DragonBall GT Revised [fanfic]

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Re: DragonBall GT: Revised

Post by Kaboom » Fri Apr 09, 2010 2:05 am

Okay, NOW we get to the good stuff! All the extra, nifty little things I've been promising that have made this update take so damn long to happen. To whet your appetites, why don't we start off with something simple. Something everyone will like. Hmmm...

Oh, I've got it! How about some... POWER LEVELS?! :twisted:
Slug - 45,000
vs Zunim - 35,000 | Supressed - 2 | Full Power - 115,000 | Worn-out - 13,000 | Giant - 100,000
Thorgas - 42,000
Full Power - 50,000 | Giant - 85,000
Katatz - 1500
Bosa - 3000
Merged with Katatz - 125,000 | Great Elder - 325,000
Shio - 6200
Supressed - 5 | Matching Irik - 4500
Kuji - 900
Kagyu - 34,000
Irik - 28,000
Resting - 4500
Zunim - 8700
Electric Ki Field - 12,000
Beat - 8500
Post-Zenkai - 11,500 | Ozaru - 115,000
Kale - 7900
Post-Zenkai - 9600 | Ozaru - 96,000
Pinach - 8000
Post-Zenkai - 10,200 | Ozaru - 102,000
Kob - 7800
Post-Zenkai - 9450 | Ozaru - 94,000
Barus - 9600
Post-Zenkai - 12,500 | Ozaru - 125,000

...Okay, I think you've suffered enough. To quote one of the greats, "now here's something we hope you'll really like!" That would be... a character bio!



Alignment: Neutral Evil
Age: ?
Race: Namekian (Warrior-type)
Battle Power: 115,000
Transformations: Giant Form
Home: Makigai (Old Planet Namek)
Occupation: Heir to the Namekian Warrior Clan.
Family: Thorgas (father)
Goals: To grow in power and rule the universe.

  • Split-Form - Slug can divide himself into several separate bodies. His normal best amount is five parts altogether, though he can generate up to seven if necessary. However, his power is also divided among the clones, so it's not a very practical technique against opponents with strength rivaling his own.
  • Giant Form - Like other Warrior Namekians, Slug can increase his size many fold, putting much more force behind his attacks while not losing any speed. This form also has its downsides, but is useful in certain situations.
  • Energy Drain - An alien ability Slug learned from a criminal before executing him. By gripping an opponent, Slug can sap away their strength. It does not get added to his own, but is handy for immobilizing Slug's victims and making sure certain shady encounters stay "discreet."
  • Telekinesis - A mystical ability that allows Slug to move objects using only his mind. This is still a Ki-based technique, so the size and mass of the object he can lift, as well as the manner and distance which he can move it, depend on his battle power.
  • Telepathy - When grasping someone by the head, Slug can probe their mind for information. Combined with the Energy Drain ability, this is very useful for any impromptu "interrogations."
  • Regeneration - A special ability native to Namekians and best used by Warrior-Types. Though he never displays it in GTR, Slug has the ability, at the expense of some of his Ki, to regrow portions of his body that are lost or otherwise irreparably damaged.
  • Slug is the son and heir of Thorgas, the head Elder of the Warrior Clan. Tall, broad, and strong, he is a promising fighter. More promising than anyone knows, in fact. Slug was born with miraculous potential for growth, a 'Super Namek,' and he quickly rose to a place among the strongest warriors on the entire planet.

    But along with that power came a spark of evil. Through a combination of his ambition-filled upbringing and his constant exposure to alien influence, particularly that of criminals, he developed an unnatural and insatiable thirst for power. He fed this thirst by secretly extracting information from criminals about abilities they had shown, often executing them in order to keep his inquiries under wraps.

    Eventually, Slug's dirty deeds were exposed and, after a series of harsh battles, he was exiled from Namek. He spent centuries wandering the galaxies, building his power and feeding his ambitions for conquest. Eventually, like most movie villains, he showed up on Earth and got his ass kicked by Son Goku.
Had enough yet? I hope not. I'm just getting started! It's time for some good-ol'-fashioned artwork! Let's get the smaller ones over with first.

Has anyone wondered just what Pinach is hiding under his hair?
This one was a relatively last-minute idea. I sketched it up within a day, and spent about an hour making it look good in Photoshop.

And now, the coup de grace: The Birth of Porunga!
Not to toot my own horn, but I'm quite proud of my ability to make something that's entirely Photoshop-created actually look like it was made using real paint.

I have one more big piece of Cataclysm-related artwork that I'm still grinding away at, which will put all of these to shame. But that's going to take at least a few more days, and I didn't want to delay this update any further for just ONE item. So I'll keep working on it!

That's it for the "Bonus Material" section, but we've got one last part to go. The best is yet to come!
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Re: DragonBall GT: Revised

Post by Kaboom » Fri Apr 09, 2010 2:26 am

So I was digging into some of my older plans for this Namek story, and it's surprising even to me how many things changed in the process of writing. I figured I'd slap together some insight into the development of the story, and of the characters in particular. So brace yourself for some long-winded creative ranting, all four of you who care! There's some nifty old concept art for stuff liberally peppered throughout here, too. So it may be worth the reading to see that.

Slug might be considered the "main character" of this entire shindig, and neither he nor his role changed much at all since the earliest planning stages. What did change a bit was his design. Here's a few old sketches of Slug, some from before I even bothered popping in Movie 4 to remind myself what he actually looked like in his prime. He still looks a bit different in the movie from my final designs for him, though that's probably just a matter of my own art style.
Image Image
One interesting thing is that this tale of his backstory in GTR is sort of a combination of both the dub and sub versions, which share some of the same elements, but, of course, the dub switched some things around and made parts up. I've also added some embellishments of my own, such as the whole "heir to the Warrior Clan" thing. So while, as a whole, I write GTR as a more appropriate and faithful continuation of the manga than the original GT was, I'm not as concerned about things solely from the anime and movies (I've already made reference to just about every major movie-exclusive character in the main fic in some way). So you might say things like my rendition of Slug here are where I include bits of "Alternate Universe" flavor to the story-telling.

My original story and design concepts for the three Namekian Elders didn't change much either over time. Their positions and personalities were pretty much cemented from the get-go.

Originally, Bosa and Thorgas were named "Batu" (from "Tuba") and "Armon" (from "Harmonica") in the earliest stages, because back then I was under the mistaken impression that I'd be using instrument-themed names for Namekians. Once I discovered (with some help from this forum's fine and knowledgable members) that this was really just limited to Piccolo and his minions, I switched to the appropriate slug- and snail-themed naming conventions. "Katatz" obviously never had a different name, because he was a partially-pre-existing character. Kuji was a previously-existing character too. But in case none of you managed to make the connection from reading, we knew him in his eventual title as the "god of Earth."

We also have one other Namekian who was actually named within the story, Kagyu. I also sketched up a design for Irik, but I have no idea where I put it. If I find it or am inspired to redraw it, I'll include it at some point in the future.
Now here we have Shio.
That earliest one on the far left is painfully bad; I'm so ashamed of it.
It's been so long that I can't remember exactly when in the planning process I came up with her and her role, but I do remember that in the very earliest stages of the story, she didn't exist. Originally just Slug himself would conspire to use the Dragon Balls, reveal his true evil nature, and end up dooming the planet in the process.

But eventually I figured he should have a partner because A) He could have someone to use as a scapegoat and B) Whatever he'd wish for, it would probably make justifying the story too difficult. Being that Xuelong is rules-free, his wish would most likely be immortality or limitless power or something, and Slug definitely didn't possess anything of the sort in Movie 4. So the main role of the "partner" was to gyp Slug out of his wish, which remained through the final version. This would originally result in the partner's death because of his own greed.

But I fiddled around with possible concepts for him/her, and eventually came up with Shio. Her name pun is, of course, the Japanese word for "salt," stemming from the damaging results she would inevitably have on the Namekian slug-people. Here's some random sketches of her from over time.
Image Image
As I continued working on her design and planning out the story, I began to take a liking to her. So I ended up tweaking her role to make her more sympathetic. Eventually her backstory and true goals developed, as did the additional Sodian characters of her husband, Zault, and the waitress girl, Chlori. Oh by the way, I drew them.
Image Image
If you're wondering what happened to these characters afterwards, then here's the "canon" scoop straight from the author's mouth (keyboard?). Shio made her way back to Sodius where she found Zault not only alive as Xuelong promised, but already in the process of re-organizing the revolution. They were reunited, successfully led the initiative to overthrow the planet's jerkwad ruler, and lived happily ever after making little Sodian babies together.

Chlori was among those evacuated from Namek for the "festival," obviously. After spending a while on another planet, she and her family were left stumped as to where to go. But a few months later, they learned of how Zault had come back to life and Sodius' corrupt ruler was overthrown, so they moved back there. A few years after, Chlori pulled a Queen Esther and ended up marrying some dude who was a duke or something in the new government, and deservingly lived in comfort to a ripe old age, eventually getting to see her great-grandkids.

Sodius itself was re-affirmed as a strong but peaceful world, and remained prosperous and safe for centuries to come. It may or may not have eventually been blown up by Freeza.

Anyway... Last, but certainly not least, we have the Saiyans from the story.
Zunim was part of the plans from the beginning, and his role was always that of a victim. He would be killed in a gruesome manner to firmly demonstrate just how much of a jerk Slug really was. Y'all should know how this went by now, so I don't think I need to expand on it further. Oh, and here's some quick random sketches I decided to whip up of the two alien gang leaders who got beaten up along with him.
As for the others... they weren't supposed to be their own characters beyond just "Zunim's crew" in the first place. They would end up captured after the bar fight or simply escape, and for the climax of the story, Slug was just supposed to beat Thorgas to a bloody standstill and barely drag himself away. But at one point I started sketching up possible designs for the Saiyan team and eventually individual personalities formed with them. I then started thinking, "shoot, I should involve these guys somehow." Eventually the idea of them wanting to avenge Zunim came into play and before I knew it, they were part of the story by, in their quest for payback, unintentionally coming to Thorgas' rescue and using Ozaru to drive Slug away. Which, during the eleventh hour as I was writing that fight, ending up in Slug resorting to the Giant Form himself for a short but really cool giant-size fracas. Here's some sketches!
Image Image Image Image
Originally, I intended for the eclipse itself to give the Saiyans the Bruitz Waves they needed, which would have been a precursor to another certain Saiyan using it for Super Ozaru later. But in the end, I thought it was too contrived in both cases. So I decided to still involve the eclipse, but tweak it so that it allowed for Bruitz Waves from the other moon to be plentiful. In the end, however, that plan failed thanks to the storms, so Pinach also got to be the original inventor of the Power Ball instead. But if the eclipse plan HAD worked, here's Professor Pinach himself with a handy diagram to demonstrate just how things would have been arranged.

Also, the Saiyans and Shio were supposed to randomly leave on their own ships. But I eventually came up with the notion of destroying the spaceport (a task which was originally attributed to the quakes and such but eventually fell on Slug), with only the three elders' ships remaining. Slug would escape on Thorgas', Kuji and the Black Star Balls would be sent on Katatz's, and I decided to have the Great Elder plunk the remaining folks into Bosa's and send them away together.

Geez, my story plans change so frequently that at times I feel like I'm channeling Toriyama himself.

... Well, that's about it, I think! Let it all soak in, folks. Your patience has been rewarded.

GTR Chapter 9, coming in July 2011!
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Re: DragonBall GT: Revised

Post by JulieYBM » Fri Apr 09, 2010 11:28 am

That's a lot o' notes, yo. Downloaded the .pdf, it's great! It's like having a book on hand!! But, will Dragon Ball GT: Revised get a Volume I .pdf released similarly?

Oh, and...BATTLE POWERS!! Those are some pretty high numbers for the Saiyans. I'm also suprised the extras were not included in the .pdf, but alas...

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Re: DragonBall GT: Revised

Post by Kaboom » Fri Apr 09, 2010 11:34 am

JulieYBM wrote:That's a lot o' notes, yo. Downloaded the .pdf, it's great! It's like having a book on hand!! But, will Dragon Ball GT: Revised get a Volume I .pdf released similarly?
It'd probably be way more of a pain than it's worth to compile everything together, but it could happen eventually. Maybe I'll just release "volumes" of ten chapters each, or something. I do definitely plan on including .pdf versions of future individual chapters as they're released, though.
Oh, and...BATTLE POWERS!! Those are some pretty high numbers for the Saiyans. I'm also surprised the extras were not included in the .pdf, but alas...
Well, it's a different age, and these guys are kinda like Vegeta in that they spend their time zipping about the galaxies getting into trouble. So they've had their fair share of healing boosts along the way, including the ones in the story.

Alas, I may start linking to the PDF at other sites, but the other extras are meant to be "DaizEX-clusive" content. ;D
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Re: DragonBall GT: Revised

Post by Kiyza » Fri Apr 09, 2010 1:19 pm

Very nice job! :mrgreen: Do you ever consider putting some of this up on your deviantART profile? I especially enjoyed all of the artwork you did. My favorite was the one with the eclipse. I think the movie Goku in the background made that picture for me. But I found the one with the sharingan absolutely hilarious, despite the fact I haven't seen Naruto in nearly 3 years.

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Re: DragonBall GT: Revised

Post by Kaboom » Fri Apr 09, 2010 1:25 pm

Kiyza wrote:Do you ever consider putting some of this up on your deviantART profile?
Well, thanks for reminding me. I did mean to put up the Birth of Porunga.
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Re: DragonBall GT: Revised

Post by Maphisto86 » Sat Apr 10, 2010 1:51 am

Holy hell in a Honda! :shock: Not only did I return to find two brand new (sorta) chapters to this piece of fan fiction but also a Daizenshuu like mound of minutae as well. Very nicely done all around. I especially enjoyed the final chapter of the "Cataclysm on Namek" side story. I thought it did a wonderful job of filling in what exactly happened on Namek. Oh and yeah, did suspect Kuji was the actual name of Kami/Piccolo Daimou/Piccolo Jr. It is also a great twist on Saichoro's origins and actually indirectly explains why Nail looks so much like Piccolo. In a way they are actual brothers in the context of this story! 8) There are probably the best things I liked about how you formulated the plot Sean. Very nice work! Not to mention all the art you did recently . . . :shock: Really appreciate it since it helps my lethargic imagination along while reading your tale *mumbles something to himself angrily about TV and a blow to the head*.

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Re: DragonBall GT: Revised

Post by Kaboom » Wed Jun 09, 2010 1:29 pm

Whatsa'matter? That last update a little TOO big for you guys? Okay then, you've had enough of a break. Time to get things churning again.

Chapter 9 of the main story is well underway. It's progressing amazingly quickly and smoothly, since I'm finally back to writing pre-existent characters in a solidly-planned narrative, rather than a bunch of my OCs in a constantly self-adjusting story like in Cataclysm. I've got a half-dozen pages already down, in what will probably span the usual 15-16 or so when finished.

However, I'm juggling around another big project along with it, namely an AMV I'm trying to finish for Otakon. The submission deadline for it is, like... the 20th of June or something. So that's kind of the top priority at the moment. I've still been able to work on GTR at the same time, but don't expect the chapter for another two weeks or so. I'll whip up and post some other stuff in the meantime, starting now with another character bio. Or should I say, "characters."


  • Alignment: Lawful Good
    Age: 57
    Race: Human
    Battle Power: ~150,000
    Home: West City
    Occupation: Department Store District Manager (+ TV personality?)
    Family: Android 18 (wife), Marron (daughter)
    Goals: To live peacefully with his family.
    Techniques: Kamehameha, Kienzan, Taiyo-Ken
  • Alignment: Lawful Neutral
    Age: Early 20's (physical), true age unknown.
    Race: Android (human-base cyborg type)
    Battle Power (Equivalent): 350,000,000
    Home: West City
    Occupation: Socialite
    Family: Kuririn (husband), Marron (daughter)
    Goals: "Whatever. Being married to Kuririn's... not bad, I guess..."
    Techniques: Kienzan
Bio: Despite both having a tough and troubled history, not to mention a rough start together, Kuririn and Eighteen are both quite happy nowadays. Despite the huge gap in power between them, both of them had been left in the dust by others like the Super Saiyans and Piccolo after the debacle with Cell. So Kuririn happily retired from the martial arts scene, content to live a normal life eventually married to Eighteen.

After Eighteen won the 25th World Tournament's prize money and more through bribing Mr. Satan, the whole little family, also consisting of little Marron by then, quickly moved out of Kame House and settled down in the suburbs of West City. The money lasted more than long enough, while Kuririn worked his way up the corporate ladder in a surprisingly normal career path. Eighteen mainly does whatever she wants.


Ta-da~ A bit underwhelming, maybe. But it works. These two will factor into the story much more later on (you can guess when and how), but for now they're mostly secondary characters. Marron will probably have her own Bio at some point.

I realized once I'd almost finished the artwork that Eighteen's arms were blocking the nifty little hairstyle I'd come up with for Kuririn. So I doodled something extra up to show it.
See? The few little spikes of hair look like a stem, the sort of which you'd find on certain nuts, perhaps? Chestnuts, maybe?

I also realized that I've yet to put together that last one big Cataclysm-related artwork I promised. That'll come soon too, though whether before or after the coming chapter, I can't say.
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Re: DragonBall GT: Revised

Post by JulieYBM » Wed Jun 09, 2010 1:38 pm

That hair cut is brilliant. In...credible, truly.

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Re: DragonBall GT: Revised

Post by Booney » Wed Jun 09, 2010 2:50 pm

Awesome design for Kuririn.

I redesigned him for an after Z fanfic also.
He turned out like a little Mr Garrison from Southpark though... :lol:
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Re: DragonBall GT: Revised

Post by Big Momma » Wed Jun 09, 2010 3:22 pm

I've been meaning to read this for the longest time....and I've about had it with myself. I'm going to do that today!
Heck...now I'm even inspired to go back into my Fan-Comic.....again.....again...:P
I also love your art style, Kaboom. It's still noticeably Dragon Ball...but...it's got a playful "twist" to it. :D

EDIT: Also, I dunno if this was addressed later on, but the links for chapters after 8 in the first post don't work. At least for me.

EDIT AGAIN: Okay...nevermind. I just got to Chapter 8...my bad >.<
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Re: DragonBall GT: Revised

Post by Kaboom » Wed Jun 09, 2010 6:16 pm

Big Momma wrote:I also love your art style, Kaboom. It's still noticeably Dragon Ball...but...it's got a playful "twist" to it. :D
Either it's "DragonBall-inspired with my own twist," or I just suck at emulating Toriyama's precise style. Which is it? That's up to you!
EDIT: Also, I dunno if this was addressed later on, but the links for chapters after 8 in the first post don't work. At least for me.

EDIT AGAIN: Okay...nevermind. I just got to Chapter 8...my bad >.<
D'oh! Silly me, those chapters don't exist in the main fic anymore. I should go update those links somehow.
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Re: DragonBall GT: Revised

Post by Maphisto86 » Thu Jun 10, 2010 1:22 am

Kaboom wrote:I realized once I'd almost finished the artwork that Eighteen's arms were blocking the nifty little hairstyle I'd come up with for Kuririn. So I doodled something extra up to show it.


See? The few little spikes of hair look like a stem, the sort of which you'd find on certain nuts, perhaps? Chestnuts, maybe?
I saw what you did there . . . yes of course I know he pointed out quite clearly while being somewhat rhetorically questioning. :P . I actually sort of like the idea of Kuririn being something of a business man/showman. About time he stopped bumming off of Kamesennin and living at Kame House (actually didn't Roshi have two of em?). Then again Master Roshi probably wanted Kuririn and family to stick around because of the hot yet hostile wife around. :roll: As for Eighteen . . . yeah I can see her being a kept woman even though I don't think she is a "shallow" socialite (in spite of her materialistic shopping habit :wink: ). Hopefully you will give Marron a little more depth other than being "daughter in peril".
Kaboom wrote:I also realized that I've yet to put together that last one big Cataclysm-related artwork I promised. That'll come soon too, though whether before or after the coming chapter, I can't say.
Hell that "mini-saga" was almost it's own piece of fan fiction and again, I applaude your rendition of what Namek was like back before it's ambiguous disaster. It fits quite seamlessly in the story, even the "canon" one. I look forward to one more art piece depicting this part of the story! :D

P.S. Thanks for getting rid of Kuririn's moustache. He should be proud of his powerful noselessness. 8) Also, best of luck on that AMV project.

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Re: DragonBall GT: Revised

Post by Kaboom » Thu Jul 29, 2010 5:21 pm

Hooray! At long last, it's actual-update time again! We're coming at you with a brand-spanking new chapter, the first full one set back within the main story in a long, LONG while!
As I'll be doing from this point forward, I'm including a downloadable .PDF version of the chapter as well, for your on-the-go, offline, formatted-better-than-on-sucky-FF.net reading pleasure!
Try not to be disappointed that nothing particularly heart-stopping happens. This chapter's a lot of character-building and setup for what's to come, though I think I managed to make it all funny, dramatic, and generally entertaining enough that it's worth it. Chapter 10 will be somewhat of a milestone in comparison. Regardless, enjoy!

Moving on, we've got some more supplementary material. A profile centering around a character featured prominently in this chapter, who honestly probably won't do much within the rest of the story. >_>
  • Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
    Age: 13
    Race: Half-human, half-Saiyan
    Battle Power: ~50,000
    Home: West City
    Occupation: Flirt, "princess," high school student.
    Family: Bulma (Mother), Vegeta (Father), Trunks (Brother), Panchy (Grandmother), Tarble (Uncle)
    Goals: She's already living the dream!
Bio: Bra is a "princess" by nearly every possible definition of the word. Carefree and a bit spoiled, she has all the time and money needed to do pretty much whatever her heart desires, thanks to her position as heiress to Capsule Corporation, the richest company in the world. Not to mention her looks, which she solidly inherited from her mother.

Inherited from her father, on the other hand, is a certain default degree of Saiyan toughness and power. Unfortunately, she doesn't really do much with it. If she were to train, she would certainly be powerful like her brother Trunks or best friend Pan, and might even be a force to be reckoned with as a Super Saiyan. But alas, as a wise man once said, she's far more of a "mini-Bulma" in personality than a "female Vegeta." Besides, what does she even need power of her own for when she has Vegeta, one of the strongest beings in the known mortal universe, completely wrapped around her finger?



That about does it, methinks! Next priority GTR-wise is getting that big Cataclysm-centric artwork done. I've had the scans sitting around in my 'Illustrations' folder for ages now.
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Re: DragonBall GT: Revised

Post by Kiyza » Thu Jul 29, 2010 6:02 pm

Nice job on the new chapter. ^_^ I was especially fond of the little reference to Dragon Ball Online you threw in there. I'd love to see some artwork of Boobie sometime.

Also, I'm really fond of the picture of Bra. The one with Vegeta looks so cute. :3

I noticed that you mentioned Tarble as being her uncle, so I figured I might ask, will he be appearing anywhere in this fic? Even a brief cameo like you did Senbei Norimaki?

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Re: DragonBall GT: Revised

Post by Kaboom » Thu Jul 29, 2010 6:08 pm

Kiyza wrote:Nice job on the new chapter. ^_^ I was especially fond of the little reference to Dragon Ball Online you threw in there. I'd love to see some artwork of Boobie sometime.
*snaps fingers* I freakin' KNEW there was something else I meant to put up with this chapter! I do have designs for both Boobie (hee-hee) and Jeenie, but they totally slipped my mind. Too late to do anything about it now, so y'all will probably have to wait until Otakon's over for those.
Also, I'm really fond of the picture of Bra. The one with Vegeta looks so cute. :3
Guh, I know. It's weird, I'm drawing Dragon Ball, here! It's a manly action manga! So why do the drawings that look more like something from Lucky Star turn out the best?!
I noticed that you mentioned Tarble as being her uncle, so I figured I might ask, will he be appearing anywhere in this fic? Even a brief cameo like you did Senbei Norimaki?
... Maaaaaaybe. If the right opportunity presents itself.
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Re: DragonBall GT: Revised

Post by CashmanX » Thu Jul 29, 2010 7:17 pm

Glad to see that cat's still kicking! :lol:
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Re: DragonBall GT: Revised

Post by Kaboom » Thu Jul 29, 2010 7:19 pm

CashmanX wrote:Glad to see that cat's still kicking! :lol:
Ohohoho, there may just be more to that cat than you realize... :wink:
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Re: DragonBall GT: Revised

Post by Maphisto86 » Fri Jul 30, 2010 5:05 pm

Kaboom wrote:
CashmanX wrote:Glad to see that cat's still kicking! :lol:
Ohohoho, there may just be more to that cat than you realize... :wink:
I always figured that feline was the actual genius and Dr. Brief's was his pawn. :twisted: :wink:

I cannot say enough how much I like this fic and even these character building chapters are far from boring. Although I was disturbed by your unearthly fascination of the habits of squirrels in this chapter. Actually reminds me of my anthropology teacher who often compared the mating habits of humans to squirrels :) :P .

P.S. Heartwarming Father + Daughter moment at the end. Gawd this chapter was so adorable, I think my tetestosterone level plunged . . . there better be action in the next one! :x


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Re: DragonBall GT: Revised

Post by Kaboom » Mon Aug 09, 2010 3:24 am

Okay, so I promised some sketches of Boobie and Jeenie, but it was turning out so good I decided to mold it into ANOTHER Character Profile. Here we go!
(Okay, imagine Jeenie is only about 85-90% as big as she appears in this pic; I drew them separately before placing them together, and it looks a little off now... Also, these outfits are totally simple and temporary. I'll no doubt come up with something better in time.)

  • Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
    Age: 3
    Race: Majin
    Battle Power: ???
    Home: Satan City
    Occupation: Happy-go-lucky Majin girl
    Family: Mr. Boo (Husband), Jeenie (Daughter)
    Goals: To have fun, love Boo, and make people smile.
  • Alignment: Neutral
    Age: 3
    Race: Majin
    Battle Power: ???
    Home: Satan City
    Occupation: Happy-go-lucky Majin child
    Family: Mr. Boo (Father), Boobie (Mother)
    Goals: To eat candy and have fun. I dunno, she's a freakin' infant.
In Age 730, sometime after sweeping the 30th Tenkaichi Budokai along with Mr. Satan, our rotund friend Mr. Boo was feeling somewhat lonely. As luck would have it, he soon stumbled upon the ever-controversial adult book "Bob and Margaret" in ol' Mark's library. Inspired by the sultry secrets he studied within, Boo decided to create a lover for himself. He did so by removing a part of his own body to bring her to life from, and named her "Boobie." Soon thereafter, he hit her with a Love Beam, causing her to give birth to a beautiful little baby Majin girl, whom they named "Jeenie." Ever since then, the three of them have lived in familial bliss, and all their friends and family have become quite good friends with the newcomers. Save for Goku, who didn't even know they existed until recently.

So yes, this is as messed-up as it sounds. Boo spontaneously creates a wife out of a chunk of himself, and they immediately get busy (if you can still call it that; no, I don't think "Love Beam" is meant as a euphemism for anything) to create a daughter who is barely any younger than her mother. Awesome as it is, this is the weirdest character bio I've ever written to date.

Personality-wise, Boobie could best be described as... well, "perky." She's energetic, fun-loving, and wants nothing more than to have fun and play around all day. Jeenie, on the other hand, is a little more shy and cautious. Other than her parents (Boo in particular) and Mr. Satan, the only other person she really gets along with well is Pan. Make no mistake, though. She's a little sweetheart.

It's so far unknown what kind of power these two may be packing. Neither of them fight or train, but Jeenie has proven to be quite the tough little tyke when Pan comes over to play...
Well, there we go. I've got more sketches, but I'll post them some other time. Chapter 10 is all planned out and I've finally started writing it after almost 2 weeks now. This one's going to be a LITTLE bit more interesting than 9 was. Look forward to it, and the dozen various smaller updates I'll inevitably have to make between then and now!
Dragon Ball ended in 1997.

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