Daizenshuu Translation Request

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Daizenshuu Translation Request

Post by VegettoEX » Wed Dec 08, 2004 12:19 am

In an attempt to make sure we always and still have the most accurate information regarding the weird USSJ stages, here's some stuff outta the fifth daizenshuu that may or may not contain any extra information. Not that I expect it to, but I always like having this on file for myself.

It's not really HEAVY translation, but it's not all that particularly short. Don't care who does it, or even when. No rush at all. Really.


Big scans. Easy to read.
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Re: Daizenshuu Translation Request

Post by SaiyaJedi » Wed Dec 08, 2004 1:25 am

They only pertinent info in the first image is that Vegeta suddenly transforms into "Super Vegeta," who surpassed the Super Saiyan, when he fights against Cell. Nothing we don't already know.

The second image details the Room of Spirit and Time, and Vegeta's training there. During the day, it's over 50 degrees Celsius, while during the night, it's colder than 40 degrees below freezing; an overall difference of roughly 100 degrees Celsius each day. The atmosphere is 1/3 of what it is on the outside, and the gravity is ten times normal Earth strength. All in all, a pretty nasty place. It took Vegeta only about 2 or 3 months to succeed in obtaining a strength surpassing the Super Saiyan. To top it off, he even stayed inside and trained for over a year so as to increase his power. Some interesting info here, but necessary?
The taglines: "Special Training in the Room of Spirit and Time" and "Scorching heat! Intense cold! What kind of power did he attain in these extreme conditions?!"

The last image is image captions. The upper one says it shows Super Vegeta's power that completely overwhelms even Cell's first transformation. Cell, who had had utter confidence in his own power, received a great shock to find that he had an opponent against whom he couldn't win. The lower caption says that Cell, utterly defeated by Vegeta, insists that if he becomes his kanzentai, he'll be without equal. Thus, Cell skillfully manipulates the pride of Vegeta, Prince of the warrior Saiyan race, which takes pleasure in fighting and winning against strong opponents.

There you go, Mike. :)
Co-translator, Man-in-Japan, and Julian #1 at Kanzenshuu

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Post by VegettoEX » Wed Dec 08, 2004 11:03 am

Yeah, still nothing of incredible interest. Thanks, though! Appreciated as always.
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