- 天晴れ晴れ晴れ 未来目指して行こう All my friends!
- Appare hare-bare mirai mezashite yukō All my friends!
- Let’s set our sights on the bright shining future, all my friends!
- さあ今 オレらのパワー
- Sā ima ore-ra no pawā
- Well, our power now
- 寄せ集めりゃマジで最強さ
- Yoseatsumerya maji de saikyō sa
- If we gather it all up, we’ll seriously be the strongest
- ブレない願いのチカラで世界を変えろ
- Burenai negai no chikara de sekai o kaero
- With the strength of your unwavering desire, change the world
- You know? どんな凄いヤツも
- You know? Don’na sugoi yatsu mo
- You know? Every kind of strong guy
- モトは子どもなのさ
- Moto wa kodomo na no sa
- Was originally a child
- 遠い夢を 見上げてデカくなる
- Tōi yume o miagete dekaku naru
- Looking up at their distant dreams, they become huge
- 怖れることなく Say yes! go! go! go!
- Osoreru koto naku Say yes! go! go! go!
- Don’t be afraid, and say yes! Go! Go! Go!
- 行けるトコまで high, high, high 飛んで行こう
- Ikeru toko made high, high, high tonde yukō
- Let’s fly up high, high, high as we can
- 限界はナイナイ
- Genkai wa nai nai
- There are no, no limits
- 天晴れ晴れ晴れ 作り出せ
- Appare hare-bare tsukuridase
- Shining brightly, create it
- 光の射す All my world!
- Hikari no sasu All my world!
- All my world the light shines on!
- そう もし 凹んだ時は
- Sō moshi hekonda toki wa
- Yes, if you’re feeling down
- とりあえずは笑い飛ばしゃいい
- Toriaezu wa waraitobasha ii
- For starters, you should laugh it off
- イケてるオレらになるのはこれからなのさ
- Ikete ’ru ore-ra ni naru no wa kore kara no sa
- Our becoming awesome people starts now
- I know 強いヒーローでも
- I know tsuyoi hīrō de mo
- I know even mighty heroes
- 悩む日もあるだろう
- Nayamu hi mo aru darō
- Have days when they worry
- 強さ それは 勝つことだけじゃない
- Tsuyosa sore wa katsu koto dake ja nai
- Strength isn’t just about winning
- 立ち上がるコトさ Say yes! go! go! go!
- Tachiagaru koto sa Say yes! go! go! go!
- It’s standing tall, Say yes! Go! Go! Go!
- ヤバい冒険 hi, hi, hi はじめよう
- Yabai bōken hi, hi, hi hajimeyō
- Hi, hi, hi, let’s get started on a dangerous adventure
- 全身で前進
- Zenshin de zenshin
- We’ll push forward with all our might
- 天晴れ晴れ晴れ ピッカピカさ
- Appare hare-bare pikka-pika sa
- Shining brightly, it’s sparkling
- 未来の空 All my world!
- Mirai no sora All my world!
- The future sky, all my world!
- 行けるトコまで high, high, high 飛んで行こう
- Ikeru toko made high, high, high tonde yukō
- Let’s fly up high, high, high as we can
- 限界はナイナイ
- Genkai wa nai nai
- There are no, no limits
- 天晴れ晴れ晴れ 作り出せ
- Appare hare-bare tsukuridase
- Shining brightly, create it
- 光の射す All my world!
- Hikari no sasu All my world!
- All my world the light shines on!
- 光の射す All my world!
- Hikari no sasu All my world!
- All my world the light shines on!
- Hey boys,
- Hey boys,
- Hey boys,
- Look for the Dragon Ball
- Look for the Dragon Ball
- Look for the Dragon Ball
- No pain, No gain
- No pain, No gain
- No pain, No gain
- I believe
- I believe
- I believe
- You can be real heroes
- You can be real heroes
- You can be real heroes
- Hey boys,
- Hey boys,
- Hey boys,
- Look for the Dragon Ball
- Look for the Dragon Ball
- Look for the Dragon Ball
- You can make it
- You can make it
- You can make it
- I believe
- I believe
- I believe
- You can be real heroes
- You can be real heroes
- You can be real heroes
- 光の射す All my world!
- Hikari no sasu All my world!
- All my world the light shines on!