Episode #0475 (04 August 2019)

We cover anything and everything Dragon Ball in hopes of enlightening... and a little bit of entertaining. Hosted every week by the Kanzenshuu staff and regular special guests from the professional and fandom communities. Your first, best, last, and only Dragon Ball podcast!

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Episode #0475 (04 August 2019)

Post by VegettoEX » Mon Aug 05, 2019 1:59 pm

Episode #0475 (download MP3) (rss feed) (subscribe in iTunes) (Spotify version) (YouTube version) (SoundCloud version)
34:41; 96 kbps, mono; 24.0 MB

Episode #0475! Mike and Meri field a bunch of great audience feedback from last episode's "Captain Ginyu - Assault" retrospective, and Joe joins in to chat a little bit about some of the insane and absolutely-totally-real wiki work going on behind the scenes!

  • 00:13 – Introduction
  • 04:38 – Wiki Check-In: Real-World References
  • 19:27 – Audience Feedback
  • 32:50 – Wrap-up
:: [| Mike "VegettoEX" LaBrie |] ::
:: [| Kanzenshuu - Co-Founder/Administrator, Podcast Host, News Manager (note: our "job" titles are arbitrary and meaningless) |] ::
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Re: Episode #0475 (04 August 2019)

Post by TrunksTrevelyan0064 » Mon Aug 05, 2019 6:15 pm

Ahhh, I love listening to people who seem like they know what they're talking about.

Funnily enough, that panel with Kame-Sen'nin's video tapes (or books or whatever they are) actually caught my eye recently, but I couldn't quite make out what the titles were. Never thought I'd hear about the details behind that, but OF COURSE Kanzenshuu comes along to deliver them on a silver platter.

I'm hesitant to bring this up because I don't want to be that random guy that butts in where he isn't welcome, but a fiery passion ignites in my heart whenever I hear you guys talk about the wiki. Unfortunately I'm probably not ready for the level of commitment that's required for contributing to such a massive project, but I was wondering if there was anything I could do on a smaller, more casual scale.

This does not have to mean working on the wiki; I'm looking to do *something* for the community in general. I am convinced I have qualities that could be of use in some way (such as a great affinity for language, if I may toot my own horn), I'm just not sure if there's anything I can do that nobody else is already doing! :)

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Re: Episode #0475 (04 August 2019)

Post by KBABZ » Mon Aug 05, 2019 9:16 pm


I've been listening to the podcast for a few years now and did an archive binge of practically the entire podcast backlog that I was listen on the bus back home from work. I love this show, so it's a huge honour to have my comment picked for this one! I'm grinning ear to ear right now, I'm so happy this has happened. :D

As for my username pronunciation, yeah I get it a lot. It's pronounced kebabs, as in "shish kebabs", which is what inspired the username.

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Re: Episode #0475 (04 August 2019)

Post by Nocky » Wed Aug 07, 2019 12:14 am

Long-time listener, first-time commenter etc. etc.

It’s always wonderful to hear someone talk about their passion. Being too young to get nostalgic over the subject matter, you did an amazing job of illustrating what the Dragon Ball scene was like in those days. So for someone like me who missed it, it felt like a rare chance to vicariously experience something I never could have otherwise. #474 and #475 are definitely special episodes, and I hope there are more retrospectives like it in the future.

It was nostalgic in a different way though—it totally felt like an early episode of the DaizEX podcast! I hope Julian can join you soon for a podcast with the original trio. And I wouldn’t mind if you recorded it with cheap audio equipment…

Joe’s part in this podcast was ridiculously fascinating, so if this sort of thing does become a regular segment, I’m super excited. “Wiki Watch”! With its own bumper music!

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