Kanzenshuu – The Podcast

Your one and only Dragon Ball podcast!

Our “weekly” podcast, then named Daizenshuu EX – The Podcast, began in November 2005 as a new way to reach out to our audience, extend that audience, and simply have fun with the franchise we love so much. Though we updated the name to Kanzenshuu – The Podcast in April 2012 with the launch of this website, we remain the best, most authoritative, entertaining, and only Dragon Ball podcast you will ever need!

Each episode, the Kanzenshuu staff discuss the latest news in the world of Dragon Ball from across the globe before heading into a core topic — whether it be an in-depth discussion of the way in which the story and franchise was produced, theories for in-universe scenarios and “What If?” scenes, interviews with those actually involved with the franchise, thorough reviews of video games or home video releases, we have you covered! We wrap things up with the month’s upcoming releases, questions from the listeners, and much more! We regularly have contests, broadcast live (watch our Twitter and Facebook!), and have a great time sharing our love of the Dragon Ball franchise with you all each and every week.

Podcast Episode #0437 — 19 March 2018

We return with the sixth round in our “Dragon Ball GT Review of Awesomeness” to cover episodes 23-27. With Mr. Mu and Baby seemingly defeated, our heroes continue their journey in search of the Ultimate Dragon Balls. Baby is out there waiting for them, and as the viewers take a trip back to Earth, the series truly begins its massive shift.

Episode #0437! Mike, Meri, and Jeff continue onward in the “Dragon Ball GT Review of Awesomeness” to cover “Dragon Ball GT” episodes 23-27! Baby begins his assault on Earth, making his way through all of the remaining Saiyans before landing with Vegeta. Our space heroes have finished collecting the Dragon Balls, but will it make any difference?


Our podcast available via iTunes and/or Google Play Music, or you can pop the direct RSS feed into the program of your choice. You can also listen to this episode by directly downloading the MP3, or you can listen on YouTube and/or SoundCloud. We invite you to discuss this episode on our forum.

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Podcast Episode #0436 — 13 March 2018

A new Dragon Ball movie is coming this year! While we do not have a whole lot of information to discuss just yet, what we do already have speaks volumes, both through its imagery and through the otherwise-expected names that are missing in the initial announcement round. Tune in for a quick analysis of Akira Toriyama’s comments and staff reveals, and what this could mean for the future of the franchise!

Episode #0436! Mike, Julian, and Ajay discuss the trickle of information reveals about the upcoming theatrical film set for release in December 2018. A series director from “Dragon Ball Super” (with plenty of experience external to this franchise, as well) steps up to direct the new film, while new blood steps up to oversee its animation and visual design. Notably missing from the staff announcement is Tadayoshi Yamamuro. Between these staff announcements and what Toriyama says in his own words, what does this mean for the future of the franchise?


Our podcast available via iTunes and/or Google Play Music, or you can pop the direct RSS feed into the program of your choice. You can also listen to this episode by directly downloading the MP3, or you can listen on YouTube and/or SoundCloud. We invite you to discuss this episode on our forum.

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Podcast Episode #0435 — 05 March 2018

Tying in with one of last week’s daily Toriyama works entries — as well as with a recent interview translation! — this week’s podcast episode dives into the occasionally-combined worlds of Dragon Ball and KochiKame. A two-page fake ending to KochiKame kicks everything off, and we ultimately land 16 years later in a continuation to that same material. Tune in for a breeze through the intersecting worlds of Akira Toriyama and Osamu Akimoto!

Episode #0435! Mike and Julian briefly discuss 20 years of “Dragon Ball” manga in English from Viz before turning their attention to the intersecting “Dragon Ball” and “KochiKame” material over the years. A joint interview in 1990 sheds some light on the respective authors’ different approaches to character creation, while a 2006 manga crossover continues a legendary fake-ending from 16 years prior!


Our podcast available via iTunes and/or Google Play Music, or you can pop the direct RSS feed into the program of your choice. You can also listen to this episode by directly downloading the MP3, or you can listen on YouTube and/or SoundCloud. We invite you to discuss this episode on our forum.

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Podcast Episode #0434 — 05 February 2018

Dragon Ball Online may be gone, but it has clearly not been forgotten if the continued revival of its characters and plot points are any indication! This week on the podcast we dive back into a character that was developed, never actually used, and is now set to make his first true appearance in the XENOVERSE series: “Fu”.

Episode #0434! Mike, Jake, and Chris detail a little history on the “Dragon Ball Online” graveyard mining taking place before examining the new-old character “Fu”. What is the real story behind this character, and what can we expect out of him in “Dragon Ball XENOVERSE 2” and beyond? A little bit of news and website content chat rounds out the episode!


Enjoy! Discuss this episode on the Kanzenshuu forum, and be sure to connect with us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Google+, and Tumblr.

Our podcast feed is available via iTunes and/or Google Play Music. You can also listen to this episode by directly downloading the MP3, or you can listen on YouTube and/or SoundCloud.

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Podcast Episode #0433 — 29 January 2018

We return with the fifth round in our “Dragon Ball GT Review of Awesomeness” to cover episodes 19-22. That’s right: the Dragon Ball GT review is back! If you missed our last entry (or perhaps the previous three, considering they were a few years ago), play a little catch-up and join in the fun!

Episode #0433! Mike, Meri, and Jeff bring the M2 arc to a close in our “Dragon Ball GT Review of Awesomeness”… or do we?! Dr. Mu has effectively been defeated and his(?) creation, Baby, appears all but destroyed. Where do our heroes possibly go from here? Join us for a look at “Dragon Ball GT” episodes 19-22!


Enjoy! Discuss this episode on the Kanzenshuu forum, and be sure to connect with us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Google+, and Tumblr.

Our podcast feed is available via iTunes and/or Google Play Music. You can also listen to this episode by directly downloading the MP3, or you can listen on YouTube and/or SoundCloud.

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Podcast Episode #0432 — 23 January 2018

The end of Dragon Ball Super is right around the corner. As we wrap up this chapter in Dragon Ball‘s life, we look to the future while trying to make sense of the present. Why stop a good thing? With revenue coming in left and right, and with yet another theatrical film on the horizon, in what world does it make sense to take the show back off television? Join us as we sort through the facts and try to make sense of it all.

Episode #0432! Mike, Heath, and Ajay discuss the upcoming conclusion to the “Dragon Ball Super” television series. With all partners bringing in impressive revenue numbers, how does it make any sense to take the show off the air? We put everything in context, from the show as it stands now, to the upcoming theatrical film, to the rest of Toei’s project load, and try to predict what the logical next steps should be for Shueisha and Toei.


Enjoy! Discuss this episode on the Kanzenshuu forum, and be sure to connect with us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Google+, and Tumblr.

Our podcast feed is available via iTunes and/or Google Play Music. You can also listen to this episode by directly downloading the MP3, or you can listen on YouTube and/or SoundCloud.

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Bonus Podcast Episode: The Story of “Solid State Scouter” — 15 January 2018

This week on the podcast, we follow up on a previous bonus episode — one all about the song “Battle Point Unlimited” — and explore the song “Solid State Scouter” from the 1990 Bardock television special.

Show Description

Bonus episode! Tune in as Mike provides a complete history of the Dragon Ball Z Bardock television special insert song “Solid State Scouter” by Dragon Magic Orchestra. What makes the song so unique and memorable, and who actually made it?!

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How to Listen

This bonus episode is exclusive to the website and regular podcast subscribers. Our podcast feed is available via iTunes and/or Google Play Music. You can also listen to this episode by directly downloading the MP3. Enjoy! Discuss this episode on the Kanzenshuu forum.


Supplemental Listening

For episode 10 of the revised lo-fidelity podcast, Mike and Jeff reviewed Yellow Magic Orchestra’s for 1979 album, Solid State Survivor. Fans of any type of music — not exclusive just to “anime” or “game” music! — will surely find something to love in this landmark album.

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Podcast Episode #0431 — 10 January 2018

One of our favorite podcast traditions is our annual review of the top news stories, checking back on predictions we made the previous year, and making new predictions for the upcoming year! This time around, a good 3/4 of the Kanzenshuu staff is on hand for the speculation, so tune in for all the best hot takes around!

Episode #0431! Mike, Jake, and Julian reflect on the top news stories from 2017, as well as what we felt were some of the other important stories for the year. We check in on our predictions from last year, make new predictions for 2018, and toss around some listener predictions for the new year as well. Finally, what do we have on tap for the website in 2018?!


Enjoy! Discuss this episode on the Kanzenshuu forum, and be sure to connect with us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Google+, and Tumblr.

Our podcast feed is available via iTunes and/or Google Play Music. You can also listen to this episode by directly downloading the MP3, or you can listen on YouTube and/or SoundCloud.

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Podcast Episode #0430 — 03 December 2017

We once again try to get back into the swing of things with what many think is a complicated process, but we have figured it all out: how to best calculate battle powers in the Dragon Ball franchise. Join us, won’t you?

Episode #0430! After a five-year break, the “Dragon Ball GT Review of Awesomeness” returns. Mike, Meri, and Jeff review episodes 16-18, along with the FUNimation English dub-only recap episode, “A Grand Problem.” Can our heroes (and hosts) survive the onslaught of machine mutants?!


Enjoy! Discuss this episode on the Kanzenshuu forum, and be sure to connect with us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Google+, and Tumblr.

Our podcast feed is available via iTunes and/or Google Play Music. You can also listen to this episode by directly downloading the MP3, or you can listen on YouTube and/or SoundCloud.

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Podcast Episode #0429 — 16 October 2017

Kazuhiko Torishima has held a massive influence on every aspect of Dragon Ball‘s production, from before it was even a twinkle in Akira Toriyama’s eye, up through the creation of Dragon Ball Kai and beyond. In a fascinating interview with Forbes last year, Torishima discussed his thoughts on the television series adaptation, and why certain changes were made on the production side leading up to the “Z” shift. Tune in as we try to see what Torishiama saw so many years ago, and how these changes impacted the franchise for decades to come!

Episode #0429! Mike and Lance discuss the Dragon Ball franchise’s shift to “Z” based on Kazuhiko Torishima’s comments and observations from a 2016 interview with Forbes. What changes were made to the production team, and how did those changes trickle down and shape the franchise for decades to come? A little bit of impromptu listener questions wraps up the episode!


Enjoy! Discuss this episode on the Kanzenshuu forum, and be sure to connect with us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Google+, and Tumblr.

Our podcast feed is available via iTunes and/or Google Play Music. You can also listen to this episode by directly downloading the MP3, or you can listen on YouTube and/or SoundCloud.

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