Fanfiction: Dragon Ball - Another Road

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Fanfiction: Dragon Ball - Another Road

Post by Kanassa » Mon Sep 19, 2016 8:05 pm

Greetings, I've had this planned out in my mind for a while (Been writing the outline for it for about... A month or two) and was relieved to actually finish a chapter. WHich is much harder then writing down on a bullet point ''Child has tantrum, gets slapped". Now, if you read past that shitty attempt a humor, please enjoy my take on what I thought would of been a neat alternative to how the Future tmeline played out after the defeat of the androids. So, bare with me as I tick off my list of bullshit power levels and transformations.

Summary: Eight years. They had successfully held onto that peace for eight long years. Trunks was optimistic about the world's chances of getting back on it's feet, but he always knew, in the back of his mind he was always nagged by it. It wasn't over. He thought the nightmare was over, but when Babidy the Wizard appears to unleash a terrible monster o the world, Trunks has to face his nightmare once again. With the daughter of his fallen mentor by his side, a vengful tyrant breathing down his neck and a warning from time itself; Trunks realised there's more at stake here than just his timeline. And in the end, it's his own fault.

As is traditional with Dragon Ball, every chapter will be followed up with a few of the next chapter's titles.
Android Warfare Arc

Chapter 1: Fate of the Forgotten Timeline - 8 Years of Peace

[spoiler]The sky was a pale blue ocean, just like it always was. Even when it was supposed to be night time the sky remained stagnant in its view. Some might have found that a comforting convenience to encounter every day, but for the short pink haired woman making her way down the cobbled path, it was a grim sight to be sure. It never felt like an actual sky, like nature’s beauty draped over her. No, all she could see when walking under it was a hollow shell, an artificial projection that was stuck on one roll of tape.

It was a reflection of this whole place. One glance at the imposing marble tower made one feel small, the clean white shine that stuck with it only made her think of how long she had spent cleaning it. The freshly cut grass added to the overall gracefulness of the beautiful garden… Which had remained untouched for millions of years. Everything here was stagnant. Yes, many things moved freely and worked, but nothing ever seemed to have any sort of life to it (And considering that the tower had a tree growing out of the roof, that’s quite the accomplishment)

Worse of all, it was basically empty. Though as the woman looked down at the tray of tea that she held, she was reminded that it wasn’t completely empty. But still…

“I hope I’m not being too presumptuous…” She continued on her way to the intimidating set of stairs that led to the tower’s open door. No matter what she thought of the overall scenery, she had to admit that there was a certain enchanting and mysterious feeling when approaching the top of the stairs; though nowhere near the feelings she had when she had first stepped foot here. “He won’t mind if I disturb him working, right?”

Without hesitation she strode right through the open double doors, the tea cups jittering along with her shaky hands. He always said I had too much energy… On the other side of the doors stood a relatively short hallway, dimly lit with a purple glow that enveloped the entire hallway, as well as giving the woman a small head ache. At the end of the hallway the walls opened out into a circular room full of strange diamond patterns, which looked more akin to unintentional smudges than an actual design littering the walls. There was a small window here and there that pulled light from the outside in, actually giving the illusion of life for the moment.

There were other ‘windows’ on the wall that simply held more strange patterns to make the room look more interesting, all glaring towards the centre, where a large table of solid oak stood firm. A tall man stood as well with his back to the woman, his black and white overcoat running right down to his feet, along with a blue cape that adorned his shoulder; the dark colours making his smoothed back bright crimson hair stand out. “You didn’t knock.” His voice rung loud throughout the empty room, his eyes not even leaving the scroll that he currently had down on the table.

At his sudden acknowledgment of her presence the woman almost dropped the tray cradled in her arms, but only just managed to balance it out before anything spilled out. “Oh! Uh, sorry. I didn’t mean to disturb you, Sir-“

The man stretched out his hand as a sign for her to stop, raising himself from his slightly crouched position and finally tearing his eyes away from the scroll, meeting the woman with a warm smile. “No harm done, Chronoa. But please, do remember common curtesy next time”

“Yes, Sir… Again, sorry for bothering you. But after going through my usual duties, I decided to bring you some tea!” Chronoa did not notice when the man’s face visibly fall at the prospect of her tea.

“You didn’t break anything, did you?”

“I didn’t break anything…” She chuckled nervously “…Important. Anyway, my own special brew. Sir.” Her head was lowered in a bow as she presented her brew to her superior, who took the cup with an expression that was in between a thankful smile and a grimace.

Immediately upon sipping the liquid within (His small apprentice now watching in anticipation) the man immediately felt sick. “I thought I insisted that you not trouble yourself with my drinks”

“It’s not too much trouble, really!” He sometimes wondered if she knew how wrong she was and was actually trying to poison him this whole time.

“Sadly, I do not have time to savour the taste” While work was a neatly covenant excuse, it was still true that work had been exceptionally piling up over the past few years. Due to unforeseen conditions from the ‘outside’. Setting the rest of the tray down, the pink skinned Kai made her way over to beside the man as he turned his attention back to the scroll, where only now did she begin to notice the purple aura that began to waft around the scroll like gas.

“What’s wrong with the scroll?”

“Another change” The man’s face soured at the sight. On the old and spread out parchment a picture had developed, the image began to shift to different views of the same environment and soon into movement, like a clip show transitioning into a full blown video. In it the two bore witness to a boy with hair of pure gold moving through the air at a speed that was barely visible to either, flipping in place before glaring down out of the view of the frame, before pushing his hands forward and screaming as he fired out a huge blast of ki down below him. “Somewhere in this world yet another change has taken place, another wrench thrown in the wheel of balance. But I’m afraid I’m having a hard time finding the change. All I know is that earth is its origin. In the same 'place' as last time”

Chronoa sighed briefly, in all her time spent working under the older man, Earth had been the very heart where all their problems pooled from. “The earthlings again?”

“While they may not have asked for it, their planet seem to have become the stage for the next universal disaster” Raising his hand he called forth a staff from the corner of the room.

“Disaster!? But, we don’t if the change is that bad…”

“Chronoa.” He gazed at her with a solemn expression, his other hand reaching out to grip her shoulder. “In all my centuries as the Supreme Kai of Time I’ve learned many things. The most important that being no matter the intentions, good or bad, messing around with time never ends well. Not only is it a sin in of itself, but it threatens all of existence. With the last few times we’ve only been lucky, but with each minute an echo of time makes the struggle all the more impossible”

She wanted to respond, but she could only start chewing the inside of her lip as a feeling of embarrassment started to flood her mind. She should have known that already. “You’re right, Sir. But what do we do then?”

“The only thing we can do. Wait. Oversee. And hope we are not required to take even more risk and intervene.”

A sigh of relief managed to escape from his lips for the first time in a while. Trunks Briefs dropped down to sit on the bench, a branded fizzy drink held loosely in his hands, its ice cold touch was a very relaxing combatant to the vigorous sweat that gushed down his exposed arms. It had been a long time since the half-saiyan man had been able to kickback for more than a minute, not that he would complain. Every second he and his mother spent breaking their backs in rebuilding the world around them, was a second he would savour. Yes, even for someone who could balance a sun on one hand with little effort, the constant work over the years was more than a little exhausting even if worth it.

And as his gaze swept over the newly rebuilt town square he could feel a large smile grace his lips, a smile he hadn’t felt since all those years ago after Cell’s demise, when the sun finally peeked over the edge of the world to greet him. Earth was a planet of very stubborn people, even after the androids had seemingly left the planet desolate, the Earth was still able to pull itself back together.

The first town to pull back together was Orange Star City, the city where it all ended. Where the pair of demons that ravaged the world was put down for good. The city was being built up as a beacon of hope, to show that the world wasn’t over yet, so its reconstruction was top priority. In the square that was just across the road from the newly built mayor’s office, the ground had been fitted with actual grass that looked like a soft green blanket, a few ponds sprinkled around the square filled with fresh water. Couple that with the sun’s golden gaze, the large bushy trees sprouting from the ground and the (annoying) chirps of random species of birds, it was quite a beautiful sight to behold.
“And just in time for the world to celebrate its eighth year of… Peace” It wasn’t as peaceful as Trunks would have liked, criminals were still a problem, growing bolder since the merciless androids left the picture. But surprisingly, there was much less than before; apparently criminals are a little jumpy when they know there exists a man who does care about the law who can also kill you with just his finger.

Eight years? Has it really been eight years? The thought brought a chuckle out of Trunks’s mouth, though still broken up, just one glance at the street and you’d never guess how it was basically a wasteland only eight years prior. Earth had managed to put those days behind it. And for Trunks, that was truly a miracle. I wish you could have been here to see this, Gohan. Most of this is thanks to you, and yet you’ll never get the praise you deserve… Drudging up memories of his old mentor was cut short when Trunks heard it. A low foot step. Slow, cautious, someone was sneaking up on him. Soon after he could hear their failed attempts to hide their breathing, as they neared him a pebble came into contact with their foot, dragging bits of dirt as it nosily rolled forward. And his ‘attacker’ didn’t seem to notice.

Trunks sighed. And in one swift motion was on his feet with his arm lazily pushed out to block the incoming blow from his attacker’s foot. “Oh common!” Moaned the attacker as their combat boots were easily pushed away from Trunks. He traded a cocky smirk with his attacker, her short raven hair now draping over her charcoal eyes after he shoved her back. Her eyes came down collectively to return his smirk with a glare, pounding her gloved fists together before charging at him again with her fists raised high. The fist had quite a bit of force behind it, Trunks was confident that if he didn’t easily divert it away with his palm, it could have left a few good bruises. Either way he now dealt with her other fist much the same way, though this time his fist batted her own away just so it could reach down to grab her by her green camo shirt.

With a fist full of green fabric, he yanked her towards him, while twisting his body to place himself beside her as his leg came under to sweep jean-clad legs off the ground. Now that the girl realised her situation se could only pout at the man’s smug grin before he slammed her to the ground with his hand.

“Truuuunks! No fair, you cheated.” The girl whined as Trunks let go of her, returning to his seat on the bench.

He raised a quizzical brow at her accusation. “I cheated? Weren’t you the one who was sneaking up on a guy just trying to relax?”

“You knew I was there the entire time, didn’t you?”


“Smug bastard…” Said smug bastard merely grinned at the girl’s grumbled insult, waving his finger in her face.

With a teasing tone he spoke “Son Pan, what did your mother say about swearing?” Emphasising her full name to annoy the girl even further, she had spoiled his relaxation and she would pay for it. As predicted she continued to pout and groan as she sat herself on the bench next to him.

“Mom says a lot of things… But it’s my solemn duty as a delinquent to ignore them” She was slumped next to Trunks, only coming around to just over his hip in height. He resisted a chuckle that she of all people would use such an old-timey sounding word

“Aren’t you a little old to be a delinquent?” As he spoke he finally got around to opening up his can, giving it a refreshing sip.

“Can I have some?” Pan piped up as the heavenly cold liquid just began to drip down his parched throat. She now held enormous eyes and an equally sweaty and pathetic face, perfect for tricking gullible and nice people. Trunks was such a person and eventually handed the can over to Pan. As expected the girl ‘accidentally’ downed the whole can in her thirst, leaving none left for Trunks, to which she noticed when she attempted to hand it back to him. “Oh, I’m so sorry! I guess I got carried away there, huh?” She frowned, shaking the can again to try and hear more liquid, but no dice. “D-don’t worry, I’ll go get you another one! Where did you get it!?”

“It’s fine, Pan” The man shrugged, thinking to himself Yep, she is her Grandfather’s Granddaughter. Son Pan had been a troublesome (As his father would put it) brat since day one, all the way back to when Videl had first given birth to the little ‘Rebel’. Who had then proceeded to punch Trunks in his face when the boy had attempted to hold her baby self.

“Alright, I admit it. You kicked my ass back there. But that’s just a onetime thing!” After Trunks cleared her of all guilt for the can stealing incident, Pan went back to rant about Trunks beating her yet again. “I mean, if I got some training from some ultra-powerful, Android killing, sword wielding master. I would totally win” That marked a stark difference Pan had with her father as Trunks had learned after his trip to the past, she was always striving to be like the stories she had heard about her grandpa. The Legendary Goku. Where Gohan fought because he had to, Pan fought because she loved it.

“You want me to train you?” Honestly, Trunks felt flattered by the suggestion, the daughter of Son Gohan asking HIM for training. Thought considering Trunks still had much to learn himself, he couldn’t really imagine himself in a teaching role.

“It makes perfect sense! My dad trained you, so it’s kind of like you passing on the family torch!” The girl now had her arms behind her head, fixing Trunks with a determined stare. She was really fixated on this. He supposed it wouldn’t hurt to train another up someone else to protect the Earth if he’s ever absence during a major threat (Really, with this planet’s record. Eight years was even more of a miracle), though he doubted that anything would come that would really be that big of a threat. Makes me think of how it went for Pan in the past. Would she still even exist there? Did Gohan even meet Videl?

“I’ll think about it…”

With that classic Son smile the little girl jumped into the air “That’s basically a yes, right? AHA! I’ll show you, Old Man. You won’t regret it!”

So, Gohans her father and Videl is her mother… So, who the hell did she inherit her attitude from!?


The dark hallway was littered with what remained of Dr Gero’s underground lab, various chunks of rock had collapsed in on the now broken equipment that had made up the room. With the sea of darkness flooding what at the moment could be considered a cave, the only source of light that scared away the shadows for a brief moment was the instantaneous flash of sparks that came from loose wiring. None of this phased the lone visitor that calmly walked over the destroyed corpse of Gero’s lab, a calm grace to her step as her bandaged hand came up to the green scouter that slightly illuminated her pale forehead. “You sure this is the place; all I’m seeing is scrap metal”

“I’m sure. All signs point to there… They should be right below you, if you look around maybe you can find a trap d-” Before the deep voice on the other end could finish his response the woman had raised her hand and let out a small blast of ki into the ground. “Or you could risk harming them like the reckless monkey you are”

“If that blast destroyed them, I wouldn’t be down here in the first place” She stated bluntly as her body hovered over the hole she had created, enabling her to stare down a dark abyss where she could only just tell that there was something below. “He’s got a sub-lab in his sub-lab? What a weird guy”

“Dr Gero wasn’t the most predictable man from what I heard”

Lowering herself down the hole the woman faced the ever familiar walls of weakened rock with a look of boredom, each inch deeper made it slightly harder to breathe. “Someone wrecked this place up good, think the half-breed had a tantrum after he broke Gero’s toys?” Soon her feet finally touched the ground with a soft and echoey thump, creating a ball of light in her hand to make it easier to see. “Found em” Within second she spotted what she had come for aligned neatly in a row at the side of the room, it seemed that whoever destroyed the upstairs lab didn’t even come close to touching this one. As she shone her ball of light on the what she could see were pods, she could read the writing clearly, even if a bit dusty.

13 – 14 – 15

“Activate them”[/spoiler]

Chapter 2: Kaioshin under attack! The Deadly Trio VS Kaioshin

[spoiler]White locks were joined with various beads of sweat that dripped down a crimson forehead, an invisible force seemingly putting pressure on the large man who stood perched on a hill top, his arms out stretched towards a solid block of some dark material. With every moment he gave off a grunt, struggling away with his invisible ‘attacker’ as his eyes focused directly on the block that towered over him.

“Kibito, I think it’s about time you stopped for a rest” The voice of the Supreme Kai roused the attendant away from his focus, briefly putting his telekinetic training on hold. He voiced no questions in response to his superior, only followed the advice given. For around an hour now Kibito had been hard at work sharpening his telekinetic abilities, which now and again had become an extremely handy tool both on and off battle, but while Kibito had years of experience; there was always room for improvement.

With no hesitation the attendant turned his back to the block and made his way down the hill back towards the Supreme Kai (Or Shin, as he liked to be called), who now stood in an almost guard-like position under the shadow of the large tree behind him. As Kibito continued down the hill he glanced off to the side where the crimson hilt of the legendary Z Sword still poked into view, the rest of the sword currently impaled through the ground beneath it. As it had been for centuries.
“Did you require something, Supreme Kai?” Kibito questioned when he came to a stop just a short distance away from the rather vertically challenged god, watching Shin look down into the depths of his all-seeing orb.

Shin himself merely offered his attendant a smile. “Not at all, I simply didn’t wish for you to push yourself too hard. I still need you with me for the very moment we find Babidi”

At the mention of the green skinned prune Kibito frowned. The past few weeks had been nothing but space hoping from every hole in the entire quadrant, turning every stone and looking down every crack for the sinister wizard known as Babidi. A vile maniac set on releasing an evil more destructive than the universe had ever witnessed. A creature responsible for the previous Eastern Kai to now be the lone Supreme Kai. Well, in this universe.

“The fiend has now turned back to set his sights on Earth, I know it” This had been the fifth planet that Shin had referred to as such, though Kibito refused to point this out.

Though the man didn’t resist voicing the most obvious question. “Why Earth? If I recall correctly, isn’t that planet just a smouldering wasteland now? Surely not the most fitting location to find energy”

Shin face fell to a much darker scowl towards the orb nestled amongst the tall blades of grass. “Not so. These days the inhabitants seem to have made their situation better, though I as far as I can see there’s no one of note that Babidi could take energy from. There are much more lively planets in the galaxy next to it… Unless…”
“He no longer needs the energy.”

“Could he be on his way to resurrect Buu right now? How would he know…?” Shin’s question was more directed at himself, he had personally saw to the location of the trapped Buu’s burial ground, deep under the Earth’s crust. At the time it had seemed like such a good hiding place. Could Babidi have found it somehow? What other reason would the Wizard of had for going to a planet that lacked the energy he needed?

Kibito shook his head forcefully. “Evil such as him are crafty, he would of found it one day…”

“There’s always the chance that I’m completely wrong, and I have been before… But even a small chance of that… Monster being released is something we need to look into” Shin raised his two fingers up to his forehead, his other hand reaching out towards his body guard. “We’ll head to earth to investigate. And if we’re lucky, we’ll find and destroy Babidi just like we did Bibidi”

“Eh, I reckon you have as much chance at doing that as your butler there has of moving that cube. But, I guess if a pip squeak like you can be called a God, stranger things can happen” The voice that sought to insult Shin confused the man for a brief moment, the accent sounding akin to what earthlings would refer to as a ‘Southern Drawl’.

“Kibito! This is no time for impr-“ Before his brain could even register what was going on, Shin found Kibito’s hand shooting forward to give him a forceful shove. At the exact moment of the shove, a large blast of golden energy shot past the man’s eyes, just managing to brush against the skin of his nose. With a stinging sensation flooding the tip of his nose, the Supreme Kai realised that it wasn’t his bodyguard making insulting remarks.

“What do ya’ think, Pip Squeak? Can a corpse ruffle a Space Wizard’s feathers?” A chuckle followed the voice this time, prompting Shin to spin around to face the unwelcome intruder. The chuckle seemed to belong to the large man that sat casually on a protruding rock, with the smuggest grin he could muster enveloping his face as he stared straight at Shin, pure glee shining in his eyes while completely ignoring Kibito. “You know, us folks down on the farms find staring to be really… How’d you holy folks put it? Uncivilised?” Silver locks, peachy skin, green vest and a trucker hat? This man certainly didn’t look like someone who was supposed to be in the Realm of the Kias.

“W-who are you!? W-why? What? HOW!?” The Supreme being managed to stumble over all of his words, the shock of the situation easily ripping his calm demeanour away from him. His stumbles only became more frequent as he reached out with his mind to try and gauge the intruder’s power, but to his horror he found that there was nothing there to sense. It wasn’t a low ki count. It was like there was no ki at all, yet the man had been able to blast at Shin with such ease. “What’s this? Kibito, I can’t sense his energy!”

Turning towards his bodyguard for confirmation, Shin found that Kibito wore a similar look of surprise, though the man had regained his composure and moved forward to stand in between the attacker and Shin. “Neither can I, Supreme Kai. He must be hiding his power from us somehow…”

A sour look could be seen dawning on the man’s face as the tip of his finger pushed up his trucker hat, a sequence of tuts produced by his lips. “Now, ya see I know I didn’t make the best impression charging in here like an uncontrollable bull. But I find it mighty insulting dat y’all would just talk about me like I ain’t around”

With a loud battle cry Kibito charged in at the large country boy, disappearing before the man’s eyes to close the distance between them. The Intruder didn’t even seem to flinch as Kibito closed in on him with fists shooting out to give the man a heavy blow to the head. It felt strange just how little the man had attempted to put up some sort of guard, judging by his bulging build Kibito could tell that the man was a fighter in some way, but made no effort to react; was the man really so confident that Kibito’s punch would be ineffective?

Kibito’s first came into contact with something hard that wasn’t even moved an inch, something that clearly the flesh and blood that Kibito had expected to hit. It was a hand that now blocked the attack, and as a slight gleam was reflected in the hand, Kibito realised that it was made of some sort of metal.

“Oh, gosh darn. And with all that fuss I forgot to introduce my pals over here” The man Kibito intended to hit brought himself to his feet, pushing on past his metal bodied friend that stood blocking Kibito’s punch. “They’re a shy lot, so show them a little patience. Will ya, Mr Butler? Thanks”

The Bodyguard’s eyes glared up at his new foe, faced with only an emotionless expression in return. The metal man was yet another big brute in appearance, a long raven ponytail running down his back as he awaited Kibito’s next move. Wait… They!? Kibito’s realisation came all too late as before he could even attempt to jump back, a sharp pain spread throughout his wait as the result of a small object digging into his back.

As this happened the original man had now completely passed Kibito and headed straight for Shin, the Supreme Kai tore his eyes away from his distracted bodyguard to face the laughing southerner, pushing his own body into a fighting stance. “14, 15. Play nice. I’ve gotta teach shorty here some manners in how he treats guests”
“You heard the Boss-man, 14. Let’s show this player how we move” Another accent that neither Kibito nor Shin had ever heard came from what Kibito assumed the be his rear attacker. And by deduction, Mr 15. 14’s fingers down contracted to crush the attendent’s fist in an iron grip, his knee rising up and lodging itself in Kibito’s stomach.

This took the wind out of Kibito for a while, but he did not allow this to deter him for too long. Immediately fighting through the pain Kibito struggled to raise his other hand and ram it into 14’s head, sending the metal man back a little, but doing nothing to break the hand’s grip on him arm. Unfortunately, 14 used this chance to yank Kibito up by his hand alone and hold the man in place for a very short purple man with an over-the-top green hat to appear, his puffy pink lips smirking in delight as he rammed hat-first into Kibito’s body.

Before Kibito could register the pain of another blow to the stomach his entire body was sent rocketing backward, he assumed that he might be given some time to recover and charge back at his foes (They did seem like the type to wait for him to get back up so they could take time to laugh), but he quickly caught sight of the now airborne 14 hot on his trail.


The sweet smell of progress was in the air. Well, there was sweat as well, a little blood and a lot of copper, but overall; progress! At least, that’s what Bulma Briefs smelled as she watched the construction site from atop her hover-scooter. Various men and woman currently rushed about the site, bobbing and weaving past each other, some with some tool or another in hand.

They had only started rebuilding the neighbourhood a month ago, and yet so far they had managed to progress over the half way point in so little time, it was truly astonishing for what had been a graveyard beforehand. But, as it was said these days: Give Bulma a screwdriver, a goal, a few dedicated men and that woman will work miracles. Bulma herself looked better than she had in decades, even with a few wrinkles here and there, her skin was had lost the years of stress that used to weigh it down. Turns out that not having to live in fear of a psychotic android kicking down your door does wonders for your skin.

When she started up the Revitalization Project even she had not expected so many people to apply to help, but she would never complain, they were a big help. They started in Orange Star City of course, rebuilding the most important buildings like the Mayor’s Office, the high school, before moving on to housing itself.
The plan was to remake the whole neighbourhood from the ground up to be the beautiful, friend and liveable community it was before the Androids came along and destroyed everything. Make society a functional one again, they already had selected a new mayor for Orange Star City, enlisted security to knock back against any criminal activity and overall keep the workers safe. Though while the houses were being built, citizens were living inside camps around the city, set up with tents and a steady food supply.

“Miss Briefs?” A man had approached her while she was admiring the view, he held a thick wooden clip board and seemed very rigid in his stance. Bulma had hired him as her field manager for when she couldn’t be in the area. “We’re experiencing a few problems, various reports of technical malfunctions, animal habitats obstructing some of our work… Oh, and your new engineers are here” He held up a smoking device that had obviously exploded in some poor sod’s hand.

With a sigh Bulma took the tool in her hand and fixed the man with a professional stare. “Alright, tell the workers to start busting out our less convenient tools and to take all technology over to the storage shed, I don’t want to chance an accident occurring. Ill inspect the ‘obstructions’ later, but for now have em work around it” The man furiously wrote down her words as she dished out orders, hovering past him and beckoning him to follow. “Where are the newbies?”

“Uh, down here!” A female voice yelped as Bulma brought her ride to an abrupt stop, looking down she discovered that she was close to running over three very odd looking people. Specifically a tall woman in tattered dark clothing, a small dog in a skin tight ninja suit and… some sort of goblin creater in a clown outfit? Overall, Bulma was confused. “Mam!”

“You’re my new assistant Engineers?”

“Yes, mam!” Chirped the tall woman, though looking at her face you would say that she was absolutely terrified of Bulma for some reason.

The strange Goblin creature spoke up “Mai, be quiet. I’ll do the talking here!” His voice was scratchy and loaded in ego, Bulma was already annoyed listening to it. “Greetings! I, the great and loyal Pilaf, am here to help you with all of your technical needs” The Goblin’s face contorted into a pretty pathetic sight, attempting to suck up to her when he clearly didn’t want to.

And so the Dog began to speak “You must have heard of him, he used to-“ But was cut off by ‘Pilaf’ smacking the poor animal over the head.

“Shut it, Shew! You can’t just spill the beans like that!”

“Sorry, Sire... I just thought she’d remember us” This made Bulma tilt her head, she had never met any of these people in her entire life.

“Remember you? Have we met?”

Mai and Shew seemed awe struck by the question “H-have we!? You mean you don’t remember us at all?”


“We’re not even a little familiar looking?” Mai asked almost hopefully

“Look, I don’t know you and I don’t need to. All I need is to know that you guys are up for the job… And will be willing to do it quietly” For my sanity’s sake. Immediately Bulma whipped around on her vehicle and started to hover away at a slow pace. “I’ll take you to our supply shed, you can help my assistant repair these tools”

What Bulma could not see or hear from behind her was both Mai and Shu fighting to hold Pilaf back, the little goblin trying to rush up and attack Bulma. “I am the great Emperor Pilaf! I will not stand for this insult, I’m important enough to be remembered by some stuck up rich brat!” His words didn’t come out as loud when he wheezed them out through Mai’s hand.

“It doesn’t matter what she thinks, Sire. We’ll always remember you!” The Dog quietly assured his Master, while Mai nodded in agreement.

“Sire, we’ve been starved for years by now. Please don’t blow our one chance to earn some food because of your pride!” At this Pilaf stopped for a moment, glancing down at his small blue belly, growling like a terrible beast.

“Hmm… You’re right, maybe I’m being a bit too hasty… I mean, who cares what that Old Hag thinks. Yeah, with all those wrinkles and sagg-“ The dwarf’s insult was cut short when a sound that Pilaf sword was a T-Rex, broke out over them.

“I thought I said, FOLLOW ME!” Bulma’s roar from far away could be heard across the entire site

Pilaf and co instantly rushed towards her, screaming out ‘’YES, MISS BULMA, MAM!”

In a few moments the trio had ran all the way towards a more than a little moody Bulma, who scowled down at them from atop her ‘perch’, a look that brought a whole new meaning to the words ‘If looks could kill!’. “If you can’t follow simple instructions I can easily throw you out right now”

“No, please! WE’RE SORRY!” Pilaf cried out, falling to his knees. “We were just distracted your youthful looks and grace!”

“But weren’t you just talking about her sagg-“

“SHUT UP, SHU!” Pilaf barked at the creature beside him, before turning his gaze back to BUlma with an agonizingly forced smile. The woman seemed to have taken Pilaf’s compliment well, a proud smile taking over her demonic glare.

“Well, yes. I suppose that’s excusable… Just try not to do it again, or you’ll have my assistant to deal with” She let out a chuckle before leading the Trio into a large oval-shaped shed, a sign with ‘Supplies!’ crudely drawn on with felt tip, accompanied by a few smiley faces. I still regret letting Pan write the signs…

“Y-your assistant?” Mai stuttered, it didn’t sound that bad, but for some reason she felt a bit uneasy as Bulma pushed open the door.

The blue haired woman looked back to shoot the trio a playful smirk (Which to them looked more like a demonic smile), before steping to the side to let the three enter “You’ll love him, he’s like a giant teddy bear!”

On the inside they found it very easy to spot the man instantly within the shed, with the white and blue patterns that adorned the wall, his bright green colour scheme and enormous stature proved quite eye-catching. The man currently held a large crate in hand, though was seemingly caught up with something outside the window in front of him as he now stood frozen in place.

As he turned around to greet the ones who were disturbing his work, the Pilaf gang noticed that he was so tall that his ginger flame of a Mohawk currently bumped into the ceiling. Aside from his bulky build and sizable hands, the man looked rather friendly… Well, until he spoke. “Greetings, I am designated as Android 16. It is a pleasure to mak-“

The reaction was instant, the trio all open their mouths wider then humanly possible to let out a harmony of screams in the chorus of fear . “ANDROID!” Instantly Pilaf turn to run back but Bulma was there blocking his with an almost too amused look on her face. “Get out of the way, there’s a killer android in the room. WE NEED TO RUN!”

Soon Bulma broke out into laughter at the absolutely terrified faces of the Pilaf gang. “Now, now. Don’t talk about 16 like that, he’s a sweetheart. He wouldn’t hurt a fly”
“Correction: I am completely capable of harm; I simply choose not to inflict it. I do not wish to hurt” The android softly put the crate down and approached the door with an almost guilty expression (The Pilaf Gang still trying to find a means of escape), offering his palm when he reached them all. “I am sorry if I scared you, but I can’t change what I am. If you will let me, I hope we can be friends”

“F-friends?” Shu seemed to suddenly have sparkles invade his eyes as he thought of the possibility of having what was basically a giant action figure as a friend.
Pilaf elbowed both Mai and Shu to come close so that he could whisper between them “If we had a killer android in our pocket, we’d be invincible! I mean, not even that Goku-kid could beat them”

“Will you be my friend? I am always looking for more, and we can make this world a better place by helping Bulma. Unless you intend to harm any of the Briefs or their friends. Then I’m afraid we can’t be friends, because I will have to terminate you” It was hard to find any actual tone in his voice, the only hint of emotion they could get were his deadpan expressions. Either way, the Pilaf Gang just had to take one good look at his monstrous shoulders before smiling.

“Of course! Friends for ever and all that!” The room filled with nervous laughter “Hehe, why would anyone want to hurt any of the Briefs? That’s just insane!”

16 only offered them a smile, bowing his head in respect. “Thank you, new friends”
It was a hard task for Shin to not start watching Kibito’s brawl with the strange clothed duo, but the Kai had more a bigger threat to deal with at the moment and he was confident that his bodyguard could handle these intruders. “Why are you doing this?” His eyes became locked in a harsh staring contest between him and the man, the two now circling each other, daring the other to make the first move. “Are you with Babidi?”

“Don’t ya worry, little man. I’m just a simple man, with a simple goal. And it just so happens they include one dead purple son-of-a-bitch. The name’s 13” Shin launched himself at the man, staring off the fight with a spinning kick aimed at the man’s chest, though 13 was quick enough to bring his arm up and block the kick. “Your unlucky number” 13’s arm swung forward, catching Shin in the shoulder and sending him right back to the ground.

But Shin was quick to react and landed firmly on his feet, immediately pushing to attack as he leaped up into the air gracefully, unleashing a barrage of fists on 13’s head. Some of the blows were blocked or dodged by 13’s constant ducks and dukes, but many managed to land home, the constant barrage pushing the large man back every few blows. However with every fist that connected Shin gradually felt more and more like he was hitting a solid slab of katchin, couple that with the smug look on 13’s features that endured the beating, Shin doubted that he was actually doing that much damage.

Seeing no further point in beating on the man’s rather hard head, the Supreme Kai instead opted to drop down low and attempt to swipe at the man’s legs, intending to unbalance 13 by ramming his fists into the side of the man’s knees. But thinking quickly 13 threw himself backwards, pulling his body into the air and landing on his out stretched open palm. Giving room for the giant beast of a man to swing his legs through the air and send a kick towards Shin, the attack was so quick that Shin couldn’t fully dodge it, instead changing the victim of the attack to be his back.

This time Shin made a bit more than a dent when he hit the ground, the effects of the fight now starting to shred into his clothing, blood and bruises littering his lower body. Sluggishly, Shin dragged himself forward, trying to push himself to his feet. But the best he could do before 13’s foot came down on him was flip his body over so he could at least witness the man wiping a knuckle against his bruised cheek.

“Gotta admit, little man. You had more spunk than I ever could have guessed. I reckon dat if this weren’t business, I would have let you scarper off for that surprise” With yet another chuckle 13 shot the tip of his foot into Shin’s stomach, sending the small kai across the grass in a bloodied heap.

“Damn it!” The Supreme Kai screamed at 13, watching as the man proceeded to rub aware the muck on his cheek some more, revealing a slight grey tint just under the layer of ‘flesh’. “Y-you’re a machine!”

“Bingo. See, there’s a brain in that fine thick skull of yours after all!”

Back with Kibito it hadn’t taken a fighting genius to realise 14’s intentions as the metal man gained on Kibito, 14 now moving his body to aim downwards, planning to come down like a hammer on what he thought was a helpless Kibito. Taking action immediately, Kibito let out a grunt as he flipped his body around just as 14 began his straight nose dive into Kibito, allowing Kibito to make a crash landing on his feet. Though he didn’t have the balance to stay of his feet, Kibito was at least able to stomp his feet with enough force to throw himself to the side, just avoiding 14’s attack.

The android however upon witnessing Kibito move out of his collision path only had a split second to make up a plan, on instinct given to him by his sub-routines 14 pushed out his hands to support his landing, but at this speed the landing would not be a clean one. When his open palms collided with the ground 3 feet of dust enveloped the android’s vision, but no sort of crater was visable, as a whole his landing had left nothing but a dent in the ground. This came as surprising 14 a bit, he expected much more of an impact site. The surface of the planet here must have been much more durable then he thought.

It wasn’t long before his scanners picked up signs of movement just off to his side, quickly he pushed himself upwards back onto his feet, only to be met with Kibito’s fist slamming against his eye sockets with an audible crack. As the dust cleared Kibtio had managed to get back on his feet and took no hesitation in charging his foe, he successfully staggered the android with his punch, following the blow with another to swing the android’s head in another direction.

It was expected that 15 would be there seconds later to help his comrade, but that didn’t give Kibito enough time to avoid the purple dwarf’s hand digging into his sides, forcing the crimson skinned attendant to stop his assault on 14 “Hey, Red. I hope you didn’t forget about little ol’ me” With great effort, Kibito leaped back away from the chiding and annoying voice. “Don’t be like that, we don’t mean nothing. 14 was being friendly is all”

Kibito could only glare at the two seemingly unscaved monstrosities that didn’t show the least bit of apprehension about facing him, as his voice got caught up in his throat, Kibito realised that he was scared. It was obvious that the two together could easily overpower him, and if the other man is their boss, chances are that he’s even stronger. We need to retreat. Live and fight another day Just to mock the fallen bodyguard, the dwarf pulled out a small metal flask, popping off the top of it with a smirk. “Rest for a minute, Old Timer. I gotta loosen up my circuits”

It was the perfect opportunity. 14 was waiting for 15 to give the go ahead, and 15 was taking his sweet time chugging away at his liquid. Now was their chance to escape, Kibito just had to grab Shin and get the hell out of there. Unfortunately, when looking over to his superior Kibito discovered that Shin was in an even worse situation. Shin now struggled to stand against 13, who was merely stalking towards Shin as if he were a hungry predator. With one flick of his index finger 13 fired a crimson ki blast that penetrated Shin’s chest in an instant, forcing the Kai to his knees.

I have to act now… Kibito turned back to the duo who still stood tauntingly, the fact that they still stood felt like an insult. He wouldn’t be able to do anything with them still there, he had to distract them for at least thirty seconds, then he could give Shin a chance. With a sigh Kibito pushed his hands behind his back and let his head drop into some sort of miniature bow. “I… I concede… I am no match for you”

“Pffft, you give up? What kind of whack-ass bodyguard are you?” The dwarf voice was especially annoying when he thought he was victorious, releasing a sigh of content when ripping the flask away from his lips. In Kibito’s hands he began to charge up some ki in his hidden palms, he hoped he had enough time, as soon as either of the two got close enough they’d realise what he’s doing. “Hmpf, maybe I did overdo it. Don’t care either way. Better just get this over with, 14, erase em”

“B-But wait!” I need more time!

“What now? It’s too late to beg for your life” Almost there…

“I have some… final words…” Kibito kept his gaze fixed at the ground, it was hard to keep a straight face as he gathered energy in his hands, each step 14 took made him more nervous. It was fortunate that neither of the two seemed to be able to sense his energy.

“Yeah, and I have some words as well. I don’t care”

It was now or never. The air seemed to pool around Kibito’s palms as he finished charging, taking one step back and bringing his arms back around his body, giving off one final cry before bringing them together. “SHOCKWAVE!” Immediately the air around them crackled as an invisable force cracked through it, causing an audible thunder-like fizzle as it all rushed towards he duo, hitting them dead on and bringing them right off their feet.
With no time to spare Kibito pivoted on his foot to see 13 getting closer and closer to Shin, netiher able to hear the commotion going on with Kibito. He thrusted his hands outwards again, this time reaching forth with his mind, his time now limited. It felt as if cords travelled from his mind down to his hands, shooting out from the tips of his fingers all the way to 13.

“What in tarnation!?” 13 cursed out as he felt something reach out and wrap around his body, clamping down on both of his arms. Whatever the force was, it packed an amazing amount of strength, no matter how much the android struggled the cords just would not budge. Throwing his head back to look at his attacker, he was immediately surprised to spot Kibito seemingly pulling 13 back, off to the side 14 and 15 were still recovering from the shockwave. “Get up ya lazy varmits! This cowboy has his lasso around my neck!”

Kibito only let out one scream before 14 and 15 got back to their feet, taking off towards Kibito who now had no way to defend himself. The kid gloves were off. “NOW!”
Looking back to Shin 13 could only grit his teeth and brace himself, Shin now stood back up again (A hole still in his chest), his hands crackling with blue energy; the very ground shook around them as he prepared the attack. “This is the sacred world of the kais. AND YOUR KIND ARE NOT WELCOME!” With that he unleashed a furious pulsating blue blast upon the unmovable 13, the blast quickly enveloping the large man until he was practically invisible.

14 rammed his hand straight through Kibito’s stomach, with nothing to defend himself with thanks to his efforts to hold 13, this blow left only a gaping hole. Then 15 took the chance to jump up and smash his foot across Kibito’s head, though the hit almost wasn’t felt, after all the wounds of the battle started to take effect, Kibito began to feel a wave of numbness overtake him. “I-I…failed…” Side-by-side 14 and 15 raised their hands, both firing simple ki blasts to finish off their fallen foe.

“Clever bastard…” 15 growled stooping low to pick up his hat, it had been knocked off beforehand by the shockwave. It was then that his head turned to witness the aftermath of Shin’s devastating attack, first being met with the sight of sprawling crater where 13 used to be standing, even annihilating the large tree behind him. “Well, someone’s been busy”

When Shin spotted the two walking over Kibito’s corpse to make their way over to him, he immediately found more fear in how eerily calm the two were. I just killed their comrade, yet why do they still look so.. Confident?

“You played the game well enough” The Dwarf gave his sarcastic congratulations “But in the end, ya still lost. Pity”

That’s when Shin realised that now he could feel another energy approaching this time, he twisted his body to look for the energy signature behind him, though that was when she decided to speak. “Excellent, even when outnumbered and overpowered you still stand to fight. You may be a weakling, but you at least you still have spirit” She stood atop the hilt of the Z Sword looking down on Shin, adorning a familiar crimson Yardranian garb as bottoms, her dark white suit of Saiyan armor was instantly recognisable, a furry tail wrapping itself lovingly around her waist.

“W-what are you people doing here!?” Her cruel smile strained against her unnatural looking skin. Pale skin tone, cracks spreading around her face like a disease and the bandages that wrapped around various body parts gave her the appearance of an almost decaying corpse. Even her long withered hair looked as if it was pulling off her skin.

“Nothing personal, worm. Or I would have joined in” Her hollow laugh seemed to echo across the planet in Shin’s mind, even his eyesight started to go a bit peculiar, a strange smell rising in front of his nose. Something was terribly wrong. The woman now floated just above the Z Sword with her cruel grin still reigning, looking down at the mystical sword of legend. “So, this is the Z sword? Let’s see how durable it is” With a flick of her wrist a Ki blast was let loose on the relic, immediately incinerating it where it stood. “Some legendary sword”

“No! You destroyed it!” Shin crid out in despair, his vision barely holding together enough to create a clear picture. “Why… If you’re not with Babidy, why are you doing this!?”

Gloved hands suddenly took hold of Shin’s head, pulling him up into the air as the familiar southern accent behind 13’s mad laughter rang in his ears. But... But I threw everything I had at him... Pain sprang up again as the android’s hands began to push more pressure on Shin’s skull, threatening to break it if the pressure continued to increase, all Shin could do I the face of it all was scream against the pain “Let’s just say, Pip Squeak, we needed some insurance”

And with one final sickening crack, 13’s hands came together.[/spoiler]
Chapter 3: Enter the Tyrant of the Fallen Empire
Page 2
Chapter 4: Return of the Budokai Tenkichi Tournament
Page 2
Chapter 5: Meet the Rouge's Gallery
Page 2
Chapter 6: The Road Ahead - Pan's training begins!
Page 4
Chapter 7: Visitors from across the Galaxy - Meet the Armoured Squadron
Page 4
Chapter 8: A test of Endurance and Willpower - Pan's first lesson
Page 4
Chapter 9: Limits of a Guardian - The Apprentice Steps Forward!
Page 5
Chapter 10: A parent's concern - Don't be such a mom!
Page 5
Chapter 11: The Tyrant, the Apprentice and the Swamp
Page 6
Chapter 12: A Link to the Past!?
Page 6
Chapter 13: A Matter of Trust - Chorona and Cooler VS Soba and Suga
Page 6
Chapter 14: Battle Strategies
Page 6
Chapter 15: Lost in Memories of Better Days
Page 6
Chapter 16: A History Repeated - A Deal with a Sinful Sorcerer!
Page 6
Chapter 17: Strange Encounters
Page 7
Chapter 18: Look to the Stars Above
Page 7
Chapter 19: Without You & Me
Page 7
Chapter 20: Under Metal Flesh
Page 8
Chapter 21: Time Crisis
Page 8
Chapter 22:Old habits die hard - The tournament begins!
Page 8
Chapter 23: The Face Stealer
Page 8
Chapter 24: Pressing Matters - Trunks on the Hunt
Page 9
Chapter 25: Wishful Faces
Page 9
Chapter 26: Time for Action! The Tournament begins!
Page 9
Chapter 27: Self-insight or Self-Delusion?
Page 9
Chapter 28: Bad Blood
Page 9
Chapter 29: Power isn't everything - Popo The Genie
Page 9
Chapter 30: Under Pressure - The Genie's Trickery
Page 9
Chapter 31: Sage Words of the Pervy Master
Page 9
Chapter 32: Path to Damnation
Page 9
Chapter 33: Kasonna and the Schnitzel King, a battle of odd proportions
Page 9
Chapter 34: Mark of a Warrior - Trunks Under Attack!
Page 9
Chapter 35: Test your metal! - Android 14 VS Tao
Chapter 36: Trunks and the Time Cops
Chapter 37: Semi Finals, Semi Rivals
Chapter 38: Divine Intervention - Bulma's Ambition
Chapter 39: The Android Menace - Pan VS Android 15
Chapter 40: Take to the Skies - Trunks Arrives!
Chapter 41: 13, your unlucky number!
Chapter 42: An Emperor's Drive - Unexpected Interruption
Chapter 43: A word to the wise
Chapter 44: Showdown at Sundown
Chapter 45: Heart of the Machine
Chapter 46: Bloody Introductions - Dashade and Torne's arrival!
Chapter 47: Pan and the Sludge Doctor
Lost Invaders Arc

After the showdown in the Wasteland, the art of peace still evades the Earth. Cooler barely clings onto life and pride as he hunts down who ever dares to manipulate him, Android 13 plots his revenge in from the shadows and now Earth's last line of defence is faced with the possibility of Majin Buu's resurrection; which is only a smokescreen while the real threat lurks in the spectators seat, enjoying every moment of their suffering. And it only gets worse when Torne sets her eyes upon Pan as her new 'project' in her dreams of the Saiyan Race.
Rift Alliance Arc

With the defeat of Majin Buu, Earth's defenders can finally set their sights on the Nexus Force's base of operations. Tired of always being on the defensive, they decide to take the fight to the Nexus and end this conflict once and for all. But in a strange twist of events, this plan leads the group to be wrapped up in the web of history once more, as four of them find themselves sucked into a Time Rift. Leaving the defence of the Earth in the hands of it's own people as they're forced to deal with the Nexus's latest invasion force. All while Trunks and Co find themselves teleported to... Planet Vegeta!?
Demon Lord Rushifa Arc

"Let your fear drag you down, lest you be unfortunate enough to die for your pride. Let your heart weep as your home turns to dust. And when you gaze into the fire that consumes your planet, when the Omni-King's Palace lies in ruins at the mortal's doorstep; despair. It will make you stronger. Don't let the false promise of hope weaken you!"

Despair weighs heavily on the hearts of many as our so called Heroes return to Earth, surviving their previous encounter by the skin of their teeth,
only to be faced with the full impact of Rushifa's wrath. The full force of his invasion is unleashed as the Demon Realm's seal is broken, causing chaos to break across the universe, all only a stepping stone towards the real prize, the Omni King's Palace. Pan finds the rift between her and everything she holds dear growing, pressure pushing her towards a desperate and dark path. No matter their choices, as time collapses around them, it's clear; the final battle for the future has arrived!

Feedback is always welcome As long as it inflates my ego
Last edited by Kanassa on Mon Feb 19, 2018 7:19 pm, edited 39 times in total.
When Super apparently shoves Goku down our throats:

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FoolsGil wrote:I hope Mark is dead. But chances are the dragonballs will bring his stupid ass back. :D
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Re: Fanfiction: Dragon Ball - Another Road

Post by Captain Strawberry » Thu Sep 22, 2016 4:29 pm

I haven't read all as I am not into reading much. I might finish it, quickly skimmed some of it too.

The writing and description seems good.
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Re: Fanfiction: Dragon Ball - Another Road

Post by Kanassa » Fri Sep 23, 2016 4:04 pm

Captain Strawberry wrote:I haven't read all as I am not into reading much. I might finish it, quickly skimmed some of it too.

The writing and description seems good.
Thank you for reading! I hope the descriptions don't becom too boring or repetative at times.

Oh, and second chapter added.
When Super apparently shoves Goku down our throats:

Kanassa wrote:
FoolsGil wrote:I hope Mark is dead. But chances are the dragonballs will bring his stupid ass back. :D
- FoolsGil, Out of Context, 2017

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Re: Fanfiction: Dragon Ball - Another Road

Post by Captain Strawberry » Fri Sep 23, 2016 4:07 pm

Kanassa wrote:
Captain Strawberry wrote:I haven't read all as I am not into reading much. I might finish it, quickly skimmed some of it too.

The writing and description seems good.
Thank you for reading! I hope the descriptions don't becom too boring or repetative at times.

Oh, and second chapter added.

Dang! I haven't finished the first yet lol

Tip, it is really best to release chapters in small parts
Last edited by Captain Strawberry on Fri Sep 23, 2016 4:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fanfiction: Dragon Ball - Another Road

Post by Kanassa » Fri Sep 23, 2016 4:10 pm

Captain Strawberry wrote:
Tip, it is really best to release chapters in small parts
You mean as in keep the chapters shorter?
When Super apparently shoves Goku down our throats:

Kanassa wrote:
FoolsGil wrote:I hope Mark is dead. But chances are the dragonballs will bring his stupid ass back. :D
- FoolsGil, Out of Context, 2017

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Re: Fanfiction: Dragon Ball - Another Road

Post by Captain Strawberry » Fri Sep 23, 2016 4:13 pm

Kanassa wrote:
Captain Strawberry wrote:
Tip, it is really best to release chapters in small parts
You mean as in keep the chapters shorter?
Well yeah, doesn't have to be faster paced. You can cut the whole things in its own chapters. Instead of one big chapter with everything. This makes it more readable to us people who aren't big fans of reading.
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Re: Fanfiction: Dragon Ball - Another Road

Post by Kanassa » Fri Sep 23, 2016 4:15 pm

Captain Strawberry wrote:
Kanassa wrote:
Captain Strawberry wrote:
Tip, it is really best to release chapters in small parts
You mean as in keep the chapters shorter?
Well yeah, doesn't have to be faster paced. You can cut the whole things in its own chapters. Instead of one big chapter with everything. This makes it more readable to us people who aren't big fans of reading.
But putting them into different chapters wouldn't make reading them any easier, would it? It would be the same assortment of words,the same size, they'll just chave a different title betwween them. Or am I missing something? :D
When Super apparently shoves Goku down our throats:

Kanassa wrote:
FoolsGil wrote:I hope Mark is dead. But chances are the dragonballs will bring his stupid ass back. :D
- FoolsGil, Out of Context, 2017

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Re: Fanfiction: Dragon Ball - Another Road

Post by Captain Strawberry » Fri Sep 23, 2016 4:18 pm

Kanassa wrote:
Captain Strawberry wrote:
Kanassa wrote: You mean as in keep the chapters shorter?
Well yeah, doesn't have to be faster paced. You can cut the whole things in its own chapters. Instead of one big chapter with everything. This makes it more readable to us people who aren't big fans of reading.
But putting them into different chapters wouldn't make reading them any easier, would it? It would be the same assortment of words,the same size, they'll just chave a different title betwween them. Or am I missing something? :D
Yes you are correct. And they they would be chapters of their own with different titles.
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Re: Fanfiction: Dragon Ball - Another Road

Post by ekrolo2 » Fri Sep 23, 2016 4:27 pm

When I first skimmed the chapter and saw Pan and Trunks were the main Earth people, I assumed I was in for a post-GT fic but after actually reading it, I really like the idea of Trunks training Gohan's kid. Hopefully, their little cycle of masters dying so the student can advance doesn't continue for the two of them here :P

I'm not crazy about more Androids showing up in the future timeline but if you're reinventing them into something different, I'll be all for it. The movie versions of 13, 14 and 15 are pretty nothing characters no one would mind getting spiced up.
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Re: Fanfiction: Dragon Ball - Another Road

Post by Kanassa » Fri Sep 23, 2016 4:37 pm

ekrolo2 wrote:When I first skimmed the chapter and saw Pan and Trunks were the main Earth people, I assumed I was in for a post-GT fic but after actually reading it, I really like the idea of Trunks training Gohan's kid. Hopefully, their little cycle of masters dying so the student can advance doesn't continue for the two of them here :P
Don't give me ideas! :D
I'm not crazy about more Androids showing up in the future timeline but if you're reinventing them into something different, I'll be all for it. The movie versions of 13, 14 and 15 are pretty nothing characters no one would mind getting spiced up.
I do hope I can expand upon them a bit to make them more than their stereotypes, even if they are basically minions from a story perspective (Don't worry, I'm not just re-using the movie characters for the villains :D). Though I understand why they are the way they are, they were three villains of a DBZ movie, until BoG came around they only had around 40 minutes to make an impression on you, and they only have around 25 minutes of screentime.
When Super apparently shoves Goku down our throats:

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FoolsGil wrote:I hope Mark is dead. But chances are the dragonballs will bring his stupid ass back. :D
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Re: Fanfiction: Dragon Ball - Another Road

Post by Anime Kitten » Sun Sep 25, 2016 8:14 pm

Read Chapter 1. Really interested in the plot, as it seems to be going deep. Not reading #2 yet since it's, like... long. :D
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Re: Fanfiction: Dragon Ball - Another Road

Post by Kanassa » Sun Sep 25, 2016 8:29 pm

Anime Kitten wrote:Read Chapter 1. Really interested in the plot, as it seems to be going deep. Not reading #2 yet since it's, like... long. :D
Writing it made me realise why DBZ has all those cut aways during fights :D
I'm glad you're enjoying it, what do you think of Ppan's introduction? She annoying yet?
When Super apparently shoves Goku down our throats:

Kanassa wrote:
FoolsGil wrote:I hope Mark is dead. But chances are the dragonballs will bring his stupid ass back. :D
- FoolsGil, Out of Context, 2017

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Re: Fanfiction: Dragon Ball - Another Road

Post by Anime Kitten » Sun Sep 25, 2016 8:37 pm

Kanassa wrote:I'm glad you're enjoying it, what do you think of Ppan's introduction? She annoying yet?
Definitely. :D But eh, my only problem is the swearing, but you might expect that of me by now. Shame Pan isn't in her GT appearance, though. :P
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Re: Fanfiction: Dragon Ball - Another Road

Post by Kanassa » Sun Sep 25, 2016 8:40 pm

Anime Kitten wrote:
Kanassa wrote:I'm glad you're enjoying it, what do you think of Ppan's introduction? She annoying yet?
Shame Pan isn't in her GT appearance, though. :P
I thought that her GT attire would just be weird on a more grown up Pan (Being much older here then she is in GT), plus her weird half-shirt-thing would be... akward to say the least :D
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FoolsGil wrote:I hope Mark is dead. But chances are the dragonballs will bring his stupid ass back. :D
- FoolsGil, Out of Context, 2017

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Re: Fanfiction: Dragon Ball - Another Road

Post by Anime Kitten » Sun Sep 25, 2016 8:43 pm

Kanassa wrote:I thought that her GT attire would just be weird on a more grown up Pan (Being much older here then she is in GT).
My Teen Pan design will probably be based on Absalon. But still, camo is an interesting choice. And a creative one at that.
Kanassa wrote:Plus her weird half-shirt-thing would be... akward to say the least :D
*glares at own fanfic and back* How so? :P
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Re: Fanfiction: Dragon Ball - Another Road

Post by Kanassa » Sun Sep 25, 2016 8:47 pm

Anime Kitten wrote:
Kanassa wrote:Plus her weird half-shirt-thing would be... akward to say the least :D
*glares at own fanfic and back* How so? :P
Well, it does not look like a tp that would be comfortable for a developed figure (Pan being 18 years old here, born in Age 775 if I've done my math right) ;D
When Super apparently shoves Goku down our throats:

Kanassa wrote:
FoolsGil wrote:I hope Mark is dead. But chances are the dragonballs will bring his stupid ass back. :D
- FoolsGil, Out of Context, 2017

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Re: Fanfiction: Dragon Ball - Another Road

Post by Anime Kitten » Sun Sep 25, 2016 8:50 pm

Kanassa wrote:Well, it does not look like a tp that would be comfortable for a developed figure (Pan being 18 years old here, born in Age 775 if I've done my math right) ;D
I'd have gone for it. Strike some kind of extra intimidation into her foes!

The Chronoa story is also very intriguing. The tea reminded me of Zamasu and Gowasu, of course.
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Re: Fanfiction: Dragon Ball - Another Road

Post by Kanassa » Sun Sep 25, 2016 8:53 pm

Anime Kitten wrote:
Kanassa wrote:Well, it does not look like a tp that would be comfortable for a developed figure (Pan being 18 years old here, born in Age 775 if I've done my math right) ;D
I'd have gone for it. Strike some kind of extra intimidation into her foes!
Ah, the olde ''Give them something to concentrate on'' technique! :D
The Chronoa story is also very intriguing. The tea reminded me of Zamasu and Gowasu, of course.
Zamasu may be a psychotic Kai with a God complex, but he still brews better tea than Chronoa! Though I'm a bit worried people won't realse who she is considering her name is never mentioned in any of the material you see her in, just in out-side material.
When Super apparently shoves Goku down our throats:

Kanassa wrote:
FoolsGil wrote:I hope Mark is dead. But chances are the dragonballs will bring his stupid ass back. :D
- FoolsGil, Out of Context, 2017

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Re: Fanfiction: Dragon Ball - Another Road

Post by Anime Kitten » Sun Sep 25, 2016 8:56 pm

Kanassa wrote:Ah, the olde ''Give them something to concentrate on'' technique! :D
Kanassa wrote:Though I'm a bit worried people won't realse who she is considering her name is never mentioned in any of the material you see her in, just in out-side material.
You could always provide a detailed description, or do what I do and utilize the power of laziness by linking an image.
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Re: Fanfiction: Dragon Ball - Another Road

Post by Kanassa » Sun Sep 25, 2016 9:02 pm

Anime Kitten wrote:
Kanassa wrote:Ah, the olde ''Give them something to concentrate on'' technique! :D
Pan: Tried that, but mom didn't approve. She's such a buzzkill...
You could always provide a detailed description, or do what I do and utilize the power of laziness by linking an image.
Now I'm trying to remember how I described her in the first chapter... WHile resisting to look back at the first chapter...
When Super apparently shoves Goku down our throats:

Kanassa wrote:
FoolsGil wrote:I hope Mark is dead. But chances are the dragonballs will bring his stupid ass back. :D
- FoolsGil, Out of Context, 2017

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