"DBH: Ultimate Mission X" Official Discussion Thread

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Re: "DBH: Ultimate Mission X" Official Discussion Thread

Post by alakazam^ » Thu Jul 13, 2017 12:29 am

<<Goten: Xeno: Whaat|? Vegeeta-san was brainwaa~shed!?>>

<<Trunks: Xeno: Yes. He's now undergoing a medical check... We managed to somehow save father that time because Goku-san came to our rescue... but, right after that, Goku-san teleported away...>>

<<Goten: Xeno: Wow... Dad... He's so fickle, even in a time like this... So... What do we do from now on?>>

<<Trunks: Xeno: Right... Goku-san's actions worry me but... Now, more important than that... I think it's imperative to get a hold on Towa - the culprit of this incident -'s location.>>

<<Vegeeta: Xeno: That's right! Leave Kakarrot out of this!>>

<<Trunks: Xeno: Fa... Father!? You have to rest more...!>>

<<Vegeeta: Xeno: Don't worry about that, Trunks. I know I'm not in the best of shape... Hey, listen up! They aren't fools as well... Because I was able to escape their control, they should have realized we're gonna retaliate. From now on, they'll seriously gonna come crush us...>>

<<Trunks: Xeno: Wha...!? ...What!? All of a sudden, a reaction from our surroundings...!? T... Three "Spacetime Doors" at once!? This never happened before...!!!>>

<<Vegeeta: Xeno: It's just like I thought, this means they are serious as well... Goten! From now on, you travel with him as well to purify "Spacetime Doors"!>>

<<Goten: Xeno: Y... Yes!!!>>

<<Vegeeta: Xeno: Listen up! I also told Gohan, but... Now, you're the only ones fighting there! Until Gohan and I join the battlefront, you go all out!! You heard me!!? Trunks! You too!! Support him in all you can, understood me?>>

<<Trunks: Xeno: Yes!! It might be tough on you but it's just as father said! Let's do our best!! From the three Spacetime Doors that appeared... Two of them are emiting a really suspicious ki... Those two doors are the most likely to provide us a foothold to Towa...! I'll leave it to you to decide which "Spacetime Door" to purify first!! Well then, let's go!>>

Inside the Majin's body
When you entered the "Door", you felt dizzy and a suffocating sensation... This world, where you were surrounded by pulsating walls, seemed just like the inside of something's body...!

Story 01
[spoiler]Goten: Xeno: Alright! Well, then! Let's gladly proceed with purifying the "Spacetime Door"!! W... What!? Is this!? This is gro~ss... it's like the inside of some animal!!

<<Trunks: Xeno: This is...! "Majin Boo"'s interior!? A "Spacetime Door" even connects to this kind of place!?>>

Goten: Xeno: We can't sense the surrounding ki!? How are we supposed to find the Spacetime Door's master like this...!?

<<Trunks: Xeno: To be honest, I can't even imagine what might happen...!! Be really careful!!>>

Goten: Xeno: Even saying to be careful... What should we do in a situation like this...

????: You there! Were you also swallowed by this monster?

Goten: Xeno: Eh... Y... You...!!

Oob: Teen: Thank God...! There were other warriors besides me that survived without getting absorbed!![/spoiler]
Battle 01
[spoiler]Goten: Xeno: Hmm... For now... Oo...

<<Trunks: Xeno: Goten-san...>>

Goten: Xeno: Oh oh, right! I'm not supposed to get over-familiar even if I know the person!

Oob: Teen: My name is Oob! Just like you, I got attacked by the monster and eaten, all of the sudden...

Goten: Xeno: We're not here because we've been eaten, but...

Oob: Teen: Did you say something?

Goten: Xeno: N-no! Nothing!!

Oob: Teen: When I was taken in by him... I formed a ki barrier in an instant and escaped absorption... I think the majority of people living on Earth was absorbed by this monster.

<<Trunks: Xeno: It seems Majin Boo is rampaging all he wants in the history inside this "Spacetime Door". But is it a history where the person that should be Boo's reincarnation is fighting Boo? The "Spacetime Door" this time is a mess, concerning places and the flow of history...>>

Oob: Teen: We have to get out of here somehow and stop this monster...

????: Kukuku... Fool... You won't leave here...!!

Oob: Teen: Wha...!? This is...!?

Supopobitch: Guhihihi...!!


Goten: Xeno: I-I'm surprised...!! Enemies came out of the walls all of a sudden...!!

Oob: Teen: That guy... He can even do this...!

<<Trunks: Xeno: Majin Boo can freely send clones of the people he ate into his body. It's dangerous to stay in one place! Let's move from here!>>[/spoiler]
Battle 02a
[spoiler]Majin Boo: Pure Evil: Haa...! Hihihihihi...!!

Oob: Teen: These guys... are the ones that ate us...!

Super Sigma: Foreign bodies discovered! Eliminate at once!!

Oob: Teen: That and... Who's this robot!?

Goten: Xeno: Th... This one...!! A Machine Mutant from Planet M2!?

<<Trunks: Xeno: What!? A robot from another planet has also been taken in...!? I can no longer predict the enemies of this place...!>>

Battle 02b
[spoiler]Yamuu: Oh, that's surprising... To think there were still people that weren't digested...

Mucchii: Even thought there's no greater happiness than... becoming part of Boo... the great Majin...!

Oob: Teen: Stop joking around...! Not even dead I'd want to be absorbed by this guy!!

General Rilld: Hmph, so cheerful...! It's worth seeing just how long that attitude holds!

Story 02
[spoiler]Goten: Xeno: Haa... This never gets stale since Majin Boo pops out all over the place... What's more, we can't properly sense ki so we don't even know where this is...

Oob: Teen: Seriously... What a horrible place...!! Is there a way to get out of here?

Boo: Good: You want to get out of here?

Oob: Teen: Wha...!? Again...!!!

<<Trunks: Xeno: Th... This Majin Boo is...!!>>

Oob: Teen: Shit! We'll defeat you!!

Goten: Xeno: Wai! Wait a moment!! T-this Majin Boo is...!!

Oob: Teen: W-why are you stopping me!! He's an enemy!!

Goten: Xeno: Well! This Majin Boo is different from the Majin Boo that ate us...!

Boo: Good: *sniff*...! *Sniff*...!!

Oob: Teen: W-what!? W-what are you doing!?

Boo: Good: Your look like chocolate but you don't have a sweet smell...?

Oob: Teen: D-don't joke with me...!!

Boo: Good: It's not sweet but it's a bit nostalgic... A happy smell... What's your name? Hey hey! You! Your name!?

Oob: Teen: It's Oob!! ...Shit! I'm getting mad...!!!

Boo: Good: Oob... Oob!! Kyahaha!! Oob!? Nice to meet you!![/spoiler]
Battle 03
[spoiler]Boo: Good: Hey, Oob!! Oob!! You! What's your favortie food!? Do you like hide-and-seek? Or, do you like the game of tag better?

Oob: Teen: You're being too familiar!! You damn monter, who messed up the Earth!!

Goten: Xeno: This two... In the real history, this didn't happen... It's the worst way of meeting...

<<Trunks: Xeno: Yes... To the Oob of this world, Majin Boo is the target of his anger...

Oob: Teen: Hey! You! Is the exit really this way??

Boo: Good: Yup! For sure!! Let's have a race to the exit?

Oob: Teen: Who'd do that!!!!?

<<Trunks: Xeno: Hey hey... But, now that we can't sense ki, we have to rely on this Boo as a guide. And, you two, be careful and watch over Oob.

Goten: Xeno: What? Over Oob...?

<<Trunks: Xeno: He's becoming wary of that fat Boo... He hasn't rested this whole time... Surely, somewhere, his limits will...>>

Boo: Pure: Kikikiki...

Oob: Teen: One after another...!!

Boo: Good: Hey! You!! Why are you doing his if you're me!?

Boo: Pure Evil: Haa...! I ask you, if you're me, why not kill?

Boo: Good: I promised Satan! Not to kill anyone again!!

Boo: Pure Evil: I don't know a promise like that...! Killing and destroying is fun! That woman told me...! Doing what that woman says is fun... Hihihi!!!

Goten: Xeno: ... "That woman"... This means! As we thought, this "Spacetime Door" is...!

<<Trunks: Xeno: Yes! Towa is directly interfering in the "Spacetime Doors"!!>>

Goten: Xeno: She amplified Boo-san's evil heart... What a horrible thing to do...!! I won't forgive... them!!!

Battle 04a
[spoiler]Goten: Xeno: There's no end...!!

Hyper Mega Rilld: Fufufu... Of course... There's no time for you to rest?

Dr. Mu: You're just ingredients that were already eaten and are just awaiting to be digested...!

Baby: Young Body: We'll carefully pulverize... and digest you...

Oob: Teen: They appeared again...!! Damn it! I won't give up!

Battle 04b

Oob: Teen: Haa! Haa! You'd think we'd give up...! We'll definitely get out of here...!!

Goten: Xeno: Oob! Are you ok!? At this rate, your body won't hold!

Oob: Teen: I'm... I'm fine! I can still go on!

<<Trunks: Xeno: Oob's exhaustion is severe...! We have to do something... At this rate, we'll be digested bit by bit...!>>

Goten: Xeno: No... No way! Being absorbed by Boo-san...!

Boo: Good: It's ok! Exit is near! You will go out!!

Oob: Teen: hmph! He's suspicious...![/spoiler]
Story 03
[spoiler]Boo: Evil: Ugyagyagya!!

Oob: Teen: Haa... Haa!! Shit...!!

Goten: Xeno: Oob! Don't overdo it!! At this rate...!!

????: Ufufu... Have you enjoyed Majin Boo's interior?

Oob: Teen: Wha... Who are you!!

<<Trunks: Xeno: So, you appeared!! Towa!!>>

Goten: Xeno: Towa...! Why would you do something like this to Boo-san...!

Towa: What for... you say? Don't you already know? My goal doesn't change, no matter to which histories or Universes I travel to... The revival of the Dark Demon Realm... For that purpose I'll use anything, even Majin Boo...

Oob: Teen: I don't really know what's happening but... I understand that, because of her, the Earth became a mess... How dare you... How dare youuuu!!!!

Goten: Xeno: Oob! Don't!!!!

Towa: Minor characters in some history should stay back!!

Oob: Teen: Guwaaaaa!!

Goten: Xeno: Oob!!!!... Sh.... Shitttt!!! Mi... Mira...!!

Towa: Hmph... I have no intention in taking you as opponents one by one. Trunks' also a nuisance but... Son Goten, I'll deal with you first. Be a good boy and die inside Majin Boo's stomach. Goodbye... We won't meet again... Fufu

<<Trunks: Xeno: Wait!! Towa!!! ...Shit!!!>>

Goten: Xeno: T... Trunks-kun!? Majin Boo's all over...!!

<<Trunks: Xeno: This isn't good... Going against this many Majin Boos...!>>

Goten: Xeno: If only we had one more ally...!! Oob is...!!

<<Trunks: Xeno: Don't overdo it...!! He's no longer in shape to fight!>>

Goten: Xeno: But... At this rate...!!!

Oob: Teen: My body doesn't move... Even though everyone's in trouble...!

Boo: Good: Oob...

Oob: Teen: Y... You...

Boo: Good: I... don't want to do bad things anymore... I don't want the bad Boo to hurt you. The first time I saw Oob I knew... Oob could stop the bad me, I'm sure of it... That's why, I'll give my power to Oob. Oob... Go for it...!!

Super Oob: Th... This is...!! My power is growing... more... and more...!! Alright!! With this power... I'm gonna save everyone... and you too... Boo![/spoiler]
Battle 05

Boo: Evil: Kuaaa!? Kaka... Kakakakaka...!!!

Goten: Xeno: Haa...! Haa...! ... We... We did it!!!

Super Oob: We managed to survive because of him... Because of Boo... Maybe... He was the sole conscience inside this monster...

Goten: Xeno: But, since Boo-san disappeared, we no longer know where the exit is...

Super Oob: It's ok! I know where the exit is, I inherited the memories of Boo when we merged! Besides... We can revive the people who were eaten if we gather the "Dragon Balls"... That was also what the Boo inside told me... Now, all that's left is to get out of here and defeat the Boo that is rampaging outside!

Goten:: Xeno: Is that so... Well then, Oob is now fine by himself from here on out!!

Oob: Xeno: Wha... What do you mean... T-those two!? Where did they go!?[/spoiler]
Story 04
[spoiler]<<Trunks: Xeno: Is that ok? That way of saying goodbye...>>

Goten: Xeno: It's fine! If we had left here together, we'd end up fighting with the Majin Boo that ate Oob again! Even we are completely exhausted... Hahaha...

<<Trunks: Xeno: Well, surely, the Boo that ate Oob... In other words, the Boo where you two are in is already purified from the Dark Energy. From here on out, it's ok to leave everything to Oob... the original warrior of this world...>>

Goten: Xeno: Exactly! Well, then! Let's get out of here as well!!

Towa: Who would've thought they'd survive from this space... As expected of Son Goku's son... or so I'd say...

Mira: That's not right... The true nuisance isn't Son Goten nor Trunks, it's the brat from another world that's lending them a hand...! His presence is giving strength to the Time Patrollers...

Towa: ...Hmph, every one of them is annoying...! You continue going around "Doors" and gathering Kiri... ok? Anyway... We'll be storing energy as much as we can in preparation of settling the score with them... Let's go back to the hideout! Mira![/spoiler]
Extra Battle 01
[spoiler]Vegeeta Baby: Saiyajin... To think I'd meet you inside this monster's stomach...

Oob: Teen: Who... Who!? Is this...!?

<<Trunks: Xeno: Fa... Father!?>>

Goten: Xeno: No... This is Vegeeta-san but he's being controlled...!!

Super Baby: Trunks: Oh... You have a good intuition. It seems your brain is developed, despite being a monkey...

Goten: Xeno: Intuition? Not at all...! I know you rea~lly well!

Super Baby: Trunks: What...? You know me?

Goten: Xeno: This is Baby...! A parasitic lifeform from a Universe far away...! Poor thing, you also got taken in by Boo!!

Super Baby: Trunks: Shut up! You act so important even though you're also in his stomach!! I'll shut you up!!

Extra Battle 02
[spoiler]Super Oob: Hmm...

Goten: Xeno: What's wrong? Oob? Something happened?

Super Oob: How to say it... After merging with Boo... my body feels a bit uneasy...

<<Trunks: Xeno: Maybe... it's being affected because you merged with Boo inside Boo's body...>>

Goten: Xeno: What!? O-Oob!? A-are you alright!? Hang on...!!

<<Trunks: Xeno: Wha!? W-w-w... What...!?>>

Super Oob: Wha... What!? There's more... of Boo and m... me!?

Boo: Good: Ehehe... Oob and I... didn't fully become one... Let's exercise and fix this! Hohhohooi!!


<<Goten: Xeno: But... To think we'd meet Towa herself inside the "Spacetime Door"...>>

<<Trunks: Xeno: Yes, it'd be better if we caught Towa there but... well, in a situation like that it couldn't be helped... No progress...>>

<<Goten: Xeno: Kukuku...! Not quite!!>>

<<Trunks: Xeno: What?>>

<<Goten: Xeno: Actually... When I went to hit Towa... I secretly put a transmitter on Mira!!>>

<<Trunks: Xeno: Wha... What did you say!? I-impressive!! Good results! Goten-san! Such smart play that no one could guess going from your usual rash attitude!!>>

<<Goten: Xeno: Right!? When I get serious, this is what happens!! ...But, that's how I'm usually perceived!?>>

<<Trunks: Xeno: Anyway, let's try locating the signal of the transmitter you put on them, Goten-san...!! Sure thing! The signal is moving! If we follow it, we can get to Towa's hideout...! The signal disappeared midway... It seems Towa noticed it... We... Well... We could properly track them midway... It seems that if we put this information and a different information together, we can establish Towa's location! ...Maybe... Haha ha....>>

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Re: "DBH: Ultimate Mission X" Official Discussion Thread

Post by Grimlock » Thu Jul 13, 2017 1:08 am

Goten's role in this game is incredible! We need to spread the word about this game for Goten's fans! They're really gonna love it! :D Even though he constantly appears alongside Trunks, he has his own personality and actions that aren't overshadowed by Trunks' presence.

To think Heroes would give Goten a great amount of "screentime", would make him do something useful and a character development that even Toei wouldn't be able to do so. It's so weird that Dimps do this but they still refuse to give him attention in the arcade version though.
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Re: "DBH: Ultimate Mission X" Official Discussion Thread

Post by Dragotaker » Thu Jul 13, 2017 2:14 am

Grimlock wrote:Goten's role in this game is incredible! We need to spread the word about this game for Goten's fans! They're really gonna love it! :D Even though he constantly appears alongside Trunks, he has his own personality and actions that aren't overshadowed by Trunks' presence.

To think Heroes would give Goten a great amount of "screentime", would make him do something useful and a character development that even Toei wouldn't be able to do so. It's so weird that Dimps do this but they still refuse to give him attention in the arcade version though.
He needs to have something unique to him that makes him different to the others like the reason Trunks is so popular is because of his Future Android timeline version exist, if it wasn't for that he wouldn't be much better than Goten is now, imagine if Black would have been Goten like some people thought before his actual reveal.

I was just thinking not too long ago about Goten having his own Future Android timeline version, one where Trunks never existed and he was the one who fought alongside Gohan with the androids or something like that, yeah i know crazy/stupid idea but my point is he needs a new version, something that makes the focus on him alone rather than being in the Time Patrol where he's like the third wheel of the team.

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Re: "DBH: Ultimate Mission X" Official Discussion Thread

Post by Majin Demigra » Thu Jul 13, 2017 2:18 am

It's nice to see Goten finally be relevant

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Re: "DBH: Ultimate Mission X" Official Discussion Thread

Post by alakazam^ » Thu Jul 13, 2017 7:04 am

A new Budoukai
The excited cheers! The greatly motivated warriors!! You're bewildered by the liveliness that looks like a festival... You can feel that this "Door", unlike several others, has a particularly different atmosphere...!

Story 01
[spoiler]<<Trunks: Xeno: This is... the Tenkaichi Budoukai's ring...!? ...This ki...!? There are several owners of a strong ki gathering in this ring!!! What the hell is happening...?>>

????: Get serious! What's going on!!

<<Trunks: Xeno: !? ...This voice...!!>>

Vegeeta: You can't participate without a group of three or more people... I've never heard this before!! Didn't you read the tournament's rules carefully? Kakarrot!!

<<Trunks: Xeno: F... F-f... Father!?>>

Goku: I really thought you knew the rules, Vegeeta...!

<<Trunks: Xeno: Goku-san as well...!>>

Vegeeta: Shit! Anyway! One more person until the tournament starts! Let's grab one...!!

Goku: Hey... Isn't the guy over there good enough?

<<Trunks: Xeno: What?>>

Goku: You have a very strong ki!! Don't you want to enter this tournament as well!?

Vegeeta; You being here means you also want to fight, right? It's decided, then!!

<<Trunks: Xeno: ...What... Wait... What should we...?>>

Vegeeta: You, me and Kakarrot. The three of us will enter the "Real Tenkaichi Budoukai"!

<<Trunks: Xeno: Whaaaaat!?>>[/spoiler]
Battle 01
[spoiler]Goku: Yeah! We barely made it on time!! Thank God you came here!

Vegeeta: Hmph...! If Kakarrot had grasped the rules, we wouldn't have had this trouble.

Goku: Look who's talking... Vegeeta...

<<Trunks: Xeno: We ended up entering the tournament because we got caught up in their momentum... But, on the other hand, this might be our chance...! This "Spacetime Door"'s master is most likely one of the participants of this tournament. We'll pretend to be a participant of this tournament... and keep on winning with the two of them! But... on a first glance, this looks like a normal fighting tounament but it's sure to be affected by the Dark Energy... This won't end up being a simple fighting tournament, I'm sure of it...! Be careful!>>

Sergeant Major Murasaki: Are you the opponents of the first match?

<<Trunks: Xeno: Wha!? They are the Red Ribbon army!? These guys in this tournament!!>>

General Blue: Hey!! Wait!! We haven't, like, heard the gong for the beginning of the match yet!

<<Trunks: Xeno: Whaaat!?>>

Sergeant Major Murasaki: Seriously... Let's not spoil this tournament because of an irregularity!

Vegeeta: Exactly! Cool yourselves down! I won't forgive a fight against the rules!

Goku: Yes, yes! I understand you're enthusiastic but we have to follow the rules!

Sergeant Major Murasaki: Let's decide who wins or loses! In a fair fight that follows the rules!

General Blue: I mean... No hard feelings no matter who wins, ok? Let's have a great fight!

<<Trunks: Xeno: Wha... What does this mean... Could it be... Is it really just a fighting match...!?>>

Battle 02
[spoiler]Goku: Oh! Gramps!! If it isn't Jackie gramps!

Jackie Chun: Oh, if it isn't the kid from back then. You've grown a lot!

Goku: Gramps hasn't changed a bit! By the way...

Tsuru Sennin: What? You seem to want to say something...

<<Trunks: Xeno: Muten.., no, he's Jackie Chun, now. It's unexpected he'd pair with Tsuru Sennin-tachi...>>

Cyborg Tao Baibai: Even if we're bad to the bone, we're still martial artists. What's wrong in entering a martial arts tournament? Kukuku.

Jackie Chun: Well, we decided not to be this formal in this tournament. It is what it is.

Goku: I see! You're right!!

<<Trunks: Xeno: Y-you're really going along...!? Is... Is that... Ok?>>

Jackie Chun: Well then, your grown power... Let's see it, shall we...!

Story 02
[spoiler]Kame Sennin: Ouch ouch ouch...!!! That Goku hit me really hard...! Even so... You've really grown strong, Goku... I'm proud of you... Hoho...

Goku: Oh? Gramps! If it isn't Kame Sennin gramps!!

Kame Sennin: What? G-Goku!?

Goku: Hey hey! You should have said something if you're gonna come! Anyway, you can't be here, this is just for contestants.

Kame Sennin: What difference does this make? Let's not mind such details! More importantly, the match just now was splendid. IT's been a long time since I've receive such a massive attack.

Goku: Hehe! It's because I'm stronger now!! ...Wait, you're talking like you fought me! That's strange!

Kame Sennin: Huh!? ...Oh! It's a figure of speech! Figure of speech! Nahahahahaha!! Well, since you've gotten this far, I'll supplement your team. Show me how the matches will end up! Hohohoho![/spoiler]
Battle 03
[spoiler]Goku: Alright! Next it's the semifinals!! We've done well until now!!

Vegeeta: Hmph, of course. Kakarrot and I are teaming up, that's why... Moreover, you're not at our level but you're extremely strong, it seems...

Goku: Yes! I was surprised! You can do it, alright!!

Vegeeta: But the way you fight is uncomfortable... Is there any problem?

Goku: What? Is that so? I didn't feel it, though.

Vegeeta: When you fight, Kakarrot, you don't pay attention to your surroundings! ... Your goal isn't to win the tournament, is it?

<<Trunks: Xeno: What!? F-Father... He's sharp... Anyway, let's deceive them somehow...>>

General Boon: That's ri~ght! That kid's goal isn't to win the tournament!

<<Trunks: Xeno: Wha...!?>>

Vegeeta: Who are you?

General Boon: My name is Boon! If I keep winning like this, I'll meet you guys in the finals! This kid aspired to become a martial artist because he admires me, Boon! He's a great fan of mine! His goal is to fight me in the finals! That's why he isn't interested in the victory! ...Right? Isn't that it? Kid...!

Goku: Ohh! I see!! But I understand him a little!

Vegeeta: Hmph...! So that's what it was... It seems I was being overly suspicious.

Goku: Well, that's fine, since everyone has their own goals! For now! Vegeeta! Let's eat something before the next match!

Vegeeta: Yes, let's go.

General Boon: Hmph, they left.

<<Trunks: Xeno: Wha... What's up with him... I've never seen this guy in any history!>>

General Boon: Seriously! It's so inelegant to ask someone their private reasons in this tournament...! Hey! Kid! You too! Forget your circunstance and enjoy the tournament! By doing that... your circunstance might just be accomplished... you know? Gufufu...!
<<Trunks: Xeno: What... What is that? He's talking like he's seeing through everything... Am I overthinking things? Anyway, let's prepare for the next match!! ...You want to go grab something to eat as well? ...Just kidding, hahaha...>>

Story 03
[spoiler]Kuririn: Youth: Yo! Goku! It seems you're advancing well!

Goku: Kuririn! You should have entered as well!

Kuririn: Don't be stupid! I would just make a fool of myself!!

General Boon: You shouldn't care if it's an embarassment and just enjoy yourself! Next time, you enter! Baby Octopus!!

Goku: Oh! You're the ox from a while back!!

General Boon: Ox! No! It's Boon-sama!! But... I'll forgive that cheeky way of speaking! Because you're only strong in talking big!!

Vegeeta: Hmph... Does someone like you have the strength to entertain us?

General Boon: Of course! Look forward to the finals!

<<Trunks: Xeno: He's... he's a bit noisy but... It seems this man called Boon is a good guy...>>

General Boon: You there, kid! You look better than you did a while back! See! If you bring insignificant matters with you, you can't properly enjoy things! Isn't that so? Time Patroller...!

<<Trunks: Xeno: !!!!!!!!!!!! Wha...!? He...!! How does he know about the "Time Patrollers"...!?>>

General Boon: Oh! Your eyes changed Gufufu...! Are you interested in me now? ...I'm helping that woman but I'm not interested in that darkdemonrealm or whatever. Well! We'll continue the conversation when you advance more! See you! Guhahaha!

<<Trunks: Xeno: ...Oh, is he the master of this "Spacetime Door"...? To think Towa had a helper...!!>>[/spoiler]
Battle 04
[spoiler]<<Trunks: Xeno: I've investigated histories to know more about that big man with a ox head... He's not someone that was present in the turning point of a special, big history... He's engraved in history... as just someone who was the boss of a small villainous gang somewhere. What's the reason for someone like him to create a "Spacetime Door" like this and open a martial arts tournament... ....I.... I have no idea... In the first place... why a fighting tournament!? A villain would do something more like... this...! Could he have another reason!? ... I have no idea.>>

Veku: Yo yo! You're our next opponents!?

Goku: Yes: Nice meeting you!!

Veku: Hehehe! I somewhat don't have the feeling that you're strangers!!

Goku: Why is that? Me too!! Hahaha!!

Vegeeta: But... We won't be going easy on you in the match! Come at us with full force as well!

<<Trunks: Xeno: The opponent... is the merged father and Goku-san!? ... What a mess... ...Enough... Thinking about this is a waste of energy... Since we came this far, let's take advantage of this tournament's rules and reach him fair and square...!! If we advance to the finals, we'll have the chance to hear more from him...>>

Battle 05
[spoiler]General Boon: Yo! You advanced, alright! Kid!!

<<Trunks: Xeno: You said you had no interest in Towa's goal, right? So, what's your goal?>>

General Boon: My goal? Gufufu...! Wanna know? My goal is to create my world! I'm the strongest! I'm the greatest! I can do anything I want! Towa gathers Damage Energy from this tournament I set up... and I enjoy myself showing my physical strength! It's what's called a win-win situation! That is this "Spacetime Door"!! It's my world!!!

<<Trunks: Xeno: S... Such small thinking...!! You're just being used by Towa, you know!?>>

General Boon: I don't care!! It's a really small world but... I'm not asking much! Well, then! Let's begin the finals!! If I win, the prize is an expensive dinner! If you win... No, there's no need to think about it! It's not gonna happen, not even in a million years!

<<Trunks: Xeno: It's the first time... I met such a selfish person, who doesn't even think things through!!>>


General Boon: Shit...!!! T...To think I'd lose in my world...! ...Hmph...! So, it was too good to be true...!! No matter how far I go, I just end up being the king of the castle... You win...! Frankly admitting this is what's called being a good sport... Well... doing as that woman said... was a drag...Ultimately, I didn't reach the top, but... I did enjoy myself... as it is...! Kid... make sure to stick around... until this tounament's... closing ceremony... ok...?

<<Trunks: Xeno: He fainted...>>[/spoiler]
Story 04
[spoiler]Goku: We did it!! We won!!

Vegeeta: Wha...!? What is it, Kakarrot!? Are you that happy to win?

Goku: Yes! I entered several tournaments when I was a kid, but... I still get happy when winning! This one, in particular, was a tournament full of incredible guys! All of this would be impossible if you weren't around!! Thanks a lot!!

Vegeeta: That's right... We owe you one. How about, after this, you come over my house for a meal?

Goku: Oh! You're treating us!? Nice!!!

Vegeeta: Hmph! Bloomer will make a victory party anyway... You too, don't ref...!?

Goku: Oh!? He... went somewhere... Maybe he wasn't that hungry?

Vegeeta: ...Hmph, a mysterious guy till the end... Fufu...[/spoiler]
Extra Battle 01
[spoiler]Goku: It's so fun! This tournament is full of strong guys, I'm really excited!

Vegeeta; Hmph... It's really different than the last Tenkaichi Budoukai I entered... Above all, I got blessed with not only my opponents... but the teammates as well...

Goku: Exactly!! You're really strong too!! So much so I'd like to fight you if we weren't on the same team!

Vegeeta: Hmph... Then, how about fighting him now? Thankfully, we're at the intermission now...

Goku: Oh! That's right! ...But we don't have much time!

Vegeeta: It can't be helped! It's a short time so we'll make it fast...!! With Kakarrot and I as your opponents, show us your strength!!

Extra Battle 02
[spoiler]Goku: He...

Vegeeta: Yes... He's really strong... But, did that contestant enter the tournament?

Veget; Hm? What? You guys? You don't know us? I see, then you didn't properly read the tournament's rules!

Goku: Ahaha... You got that right...!!

Vegeeta: S-so, who are you guys!?

Veget: We're this tournament's reserves!

Goku: R-reserve... What is that?

Vegeeta: It's something like a contestant that substitutes another contestant that is absent... But these guys don't have the level of "ki" a "substitute" would have...!

Veget: Right, if you have the time, would you spar with us?

Goku: R-really! Nice!!

Veget: Yes. At this rate, it doesn't seem we'll have our turn... We also want to enjoy the tournament a little! ...Well then, let's go!!


<<Trunks: Xeno: Good work! The "Spacetime Door" is purified! It's over...! That world wasn't a change in history, like the other "Spacetime Doors"... It's a temporary world that Boon created... It will eventually destroy itself, now that it's purified. Boon and the contestants will return to their history and forget all about the tournament. I'd like to think there won't be more of these special cases... Hahaha...>>

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Re: "DBH: Ultimate Mission X" Official Discussion Thread

Post by Dragonballgod19 » Thu Jul 13, 2017 2:11 pm

Can someone tell me what's the interaction between vegeta and king vegeta is
https://m.youtube.com/watch?list=PL8Bbh ... UZFyjPAorg

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Re: "DBH: Ultimate Mission X" Official Discussion Thread

Post by alakazam^ » Sat Jul 15, 2017 11:11 am

I won't be here for a couple weeks so enjoy this last part for now 8)

The base of the divine tree
What first caught my eye was the humongous tree that enveloped the planet... It looked like a rich piece of Nature but... Somehow, this planet looks weakened...

Story 01
[spoiler]Goten: Xeno: Wow! W... What!? A giant tree is... enveloping the planet!?

<<Trunks: Xeno: This is...!? The Shinseijuu (it's the "tree of might" but it roughly means tree of godly energy)...!! The Shinseijuu is a tree that drains all the nutrients of the planet it infects and destroys it...! This thing in this planet...! Who the hell would do something like this...>>

????: You... are a Saiyajin, right?

Goten: Xeno: Who!? Who are you!?

Tooma: Don't be cautious, we're Saiyajin, just like you.

Pumbuukin: He's such a frail-looking kid and he also doesn't have a tail... Is he really a Saiyajin?

Sleypar: His clothes are strange as well... Isn't he castaway kid who grew up in another planet?

Totappo: ...

<<Trunks: Xeno: This people are...!?>>[/spoiler]
Battle 01
[spoiler]Goten: Xeno: Let's see... First, we'd like to know what place is this and why are you here...

Pumbuukin: Why?... You came here without knowing where this is?

Tooma: We thought you also came here to get the "Shinseijuu's Fruit".

Goten: Xeno: S-Shinseijuu's Fruit...?

Sleypar: It's said that if you eat the ripe fruits from this huge tree, you get stronger.

Tooma: Yes! For us, Saiyajin, it's like the fruit of our dreams, right?

Totappo: ... They look delicious...

Pumbuukin: That's why we were going to steal those fruits and eat them! For that, the more the merrier. Boy, you're interested as well, right?

Goten: Xeno: What? ...Y-yes! Of course! ...Hahaha... Hey, Trunks-kun... Is it really ok to go along with these people?

<<Trunks: Xeno: H... Hm... These Saiyajin really aren't nice people but... At present, they don't seem to be directly doing anything to cause disasters in the world... Besides, this "Door"'s master must be someone that has repeatedly powered up with the Shinseijuu's fruit... It's best to have helpers, no matter the goal...>>

Sleypar: Kid! Don't stand there absent-minded! It seems guests arrived.

Goten: Xeno: What...!?

Amond: Hmph... You guys... It seems your goal is the Shinseijuu's fruit, such a shame. I'll kill everyone that approaches the Shinsejuu!!

Tooma: Hmph! The time is just right for some exercise before our meal. Let's go! Everyone!!

Battle 02
[spoiler]Daiizu: Oh... It seems more people that don't know their place came for the Shinseijuu's fruit...

Cacao: N'da...!

Daiizu: We're not soft like Amond!! We'll deal with you right here!!

Sleypar: Hmph... Come and try it! Don't underestimate Saiyajins!!

Story 02
[spoiler]Sleypar: But... how many fruits can that tree bear...

Pumbuukin: Such a huge tree like this! It should have more fruits than we can eat, right?

Tooma: That's not certain, is it? It might only have a small number of big fruits.

Goten: Xeno: Hmm... Just imagining and I too got a little curious... Are they tasty?

<<Trunks: Xeno: Y-you can't!! Only Gods are allowed to eat the Shinseijuu's fruits!! They also aren't allowed to eat them but... you eating them is absurd!!>>

Goten: Xeno: I-I know that!! It was just a little joke! Hahaha...

<<Trunks: Xeno: Seriously... If the Time Kaioushin-sama heard that, she'd really lose her temper... C'mon now...>>

Pumbuukin: Anyway! If there are plenty, we just have to share and if there are few, we'll just fight for them!

Tooma: Certainly...! But if it comes to that, we won't have a gift to bring him.

Totappo: ...Burdock's share...

Goten: Xeno: Burdock?

Tooma: Yes, we'll eat them, of course, but we have a comrade we want to give this fruit to eat...

Sleypar: He's injured himself when attacking a planet and is now under medical care.

Pumbuukin: Yes! He has such a bad timing, just when we heard this too-good-to-be-true story!

<<Trunks: Xeno: Bu... Burdock...?! T-then, these Saiyajins are his comrades...?>>

Goten: Xeno: Bur...dock? Who's that? Is he that amazing?[/spoiler]
Battle 03

Tooma: Oh, I didn't thought you could do it! It seemed I didn't take you seriously and thought you were a castaway kid...

Totappo: ...

Sleypar: Hmph... So, you can do it...? I've changed my opinion about you.

Pumbuukin: Hehe, you don't look like it but it seems you've also evaded death!

Goten: Xeno: Y-yes... Well, something like that... Hahaha...![/spoiler]
Story 03
[spoiler]Tuulece: Oh, oh... You also came here for the Shinseijuu's fruits?

Goten: Xeno: Fa... Father!? ...No, you're different! You look just like my father!

<<Trunks: Xeno: Is... Is he also a Saiyajin...!?>>

Tooma: You're not... Burdock, right? But are you also a Saiyajin?...

Tuulece: Yes, that's right, my name is Tuulece... You're Burdock's comrades, right? Right on time, Burdock is also here... But he's a step ahead on getting the fruits.

Tooma: What!?

Pumbuukin: ...That bastard, he came out the medical machine and came after us!

Sleypar: Fufu, it's just like Burdock!

Tuulece: Come with me, I'll tell you the place where the fruits are...

Pumbuukin: Oh! Is that ok? Thanks for that!

Tooma: You look just like Burdock but you're thoughtful!

Sleypar: That's right! To such an extent that I wish Burdock would follow your example a little! Hahaha!

Tuulece: Not at all... We're the few surviving Saiyajins, we're allies... Let's get along... Kukuku...

Goten: Xeno: !? T-this guy's ki...!? It can't be...!?

<<Trunks: Xeno: Yes...! There's no doubt! He's the "Spacetime Door"'s master!! Persuade Tooma and the others and tell them not to eat the fruit as he says...!!

Tooma: Hey, boy! What are you doing standing there?

Pumbuukin: I'll eat your share if you don't hurry up and come!

Tuulece: What's wrong? Boy... If you're a Saiyajin you also want power, right?

Goten: Xeno: Hm...!?

<<Trunks: Xeno: If you tell them to "forget about the fruit" right now... and you fail, all these Saiyajin will become your enemies...!

Tullece: Don't just stand there, come with us... C'mon... It won't hurt you...

<<Trunks: Xeno: It can't be helped...! Let's pretend to do what he says and go with him!>>[/spoiler]
Battle 4
[spoiler]Tooma: Obstacles again...! One after the other...!

Daiizu: T-tullece-sama?! Why are you with those guys!?

Cacao: N'da...!?

Tullece: Yes... I'll introduce you... They're allies, Saiyajin like me...!

Tooma: Oh... They're your subordinates?

Tullece: Something like that... but... I don't need them anymore...

Daiizu: Wha...!?

Tullece: From now on, my allies are these Saiyajins here... Now! No need to hold back! Let's get rid of them with Saiyajin power!!

Tooma: ...


Daiizu: Tu... Tullece... -sa... ma...

Tullece: Thanks for everything... Now, turn into nutrients for the Shinseijuu.

<<Trunks: Xeno: W... What a guy...!! His former companion, this easily...>>

Sleypar: Fufu... Aren't you being really cold towards your former ally...

Tullece: From the get-go, I just formed an alliance with aliens that didn't know better... I was just not being myself, soft and all...! A Saiyajin should lead a life suitable for a Saiyajin... Isn't that right?

Pumbuukin: Hehehe, I see...! You can say that again!!

Goten: Xeno: D... Don't these people... think anything about what Tullece did...

<<Trunks: Xeno: These are pure Saiyajin... Their values are completely different...!! As I thought, is it really impossible trying to reason with them without fighting...?>>

Tooma: ...[/spoiler]
Battle 05
[spoiler]Tooma: Burdock!

Burdock: Yo! Tooma! I went ahead and got the fruit...!!

Goten: Xeno: A... A person looking just like father again...!?

<<Trunks: Xeno: This person is Burdock-san... This person is Goku-san's father... In other words, he's your grandfather, Goten-san...>>

Goten: Xeno: What,,,!? G... Grandfather!? T-this person!?

Pumbuukin: Hehe! You went ahead! You're really something, you bastard!

Burdock: Guys, eat this fruit quickly... This fruit is good...! Kukuku...!

Tooma: Burdock... You...!

Tuulece: Yes... By eating this fruits, we, Saiyajin, are the strongest...! Even the Emperor of the Universe is no big deal...

Burdock: No doubt about it... With a power like this, the Saiyajin are safe...!

<<Trunks: Xeno: Shit... No...!! At this rate, everyone will end up eating the fruit...!>>

Tooma: ...

Burdock: Hey, Tuulece! In what planet will you sow the seeds of the Shinseijuu next? From the planets we assaulted, there're several that might result in good fruits.

<<Trunks: Xeno: Burdock-san is completely obsessed with the appeal of the Shinseijuu's fruits...! There's no other way... Drastic measures...!! We have to fight everyone here...!!>>

Tooma: Enough...!! Burdock!!!

Pumbuukin: To... Tooma!?

Tuulece: ...?

Sleypar: W-what's wrong? Yelling all of a sudden...

Totappo: ...!?

Tooma: You're making a fool out of yourself, what's up with that? To think you'd become such a flatterer... As I thought... That fruit isn't a fruit to make one stronger... For a Saiyajin, it's poison that makes one lose his pride...!!

Tuulece: Pride... Hey... You're saying such immature things... That won't help you become stronger, you know?

Tooma: Tuulece! You killing your former allies or laughing about pride... I don't care about that... But, I've been thinking that I don't like the way you want to act like a self-important leader. Burdock!! Stop flattering this guy so frivolously!! I'll knock you around until you vomit the fruit you ate!!

Sleypar: Hmph, that's right...! Now that you mention it, this Burdock isn't like himself at all!

Pumbuukin: ...Well, surely, doing as you say is boring!!

Totappo: ...Yes...!!

Tuulece: I see, I see... You're low class warriors, after all... A bunch of dreamers... And I thought we were going to finally get along, such a shame... In that case, hold that stupid pride and die!!


Tuulece: W... Why...!!? Me, who have repeatedly eaten the Shinseijuu's fruit...!?

Tooma: Hmph, you don't understand...? If so, you're a failure as a Saiyajin...!

Goten: Xeno: I... I don't really understand as well...! Am I a failure as a Saiyajin...?

<<Trunks: Xeno: It's not justice... And I can't understand their values but... Even so, they have bonds and pride... Thats what it is... Everyone's trust in Burdock-san exceeded Tuulece's temptation.>>

Goten: Xeno: I see...! ...Hehe... My grandfather was a great person...!!

Tooma: Hey, boy! Sorry, but... We did this all for noth...!?

Pumbuukin: H-he disappeared! When did he...!!

Sleypar: Didn't he get mad because he understood the Shinseijuu's fruit was something not to be messed with and returned home? I got the feeling he somehow looked a bit like Burdock... Fufu...

Pumbuukin: Is that so? Burdock isn't that frail-looking, you know?

Totappo: ...Fufufu...!

Pumbuukin: Well, I thought that, by having him, we'd have an even greater team but... too bad.

Tooma: ...Nah, both him and us are Saiyajin. We'll meet in a battleground somewhere again.

Pumbuukin: No doubt about it! Hahahahaha!!![/spoiler]
Story 04
[spoiler]<<Trunks: Xeno: Good work! Now, this "Spacetime Door" is also purified! Now, Tooma and the others won't eat the Shinseijuu's fruit... All that's left is this Shinseijuu... If we leave it like this, it will drain the planet's nutrients, leading it to lose its source of nutrients and wither.>>

Goten: Xeno: I see... Well, all is fine now! ...That's what is it!

<<Trunks: Xeno: Yes: Next, before leaving this door, please bring one fruit from the Shinseijuu.>>

Goten: Xeno: A fruit form the Shinseijuu?

<<Trunks: Xeno: Yes. I can feel that this fruit has, somewhere, a different presence than the actual Shinseijuu's fruit... If we analyse it here, we might find some traces of Towa's crafstmanship.>>

Goten: Xeno: Understood! Then, I'll get a fruit and return! Now, this "Door" disaster has been settled... The work this time was really tiring...!

????: Fufu... With that level of a fight...? It speaks volumes about the level of the Time Patrollers...

Goten: Xeno: Wha...!!!?

<<Trunks: Xeno: This is...!? When did he get behind us...!

???? ...Hmph, a fruit that gives power to whoever eats it... I came to see what it was but... This isn't good... Strength gained by this fruit doesn't amount to much...

Goten: Xeno: Who the hell... are you!?

????: ...Are you the son of Son Goku? Your battle power doesn't compare with your father's at all...

Goten: Xeno: Wha...! What did you say!!?

????: That and... The warrior that came from another planet is you, right?

<<Trunks: Xeno: This guy...! He knows about the Time Patrollers and even about "your world"!?>>

????: You have quite a skill, despite being an amateur... And luck to surpass difficulties... But... You won't become my opponent... Purifying small "Doors" as much as you can is the most you can do... As I thought, it seems even among the Time Patrollers, Goku and Vegeeta are special... I expected there to be other strong guys, but... It's a shame, really...

Goten: Xeno: This guy... has been talking all he wants all this time...!!

<<Trunks: Xeno: Who the hell are you...!! How do you know about us!!>>

Chamel: Fufu... My name is "Chamel"... Why do I know about you... Of course, that's because I'm your enemy... maybe. If you want to prevent the destruction of the world, you can't avoid fighting me...!

<<Trunks: Xeno: ...Chamel...!>>

goten: Xeno: Our enemy... you say...!?

Chamel: But... my skill will just become weaker if I fight with the current you... It won't do any good... Continue "playing heroes" as much as you want and polish your skills...!

<<Trunks: Xeno: That boy... Who is he...!!! Is he also... an ally of Towa's...!?>>[/spoiler]
Extra Battle 01
[spoiler]Tooma: Yo! We meet again! Boy!!

Goten: Xeno: ...Tooma-san! ...Everyone too!

Pumbuukin: Hehe! It's just like Tooma said...! We meet again unexpectadly,,,!!

Sleypar: You look well. ...But, like always, you're wearing those strange clothes from another planet...

Totappo: ...Burdock... It's them...

Burdock: Yo...

Goten: Xeno: Gram... That's not it... Bu... Burdock-san...?

Burdock: I don't remember well... But it seems I owe you one...

Goten: Xeno: N... No... Not at all... Ehehe...

Burdock: Not sure you'd call this a way to thank you but... I'll train you.

Goten: Xeno: Ehehehe, no way, training~ ...What?

Burdock: C'mon! Don't just stand there and take your posture!! If you're a Saiyajin, you want more battle power, right?

Goten: Xeno: Whaaat? Our thanks is training...!?

<<Trunks: Xeno: C... Certainly... most of their values are connected to "battle", it's just like them... Haha.>>

Goten: Xeno: It's nothing to laugh about, Trunks-kun! Gi... Give me a break~!?

Extra Battle 02
[spoiler]King of Destruction Tuulece: Yo... I've been waiting for you to come here again...!!

Goten: Xeno: Tuulece...!! You don't know when to give up...! You don't have any more allies to support you!

KoD Tuulece: ...Is that so?

Daiizu: ..Uuu...!!!

Cacao: Nn... nnn... ndadadada... nda.... nda...

<<Trunks: Xeno: He... He...! He's forcibly controlling the allies he once discarded...!!>>

Goten: Xeno: What a guy...! I won't forgive you...!! What do you think... allies are!!


<<Trunks: Xeno: Welcome back...! It seems you returned safe... The fruit of the Shinseijuu Goten-san brought is being analyzed right now. It would be good if this would be the bases of some information that would connect to Towa's trace... Most likely, we can't locate her just by finding some proof that she messed with the fruit. It seems that if we put this information and a different information together, we can establish Towa's location! Let's steadily gather information...! There's only this straightforward action...! ...That and, I'm worried about that boy called "Chamel"... I still don't know his identity... He doesn't seem like a person that should be left alone...! The time to fight him will surely come...! For now, let's do what we can to prepare for that time... Let's go forward!!>>

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Re: "DBH: Ultimate Mission X" Official Discussion Thread

Post by Cypher » Mon Jul 24, 2017 9:42 am

Just a heads-up: if you go to the official site- http://dbhu.channel.or.jp/ - a pop-up image will give you QR codes for the Super Golden Freeza card (the same one as given in the latest update alongside SSB Vegetto et al?), alongside two gold coins that automatically give you a SSJ Goku Xeno and a SSB Goku.

Also, just a note on the SH1-SEC2 SSB Vegetto card: it's rightly called (one of) the strongest in the game; my current strategy whilst farming for platinum coins to get the remaining Super Heroes cards is just to put Tarble at the front to bolster power, then bring everyone else forward, and SSB Vegetto's natural strength plus, presumably, the boost from Tarble has given me 99999 damage several times, and at the very least in the 20000s (usually when the enemy is nerfing me).

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Re: "DBH: Ultimate Mission X" Official Discussion Thread

Post by Xeogran » Sun Jul 30, 2017 5:32 am

Wish they would add the GoDs from SDBH to UMX. Slim chance I know.

Jiren, however... I feel like they will add him eventually.

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Re: "DBH: Ultimate Mission X" Official Discussion Thread

Post by ShadowBardock89 » Tue Aug 01, 2017 10:45 am

I do not suppose that SS3 Raditz and/or SS3 Nappa are in the game, are they?

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Re: "DBH: Ultimate Mission X" Official Discussion Thread

Post by Dragonballgod19 » Tue Aug 01, 2017 7:00 pm

ShadowBardock89 wrote:I do not suppose that SS3 Raditz and/or SS3 Nappa are in the game, are they?
Idk they probably are

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Re: "DBH: Ultimate Mission X" Official Discussion Thread

Post by S3 Hendrix » Thu Aug 10, 2017 8:12 am

ShadowBardock89 wrote:I do not suppose that SS3 Raditz and/or SS3 Nappa are in the game, are they?
They are not they're only in the arcade game

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Re: "DBH: Ultimate Mission X" Official Discussion Thread

Post by ShadowBardock89 » Thu Aug 10, 2017 8:45 am

S3 Hendrix wrote:
ShadowBardock89 wrote:I do not suppose that SS3 Raditz and/or SS3 Nappa are in the game, are they?
They are not they're only in the arcade game
In comparison to the arcade version, what does the game cover? From what mission to mission?

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Re: "DBH: Ultimate Mission X" Official Discussion Thread

Post by VegettoEX » Thu Aug 10, 2017 9:28 am

Dragon Ball Heroes: Ultimate Mission X covers all of the original, pre-Super Dragon Ball Heroes material (all of the original release, the Galaxy Mission release, the Evil Dragons Mission release, and the God Mission release).

The Nappa and Raditz cards being referenced didn't debut until Super Dragon Ball Heroes, the updated/upgraded/expanded edition of the arcade game that launched last year.

I believe the latest Ultimate Mission X update/patch added a couple Super Dragon Ball Heroes cards, but it's not covering all of that new material.
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Re: "DBH: Ultimate Mission X" Official Discussion Thread

Post by ShadowBardock89 » Thu Aug 10, 2017 10:14 am

VegettoEX wrote:Dragon Ball Heroes: Ultimate Mission X covers all of the original, pre-Super Dragon Ball Heroes material (all of the original release, the Galaxy Mission release, the Evil Dragons Mission release, and the God Mission release).

The Nappa and Raditz cards being referenced didn't debut until Super Dragon Ball Heroes, the updated/upgraded/expanded edition of the arcade game that launched last year.

I believe the latest Ultimate Mission X update/patch added a couple Super Dragon Ball Heroes cards, but it's not covering all of that new material.
Thanks, Mike! That clears up things a bit.

I have question for you, would your opinion of the game be different if the gameplay was similar to the XCOM series (or Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle, which the comparison has been noted)?
The closest to it was Dragon Ball Fusions during the battle sequences.
Last edited by ShadowBardock89 on Thu Aug 10, 2017 10:17 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: "DBH: Ultimate Mission X" Official Discussion Thread

Post by VegettoEX » Thu Aug 10, 2017 10:16 am

Yes, I would enjoy the gameplay if the gameplay was instead actually fun.
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Re: "DBH: Ultimate Mission X" Official Discussion Thread

Post by Majin Demigra » Thu Aug 10, 2017 4:22 pm

Was it ever explained where this dark energy affecting everyone came from?

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Re: "DBH: Ultimate Mission X" Official Discussion Thread

Post by Steven Bloodriver » Thu Aug 10, 2017 6:12 pm

Majin Demigra wrote:Was it ever explained where this dark energy affecting everyone came from?
The Time Breakers were probably behind it.

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Re: "DBH: Ultimate Mission X" Official Discussion Thread

Post by Majin Demigra » Mon Aug 14, 2017 7:08 pm

alakazam^ wrote:I won't be here for a couple weeks so enjoy this last part for now 8)

So are you gonna continue someday or...

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Steven Bloodriver
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Re: "DBH: Ultimate Mission X" Official Discussion Thread

Post by Steven Bloodriver » Mon Aug 14, 2017 8:31 pm

Majin Demigra wrote:
alakazam^ wrote:I won't be here for a couple weeks so enjoy this last part for now 8)

So are you gonna continue someday or...
Give him a week from now, he might be back by then.

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