"Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Assault on the Inferno Nightmare Mission!" Official Fanfic Thread

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Steven Bloodriver
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"Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Assault on the Inferno Nightmare Mission!" Official Fanfic Thread

Post by Steven Bloodriver » Fri Oct 14, 2016 5:11 pm

[spoiler]Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Assault on the Inferno Nightmare Mission!

By: Steve9021

“And the winner of the Dragon Ball Heroes Tournament goes to… Steven Bloodriver!”

Steven and his Dragon Ball Heroes Deck of the Son and Brief Families had been more of a match for Angel’s monstrous Frieza Clan Deck. In a desperate ploy for revenge, Angel sacrificed his Humanity, allowing his signature Frieza card to corrupt his very soul. After Frieza merged with him, his power and arrogance soared to unimaginable heights. For a moment, Angel had succeeded in actually becoming strong enough to defeat Steven. Taking his revenge on him by destroying the commercial airliner the boy was on with a single Death Beam following the Dragon Ball Heroes Tournament.

Yet following the destruction of the airliner and Africa, Steven’s dead body falls into a hot spring containing a multitude of Lazarus Crystals and the roots of a single wild Senzu Beansprout. The rejuvenation properties of both then instantly revive and strengthen the genes of the Human boy, evolving him into a Saiyan. In fact, the Zenkai he gained following his resurrection made him far superior to even the Evil Emperor, Frieza. Alas, he also woke up with a start underwater, without any memory of who he was before, but as soon as he swam to the surface, the Demon in Human skin was waiting for him…[/spoiler]
Main story.
[spoiler]Hero Reborn Saga - Part 1: Resurgence

History of Trunks Timeline. Age 789, nine years after the death of Future Gohan,

With a loud splash, Steven broke through the water. But was then instantly picked up by his black Martial Arts Gi, Angel looked straight into the blood-red eyes of the boy that had once been the son of Goku with fury, hate, and a desperate lust for revenge in his eyes. The evil Angel then pulled his other fist back for the kill.

“I don’t know exactly how you had survived an attack that destroyed this entire continent, but I don’t really care how you had done it! For you won’t survive this time!”

But he was wrong…for the Steven he knew was long gone, what remained of him was the purity of latent Saiyan battle instinct, not of a mindless berserker, but of a dangerous and unpredictable warrior with the reasoning of a Human heart. As now, inside himself, he felt something break loose, opening the door to that pure, directed, violent, matchless power he knew was waiting. His true self had awakened.

“Worthless and insignificant fool! Even if you were with your group of friends like before when you had beaten me and my dear subordinates in the real world, you would have still died by my hand!” Angel yelled, a deathly vile jet-black aura enveloping his body in a blaze of power that instantly cleared the skies of any clouds of the Eastern Hemisphere. “But this time I will make sure no more miracles will end up saving you from me!”


Steven watched in slow motion as Angel’s enormous fist rotated toward him, jagged waves of solid black energy in it’s deadly wake. The Demon in Human skin’s brown tanned hand, bigger than Steven’s entire head, seemed only inches from Steven’s face. The monster’s brown murderous eyes glazed over in extreme rage as he roared out. “¡AHORA MUERE!”

The youth with the same light peach complexion as Gohan, but with an otherwise taller figure and lengthened, wild cut black hair that was reminiscent of Goku’s. The very same brown tail as the Saiyans, but with it being hidden underneath his clothes. Which were of a unique line of black Namekian clothing with a pronounced red obi around the waist, a red wrist band on both arms, and a pair of brown Namekian-style shoes. A physique making him look like if he was at least five years older than he really was, despite who he was before being at the time nowhere near as developed. Eyes revealing blood-red irises being the very same shade of red as his obi and wristbands, then grinned widely and lifted his eyes to fearlessly meet those of the evil Angel’s.


Blue tendrils of electricity erupted around Steven’s hand as it caught Angel’s punch effortlessly. The jagged sparks snaked down his arm and around his body, encircling him. He felt a burning, warming sensation shoot all the way from his ears down to the tips of his fingers. The power was boiling over. He couldn’t hold it back anymore, couldn’t contain it.


Steven Bloodriver’s cry echoed across the decimated landscape, shaking the ground. Angel Garcia then was violently hurled back by a brilliant explosion of power that sent fingers of electric blue light piercing in every direction.

The Saiyan’s already-wild hair intensified in hue, stiffening into more and more jagged locks that made him look even more like Gohan. His fingers tingled as jagged waves of electricity arced around and through them. A warm aura of a light blue erupted into a violent firestorm, ten times larger than anything Steven and Gohan had shown before.

Though the energy flowing through his body was an explosion, an inferno of flame, that made his every muscle taut and perfectly sculpted like if he was an actual Super Saiyan, his mind was filled with clarity. He had to protect his home, the Earth and all of her people from Angel, the Human with Arcosian blood.

“There’s nothing you can do, Demon in Human skin,” he began, his own face now taunt. “Because only you have yourself to blame for me becoming your executioner.” “For I’m going to pulverize you with everything I have.”

The Monster from Laredo rolled to his feet and roared, a black Death Ball coated in majestic red fire appearing just above his right palm. “Ahórrame sus amenazas vacías, Muchacho del Mono! No me importa si tengo que destruir el Universo de librarse de ti! ¡Fuera! El último de los Súper Saiyajin y los Terrestres por igual!”

Extending one hand forward, Angel hurled his attack at an all-too-ready Steven. The Saiyan simply stretched one hand forward, catching the small planet-sized energy sphere with the tips of his fingers. Then, gripping the blast tightly, he popped it like a balloon. The ensuing explosion of dark red flame erupted around him with a gigantic mushroom cloud.

Angel flew toward the explosion, his massive right arm cocked back. But just as he reached the edge, Steven appeared above him, spinning down with an angular right kick that sent him plummeting toward the surface. Angel’s already enraged eyes widened further from the pain, his chest covered by a white and orange shirt feeling something snap under the bruise that was forming over his left ribs.

“Well then there goes two of your ribs and a punctured lung,” Steven laughed. “But I won’t stop making you suffer until I destroy you and whatever Demon you fused with.”

Before Angel Garcia’s fall could even meet with the ground, Steven caught up with the Humanoid abomination, hitting the evil Angel in the chin with a strong uppercut that sent the giant Demon back up into the air. His body, shrouded in black, glowed against the dark skyline of the Earth, the starry canopy above providing a poignant backdrop. Angel, now both shocked and even more furious, crossed his arms in front of his face defensively. And yet Steven continued chasing him, easily braking through his guard with a single punch, before slamming punches and kicks into his upper body. The young warrior’s speed and power left a trail of sparks as he pounded Angel Garcia while they made their way across the dark canopy above in the starry night sky.

WHISSH! The evil Angel tried to land a heavy kick, but Steven dodged it easily and swung around with his own double fist. BADAM!

“How does it feel you psychopathic monster descended from others just like yourself! You are nothing but a dirty coward trying to make yourself and others think you are actually a threat! But in reality, you had sold your own soul for more power as you were and still are too scared to challenge me yourself, isn’t that right you sorry excuse for a Human being!?”

The Demon in Human skin finally was allowed to plummet to the ground, landing with a thunderous crash that shook the planet for miles. Gripping a handful of dirt and crushing it in his right palm, the Monster of Laredo lifted his head. Steven had dropped lightly to the edge of the crater with his arms crossed.

A low growl came through the brown Demon’s mouth as he made his way up onto one knee. “¡Cállate! Al igual que usted es uno de hablar, Steven! Usted sería nada así sin su milagrosa transformación en un Saiyajin!” He growled, earning him a grin from Steven. It didn’t make sense, how everything had suddenly, changed. “How in the name of me did Steven recover from me cracking his neck, vaporizing both his heart and lungs, and crippling him?! How could he then have power even rivaling mine without even having transformed into the Super Simian form of those blasted Saiyan Monkeys? Steven even appears to be much stronger than Mecha Frieza and King Cold were before they were made into dust by that Future Super Saiyan! Again without even achieving any Super Saiyan power at all despite now him entering the same realm of the Super Saiyans as that damn future son of Goku! How is it even possible that I continue to not gain any headway against this Teen Gohan look-alike with such ungodly power swirling madly around him?!” Angel pulled himself to his feet, his enormous arms and legs tearing through the rock like butter. He was panting, now, and Steven could indeed see bruises all over Angel Garcia, the blows had left the Demon unable to stop himself from seeing stars and catching his breath.

“Even though I don’t really know who you are exactly, I can still tell you had been able to comeback from the edge of defeat by letting yourself be infected by a Mutant and use his effeminate Alien power to empower yourself almost like how a true fusion between two individuals would,” Steven said casually. “Or so you think, Mr. Evil. For you haven’t noticed in that your health is in quite bad shape as even before we dueled, I had noticed the power corrupting you is slowly lessening your lifespan and even though it isn’t affecting you yet, it is about to. You really should have had waited until it was safe to actually fight.”

The hulking Demon in Human skin had begun to tremble. He felt an all too familiar sense of fear once again, his opponent only needed to sense his Ki to figure out what happened to him. Not only was the Saiyan the most powerful warrior he’d ever encountered, he was the strongest being he’d ever imagined, period. Steven Bloodriver’s defiance and strength were unexpected and overwhelming…but Angel pushed the fear out of his mind. This Saiyan was a monster, a monster with power beyond legend. But he could be beaten like all the rest before him, Saiyans are a prideful warrior race after all. The Great Evil God Angel threw out his arms with anger. “YEEAARGH!”

A Super Explosive Wave immediately vaporized everything in it’s radius, leaving a large crater hundreds of miles across. Steven uncrossed his arms and kept his wild smile, his crackling aura providing protection, as the sheer power passing through him felt nothing more than a warm summer breeze to the newly-born Saiyan warrior. But Angel showed no dismay. His overconfidence was blinding him once more. It seemed his transformation was slowly poisoning his mind with blind rage.

“Hum! Esto sería mucho más antes de que muera, bastardo de simio! Por la diferencia en nuestras manos en este segundo duelo a muerte, se corregirá este instante, pero también como antes de haber subestimado enormemente lo que soy capaz de, Saiyan,” Angel boasted. “Porque a diferencia de usted, ya que derrotó dos veces: antes de su resurrección y lo que será destinado a suceder al final del día de hoy.”

“What a pretty sad attempt at a badass boast,” replied Steven. “But it is to be expected from such a ruthless, heartless bastard such as you.”

Charging instantly, faster than Angel could react to, Steven reached his opponent with a blazing right punch. But it was a fake; as Angel tried to block, he flipped to one side with terrific speed. The tall brown Demon’s swings passed through empty air; the little red-eyed Saiyan’s comparably smaller size made him an impossible target now that he was so fast. Dodging these clumsy, but far faster than light punches that were all powerful enough to shatter Moons as big as Earth was child’s play.

Noticing how his opponent was hovering a few inches off the ground, the Wicked Earthling suddenly, adapted his form, using his long arms to build up momentum as he spun in for a series of attacks which were surprisingly well-executed for his bulk. Steven ducked under the first backhand and countered with a double kick to Angel’s solar plexus, the crippling blow made the monster throw up his punctured lung and then double over in unbearable agony. But Angel had ignored the pain and forced himself to recover, he came in with an uppercut, only for the Saiyan to dodge that as well.


Angel Garcia’s massive fist swung through empty air, distorting the rigid Afterimage of Steven. And before he knew it, Angel was then smacked across the face by Steven’s Iron Tail. CRRRAAAACCKKKKKKKK! The enhanced tail swipe from the Saiyan smashed into the entire face of the brown Demon with the momentum of a planet as big as an Ultramassive Black Hole. Crushing his nose and sending most of his teeth and half his shattered jaw down his throat, yet he still stood, and staggered forward, as he tried to strike Steven with a full-powered overhand. Only to meet a hand with both the index finger and middle finger out near his chest before his opponent then made it into a fist to deliver a hard punch to Angel’s gut. It blew a six-foot hole in his chest, causing him to vomit up teeth and shards of bone before collapsing onto the ash covered ground, seemingly lifeless.

Right before, Angel had suddenly, knocked Steven onto his back by almost instantly getting up to one knee and blasting Steven in the face with a high-powered energy ball shot with one arm. The Big Bang Crash made his body skid for only a few feet before he pulled his knees to his chest, placed his hands behind his head, and pushed himself up off of the ground. Steven’s two-footed kick landed square in the center of Angel’s left eye, making him stagger back and lose half of his vision.

Before the brute could recover, the Saiyan swept his foe’s feet, then grinned as he fired an energy ball of his own directly into Angel’s face before he hit the ground. The tall fighter flipped over and over on the ground for a few dozen miles, but then quickly got back on his feet. This time, as Steven rushed in for a strike, he was able to barely anticipate, sidestepping to the right in the nick of time.

Finally finding himself with the opening he wanted, he landed a flurry of punches and kicks to Steven at lightning speed, the solid blows stunning him. And for good measure, he quickly hammered Steven down with a dashing double-thrust elbow punch to the young Saiyan’s head and a sharp kick upward from the ground sent Steven flying before Angel Garcia had angrily stretched wide open his wide mouth and screamed at the top of his lungs, his fierce Kiai that rocked the Earth knocking Steven even higher as then he fired a powerful blazing stream of crimson energy from his mouth, the Crimson Scream exploded once it reached the small Saiyan warrior.

Widening his stance, the most evil Human in history fired Death Beams from both hands, The red lines of destruction with a sickly black trail behind them tore holes all in the debris cloud before him at speeds well beyond light, kicking up mountains full of dust and dirt from both the Earth beneath his feet and some even still falling chunks of flaming debris from the Pokémon Jet Steven had been on not even 19 seconds ago, yet he still continued to fire like a madman. Focusing on nothing but his enemy before him, he kept shooting beam after beam at the Saiyan with all ten of his fingers. Even though all of them hit, Angel furiously persisted. Had he really become so desperate? Or was it more likely had he suffered from permanent brain damage? Angel then prepared himself for whatever attack Steven would fire from the debris cloud. “Vamos, Steven! Sé que no son nada como su auto absolutamente endeble de este mundo desde hace unos momentos! Así pues, continúa para mostrarme qué usted es un tipo duro, no importa lo inútil que estará en mi contra!”

“I see even a completely ax-crazy and heartless Demon of a monster like you acknowledges just how awesome I am!” The young Saiyan yelled, bursting out of the brown smoke. He made a beeline straight for Angel, but swerved upward at the last second. Steven grabbed his enemy by the head, flipping over the top of his massive form, and came down with a two-foot kick in the center of his back. The giant stumbled forward and watched as his other lung was knocked out of the hole in his chest, before he was immediately subjected to an endless barrage of blows from behind him. Steven was pulverizing him, pounding his shoulders just at their weak points, being sure to divide his strikes between the kidneys, ribs, spine, and neck. To finish off his flurry, Steven cupped his hands forward and fired a Kamehameha that buckled the evil Angel over, hurtling him toward a rocky plateau. His body tore through the surface like paper.

The face of the plateau showed only a single hole, the opening of a tunnel leading deep into the rock. No one would know how far into it’s depths Angel had gone; cracks started appearing in it’s face as black light shot out of the entire mountain. Steven held his ground, a wild grin on his face as he waited for the impending explosion.

A dome of black light suddenly, erupted where the mountain had been, hurling stones in every direction. The chunks of rock that were not immediately pulverized were launched at dazzling speed, fast enough to leave the scorched Earth’s atmosphere altogether.

At the center, Angel emerged. Steven saw trickles of blood running down the Demon in Human skin’s eyes, ears, and what once was a nose and mouth. However, Angel’s body from the neck down had healed almost completely…except for a lightning bolt shaped scar now on his chest and veins bulging all over against his skin.

The brute charged. Steven smiled, noting that Angel’s power seemed slightly higher. “Seems you learned to use your Wicked Regeneration somewhat, but my attacks are devastating enough to leave you incapable of fully recovering even with your heavily evolved rapid regeneration backing you up.”

Angel Garcia’s punch came down at Steven’s chest, but the Saiyan evaded it easily. It smashed a crater greater in size than the Moon into the ground. The Demon spun with a massive elbow strike, faster than before, but Steven twisted in midair and delivered a powerful kick to Angel’s chest that left an angry bruise in place of the barely healed scar. Hovering just about six feet above the ground, Steven landed a right cross, a strong knee strike, and a spinning backfist to the hulking monster.

The massive warrior stumbled back, trying to right himself. But Steven didn’t give him a chance to recover. Teleporting behind him, he gripped the older Earthling’s left arm and slammed his knee into the brute’s back, then used the momentum to spin him around and around. As he flung him headlong, he snapped one fist forward with a burst of Ki, the Kiai making the evil Angel tumble end-over-end.


An explosion of evil energy erupted again in Angel Garcia’s aura as he stopped still in midair, his Ki surging higher once more.

Fast enough that it had almost surprised Steven, the Wicked Angel gathered a cloud of reddish-black energy balls in his hands and launched them toward the small Saiyan. Unlike the ones from before, these homed in on their target immediately. But Steven Bloodriver readied himself immediately as he snaked out his tail from under his clothes like before and batted each of the energy spheres making up his foe’s Renzoku Black Hole Death Ball in turn with only his tail, further angering the heartless monster known as Angel as Steven dealt with the furious barrage with relative ease.

When he looked up, Angel had both his hands pulled back to his waist, energy collecting in each one. Without warning, he clapped them together over his head, then flung the combined Planet Destroying Death Ball turned Super Death Ball. “El sabor de la malicia de mi venganza! SÚPER MUERTE PELOTA!”

Steven lifted one hand, charging his own electric blue energy ball rapidly. “No thanks, I prefer my own cooking! DRACO MASENDAN!”

The small ball of energy shot forward with incredible speed, striking the large dark red sphere…and stopping it cold. Then it ballooned suddenly, and detonated, it’s spherical blast wave completely swallowing Angel Garcia’s Super Death Ball before smashing into the self-proclaimed God of Death. It seemed to take up half the Galaxy, outshining even it’s brightest stars, with Evolved Saiyan power.

Steven blasted forward, flying low over the ground straight through the still-boiling mushroom cloud nearly a third of the diameter of the planet itself. His senses were still locked onto Angel’s energy. Just a little farther…

BLAMM! Blasting out of the cloud, his boot smashed into Angel’s mangled jaw as the latter was still flying back, launched headlong by the furious explosion. The brute smashed into the ground, then rolled over and over before coming to a stop.

“When are you going to admit defeat, Demon? You know full well this is a pointless battle for you,” snapped Steven, hovering just above the heavily scorched body of Angel. “Eventually your body won’t be able to keep up the constant regenerating of broken tissue and bone from me destroying you over and over again. While I am still completely unscathed and at full power from everything you have thrown at me.”

The evil Angel grasped the soil in both his fists and pushed himself up to his knees, then stood. He was boiling with anger. Steven had nearly killed him, his Draco Masendan had done the impossible, completely rendering Angel’s ability to regenerate inert. The insult was too great, too infuriating to explain or comprehend-all he could do was lash out. Throwing himself forward, he seemed to catch Steven by surprise, smashing his most powerful double fist into the Saiyan’s jaw.


The impact spun Steven’s head to one side, but the rest of his body remained completely still. The embodiment of rage stretched his jaw slowly, blotting the small trail of blood on his lip from his foe’s worn and torn bloodied fists with his right hand, then turned back to face the brute. “I get the feeling you have heard this before already, but your punches only tickle like a tiny feather.” Cocking his own fist, he threw a blindingly fast right cross into Angel’s face. The Monster of Laredo staggered back, then fell to his knees.

Right before, Steven smashed both of his knees against the stomach of Angel before doing so again to the face of the Demon in Human skin from above with super speed. Before Angel could recover, Steven was already in front of him and roundhouse kicked him into the sky before teleporting behind him to attack the bad-tanned monster with an Iron Tail. Having just come around, Angel barely even had time to spin around in horror. TTCHIING! It sliced cleanly through Angel’s body just below the hip, leaving a jagged blue line of light refracting through the air. Steven backflipped out of the way of the falling upper half of Angel before putting his hands forward and blasting the severed legs of his enemy into oblivion with a Masenko. In an instant, Steven caught up to the second half of Angel before punching and kicking the evil monster wildly, he then smashed Angel down to the ground with a roundhouse kick, and cupped his hands to his side. Angel laid there on the ground paralyzed, completely unable to even find the strength to breathe, but as soon as he saw what Steven was charging above him, he somehow found the strength to scream at the top of his lungs. “TIMES TEN KAMEHAMEHA!” Steven shouted, yelling as he brought his hands forward and unleashed the massive wave from them, it crackled with the very same lightning and shade of blue as Steven’s blazing aura. It reached Angel and incinerated him in the smallest split of a second. The Kamehameha left nothing of the monster, not even ash. Only a bottomless crater as large as a continent in width and reaching pass the center of the Earth in depth.

Steven levitated just above, his palms still outstretched and his jaw clenched. His eyes were wild with fury that matched the fire and lightning continuing to crackle and blaze around him. He was still battle-ready and at full strength.[/spoiler]