Dragon Ball Without Its Creator

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Re: Dragon Ball Without Its Creator

Post by Kunzait_83 » Mon Mar 11, 2024 4:30 pm

Innagadadavida wrote: Mon Mar 11, 2024 3:07 pmAnd to be clear, I'm not using profit as a bad word. We live in a capitalist world, for better or for worse, and this is how we engage with artists and creatives in a market-driven environment.
Of course we live in a capitalist world, and obviously there's nothing wrong with acknowledging that. Its simply reality.

But... there is a significant difference between acknowledging capitalism as the present reality/paradigm in which we live, and passively accepting it, actively supporting it, or just flat out cheering it on.

To be clear, I'm not even saying that you're doing this specifically Inna: I'm speaking much more in general and broadly here. But to me, its one thing to acknowledge the reality of capitalism and a market environment as the world we live in and have to deal with, and a totally different thing to say "and that's ok, it is what it is".

At this point, I don't think that capitalism is ok or harmless or something to just shrug off as "it is what it is". I acknowledge it as the reality we all have to live in and deal with, but I don't in any way condone or support it, nor do I "accept it" whatsoever. I think its totally unsustainable, is incredibly inhumane and cruel, and at SOME point in human history it needs to be moved past/evolved away from entirely: because in a long-term sense, I don't think that humanity can survive its continuance.

Capitalism, at the end of the day, is the prioritization of profit over people. It should be simply a means to an end to better humanity, but it has instead become the end in and of itself at the direct expense of humanity (and art - in a much more broad sense - along with it). "Money is the root of all evil" etc. etc.

And to be extra-extra clear: Dragon Ball is an immensely, comically trivial footnote in all this. End of the day, Dragon Ball's "artistic integrity" (such as it is) is as rock bottom low on the totem pole of priorities for me as it gets. The ONLY reason that we're all even talking about it at all here in the first place - much less centering it in any way - is because... well because this is a Dragon Ball forum. And the creator just suddenly and unexpectedly passed (at a relatively young-ish age, in the grand scheme of things).

So yeah, this is about the most (and probably only) relevant place to center something as silly and trivial as DB's "creative/artistic integrity" in a discussion. Its only centered here because of the nature of this very forum. Its entirely context-dependent.

My harsh views towards capitalism however are rooted in things entirely divorced from and VASTLY more important than something as silly as Dragon Ball though. That SHOULD go without saying, but... apparently this needs to be reiterated for some folks (not necessarily you Inna, I'm fairly sure you understand this distinction very well).

But in either case, yes we live in a capitalistic/market driven world. No however, I don't think that its ok or acceptable, nor do I think it is something to be passively accepted, actively supported, or cheered on (again broadly speaking, not saying that you're necessarily doing any of those things Inna). At all. Its a grim, shitty, soul-deadening, and at this point fairly dystopian status quo that we all have to essentially slog through and try our best to survive in one piece (sometimes figuratively, sometimes quite literally). The reasons why I think this are rooted in FAR more important issues than something as silly and dumb as Dragon Ball, obviously.

Art - and I include and also mean like MUCH more "important" and "high brow" art in this equation, aside from "low brow" nerd shit like DB - is just one of the many, many, many victims of capitalism. I value and treasure art - in a very broad sense - a great, great deal, and I don't in any way think the commodification of it is something to be written off or passively accepted in any way.

Dragon Ball is about as low on the totem pole of even artistic priorities as it gets within this paradigm (there's VASTLY more important and enriching works out there who's commodification is a zillion times more fucked up and heartbreaking to witness than DB)... but it is still ultimately tied to a much broader, wider discussion about the (negative and corrosive) impact of capitalism on even simple human creativity.

To bring this back around to this forum: I've talked about this a bunch in various other threads over the years too, but I also think that there is a very real - and in my opinion, very annoying and even somewhat disturbing - phenomenon of fans who have seemingly unconsciously/subconsciously internalized the thinking and mindset of a media executive, and who have come to view not just Dragon Ball, but seemingly ALL art and media, through the prism not of a fan and not even of a creator... but through the prism of a corporate marketing executive.

Time and time again, we have seen numerous threads where users (most of whom are needless to say just regular, average people) fully take on the perspective and internalize the priorities of a corporate executive/Hollywood producer as if its one and the same as that of an audience member (and often times, its not). Its a very real, very noticeable widespread trend among all sorts of fandoms (not just DB's) that has been ongoing now for at least 20 someodd years now, and I think its always worth highlighting as something that's worth pointing out, questioning, and challenging, as I think it is INCREDIBLY misguided, wrongheaded, and counterintuitive.

I don't think that Inna's post is necessarily indicative of that trend (or if it is, then its certainly far, far from the worst offender): but it did at least remind me of it. But at the very least I appreciate his attempt at acknowledging that line, drawing some distinctions and boundaries, and trying to look at it from multiple sides and angles. There's at the very least a level of self-awareness there that I do appreciate seeing, and wish there was a bit more of whenever these kinds of topics come up.

Innagadadavida wrote: Mon Mar 11, 2024 3:07 pmTo put it plainly, I have too much to worry about to be concerned at all about artistic integrity of comics and cartoons.
I mean... don't we all? :lol: You don't see me on here very often either at this point. Toriyama's sudden and tragic passing certainly brough pretty much everyone, including all the old-heads, out of the woodwork (for totally obvious and completely justified reasons of course).

Like I said before: Dragon Ball is ludicrously low on the priority list not just broadly/generally, but even when it comes to art/media as a whole. We're only centering it here because of the nature of this place as a Dragon Ball forum, and due to the passing of Toriyama. I simply am not a fan of the impact that capitalism (certainly at least unfettered, out of control capitalism at a minimum) has on pretty much nearly everything it touches, not just Dragon Ball or whatever other creative properties you'd care to name.

In any case, DB certainly still concerns us all enough to bring just about damn near every one of us back here to mourn the creator/author's passing. So there's something to be said for that at least.

Innagadadavida wrote: Mon Mar 11, 2024 3:07 pmAnd my opinion is... there is no way to poison the original product.
Very true, especially given everything that's been thrown at it for all these years now and it still standing tall. Its really amazing how much crap its managed to somehow survive still and not drive off more people. People stick it out with this thing through thick and thin (myself very much included!) in a way that defies all logic. Not a lot of things can boast that kind of longevity and dedication amongst so many people and still feel like its organic and not forced by relentless marketing.

Kunzait's Wuxia Thread
Journey to the West, chapter 26 wrote:The strong man will meet someone stronger still:
Come to naught at last he surely will!
Zephyr wrote:And that's to say nothing of how pretty much impossible it is to capture what made the original run of the series so great. I'm in the generation of fans that started with Toonami, so I totally empathize with the feeling of having "missed the party", experiencing disappointment, and wanting to experience it myself. But I can't, that's how life is. Time is a bitch. The party is over. Kageyama, Kikuchi, and Maeda are off the sauce now; Yanami almost OD'd; Yamamoto got arrested; Toriyama's not going to light trash cans on fire and hang from the chandelier anymore. We can't get the band back together, and even if we could, everyone's either old, in poor health, or calmed way the fuck down. Best we're going to get, and are getting, is a party that's almost entirely devoid of the magic that made the original one so awesome that we even want more.
Kamiccolo9 wrote:It grinds my gears that people get "outraged" over any of this stuff. It's a fucking cartoon. If you are that determined to be angry about something, get off the internet and make a stand for something that actually matters.
Rocketman wrote:"Shonen" basically means "stupid sentimental shit" anyway, so it's ok to be anti-shonen.

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Re: Dragon Ball Without Its Creator

Post by Dragon Ball Ireland » Mon Mar 11, 2024 4:55 pm

How would a post-capitalist world work though? I agree, it sickens me when large corporations put the bottom line before peoples mental or physical wellbeing, but no one can get by in this world without money. Some people have too much of it and others have too little, although it would be very challenging to do anything about the former. Maybe taxing higher earners and putting the extra money towards institutions that cater to the arts like libraries and galleries would be a start though.
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Re: Dragon Ball Without Its Creator

Post by Kunzait_83 » Mon Mar 11, 2024 5:08 pm

Dragon Ball Ireland wrote: Mon Mar 11, 2024 4:55 pmHow would a post-capitalist world work though? I agree, it sickens me when large corporations put the bottom line before peoples mental or physical wellbeing, but no one can get by in this world without money. Some people have too much of it and others have too little, although it would be very challenging to do anything about the former. Maybe taxing higher earners and putting the extra money towards institutions that cater to the arts like libraries and galleries would be a start though.
Probably not the time or place to delve any further into this topic than I did already (in which case, it wasn't my main or central point). :lol: In any case, I was quite clearly speaking in a big-picture, long-term sense. To say nothing of the fact that we're currently living in a world where corporate interests aren't just putting profit over people's physical or mental wellbeing, but over the basic survival of the entire human race as we know it.

Clearly... this system isn't working: and thanks to things like climate change and war profiteering, its a system that in the long-run is eventually going to lead to ruin for basically everyone on Earth... including eventually those very corporate interests themselves, since they're just human beings who still have to live on the same planet as the rest of us: they're only dooming themselves as much as the rest of us.

Whatever capitalism started out as at one point in time, it has clearly devolved at this point into almost something of a suicide cult, putting money over not just individual people, but over all of basic human survival as we know it. Its become a sick, psychotic obsession amongst people with power, one that's going to ultimately end up destroying them along with the rest of the world. I don't pretend to have all the answers, but I do know that this trajectory we're still on isn't going to inevitably end well for anyone, and I think pretending otherwise is just delusional, willful denial at this late stage of things.

In ANYCASE... to bring this back around on topic, capitalism still sucks even when it comes to dumb, silly comics/cartoons like DB, as it often not only diminishes returns on things we love (be it DB or anything else), but it also moreover often robs us of seeing more unique, original works that we could also potentially love just as much. Its usually a lose/lose for almost everyone except the bean counters in the boardroom.

And my whole point with the whole "fanboys thinking like marketing executives" thing is, none of you, I, or any of us are people with an actual financial stake in any of this (as Inna helpfully pointed out earlier). No matter how much you inhabit the mind of a Toei executive, you ain't getting a cut of the profits when DB does well financially: hence it doesn't make any sense to look at this from the perspective of someone who's sole motivating factor in any of this is to make money from the property.

You/we are the audience, not the studio suits: all that should concern us ultimately is how good/creatively satisfying the finished work ends up being, not how much bank Toei ends up making from it. And to the point about "well if it doesn't make anymore money, then there won't be anymore Dragon Ball material made", the response to that is... so what? Why does there NEED to be any more DB material? There's already been MORE than enough. If there's no more, then there's no more. Love what's there and move on. Lord knows there's PLENTY more stuff out there to explore and enjoy that shouldn't be slept on. Everything eventually has to end at some point, and no ride is infinite.

All this drug addict-like mentality of "investing oneself deeply into the profit-margins/marketing mentality of a series' executive owners to see it continue in perpetuity for the sake of continuing, no matter how unjustified it continues to be" ends up doing is devaluing/debasing your own intelligence/common sense for the sake of chasing a sugar high from when you were a small child that cannot be (and frankly doesn't need to be) replicated.

And for a lot of people, it also stifles their basic ability to broaden themselves into other forms of art/creativity and gain further enrichment and insight from bigger, better things that are out there. Its an ultimately self-defeating mindset, and completely needlessly so.

Inna at least has a kid of his own, and I think its totally wholesome and sweet that he can share his love of DB with him: that's what something like DB should be there for. But that's a totally different thing entirely from the mentality I'm talking about here.

Kunzait's Wuxia Thread
Journey to the West, chapter 26 wrote:The strong man will meet someone stronger still:
Come to naught at last he surely will!
Zephyr wrote:And that's to say nothing of how pretty much impossible it is to capture what made the original run of the series so great. I'm in the generation of fans that started with Toonami, so I totally empathize with the feeling of having "missed the party", experiencing disappointment, and wanting to experience it myself. But I can't, that's how life is. Time is a bitch. The party is over. Kageyama, Kikuchi, and Maeda are off the sauce now; Yanami almost OD'd; Yamamoto got arrested; Toriyama's not going to light trash cans on fire and hang from the chandelier anymore. We can't get the band back together, and even if we could, everyone's either old, in poor health, or calmed way the fuck down. Best we're going to get, and are getting, is a party that's almost entirely devoid of the magic that made the original one so awesome that we even want more.
Kamiccolo9 wrote:It grinds my gears that people get "outraged" over any of this stuff. It's a fucking cartoon. If you are that determined to be angry about something, get off the internet and make a stand for something that actually matters.
Rocketman wrote:"Shonen" basically means "stupid sentimental shit" anyway, so it's ok to be anti-shonen.

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Re: Dragon Ball Without Its Creator

Post by JulieYBM » Mon Mar 11, 2024 6:29 pm

Shueisha and Toei should pay us for singing the praising of their comics and cartoons in this forum for the past 18 (eighteen) years, actually.

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Re: Dragon Ball Without Its Creator

Post by Innagadadavida » Mon Mar 11, 2024 7:29 pm

Kunzait_83 wrote: Mon Mar 11, 2024 5:08 pm And my whole point with the whole "fanboys thinking like marketing executives" thing is, none of you, I, or any of us are people with an actual financial stake in any of this (as Inna helpfully pointed out earlier). No matter how much you inhabit the mind of a Toei executive, you ain't getting a cut of the profits when DB does well financially: hence it doesn't make any sense to look at this from the perspective of someone who's sole motivating factor in any of this is to make money from the property.
Really the purpose of that thought experiment was to try to anticipate what to expect as a consumer. In whatever limited way that I can imagine the actual decisions that need to be made now that the author has passed on. I don't really have an answer, but suffice to say, in this case, I wasn't doing fantasy IP Profiteering for any sense of personal enrichment. Meerly looking ahead and wondering what the future of Dragon Ball as a commercial property might be at this juncture.

JulieYBM wrote: Mon Mar 11, 2024 6:29 pm Shueisha and Toei should pay us for singing the praising of their comics and cartoons in this forum for the past 18 (eighteen) years, actually.
Yeah, you know, if it's even a fraction of a penny per post, that could still add up to a sizable chunk of a marketing budget :lol:

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Re: Dragon Ball Without Its Creator

Post by JulieYBM » Mon Mar 11, 2024 8:20 pm

Innagadadavida wrote: Mon Mar 11, 2024 7:29 pm
JulieYBM wrote: Mon Mar 11, 2024 6:29 pm Shueisha and Toei should pay us for singing the praising of their comics and cartoons in this forum for the past 18 (eighteen) years, actually.
Yeah, you know, if it's even a fraction of a penny per post, that could still add up to a sizable chunk of a marketing budget :lol:
As the most cute and perfectest best girl ever, I'd say that I deserve it. :cool:

(Toei-sama, please, I have life-saving medical costs that I need paid, plz k thx)

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Re: Dragon Ball Without Its Creator

Post by Luso Saiyan » Tue Mar 12, 2024 8:51 am

sangofe wrote: Mon Mar 11, 2024 12:31 pmI think Capsule Corp and Sasuke Toriyama will decide what Toei can do or not.
From a legal standpoint, Toriyama didn't have control over Dragon Ball. It stands to reason his son won't have any power either. It's up to Shueisha wether or not to honor Toriyama, creatively speaking.

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Re: Dragon Ball Without Its Creator

Post by sangofe » Tue Mar 12, 2024 10:40 am

Luso Saiyan wrote: Tue Mar 12, 2024 8:51 am
sangofe wrote: Mon Mar 11, 2024 12:31 pmI think Capsule Corp and Sasuke Toriyama will decide what Toei can do or not.
From a legal standpoint, Toriyama didn't have control over Dragon Ball. It stands to reason his son won't have any power either. It's up to Shueisha wether or not to honor Toriyama, creatively speaking.
We don't know if Capsule Corp Tokyo has power over Toei and shueisha but I've heard and read they do. Can't give you sources on the spot though.

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Re: Dragon Ball Without Its Creator

Post by Luso Saiyan » Tue Mar 12, 2024 11:27 am

Right, Capsule Corp might have a hand in the non-manga, licensed material as well.

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Re: Dragon Ball Without Its Creator

Post by Dragon Ball Ireland » Tue Mar 12, 2024 12:44 pm

My understanding was that Shueisha didn't want the Super anime to return as they feared it would hurt their manga sales, some within the company were even sick of Akio Iyoku being too controlling of the Dragon Ball franchise as reported here and he declined offers to be moved to a non-Dragon Ball related project.

Iyoku set up Capsule Corp Tokyo to handle all things non-manga related, so that could include video games, anime, movies, etc. I'm not sure where TOEI come into this, or even Bandai Namco for the games as they are the rights holders for those sections of the brand, I would have thought even if Capsule Corp Tokyo were an independent company they would still need to sublicense them.
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Re: Dragon Ball Without Its Creator

Post by JulieYBM » Tue Mar 12, 2024 12:48 pm

Dragon Ball Ireland wrote: Tue Mar 12, 2024 12:44 pm My understanding was that Shueisha didn't want the Super anime to return as they feared it would hurt their manga sales, some within the company were even sick of Akio Iyoku being too controlling of the Dragon Ball franchise as reported here and he declined offers to be moved to a non-Dragon Ball related project.

Iyoku set up Capsule Corp Tokyo to handle all things non-manga related, so that could include video games, anime, movies, etc. I'm not sure where TOEI come into this, or even Bandai Namco for the games as they are the rights holders for those sections of the brand, I would have thought even if Capsule Corp Tokyo were an independent company they would still need to sublicense them.
Anime exist to boost manga sells, so it would be really odd to not have an anime so that the sells of the comic don't suffer. A weekly anime is a constant reminder to the kids that the brand exists.

Also, goddamn, now I'm wondering if Iyoku was manipulating a dying man into giving him control of his series, which uh...does not endear me anymore to Iyoku Akio.

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Re: Dragon Ball Without Its Creator

Post by Dragon Ball Ireland » Tue Mar 12, 2024 12:55 pm

JulieYBM wrote: Tue Mar 12, 2024 12:48 pmAnime exist to boost manga sells, so it would be really odd to not have an anime so that the sells of the comic don't suffer. A weekly anime is a constant reminder to the kids that the brand exists.
In Japan yes, but the anime is generally more popular internationally. We saw how much of an event the Goku vs Jiren match was in the anime, which I'm sure Shueisha noticed, and started asking how would they be able to compete with that.
JulieYBM wrote: Tue Mar 12, 2024 12:48 pm Also, goddamn, now I'm wondering if Iyoku was manipulating a dying man into giving him control of his series, which uh...does not endear me anymore to Iyoku Akio.
Doubt it, Iyoku had immense respect for Toriyama from what we know. If anything I'd say he wants to ensure that the series is treated with respect so it continues to honour and preserve Toriyama's legacy because he doesn't trust the major corporations like Shueisha and TOEI to always do so.
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Re: Dragon Ball Without Its Creator

Post by JulieYBM » Tue Mar 12, 2024 1:01 pm

Dragon Ball Ireland wrote: Tue Mar 12, 2024 12:55 pmIn Japan yes, but the anime is generally more popular internationally. We saw how much of an event the Goku vs Jiren match was in the anime, which I'm sure Shueisha noticed, and started asking how would they be able to compete with that.
Okay, but that's no reason for there to be no weekly anime because Shueisha doesn't want it competing with the comic.
="Dragon Ball Ireland" wrote: Tue Mar 12, 2024 12:55 pm
JulieYBM wrote: Tue Mar 12, 2024 12:48 pm Also, goddamn, now I'm wondering if Iyoku was manipulating a dying man into giving him control of his series, which uh...does not endear me anymore to Iyoku Akio.
Doubt it, Iyoku had immense respect for Toriyama from what we know. If anything I'd say he wants to ensure that the series is treated with respect so it continues to honour and preserve Toriyama's legacy because he doesn't trust the major corporations like Shueisha and TOEI to always do so.
Well, the whole point I was making is that Iyoku would be manipulating a dying man into giving control of his series to him. If you can do that you can publicly lie about respecting the guy.

What I'm saying is, don't just trust the businessman upfront, especially considering all of the shit that's been happening the last few years. :shrug:

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Re: Dragon Ball Without Its Creator

Post by MasenkoHA » Tue Mar 12, 2024 1:08 pm

Dragon Ball Ireland wrote: Tue Mar 12, 2024 12:55 pm
JulieYBM wrote: Tue Mar 12, 2024 12:48 pmAnime exist to boost manga sells, so it would be really odd to not have an anime so that the sells of the comic don't suffer. A weekly anime is a constant reminder to the kids that the brand exists.
In Japan yes, but the anime is generally more popular internationally. We saw how much of an event the Goku vs Jiren match was in the anime, which I'm sure Shueisha noticed, and started asking how would they be able to compete with that.
That's still one hell of a reach. It's not like Shueisha doesn't profit off the anime. It doesn't benefit them to cancel it.

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Re: Dragon Ball Without Its Creator

Post by SupremeKai25 » Tue Mar 12, 2024 1:18 pm

So basically the problem with the Super anime is that it was just so popular and successful that it overshadowed every other product?

I can't say I'm surprised.

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Re: Dragon Ball Without Its Creator

Post by MasenkoHA » Tue Mar 12, 2024 1:37 pm

SupremeKai25 wrote: Tue Mar 12, 2024 1:18 pm So basically the problem with the Super anime is that it was just so popular and successful that it overshadowed every other product?

I can't say I'm surprised.
The evidence for this conclusion is based on nothing. But sure.

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Re: Dragon Ball Without Its Creator

Post by Dragon Ball Ireland » Tue Mar 12, 2024 3:46 pm

SupremeKai25 wrote: Tue Mar 12, 2024 1:18 pm So basically the problem with the Super anime is that it was just so popular and successful that it overshadowed every other product?

I can't say I'm surprised.
Moreso Shueishia apparently feeling threatened by it, the fact Super is an anime first and foremost doesn't help. Sure Shueisha will still get royalties off the anime, but the manga is their product, so naturally they have a vested interest in making it more desirable.

For what it's worth there have been reports about there being conflict between Shueisha and TOEI with TOEI wanting to continue the anime and Shueisha pushing back so they have more arcs to adapt.

It's been years, Moro and Granolah could have been adapted, but considering the fact Dragon Ball prints money it stands to reason that's what TOEI has wanted, equally the delay indicates some hesitancy on Shueisha's part.

If the plan is for all future production of the anime to be done at Capsule Corp Tokyo its possible Akio Iyoku wants to co-ordinate that all himself to ensure that Shueshia don't fall behind and aren't being put under pressure for more story arcs to adapt.
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Re: Dragon Ball Without Its Creator

Post by SupremeKai25 » Tue Mar 12, 2024 4:35 pm

Dragon Ball Ireland wrote: Tue Mar 12, 2024 3:46 pm
SupremeKai25 wrote: Tue Mar 12, 2024 1:18 pm So basically the problem with the Super anime is that it was just so popular and successful that it overshadowed every other product?

I can't say I'm surprised.
Moreso Shueishia apparently feeling threatened by it, the fact Super is an anime first and foremost doesn't help. Sure Shueisha will still get royalties off the anime, but the manga is their product, so naturally they have a vested interest in making it more desirable.

For what it's worth there have been reports about there being conflict between Shueisha and TOEI with TOEI wanting to continue the anime and Shueisha pushing back so they have more arcs to adapt.

It's been years, Moro and Granolah could have been adapted, but considering the fact Dragon Ball prints money it stands to reason that's what TOEI has wanted, equally the delay indicates some hesitancy on Shueisha's part.

If the plan is for all future production of the anime to be done at Capsule Corp Tokyo its possible Akio Iyoku wants to co-ordinate that all himself to ensure that Shueshia don't fall behind and aren't being put under pressure for more story arcs to adapt.
Well, I'd say that there's now a 99.9% chance that they adapt the Moro and Granolah arcs. Toriyama's involvement might have been limited to just a few designs and whatnot, but he was still involved, therefore it makes sense to adapt them.

With Daima coming in Fall 2024, a Super return some time in the following years with the adapted Moro and Granolah arc will complete all the anime adaptations of Toriyama's works.

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Re: Dragon Ball Without Its Creator

Post by Dragon Ball Ireland » Tue Mar 12, 2024 4:48 pm

Yeah, I could see Shueisha being more willing to greenlight a return for Super now. I'm kinda conflicted about it, I've wanted to see them arcs adapted but it will be hard to act as if they won't be just milking the "In honour of the great Akira Toriyama" tagline a bit longer.
Do you have any info about international non-English broadcasts about the Dragon Ball anime or manga translations/editions? Please message me. Researching for a future book with Dragon Ball scholar Derek Padula :thumbup:

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Re: Dragon Ball Without Its Creator

Post by SupremeKai25 » Tue Mar 12, 2024 5:13 pm

Dragon Ball Ireland wrote: Tue Mar 12, 2024 4:48 pm Yeah, I could see Shueisha being more willing to greenlight a return for Super now. I'm kinda conflicted about it, I've wanted to see them arcs adapted but it will be hard to act as if they won't be just milking the "In honour of the great Akira Toriyama" tagline a bit longer.
That is an inevitability.

In fairness, people have speculated for years that the Super went on hiatus to let the Manga catch-up (the Anime was originally ahead) and wait for a robust quanity of new content to animate.

If the U6/FT/TOP arcs can fit 103 episodes (including fillers), you can easily make another 60 or so episodes of the Moro, Granolah, and Super Hero 2.0 arc (aka the ongoing manga arc), fillers notwithstanding.

The chances of this happening have now skyrocketed, you can be sure that Toei will milk "In honour of the great Akira Toriyama" tagline for the foreseeable future.

Just as you can be sure that the masses will once again flock to the city squares to live-spectate Goku vs. Moro, as they did for Goku vs. Jiren in 2018, because the masses will read "In honour of the great Akira Toriyama" tagline and be sold instantly.

I personally don't care much about the Manga arc themselves; I have already read them when they were the current arc. I am only interested in what unique takes and spins Toei will make.

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