What is the General Consensus for Super?

Discussion specifically regarding the "Dragon Ball Super" TV series premiering July 2015 in Japan, including individual threads for each episode.

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Re: What is the General Consensus for Super?

Post by Low Tone G » Fri Aug 28, 2015 2:28 pm

I'm really enjoying this series so far. I'm completely O.K. with the story, and really like how they alter the scenes of BOG and add some new ones. The animation and artwork is seemingly really inferior to the movie, but for me those are second one factors.
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Re: What is the General Consensus for Super?

Post by funrush » Fri Aug 28, 2015 3:19 pm

4 years ago I would say Star Wars's canon was 10x more confusing than DB's, but after Disney came and wiped out anything that wasn't the movies, the shows, and a handful of books and comics, I'd say the two franchises are about even. I think it's too early to worry about where this series fits in canon-wise anyway, because at the moment it's pretty much just BoG on a boat.

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Re: What is the General Consensus for Super?

Post by Hellspawn28 » Fri Aug 28, 2015 3:57 pm

Even with a no official canon, it's pretty simple to tell what's canon or not. If it does not fit into the continuity and does not have the original author's involvement then it's not canon if you ask me.
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Re: What is the General Consensus for Super?

Post by VintageSaiyan » Fri Aug 28, 2015 5:59 pm

i think according to toei, as long as it makes $$$ it's canon.

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Re: What is the General Consensus for Super?

Post by Duskp » Fri Aug 28, 2015 6:33 pm

You know what? I'm freaking loving Super, flaws and all.

I mean, it's Dragon Ball... Really Dragon Ball.

Sure, some characters might not be acting like people expected, and maybe it's less violent than DBZ was (actually, I'd say most anime nowadays are much less violent)

But Dragon Ball is back, for the first time in 13 years, I get to periodically watch a new episode of Dragon Ball where I do not know what's going to happen.
Hell, the BoG arc is being a blast, regardless of it retelling the movie.

Super (and BoG and RoF) has this "Dragon Ball" feeling that GT didn't have. Toriyama may be forgetful and all that, but he knows what he's doing.

And it won't be a few episodes with terrible animation that will change the fact that, every week, I get to sit down and feel the same excitement I felt as a child watching Dragon Ball.

Seriously, I still can't wrap my head around the fact that Dragon Ball is back.

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Re: What is the General Consensus for Super?

Post by miguelnuva1 » Sat Aug 29, 2015 2:43 pm

Doctor. wrote:
miguelnuva1 wrote:
Doctor. wrote:Retelling the movies is not a pointless decision. It produces a much more cohesive narrative, since it allows to flesh out characters and plot points much better, it allows foreshadowing now that the Toei writers know exactly where they're gonna take the story and, if done correctly, could improve the films a lot, and F needs improvement. It also helps that, like this, it means new fans who never watched the films or got into the series after the films aired can just go straight from Z/Kai to Super, instead of watching two completely random movies out of the 15 and then Super. The canon is a lot less confusing this way and series with a confusing canon, like Star Wars for instance, drive away a lot of people, like me for example.
The Star Wars canon is tens times less confusing than the Dragonball canon.
The Dragon Ball canon only got confusing recently. When someone is already a part of the fanbase, of course the canon won't seem confusing to them. As an outsider, I cannot comprehend how I should go about starting Star Wars. Apparently there's different versions of each films and whatnot and that's not counting all of the stuff that isn't in film format.
Watch episodes 4 5 and 6, the changes won't bother you as much aince you never saw the orginal versions the. Watch 1 2 and 3.

I also invented anotyer viewing order.

Watch: 4, 1, 5, 2,3 and finish on 6.

Star wars is broken down into Movie canon is the highest order of canon, then the two tv shows anfld finally the Marvel comics and nocels starting from Apirl 2015.

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Re: What is the General Consensus for Super?

Post by ConfusedPhantom » Sat Aug 29, 2015 3:05 pm

I'm enjoying it. The direction and voice acting is great. Though, I really wish the animation was better. I'm of two minds with Beerus. In episode 6, his darker portrayal works really well, every where else in the series, he kind of feels like a caricature of himself.

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Re: What is the General Consensus for Super?

Post by Neshawn » Sat Aug 29, 2015 6:36 pm

I have enjoyed it so far, maybe because its dragon ball, or maybe because it's a great story. It is cool to see the human (non fighting) side of characters I may have enjoyed it more if the movies didn't precede it. I doubt it would change my opinion though. After episode 5 I thought the animation would be better though, in the old series we would have a few shotty animated episodes but then 2 or 3 later it would be great. Super has improved animation wise since 5 but not like I expected... The animation could use some for work but maybe tomorrow the animation will step up. Yes, I do understand financial restraints and time problems but still for dragon ball they should really have great animation on most episodes seeing how much money dbz is generating.

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Re: What is the General Consensus for Super?

Post by Ree » Sat Aug 29, 2015 8:19 pm

I enjoy it but I'm not really HYPED for it.
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Re: What is the General Consensus for Super?

Post by Babbu » Sun Aug 30, 2015 12:15 am

I really liked the first two episodes. Once they went into an inferior telling of a movie I really liked that's when this started to lose me.

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Re: What is the General Consensus for Super?

Post by Cetra » Sun Aug 30, 2015 12:19 am

Okay with being disappointed . My expectations and excitement are very low right now.
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Re: What is the General Consensus for Super?

Post by Kid Trunks » Sat Sep 12, 2015 10:23 pm

I don't really like it. I don't think they should have stuck so rigidly to the script of the movie. BOG should have just been a general outline.
They could have kept Beerus and Whis, and Super Saiyan God, but found a completely different way of using them. But the way the BOG story has been stretched out into a series reminds of someone in college trying to stretch their 2000 word essay to meet a 3000 word minimum.

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Re: What is the General Consensus for Super?

Post by Basaku » Sun Sep 13, 2015 2:15 am

BOG & ROF (former in particular) already exist and are 'old material' at this stage so to have the first "official" new TV series in 18 years be in big part a budget remake of the 2 is pretty underwhelming. I probably would prefer had they waited to finish the Gods arc with a 3rd movie and saved the TV serialized comeback for new arc post 'Gods' or post EOZ (or even GT if they insist).

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Re: What is the General Consensus for Super?

Post by DragonBoxZTheMovies » Sun Sep 13, 2015 7:00 am

Personally, I feel like my attitude towards this series has gradually become more and more negative.

I wouldn't say a lot of fans are outright hating it, but rather, they are becoming apathetic towards it. Similar to how people started to lose interest in DB Kai after the first few episodes. I guess it is (currently) just a retelling, after all. Except it's a worse retelling of BOG...in almost every possible way and this is definitely a major issue right now. I'm not really annoyed at the fact that they're retreading old material; it's more to do with the way they're going about. When Super was first announced, I was really excited. It got me thinking about all the potential and opportunities that retelling the new movies would create, especially for Revival of F- which seems to drop viewers into the middle of things in many ways. But the thing is, I've been very disappointed with the way they've chosen to adapt it. What they're doing here is stretching out an 85/110 minute movie, with a premise that barely justifies that run-time, to twelve-odd episodes. While I feel like the extended version of BOG probably stole a little bit of Super's thunder, the only way this twelve episode format was really going to work was if they write more original material...which they haven't really done. I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to elaborate on some of the more intriguing aspects of the story, such as Beerus's relationship with the Saiyans and the story of the Super Saiyan God. But with the latter, they gloss over it so briefly that it almost felt like an after-thought. I know they have to structure each episode around a time-slot, but come on. The revelation of Videl's pregnancy...what were they even thinking? Did they not consider giving something so significant any sort of weight? Because the mindset here seemed to be, "fuck it, it's transformation time." Ever since around episode 5, they've just been stretching out existing scenes from the movie, rather than adding new ones. The original movie's being followed way too closely. Hell, I wouldn't care if they'd dipped into some of the ideas from Yusuke Watannabe's original script and chucked them in to mix things up a bit. Instead, it feels like the staff are watching 10 minutes of BOG each week and going, "OK, we'll do this part this week. Right, how can we make turn it into a 20 minute episode?" As opposed to looking at the movie as a collective whole and breaking it down proportionately. I understand that it's a weekly series, but it lacks substance. I just get the impression that there's very little thought going into this.

On that note, I'd like to move on to a smaller issue that I've been having. Let's make one thing clear; I love fun character moments and interactions as much as the next guy. I do. I really, really do. But these moments can only carry the show for so long and I'm not gonna sit here and lie about how I don't care about the fighting. It's one of the series's main strengths and it's why so many of us got hooked on this franchise in the first place. While I stayed for the characters, I originally came for the action. I'll stop beating around the bush; the fight scenes in Super have been crap. They feel incredibly weak compared to their higher-budget movie counterparts and, as I said on Twitter, they feel turn-based. Someone will try an attack and fail in some way; usually by missing their target. Then Beerus will hit them back. Repeat. There's been a lack of proper exchanges. Every fight scene feels slow and it lacks intensity. I don't care about "feats" or strength comparisons or battle powers, but I'm not impressed or believing in anything these characters are doing. I'm not in awe of the explosions or the hits. There's no impact to anything. It feels extremely weird coming off of Revival of F, where the action scenes were some of the best in the franchise, no questions asked. I think a lot of this is probably down to the setting. I gave BOG a lot of crap for spending the entire time at Capsule Corp., but it turns out the cruise ship is even worse. It's just so bland. We've spent 5 episodes out on the wooden deck against a backdrop of blue sea. There's very little that they can use to really convey the impact of the characters.

All in all, I think the whole series started out as a novelty and it's just worn off over time. Even the characters and humour has started to feel a little soulless, as if it's just going through the motions. I feel like I'm experiencing the same three emotions every week when I watch the show. This wasn't the impression I got from the first couple of episodes. I think back to those and the variety we experienced with them; Goku farming, Vegeta on vacation, Satan trying to give away the money. Since then, Super's fallen into a trap of giving us a slow version of something we've already seen, rather than trying to be it's own thing. I really love BOG, but it was good because it knew what it was and it's a tight 85 minutes. When the home release for this first arc comes out and we're able to look at it as a collective whole, I'm not sure if it will be viewed too favourably. Would love to be proven wrong, but I'm not holding my breath.

On a side note, has there even been an explanation as to why Pilaf and co. are young again in this series? I seem to recall that was skipped over in their initial appearance. Without prior knowledge of the movie, their inclusion in Super feels so bizarre.

Phew, I feel like I've just unloaded on Super. But having said all of this, I'm still tuning in because I'm an idiot because I like waking up to new Dragon ball material every week and while I have my gripes, it's still light entertainment. And that is the point at the end of the day. I just wanted to get all of these thoughts off my chest. There's enough in each episode to keep me coming back and despite all of this, I continue to remain optimistic for the future with Champa and Universe 6 on the horizon. My expectations have gone down significantly, though. Maybe this is for the best. I am slightly scared for the upcoming ROF arc, especially if they adapt it in a similar way to BOG. What, with the introduction of Jaco, Goku and Vegeta up at Beerus's, Kuririn as a cop and Freeza's training- are they going to bridge all of these gaps? Well, we still have a bit to go before then...next week looks decent, at least.

Oh, and I'm aware of the fact that I've just written a long post containing my own thoughts in a thread that's about the 'general consensus'.

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Re: What is the General Consensus for Super?

Post by irreality » Thu Sep 17, 2015 2:13 am

Wasn't sure where to post it, but my brother just started watching Super (I assume he has watched 1-10). Note: he has not seen BoG or RoF, although I have briefly talked about RoF's plot since he was curious about Freeza. His general comments were:

1. Vegeta's cooking takoyaki scene is the best part of Super so far
2. Whis will totally end up being stronger than anyone else

Which I thought was a reasonable consensus opinion on the show. :lol: Note: there *are* people in the world who never bothered to watch BoG and went straight to Super, yet watched all of DB/DBZ in its heyday. Even if that ends up being 1 person.

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Re: What is the General Consensus for Super?

Post by Faustus » Thu Sep 17, 2015 6:26 pm

He has a point; Super's been verging on Toriko levels of food-obsession so far.

Though I hafta say I'm surprised I haven't yet stumbled on a single Beerus = Gordon Ramsay meme. Weird.

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Re: What is the General Consensus for Super?

Post by sintzu » Sat Sep 19, 2015 2:27 am

DragonBoxZTheMovies wrote:
I agree with all these points and unfortunately due to this being a Saturday morning anime,the upcoming arcs will probably have the same problems as the current one cause the audience they're targeting are kids unlike Z which was targeting everyone due to it airing on Wednesday evenings which also led to it getting 3500 story pages per episode instead of the normal 3000 which was an exception back then if I'm not mistaken.
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Re: What is the General Consensus for Super?

Post by Jaetinh » Sat Sep 19, 2015 10:54 am

Like you guys, I was hyped as fuck. I was extremely excited for the first few Sundays.. but now? Disappointed as hell because of the animation. TOEI just don't give a fuck, each episode looks like they had a budget of 10 bucks.

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Re: What is the General Consensus for Super?

Post by Lord Beerus » Sat Sep 19, 2015 4:53 pm

sintzu wrote:
DragonBoxZTheMovies wrote:
I agree with all these points and unfortunately due to this being a Saturday morning anime,the upcoming arcs will probably have the same problems as the current one cause the audience they're targeting are kids unlike Z which was targeting everyone due to it airing on Wednesday evenings which also led to it getting 3500 story pages per episode instead of the normal 3000 which was an exception back then if I'm not mistaken.
The main target audience for Z was kids, too.

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Re: What is the General Consensus for Super?

Post by sintzu » Sat Sep 19, 2015 5:37 pm

Lord Beerus wrote:The main target audience for Z was kids, too.
That's true but due to it airing on Wednesday nights meant adults would probably be watching too so they had to put effort into the animation and fights which they aren't doing with Super due to it airing on Saturday mornings cause they're mostly limited to kids so they don't have to worry about adults complaining about it like they would if it aired on Wednesday nights.
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