If you were to rank all the scores in Dragon Ball

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If you were to rank all the scores in Dragon Ball

Post by MasenkoHA » Mon Oct 08, 2018 8:54 am

1. Kikuchi- Great, fantastic, very versatile and beautiful

2. Yamamoto- I like it a lot even if it gets repetitive and is ya know stolen.

3. Johnson- Probably the best of that sound Funimation was going for with their rebranding of Dragon Ball Z

4. Wasserman- Decent Saturday Morning Cartoons kid music.

5. Faulconer- I like a few tracks a lot. Most of the music is obnoxious noise

6. Sumitomo- Just sooooo bland. While I think Faulconer’s music is harder to listen to while watching it still has ya know some stand out pieces

7. Menza- It’s technically music

Haven’t seen GT in Japanese so can’t rank or rate Tokunaga’s score

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Re: If you were to rank all the scores in Dragon Ball

Post by Majin Buu » Mon Oct 08, 2018 3:10 pm

1. Kikuchi- The best. The score with the most depth and versatility.

2. Yamamoto- Plagiarism aside, I like his video game work far more than his Kai work (which I found to be generally mediocre). It's very different from Kikuchi, but still feels like it fits Dragon Ball while providing that more "modern" sound a not-insignificant number of fans want (all of the dub replacement scores IMO fail at the former by their very nature).

3. Tokunaga- Generally has a more "lighter" sound than Kikuchi and Yamamoto. My favorite parts of his GT score tend to be the more ethereal and melancholic sounding pieces. He's not bad by any means, but I don't come back to him as often as I do Kikuchi and Yamamoto.

4. Wasserman- Over time I've grown to find this one the most tolerable of the dub replacement scores, with one or two pieces I can recall off-hand actually kind of liking. Doesn't work for Dragon Ball, but does work for the standard American action cartoon tone.

5. Faulconer- Bland and hollow. Has never done anything for me as music. Specifically, I've found that the "hollow" feel of the score is most apparent when it tries to move away from the hard sounding synth/rock stuff. Those parts in particular tend to sound very bare to me.

Sumitomo- Can't rank as I've barely listened to any of his stuff. The one piece of his that I have listened to sounded pretty bland though, and most of the opinions I've read on him echo that sentiment.

Johnson- Don't know what he specifically worked on. Can't rank.

Menza- Haven't watched GT dubbed, but what I remember hearing of his GT score the one or two times I spot checked it sounded even worse than Faulconer. Haven't heard enough of his stuff to rank otherwise.

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Re: If you were to rank all the scores in Dragon Ball

Post by Dbzfan94 » Mon Oct 08, 2018 3:53 pm

Gonna get a lot of hate for this one

1. Faulconer (my personal fav. placement could be better at times but the amazing tracks and overall variety makes up for it)

2. Kikuchi (verrry close second)

3. Tokunaga (amazing)

4. Yamamoto (i know they're stolen but I can't help but still love his tracks)

5. Sumitomo (decent but nothing special)

6. Johnson (only decent thing he did was the Remastered opening and the Gogeta theme)

7. Menza (half the reason i hated GT as a kid)

Dont even count the Ocean dubs, haven't seen much of that dub but didn't do anything for me at all.

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Re: If you were to rank all the scores in Dragon Ball

Post by Sani007 » Mon Oct 08, 2018 4:03 pm

1. Kikuchi
2. Tokunaga
3. Sumitomo
4. Yamamoto

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Re: If you were to rank all the scores in Dragon Ball

Post by Robo4900 » Mon Oct 08, 2018 4:44 pm

1. Tokunaga - Beautiful, varied, fun, every piece is incredibly memorable, the way themes are rearranged and repeated throughout is simply genius, and the style just really appeals to me. It actually kind of pisses me off that Toei didn't consider him for Kai, Super, or any of the video games.

2. Kikuchi - Although I personally prefer Tokunaga, there's a reason Kikuchi is the gold standard of Dragon Ball scoring. 'Nuff said. :)

3. Wasserman - This is probably something of a controversial pick for #3, but give me a mo' to explain... The Saban dub of Dragon Ball Z was very much an over-the-top '90s action show full of cheesy dialogue, ham acting, etc... Honestly, I've always seen it as a rather interesting take on doing Dragon Ball but with the energy level dialled up to eleven. Dragon Ball has always been an over-the-top, cheesy, nuts thing, even at its most serious moments -- a giant pink genie having a mental breakdown because he's sad about his dog decides to kill the entire population of earth because he's impatient about fighting a pair of children and wants mr. big green alien demon god dude to take him into the interdimensional training room the children are waiting in.
With this in mind, the Wasserman score was absolutely perfect for what the Saban dub was doing. It was able to be anything from delightfully sugar-sweet to intensely dark, always well-suited to the moment, always prepared to match the over-the-top ham the show often became in this version, and this is all done with memorable themes, generally good orchestration, and even at its darkest, edgiest moments, a really fun vibe.

4. Yamamoto - This is a difficult one. The score itself is pretty good. It was the weakest of the Japanese scores up to that point, though given the competition, that was a likely outcome anyway. There's a lot of good stuff in here, and generally it has a good feel to it -- feels like Dragon Ball, but modern... Problem is, with the plagiarism, this score just kind of turns my stomach. I have a hard time really giving this the credit I give to the top 3.

5. Anitunes (AKA: The Megaman score) - A lot of people criticise this score from the AB Ocean dub, and it's hard to argue with the facts of the matter; there are unfitting placements, some tracks are arguably a little overused, and there's not all that much in the way of building themes around characters, it's all based around the moods of the scenes. But, it gets a lot of undeserved flak for this. Compared to the four above it, it's definitely a weaker score. But the chilled-out, almost ambient sound it has, which still manages to have something of a groove to it is very interesting, and creates a rather unique vibe, somewhat reminiscent of the vibe from the Japanese version, when you hear the whole package.
Unlike the Faulconer score, which attempts to drown out the deficiencies of the poor acting of the early days of in-house Funi, the Anitunes score is a more subtle soundtrack, being very much secondary to the talent of the Ocean cast. This does end up exposing deficiencies in some of the castings in this period, and really doesn't help when you hit a few of the more messily-directed episodes from the early run of AB's Dragon Ball Z. However, particularly as the series goes on and a much more wide variety of themes are used, this score really comes into its own as a strong background track for the AB Ocean dub.
However, a strong background track is all this score is.
This score is not a revalation of a score that completely brings new life to the show. It's very content with simply being a strong background track to go on while the actors do the real heavy-lifting to make the show work. So, while I do love this score, the vibe it gives, the sound it has... This score is ultimately not all that special on its own.

6. Faulconer - For the series, I don't think this works at all. It's a loud, obnoxious drone of generic tracks with some standout pieces. However, the GBA versions of these tracks as heard in the Legacy Of Goku games really do endear me to the team Faulconer tracks. Not all of them, of course; I think the Faulconer score's biggest weakness is the fact it had so many tracks, so the actually really good stuff was totally drowned out by the lesser material. The Legacy Of Goku 2 & 3 were able to pick all the best tracks, arrange them in a nice, pleasing GBA sound(I never thought much of the sounds used in the original Faulconer tracks), and being video games, synth rock that runs on hype but also kind of drones on in the background is pretty much ideal.
So, while I -- like many -- think the Faulconer score is wrong for the series, if used right, you can get some great stuff out of this score. And I have on occasion hopped onto Spotify and listened to some of the standout tracks from the officially-released Faulconer music. So... It's funny, the Faulconer score is kind of the opposite of the Anitunes score; it has great tracks that stand on their own, but doesn't work in the series, meanwhile the Anitunes score works in the series, but doesn't work on its own...

7. Johnson - Not much to say here, honestly. Most of this score was kind of just generic. It's inoffensive, but it does kind of bother me that it's so uninteresting.

8. Menza - It's no better than the Johnson score on its own, though not really much worse either... But in the series, it was a trainwreck.

9. Sumitomo - While I haven't seen the Battle Of Gods or Resurrection F movies, from what I've seen of his work on Super and Final Chapters, his score is an utter garbagefire. Now and then there's a pretty decent track, but even on those occasions, it doesn't fit with the tone or style of Dragon Ball.
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Re: If you were to rank all the scores in Dragon Ball

Post by Big Boss » Mon Oct 08, 2018 5:11 pm

1. Kikuchi - The best 'pen and paper' composer. Great use of leitmotifs with pretty varied instrumentation. The only thing that lets it down is the often odd placement, and the fact he stopped composing for the series after the Saiyan arc to work exclusively on the movies, though I think he returned for Buu(?).

2. Yamamoto - World class arranger, his technical skill and creativity in that regard was ridiculous. Head Cha La, Spirit vs Spirit, Mind Power Ki, and a fuckton of other songs (and the video games, which are his best work) are all masterpieces because of his arrangements. His Kai OST is good, but this is when he went off the deep end with plagiarism. Gone were the days of "Hey this sort of/kind of of sounds like x" as we transitioned into "What the fuck this is LITERALLY just x". Gone was the insane creativity of his "unofficial" arrangements of the past :) . Still miss him dearly though, as he is someone I look up to as an arranger myself. Literally one of the world's best.

3. Tokunaga - Has a very space-opera, and dare I say, Final Fantasy feel to it(?). Great renditions of Dan Dan and the ending themes. Kind of wish he had access to a full size orchestra though. With Yamamoto gone and Kikuchi being long retired, he would be my top pick for main composer of the series.

4. Faulconer and team - Lots of good themes here let down by the MIDI-ness of the production. 95% is just filler music as they were under contract from Funimation to have music playing constantly. I have listened to Scott Morgan's solo stuff on YouTube for about 10 years now and it's all great, especially "Future's Sword" which is my personal favorite of his. I also bought Julius Dobos' (the SSJ3 theme guy :) ) album 'Forgotton Future W1' back in 2015 and it's a fucking masterpiece of psybient. There were talented people behind the Faulconer score, but the mangled mess of Fumimation's rendition of the show and upper management giving "creative advice" rarely allowed the talents of these composers to shine through.

5. Everyone else - Not gonna bother with Menza, Sumitomo, Wasserman/Levy, Berring, Johnson, and the Westwood music. It is all pure tripe with zero redeeming qualities.

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Re: If you were to rank all the scores in Dragon Ball

Post by MasenkoHA » Mon Oct 08, 2018 10:22 pm

Majin Buu wrote:
4. Wasserman- Over time I've grown to find this one the most tolerable of the dub replacement scores, with one or two pieces I can recall off-hand actually kind of liking. Doesn't work for Dragon Ball, but does work for the standard American action cartoon tone.
For me the score is ....sufficient? It does the job of sounding like a Saturday morning cartoon. It's inoffensive and tolerable.

Johnson- Don't know what he specifically worked on. Can't rank.
The main thing he did was the music for Funimation's in-house uncut redub of the first two seasons to replace the Saban dub. He also did, I wanna say, the redub of World's Strongest and Tree of Might?

Robo4900 wrote:
5. Anitunes (AKA: The Megaman score) - A lot of people criticise this score from the AB Ocean dub, and it's hard to argue with the facts of the matter; there are unfitting placements, some tracks are arguably a little overused, and there's not all that much in the way of building themes around characters, it's all based around the moods of the scenes. But, it gets a lot of undeserved flak for this. Compared to the four above it, it's definitely a weaker score. But the chilled-out, almost ambient sound it has, which still manages to have something of a groove to it is very interesting, and creates a rather unique vibe, somewhat reminiscent of the vibe from the Japanese version, when you hear the whole package.
Unlike the Faulconer score, which attempts to drown out the deficiencies of the poor acting of the early days of in-house Funi, the Anitunes score is a more subtle soundtrack, being very much secondary to the talent of the Ocean cast. This does end up exposing deficiencies in some of the castings in this period, and really doesn't help when you hit a few of the more messily-directed episodes from the early run of AB's Dragon Ball Z. However, particularly as the series goes on and a much more wide variety of themes are used, this score really comes into its own as a strong background track for the AB Ocean dub.
However, a strong background track is all this score is.
This score is not a revalation of a score that completely brings new life to the show. It's very content with simply being a strong background track to go on while the actors do the real heavy-lifting to make the show work. So, while I do love this score, the vibe it gives, the sound it has... This score is ultimately not all that special on its own.

I'm not against recycled music as a rule. I liked the music in dub Digimon and 90 percent of it is recycled from Masked rider. 2 percent of it is recycled from 90s Spider-man and like 8 percent of it is stuff composed for the movie that ended up in the second and third season. But the Megaman music in Westwood DBZ sounds...off? Maybe it's because I'm used to the Faulconer stuff for American DBZ and it doesn't sound like it nor does it feel like the Japanese music. I guess it feels closest to Peter Berring's Dragon Ball score. I've also not seen a full episode of the Westwood dub to make a fair assessment.

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Re: If you were to rank all the scores in Dragon Ball

Post by Kakacarrottop » Tue Oct 09, 2018 12:13 am

MasenkoHA wrote:
Majin Buu wrote:
4. Wasserman- Over time I've grown to find this one the most tolerable of the dub replacement scores, with one or two pieces I can recall off-hand actually kind of liking. Doesn't work for Dragon Ball, but does work for the standard American action cartoon tone.
For me the score is ....sufficient? It does the job of sounding like a Saturday morning cartoon. It's inoffensive and tolerable.
There are definitely a lot of Saturday Morning Cartoon vibes from that soundtrack (ie the stuff that plays on King Kai's planet), but it also had a darker Sci-Fi angle to it, as well as that intense, fast paced wall of sound that came on during the fight scenes. Wasserman even mentioned in an interview a few years ago that there was no pressure from Saban to make the DBZ soundtrack kid friendly, and as a result it was much darker than the stuff he had been doing for other 90s kids shows like Power Rangers and X-Men. If Wasserman had been forced to make the DBZ soundtrack kid friendly, then the Faulconer soundtrack would have ended up sounding more generic too, since he was initially asked by Funimation to copy Wasserman.
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Re: If you were to rank all the scores in Dragon Ball

Post by Majin Buu » Tue Oct 09, 2018 9:42 am

Majin Buu wrote:Sumitomo- Can't rank as I've barely listened to any of his stuff. The one piece of his that I have listened to sounded pretty bland though, and most of the opinions I've read on him echo that sentiment.
I decided to check out some of Sumitomo's TFC work after I wrote this and I think I have a good enough idea of him now to rank him.

5. Sumitomo - I was surprised to find that his work sounds very similar to Yamamoto's Kai work, the big differences being that it has way more synth in it than Yamamoto's Kai stuff and occasionally sounds like Sonic the Hedgehog music. However, I said earlier that I find Yamamoto's Kai work to be largely mediocre and Sumitomo is more of the same in that regard (In fact, if it weren't for Yamamoto's amazing video game work, he would be tied with Sumitomo). None of it does anything for me.

With one exception.

I was re-listening to Mike and Kirbopher's music discussion on the podcast and got to the part where Kirbopher mentioned the Sumitomo piece that was used when Buu is finally killed in Kai TFC. That was the one piece I mentioned earlier that I had heard from Sumitomo prior to looking into his work. I initially found that piece to be bland, but after a re-listen I do hear what Kirbopher liked about it, namely that moving string melody, and I do think it's Sumitomo's best piece from what I checked out. However, I don't think the hard sounding synth drums playing over it gel with the string melody at all, and ironically, that element reminds me of the Faulconer score and what I don't like about that score, completely taking me out of it.

So this means Faulconer gets bumped down from 5 to 6.

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Re: If you were to rank all the scores in Dragon Ball

Post by Robo4900 » Tue Oct 09, 2018 1:45 pm

MasenkoHA wrote:I'm not against recycled music as a rule. I liked the music in dub Digimon and 90 percent of it is recycled from Masked rider. 2 percent of it is recycled from 90s Spider-man and like 8 percent of it is stuff composed for the movie that ended up in the second and third season. But the Megaman music in Westwood DBZ sounds...off? Maybe it's because I'm used to the Faulconer stuff for American DBZ and it doesn't sound like it nor does it feel like the Japanese music. I guess it feels closest to Peter Berring's Dragon Ball score. I've also not seen a full episode of the Westwood dub to make a fair assessment.
I think the highlighted is the key thing here. As with any element of any version of Dragon Ball, you can't really judge it until you've jumped in an given it a real go. "Grandma Goku" comes from people just watching a few clips, usually with a preconceived idea. Remember that Dragon Ball did get quite big in the UK during its original run, and continued to do so well all the way up to the end of OG DB that Toonami even picked up the movies... Such as they did, anyway... :lol:

Point is, you don't have to give it a go if you don't want to, but if you do want to see what the fuss is about with the AB Z dub, even if just for its score, give it a go sometime. :)
MasenkoHA wrote:Maybe it's because I'm used to the Faulconer stuff for American DBZ and it doesn't sound like it nor does it feel like the Japanese music. I guess it feels closest to Peter Berring's Dragon Ball score.
I dunno... I think the Anitunes score just has a very different vibe to any of the other scores Dragon Ball has had. It's odd because often it's compositionally somewhat groovy rock stuff, but it has a very ambient vibe to it... It's just really unusual. Gives it a sort of ambient grooviness that's hard to describe. Like, even the description I've just given really doesn't describe some score pieces.

... And goddammit, I forgot to rank the Berring score. How'd I manage that? I love the Berring score!! :lol:
I'd put it between my 5(Anitunes) and 6(Faulconer). Though depending on my mood, it's possible I'd put it one place up, between 4(Yamamoto) and 5(Anitunes).
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Re: If you were to rank all the scores in Dragon Ball

Post by MasenkoHA » Tue Oct 09, 2018 3:45 pm

I think I’d more incline to watch the Westwood dub if they had finish the rest of the Namek saga.

I want to hear Kelamis, Henderson, and Mcneil do season 3 damnit :D i don’t want to go from the Saban dub to Funi’s season 3 and then switch to Westwood/Ocean for episode 108 onwards :P

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Re: If you were to rank all the scores in Dragon Ball

Post by Robo4900 » Fri Oct 12, 2018 1:59 pm

MasenkoHA wrote:I think I’d more incline to watch the Westwood dub if they had finish the rest of the Namek saga.

I want to hear Kelamis, Henderson, and Mcneil do season 3 damnit :D i don’t want to go from the Saban dub to Funi’s season 3 and then switch to Westwood/Ocean for episode 108 onwards :P
Hehe. Indeed. Well, Ocean Kai will fill in the gap, and conveniently enough, that's the part of the show that benefitted most from Kai's recutting anyway. :lol:

Still, you can just jump in at episode 108 and just watch the Androids/Cell and Boo arcs. People skip the first 10 or so arcs of the show all the time anyway, so why not just skip a few more, for the sake of a watch-through of Ocean's later work? :)
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Re: If you were to rank all the scores in Dragon Ball

Post by MasenkoHA » Fri Oct 12, 2018 3:53 pm

Robo4900 wrote:
MasenkoHA wrote:I think I’d more incline to watch the Westwood dub if they had finish the rest of the Namek saga.

I want to hear Kelamis, Henderson, and Mcneil do season 3 damnit :D i don’t want to go from the Saban dub to Funi’s season 3 and then switch to Westwood/Ocean for episode 108 onwards :P
Hehe. Indeed. Well, Ocean Kai will fill in the gap, and conveniently enough, that's the part of the show that benefitted most from Kai's recutting anyway. :lol:

Still, you can just jump in at episode 108 and just watch the Androids/Cell and Boo arcs. People skip the first 10 or so arcs of the show all the time anyway, so why not just skip a few more, for the sake of a watch-through of Ocean's later work? :)
True I’m due for a Saban era rewatch so I’ll probably rewatch the first 53 episodes, the 3 movies, then check out the Westwood dub

We just won’t talk about what happened on Namek after Goku showed up

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Re: If you were to rank all the scores in Dragon Ball

Post by Robo4900 » Fri Oct 12, 2018 4:01 pm

MasenkoHA wrote:True I’m due for a Saban era rewatch so I’ll probably rewatch the first 53 episodes, the 3 movies, then check out the Westwood dub

We just won’t talk about what happened on Namek after Goku showed up
Just imagine you're watching from Kuririn's perspective, and that in this telling, you use the Star Trek II Chekov explanation -- one early-on pivotal scene in Star Trek II involves Chekov and Khan recognising each-other, even though Chekov didn't join the Original Series until after Khan's episode. So, the fan explanation is that Chekov was on the toilet. So, just say Kuririn was on the toilet until Freeza killed him, then of course was dead until right before episode 108, so you miss nothing of consequence that Kuririn was present for. :lol:
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Re: If you were to rank all the scores in Dragon Ball

Post by sunsetshimmer » Fri Oct 12, 2018 4:09 pm

Don't know everyone by names and don't pay that much attention so i will just rank series:

1. DBZ (ENG dub)
2. GT
3. DB
4. DBZ
5. DBS
6. DB Kai
7. GT (ENG dub)
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Re: If you were to rank all the scores in Dragon Ball

Post by Danfun64 » Sun Oct 21, 2018 12:17 am

sunsetshimmer wrote:Don't know everyone by names and don't pay that much attention so i will just rank series:

1. DBZ (ENG dub)
2. GT
3. DB
4. DBZ
5. DBS
6. DB Kai
7. GT (ENG dub)
Here are the names of each of the composers by the numbering you listed. Note that I am not including insert songs composers here, nor the OP/ED tracks. I'm also ignoring the movies and specials to simplify things.

1. You're gonna have to be more specific. For 1-67 (uncut numbering) are you watching the Saban dub or the Ultimate Uncut dub? If the former it's Shuki Levy and Ron Wasserman. If the latter it's Nathan Johnson. For 123-291 (uncut numbering) are you watching the Funi dub or the Westwood dub? If the former it's Team Faulconer. If the latter it's mostly music recycled from the Mega Man cartoon and the Monster Rancher anime.

2. Akihito Tokunaga

3. Shensuke Kikuchi

4. Shensuke Kikuchi

5. Norihito Sumitomo

6. Again, you'll need to be more specific. The music for Kai 1-98 was originally composed by Kenji Yamamoto, though Toei replaced it with recycled music from Kikuchi's Z score after it turned out that Yamamoto was a goddamn plagiarist. The music for The Final Chapters has always been from Norihito Sumitomo.

7. Mark Menza.
Robo4900 wrote:Mouse is BRILLIANT SCIENTIST dumb.
Jack is just kinda dumb.

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Re: If you were to rank all the scores in Dragon Ball

Post by Shaddy » Sun Oct 21, 2018 2:49 am

1. Kikuchi

Perfectly encaptures DB's era, tone and identity. There's nothing more I can say about it. It's Dragon Ball.

2. Tokunaga

Not that far off from Kikuchi but with some great melodies and feeling a little more modern. Reminds me of old RPGs...and early Fullmetal Alchemist, for some reason.

3. Sumitomo past the first third of Super

Simply is a really quality score, even if it's not exactly fit for DB. The brass and guitars in the Tournament of Power make it feel...well, powerful. They add a lot to the atmosphere in an arc with very little actual environments going for it's atmosphere.

4. Yamamoto

I love his video game work, especially the Budokai series, but stuff like Battle Point Unlimited is great too. Shame it wasn't actually his though. I honestly dunno whether to deduct points from him for being a plagiarist when I still enjoy the music.

5. Sumitomo in Kai 2.0 and early Super

There's a couple of his best tracks in here...along with some awful ones.

6. FaulcPro

Ew. Horrible droning warbling synth stuff. I hate it more for what it represents than what it is, to be honest, but the number of decent tracks is vastly outweighed by the number of boring or cheap-sounding ones, and the fact that it doesn't know how to shut the fuck up makes it really difficult to properly enjoy.

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Re: If you were to rank all the scores in Dragon Ball

Post by sunsetshimmer » Sun Oct 21, 2018 6:11 am

Danfun64 wrote:
sunsetshimmer wrote:Don't know everyone by names and don't pay that much attention so i will just rank series:

1. DBZ (ENG dub)
2. GT
3. DB
4. DBZ
5. DBS
6. DB Kai
7. GT (ENG dub)
Here are the names of each of the composers by the numbering you listed. Note that I am not including insert songs composers here, nor the OP/ED tracks. I'm also ignoring the movies and specials to simplify things.

1. You're gonna have to be more specific. For 1-67 (uncut numbering) are you watching the Saban dub or the Ultimate Uncut dub? If the former it's Shuki Levy and Ron Wasserman. If the latter it's Nathan Johnson. For 123-291 (uncut numbering) are you watching the Funi dub or the Westwood dub? If the former it's Team Faulconer. If the latter it's mostly music recycled from the Mega Man cartoon and the Monster Rancher anime.

2. Akihito Tokunaga

3. Shensuke Kikuchi

4. Shensuke Kikuchi

5. Norihito Sumitomo

6. Again, you'll need to be more specific. The music for Kai 1-98 was originally composed by Kenji Yamamoto, though Toei replaced it with recycled music from Kikuchi's Z score after it turned out that Yamamoto was a goddamn plagiarist. The music for The Final Chapters has always been from Norihito Sumitomo.

7. Mark Menza.
Thanks. For number 1 i meant Bruce Faulconer and with Kai i meant 1-98 episodes.
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Re: If you were to rank all the scores in Dragon Ball

Post by DHM211 » Sun Oct 21, 2018 11:09 am

1. Sumitomo - Loved his Soundtrack for Battle of Gods, thought his soundtrack for Resurrection ‘F’ was decent enough, really loved most of his Kai TFC work, and unequivocally love his Super Vol.2 soundtrack. The only DB related soundtrack of his that I can say I am not a fan of (for the most part) was his Super Vol.1 soundtrack.

2. Yamamoto - Some of his tracks from the Saiyan and Frieza saga’s are kinda bland, but I love most of his work(even if it isn’t really his work :lol: ).

3. Mensa - I haven’t watched GT in a while so I’m not sure what his work sounded like on there, but his semi-soundtrack for Broly 1 and his soundtrack for Bojack Unbound were good, and I really liked his soundtrack for Dead Zone.

4. Tokunaga - I don't remember what his work on GT sounded like but I liked his soundtrack for Path to Power.

5. Johnson - Mixed bag. I didn’t care for his work in episodes 1 - 67 of Z, but I thought his work on Fusion Reborn and Wrath of the Dragon were pretty good.

6. Faulconer - Ranges from terrible to good. I really dislike 90% of his pre-Buu saga stuff. His soundtrack would work somewhat better if it wasn’t playing as often.

7. Kikuchi - Ridiculously boring. I’ve heard people say this before but never really put much thought into it, but after sitting through Broly with his soundtrack in the theater, I now see where they were coming from.

I’m not going to rank Wasserman because I don’t recall ever hearing him.
Last edited by DHM211 on Sun Oct 21, 2018 11:16 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: If you were to rank all the scores in Dragon Ball

Post by DHM211 » Sun Oct 21, 2018 11:13 am

double post

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