DBZ Movies: Where They Fit In

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DBZ Movies: Where They Fit In

Post by VegettoEX » Thu Jun 03, 2004 10:57 pm

Due to suggestions and initial conversations, I've decided I'd like to add these kinds of things into the "Movie Guide." I'm going to break some rules and use some colored text, but only in the interest of good-ness. I'm welcoming suggestions and additions to what I write; started getting lazy and forgetful towards the end. Also, it's only DBZ for now. I'll definitely need help from DB movies 1-3, since I haven't watched them in ages. Let's rock!


DBZ MOVIE #1: DragonBall Z

WHERE IT FITS IN: Between DB and DBZ, much closer to the beginning of the Raditz arc than anything else.

EVIDENCE: Gohan is approximately the same age (and wearing the same outfit) as in the Raditz arc. Goku is not at the power to use Kaio-Ken or Genki-Dama, and seems to be about equal to Piccolo.

WHY IT CAN'T WORK: Kuririn and the others seem to already be aware of Gohan; in the Raditz arc, Gohan's birth was a complete surprise to all of Goku's friends, just now seeing them for the first time in five years. Goku should either be dead (having fought Raditz), or no-one should know about Gohan.
WHAT IT ADDS: Back-story about obtaining the throne of "Kami" on Earth, and that it involved more than our own Kami simply showing up.


DBZ MOVIE #2: The World's Strongest Guy

WHERE IT FITS IN: After the Goku/Vegeta battle, but before going to Namek.

EVIDENCE: Piccolo has died protecting Gohan from Nappa; flashback is shown. Goku knows the Kaio-Ken (up to level four) and Genki-Dama. Everyone is at their approximate strengths for the Nappa/Vegeta arc.

WHY IT CAN'T WORK: Piccolo should still be dead, or everyone should be on Namek (not to mention Goku should still be in the hospital).

WHAT IT ADDS: Other than some scientific back-history, not much.


DBZ MOVIE #3: Super Deciding Battle for the Entire Planet Earth

WHERE IT FITS IN: After the Goku/Vegeta battle, approximately (most likely) during the Goku/Ginyu battle, or slightly before (after his spaceship training).

EVIDENCE: Goku is able to use upwards of 10x Kaio-Ken, but cannot go SSJ. Goku can use the Genki-Dama.

WHY IT CAN'T WORK: Yamcha, Chiaotzu, and Tenshinhan (at least) should be dead, nevermind alive on Earth. Kuririn, Gohan, and Bulma should be on Namek. Goku should either be just arriving on Namek, or en route to said planet.

WHAT IT ADDS: Some Saiyan backstory (another one got away!). Shows what Goku could have / should have been, had it not been for that head injury as a child.


DBZ MOVIE #4: Super Saiyan Son Goku

WHERE IT FITS IN: After being healed in the rejuvination chamber from the Ginyu battle, but before actually going SSJ for the first time.

EVIDENCE: Goku is unable to go "true" SSJ.

WHY IT CAN'T WORK: Everyone should be on Namek, nevermind hanging out at Kame House!

WHAT IT ADDS: A rehashed Piccolo-Daimao story... absolutely nothing.


DBZ MOVIE #5: The Incredible Mightiest vs. Mightiest

WHERE IT FITS IN: After Goku has defeated Freeza, but long before Trunks has arrived in the past.

EVIDENCE: Goku is able to go SSJ, but cannot seemingly do so at-will. Everyone's alive, again.

WHY IT CAN'T WORK: Goku shouldn't be back on Earth, yet. Goku does not arrive back on Earth until Trunks has arrived, as he's still out in space wandering around (or training on Yardrat).

WHAT IT ADDS: History to Freeza's family, showing a totally different perspective to the Bardock battle, even. Very neat stuff.


DBZ MOVIE #6: Clash!! 10,000,000,000 Powerful Warriors

WHERE IT FITS IN: After Goku has defeated Freeza, and sometime soon before Trunks arrives in the past.

EVIDENCE: Goku is able to go SSJ at will and knows Shunkan-ido. Everyone is alive.

WHY IT CAN'T WORK: Same as movie five. Goku shouldn't be back on Earth, yet. Goku does not arrive back on Earth until Trunks has arrived, as he's still out in space wandering around (or training on Yardrat).

WHAT IT ADDS: Not much more than movie five did.


DBZ MOVIE #7: Extreme Battle!! The Three Great Super Saiyans

WHERE IT FITS IN: After Trunks has arrived for the second time, after knowing about the Jinzoningen, but before the existence of Cell is known.

EVIDENCE: Goku, Vegeta, and Trunks are all about to go SSJ. Goku realizes that the new Jinzoningen were created by Dr. Gero. They're not quite at the strength as they are during the Cell arc.

WHY IT CAN'T WORK: Goku should be in bed from the heart disease he's contracted, or they should be fighting and dealing with Cell, or training in the Room of Time and Spirit.

WHAT IT ADDS: A little to Dr. Gero's undying (literally) hatred towards Goku.


DBZ MOVIE #8: Burn Up!! A Close, Intense, Super-Fierce Battle

WHERE IT FITS IN: Sometime during 2nd-Form Cell or early Perfect Cell arcs.

EVIDENCE: Gohan is able to go SSJ1, but not SSJ2. Trunks appears as if he might be able to go USSJ.

WHY IT CAN'T WORK: Everyone should either be training in the Room of Spirit of Time, or fighting with Cell.

WHAT IT ADDS: Extreme detail about Goku's early infancy, a little about King Vegeta's fear of the "legendary SSJ" arising (who isn't his own son).


DBZ MOVIE #9: The Galaxy at the Brink!! The Super Incredible Guy

WHERE IT FITS IN: After Gohan has defeated Cell in the Cell Games, and after Trunks has returned to the future and defeats #17, #18, and Cell, but long before the Buu arc.

EVIDENCE: Trunks has seemingly come back to inform everyone that he's been able to defeat the Jinzoningen in his own time. Gohan goes SSJ2.

WHY IT CAN'T WORK: Strangely, it can! There's really nothing going on during the seven years that would prevent this movie from happening. Gohan looks like he could be slightly older than he was during the Cell Games (maybe a year or so), and Trunks has grown out his hair, again. Goku, of course, is still dead.

WHAT IT ADDS: A little fun story about the power of the four Kaio, and somewhat of what their purpose is / could be, noting that a problem arose when our Kaio was killed.


DBZ MOVIE #10: The Dangerous Duo! Super-Warriors Can't Rest

WHERE IT FITS IN: Most likely during the early or late (Fat) Majin Buu arc.

EVIDENCE: Goten and Trunks can both go SSJ. Gohan still goes SSJ, so he has not received his "upgrade" from Old Kaioshin. Goku is dead.

WHY IT CAN'T WORK: Everyone should be dealing with Buu! Vegeta is nowhere to be seen, but we don't know if he's dead or simply not around.

WHAT IT ADDS: Drives home Broli's hatred for Goku.


DBZ MOVIE #11: Super-Warrior Defeat!! I'm the One who'll Win

WHERE IT FITS IN: Late (Fat) Majin Buu arc; pre- Super Buu. After the 25th Budokai.

EVIDENCE: #18 is arguing with Mr. Satan about money and a tournament. Goku is dead. Kuririn has hair, and Marron's around. Goten and Trunks can go SSJ, but don't fuse into Gotenks.

WHY IT CAN'T WORK: Same as movie #10. Everyone should be dealing with Buu! Vegeta is nowhere to be seen, but we don't know if he's dead or simply not around.

WHAT IT ADDS: Nothing.


DBZ MOVIE #12: Fusion Reborn!! Goku and Vegeta

WHERE IT FITS IN: Super Buu arc.

EVIDENCE: Goku and Vegeta are both dead. Goku can go SSJ3, but it takes some effort; he even notes that only Majin Buu has made him use that form, before. Goten and Trunks can fuse into Gotenks. Gohan and Videl parade around as Great Saiyaman 1 & 2, so Gohan is on Earth.

WHY IT CAN'T WORK: The Buu battle should still be going strong!

WHAT IT ADDS: Nothing, really. There's Freeza, and he still hates Goku and Gohan, I guess... Stupid fun.


DBZ MOVIE #13: Dragon Fist Explosion!! If Goku Won't Do It, Who Will?

WHERE IT FITS IN: After the death of Chibi Buu.

EVIDENCE: Goku can go SSJ3. Gohan does not go SSJ. Goten and Trunks can reach all the way up to SSJ3 Gotenks.

WHY IT CAN'T WORK: The only thing that should be going on is that Goku should be off training with Uub. Other than that, there's nothing really conflicting with these events happening.

WHAT IT ADDS: Nothing, really.
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Post by PsyLiam » Thu Jun 03, 2004 11:22 pm

A couple of extra pieces of evidence for movies 1-4:


Movie 1: Goku is wearing the gi with the "Kame" symbol on it. It has a white background, so it has to be sometime after the end of Dragon Ball, but before he finishes training with Kaio.

Movie 2: Goku's gi has the "Kaio" symbol on it, making it sometimes between him leaving Kaio's planet, but before he arrives on Namek (he changed outfits just before landing).

Movie 3: Goku's gi with the "go" (I think that's it) symbol on it. He wears this between landing on Namek, and the end of the Freezer arc (it gets torn during the fight with Freezer, and he's wearing a different outfit when he returns. I'm not sure if we wears this outfit during the 3 years training leading up to the Android invasion, but he wears a plain gi from the arrival of the androids onwards).

Movie 4: Same as 3.

Movie 5: Same as 4.

Movie 6: Haven't seen.

Movie 7: Goku is wearing the plain gi, so it's after the Androids attack.


Movie 1: Gohan's hair (and outfit) match the style he had before Piccolo took him for training.

Movie 2: Gohan's hair (and outfit) match the style he had during the fight with Vegeta and Nappa, before he left for Namek.

Movie 3: Gohan's hair matches the style he had on Namek. Pudding bowl look.

Movie 4: I'm not sure, but I think he's still got the pudding bowl in this one.

Movie 5: Again, I'm not sure of his hair in this one.

Movie 6: Haven't seen.

Movie 7: Gohan's hair is long again, meaning it has to occur after the second Shenlong wish at the end of the Freeza arc.


Movie 1: Has the outfit and hairstyle she has from the start of DBZ up until a point before Vegeta and Nappa arrive.

Movie 2: I can't quite remember what her hair style is like in this movie. I seem to recall it being straight and shoulder length, but I don't recall her having that hairstyle in the series at any early point (it went from short, to pulled back, to crazy big thing, to Namek style).

Movie 3: I think she has her Namek hairstyle in this one. And as an aside, Yamcha has the style he has from the Saiyans arrival to after he's revived.

Movie 4: Again not sure, but I'm pretty sure she has her Namek hairstyle here.

Other bits and pieces:

Movie 1: Another reason why it can't work is that Goku has his nyoibo, which should be propping up Kami's tower (I believe. I haven't seen that part of DB yet.)

Movie 1 (again): Piccolo and Goku enemies, with their attitude being pretty much exactly what it was during the Raditz fight.

Movie 2: Piccolo isn't really evil, and Gohan shows affection towards him (through the magic of song), so this has to occur after their training together.

Movie 7: Trunks has short hair and is wearing his caspule corp outfit. Although neither of these points give us a concrete date, it means it's likely to be before he enters the room of time and spirit, since the only time after that where he has the same outfit and hair is just before he returns to the future, which is plainly too late.

A question: Does Gohan have the "open" or "closed" eye style in movie 13?
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Post by B-kun » Thu Jun 03, 2004 11:31 pm

One correction. Goku shouldn't be training with Uub yet. :P Goten and Trunks are still kids so it'll be a good 9 or 10 years before Goku vanishes with Uub.

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Post by Deus ex Machina » Fri Jun 04, 2004 12:06 am

That seems pretty solid, but here are some even more conflicting information!

In movie 3, Yamucha wears Kaio-sama's symbol on his gi. So either this is after he was ressurected, or he just somehow shrugged off death.

Although you set the timeline for movie 6 wrong. You said it takes place between Freeza's defeat and Trunk's first arrival, but actually it's during the android saga. Goku and Vegeta can both become SSJ's, but neither seemed to have trained in the room of spirit & time. To make things even more complicated, Dende is already Kami.

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Post by PsyLiam » Fri Jun 04, 2004 12:14 am

Yamcha only ever had Kaio's symbol on the front of his gi, right? He kept the Kame one on the back (the opposite of Goku).

Did he actually have the Kaio symbol on his gi while on Kaio's planet? I thought he didnt' wear it until after he returned, and after he'd changed hairstyle. Which means that he never had long hair and the Kaio-symbol at the same time.

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Post by Ben Plante » Fri Jun 04, 2004 12:21 am

Well, guess I'll add my two cents for the DB movies. Not that difficult since they're retellings in a way.

1: Right at the beginning. Pretty much just a condensed version of the first saga.

2: Right after the first arc. Goku and Kuririn wanna train with Roshi, but he still wants a girl. That is ultimately Lunch, just an insanely long version of it involving a Demon Castle and a vampire dude.

3: Before The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai... seemingly. Goku and Kuririn just moved the big rock, but instead of offering them the chance to fight in the Budokai, they get to go to the Mifan Tournament... run by Emperor Chaozu. Yeah, we're jumping around here. Crane Hermit, Taoipaipai, Blue, Tenshinhan all make appearances... it's a really really short version of everything before Piccolo Daimao.

4: Well, the same as 1, except using Red Ribbon elements.

Since they're all retellings, more or less, they don;'t technically add anything new to the story.
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Post by Dayspring » Fri Jun 04, 2004 1:31 pm

Side-note for movies 5+6: The daizenshuu lists movie 5 as taking place at the end of the 3 years before the androids come.
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Post by VegettoEX » Fri Jun 04, 2004 1:41 pm

Yeah, Julian mentioned the sixth daizenshuu notes when the movies are supposed to take place. I own the daizenshuu but... of course... I can't read Japanese :P.

Also, I'm thinking about scanning/re-creating the "DB Battle History" thingies from the eight daizenshuu. It shows "COMIC" and "TV" and "MOVIE" screenies/scans of what was all going on at the same time. I can re-take the screen caps for just about all of them; Julian's got all the manga, so that's set. I think that would be a neat addition.

Of course, I'd also like to definitively get all of the air-dates for the DBZ episodes so we can actually find out, say, what episode was airing the week a movie premiered (since we've got all the movie premier dates).
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Post by Dayspring » Fri Jun 04, 2004 4:22 pm

I'd like to see an 00ber accurate "OMG ULTIMATE BATTLE FIGHT GUIDE!!!" type thingy. Everybody just uses the daizenshuu's and ignores small things like Goku vs the fish. :P
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Post by VegettoEX » Fri Jun 04, 2004 5:28 pm

Dayspring wrote:I'd like to see an 00ber accurate "OMG ULTIMATE BATTLE FIGHT GUIDE!!!" type thingy. Everybody just uses the daizenshuu's and ignores small things like Goku vs the fish. :P
As nice as that would be, it's totally NOT on the topic of my movie guide thingie :P
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Post by B-kun » Fri Jun 04, 2004 6:57 pm

Oh, right, I forgot to mention. Movie 13 does add Present Trunks's sword, when he uses in GT.

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Post by Dayspring » Fri Jun 04, 2004 11:12 pm

As nice as that would be, it's totally NOT on the topic of my movie guide thingie
Sorry. I thought that's what you meant by "DBZ: Battle History". :P
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Post by Ben Plante » Sat Jun 05, 2004 2:49 am

An addition to my four DB movies post... I feel the need to mention that at the end of the 10th anniv movie, Goku, upon losing No. 8, undergoes a kinda SSJ type transformation... his power explodes beyond anything we'd seen before. Perhaps this does add a bit... if Goku was pissed off enough, would his concentrated rage be enough to draw him into a level of power like that of, say, Post-Kaio training? They made a big production out of his rage and subsequent power up there, it was like a mini-SSJ transformation, without the visible attributes of one.

Anyone have any idea what I mean?
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Post by Alias » Sat Jun 05, 2004 3:37 am

VegettoEX wrote:Of course, I'd also like to definitively get all of the air-dates for the DBZ episodes so we can actually find out, say, what episode was airing the week a movie premiered (since we've got all the movie premier dates).
If you go to the Japanese DB websites, you'll find massive lists of dates and schedules. For whatever odd reason, those are the staple of Japanese DB sites just like power levels are for the English sites.

I don't have many Japanese links on my computer at the moment, those are mostly on CDs. Here one link, though...


It has an info area called Mysterious Facts that has lots of sections. I don't know if it has what you're looking for, translation is too time-consuming since I don't know enough Kanji. If it doesn't, just check their links and jump from site to site. You'll eventually find what you're looking for.

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Post by sailorspazz » Sun Jun 06, 2004 7:21 pm

The only problem I have with Movie 9's continuity is long-haired Trunks. He cut it before he went back to the future, it was still short when he defeated the Androids in his own time, and it was STILL short when he beat Cell. When did he just suddenly grow it out? He seems to prefer it short, and he only grew it out because apparently there were no scissors in the Room of Spirit and Time (though, somehow, they managed to find some to cut Gohan's hair in there o_O). Maybe it was just that fangirls demanded long-haired Trunks ^_-

Anyway, the real purpose of this post is to make a little movie/episode release timeline. I've got my pile of Daizenshuu next to me and EX's movie guide open in another window, so away we go!

DB movie #1: Premiered December 20 1986, between DB episodes 43 (Dec. 17) and 44 (Dec. 24)

DB movie #2: Premiered July 18 1987, between DB episodes 70 (July 15) and 71 (July 22)

DB movie #3: Premiered July 9 1988, between DB episodes 118 (July 6) and 119 (July 20)

DB movie #4: Premiered March 4 1996, during the run of Dragonball GT (right?)

DBZ movie #1: Premiered July 15 1989, between DBZ episodes 11 (July 12) and 12 (July 19)

DBZ movie #2: Premiered March 10 1990, between DBZ episodes 39 (March 7) and 40 (March 14)

DBZ movie #3: Premiered July 7 1990, between DBZ episodes 54 (July 4) and 55 (July 18)

DBZ movie #4: Premiered March 19 1991, between DBZ episodes 82 (March 13) and 83 (March 20)

DBZ movie #5: Premiered July 20 1991, between DBZ episodes 99 (July 17) and 100 (July 24)

DBZ movie #6: Premiered March 7 1992, between DBZ episodes 130 (March 4) and 131 (March 11)

DBZ movie #7: Premiered July 11 1992, between DBZ episodes 147 (July 8) and 148 (July 15)

DBZ movie #8: Premiered March 6 1993, between DBZ episodes 176 (March 3) and 177 (March 10)

DBZ movie #9: Premiered July 10 1993, between DBZ episodes 192 (July 7) and 193 (July 14)

DBZ movie #10: Premiered March 12 1994, between DBZ episodes 220 (March 9) and 221 (March 16)

DBZ movie #11: Premiered July 9 1994, between DBZ episodes 232 (July 6) and 233 (July 13)

DBZ movie #12: Premiered March 4 1995, between DBZ episodes 258 (March 1) and 259 (March 8)

DBZ movie #13: Premiered July 15 1995, between DBZ episodes 270 (July 5) and 271 (July 19)

Hope that was helpful in some way!
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Post by VegettoEX » Sun Jun 06, 2004 7:28 pm

You just saved me so much time that I can't control the "glee" that I am feeling.

Now to start grabbing a screen-cap from all of the episodes in question. *sigh*

I might need some help here and there, on that. I don't quite own the ENTIRE series. I'll post as I need them (not that I'm starting it right now, or anything, 'cuz I'm not... just kinda putting my thoughts down).

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Post by Dayspring » Sun Jun 06, 2004 11:17 pm

The only problem I have with Movie 9's continuity is long-haired Trunks. He cut it before he went back to the future, it was still short when he defeated the Androids in his own time, and it was STILL short when he beat Cell. When did he just suddenly grow it out? He seems to prefer it short, and he only grew it out because apparently there were no scissors in the Room of Spirit and Time
Finally somebody agrees with me on this matter!!! :P
though, somehow, they managed to find some to cut Gohan's hair in there o_O
Goku cut it for Gohan. He probably used ki or something, whereas Trunks knew if he asked Vegeta that Vegeta would probably just rip a big chunk of hair out of his scalp. :D
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Post by Alias » Mon Jun 07, 2004 3:57 am

Vegeta wouldn't do something like that! He's really just a sweety deep, deep, really deep, very, very deep down inside!

Besides, having his own son jump to SSJ3½ and knock the Hell out of him would probably slow down his training. Arms are terribly hard to stitch back on.

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Post by VegettoEX » Wed Jul 07, 2004 12:12 pm

Would movie 8 be able to take place during the "10 days rest" before the Cell Games? Somehow I doubt it, because the events in the movie seem to take place over a few days' time (as seen by people sleeping, even), and that's just cutting it too close...

Also, I've been taking necessary screen caps from appropriate episodes and movies for the comparisons. In terms of DBZ, does anyone have episodes 82 and 99 (and DBZ movie 4, for that matter) so they could take a "uniquely identifying" screen-cap for me? 640x480 / 720x480 is preferred. Haven't touched DB yet...
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Post by Xyex » Wed Jul 07, 2004 12:46 pm

I can probably get you something from movie 4... Anything specific you need/want or just something that says "This is from Movie 4!"?
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