Dragon Ball and "Feminism"

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Re: Dragon Ball and "Feminism"

Post by Kojiro Sasaki » Sun Jun 04, 2017 7:08 pm

Cipher wrote:Remember when the Nazis and other oppressive state regimes trampled citizens' rights by congratulating popular media for including more positive portrayals of women?
What propaganda has to do with censorship? I would say it was good, because lies spreaded by mass media forced people to think by themselves. By the way, let's not allow ourselves to be fooled completely. All crazy regimes had something, that was good. Antifa probably thinks that the economy is bad, because German Nazis had it.
ABED wrote:Censorship is also something only possible by government action. It doesn't apply here.
Generating strong “social pressure” has big influence on people's decisions and actions. Not mentioning heavy criticism or even punishments for “not being correct”. Doesn't the left protest against what some influential religious groups preach? If generating pressure means nothing, why do they protest?

As I said before, I advocate for freedom. If you want people to be free, you cannot generate this kind of pressure (excluding suff, which directly leads to breaking the law - this needs to be stopped/criticized/punished).

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Re: Dragon Ball and "Feminism"

Post by Soppa Saia People » Sun Jun 04, 2017 7:33 pm

Kojiro Sasaki wrote:
Dbzfan94 wrote:
floofychan333 wrote:I think Dragon Ball is making terrific strides in terms of womens' issues. Kale and Caulifla are exactly what the franchise needs to get into the 21st century and they are redeeming for how horribly Toei treated Chi-Chi in filler.
What exactly do you mean by "getting the franchise into the 21st century"?
Censorship like in Nazi Germany and communist countries, maybe? ( 8) )
This is an terrible comparison. Like, what the fuck, how are they even remotely the same.
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Re: Dragon Ball and "Feminism"

Post by Kokonoe » Sun Jun 04, 2017 8:09 pm

rereboy wrote:
Kokonoe wrote:Two new female saiyans are cool, but we could really do without Roshi's behavior in Super. I guess Toei is to blame there, but yeah it def made me uncomfortable watching his recent moments at Tien's or his "training".
It's humor. Humor is made by making fun of serious things. Home alone for example is a children's movie built entirely on things that, if taken seriously, would amount to serious body harm and attempted murder. Improper sexual humor is exactly the same. The only real difference here is the western bias that makes people very lenient towards violence (which makes them easily accept violence-based humor) but very serious against anything improperly sexual (which makes them reject improper sexual humor).

Personally, I don't see why it should be different in most cases. It's humor either way, and both are bad if we look at them seriously. In fact, objectively speaking, if we really want to look at it seriously, usually attempted murder is regarded more seriously and with harsher penalties than attempted unwanted sexual advances.
If you honestly think Master Roshi essentially sexually assaulting this girl throughout the episode is "humor" then I honestly don't know what to tell you. I get it, Master Roshi is a pervert and that's honestly fine, but what goes on with him in Super takes it a step way too far compared to the manga.

And please, enough with the "western bias" claim. I don't have an issue with sexual humor, I have an issue with the content in Super regarding this episode that's creepy as all hell and not funny.

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Re: Dragon Ball and "Feminism"

Post by Doctor. » Sun Jun 04, 2017 8:18 pm

Kokonoe wrote:If you honestly think Master Roshi essentially sexually assaulting this girl throughout the episode is "humor" then I honestly don't know what to tell you. I get it, Master Roshi is a pervert and that's honestly fine, but what goes on with him in Super takes it a step way too far compared to the manga.

And please, enough with the "western bias" claim. I don't have an issue with sexual humor, I have an issue with the content in Super regarding this episode that's creepy as all hell and not funny.
Humor is subjective. Whether it was funny or not is up to debate. But it was clearly an attempt at humor.

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Re: Dragon Ball and "Feminism"

Post by Kunzait_83 » Sun Jun 04, 2017 8:45 pm

Kojiro Sasaki wrote:
Cipher wrote:Remember when the Nazis and other oppressive state regimes trampled citizens' rights by congratulating popular media for including more positive portrayals of women?
What propaganda has to do with censorship? I would say it was good, because lies spreaded by mass media forced people to think by themselves. By the way, let's not allow ourselves to be fooled completely. All crazy regimes had something, that was good. Antifa probably thinks that the economy is bad, because German Nazis had it.
ABED wrote:Censorship is also something only possible by government action. It doesn't apply here.
Generating strong “social pressure” has big influence on people's decisions and actions. Not mentioning heavy criticism or even punishments for “not being correct”. Doesn't the left protest against what some influential religious groups preach? If generating pressure means nothing, why do they protest?

As I said before, I advocate for freedom. If you want people to be free, you cannot generate this kind of pressure (excluding suff, which directly leads to breaking the law - this needs to be stopped/criticized/punished).
Lets break this down to its core essence:

The Nazi party conquered vast (peaceful) chunks of Europe by armed military force, and had State-sanctioned oppression of minority religious groups (most notably, but not solely, the Jews). They rounded up men, women, children, and babies, imprisoned them in labor camps where they A) worked them to death, or B) fed them into gas chambers and ovens to be poisoned or burned alive. Anyone who tried to escape were gunned down (often times by Hitler Youth, indoctrinated children who were allowed to take potshots at escaping Jewish prisoners for target practice) or had attack dogs sicced on them and were literally eaten alive.

All purely because of their religion and ethnic background.

Dragon Ball Super has, near as I can tell, created two brand new female Saiya-jin characters who are capable of going SSJ.

You are equating these two things in the same breath, seriously and unironically so far as I can tell, out of some woefully misguided /pol/-induced line of tortured pretzel logic that states "Any fictional work that I love that decides to at some point include prominent female or minority characters in a position of power is putting 'pressure' on other people to... I don't know, see these kinds of people as worthy of depth and inclusion like anyone else? This 'forced pressure' to include people who I'm not used to seeing (either at all or in a powerful role) impinges on freedom of speech (the freedom apparently to ignore that women and black people and gays or whomever else exists, or are more than a collection of tidy stereotypes). Ergo, Nazis."

Have I got all that right? Because I've heard this nonsensical garbage before, and at NO point has it EVER sounded like anything other than the demented, absurd ramblings of an utter moron. Which make no mistake, is exactly what you are here. Especially even more so seeing as how (according to your location there) you're from Poland. A Polish kid pulling out Nazi analogies over a fucking children's cartoon show. That's x2 idiot points for you.

And I couldn't give a fuck less that I'm breaking the site's "Keep it Shonen" rule here: in cases like yours, I'll happily make an exception and have no problems whatsoever with insulting you personally and directly for being dumb enough to buy into and help propagate backward-assed, knuckle-dragging nonsense like this. If one of the mods wants to give me a "strike" or whatever for it, then fine I'll take it, doesn't even phase me here.

I've no idea how old you are, but even if you're 12 or something, that's STILL no excuse for spewing this toxic sludge, and your parents should be slapped (at minimum) for not doing their jobs properly with you. You're not a "free thinker" (especially since much of this shit your saying is just ripped word for word out of any given post on 8chan), and you're damn sure not being "cool and rebellious": that badge of honor is strictly reserved for people who take a stand against societal norms for a cause that's actually worth something and beneficial to others who are being unjustly oppressed against and shit on by the majority.

What you're doing here is actually the direct OPPOSITE of cool and rebellious: you're twisting basic logic (and relatively recent history, not to mention common sense) around to fit a forced victimization narrative where its women and minority groups who have had all the power, and its the poor, poor white man who is now shamed and victimized: shame and victimization that comes in the form of *GASP* characters in popular media now having to share space with more women, brown skinned, and gay/trans people than before.

Oh boo hoo! Its just like the Nazis all over again! Just like Jews who had to get forcibly thrown at gunpoint into a gas chamber and be poisoned/asphyxiated to death, I have to look at... ick, girls (GIRLS!! I mean they have cooties you know!) with SSJ hair on Dragon Ball once a week! I'm such a victim!

No, what it is that you're being here is at best a laughably ridiculous imbecile, and at worst a vile and disgusting piece of shit.

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Come to naught at last he surely will!
Zephyr wrote:And that's to say nothing of how pretty much impossible it is to capture what made the original run of the series so great. I'm in the generation of fans that started with Toonami, so I totally empathize with the feeling of having "missed the party", experiencing disappointment, and wanting to experience it myself. But I can't, that's how life is. Time is a bitch. The party is over. Kageyama, Kikuchi, and Maeda are off the sauce now; Yanami almost OD'd; Yamamoto got arrested; Toriyama's not going to light trash cans on fire and hang from the chandelier anymore. We can't get the band back together, and even if we could, everyone's either old, in poor health, or calmed way the fuck down. Best we're going to get, and are getting, is a party that's almost entirely devoid of the magic that made the original one so awesome that we even want more.
Kamiccolo9 wrote:It grinds my gears that people get "outraged" over any of this stuff. It's a fucking cartoon. If you are that determined to be angry about something, get off the internet and make a stand for something that actually matters.
Rocketman wrote:"Shonen" basically means "stupid sentimental shit" anyway, so it's ok to be anti-shonen.

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Re: Dragon Ball and "Feminism"

Post by ekrolo2 » Sun Jun 04, 2017 9:00 pm

Kokonoe wrote:
rereboy wrote:
Kokonoe wrote:Two new female saiyans are cool, but we could really do without Roshi's behavior in Super. I guess Toei is to blame there, but yeah it def made me uncomfortable watching his recent moments at Tien's or his "training".
It's humor. Humor is made by making fun of serious things. Home alone for example is a children's movie built entirely on things that, if taken seriously, would amount to serious body harm and attempted murder. Improper sexual humor is exactly the same. The only real difference here is the western bias that makes people very lenient towards violence (which makes them easily accept violence-based humor) but very serious against anything improperly sexual (which makes them reject improper sexual humor).

Personally, I don't see why it should be different in most cases. It's humor either way, and both are bad if we look at them seriously. In fact, objectively speaking, if we really want to look at it seriously, usually attempted murder is regarded more seriously and with harsher penalties than attempted unwanted sexual advances.
If you honestly think Master Roshi essentially sexually assaulting this girl throughout the episode is "humor" then I honestly don't know what to tell you. I get it, Master Roshi is a pervert and that's honestly fine, but what goes on with him in Super takes it a step way too far compared to the manga.

And please, enough with the "western bias" claim. I don't have an issue with sexual humor, I have an issue with the content in Super regarding this episode that's creepy as all hell and not funny.

http://www.crunchyroll.com/dragon-ball- ... ery-733827
There is a divide when it comes to west and the east when it comes to this kind of stuff that warrants acknowledging though. As Doctor said, Home Alone has a little boy do shit to grown men that would kill them about a dozen times over or horribly maim them for the rest of their lives at absolute best. If a brick hits you in the face off a four story building, you're probably gonna die or be left a vegetable on the slim chance your entire skull doesn't break into pieces. But that's funny, anything concerning sex? Immediately throws people off for some reason.
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Re: Dragon Ball and "Feminism"

Post by Kojiro Sasaki » Sun Jun 04, 2017 9:24 pm

Kunzait_83 wrote:*snip*
My point was simple. Don't use censorship in any form. Allow people to do everything, what does not lead to crime / breaking the law. With lies in mass media, I meant what they did in my country during the communist times. People had learned to think critically and now it's not that easy to control them. With the Nazis, I was focusing only on the censorship mechanisms used by them. Reasons / purposes were different, but mechanisms were similar (I've never referred to “genocidal part” of Nazis activity) (I was actually more concentrated on communists).

I am not equating anything. I've never referred to Super. I don't wach nor read it.

People educated at marxist universities have completely different understanding of the world. I would suggest just posting our opinions and comments, instead of trying to change other user's views, because we will never agree on some matters.

I will not talk about my education, because it would be pathetic line of defense.

Another point: Let's not allow to introduce laws, which could be used against us by politicians or other influential groups. Taking one step in bad direction may lead to another steps. The laws could be extended and limit our freedoms even more.

P.S. 1 You forgot to call me Slavic subhuman.
P.S. 2 I love your posts about wuxia and Dragon Ball soundtracks. Truly great contribution to the forum's content. I would like to express my sincere gratitude for posting this stuff.
P.S. 3 Please excuse my simple or even primitive English. I am very weak in more sophisticated discussions.

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Re: Dragon Ball and "Feminism"

Post by ABED » Sun Jun 04, 2017 9:44 pm

Generating strong “social pressure” has big influence on people's decisions and actions. Not mentioning heavy criticism or even punishments for “not being correct”. Doesn't the left protest against what some influential religious groups preach? If generating pressure means nothing, why do they protest?

As I said before, I advocate for freedom. If you want people to be free, you cannot generate this kind of pressure (excluding suff, which directly leads to breaking the law - this needs to be stopped/criticized/punished).
I advocate freedom as well. Freedom from what? Physical force. Social pressure isn't force. To have freedom means people will inevitably hold ideas you don't agree with.
There is a divide when it comes to west and the east when it comes to this kind of stuff that warrants acknowledging though. As Doctor said, Home Alone has a little boy do shit to grown men that would kill them about a dozen times over or horribly maim them for the rest of their lives at absolute best. If a brick hits you in the face off a four story building, you're probably gonna die or be left a vegetable on the slim chance your entire skull doesn't break into pieces. But that's funny, anything concerning sex? Immediately throws people off for some reason.
At least with Home Alone you can chalk it up to bad guys getting what's coming to them. Muten Roshi is an equal opportunist. As long as the gal is attractive, he'll try to get in a pafu-pafu for simply being near him.
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Re: Dragon Ball and "Feminism"

Post by Kojiro Sasaki » Sun Jun 04, 2017 11:01 pm

ABED wrote:I advocate freedom as well. Freedom from what? Physical force. Social pressure isn't force. To have freedom means people will inevitably hold ideas you don't agree with.
I agree! But imagine the situation:

Author: “Hmmm... I will resign from this idea, because I don't want to be bashed in mainstream media, lose fans and provoke protests against me”.

This is the part I do not agree with. I consider social pressure to be “psychical force”.

I forgot to paste stuff I wrote for the previous post. I will allow myself to post it here:
Kunzait_83 wrote:"Any fictional work that I love that decides to at some point include prominent female or minority characters in a position of power is putting 'pressure' on other people to... I don't know, see these kinds of people as worthy of depth and inclusion like anyone else? This 'forced pressure' to include people who I'm not used to seeing (either at all or in a powerful role) impinges on freedom of speech (the freedom apparently to ignore that women and black people and gays or whomever else exists, or are more than a collection of tidy stereotypes). Ergo, Nazis."
Please, comment only what I said, which is: I advocate for freedom, let's not put any social pressure on authors. Let them freely decide how to portray their characters. If you want to help minorities, write or produce something yourself or allow people to use their freedom to do so (freedom, not “pressure of 21th century”).
Kunzait_83 wrote:A Polish kid pulling out Nazi analogies (...)
I forgot that I am a Slavic subhuman. I shouldn't even use the name of the superior race.
Kunzait_83 wrote:No, what it is that you're being here is at best a laughably ridiculous imbecile, and at worst a vile and disgusting piece of shit.
You definitely surpassed Nazis here. Props for that!

Contrary to me, you are a loving, kind, cool-headed, cultural, polite and beautiful human being. If everybody would be like you, the world would be a much better place.
Last edited by Kojiro Sasaki on Sun Jun 04, 2017 11:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Dragon Ball and "Feminism"

Post by MaskedRider » Sun Jun 04, 2017 11:14 pm

What the fuck

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Re: Dragon Ball and "Feminism"

Post by Kojiro Sasaki » Sun Jun 04, 2017 11:24 pm

Again, it seems that I miss wrote some of my responses in previous post. I will correct them here:
Cipher wrote:Remember when the Nazis and other oppressive state regimes trampled citizens' rights by congratulating popular media for including more positive portrayals of women?
“By the way, let's not allow ourselves to be fooled completely. All crazy regimes had something, that was good.” - this refers to positive portrayals of women Cipher mentioned.

“I would say it was good, because lies spreaded by mass media forced people to think by themselves.” - this refers to the effect of propaganda in my country during the communist times.

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Re: Dragon Ball and "Feminism"

Post by Zephyr » Sun Jun 04, 2017 11:32 pm

Dbzfan94 wrote:
floofychan333 wrote:I think Dragon Ball is making terrific strides in terms of womens' issues. Kale and Caulifla are exactly what the franchise needs to get into the 21st century and they are redeeming for how horribly Toei treated Chi-Chi in filler.
What exactly do you mean by "getting the franchise into the 21st century"?
He means treating women like people, I'm pretty sure.

Also, I'm really confused. I don't think anyone's saying we should put a gun to Toriyama's head and say "write female characters in a way that will change the status quo in society for the better, or else!" Nobody's advocating force.

Likewise, nobody's saying we need to go "gee Toriyama, we're going to spread vicious rumors about you and your entire family if you don't write female characters in a way that will change the status quo in society for the better!" Nobody's advocating "social pressure" (the word you want is coercion, btw).

Cipher already summed it up perfectly, but I'll super emphasize what I took away to be the really more critical terms that seem to have been missed:
Cipher wrote:Acknowledge, discuss, and hope that both Toriyama and Dragon Ball moving forward continue to offer...the kind of good-natured gender equality that marks the original run....It's okay to praise the good and call out the bad. I don't think there's any reason to not want to see either the property or the authors behind it do better.
Having the hopeful desire for Toriyama to create media that may contribute to helping society improve in the long run has nothing to do with advocating force or coercion be put upon the man in order to ensure said end.

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Re: Dragon Ball and "Feminism"

Post by Kojiro Sasaki » Sun Jun 04, 2017 11:47 pm

Zephyr wrote:
Dbzfan94 wrote:What exactly do you mean by "getting the franchise into the 21st century"?
He means treating women like people, I'm pretty sure.
Don't forget that if “getting something into the 21st century” means treating women like people, it suggest that they weren't treated like people in 20th or 19th century. I think that it's an insult to many of our ancestors. Those are too sharp words.
Zephyr wrote:Also, I'm really confused. I don't think anyone's saying we should put a gun to Toriyama's head and say "write female characters in a way that will change the status quo in society for the better, or else!" Nobody's advocating force.

Likewise, nobody's saying we need to go "gee Toriyama, we're going to spread vicious rumors about you and your entire family if you don't write female characters in a way that will change the status quo in society for the better!" Nobody's advocating "social pressure" (the word you want is coercion, btw).

Having the hopeful desire for Toriyama to create media that may contribute to helping society improve in the long run has nothing to do with advocating force or coercion be put upon the man in order to ensure said end.
Which means that we fully agree! As long as you don't want to use ANY kind of pressure, I'm with you!

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Re: Dragon Ball and "Feminism"

Post by Polyphase Avatron » Mon Jun 05, 2017 1:24 am

Kojiro Sasaki wrote:
ABED wrote:I advocate freedom as well. Freedom from what? Physical force. Social pressure isn't force. To have freedom means people will inevitably hold ideas you don't agree with.
I agree! But imagine the situation:

Author: “Hmmm... I will resign from this idea, because I don't want to be bashed in mainstream media, lose fans and provoke protests against me”.

This is the part I do not agree with. I consider social pressure to be “psychical force”.
You need to understand that the standards of what is acceptable in society evolve over time. If you read comic books from 50 years ago, you'll find tons of racial stereotypes, objectification of women, offensive language (such as the word 'negro',) etc. That was considered appropriate back then, and today works like that are considered to be products of their time - they're excusable because the writers didn't know any better. But you could never get away with publishing that kind of thing today, because society has evolved since then.

Some ideas are just unacceptable in society, and are bound to garner criticism and protests. Are you trying to suggest that people shouldn't be allowed to criticize authors or stop buying their work if they find it offensive? Should a black person be forced to buy and read books where his race is depicted as slaves good for nothing but manual labor, and be prohibited from saying anything negative about them or their author? Because that's what you're suggesting here.

People don't have an obligation to always like and never criticize authors. If the author's work isn't popular and is drawing widespread criticism, it's their own fault for not writing what audiences find appealing, not the audience's fault for disliking it. If the author wants to avoid criticism and have people enjoy their work, then it's up to them to write things that people will enjoy. That includes not writing things that offend entire groups of people.

You say that you're against censorship but it seems like you want to censor any complaints or protests that you don't agree with.
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Re: Dragon Ball and "Feminism"

Post by Zephyr » Mon Jun 05, 2017 1:25 am

Kojiro Sasaki wrote:Don't forget that if “getting something into the 21st century” means treating women like people, it suggest that they weren't treated like people in 20th or 19th century. I think that it's an insult to many of our ancestors. Those are too sharp words.
I don't think something being insulting makes it not worth saying, invalid, or incorrect. Moreover, they're dead, they don't care, they can't feel insulted. Finally, it's not an insult to make an observation of something's in-progress development.

And, well, they weren't fully treated like people. And, by virtue of asymmetrical gender roles permeating society as they do, they still aren't, not sufficiently, in the general, widespread, collective consciousness, so to speak. There are still many growing pains that society as a whole is experiencing. Hence, hoping that creators who create good content create that good content in a way that also serves to help us get through these growing pains.

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Re: Dragon Ball and "Feminism"

Post by rereboy » Mon Jun 05, 2017 5:38 am

Kokonoe wrote: If you honestly think Master Roshi essentially sexually assaulting this girl throughout the episode is "humor" then I honestly don't know what to tell you. I get it, Master Roshi is a pervert and that's honestly fine, but what goes on with him in Super takes it a step way too far compared to the manga.

And please, enough with the "western bias" claim. I don't have an issue with sexual humor, I have an issue with the content in Super regarding this episode that's creepy as all hell and not funny.

http://www.crunchyroll.com/dragon-ball- ... ery-733827
Unwanted sexual advances isn't humor and is creepy, but deliberately throwing a brick from a 5 store building into a man's head (which would almost surely kill him and constitutes attempted murder) is family fun and humor...?

Your whole post is the very affirmation of how differently you view violence-based humor from sexual-based humor, and what's funny is how you don't even seem to realize the extent of how differently you view it since you deny it.

The difference in how you view the situations is as clear as day, but, objectively, both situations are bad when taken seriously. In fact, when taken seriously, the stuff in Home Alone is probably worse because attempted murder is a graver criminal offense. The real difference is in how you view them and, by extension, people in the West. You can deny this "claim" but, honestly, it's self-evident.
ekrolo2 wrote: There is a divide when it comes to west and the east when it comes to this kind of stuff that warrants acknowledging though. As Doctor said, Home Alone has a little boy do shit to grown men that would kill them about a dozen times over or horribly maim them for the rest of their lives at absolute best. If a brick hits you in the face off a four story building, you're probably gonna die or be left a vegetable on the slim chance your entire skull doesn't break into pieces. But that's funny, anything concerning sex? Immediately throws people off for some reason.
Exactly. Only, I'm not Doctor :lol:

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Re: Dragon Ball and "Feminism"

Post by Cure Dragon 255 » Mon Jun 05, 2017 6:03 am

When did Kokonoe say that about the man hit with a brick? Where did they say that? Because otherwise you are putting words in their mouth.
Marz wrote: Wed Jul 21, 2021 11:27 pm "Well, the chapter was good, the story was good and so were the fights. But a new transformation, in Dragon Ball? And one that's ugly? This is where we draw the line!!! Jump the Shark moment!!"

This forum is so over-dramatic that it's not even funny.
90sDBZ wrote: Mon Jul 01, 2019 2:44 pm19 years ago I was rushing home from school to watch DBZ on Cartoon Network, and today I've rushed home from work to watch DBS on Pop. I guess it's true the more things change the more they stay the same. :lol:

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Re: Dragon Ball and "Feminism"

Post by rereboy » Mon Jun 05, 2017 6:25 am

Cure Dragon 255 wrote:When did Kokonoe say that about the man hit with a brick? Where did they say that? Because otherwise you are putting words in their mouth.
Kokonoe has completely dismissed that what happens in Home Alone and what happens regarding Roshi are both meant to be humor, and that both are bad when taken seriously. I merely put an emphasis on how incoherent that is, objectively speaking. And, no, that's not putting words in anyone's mouth.

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Re: Dragon Ball and "Feminism"

Post by Cure Dragon 255 » Mon Jun 05, 2017 6:41 am

Oh Ok, ok, sorry rere.
Marz wrote: Wed Jul 21, 2021 11:27 pm "Well, the chapter was good, the story was good and so were the fights. But a new transformation, in Dragon Ball? And one that's ugly? This is where we draw the line!!! Jump the Shark moment!!"

This forum is so over-dramatic that it's not even funny.
90sDBZ wrote: Mon Jul 01, 2019 2:44 pm19 years ago I was rushing home from school to watch DBZ on Cartoon Network, and today I've rushed home from work to watch DBS on Pop. I guess it's true the more things change the more they stay the same. :lol:

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Re: Dragon Ball and "Feminism"

Post by Kojiro Sasaki » Mon Jun 05, 2017 7:56 am

Polyphase Avatron wrote:You need to understand that the standards of what is acceptable in society evolve over time. If you read comic books from 50 years ago, you'll find tons of racial stereotypes, objectification of women, offensive language (such as the word 'negro',) etc. That was considered appropriate back then, and today works like that are considered to be products of their time - they're excusable because the writers didn't know any better. But you could never get away with publishing that kind of thing today, because society has evolved since then.
Let people disagree with current standards. Let them have an opinion. Many people don't want to change the world - they only want to speak.
Polyphase Avatron wrote:Some ideas are just unacceptable in society, and are bound to garner criticism and protests.
Of course! I agree! I described those ideas as the ones, which lead to crime / breaking the law.
Polyphase Avatron wrote:Are you trying to suggest that people shouldn't be allowed to criticize authors or stop buying their work if they find it offensive? Should a black person be forced to buy and read books where his race is depicted as slaves good for nothing but manual labor, and be prohibited from saying anything negative about them or their author? Because that's what you're suggesting here.
I was talking about situations, where people are getting into SERIOUS problems just for being politically incorrect or making innocent joke. I know many super decent, 100% nice and hard working people, who like to make inapropriate jokes from time to time - should we punish them? Should we call them with all those popular names and ostracize them? Would the world be better with them kicked out of their jobs or put to prison?
Polyphase Avatron wrote:People don't have an obligation to always like and never criticize authors. If the author's work isn't popular and is drawing widespread criticism, it's their own fault for not writing what audiences find appealing, not the audience's fault for disliking it. If the author wants to avoid criticism and have people enjoy their work, then it's up to them to write things that people will enjoy. That includes not writing things that offend entire groups of people.
Take the “I advocate for freedom” I wrote before literally, and you will have an answer to your point :thumbup:
Polyphase Avatron wrote:You say that you're against censorship but it seems like you want to censor any complaints or protests that you don't agree with.
Where did I say something about censoring criticizm?

Back in the days, we had a live interview with one guy from the UK, regarding current situation. He said: “If you want me to be honest, I need to cover my face and please change my voice. I don't want to have serious problems.” This is what I'm talking about here.

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