Dokkan Dokkan tsuite ’ru!
- Dokkan Dokkan I’m in luck!
- Dokkan Dokkan チャンスさ
- Dokkan Dokkan chansu sa
- Dokkan Dokkan It’s my chance
- ラッキーの風に ビュンビユン乗って
- Rakkī no kaze ni byun-byun notte
- Zip along on the winds of luck
- Dokkan Dokkan ツイてる!
- Dokkan Dokkan tsuite ’ru!
- Dokkan Dokkan I’m in luck!
- Dokkan Dokkan 明日も
- Dokkan Dokkan ashita mo
- Dokkan Dokkan Even tomorrow
- 答えをもう 魂は知ってるのさ Dragon Soul!
- Kotae o mō tamashii wa shitte ’ru no sa Dragon Soul!
- My soul already knows the answer, Dragon Soul!
- ★ Repeat
- ★ Repeat
- ★ Repeat
- 1 “Dokkan” has no literal translation but is actually a sound effect used in Japanese manga to mimic the sound of an explosion; similar to “kaboom” or “bam” in English comics.
- 2 “Kiai” is a term meaning “fighting spirit” and is often yelled by martial artists during matches.