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Re: Vic Mignogna

Post by PFM18 » Tue Feb 05, 2019 1:06 am

Cursed Lemon wrote:
Cursed Lemon wrote:I'd like to know when the next clubhouse meeting is for these unassociated sexual assault co-conspirators that apparently all get together and decide who their next unwitting target is for false accusations.
Since apparently something got incredibly lost in translation, this was sarcastic, thanks.
I mean I would assume that you were trying to use your sarcasm to make a point. i.e. that people were accusing the victims of making this shit up.

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Re: Vic Mignogna

Post by Polyphase Avatron » Tue Feb 05, 2019 5:49 am

SaintEvolution wrote:
Polyphase Avatron wrote:
SaintEvolution wrote:And yeah, a lot of people have corroborated the stuff about Vic. I never said he is innocent, he being guilty is a strong possibility, but again, a possibility, and not a true and proved fact until now.
I think it's reached the point where it can be considered true beyond any reasonable doubt.
Ehh, no. We can consider without reasonable doubt that he is a douche, that he invades personal space of other people, and that he is cloggy. The incident with Neil Kaplan is a good example of all those characteristics. But, we can't consider without reasonable doubt until now, even if is a possibility, that is a pedophile or a rapist. Being cloggy or being a douche is not the same thing of being a pedophile or a rapist.

Again, that is a possibility, but is the kind of stuff that we need to be skeptical and wait for proofs. Words only, are not proofs.
I wasn't talking about anything more than groping people, but that's bad enough already.
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Re: Vic Mignogna

Post by Scsigs » Tue Feb 05, 2019 6:25 am

WittyUsername wrote:YouTube really isn’t having any of this KickVic stuff, and many are insisting that people are going after Mignogna because he’s a white Christian man. That’s not surprising, but I wonder if that’s more of a statement on YouTube itself (which seems to lean fairly heavily towards the conservative side of things) or of the anime community in general (which does seem to have captured the hearts of many young anti-SJW folks).
I mean, when you have people who look at stuff like this in THIS way, with a lot of the allegations just being about uncomfortable interactions. Realistically, they should've told him that they were uncomfortable the moments those were happening. Skimming this article: ... na/.142212, it would seem Vic's not entirely off the hook, since he apparently did a few of these things without thinking beforehand, but it doesn't seem like there was any attempted malice meant in them. I mean, speaking as a person who doesn't like a lot of physical contact, I can't really get inside the head of someone whose reflexes are based in them, but there should always be some form of communication when people take pictures with someone else. Neither should make unwanted physical contact without asking first, but if someone DOES do that, it's also up to the person receiving it to tell them they don't want it. That's what I'D do, at least. I think that's a danger of this kind of discussion. Most people are easy to put blame on the people accused, but in instances of these kind of things, the person who received them also has a responsibility to themselves to make sure they don't encounter an uncomfortable situation & tell whoever else that they're uncomfortable with it if they are. It's a 2-way street here.

As for the religious aspect of it, towards the end of that same article, a Jewish guy also relayed a story where Vic said his religious values could be changed when he told Vic he was Jewish as the reason when Vic asked him why he didn't get one of his Christian music CDs. This IS rhetoric from any hardcore religious person & Vic seems like he's decently religious. A lot of deeply religious Christians feel it's their duty to convert as many people as possible who don't share their views exactly, since it's pretty engrained into their belief systems to do so, otherwise those people will suffer eternal damnation & the like should there be an afterlife. Clearly, Vic needs to learn to keep his religious views to himself & only discuss it with people who actually buy his Religious music CDs rather than just bringing it up. This has been a constant problem with the deeply Christian. They're surprised that anyone wouldn't share their faith, so they feel the need to try to shove it down people's throats. However, Vic doesn't seem like the kind of person to take things too far & his concern doesn't seem to be based in any malice, just genuine wondering & concern (& I know most religious people approach these things from that viewpoint. I'm just saying that Vic doesn't seem to wanna force people to convert. He just thought more people would buy his Christian music, even though most of his fans are fans of his voice acting work, which is entirely separate from that & he needs to learn & accept that if he hasn't already). I only say this because the exact quote was Vic saying, "we can change that," which COULD mean change his religious values, or changing his not listening to his music. The quote IS a bit vague & the guy just assumed what he meant.

And all I wanna say is this. This whole thing has just blown out of proportion, honestly. Is Vic at fault? Sure, to some degree. What is he at fault for? Meeting people & some having uncomfortable interactions with him that they themselves never told him about & were probably blown of proportion to some degree with most of these people overthinking his intentions. There ARE creeps in the world who need to be called out on their BS publicly & by the people they've legitimately harmed. Is Vic one of them? It doesn't seem so, but he SHOULD know that not everybody's comfortable with everything he does & he should respect that. The video of his apology at that con shows me a man who didn't think through his actions. Considering most of the people who've spoken about these incidents seem like a small number of people who've met him, I don't blame him with getting too comfortable with his reflexes on how he interacted with people. Most people when they meet someone they like, admire, are a fan of, &/or whatever else usually want a handshake, a hug, an autograph, to ask a question, etc & it's not uncommon for famous people, especially at cons, to get used to these things & assume most everybody else would want the same things, not really thinking about it. Have any of these stories had anything more serious than a hug, or a kiss on the cheek, or Vic asking why someone wouldn't want his Christian music CDs? I haven't seen any, so he doesn't seem evil.

Then there's the case of people wanting Vic to lose his voice acting gigs & be replaced as Broly. What? Over making people feel slightly uncomfortable for a few seconds out of either wanting to make his fans happy or him just wondering why someone wasn't doing something? If that was the case, I'm sure more people would lose their jobs over misunderstandings. The guy isn't James Woods, whom I can understand people not wanting him to be in Kingdom Hearts III despite him being the best VA in Hercules, since he genuinely seems like he wants to hurt people & espouses some dangerous views & rhetoric on social media. Vic has also genuinely apologized for any misgivings several times already, something Woods hasn't because Vic is human & can admit when he's been at fault, something I don't think James Woods can do unless he genuinely feels a reason to. Having Vic be blacklisted amongst the industry for incidents like this is messed up, honestly. And other stories of him overstaying his panel times & yelling at staffers. It seems we haven't had the full context of those situations. It's a lot of hearsay or misunderstandings. How many of those have many of us had in our lives?

And, I'm not a big fan of Vic, I just like some of the things he's been in & believe he's genuinely talented at what he does. He won't get replaced as Broly. He's too tied to the role & he's a regular at FUNi (he also voices older Sabo in One Piece as well & does other roles here & there for their dubs of other stuff). Plus, FUNi still uses recordings Scott Freeman did for them & he had a WAY bigger thing than Vic, they just replaced him with soundalikes for future projects involving his characters. And he won't get replaced for Jojo's (he's already recorded his lines, so unless Viz wanted to spend more money on the dub than they already have, I don't think they'd bother). Unless enough people genuinely boycott these companies & refuse to buy the releases of anything he's in, these companies won't bother. Plus, I think the people who are wondering about this are forgetting something. In anime voice work, companies don't have to pay royalties to the actors after they've recorded their lines. Yeah. As ruled by whatever union or authority is over these companies & people, they don't have to pay royalties to the actors. Even union ones. They just pay them for their time & sessions, then they use the recordings as they will. This isn't like Louis C.K. getting redubbed by Alex Hirsch for the episode(s) his character appeared in for Gravity Falls. FUNi & Viz don't have to redub anything he's been in if they don't have to or want to. The Broly movie is doing really well in the box office for FUNi & Jojo's is just one of Viz's projects & Vic isn't a major part of it, so it's not gonna affect their bottom line. It's, honestly, just a futile effort. The allegations aren't nearly as bad as people think they are & the companies aren't going to suffer much from them, so it's not gonna happen.

I'm not trying to step on toes here, I'm just trying to be real & level with people. Sorry. This went on longer than I intended it to.
Only dubs that matter are DB, Kai, & Super. Nothing else.
Vic Mignogna: Good actor & singer, but a MAJOR douchebag & idiot.

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Re: Vic Mignogna

Post by Fionordequester » Tue Feb 05, 2019 7:35 am

Scsigs wrote:As for the religious aspect of it, towards the end of that same article, a Jewish guy also relayed a story where Vic said his religious values could be changed when he told Vic he was Jewish as the reason when Vic asked him why he didn't get one of his Christian music CDs. This IS rhetoric from any hardcore religious person & Vic seems like he's decently religious. A lot of deeply religious Christians feel it's their duty to convert as many people as possible who don't share their views exactly, since it's pretty engrained into their belief systems to do so, otherwise those people will suffer eternal damnation & the like should there be an afterlife.
Let's be clear here. The Bible, in the Book of Romans, also says that it's possible to know God through nature, in addition to knowing him through scripture. These are called "General Revelation" (nature) and "Specific Revelation" (Scripture). People are given a fair choice between good and evil, even when they don't recognize the voices inside them for what they are. This is how God can fairly judge even those who have never had the chance to know him; how he can fairly judge scientists with a healthy skepticism of religion; how he can fairly judge even those who have been traumatized by religious hypocrites like the Westboro Baptist Church.

In other words, an actually knowledgable Christian really should know that preaching to folks isn't always the best answer, even from our perspective. It's shameful how loudly some people will boast in their faith (or bash the faith of others), when they don't actually know the first thing about it... :(
Kataphrut wrote:It's a bit of a Boy Who Cried Wolf situation to me...Basically, the boy shouldn't have cried wolf when the wolves just wanted to Go See Yamcha. If not, they might have gotten some help when the wolves came back to Make the Donuts.
Chuquita wrote:I liken Gokû Black to "guy can't stand his job, so instead of quitting and finding a job he likes, he instead sets fire not only to his workplace so he doesn't have to work there, but tries setting fire to every store in the franchise of that company".

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Re: Vic Mignogna

Post by Scsigs » Tue Feb 05, 2019 8:04 am

Fionordequester wrote:
Scsigs wrote:As for the religious aspect of it, towards the end of that same article, a Jewish guy also relayed a story where Vic said his religious values could be changed when he told Vic he was Jewish as the reason when Vic asked him why he didn't get one of his Christian music CDs. This IS rhetoric from any hardcore religious person & Vic seems like he's decently religious. A lot of deeply religious Christians feel it's their duty to convert as many people as possible who don't share their views exactly, since it's pretty engrained into their belief systems to do so, otherwise those people will suffer eternal damnation & the like should there be an afterlife.
Let's be clear here. The Bible, in the Book of Romans, also says that it's possible to know God through nature, in addition to knowing him through scripture. These are called "General Revelation" (nature) and "Specific Revelation" (Scripture). People are given a fair choice between good and evil, even when they don't recognize the voices inside them for what they are. This is how God can fairly judge even those who have never had the chance to know him; how he can fairly judge scientists with a healthy skepticism of religion; how he can fairly judge even those who have been traumatized by religious hypocrites like the Westboro Baptist Church.

In other words, an actually knowledgable Christian really should know that preaching to folks isn't always the best answer, even from our perspective. It's shameful how loudly some people will boast in their faith (or bash the faith of others), when they don't actually know the first thing about it... :(
Exactly. Then again, there are a LOT of people who don't seem to get that, if there IS a god, it's that being's policy to judge us by the lives we lived, regardless of our beliefs, to let us into Heaven or not. Then again, a lot of deeply religious people are inherently this way & they're not self-aware of it. It's a real problem with them.
Only dubs that matter are DB, Kai, & Super. Nothing else.
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Re: Vic Mignogna

Post by saiyanhajime » Tue Feb 05, 2019 9:49 am

As with anything, people tend to only notice the opposing side and their pov when it's screaming the oposing view. I'm guilty of that. I'm an atheist and I often feel like religion only pops into my peripherals when it's doing something to directly piss me off.

And feeling a conviction to attempt to convert others is a natural human instinct. We're all doing it in this topic... But like you guys just said, there's a time and a place! This topic is different because the discussion is consensual. If a fan comes to meet a voice actor, they should be able to do that without getting roped into a discussion about faith or frankly anything else, no matter how civil.

Vic's religiousness is irrelevant - his inability to know what is appropriate is the problem. He could have been an atheist and made that exact same comment to the Jewish fan.

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Re: Vic Mignogna

Post by eledoremassis02 » Tue Feb 05, 2019 1:17 pm

An interesting tweet from Chris Sabat ... 0096103426

Just further supports the open secret, which again bothers me because no one has done nothing about for the past 15+ plus years (at least in Vic case). I wonder if anyone has ever come up to him and be like "you really need to town down the touching and kissing, it isn't appropriate" but judging by stories I've heard (in regards to Vic being egotistical and immature when things dont go his way) I'm guessing he just got a pass because no one wanted to deal with the aftermath of a Vic meltdown or argument (which is not the answer mind you).

I think the other things that's not helping Vic case is asking his fans to help fight the backlash. He's literally asking a group of teenage girls to fight his battles and in this particular situation, that just makes things worse. Mind you, I had a middle school teacher that was a lot like that (Hard to work with, has a big ego and relied on his students for a lot *he had a student find a house for him*) now he wasnt touchy like Vic, and I believe him to be far from a pedophile but I think him and Vic have a lot in common in the sense that their attitude and thirst for attention turns off their peers but also just happens to click with said age group (preteens/teens). And this seems backed by the fact that a lot of VA's are openly talking out about him. Shemmel has a history of not liking him, and a lot of story about him being hard to work with come from him running into other VA's pannels uninvited to advertise his own, going over pannel time limits and even that one story of Vic shoving his crotch into the back of that one VA's neck at a panel (I dont think he ment harm by it, but I am pretty sure he was fighting for 100% attention).
Last edited by eledoremassis02 on Tue Feb 05, 2019 1:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Vic Mignogna

Post by Cetra » Tue Feb 05, 2019 1:25 pm

eledoremassis02 wrote:An interesting tweet from Chris Sabat ... 0096103426

Just further supports the open secret, which again bothers me because no one has done nothing about for the past 15+ plus years (at least in Vic case). I wonder if anyone has ever come up to him and be like "you really need to town down the touching and kissing, it isn't appropriate" but judging by stories I've heard (in regards to Vic being egotistical and immature when things dont go his way) I'm guessing he just got a pass because no one wanted to deal with the aftermath of a Vic meltdown or argument (which is not the answer mind you).
Which means for their own sake they preferred to not "be honest" or whatever they want to call it for such a long time instead of calling him out on "dude, that's not okay, this kind of behaviour is crossing the line".
eledoremassis02 wrote: I think the other things that's not helping Vic case is asking his fans to help fight the backlash.
He flat out told people in his apology video not do to that.
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Re: Vic Mignogna

Post by saiyanhajime » Tue Feb 05, 2019 1:44 pm

Yeah, I also find it incredibly problematic to suddenly be taking the high road after apparently having ignored it for so long. Not that we know what they did or didn't know. And to be fair, they may well have been voicing their concerns with higher ups and getting ignored.

Still. Yeah. Problematic.

Not gonna lie, whenever I listen to interviews with Schemmel going off on one I feel real awkward, especially that whole "I'm Goku, he quit" shenanigan... It makes me worried. These guys are just people. And people are varied and lots of people are shitty or do shitty things, me included. It's real easy to forget that. I think most people knew a guy at school, or work, or whatever, who says and does awkward and problematic shit all the time, who digs themselves into a corner and won't back down when arguing, and then one day... Eventually, they say something really out of line, like a racial slur with enough people in earshot for example, and you're like. Wow, why have we all been tolerating this person for so long? But it was such a gradual sliding scale of acceptance that it just passes by as their everyday antics until it's too late.

Social group acceptance is actually really scary. Humans are scary.

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Re: Vic Mignogna

Post by eledoremassis02 » Tue Feb 05, 2019 2:00 pm

saiyanhajime wrote:Yeah, I also find it incredibly problematic to suddenly be taking the high road after apparently having ignored it for so long. Not that we know what they did or didn't know. And to be fair, they may well have been voicing their concerns with higher ups and getting ignored.

Still. Yeah. Problematic.
This is a very true point as it has been stated that Con's were aware of Vics behavior (and others) and Twitter just happens to be that outlet where they can speak out. We don't know who alterted cons *(other VA's, Staff, Fans?) but you are 100% right on that one and I know ANN has to protect themselves but I really wish they would write an article outing everything. Vic isnt the only problem at conventions (It appears fellow cosplayers are worse and most definitely creepy photographers). But we also have moments like Todd Haberkorn where his friend could of done something. I can't wrap my head around it.
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Someone should have stopped people from giving her drinks. Someone should have stopped her leaving with Todd later that night to go back to his room because she was clearly past the point of making any clear decisions any more. That someone should have been me and a few others.
His chats with todd does highlight the problem at hand but I wish someone would open up to discuss on more detail as to why nothing was done period?
I get he's a draw, and that he brings in lots of money, but why not implement rules on how to interact with a guest? Clearly Vic see's nothing wrong with his interactions because he's doing it infront of thousands of Cameras but why not have a staffer provided by the con that works as sort of a PR for the VA. Make it mandatory for kids or young teens to have a parental guardian. I know not all Cons are run by the same people but something has to be done, we cant eliminate everything but we need to stop sweeping it under the rug and I hope this is the start of that.

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Re: Vic Mignogna

Post by Cetra » Tue Feb 05, 2019 2:15 pm

Is the thing in your spoiler an actual picture from credible people? Because there are youtube videos of tons of self-made whatsapp-Chats.
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Re: Vic Mignogna

Post by eledoremassis02 » Tue Feb 05, 2019 2:23 pm

Cetra wrote:Is the thing in your spoiler an actual picture from credible people? Because there are youtube videos of tons of self-made whatsapp-Chats.
Straight from Adam Sheehans twitter (scroll down and you'll see it along with the other tweet of his I posted) ... 5006524416

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Re: Vic Mignogna

Post by Cetra » Tue Feb 05, 2019 2:32 pm

eledoremassis02 wrote:
Cetra wrote:Is the thing in your spoiler an actual picture from credible people? Because there are youtube videos of tons of self-made whatsapp-Chats.
Straight from Adam Sheehans twitter (scroll down and you'll see it along with the other tweet of his I posted) ... 5006524416
I still have the feeling they try to accuse him of (maybe) more than he has done. I mean, what is the point of sharing evidence about "too much of line-crossing behaviour" that Vic himself even admitted and apologized for? There is no need to convince people about something he admitted. But anything else they might want to imply I cannot see to be a thing. And if they actually want to imply that then they once again chose not to say too much. So yeah, he was not only inappropriate towards people that did not want to be like that but also was a diva/di*k towards other people. But honestly - being a douche cannot be the major issue.
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Re: Vic Mignogna

Post by eledoremassis02 » Tue Feb 05, 2019 2:50 pm

Cetra wrote:
eledoremassis02 wrote:
Cetra wrote:Is the thing in your spoiler an actual picture from credible people? Because there are youtube videos of tons of self-made whatsapp-Chats.
Straight from Adam Sheehans twitter (scroll down and you'll see it along with the other tweet of his I posted) ... 5006524416
I still have the feeling they try to accuse him of (maybe) more than he has done. I mean, what is the point of sharing evidence about "too much of line-crossing behaviour" that Vic himself even admitted and apologized for? There is no need to convince people about something he admitted. But anything else they might want to imply I cannot see to be a thing. And if they actually want to imply that then they once again chose not to say too much. So yeah, he was not only inappropriate towards people that did not want to be like that but also was a diva/di*k towards other people. But honestly - being a douche cannot be the major issue.
it's a tough call. One would hold someone will or has the courage to come out if Vic did do something worse, but as of now, there is none that I can find (with Jessies being the worst).

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Re: Vic Mignogna

Post by ironfist2020 » Tue Feb 05, 2019 3:52 pm

Vic looks like a psychopath. I Dont believe him

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Re: Vic Mignogna

Post by Cetra » Tue Feb 05, 2019 3:54 pm

ironfist2020 wrote:Vic looks like a psychopath. I Dont believe him
You're repeating yourself.
ironfist2020 wrote:i do not believe vic. he looks like a psychopath to me
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Re: Vic Mignogna

Post by mute_proxy » Tue Feb 05, 2019 4:02 pm

Cetra wrote:
ironfist2020 wrote:Vic looks like a psychopath. I Dont believe him
You're repeating yourself.
ironfist2020 wrote:i do not believe vic. he looks like a psychopath to me
He wants to gather a mob to burn the witch really bad.

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Re: Vic Mignogna

Post by Captain Awesome » Tue Feb 05, 2019 4:25 pm

Given some of his coworkers are now coming out in support of the victims, what now exactly is the rationale behind jumping to his defence?

It makes me feel mildly ill to see some of you infer these personal virtues based on his vocal performances and a few con panels. There really is something wrong with you.

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Re: Vic Mignogna

Post by ironfist2020 » Tue Feb 05, 2019 4:39 pm

mute_proxy wrote:
Cetra wrote:
ironfist2020 wrote:Vic looks like a psychopath. I Dont believe him
You're repeating yourself.
ironfist2020 wrote:i do not believe vic. he looks like a psychopath to me
He wants to gather a mob to burn the witch really bad.
no i dont. just wanted to share my own feelings. vic acting is really bad. he tries so hard to fake crying and i can tell hes faking it.

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Re: Vic Mignogna

Post by mute_proxy » Tue Feb 05, 2019 4:47 pm

ironfist2020 wrote:
no i dont. just wanted to share my own feelings. vic acting is really bad. he tries so hard to fake crying and i can tell hes faking it.
You wrote the same message (him looking a psychopath) two times, yesterday and today. That's not exactly how you share feelings
