Live Action Movie Thread

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Post by Kunzait_83 » Thu Sep 04, 2008 1:52 am

Chrono Trigger wrote::shock: Ok! but let me ask you this. Compare Yu Yu Hakusho, Rurouni Kenshin, and Dragon Ball. In Japan right now which is still the most popular even though all three series have been completed for years in Japan ? I don't know man for a show that's been over for years it still gets a lot of attention. It might not be as popular as it used to be back in the 90's but I bet a lot of companies wish their products were as marketable and as fresh.
Granted… Shonen Jump still plugs the ever loving shit out of it to this day, probably in the vain hope that one of their executives will eventually convince Toriyama to hop back in the saddle again and somehow work some sort of creative magic to revitalize their sales figures to its past uber-glory.

Bear in mind that there was a GIGANTIC boom in sales for Shonen manga that was directly caused by the apex of Dragon Ball’s popularity in the early 90’s. When the series ended, there was of course the inevitable swaying of the economic pendulum in the form of massive sales drop offs, and a rather large decrease in profits that some people say Shueisha only started truly recovering from in recent years with the emergence of new cash cows like Naruto and One Piece (both of which naturally owe a MASSIVE debt to Dragon Ball).

Clearly though, regardless of how much the general Japanese public got sick of Dragon Ball during the immediate aftermath of it’s apex in popularity (pretty sick, judging by how short lived GT was and how utterly the franchise in general had vanished from Eastern radars in the late 90’s), it’s grown to become recognized as an enduring classic that’s remembered and looked back on fondly with the benefits of time and hindsight.

I would totally agree with you that this unique longevity makes Dragon Ball something truly special, even apart from past classic hits like Yu Yu, Kenshin, and HnK. Though again, bear in mind that this renewed Japanese interest was in part nudged along by all the noise made in the U.S. from the American mainstream JUST discovering the series like it was brand new.
Chrono Trigger wrote:All I was getting at is that it's starting to get stale again. You got VIZ constantly re-releasing the manga over and over again. They teasing us with Daizenshuu. You got Funi constantly re-releasing the show on DVD. Then you have the video games where the developers are just re-releasing old games and putting out more and more rehash! How many times do I keep fighting Raditz!? Like I said before...We're complaining about box art. Not because the Japanese version of something had a better box art and they changed it for the american version. We're just complaining about regular ass box art....Box art dude.... :?
Well yeah… what else would you expect in a situation where the U.S. market (in the form of VIZ and FUNi) are basically just leeching off the looooong dead corpse of a foreign franchise that had already been sucked bone dry in it’s native land several years before it ever got truly noticed in the mainstream of the Western part of the world?

The fact that Japan is only making new animated material NOW for the very first time since 1997 ought to clue you in to just how conclusively fucking played out the series had gotten over there. As I’ve been pointing out, clearly the Eastern and Western Dragon Ball markets are working from two completely different timeframes and mindsets.

Absence makes the heart grow fonder dude; the U.S. is still coming down from that first apex in mass appeal, while Japan already had that phase awhile back and has now settled into a comfort zone of having enough time off from the series to be able to look back on it with nostalgia.

Kunzait's Wuxia Thread
Journey to the West, chapter 26 wrote:The strong man will meet someone stronger still:
Come to naught at last he surely will!
Zephyr wrote:And that's to say nothing of how pretty much impossible it is to capture what made the original run of the series so great. I'm in the generation of fans that started with Toonami, so I totally empathize with the feeling of having "missed the party", experiencing disappointment, and wanting to experience it myself. But I can't, that's how life is. Time is a bitch. The party is over. Kageyama, Kikuchi, and Maeda are off the sauce now; Yanami almost OD'd; Yamamoto got arrested; Toriyama's not going to light trash cans on fire and hang from the chandelier anymore. We can't get the band back together, and even if we could, everyone's either old, in poor health, or calmed way the fuck down. Best we're going to get, and are getting, is a party that's almost entirely devoid of the magic that made the original one so awesome that we even want more.
Kamiccolo9 wrote:It grinds my gears that people get "outraged" over any of this stuff. It's a fucking cartoon. If you are that determined to be angry about something, get off the internet and make a stand for something that actually matters.
Rocketman wrote:"Shonen" basically means "stupid sentimental shit" anyway, so it's ok to be anti-shonen.

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Post by DominatorLost » Thu Sep 04, 2008 1:56 am

WOAH, what the hell is going on? Screencaps? Wuh?

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Post by Amaranth Sparrow » Thu Sep 04, 2008 2:46 am

Lavender Saiyan wrote:Hey, do you guys think they'll just CGI the Green in onto Piccolo?
It's possible. A lot of the green-colored effects they use in movies aren't colored until post-production, to avoid issues with cameras not tracking it against green screen. The antennas could also be added later using CGI.

I'm not sure if these screenshots are supposed to be before or after post production, so it's hard to say. It could be a sign of his old age, or just them taking an artistic license. Honestly, it's pretty hard to make Piccolo look menacing in live action with green skin, as the model for this Japanese ad shows:


On that note, I really think the live-action version of Goku's iconic costume actually looks really great.

Anyway, however the movie turns out, some people are taking it way to seriously. Most of the anime movies weren't even very good... at least it's not about Bio-Brolli. :roll:

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Post by Velasa » Thu Sep 04, 2008 2:53 am

Amaranth Sparrow wrote: Honestly, it's pretty hard to make Piccolo look menacing in live action with green skin
.... why exactly? Daimaou can be one scarey sumbitch, he's a deamon for godssake. Being green isn't exactly an immediate sign that something's not scarey. And the little clip at the bottom there is really old and was done as a joke somewhere ages ago, not anything meant to be serious.
[quote="Rocketman"]Rocketman is to ChiChi as Velasa is to _______.

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Post by Tsukento » Thu Sep 04, 2008 3:22 am

lol No it's not. Even with its cheap ass budget, Goosebumps manages to pull out a more menacing looking thing than this movie does. And this was made YEARS ago. Not only that, but the damn thing is greener than Piccolo is in this movie.

With the right make up work, CG would not be required to make his skin a green color. That's the problem with Hollywood movies these days; they skimp on things and rely on CG to do all of the work.

And is it just me, or does anyone else get this "bootleg" feeling when looking at Goku's gi? I looks like a design made by those bootleg toy makers. Arm bands and mismatched colors and everything.

Hell, the Hong Kong movie may have been bad, but at least it has points for accuracy in some of the designs.

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Post by Snail » Thu Sep 04, 2008 3:42 am

Basically what we're given for Piccolo is decent, if not above average. It's just missing the right skin tone, and the antennae. It only looks funny on that ad because it's not supposed to be a serious's supposed to be a goofy live action Piccolo. That's the intention.

Also, why can't hordes of people take it seriously? They're making a film adaptation of one of Japan's most prominent manga titles that have captivated fans from all around the world. It should be an honor for the cast and crew. It should be a no-brainer that a project like this should be taken seriously by the cast, crew, and the audience as well.
Tsukento wrote:
Hell, the Hong Kong movie may have been bad, but at least it has points for accuracy in some of the designs.
In my opinion, the old Dragonball film produced by Hong Kong (it was..right?) shouldn't even be used to compare the film we'll be getting come 2009. The asian film presented, was a film that was intentionally going for the whole ' fuck it ' feel, bringing forth a happy-go-lucky, wacko vibe. The Dragonball LAM is aiming for an epic fighting adventure/fantasy film, and it'll just be embarassing if it falls flat on it's face.

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Post by Chrono Trigger » Thu Sep 04, 2008 8:02 am

Someone said this. I don't know if it's true or not but it's something to chew on for a while. Try it! :lol:

Might as well throw a few more things in, I guess.
Goku’s tail is, yes, in the movie. But Grampa Gohan cuts it off after he adopts him. When Roshi asks the boy about any strange scars on his body, Goku shows him the weird mark where something obviously used to be. There are hints that Roshi knows exactly what race Goku is. Apparently, he had fought a Saijyn a LONG time earlier.

More thought went into Piccolo’s appearance than you might think, kids. First of all, the producers did not find the Piccolo from the manga and anime to be that scary. So, yes, they reimagined him. However, the costume makers threw in some nods to the old appearance. The folds in his sleeves were inspired by the original Piccolo design’s pinkish skin folds. The turban on his head has been replaced with a more bulbous cranium with wrap-like markings and creases on it. Even the antennae are still there, only they are much more subtle. Incidently, the reason why they decided not to go with the clothes from the original source was because they thought it looked too Middle Eastern, especially the turban. And as Piccolo is the villain in this picture… You can figure the rest out, right? Bad political overtones.
If Piccolo looks more like Frieza than Piccolo to you, you’re not imagining things. The producers felt that a bald, sexually androgynous, child-like demon was much more frightening than a pink and green guy with a cliche pair of giant antennae.

So the producers are apparetnly like a lot of other people we know! Incompetent...and they feel that Dragon Ball is to safe and kiddie and just wanna skip to the HARKIZORE POWER UP contest that is Dragon Ball Z. I'm surprised they didn't just skip to the freaking BUU SAGA!!! :roll:
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Post by NeptuneKai » Thu Sep 04, 2008 8:23 am

Chrono Trigger wrote:Incidently, the reason why they decided not to go with the clothes from the original source was because they thought it looked too Middle Eastern
Yes when I look at King Piccolo the first thing that pops into my mind is "middle eastern".


Uncanny isn't it?
Last edited by NeptuneKai on Thu Sep 04, 2008 8:27 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Chrono Trigger » Thu Sep 04, 2008 8:24 am

Honestly that is the dumbest shit ever. "Oh he's wearing a turban...KNOW WHAT THE MEANS!!!! OH SNAPZ!" :roll:
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Post by Jerseymilk » Thu Sep 04, 2008 8:25 am

If that reason is true, then that's really discouraging and sad. Because ya, we all know that Middle Eastern people have green skin, pointy ears, antennae, and are actually aliens from across the galaxy. -_-
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Post by Kaboom » Thu Sep 04, 2008 8:28 am

Chrono Trigger wrote:Someone said this. I don't know if it's true or not but it's something to chew on for a while. Try it! :lol:

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So the producers are apparetnly like a lot of other people we know! Incompetent...and they feel that Dragon Ball is to safe and kiddie and just wanna skip to the HARKIZORE POWER UP contest that is Dragon Ball Z. I'm surprised they didn't just skip to the freaking BUU SAGA!!! :roll:
Still not sure if you're being serious or not, but calm yerself. The reasons make sense to me. Where'd you get this from?
Dragon Ball ended in 1997.

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Post by Chrono Trigger » Thu Sep 04, 2008 8:28 am

NeptuneKai said: Uncanny isn't it?
I don't know man. If Osama was green...........NO!!! I'm just kidding. :lol:

However this information hasn't exactly been proven yet. It does sound like some shit a producer would think but whether or not it's real. I don't know. I just heard........ :?
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Post by SonEric84 » Thu Sep 04, 2008 8:30 am

Jerseymilk wrote:If that reason is true, then that's really discouraging and sad. Because ya, we all know that Middle Eastern people have green skin, pointy ears, antennae, and are actually aliens from across the galaxy. -_-

haha Yeah, just like Mr. Popo is a black guy.. :roll:
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Post by Jerseymilk » Thu Sep 04, 2008 8:32 am

SonEric84 wrote:
Jerseymilk wrote:If that reason is true, then that's really discouraging and sad. Because ya, we all know that Middle Eastern people have green skin, pointy ears, antennae, and are actually aliens from across the galaxy. -_-

haha Yeah, just like Mr. Popo is a black guy.. :roll:
Actually, Mr. Popo looks more Middle Eastern with his clothes than Piccolo does. I'm suprised no one has said he's a racial stereotype of Arabs before. Though I definitely understand the sensitivity to his design a little more since he resembles "Little Sambo" a great deal.
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Post by Chrono Trigger » Thu Sep 04, 2008 8:35 am

SSjKaboom said:
Still not sure if you're being serious or not, but calm yerself. The reasons make sense to me. Where'd you get this from?
Calm myself !? Man I'm so hyped for this movie. Even though I know it's gonna be bad, I just wanna see it because I wanna know what happens! I want see a different take on the Dragon World. That's why I recently just got into Ultimate Spiderman! It's some other shit! Oh and as for that lil paragraph, don't worry about it. It's just something I saw on another website posted by some guy that everyone says "Oh he's gotta know something because he's been accurately predicting shit." I hope no one gets mad I just thought it looked interesting enough to be discussed.
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Post by JulieYBM » Thu Sep 04, 2008 9:45 am

Tsukento wrote:
JulieYBM wrote:I guess Tsukento never posted that--hilarious--video he made?
>> Wouldn't really call it "hilarious." Hence why I didn't post it.
I thought the punch line was good... :cry:

Ah, anybody think we'll see more of the Kame Hame Ha?

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Post by Kunzait_83 » Thu Sep 04, 2008 11:41 am

Chrono Trigger wrote:Incidently, the reason why they decided not to go with the clothes from the original source was because they thought it looked too Middle Eastern, especially the turban. And as Piccolo is the villain in this picture… You can figure the rest out, right? Bad political overtones.
I have no idea if this statement is from a legit source or not, but on the off chance that it is, this just further proves yet again that Hollywood movie producers and financiers are amongst the dumbest and most braindead breed of shit kickers stumbling blindly around god’s green earth.

Seriously… are these people aware that Dragon Ball was dubbed/translated in countless other languages and released ALL over the world… INCLUDING the Middle fucking East?! And not ONE person in recorded history has ever (to my knowledge) given two flying shit stains that the villain wore a fucking turban or raised some kind of stupid political issue over it?

Sweet Christ, the rationality behind this is just stunning. Absolutely stunning. How flat out racist must they think every single individual on the planet to be that everyone would only associate a fucking turban and thus Piccolo with some sort of real life terrorist outfit, especially when something that moronic has NEVER happened amongst ANY fanbase of ANY race, color, or creed in the ENTIRE fucking decades long history of Dragon Ball!

Un-fucking-real. Sorry, but the rationality behind the change pisses me off far, far more than the actual change itself does. I mean seriously, somebody out there point me to old news stories of race/religious riots erupting throughout the middle east when the Arabic dub of Dragon Ball first hit in the late 80’s. Really, I’d love to see ‘em.

Oh don’t misunderstand me; I’m well aware of how stupid society can otherwise be, and how infantile racial or political issues can be made out of ANYTHING by the right kind of dipshits… and Dragon Ball’s had at least one such element scrutinized in that manner, that being Mr. Popo’s character design. But apart from that, it has to date gotten off amazingly and miraculously light in terms of cretinous racial or political nitpicking and scrutinizing.

Piccolo’s “Arabic” look was an element that was NEVER blown out of proportion by anyone, anywhere, ever, in all these years of Dragon Ball being a presence throughout the globe (again, including the Middle East). So these Hollywood yahoos decide that the prudent thing to do in this scenario would be to pick at THAT element of all things and be quite literally the first ones to ever publicly make an inane issue out of it, ironically in an attempt to AVOID doing so?

That their reasons for the redesign are something this blatantly dumb, clueless, and… well racist, is something that I find to be FAR more offensive than my somehow getting reminded of 9/11 by Piccolo’s headgear.

“Bad political overtones.” Of all the idiotic, condescending, intelligence insulting… :evil: :roll:

Kunzait's Wuxia Thread
Journey to the West, chapter 26 wrote:The strong man will meet someone stronger still:
Come to naught at last he surely will!
Zephyr wrote:And that's to say nothing of how pretty much impossible it is to capture what made the original run of the series so great. I'm in the generation of fans that started with Toonami, so I totally empathize with the feeling of having "missed the party", experiencing disappointment, and wanting to experience it myself. But I can't, that's how life is. Time is a bitch. The party is over. Kageyama, Kikuchi, and Maeda are off the sauce now; Yanami almost OD'd; Yamamoto got arrested; Toriyama's not going to light trash cans on fire and hang from the chandelier anymore. We can't get the band back together, and even if we could, everyone's either old, in poor health, or calmed way the fuck down. Best we're going to get, and are getting, is a party that's almost entirely devoid of the magic that made the original one so awesome that we even want more.
Kamiccolo9 wrote:It grinds my gears that people get "outraged" over any of this stuff. It's a fucking cartoon. If you are that determined to be angry about something, get off the internet and make a stand for something that actually matters.
Rocketman wrote:"Shonen" basically means "stupid sentimental shit" anyway, so it's ok to be anti-shonen.

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Post by omegacwa » Thu Sep 04, 2008 12:50 pm

Honestly, I understand those reasons. Seriously, People were up in arms about "300" because it had "a bunch of jacked white guys killing goofy dressed Blacks and Arabs."
I am dead serious. People thought the movie was some propaganda for the war in Iraq. I swear. People just ignored the fact it was based on a real life event (with obvious liberties being taken) and based off a comic written years earlier.
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Post by johnboy1 » Thu Sep 04, 2008 12:51 pm

Captain Awesome wrote:But seeing Piccolo depicted like a bald version of Spike has actually killed the last living part of my soul, after posting this I will curl up into the fetal position and I expect to die shortly after.
Have fun!

Anyway, I love the two outfits we've seen for Piccolo. It's not his traditional garb, but I like it anyway. The face? Well, I think everyone here has sufficiently covered that.
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Post by Tanooki Kuribo » Thu Sep 04, 2008 1:00 pm

...Apparently, he (roshi) had fought a Saijyn a LONG time earlier...
I actually like that idea. It's kinda creepy in a way. Maybe it's just me. :?

In other news... Chris Sabat is doing Shenron's voice? What? Scroll down all the way down to "Notable Voice Roles (Movies)"

Also take into account that it's Wikipedia so... ya know... :?
Last edited by Tanooki Kuribo on Thu Sep 04, 2008 1:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
