- 奇跡の炎よ 燃え上がれよ
- Kiseki no honō yo moeagare yo
- Flare up, flame of miracles
- 君の魂に
- Kimi no kokoro1 ni
- In your heart
- 未来のため・・・
- Mirai no tame…
- For the future…
- 眼の前には闇が迫る Goin’ back
- Me no mae ni wa yami ga semaru Goin’ back
- The darkness approaches before our eyes, Goin’ back
- 四の五の言うヒマはもうないのさ
- Shi no go no iu hima wa mō nai no sa
- There’s no more time for griping
- ヴォルテージは焼き付いた Break it
- Vorutēji wa yakitsuita Break it
- The voltage has been seared in, Break it
- 正面から行けば No! ヤバいぜ
- Shōmen kara yukeba No! Yabai ze
- If we go in from the front, No! It’s too dangerous
- 打たれて立ち上がり 君よ
- Utarete tachiagari kimi yo
- You’ve got to stand back up when you’re hit
- 強く生まれ変われ
- Tsuyoku umarekaware
- And be reborn even stronger
- You’ll be stronger than now
- You’ll be stronger than now
- You’ll be stronger than now
- 奇跡の炎よ 燃え上がれよ
- Kiseki no honō yo moeagare yo
- Flare up, flame of miracles
- 君の魂に
- Kimi no tamashii2 ni
- In your soul
- 試練さえチカラに変え
- Shiren sae chikara ni kae
- Changing even ordeals into strength
- 栄光の光 燃え盛れよ
- Eikō no hikari moesakare yo
- Blaze brightly, light of glory
- 過去の哀しみ 今乗り越え
- Kako no kanashimi ima norikoe
- Overcoming your past sadness now
- Burning fight!
- Burning fight!
- Burning fight!
- You are a champ!!
- You are a champ!!
- You’re a champ!!
- 後戻りは出来ない Never look back
- Ato-modori wa dekinai Never look back
- We can’t go back to how things were before, Never look back
- 前しか行く道はもうないのさ
- Mae shika yuku michi wa mō nai no sa
- There’s no way to go but ahead anymore
- 鉄の壁も加速して Break it
- Tetsu no kabe mo kasoku shite Break it
- Even for a metal wall, accelerate and Break it
- 鍛えぬいた敵にそう挑んで
- Kitaenuita teki ni sō idonde
- That’s how you challenge a well-trained enemy
- 何度も立ち上がれ 君よ
- Nando mo tachiagare kimi yo
- You’ve got to stand up again and again
- 輝き手に入れろ
- Kagayaki te ni irero
- Take the gleaming light into your hands
- You’ll be stronger than now
- You’ll be stronger than now
- You’ll be stronger than now
- 奇跡の炎よ 燃え上がれよ
- Kiseki no honō yo moeagare yo
- Flare up, flame of miracles
- 君の正義に
- Kimi no seigi ni
- In your righteousness
- 挫折など薪にして
- Zasetsu nado takigi3 ni shite
- Turn your frustration into fuel for the fire
- 栄光の光 燃え盛れよ
- Eikō no hikari moesakare yo
- Blaze brightly, light of glory
- 道なき道を 照らすために
- Michi naki michi o terasu tame ni
- To light the way where there is no path
- Burning fight!
- Burning fight!
- Burning fight!
- Win the fight!!
- Win the fight!!
- Win the fight!!
- はじめは小さな炎でいい
- Hajime wa chiisa na honō de ii
- A little flame is fine at the start
- それが勇気で
- Sore ga yūki de
- That’s your courage
- 目も眩む明かりになる
- Me mo kurumu akari ni naru
- And it will become a blinding light
- 希望の光よ この地球に
- Kibō no hikari yo Kono chikyū ni
- [Shine on] this Earth, light of hope
- 僕らの明日へ
- Boku-ra no asu e
- [Lead us] to our tomorrow
- Glory for the earth
- Glory for the earth
- Glory for the Earth
- 奇跡の炎よ 燃えあがれよ
- Kiseki no honō yo moeagare yo
- Flare up, flame of miracles
- 君の魂に
- Kimi no tamashii2 ni
- In your soul
- 試練さえチカラにして
- Shiren sae chikara ni shite
- Changing even ordeals into strength
- 栄光の光 燃え盛れよ
- Eikō no hikari moesakare yo
- Blaze brightly, light of glory
- 過去の哀しみ 今乗り越え
- Kako no kanashimi ima norikoe
- Overcoming your past sadness now
- Burning fight!
- Burning fight!
- Burning fight!
- You are a champ!!
- You are a champ!!
- You’re a champ!!
- 1 The kanji supplied for “kokoro” (“heart”, “mind”) read “tamashii” (“soul”, “spirit”).
- 2 The word “tamashii” is written with furigana to indicate it has gone back to its usual pronunciation after being used irregularly.
- 3 The word “takigi” (“kindling”, “firewood”) is written with furigana because the character is uncommon, and also to disambiguate its pronunciation (“maki” is also possible).