Live Action Movie Discussion Thread

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Olivier Hague
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Post by Olivier Hague » Thu Oct 04, 2007 5:54 am

Sebastian (SB) wrote:Oh lord, I can just imagine how the Japanese viewers who practically grew up with the story will react. Priceless.
They're used to moronic adaptations, so I don't expect any burst of outrage... They'll just ignore the thing, as usual...

Steven Perry wrote:People who have prejudice against the movie right now can NEVER enjoy it when it comes out, even if it turns out to be awesome. When you go into the cinema thinking 'This is gonna be crap', you can make even the best movies crap in your mind.
If that movie weren't called "Dragon Ball" and didn't have any familiar-sounding characters, would you actually have any kind of interest in it, based on what the whole thing is shaping up to be?
I mean... Yes, it's going to suck as a Dragon Ball live action movie (who's surprised?), but even as a movie, it doesn't have anything going for it. It's drivel.
That's what someone here has done with the unbelievably awesome show that is 'HEROES'
Unbelievably what? ^^;
- they kept saying to themselves 'It's an X-Men rip-off', then they wrote an overly negative review.
Any show as horribly written as that should get negative reviews, really...
With fandom like this, even Steven Spielberg won't be able to 'do it right'. :(
I doubt anybody could make a decent Dragon Ball live action movie, really. It was just a terrible idea from the beginning.

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Post by Xyex » Thu Oct 04, 2007 6:17 am

Steven Perry wrote: RRRRAAAAARRGGGG!!! :x

People who have prejudice against the movie right now can NEVER enjoy it when it comes out, even if it turns out to be awesome. When you go into the cinema thinking 'This is gonna be crap', you can make even the best movies crap in your mind. That's what someone here has done with the unbelievably awesome show that is 'HEROES'- they kept saying to themselves 'It's an X-Men rip-off', then they wrote an overly negative review. When I watched the next episode, it really spoiled the experience, because I was looking for flaws in the show, and not immersing myself as I usually do.

Just stop all this negative thinking, please. No one's gonna be able to enjoy it at this rate! With fandom like this, even Steven Spielberg won't be able to 'do it right'. :(
Finally, someone else that's sick of reading all the fanboy whining. God. It's just so frigging pathetic, the bitching I'm seeing in this thread. The reactions I'm seeing here and now are a lot like the reactions I saw over the Transformers movie. Unsuprisingly, really. If it's not what they know they don't like it.
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<Kaboom> I'm just glad that he now sounds more like Invader Zim than Rita Repulsa
<Xyex> Original Freeza never sounded like a chick to me.
<Kaboom> Neither does Rita
<Xyex> Good point.

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Post by Kula » Thu Oct 04, 2007 7:49 am

I'm also dismayed at the negativity surrounding this movie. After being disappointed at Spider-Man 3, I've learned not to get too excited about any particular new movie. If and when this movie is released, I will watch it and judge it based on its own merits as a hollywood movie, not as an adaption of the manga.

The Resident Evil Movies (particularly the first one) weren't that much like the games (although the sequel was closer), but I still enjoyed them as movies.

We have to expect some kind of adaption of the story so that it will fit the big screen. I know most of us want to essentially see the manga story- line in motion, but that just wouldn't work. I'm not a filmmaker, so I'm just going to have to leave this up to someone who (I hope) knows what they're doing.

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Post by ShadowAssailantX » Thu Oct 04, 2007 8:17 am

I recently mentioned to some of my friends that this movie was gonna be made. Whether they were dub fans who had watched it casually on TV back in the day, to new fans who were watching the Season sets for the first time, to people who watch the JP version, the general response was, "You're kidding, right? You mean a cartoon movie?"

When I continued to explain it was to be live-ation, different people expressed slightly varied opinions, but almost everyone was under the impression that a good Dragonball Live Action Movie couldn't be made, yet they all expressed interest in seeing it. In my opinion, the people going to see this movie will all be doing it to confirm for themselves that it will be a bad adaption. It's only natural for hardcore fans to be discontent with a movie adaption of a property they love, but it's hard to believe casual fans will drop $10 on a ticket just so they can walk out of the theatre saying, "I knew it".

I don't want to speak to soon, but from what we know so far this movie isn't shaping up to be anything grand. If it does turn out to be something half-way decent, I'll be quite surprised. At the end of the day, Fox wins, cause they have my $30(Movie Ticket + DVD Purchase).
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Post by Kunzait_83 » Thu Oct 04, 2007 8:45 am

Xyex wrote:
Steven Perry wrote: RRRRAAAAARRGGGG!!! :x

People who have prejudice against the movie right now can NEVER enjoy it when it comes out, even if it turns out to be awesome. When you go into the cinema thinking 'This is gonna be crap', you can make even the best movies crap in your mind. That's what someone here has done with the unbelievably awesome show that is 'HEROES'- they kept saying to themselves 'It's an X-Men rip-off', then they wrote an overly negative review. When I watched the next episode, it really spoiled the experience, because I was looking for flaws in the show, and not immersing myself as I usually do.

Just stop all this negative thinking, please. No one's gonna be able to enjoy it at this rate! With fandom like this, even Steven Spielberg won't be able to 'do it right'. :(
Finally, someone else that's sick of reading all the fanboy whining. God. It's just so frigging pathetic, the bitching I'm seeing in this thread. The reactions I'm seeing here and now are a lot like the reactions I saw over the Transformers movie. Unsuprisingly, really. If it's not what they know they don't like it.
.....I thought I was being relatively fair and balanced in my two cents. But I guess that that's not the point.

Look, so far I haven't read anything in this thread that either surprises me or annoys the shit out of me, insofar as "fanboy whining" goes. I've seen WAAAAAAAY worse in pissing contests between fans and detractors of the Star Wars prequals. THAT is real fanboy whining at it's most childish and pathetic. Everything in this thread so far is positively milqtoast and rational in comparison.

If stuff like what's being said here is enough to provoke a "god these fanboys need to cool the fuck out!" response from you, then it's a wonder how the hell you've managed to surf message boards for geek related crap within the past five years without being long since dead via a brain aneurysm. Because if THIS bothers you, then may the good Lord have mercy on your soul should you venture anywhere else.... say.... the CHUD forums or Ain't it Cool News, where fanboy whining isn't just a behavior pattern, it's a lifestyle. Hell even IMDB is about a couple hundred thousand times worse.

Dragon Ball fans, particularly of the kind like those who frequent Daizex, have EVERY right to expect the worst from this movie. Not the least of which being that Dragon Ball as a whole in the United States has in almost every instance of it's attempted English adaptations (with rare exceptions) been completely shat upon. It ranks as one of the all time most oft-bastardized and misinterpreted pieces of Japanese anime, surpassed only by whatever got the touch of death from Harmony Gold or 4Kids. And whether or not you actually prefer one of the various fucked around with versions is completely beside the point.

Now, if this recent info is to be trusted (and I personally say, due to all the "false alarms" in the past, that the jury should still be considered out until photographic evidence emerges), we now know that at least for now they plan on completely butchering the main goddamn character of this thing.

This is about as far left field from the character of Goku as they could have gone save if they made him a scientist for NASA. And Goku's a pretty simple fucking character to nail down, which suggests that actual effort was made in screwing up here. I haven't seen a character's fundamentals screwed with this badly since most of the cast of the live action Street Fighter movie. And I think we all remember how that one turned out.

And one last time for the cheap seats; EVIL. NAMEKIAN. NINJAS.

That, all by itself, bodes ill and suggests something along the lines of the already mentioned Street Fighter and Super Mario Bros. movies. Or heaven help us all, the Double Dragon movie.

Kunzait's Wuxia Thread
Journey to the West, chapter 26 wrote:The strong man will meet someone stronger still:
Come to naught at last he surely will!
Zephyr wrote:And that's to say nothing of how pretty much impossible it is to capture what made the original run of the series so great. I'm in the generation of fans that started with Toonami, so I totally empathize with the feeling of having "missed the party", experiencing disappointment, and wanting to experience it myself. But I can't, that's how life is. Time is a bitch. The party is over. Kageyama, Kikuchi, and Maeda are off the sauce now; Yanami almost OD'd; Yamamoto got arrested; Toriyama's not going to light trash cans on fire and hang from the chandelier anymore. We can't get the band back together, and even if we could, everyone's either old, in poor health, or calmed way the fuck down. Best we're going to get, and are getting, is a party that's almost entirely devoid of the magic that made the original one so awesome that we even want more.
Kamiccolo9 wrote:It grinds my gears that people get "outraged" over any of this stuff. It's a fucking cartoon. If you are that determined to be angry about something, get off the internet and make a stand for something that actually matters.
Rocketman wrote:"Shonen" basically means "stupid sentimental shit" anyway, so it's ok to be anti-shonen.

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Post by GI_Judd2287 » Thu Oct 04, 2007 9:13 am

God. It's just so frigging pathetic, the bitching I'm seeing in this thread.
Not just in this thread. People on these boards bitch about everything.
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Post by Conan the SSJ » Thu Oct 04, 2007 9:19 am

Xyex wrote:
Steven Perry wrote: RRRRAAAAARRGGGG!!! :x

People who have prejudice against the movie right now can NEVER enjoy it when it comes out, even if it turns out to be awesome. When you go into the cinema thinking 'This is gonna be crap', you can make even the best movies crap in your mind. That's what someone here has done with the unbelievably awesome show that is 'HEROES'- they kept saying to themselves 'It's an X-Men rip-off', then they wrote an overly negative review. When I watched the next episode, it really spoiled the experience, because I was looking for flaws in the show, and not immersing myself as I usually do.

Just stop all this negative thinking, please. No one's gonna be able to enjoy it at this rate! With fandom like this, even Steven Spielberg won't be able to 'do it right'. :(
Finally, someone else that's sick of reading all the fanboy whining. God. It's just so frigging pathetic, the bitching I'm seeing in this thread. The reactions I'm seeing here and now are a lot like the reactions I saw over the Transformers movie. Unsuprisingly, really. If it's not what they know they don't like it.
No one here is "whining", we're giving valid and legitimate reasons and points on why we think this adaptation is being treated horribly. Not because Goku is being aged, Gohan's still alive, or Piccolo is the first enemy; but because the personalities and core concepts of the characters are being completely screwed into the ground. If you don't wanna hear our negative comments, don't friggin read these posts, but don't you or Steven go telling us to stop posting what we honestly feel; would you rather us just say nothing at all on this? Goku is an 18 year old unpopular high school student with abilities he keeps secret, Bulma wants to change the world with a desired wish on the dragon balls, Piccolo wants Goku to join him and take over the world with the dragon balls, and the Namekians as a whole are being implied to be an entirely demonic race (let's not forget Namek Ninjas)!

Can you see what is so terribly wrong with this picture in our eyes and how rationale we're being in expressing our thoughts? Goku is Kung-Fucking-Fu Clark Kent whom gets sexual desires in sparring with Chichi and has lived a normal life (evidently no trace of country naiveness or even goofiness), Bulma wants to make the world a better place like Einstein did rather than stay true to her character and want for a boyfriend, Piccolo (whom, for all intents and purposes, is being implied to look more humanoid than a Namekian should) has lost all bad-ass concepts - becomes the one to reveal Goku's heritage and tell him it's his "Destiny" (Destiny cliche once again) to join him - hello Emperor Palpatine!

We're not whining, we're being brutally honest that the characters in this project are being ruined to such an insane extent that they shouldn't even be given the character names. If anyone is whining, it's you and Steven. If you have problems with the way pretty much all of us think, then don't read our posts on this subject. It's as simple as that, the only things still DragonBall in this production are the balls themselves (one of which shouldn't even be Grandpa Gohan's if the info is true) and Piccolo Daimao being evil.
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Post by Anonymous Friend » Thu Oct 04, 2007 9:35 am

As far as quick plot and character summaries go, if you had to explain to someone what the "Matrix" was about before it comes out, how many people would have not thought it was crap? As a matter if fact how many of our favor movies, TV series, video games or other media would we not have touched if we went by a couple of sentences describing it? Heck, I wish I was around before Star Wars was released and see what people thought of it's concept.

I'm gonna hold off on any judgement on this movie until I can actually see something

Everyone wants a Sin City or 300 type of movie where it's a 100% reflection of the anime, or better yet the manga, but aren't you the same people who said that it could never ever be done?
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Post by Kunzait_83 » Thu Oct 04, 2007 9:41 am

Conan the SSJ wrote:Piccolo (whom, for all intents and purposes, is being implied to look more humanoid than a Namekian should)
To be fair we really have no idea WHAT he's supposed to look like in this flick. All we have is a fairly generic description which, to be fair, may in fact be accurate; Nameks ARE at least vaguely humanoid looking, in that they have two arms, two legs, a head, and walk upright. Tack on green skin, pointy ears, fangs, claws, and antenna, and you're pretty much there.

But otherwise I totally share the sentiment; an adaptation is only as good as it's faithfulness to the core character concepts and in that respect, this write-up loses and loses bad.

But again, getting back on the main positive element I mentioned in my post before last, I'm just glad at least that if anything it appears to be leaving the general tone of the story itself in one piece. It sounds like a fantasy adventure film with a heavy emphasis on martial arts and actually collecting Dragon Balls. That's pretty much Dragon Ball in a nutshell, and it's a damn sight better than what I was expecting (which was WWE with energy blasts).

But that's just for the general tone of the movie. Again where this thing fails big time is in the characters. And once again this is merely a very early quick casting write up. It may not even be real quite frankly, and even if it is, it's so early in the game that it's likely still very much subject to change.

Kunzait's Wuxia Thread
Journey to the West, chapter 26 wrote:The strong man will meet someone stronger still:
Come to naught at last he surely will!
Zephyr wrote:And that's to say nothing of how pretty much impossible it is to capture what made the original run of the series so great. I'm in the generation of fans that started with Toonami, so I totally empathize with the feeling of having "missed the party", experiencing disappointment, and wanting to experience it myself. But I can't, that's how life is. Time is a bitch. The party is over. Kageyama, Kikuchi, and Maeda are off the sauce now; Yanami almost OD'd; Yamamoto got arrested; Toriyama's not going to light trash cans on fire and hang from the chandelier anymore. We can't get the band back together, and even if we could, everyone's either old, in poor health, or calmed way the fuck down. Best we're going to get, and are getting, is a party that's almost entirely devoid of the magic that made the original one so awesome that we even want more.
Kamiccolo9 wrote:It grinds my gears that people get "outraged" over any of this stuff. It's a fucking cartoon. If you are that determined to be angry about something, get off the internet and make a stand for something that actually matters.
Rocketman wrote:"Shonen" basically means "stupid sentimental shit" anyway, so it's ok to be anti-shonen.

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Post by Olivier Hague » Thu Oct 04, 2007 10:04 am

Anonymous Friend wrote:As far as quick plot and character summaries go, if you had to explain to someone what the "Matrix" was about before it comes out, how many people would have not thought it was crap?
Well, it had the whole "virtual reality" concept going for it, at least. It's not exactly new as far as science fiction goes, but for a movie...
I'm gonna hold off on any judgement on this movie until I can actually see something
We already know the story is horribly clichéd and has a lot more in common with Star Wars (except for the main character's love interest... now, that's from pretty much every other US teen movie ever made), and you can bet they'll treat the movie as yet another flick for their "attention-deficit kids" demo, so yeah, if you're still trying to be optimistic no matter what (for some reason), I guess you don't have much choice but to hope for some eyecandy...
I'm not sure why you'd expect good things on that front either, but hey...
Everyone wants a Sin City or 300 type of movie where it's a 100% reflection of the anime, or better yet the manga, but aren't you the same people who said that it could never ever be done?
Which is why I'm saying it was a stupid idea from the beginning.

"Oh, I like this novel/manga/anime! They have to turn it into a live action movie!"
Whuh? No, they don't.

And Dragon Ball? Of all things? Seriously?
I mean... There are so many issues... Even Gokû's hairdo is a problem. Keep it, and the main character will look stupid. Drop it, and "he won't be Gokû". And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

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Post by Kendamu » Thu Oct 04, 2007 10:17 am

Xyex wrote:
Steven Perry wrote: RRRRAAAAARRGGGG!!! :x

People who have prejudice against the movie right now can NEVER enjoy it when it comes out, even if it turns out to be awesome. When you go into the cinema thinking 'This is gonna be crap', you can make even the best movies crap in your mind. That's what someone here has done with the unbelievably awesome show that is 'HEROES'- they kept saying to themselves 'It's an X-Men rip-off', then they wrote an overly negative review. When I watched the next episode, it really spoiled the experience, because I was looking for flaws in the show, and not immersing myself as I usually do.

Just stop all this negative thinking, please. No one's gonna be able to enjoy it at this rate! With fandom like this, even Steven Spielberg won't be able to 'do it right'. :(
Finally, someone else that's sick of reading all the fanboy whining. God. It's just so frigging pathetic, the bitching I'm seeing in this thread. The reactions I'm seeing here and now are a lot like the reactions I saw over the Transformers movie. Unsuprisingly, really. If it's not what they know they don't like it.
I think it's pathetic when people like you bitch because the majority of us don't like something and we all feel like venting about it.

It's especially pathetic when someone calls it "fanboy whining" when we've been keeping our ears to the ground on this subject for several years and all we get in return is a bunch of crap where a cosplayer can make a better Namekian than a $100,000,000 budget.

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Post by Gyt Kaliba » Thu Oct 04, 2007 10:34 am

Steven Perry wrote:
Gyt Kaliba wrote:So...this isn't a sick joke?

OH GOD NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 :evil:

WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!! I swear, if this goes through, I will slap anyone who says that GT is the worst generated story of all DB stuff. I mean, c'mon! This is like an FFnet AU fic gone horribly, horribly wrong! That stuff hardly works in fic form, but to make a god-damned movie! WHAT THE HELL!

Seriously - someone please tell me this is another prank, like maybe the DBAF one pulled on us by VegettoEX himself. FOR GODS SAKE, SAY IT AIN'T SO!

Anger... building... up... can't... maintain... pressure...


People who have prejudice against the movie right now can NEVER enjoy it when it comes out, even if it turns out to be awesome. When you go into the cinema thinking 'This is gonna be crap', you can make even the best movies crap in your mind. That's what someone here has done with the unbelievably awesome show that is 'HEROES'- they kept saying to themselves 'It's an X-Men rip-off', then they wrote an overly negative review. When I watched the next episode, it really spoiled the experience, because I was looking for flaws in the show, and not immersing myself as I usually do.

Just stop all this negative thinking, please. No one's gonna be able to enjoy it at this rate! With fandom like this, even Steven Spielberg won't be able to 'do it right'. :(
No, that's where you're wrong. I feel that my negativity is justified, as I've been wanting to see this movie done right for a long time. I am gonna go into the theater with an open mind, especially since I still believe that there's gotta be some kinda sick joke going on and this just CAN'T be right. I'm positive in my hope that the movie is done good - it's this plot that has been 'revealed' now that I don't like. I mean, the worst part is is that it almost sounds like a good movie plot. Change the names, remove the Dragon Balls from it, and it would make a halway-decent movie. But a good DB movie? Not with that plot. :x

As for 'Heroes', I've never had negative thoughts about that. I saw the commercials, thought it looked awesome, and now that I've watched Season One on DVD, now I know it's awesome. Future Hiro for the win! 8)

As for Steven Spielberg, I'd trust him with it more than I do this other guy. Spielberg at least knows basic Japanese so he could converse with Toei and Toriyama to get it right. Personally though, I'd have loved it if Michael Bay had gotten it. :roll:
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Post by caejones » Thu Oct 04, 2007 11:33 am

>. >

So, let's organize!
Camp1: "... WTF is this crap?"
Camp2: "Meh, who cares; it's still going to be interesting at least."
Add as necessary.
And rather than divisive... use this to realize the truth... that in reality we all fall into both camps. :P
Dr Gero, in Budokai 2 wrote:Go, my Saiba Rangers!
Akira Toriyama, in Son Goku Densetsu wrote:You really can’t go by rumors (laughs).

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Post by Olivier Hague » Thu Oct 04, 2007 11:41 am

caejones wrote:Camp1: "... WTF is this crap?"
Camp2: "Meh, who cares; it's still going to be interesting at least."
Add as necessary.
And rather than divisive... use this to realize the truth... that in reality we all fall into both camps. :P
I'm neither outraged nor interested, really.

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Post by Gaiash » Thu Oct 04, 2007 11:47 am

Rocketman wrote:
Kunzait_83 wrote:And by the way... the hell is UP with the flat out obsession Hollywood seems to have in making every single fucking one of its major blockbuster protagonists highschool students?
In Spider-Man's case, he was a high school student when he got his powers. That was his "deal" - the first non-sidekick teenage superhero.
Maybe Goku'll be bitten by a radioactive Monkey. Nah, judging by the the ditching of the Oozaru I'm guessing all the monkey and Journey To The West stuff is non existant.
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Post by russ869 » Thu Oct 04, 2007 11:49 am

Well, I'm still not convinced that that article is real, or at least final. Well maybe the movie will at least look good, because it sure doesn't sound good but neither do a lot of movie plots that were written by idiots.

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Post by Contra Deus » Thu Oct 04, 2007 12:01 pm

Well personally, I'm insanely curious as to what Piccolo's going to end up looking like. Something along the lines of those deformed vampires from Blade II? Or The Master from season one of Buffy?

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Post by Tanooki Kuribo » Thu Oct 04, 2007 12:31 pm

I'm insanely curious as to what Piccolo's going to end up looking like.
Well, what could they do? The'll probley just put some green ears on a guy and paint him green.


BTW, thats not an official picture of any kind. It's from a drawing someone did a while back.

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Post by Xyex » Thu Oct 04, 2007 2:42 pm

Dragon Ball fans, particularly of the kind like those who frequent Daizex, have EVERY right to expect the worst from this movie.

How did I know I would get responses like this? It's depressing really.
we now know that at least for now they plan on completely butchering the main goddamn character of this thing.
Last I saw, the only thing we knew they were doing with Goku was putting him in highschool and, possibly, giving him a crush on Chi-Chi (which by the time he's 18 is no where near a stretch of the imagination even in the series). I fail to see any butchering with this.
I haven't seen a character's fundamentals screwed with this badly since most of the cast of the live action Street Fighter movie. And I think we all remember how that one turned out.
Someone missed an earlier comment I made I see.
And one last time for the cheap seats; EVIL. NAMEKIAN. NINJAS.
Which could be a 'best example' description for Piccolo's underlings. We. Don't. Know.
No one here is "whining", we're giving valid and legitimate reasons and points on why we think this adaptation is being treated horribly.
Oh? Hmmm. Let's look through the rest of your post.
because the personalities and core concepts of the characters are being completely screwed into the ground.
Goku is Kung-Fucking-Fu Clark Kent whom gets sexual desires in sparring with Chichi and has lived a normal life (evidently no trace of country naiveness or even goofiness), Bulma wants to make the world a better place like Einstein did rather than stay true to her character and want for a boyfriend, Piccolo (whom, for all intents and purposes, is being implied to look more humanoid than a Namekian should) has lost all bad-ass concepts - becomes the one to reveal Goku's heritage and tell him it's his "Destiny" (Destiny cliche once again) to join him - hello Emperor Palpatine!
we're being brutally honest that the characters in this project are being ruined to such an insane extent that they shouldn't even be given the character names.
If you have problems with the way pretty much all of us think, then don't read our posts on this subject.
So the personalities are completely and utterly different than the show? What, you've seen clips of the movie? We've got paragraph sized blurbs about them. That's it. I need at least 10 damned pages worth of character personality work before I know what an original character I created is like. You can't tell jack shit from a paragraph outside of the vaguest possible directions which tell you abslutely zip about the final product without liberal ammounts of luck.

Goku - We know 2 things. Highschool and Chi-Chi. That's it. And where the hell do you see anything about sexual desires. Again, don't read into crap to find something to complain about. You can read between the lines when you have the entire script in front of your face and want to find hidden meanings. All Goku complaints fail.

Bulma - So we know she wants to improve the world with her wish. We also know she's an older and more mature Bulma than the one that wanted to wish for a boyfriend in Dragonball. Answer me this. Would you expect a 20 something Bulma to want to wish for a boyfriend? Isn't that more out of character than, oh, I don't know, Goku going to highschool?

Piccolo - Ok. WHERE does it say that Piccolo looks more human in the movie than the series? Where? I don't see it. I see humanoid and that's it. You can't draw shit from that. Because, guess what, Piccolo is humanoid. Also why do you insist on reading that destiny line as some sort of fate mumbo jumbo and not the far more obvious "you're from a race of conquers so it is in your blood to conquer" implication it gives off? And really, Piccolo knowing he's an alien/Goku's an alien and telling Goku so isn't that big of a fucking deal.

Ruined characters.... gee, I still don't see it. Maybe because we don't know what the characters will be like beyond a vague blurb. And aside from Mai sounding like she's actually useful in the movie for more than comedic relief those blurbs don't really give us much personality indications other than "this is a good-guy" and "this is a bad-guy".

I don't have problems with someone having doubts about if they'll like the movie. I don't have problems with someone saying they don't think the movie will turn out good. I do have problems with people acting like they know everything about everything and stating their opinion as a fact because they can't see how what they believe could possibly be wrong. And let's face it, that's exactly what a lot of you sound like. Intenionally? I doubt it. But that doesn't change the way it comes across.
I think it's pathetic when people like you bitch because the majority of us don't like something and we all feel like venting about it.

I'm not bitching about that. I'm bitching about the fact that people are bitching about things they don't even know about yet as though it's concrete fact. Is it so bad to want people to wait until they actually see something of the movie in action before the claim it sucks completely? I don't deny that the movie could come out as bad (or worse) than those here think it could/might/will. My issue is with the fact that everyone's already decided that the movie is the worst thing ever and filming hasn't even started yet.
It's especially pathetic when someone calls it "fanboy whining" when we've been keeping our ears to the ground on this subject for several years and all we get in return is a bunch of crap where a cosplayer can make a better Namekian than a $100,000,000 budget.
I would love to see the picture $100 million Namekian they're using in the movie that you've apparently gotten your hands on in order to make this comment. THIS is what I'm talking about. Don't expect a good movie? Fine. You can think what you want, I don't care, but don't fucking act like your opinion is fact. Thank-you very much.

And that about covers it. Emphasis added in places to try to get my point across since, apparently, it hasn't been getting through yet.

I don't care if you have issues with the movie and want to say as such. Go right ahead. You're allowed to have and express your opinion. Just remember that it is your OPINION.
Avys ~ DA account ~ Fanfiction ~ Chat Quotes
<Kaboom> I'm just glad that he now sounds more like Invader Zim than Rita Repulsa
<Xyex> Original Freeza never sounded like a chick to me.
<Kaboom> Neither does Rita
<Xyex> Good point.

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Vegard Aune
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Post by Vegard Aune » Thu Oct 04, 2007 3:34 pm

Xyex wrote:
It's especially pathetic when someone calls it "fanboy whining" when we've been keeping our ears to the ground on this subject for several years and all we get in return is a bunch of crap where a cosplayer can make a better Namekian than a $100,000,000 budget.
I would love to see the picture $100 million Namekian they're using in the movie that you've apparently gotten your hands on in order to make this comment.
Yeah, that IS stupid. How can anyone claim that Piccolo will look worse than a random cosplayer, when they haven't shown ANY kind of footage yet. At all. Not even any concept-art or sketches. Nobody knows what the characters will look like in the movie yet, possibly except the producers, assuming the characters have been cast yet.
