Why does Tien always get nerfed?

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Why does Tien always get nerfed?

Post by Sypheran » Sun Mar 06, 2011 4:18 am

In all the games that have released for Dragonball Z, Tien has always been held back from how awesome he truly is...

In the original Budokai's, he never recieved his Tri-beam for an ultimate until Budokai 3, before that it was his weak volleyball technique. Then, in the Tenkaichi games, he never even received his signature Solar Flare (yet other characters got it) until the Raging Blast games.

And then he has so many other extremely useful techniques that he hasn't had in any games yet...

--Multiform (this could easily be a unique rush for Tien with it ending by the mutliforms using Ki Blast Cannon, instead of the generic one he get's in most games... Or, for something like Tenkaichi Tag it could actually create AI controlled versions that last a few seconds but have dramatically weakened stats)

--Four-arms (this could/and should, be a transformation of Tiens... Krillin usually get's his "unlocked potential", why can't Tien get his four arms? It can increase his attack damage and attack speed. Heck, Tien has even had his "Spirit Burst" technique since Dragonball which works much like Kaioken, and yet he has never even received that in any of the games.)

--Copy technique ability (in Dragonball, Tien explains that he has the ability to copy any ability he has seen at least once. He also shows doing this twice, copying the Kamehameha and Evil Containment Wave... I think this could be implimented as either "use random character's main technique", "use opponents character's main technique", "use opponents character random technqiue"...)

I think that these three (four if you give him Spirit Burst as a power-up), along with his Dodon Ray, Tri-beam, Solar Flare, and Neo Tri-beam should be given to Tien in the next Dragonball Z game to come out... What are others thoughts?