How Much Would This All Be Worth?

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Re: How Much Would This All Be Worth?

Post by Mystic Buu » Tue Feb 11, 2014 6:56 pm

thatdbzguy wrote:
Weejus wrote:I say keep them, but put them away. I would never ever get rid of a DBox. Anyway, please tell me, why are you so ashamed?
Because most people think DBZ is crap? Because everything I loved about the series has been ripped apart by everyone? Because I can never view DBZ the same way ever again? The list goes on and on.
Why do you care about what the other people say?That is sometimes good,but I think that in this situation isn't.You even said you don't have any friends,which is sad,so why do you even bother with other people?But i would like to stay on this topic and say could give all that stuff to someone who likes DB because he would certainly be the happiest person in the world.But if you want to gain money from it,search prizes a little bit and then sell it on Ebay.

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Re: How Much Would This All Be Worth?

Post by TripleRach » Tue Feb 11, 2014 6:57 pm

I understand everyone is concerned for thatdbzguy for his apparent issues, and part of me would like to help as well. I mean, I can certainly sympathize with some of these issues myself, though more in relation to career and education matters.

But of course, this is a Dragon Ball forum, not a therapy/help forum. I don't mean to be insensitive here, but we need to keep this more about Dragon Ball, and less about personal lives.

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Re: How Much Would This All Be Worth?

Post by Ringworm128 » Tue Feb 11, 2014 6:59 pm

thatdbzguy wrote:
Weejus wrote:I say keep them, but put them away. I would never ever get rid of a DBox. Anyway, please tell me, why are you so ashamed?
Because most people think DBZ is crap? Because everything I loved about the series has been ripped apart by everyone? Because I can never view DBZ the same way ever again? The list goes on and on.
Why listen to them though? There are still just as many people who love DBZ and could tell you interesting or positive things about it, what makes the haters opinion more valid? You remind me of when I was a kid, I used to be scarred to tell any of my friends that I liked The Legend of Zelda because I thought they would think the story of saving a princess would be something you would put in a girls fairytale. But eventually I found out a good chunk of my friends were Zelda fans. As for something that I did get teased for, my family gave me endless crap for liking Vocaloid and it did ruin the fun a bit, but I learnt to overcome the teasing and just enjoy it without worrying knowing that there were still plenty of people who saw Vocaloid the same way I do. And luckily the Animation Age Ghtto is slowly dying so watching DBZ isn't as socially taboo as you think.
Last edited by Ringworm128 on Tue Feb 11, 2014 7:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: How Much Would This All Be Worth?

Post by Daimo-Rukiri » Tue Feb 11, 2014 7:03 pm

Hell, I'm a guy that grew up when DBZ was in it's prime "Japanese broadcast", and also had the opportunity to watch the yes poor English Dub on Cartoon Network "I still found it quite entertaining believe it not, for other reasons though"
There seems to be more issues going on, getting rid of stuff does not and I repeat does not solve problems!

This isn't the forum to ask for help for what you need but maybe seeing a therapist, physiatrist will help you in more ways than you can think off. The best thing you can do is just box it away and put it in corner and come back to it later on.

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Re: How Much Would This All Be Worth?

Post by Ajay » Tue Feb 11, 2014 7:10 pm

You don't often get this type of thing out of me but I hope you may relate to it or at least find something in here.

That feeling of wanting to be alone, that that's somehow right for you and that it's better that way is not something exclusive to you. I went through two years feeling like that and I convinced myself that that was just me. That somehow I was an extreme introvert and that that happened to be totally normal. I blamed that feeling on anything I could - from thinking I was 'done with partying', 'too mature for my friends' or 'just too different'. I would just repeat that time and time again and eventually I just accepted that to be truth.

It wasn't and looking back now, it's very clear I was just incredibly unhappy and perhaps mildly depressed. That never even crossed my mind at the time and I wish someone would have pointed it out to me so I could have made a conscious effort to try and help myself.

From what I've read from you, it seems you're placing the blame on your love of the Dragon Ball franchise. Not just that, it seems you have a real issue with anything that might seem to not conform with what you consider to be a popular opinion. This isn't the cause of your unhappiness, it's just a part of whatever this much larger thing is that's going on with you. No amount of fellow forum members going 'it's okay to like X and Y' is going to change your mind. That's something you need to consciously work on yourself.

Regardless, it doesn't hurt to have someone remind you that it's okay to be a bit different; to have opinions or interests that are 'non-conformist'. It is absolutely fine.

Dude, Dragon Ball is awesome. It's one of the most beloved animes in the world. It has had international success and if there's one anime you can guarantee someone has definitely heard of - it's this one. Browsing through opinionated anime forums where people casually criticise shows doesn't negate the worth you find in it. Near enough anyone who has given it the time of day has found at least something redeeming in it and that's awesome. You can do the same and feel awesome about it too.
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Re: How Much Would This All Be Worth?

Post by Dalesy » Tue Feb 11, 2014 7:14 pm

I'm not going to be so presumptuous as to pretend like I know the answer to your personal problems, but I'm going to try to share some of my own experience, some of which may be relevant.

I went to a very small elementary (K-6) school. There were 5 boys in our entire year. So from grades 1-6, there was pretty much no judgment amongst us whatsoever. We were all good friends regardless of differing interests or tastes. We had to be, because there were so few of us. This is a time in my life when I loved anime, manga, computers, and other "nerdy" stuff. This school is where I met my two best friends, who I still consider to be akin to family today.

When 7th grade rolled around we (the entire class) got transferred to the much bigger school on the other end of town. For some reason, as a lot of kids do, I decided subconsciously that I wanted to fit in. I did all of the typical stupid shit that kids that age do and did my best to conform my interests to that of those around me. I stopped caring about anime, computers, art, and pretty much every other passion of mine because I didn't think of them as "cool" enough. And for a few years, I was certain that I was happy being the tertiary popular kid, the kid that most people knew but not the one they really had much of a connection with.

Then came 9th grade. I was, by this time in my life, a hotheaded little shit who overestimated himself in every aspect. I got into a fight, I lost badly, it got around the school, and I quickly realized who my real friends were. They were the ones who liked me when I was an 8 year old otaku. They were the ones who thought it was cool that I knew so much about computers. They were the ones who valued my ability to draw instead of my ability to talk shit. It was only around junior year of high school that I really stopped caring what people thought about me. I grew closer to my old friends again, and made sure to value those who liked me for me. So here I am now, the same anime nerd I was when I was 8, who dabbles in art and is pursuing a computer-related degree.

Moral of the story? If you have to change yourself or reject your own interests for the sake of conforming to some arbitrary notion of what's "cool," or "good," don't. There's no happiness to be found in betraying your own nature for the sake of anyone or anything. Do what makes you happy, and so long as you're not hurting others, tell anyone or anything that doesn't like it to fuck off.
Last edited by Dalesy on Tue Feb 11, 2014 8:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: How Much Would This All Be Worth?

Post by Ringworm128 » Tue Feb 11, 2014 7:24 pm

thatdbzguy wrote:
Wibbs wrote: I don't dislike you, nobody here does
Oh, I bet I could name a few who do.
Who? There isn't really anything to hate you on. Unless you become a straight up asshole there's no reason to dislike you. The worst you've done is make a few threads that are pretty similar.

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Re: How Much Would This All Be Worth?

Post by saiyajinslayer » Tue Feb 11, 2014 7:32 pm

If you want to sell your stuff, go ahead. But don't do it if you just want to change who you are. Box it up somewhere. You may want to come back to it one day.

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Re: How Much Would This All Be Worth?

Post by VegettoEX » Tue Feb 11, 2014 8:00 pm

TripleRach wrote:I understand everyone is concerned for thatdbzguy for his apparent issues, and part of me would like to help as well. I mean, I can certainly sympathize with some of these issues myself, though more in relation to career and education matters.

But of course, this is a Dragon Ball forum, not a therapy/help forum. I don't mean to be insensitive here, but we need to keep this more about Dragon Ball, and less about personal lives.
I'm going to reiterate this for emphasis.

Please and thank you.
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Re: How Much Would This All Be Worth?

Post by TheAldella » Tue Feb 11, 2014 8:04 pm

thatdbzguy wrote:
Wibbs wrote:
TheGmGoken wrote:Not as much as you would think. Unless you're selling on Amazon or Ebay in which I bet tons of fans would work triple time just to have money to buy it. But if it's a store then I guessing 100 - 320 dollars? Seeing as if I return something new back after 1 week. The price goes from 69.99 to 15$ for some reason. Your best bet is to sell on Ebay and Amazon. Perhaps make a bid war for it. But make the starting price around 225. Sure many will increase the price for you and BAM. You just got yourself money. Though honestly ALL of that should't have a price as I WISH to have All parts of Kai, Blue Bricks,Vizbigs, and a set of GLASS Dragonball.
But why sell it, I can understand if you don't like the show. But then just don't watch it or read it. Don't throw away everything it's given you.
It's given me nothing but endless amounts of shame and regret.

Of course I'm going to get rid of it all.
I chose a random one to reply to, but that's kinda the fun part about it. Just focus your relationships. If you talk to people who love DBZ about DBZ and talk to people who hate it about other things, then boom. All of it's gone, yeah?

Anyway, in regards to the main topic, I'd take Budokai and Budokai 2 off your hands. I own Budokai 3 for the PS2 already, and would like to complete the set.

Maybe your movie collections as well.
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Re: How Much Would This All Be Worth?

Post by Flame Dragon » Tue Feb 11, 2014 8:28 pm

thatdbzguy wrote:
Weejus wrote:I say keep them, but put them away. I would never ever get rid of a DBox. Anyway, please tell me, why are you so ashamed?
Because most people think DBZ is crap? Because everything I loved about the series has been ripped apart by everyone? Because I can never view DBZ the same way ever again? The list goes on and on.
This is... retarded.
You know that not everybody can like what you like right?

Here's something that i hope will help you, take it as a "life lesson".
Do you know that people that complain about stuff tend to be more vocal about it? That's because people that have fun and enjoy what they have rarely feel the need to tell other people about it. You will rarely see a thread that says "X is awesome!", especially if sudden thread brings no arguments to the table. On the other hand, people that don't like things will talk a lot because they either want to hear other people opinions, or want to try and change what they hate for the better. Also remember that once the people that liked that particular thing grow up, THEY will be the ones to be more vocal, just because of nostalgia.

Please read this, i just want you to feel better about yourself, you're not an horrible person for liking things that tend to be criticized.
Don't base your tastes around other people, and don't live your life around seeking approval for others. Just live for what you like and enjoy yourself. Or else your life will suck and you will have regrets and be unhappy.

Here's some examples from me:

1) People say that Kojima is a nutjob and his writing is retarded, and that the Metal Gear series plot sucks. I still love Metal Gear games and their plots, and no one can take this from me.
2) People say that Naruto sucks but i still enjoy the series much.
3) People say GTA V was disappointing, while i think it's a masterpiece.

Also remember that if you want to be successful in life, you have to be confident in yourself. I learned this the hard way!
Don't hide your hobbies and be yourself, i was like you and in the end i ended up alone. Guess what? The moment i opened myself up, people started liking me, girls started coming my way, and now i'm happy with my girlfriend without HIDING ANYTHING FROM HER. I feel free and live for myself, i couldn't give a shit if someome thinks my hobbies are "nerdy" or "stupid"

I hope this will help you.

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Re: How Much Would This All Be Worth?

Post by thatdbzguy » Tue Feb 11, 2014 9:32 pm

I don't want to just store my stuff away in my closet or somewhere. I don't want to be in the same house as anything Dragon Ball-related. All it does is serve as a painful reminder of the emotional stress I've endured because of it.

I'm not going to seek help for this because this is one of the most stupidest things to seek help for. In this thread alone, you've all given me instances of having to protect your mom from your drunk dad, getting into physical fights, etc. Those are real problems that people would be glad to help with. Now compare those things with my "I'm so butthurt because people have different opinions than me regarding a Japanese cartoon for kids". Stupid.

I don't want friends. I have nothing to offer to people personality-wise, and they would grow bored of me quickly. I can get by in life without friends.

Look, I just want to know how much my DB stuff is worth so that I can sell them and hopefully move on.
ringworm128 wrote:
thatdbzguy wrote:
Wibbs wrote: I don't dislike you, nobody here does
Oh, I bet I could name a few who do.
Who? There isn't really anything to hate you on. Unless you become a straight up asshole there's no reason to dislike you. The worst you've done is make a few threads that are pretty similar.
I'm afraid I'll probably break some sort of rule by telling you who, so I should probably just keep names to myself.
Khalid Shahin wrote:
Dragon Soul Funimation Lyrics wrote:Nothing ever dies; we will rise again!
Yeah, pretty much sums the show up right there.

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Re: How Much Would This All Be Worth?

Post by dbboxkaifan » Tue Feb 11, 2014 9:43 pm

thatdbzguy wrote:I want to get rid of all of my Dragon Ball stuff and forget it even exists, so as to spare me of any more emotional stress/trauma involving it. I have a decent collection, but I don't know how much it's all worth. I have:

- All DB Blue Bricks
- All DBZ Orange Bricks
- All Parts of Kai (DVD)
- All of the Funimation movie collections
- Trunks and Bardock Specials Steelbook (DVD)
- Dragon Box 7
- Set of glass Dragon Balls
- Battle of Z (PS3)
- Budokai HD Collection (PS3)
- Tenakaichi 3 (Wii)
- Budokai 2 (PS2)
- Budokai (PS2)
- All of the VizBigs for both DB and DBZ
- Volume 26 of the standard Viz DBZ releases

I'd appreciate the help.
Around $100-$300 or more but you should only sell it if it's an absolute necessity because getting some of these items again can be tedious, plus some aren't in print any more.

I live in UK so selling FUNimation's DB BD/DVD would only happen if I wouldn't want it at all otherwise I wouldn't let it go.
FUNimation 2015 Releases I want:
- Kai 2.0 on Blu-ray

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Re: How Much Would This All Be Worth?

Post by Kid Buu » Tue Feb 11, 2014 9:48 pm

thatdbzguy wrote: Now compare those things with my "I'm so butthurt because people have different opinions than me regarding a Japanese cartoon for kids". Stupid.
See, this is what bothers me about you. If you see it as a silly thing to discuss, then why so hung-up on it?

And to answer your question, try Ebay or Amazon.
Rocketman wrote:"Shonen" basically means "stupid sentimental shit" anyway, so it's ok to be anti-shonen.

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Re: How Much Would This All Be Worth?

Post by thatdbzguy » Tue Feb 11, 2014 9:51 pm

Kid Buu wrote:
thatdbzguy wrote: Now compare those things with my "I'm so butthurt because people have different opinions than me regarding a Japanese cartoon for kids". Stupid.
See, this is what bothers me about you. If you see it as a silly thing to discuss, then why so hung-up on it?

And to answer your question, try Ebay or Amazon.
Stupid people tend to get hung up over stupid things.
Khalid Shahin wrote:
Dragon Soul Funimation Lyrics wrote:Nothing ever dies; we will rise again!
Yeah, pretty much sums the show up right there.

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Re: How Much Would This All Be Worth?

Post by TheAldella » Tue Feb 11, 2014 9:51 pm

thatdbzguy wrote:I don't want friends. I have nothing to offer to people personality-wise, and they would grow bored of me quickly. I can get by in life without friends.

Look, I just want to know how much my DB stuff is worth so that I can sell them and hopefully move on.
That's a shame. I would've really liked to have you as a pal. We could probably enjoy stuff together if a microphone came into play. :P

I think that Budokai 1 and 2 would end up being around 30 dollars together at this day and age, but I saw Ultimate Ninja 3 at GameStop for 3 pennies. Pennies. xD

The movies together would probably end up at 50 to 80 dollars going retail.
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HybridSaiyan wrote:Super better nail the fusion right. I don't want to see some gay twirling shit like the Zamasu fusion when they should just smack dicks together and merge.

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Re: How Much Would This All Be Worth?

Post by TheGmGoken » Tue Feb 11, 2014 9:52 pm

Well staying on topic. How much are you selling those glass DBs for? How about the Blue Bricks? Maybe for free since they're so "worthless" to you? Or a cheap price. Around 10 - 65$.
TheAldella wrote:
thatdbzguy wrote:I don't want friends. I have nothing to offer to people personality-wise, and they would grow bored of me quickly. I can get by in life without friends.

Look, I just want to know how much my DB stuff is worth so that I can sell them and hopefully move on.
That's a shame. I would've really liked to have you as a pal. We could probably enjoy stuff together if a microphone came into play. :P

I think that Budokai 1 and 2 would end up being around 30 dollars together at this day and age, but I saw Ultimate Ninja 3 at GameStop for 3 pennies. Pennies. xD

The movies together would probably end up at 50 to 80 dollars going retail.
At my GameStop. Budokai One and Budokai 2 are 99 cents while Budokai 3 is 3.99. Tenkachi 1 and 2 are 3.99 as well. With Infinite World and Tenkaichi 3 being 8.99

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Re: How Much Would This All Be Worth?

Post by Kid Buu » Tue Feb 11, 2014 9:57 pm

thatdbzguy wrote: Stupid people tend to get hung up over stupid things.
Well, if you want to give your Kai DVDs for free, I'll gladly take those off you! Even will return them to you if you ever change your mind.
Rocketman wrote:"Shonen" basically means "stupid sentimental shit" anyway, so it's ok to be anti-shonen.

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Re: How Much Would This All Be Worth?

Post by TheAldella » Tue Feb 11, 2014 9:58 pm

TheGmGoken wrote:At my GameStop. Budokai One and Budokai 2 are 99 cents while Budokai 3 is 3.99. Tenkachi 1 and 2 are 3.99 as well. With Infinite World and Tenkaichi 3 being 8.99
Now that just isn't fair XD
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HybridSaiyan wrote:Super better nail the fusion right. I don't want to see some gay twirling shit like the Zamasu fusion when they should just smack dicks together and merge.

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Re: How Much Would This All Be Worth?

Post by Ringworm128 » Tue Feb 11, 2014 10:18 pm

Those are real problems that people would be glad to help with. Now compare those things with my "I'm so butthurt because people have different opinions than me regarding a Japanese cartoon for kids". Stupid.
That isn't the problem, it's the fact you think so little of yourself and your opinions that you feel bad just because a bunch of people on the net don't like DBZ to the point where you don't want to even own anything out of embarrassment. That sounds like a really serious mental condition. And it probably won't stop with DBZ, if you don't get help you will probably start worrying about other interests of yours to the point of being to scarred to order your favorite soda at Mcdonalds or something. Psycholigists deal with things like people with a fear of butterflies, people who cry when they eat a banana etc a problem as serious as yours isn't trivial.
