General Fan Fiction Thread

Any general discussion regarding fan-created works of the Dragon Ball franchise, including AMVs, fan-art, fan-fiction, etc.

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Re: General Fan Fiction Thread

Post by Doctor. » Mon Jan 15, 2018 11:02 am

How would you guys go about rewriting DBS if it started already post-EOZ?

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Re: General Fan Fiction Thread

Post by FoolsGil » Mon Jan 15, 2018 11:19 pm

Doctor. wrote:How would you guys go about rewriting DBS if it started already post-EOZ?
5 years after Z, A Space Warlord comes to Earth and seals up Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Piccolo, and Majin Buu, and leaves, kidnapping them. When he leaves, his posse touch down, to take over the planet. With the weakest of them stronger than Eighteen, the resistance has their work cut out for them, but Pan, Uub, Goten, and Trunks, are in the end able to take out this group with a little ingenuity and a lot of training in the hyperbolic time chamber with Krillin and Tenshinhan. Then when those guys are done, the kids head out to space to find the Warlord's planet. They wouldn't be able to beat him, not when he uses the sealed warriors to amplify his strength but were able to release Goku from his seal, who after a long drawn out fight, takes out the Warlord.

Then the Beerus arc happens, with the biggest change is that Pan is now training with Goku, who was very impressed with what he heard, she pretty much led the younger generation. She was there when Goku gets gobsmacked by Beerus, and when the talk of Super Saiyan God comes up, Goku gives Pan the honor of fighting Beerus with the power up. She does a better showing than Goku would have, Whis stops the fight near the end and asks Pan straight up if she wants to become the next God of Destruction. She thinks that's so cool and straight up asks her parents first:(Videl and Gohan talk it out for two minutes, gets a promise from Pan she will make sure the planets' inhabitants are moved to a new planet before destruction) after which she agrees. Whis forces Beerus to call off the planet's complete destruction, Pan is taken for training. Uub, dejected develops an issue with this, as he's Goku's apprentice, and has been being ignored by Goku, and Beerus and Whis, and becomes the Vegeta in the situation, he finds a way to convince Whis to take him on as another God of Destruction in Training.

The same stuff with Champa still happens, maybe find a way to make the Super Dragonballs work, but also find a way to make it make sense with the Namekians. Anyways, the lineup is slightly different for Champa's group for the tournament: Hit, Caulifla, Magetta, Botamo, and Dr. Rota. U7 has Pan, Uub, Goku, Vegeta, and Piccolo. Piccolo barely defeats Rota, loses to Botamo. Botamo loses to Vegeta, but both Vegeta and Goku lose to Magetta. Pan feels a need to take on Caulifla so she goes next, taking out Magetta with one blow. Caulifla actually reveals she knows about Super Saiyan, and is definitely beating Pan, until Pan reveals her Godlike training, tapping into Super Saiyan Red and beating Caulifla. But Pan loses to Hit. Uub though, with Kaioken was able to fight Hit to a tie, the final hit sends them both out of the ring. Champa and Beerus are pissed and ready to destroy everything but then Zeno appears. Zeno decides he wants the tournament of power.

In this arc, A Makaioshin on vacation decides that Earth is his new destination, learns about the Dragonballs, and thinks that maybe they should be actual dragons, kicking off GT's last arc in an interesting way. Goku, Vegeta and the others not with Beerus and Whis take on the Dragons. The Makaioshin takes over when Omega Shenron is finally defeated, but then Goku and Vegeta reveal they now know Super Saiyan Red, having been so entranced by Pan doing it without the ritual, they trained in the hyperbolic time chamber until they figured it out. When defeated, the Makaioshin begs for mercy and tells Goku and Vegeta he was just having some fun, and just on holiday. Goku relents when the Makaioshin lays on his back like a dog and convinces Vegeta to let him go too.

Tournament of Power. Written more competently. But anyways the U7 competitors would be Pan, Uub, Gotenks via Potara Fusion, (no time limit retcon, if U7 wins they'll use the dragonballs to defuse) Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo, Seventeen, Eighteen, Buu, and Tenshinhan. Still in a battle royale format, just overall better competently written. It's Uub who reveals Ultra Instinct, and Pan who reveals Super Saiyan Blue. Things work out in the end all the universes get to live or whatever

Next would be the Zamasu Arc. There was no tournament of Power in the Mirai Timeline, but Zamasu still hates the mortals. He researches the strongest mortal found in all universes (Jiren) takes his body (Jiren Black) and proceeds to wreak havok, including taking down the Mirai grand priest, and killing Mirai Zeno by tricking him to drink poison. One thing leads to another where Black meets present Zamasu and they work together. In the end, Mirai Trunks cuts down the Zamas Fusion, and Uub and Pan uses the Mafuba to take the ascendant form of Zamasu and sealing him. They then throw the rice cooker into a black hole and that's that. And Mirai Trunks and Mirai Mai, the last two living members of all their universes, live in present U7.

Last arc would be Pan and Uub having to fight. The winner will go on to fight Beerus, and if Beerus loses, the winner becomes the new God of Destruction. About 10 years have passed since the first arc started, and Pan (19) and Uub (24) have been together through most of it. It soon dawns on them that they have feelings for each other, and they spend the night together, before they face off to decide who takes on Beerus. In a long, drawn out fight, Pan takes the win and against Beerus reveals she knows Ultra Instinct, and pretty much has him dead to rights. But oops she loses focus and the power drops. Beerus beats her down, and says he will graciously continue being God of Destruction when Pan loses. Whis doesn't have the heart to tell him the truth. Anyways, Pan and Uub are free to go home, they have learned everything that Whis could teach them. He offers to take them straight to Earth, but the two decide they're going to take the long way, and decide to travel the universe together.

...At least, that's how I'd do it.

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Re: General Fan Fiction Thread

Post by Power Metal » Fri Jan 19, 2018 4:47 pm

Kanassa wrote:
Power Metal wrote:I agree on not necessarily following the "formula."
Its not a bad thing for a fanfic to capture some of the original's feel but to also capture the fanfic's author's feelings in the writing.
I think it gives the work a little character to distinguish it from the original as well as from other fanfics.

So, way back when the Yo! special came out, I started writing my own DB fanfic, my first (and only) in fact. And like so many others, I never finished it. Once BoG, RoF, and eventually Super came out, I sort of threw in the towel. The mistake I made was trying to rewrite my story to fit in with all the new content.
My goal with my story was to make most of the "supporting" cast more relevant. At first I had Goku missing from the story because he was training with Uub. Then I changed it so he was training with Whis. Anyway, the point was, the others would have to step up to the challenge without Goku to bail them out.
My first threat that the Z fighters would face was... all their old enemies (mostly because I don't feel very confident in my abilities to creat original characters). It was an attempt to combine the elements of the GT's Super 17 story with Super's RoF story with Cell as the most powerful of the returning antagonists. (I forgot to mention that I chose to make as much DB material "canon" to my story as I could so most movie villians are also in "anime-Hell" like what we saw in the Buu saga and Super 17 saga.) I didn't want any of my characters, good or bad, to get ridiculous power ups out of no where so to try to do that was to have the villians (dubbed the Hell fighters in my story) begin training immediately after watching Buu's defeat with Bibidi leading them. The most "fanfic-y" type thing I wrote was for Cell. I had him absorb 19, 20, and Super 13 then also add DNA from his new "friends" in hell. This put him somewhere in the neighborhood of Buu's level.
Anyway, all of this is happening unbeknownst to the Z fighters.
Back in the living world, using tech from the machines Slug brought to Earth, Bulma and her father start terraforming other planets in the Solar System; Mars, Venus, some of the Jovian worlds, and Saturn's Titan. On top of that, thanks to an idea from Goku, they use the Earth's Dragon Balls and the Namekian Dragon Balls to move New Namek into our Solar System. (I could've just used one set of DBs but the idea of summoning both Shenron and Porunga at the same time was too tempting.) This is what motivated the Z fighters to continue pushing themselves to greater heights; having to protect not just the Earth but the entire Solar System as well as two sets of DBs.
After some time had come to pass, during another Otherworld Tournament, the Hell fighters break out of hell and attack the tournament. They take the Kais hostage before demanding the Z fighters be summoned. The reason I chose the Otherworld Tournament was because, at the time, DB had never had a full on battle royale. Of course,now that's changed.
It was to be the Z fighters plus Otherworld Tournament contestants (Pikkon and the rest) against the Hell fighters.

That's the gist of it for the most part. I thought maybe if I post this, I'll find a little motivation to continue writing. And if not, at least I've finally told someone at least a small fraction of what I had created.
Sounds like a nice action romp. Though why would Goku and Vegeta being off with Whis stop them from helping? Unless Whis decided not to tell them about it.
Still working out the details for that. Only Goku is absent though. This was part of my attempt to have the others catch up to him a little bit.
I do far more lurking than actual posting.

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Re: General Fan Fiction Thread

Post by Kanassa » Sun Jan 21, 2018 8:20 am

How'd you feel about gag fights during a tournament? Especially as a bit of relief after a rather depressing chapter.
When Super apparently shoves Goku down our throats:

Kanassa wrote:
FoolsGil wrote:I hope Mark is dead. But chances are the dragonballs will bring his stupid ass back. :D
- FoolsGil, Out of Context, 2017

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Re: General Fan Fiction Thread

Post by Doctor. » Sun Jan 21, 2018 8:34 am

Kanassa wrote:How'd you feel about gag fights during a tournament? Especially as a bit of relief after a rather depressing chapter.
They're fine if they're at the start or the entire tournament is focused on gag fights. Gag fights at a late stage of a serious tournament are seriously out-of-place. Placing a gag fight immediately after a depressing scene sounds inappropriate, too.

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Re: General Fan Fiction Thread

Post by Kanassa » Sun Jan 21, 2018 9:20 am

Doctor. wrote:
Kanassa wrote:How'd you feel about gag fights during a tournament? Especially as a bit of relief after a rather depressing chapter.
They're fine if they're at the start or the entire tournament is focused on gag fights. Gag fights at a late stage of a serious tournament are seriously out-of-place.
Well, it's the second fight in a tournament of seven.
Placing a gag fight immediately after a depressing scene sounds inappropriate, too.
Hmmm. I see your point, though it's not right after, more just a recent thing after a small cool-down period.
When Super apparently shoves Goku down our throats:

Kanassa wrote:
FoolsGil wrote:I hope Mark is dead. But chances are the dragonballs will bring his stupid ass back. :D
- FoolsGil, Out of Context, 2017

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Re: General Fan Fiction Thread

Post by Doctor. » Sun Jan 21, 2018 9:21 am

Kanassa wrote:
Doctor. wrote:
Kanassa wrote:How'd you feel about gag fights during a tournament? Especially as a bit of relief after a rather depressing chapter.
They're fine if they're at the start or the entire tournament is focused on gag fights. Gag fights at a late stage of a serious tournament are seriously out-of-place.
Well, it's the second fight in a tournament of seven.
Placing a gag fight immediately after a depressing scene sounds inappropriate, too.
Hmmm. I see your point, though it's not right after, more just a recent thing after a small cool-down period.
Then it sounds fine, but like all things it would depend on your execution.

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Re: General Fan Fiction Thread

Post by ekrolo2 » Sun Jan 21, 2018 9:56 am

Has anyone done a fic where Goku's use of KK Blue in the U6 tournament permanently destroys his ability to use ki properly? That'd make for an interesting, if probably angsty, one shot at the very least.
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Re: General Fan Fiction Thread

Post by Doctor. » Sun Jan 21, 2018 9:59 am

ekrolo2 wrote:Has anyone done a fic where Goku's use of KK Blue in the U6 tournament permanently destroys his ability to use ki properly? That'd make for an interesting, if probably angsty, one shot at the very least.
No, but I was thinking about writing one where him using SSG against Beerus would drain him out of his Ki forever; that would be the drawback to SSG.

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Re: General Fan Fiction Thread

Post by ekrolo2 » Sun Jan 21, 2018 10:34 am

Doctor. wrote:
ekrolo2 wrote:Has anyone done a fic where Goku's use of KK Blue in the U6 tournament permanently destroys his ability to use ki properly? That'd make for an interesting, if probably angsty, one shot at the very least.
No, but I was thinking about writing one where him using SSG against Beerus would drain him out of his Ki forever; that would be the drawback to SSG.
That'd work really well for movie BoG where Goku's being a bit of arrogant prick, having him get knocked completely down by trying to force a victory over Beerus and screwing up his body as a result would be a pretty dark but satisfying thing to happen.
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Re: General Fan Fiction Thread

Post by ekrolo2 » Sun Jan 28, 2018 5:24 pm

Has anyone done a Dragon Ball fic that deliberately emulates Toriyama? There's tons where the author is just taking the series into their own style or way of conveying stuff but I'd really like to read one where someone intentionally puts that aside and just goes full Toriyama, good and bad.

I know I've tried it and it felt like my IQ dropped to the level of a brick.
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Re: General Fan Fiction Thread

Post by Alruneia » Sun Jan 28, 2018 5:50 pm

ekrolo2 wrote:Has anyone done a Dragon Ball fic that deliberately emulates Toriyama? There's tons where the author is just taking the series into their own style or way of conveying stuff but I'd really like to read one where someone intentionally puts that aside and just goes full Toriyama, good and bad.

I know I've tried it and it felt like my IQ dropped to the level of a brick.
I tried to do that when I started out, but I've found myself unable to fully do it. There are some Toriyama quirks that I simply can't make myself pull. I still attempt to make DBZR feel like it fits with Toriyama's universe, but it's certainly not easy. I'm sure even Toyotaro has problems in this area.
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Re: General Fan Fiction Thread

Post by Jackalope89 » Sun Jan 28, 2018 9:32 pm

ekrolo2 wrote:Has anyone done a Dragon Ball fic that deliberately emulates Toriyama? There's tons where the author is just taking the series into their own style or way of conveying stuff but I'd really like to read one where someone intentionally puts that aside and just goes full Toriyama, good and bad.

I know I've tried it and it felt like my IQ dropped to the level of a brick.
You mean like forgetting characters like Launch, certain events, and a quirky sense of humor?

I sometimes do the first two, but not on purpose. I try the last, but with mixed results. Maybe. I don't really go too much into pure DBZ fanfics because so many of them are slash, soap opera-esque, or painfully out of character. But one I do like is this; ... the-Sunset

Bardock is not the most in-character person there is (like I don't believe he ever swore like a sailor before), but it does not bash on any of the characters, keeps canon relationships, and even has a lot of Toriyama-esque humor. Like Bardiccolo. The fusion dance of Bardock and Piccolo. Try and get THAT image out of your mind.

When I write? I do crossovers. And probably my own worst critic. I try to keep the Toriyama humor in it (Great Saiyaman arc being my go to for that).

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Re: General Fan Fiction Thread

Post by FoolsGil » Sun Jan 28, 2018 9:43 pm

ekrolo2 wrote:Has anyone done a Dragon Ball fic that deliberately emulates Toriyama? There's tons where the author is just taking the series into their own style or way of conveying stuff but I'd really like to read one where someone intentionally puts that aside and just goes full Toriyama, good and bad.

I know I've tried it and it felt like my IQ dropped to the level of a brick.
You would need a Dr. Slump fanfic writer to pull it off.

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Re: General Fan Fiction Thread

Post by ekrolo2 » Tue Jan 30, 2018 6:25 pm

I got a sequel idea for Yamcha & Ox-King Save the World, this time it would be "Gohan & Piccolo Save the Future!". Here's the gist of it:

[spoiler]Basically, you know how the Super anime has a scene where Gohan finds out Trunks' future is in a massive amount of trouble and nobody, not even Trunks himself, bothers to tell him about it and he just vanishes from the story instead of, you know, doing something about it? Well here, he does! He wants to help save the future and the discussion goes more in depth about some things like how to fix things even after Black is beaten, what the hell SSRage even is, how can Black still exist even though Beerus killed him and why Goku's hesitant to use the Kaio-Ken,... just in an attempt by me to clean up the Black arc.

Once that's done, Vegeta enters the ROSAT and Goku goes off to learn the Mafuba, Gohan asks Supreme Kai to take him to Old Kai's place so he can re-release his old potential, simultaneously, Piccolo heads off to New Namek to get a God candidate for future Earth who can potentially use the Dragon Balls to fix as much of Black & Zamasu's damage as possible.

Gohan's old potential is re-unlocked much faster than before while a fair amount (not all) of his new potential is brought forth, putting him somewhat below SSRage Trunks. Just as the Saiyan's end their training and get ready to go back into the future, Piccolo returns to Earth with Cargo in toe thanks to Shin's help, he gives Gohan some spare talisman's for the Mafuba, citing Goku's recent idiocy about forgetting the Senzu beans as a reason to take extra precaution.

Vegeta fights Black and their fight proceeds as seen in the anime with the whole portal business (which I'll try to explain) while in this version, Gohan takes on Future Zamasu and manages to easily kick his ass. Goku seals him in the Mafuba and with Gohan's spare talisman's, manages to keep him in the jar even if the process leaves him really worn out.

Black arrives at the scene, causing his portal and clones to vanish and lash out at the assembled group only for Vegeta then Trunks to go at him. Goku's tired and is worried about fighting Black since he seems to make him a lot more powerful while Gohan's kind of the runt of the litter. Vegeta and Trunks manage to gain an edge on Black until he feigns using the Solar Flare to almost disemboweled Vegeta then blast him away, he moves to take Trunks as a hostage so he can get Future Zamasu back but a pissed off Gohan and Goku blindside him.

Goku stays to fight Black while Trunks and Gohan go to help heal Vegeta with a spare Senzu but it doesn't work since Vegeta's stomach got cut open so he can't properly eat the bean, the two half-breeds opt to use a ki beam to try and cauterize the wound so they can fix him. Meanwhile, Goku is pressed more and more and Black powers up still, when Black realizes he's about to hit a big threshold of power, and needs just a big enough push from Goku to get it, he opts to IT to the others and almost kills them when Goku explodes with a basic KK Blue on him and pounds his shit in only for Black to unlock his next level: Rose Kaio-Ken, allowing him to blow Goku away.

Now, this is where I'm a bit conflicted about how to proceed with the ending, one idea I had is that while the others are fighting, Piccolo, Gowasu, Shin and Cargo would also arrive elsewhere in the future and revive Future Gowasu, bringing back Rummshi and Cus who are informed of what Zamasu/Black have done.

Just ahead of their arrival, Black would move to kill the everyone, smashing everyone to bits and goading a persistent Gohan about how he already killed him, Videl and Pan after doing away with Chi-Chi, Goten and Goku. Gohan would unleash his true, new potential and blast Black, managing to damage him fairly substantially but not enough to beat him. Just when things seem hopeless, Rummshi, Cul, Piccolo, Cargo, Future Gowasu and Shin arrive on Earth. Rummshi easily wipes Black out and thanks everyone for their help and Cargo stays behind, using his version of Porunga alongside the help of Future Gowasu and Cus to travel the future multiverse and bring back everyone that's been killed by this disaster.

The other idea is that Goku fights a desperate one-man battle against Rose KK Black, barely holding on despite his injuries and urging everyone else to run away back to the past. At that moment, Shin arrives with main timeline Gowasu to the others and gives Gohan and Trunks the Potara earrings. They become Gohanks and easily obliterate Black, saving the future timeline. Cargo stays behind and with Future Gowasu's and Trunks' help, uses his version of Porunga to revive a lot of people across U7 before moving on to the others and to revive the various Gods across the multiverse.

What do you guys think, which ending should I go with?[/spoiler]
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Re: General Fan Fiction Thread

Post by Alruneia » Tue Jan 30, 2018 8:48 pm

Has anyone even attempted to piece together a Dragon Ball Super theory fanfic?
And I don't mean based on the "the angels are evil" idea.
I don't even mean the "Goten is Black" idea.
I mean
  • Magetta is Broly in disguise
  • Goten is Goku Black
  • Trunks goes back to the past and gets Bardock
  • Bardock turns Blue and joins the Zamasu fight
  • The Great Priest, also known as El Grande Padre or EGP, is Black in disguise, and is therefore Goten
  • Jiren hails from a previously deleted universe and seeks revenge
  • Katopesla is an angel in disguise who used to be the attendant in a previously deleted universe
  • Damon and Gamisaras can transform into Hirudegarns, Shantza can transform into (Super) Janemba
  • EGP hijacks the tournament with Jiren's brother, El Hermano, who is under his command
  • Jiren fights El Hermano, spawning a few Jiren Jr.'s to aid him, but due to familial bonds, this means that El Hermano is now an uncle, El Tío, which is a power-up
  • As this is going on, Gohan manages to unlock an angelic Super Saiyan form, becoming Gohan Blanco; he attempts to stop EGP
  • Gohan is losing the fight, dropping in power, since he's unintentionally holding back against his brother. Even his Spanish skills are getting weaker. However, he manages to unlock a stronger, bald form - Gohan Calvo.
  • EGP somehow manages to unlock Calvo as well after losing the round against Gohan
  • At some point, Gohan manages to transform yet again, turning into Grandpa Gohan. Eventually, he retreats and transports himself to the past in order to raise Kakarot to be an even stronger Goku. However, the Kakarot he finds in the past turns out to be EGP somehow.
This thing has approximately fifteen million holes to fill. How does Goten turn his skin blue in order to be EGP? Connection to the Universe 2 magical girl transformation, perhaps? Which brings up the question, what is everyone else doing while the bullet points are going on? This is where the writing challenge lies, in actually "completing" the Gohan Blanco canon. Which is why I'm wondering if anyone's made an attempt.[/spoiler]
Nothing in this post was made up by me. It's all theories (and memes) from the internet.
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Re: General Fan Fiction Thread

Post by Doctor. » Tue Jan 30, 2018 9:01 pm

Alruneia wrote:At some point, Gohan manages to transform yet again, turning into Grandpa Gohan. Eventually, he retreats and transports himself to the past in order to raise Kakarot to be an even stronger Goku. However, the Kakarot he finds in the past turns out to be EGP somehow.
I see you've seen that comic, too.

For those unaware,


Super could only hope to be this good.

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Re: General Fan Fiction Thread

Post by Alruneia » Wed Jan 31, 2018 10:26 am

Doctor. wrote:I see you've seen that comic, too.
Those are all part of it. So at least there's a little bit of story already filled out, which could help any potential writers. :P
It's the fact that things like those "manga pages" already exist that makes me want to see an attempt at tying it all together to create a cohesive story.
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Re: General Fan Fiction Thread

Post by ekrolo2 » Sun Feb 04, 2018 6:23 pm

Has anyone used second-person narration in any fics? I've been mulling it over after reading the Revenge of the Sith novelization by Matthew Stover. For those who are unaware of what that is or how it works, here's an example:

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Re: General Fan Fiction Thread

Post by Jackalope89 » Wed Feb 14, 2018 2:53 am

2nd person is kind of difficult to pull off, being a combination of 3rd and 1st.

Personally, I do 3rd person POVs. And barring exceptions for books like Percy Jackson and Animorphs, I just can't stand it (beyond something like an internal thought that's only a sentence or two, something along those lines). But 2nd person is rather rare, come to think of it.

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