Revisiting Old Podcasts

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Revisiting Old Podcasts

Post by jpranevich » Thu Jan 26, 2017 10:29 am

Listening to the news on my drive into work hasn't been the most fun lately and while I usually do serious podcasts, some days I just can't get into the mood to hear about how great empires rose and fell (I'm looking at you, Mike Duncan's "History of Rome").

But as an alternative, I started listening to the very first Kanzenshuu podcasts, #1 and #2. They are so sincere! The microphone is awful! Mike admits that he doesn't know things! (His encyclopedic knowledge and/or excellent pre-podcast discussion notes hadn't yet matured, I suspect.) Julian was a lackey! Meri was still so damned adorable! Tons of stuff wasn't available yet. The best part is how you muse on how exciting Dragon Ball was becoming... in 2005. It's a perfect time-capsule of people that I have been listening to for a very long time now.

Thanks for keeping the history up and helping me through some rough commutes!

Are there any "infamous" podcasts in the early set that I should be looking out for? Or just a chronological listen to help me revisit my 20s?

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Re: Revisiting Old Podcasts

Post by jpranevich » Thu Jan 26, 2017 10:29 am

I love BTW that I am still a "newbie" even though I've lurked on the forums since 2004... I guess I should have posted at some point...

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Re: Revisiting Old Podcasts

Post by VegettoEX » Thu Jan 26, 2017 10:36 am

As much as I'd like to remove some of that early stuff, I think it's important to recognize the content you put out into the world and be held accountable for it. For what it's worth, I think the audio quality (finally) picks up around episode 112, when I finally bought a real-ass mixer and microphone. Took a few episodes after that to get used to it all, but after that point it gets a lot better. I wish I upgraded sooner...

Anyway, I made this thread last year asking for recommendations on important topics and discussions that people really enjoyed over the last decade or so. I still haven't had a chance to put together that "best of" compilation, but I still absolutely want to. That might be a good starting point for any listening revisits you want to make!
:: [| Mike "VegettoEX" LaBrie |] ::
:: [| Kanzenshuu - Co-Founder/Administrator, Podcast Host, News Manager (note: our "job" titles are arbitrary and meaningless) |] ::
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Re: Revisiting Old Podcasts

Post by jpranevich » Thu Jan 26, 2017 12:33 pm

Thanks for the pointer!

And, if you don't mind my saying so, you should go back and listen to the first couple yourself. You have become a much better podcaster in these last ten years, but there's just something so damned honest and endearing about these freshman efforts. You've found a polish and a voice of authority that was missing, but there's something differently fun about listening to a couple of "kids" talk about their favorite subject.

An observation: the "Kurblogs" that you have been contributing to still have that fanboy feel while the recent "Battle Point Unlimited" special has that "voice of authority" turned up to 11. (Was that a demo or a pilot for something else? The way you edited that together was evocative of NPR-style anthology shows and very well done, but I imagined you in a suit and tie the whole time...)

Okay, I've now thought about this more than is healthy... time for lunch.

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Re: Revisiting Old Podcasts

Post by VegettoEX » Thu Jan 26, 2017 12:48 pm

It's absolutely different when I'm not 100% in the host seat, so to speak, with regard to the "Kirblog" topics. Even though I'm mostly a shadow government still running those topics and recording/editing them myself, I do try to give Chris a little bit of room... even if (dirty secret) he comes to me saying, "Hey, you have an outline, right?" before recording :P.

Something I might recommend for me talking a bit about podcasting and listening to me absolutely not directing the flow of conversation is the "Kind Soundwaves" episode Dustin had me on (that's the reboot version, edited down pretty heavily; the longer original version is also still up).

The BPU topic wasn't necessarily a back-door pilot for anything, though I definitely want to do more in the future. That was very much a spur-of-the-moment, bout-of-inspiration kind of thing. I like I think I know how to script out something important, cut things down to the essential points, record it, and mix it so everything sounds great. I'm not the best at making a script not sound like a script in the narration, but it's something I continue to work on. That's tough... you WANT something like that topic to ABSOLUTELY sound like "VOICE OF AUTHORITY HERE" while simultaneously NOT having a patronizing tone. I ad libbed a few things (they're probably obvious) to get that across.

I'm very consciously always trying to balance the authority with the genuine conversation when it comes to the regular episodes. From my side of things as the de facto host/producer, I'm less concerned about having MY voice heard in a larger group conversation, and more directing a coherent conversation. I know my shit, for sure, but my goal is to have the voice of the crazy awesome experts heard (which, more often than not, is Jake and Julian).
:: [| Mike "VegettoEX" LaBrie |] ::
:: [| Kanzenshuu - Co-Founder/Administrator, Podcast Host, News Manager (note: our "job" titles are arbitrary and meaningless) |] ::
:: [| Website: January 1998 |] :: [| Podcast: November 2005 |] :: [| Fusion: April 2012 |] :: [| Wiki: 20XX |] ::

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