So do some at Funi have regrets with how DBZ was handled?

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Jabberwock xeno
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Re: So do some at Funi have regrets with how DBZ was handled

Post by Jabberwock xeno » Tue Jan 27, 2015 1:27 am

GS7X7 wrote:
Haha, been saying that for years so I gotta agree with you 100%! I interviewed fans from Poland and Mexico pointing out the same thing to elaborate on my point. :P It's always what I said when people made a big deal about the dub's success in America while crediting Funimation for DBZ ever being a hit here.

My sig actually comes from something Schemmel said on this board many years ago when (I think?) some poster kept harassing and haranguing him online til he responded here. I think the original topic he made got deleted but I saved every last inch of it here (and my computer) at the time for posterity. ... lit=secret

Sean Schemmel- ""I'll talk as loudly as I want now, and I'll be heard. The reason is you're misunderstanding some things about companies and dubbing and how they control our mouths. Just because I was in the original DBZ, doesn't mean I liked it or supported it artistically. We were all frustrated with the old powers that be at Funimation, and for those of you who have never worked in show business professionally, which I would say is, all of you, you may not realize that many companies stance on gag orders is this. "Shut up or be fired." Also, I have a LOT more experience, writing, dubbing, directing and acting in anime than I did when I recorded DBZ the first time. That was my first acting audition. I understand Japanese culture, voice acting, adaptation, the differences between japanese and english significantly more, and, as far as music is concerned I have vast experience in that area, so when I tell you the music will suck, aside from your own subjective experience, I'm pretty qualified to talk about the suckiness of music or not. Of course to each his own at the end of the day. I will be silent about my opinions no longer. We did the best we could with DBZ with some really really crappy decisions that were made by people, who in my opinion, not only had zero artistic talent and experience, were also trying to appease american audiences to make money because perhaps they thought the Pokemon formula would work for DBZ. If America wasn't so uptight about things and parents didn't allow the tv to babysit their children, perhaps more shows would come the U.S. and be uncut. At the end of the day, I am, and have always been a freelance actor, and just because I work for a company doesn't mean I support their decisions. This is the first time I have supported Funi's decisions publicly, and the staff at Funi is now amazing. It's a completely different company.

Have a nice day."

Funimation did take a LOT of their online criticism personally. I know that from a handful of e-mail interactions ages ago during my DBZU 2 days.

I think a LOT of them had secret misgivings about the handling of the dub they kept bottled up inside- what Schemmel said publicly would seem to indicate that.

Before anyone asks me, I'll most definitely agree that a lot of the criticism of them was very mean-spirited and overly personal. Certainly some of my own, and I was the king of it during my heydays of DBZU 2. I'd definitely be more polite in several areas if I did it again. And just in case anybody from Funimation ever reading this, I do officially apologize for a lot of the dickish things I said in the past. There are too many Funi employees to list so I'll just list Chris Sabat here, you are NOT a hack and your Zoro/Vegeta are both quite excellent! :) Anger from many fans (including myself) didn't emerge from a vacuum or in response to a perfect product, that's all I'll say in defense of my past self so you can make of that what you will.

I wouldn't change my criticism of the many issues with the dub though. (ie, "I should have been more polite at certain times" is NOT the same as "I never should have criticized anything whatsoever.) The fact that the official VA for Goku essentially agreed with me on this very board does say a lot I think.

Criticism in general existed because their dub of DBZ had countless structural problems from voice acting, directing, music and even the accuracy of the scripts they were using. (they had really bad "Engrish" scripts from Toei before hiring Mr. Simmonds to handle that for them.) People criticized Funimation because they wanted them to improve and Funimation wanted to improve because they wanted to prove the people attacking them wrong.

If Funimation had gotten zero criticism then that would have gotten rid of most of their incentive to improve- after all, DBZ's uncut/dual dvd's originally came about because Brian Real and Simmonds started their uncut/dual petition that got 10,000+ sigs and contacted Funimation. 10,000+ people wouldn't have signed that if there wasn't demand and controversy for it. The dual-episodes thing is probably the biggest (arguably the only) blessing American DBZ fans got from Gen's uncle being one of the bigwigs in charge at Toei, I'm pretty sure no other countries had J. episodes for sale (even Japan!) until they came to America.

Both sides won in the end. Funimation's done a great job with the newest dub work and certainly all the their other animes, and all fans can now enjoy a great dub. The official man for dub DBZ agreed with all the fans in the end and even a dude like me can chill and get along friendly-like with one of the guys -cRookie_Monster, aka Mr. Morgan- that composed Team Faulconer and made some of the music for the dub. I even reversed course over time and admitted Team Faulconer did make a lot of good and catchy tunes.

Even people like me and Psaros have little hostility or complaints left about them (aside from maybe King Kai's voice and a few other quibbling things). Most of the criticism that exists for Funimation is merely archives of past history rather than an ongoing thing anymore these days.

So, that's my thoughts on it. Just wanted to share my two cents.

And just to clarify, I didn't post this to start any flame wars or personally attack anyone, either users here or actual employees of Funimation. (I know some dub discussions can get heated) I can respect people's points of views even if they may disagree with me much of the time so as long as they can be cool and polite. (Just ask Laserkid he'll tell you the same! Seriously, go ask him if you don't believe me! :P ) If anyone disagrees with anything I said please try to keep things civil and polite, peace and love and flowers and all that good stuff everybody, thanks! :thumbup:
This is a really insightful post (well, a lot of the thread is, but this post especially) thank you for posting this.

I suppose this is also the right place to ask, I apologize if it;s not or if this was already discussed, but I heard that funi did something out of line, and that they and Team Faulconer had a falling out over it, and that's why we don;t hear any of those tracks anymore. Can anybody clarify on this or tell me if it's accurate?
MagicBox wrote:It might be just me, but I can't help but think this thread has become nothing but validation-seeking. The question was, "Did some people at FUNimation regret how they handled Dragon Ball Z?" The answer is "yes." They've said they regret how it was handled. They've said they would do the whole thing differently if they could do it again. They've said they're very proud of what they accomplished with Kai's (mostly) faithful dub. It's all straight from the horse's mouth. You can still like the dub. Many people do. It's not going anywhere. The FUNimation cast and crew are merely acknowledging their poor judgment with DBZ and distancing themselves from it.

What I see in this thread are people just not willing to accept that. "But I like the dub. Now you're telling me other fans think it's flawed? Now you're telling me the cast thinks it's flawed? But I like it! Why are fans and the cast and the crew distancing themselves from it? Surely the changes were helpful in some way? Surely they improved something? Surely the original version must have been inherently wrong somehow? I like the changed version! Isn't there anyone out there who still likes what I like?"
Yea, past the first page or so it really started to get overly defensive. I have very controversial opinions about dragon ball (I prefer the Faulconer tracks, I dislike film grain, etc), ones that go against pretty much everybody else here, and that's okay. It's okay that I have a different opinion, it's okay that they have their opinion, and it's okay for us to point out why we have our opinions and what we like or dislike about how the series as been handled over the years.

I think having a calm debate and discussing things is good, but it was starting to be less about "why I think this way" and more just saying "I'm right and you are wrong". I'm glad the convo didn't get really nasty as I have seen sometimes (I've been insulted for my soundtrack preference more the once on these fourms, for example)

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Re: So do some at Funi have regrets with how DBZ was handled

Post by GS7X7 » Tue Jan 27, 2015 3:00 am

I've always been against the dub but never really against dub fans- I used to be one myself. ;)

"I suppose this is also the right place to ask, I apologize if it;s not or if this was already discussed, but I heard that funi did something out of line, and that they and Team Faulconer had a falling out over it, and that's why we don;t hear any of those tracks anymore. Can anybody clarify on this or tell me if it's accurate?"

Never really heard anything like that. I do know that Faulconer apparently got fired from doing GT's music sometime around 2002 and that Movie 6 was apparently a "test" of sorts for Nate Johnson. ... es-on-dbz/

Really interesting interview! I know people have blamed Barry Watson a lot, but Robert Cocanougher apparently was on the exact page as him for creative decisions regarding the dub. I'm posting this here since I didn't really want to zombie post that ancient topic with CRookie Monster.

CRookie Monster, a user here, was part of Team Faulconer. You could try asking him about Faulconer and GT. ... ew-part-2/

"Okay Mark, let’s get right into some of the controversy.

This may be a little sensitive, and I fully respect your right to stay silent or private on any of these questions, but these are things fans want to know. I polled the Dragon Ball community asking, “What would you like to know from Mark Menza?”

Mark: Right.

Derek: I’m going to talk about Bruce Faulconer, alright?

Mark: Okay.

Derek: Bruce Faulconer and his staff had developed a large following of fans for their Dragon Ball Z music. FUNimation evidently decided to not hire them again to continue with GT. Do you know why that is?

Mark: You know, I really don’t.

Again, I got to know Barry Watson [a FUNimation producer] on a personal level because I knew his wife. When he heard some of the music I did I think they were just looking for another voice on GT. Nowhere could I tell that they didn’t want to use Bruce or had a problem with him.

I don’t know a thing about it, let me put it that way.

Derek: You had done the Dragon Ball Z movies and then signed on for GT. I read that Bruce was very upset about this and actually pleaded fans to petition FUNimation to hire him back.

Mark: Right. I had heard that from somebody at FUNimation.

Derek: So you can confirm that that happened?

Mark: I heard it, I can’t confirm that it happened. Well, I mean like anybody he probably wanted to get hired back, like “Hey man, I’ve done a lot of work for you guys, why don’t you hire me again?” Why they did or didn’t, that’s a question for somebody else because I was not a part of hiring.
I was the next quarterback that came in, so to speak. And I have a lot of respect for all that Bruce did for the series.

I don’t know how many episodes he did, but I’m sure it was WAY more than I ever did.

Derek: He did 224. There are 291 in DBZ and he started at episode 68.

Mark: Wow, yeah, and I did 64. So he definitely had a bigger deal there, but even other shows, we talked about The Simpsons a moment ago, they started with one composer and then they transitioned to Alf Clausen, like maybe in the 3rd season.

You never know, sometimes it’s just a particular voice that maybe they were looking for on GT. I’m definitely more of a guitar player, so maybe, and I’m totally guessing, I wouldn’t at all want you to convey that Mark Menza got hired because he played guitar and this other guy is not a guitar player. I don’t know if that’s at all true.

Derek: Well, it is! Bruce hired assistants who played guitar for him, like Scott Morgan and Bud Guin. Bud played lead guitar for the main theme of Dragon Ball Z. He had others as well, students from local universities in Dallas.

Mark: Then maybe not, I don’t know. Then my guess is inaccurate. Haha! But I couldn’t really tell ya. That would be more of a question for Gen or somebody like that.

I think they just wanted somebody else.

Derek: That is a very clear answer. Thank you. Were there ever any conflicts between you and Bruce or his staff?

Mark: No, and you’re saying he had multiple guys over there, I didn’t know that. You mentioned Scott Morgan, but I don’t know that name.

Derek: Okay. A lot of fans felt confused about the switch from Bruce to yourself, because there was just silence from FUNimation, there’s mystery surrounding the why, as in, “Why not use Bruce?” Now you’ve cleared it up for us. I really appreciate that.

Mark: I don’t think there’s anything mysterious or nefarious there, I just think they maybe had exhausted all the possibilities, I don’t know, it’s hard to say. I’m sure he worked really hard on that show and did a great job for them and I think they were extremely happy.
224 episodes tells me they were extremely happy with the work Bruce did!

Now did he do any movies as well?

Derek: Yes, he did the Lord Slug film before you came on board.

Mark: Okay, cool."

This is the closest I've read to any explanation on Faulconer not being rehired.

I think Menza was just happy to get such a big job- it wouldn't have made sense to pester his employees with questions about "why didn't you rehire that other guy before me" instead of just being happy that he got a job working on such a huge show.

Ultimately it sounds like Funimation just wanted to go with a different sound and style for GT.

Faulconer did offend a lot of people at Funimation by giving out the e-mails of the execs there and asking fans to petition them to hire him back for GT (I remember reading that on Sonny Strait's old message board) but that happened afterwards.
Sean Schemmel is THE MAN! :)

Me- "Also, before anyone mentions it, Schemmel's interview was from nearly 15 years ago. He paid a brief visit to Kanzenshuu's forums a few years back and earned legendary respect that cancels out anything he said from that long ago. :D"

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