Episode #0375 (01 March 2015)

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Episode #0375 (01 March 2015)

Post by VegettoEX » Thu Mar 05, 2015 4:36 pm

Episode #0375 (download MP3) (rss feed) (subscribe in iTunes) (YouTube version)
70:37; 96 kbps, mono; 48.7 MB

Episode #0375! VegettoEX and Hujio discuss the current state of "Dragon Ball Kai" in Japan and abroad before catching up on some related news. For those of you keeping up with all the spoilers for the upcoming film, "Dragon Ball Z: Revival of 'F'", this is the episode for you! Tune in for a recap on all the new information we have, our analysis and breakdown, and then your own thoughts!

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Hey there! It's a normal-length episode! Enjoy!

Movie spoiler talk begins at 28:48 for those who want to tune out before that. It's a very clear break. You won't be able to miss it.
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Re: Podcast Episode #0375 (01 March 2015)

Post by Ajay » Thu Mar 05, 2015 6:09 pm

Great episode. I've been waiting for that reaction to Kai for the longest time. It's always a great feeling when your own thoughts are validated on a platform like the cast. From that rant about Kai to the overall thoughts on Fukkatsu no F, they were spot-on. I especially like the theory about Trunks and Goten being asleep. I so hope that turns out to be true. (Also, that line about the cat and the keyboard. Amazing.)

Nobody told me two tweets were cheating! Damn character limits.

I was actually surprised that thoughts regarding the CG animation weren't brought up. We got some pretty clear looks at that stuff from the trailer. Would have been nice to hear how you guys feel about it.

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Re: Podcast Episode #0375 (01 March 2015)

Post by TheDevilsCorpse » Thu Mar 05, 2015 6:20 pm

Enjoying the the thoughts on how Jaco ends up in the mix. Personally I think word just gets around of Freeza's revival and plans for revenge out in space and it eventually makes it to the ears of the Galactic Patrol. With Earth being the home of Omori and Tights, he heads there to warn them all about Freeza's revival.

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Re: Podcast Episode #0375 (01 March 2015)

Post by DragonBoxZTheMovies » Thu Mar 05, 2015 6:51 pm

Podcast itch has been well and truly scratched. Great episode guys! Awesome way to start my Friday morning.

I gotta say, the Goten and Trunks theory sounds like it was pulled straight out of DBZ Movie 4. Guess there is something Mike likes about that movie after all. :P I do enjoy the idea that there's some sort of gag preventing them, along with Buu, Mr. Satan etc., from getting in on the action though. Maybe they're waiting around to make their entrance more dramatic?

I was also quite surprised that you guys didn't touch on the animation all that much. It looks like everything's received a significant bump up in quality since the first trailer and I honestly think it looks fantastic. The grey skies are also a nice change from the constant blue.

All in all, I think my excitement for this actually rivals BOG. I was amazed at how well done the trailer was compared to the ones for its predecessor. Although it is hard to compare, this movie just seems so much elaborate and there are so many more angles to speculate on. I'm confident that this'll be another strong entry in the franchise, and it's awesome to see Toriyama building on and progressing from BOG, rather than doing the same thing again.

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Re: Podcast Episode #0375 (01 March 2015)

Post by RandomGuy96 » Thu Mar 05, 2015 11:18 pm

Ah, a nice, long, meaty episode. Useful for playing in the background while doing some menial task. Anyway:

-On Toriyama's Hell: actually, we do know what Hell is like in the manga. Emna says that it's like the Demon Realm, which is why he sent Dabra to Heaven. Because he'd love Hell, and hate Heaven. That's... not exactly compatible with the Hell shown in this movie.

-On Freeza being portrayed as a threat: one, yes, I do have a problem with a ROSAT. Two, the ROSAT is still not comparable to this. The ROSAT was people with sparring partners and a special room, not to mention transformations, gaining a few times more power in years. Freeza's version of this is training with no sparring partners for a mere 4 months, and somehow becoming thousands of times stronger just from that.

-On Freeza never training: you said that Freeza's absurdly effective training doesn't contradict anything, because he never actually trained in his whole life, and so doing so for the very first time could actually make him that much stronger. The problem is, that's using the movie's logic to justify the movie's logic. Manga-wise, we're given every indication that Freeza has trained before. He knows tons of ki techniques, he is a skilled enough hand to hand fighter to keep up with Goku, he's stated to be a skilled/experienced air combatant by Goku, and he has a transformation that clearly doesn't fall under his normal "suppression" logic, that can raise his power. All of this seems very unlikely to be the case if he's never trained a day in his whole life. Then there's his comment about his father getting dust on him. What does he mean by that, if not training?

On Freeza training now: Heck, if he knew about his enormous hidden power reserves all along, why not train after he got humiliated by Goku? Why not train to become stronger than Buu and Beerus? It's take very little effort on his part if he thinks 4 months will let him surpass a level beyond Majin Buu. It just doesn't make any sense.
Last edited by RandomGuy96 on Wed Mar 11, 2015 7:06 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Podcast Episode #0375 (01 March 2015)

Post by BlazingFiddlesticks » Fri Mar 06, 2015 12:44 pm

A through piece of podcasting here. Thanks all!

"Forget you, Mike, I'm going to listen to the whole thing whether I wanted to or not!"

Well, if one of my friend's friends had not thrown that link on my Facebook dash...

"I think Xenoverse was the hail Mary after trying to sell very similar games to a smaller and smaller returning audience."

Personal anecdote: I think its working. I've got a friend who has not bought a DBZ game since the Gamecube port of Budokai playing with me on Steam, another getting his first DBZ game that I can remember on the Xbox One, and a third who to my knowledge has skipped the other HD games is likely to grab it on PS3.

Yeah, RandomGuy's on it, what are Freeza's transformations and Cold's beatings if not training? Really, what Golden Freeza gives us is for Freeza to overestimate his spontaneity as we know he is prone to doing, and get lucky, like Goku did. The Super Saiyan parallels just do not end, do they?

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Re: Podcast Episode #0375 (01 March 2015)

Post by Rukura » Fri Mar 06, 2015 4:21 pm

After listening to the podcast, I'm "afraid" that Toriyama could just keep Goten and Trunks as kids......but at the same time, the thought of Freeza being confused as to why "Goku" and Trunks are kids and still trying to get his revenge on Goten and Trunks seems like a great possible gag :lol:

As far as Freeza's revival, I almost wanna call a little bullshit, but they way it's played out totally sells it for me.
Freeza survived in (bigger) pieces after Namek exploded. And, while I can believe those pieces we see now might have fallen after Trunks slashed him (before he blasted the big ones) they fell because they were lifeless. "If they were lifeless, how can he be alive, even if barely, in those alone?" is what I asked myself...before remembering the gang worrying about Kuririn being revived to a decomposed body, after he died the first time :thumbup:

Also, Shenlong being a dick to villains by going into a "full body not found" technicality that he usually overlooks, as a special service.

Yes, Hell is supposed to look like the Demon Realm....but why can't Hell have a special little torture place that we see Freeza in, but that wouldn't be enough to contain Dabra? And can we really count Freeza's circumstances, prior to being revived, as actually having a body?

Last but not least: Freeza was afraid of the legendary, golden, Super Saiyan. He is now the real Golden Warrior 8)

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Re: Podcast Episode #0375 (01 March 2015)

Post by Shiyonasan » Sat Mar 07, 2015 2:28 pm

First Kanzenshuu podcast I've listened to in a long while following by semi-sabbatical from Dragon Ball, and it was a good one.

I can totally see Goten and Trunks sleeping through the story in Revival of F. I can just imagine there being a post-credits scene with Goten and Trunks waking up and being completely unaware of what happened.

Hoping Revival of F gets international releases soon after the Japanese debut. Perhaps we can get it here in America sometime in 2016? Here's to hoping.

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