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Post by Snail » Wed Oct 03, 2007 8:10 pm

Oh man, XD I didn't realize my screen name was featured on the front page. Don't shoot the messenger Mike! :(

Also, I'm really hoping that the movie details that we've received thus far is either fake or just a quick idea of what the team wants to do with the film. Otherwise, I'm hoping for something much, much better.

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Post by Tanooki Kuribo » Wed Oct 03, 2007 8:14 pm

why can't a Namekian be done with a $100,000,000?
Iam sure thats how much they have to spend for the three movies, that cannot be for just one movie. That would be stupid crazy.

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Post by Onikage725 » Wed Oct 03, 2007 8:57 pm

Is it just me, or would the concept for this film, based on the cast breakdown, work loads better as a Yu Yu Hakusho film?

Ya know, I missed the bit about Mai before. Why does it seem like they're splicing Mai, Drum and Oolong into one character?
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Post by QuantumDestiny » Wed Oct 03, 2007 9:03 pm

After freaking out, I have now come to accept the synopsis of this movie. But one thing MUST be kept................

Goku's hair.

Not only is it...HIM... but it also has to do with him being Saiya-jin. The hair is not that hard people.... this is my main fear now.

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Post by Contra Deus » Wed Oct 03, 2007 10:05 pm

Truth be told, I never expected much more than this. It could easily end up being as goofy as that other live-action DB film (the one with King Horn), but what can you do? I'll try and reserve judgment until clips or trailers of the film appear.

It might be better if the extraterrestrial origins of Piccolo and Goku were kept out and they just go with Piccolo being a demon or evil spirit. It'd make it just a tad more faithful to the original story.

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Post by SaiyamanMS » Wed Oct 03, 2007 10:51 pm

Xyex wrote:What's wrong with a rope ladder? You'd rather he just have a vine to toss down into the pit for them to climb? Seriously, I don't see why people are picking this out of that page as something odd. :?

Nothing is WRONG with a rope ladder, it's just REALLY random. >_>
I thought that was an amusing comparison. >.> But anyway, it sounds like Yamcha's truck is taking Puar's place as the 'all purpose item generator'.
I found it amusing too, but it's still weird. >_>
Well, this is replacing the Pilaf stuff, and I guess they figured it'd be nice to have a recognizable name for the female villain lead and Mai's the only one that fits. So there she is. The shapeshifting thing just sounds like a plot device. (Which we all know Dragonball's never used :roll: )
But we don't NEED a female villain lead, and Piccolo already has henchmen to choose from.
To me it sounds more like he's saying "It's in your blood, you'll eventually join me, you can't resist it" more than "You came here to work for me" like everyone else seems to read it.
Well, I guess when you put it like that, it makes sense.

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Post by Eclipse » Wed Oct 03, 2007 11:01 pm

My dreams for a Hong Kong-style sequel has come true :lol:

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Post by Xyex » Wed Oct 03, 2007 11:29 pm

Really? I would have enjoyed at least something resembling the Nemeks we're all familiar with. I don't want to have future bad guys adapted to the point of them just looking like regular people too, y'know? For example, I could totally see final form Freeza actually not being too "out there" to have.
Um, last I checked, Nameks were humanoid. I mean, they have two legs, two arms, a head, two eyes, two ears, a mouth, a nose, and the same exact general body shape as us. That = humanoid. Hell, Chewbaca is humanoid, as are those blue skinned aliens with Jabba with those long tendril things. Jabba is an example of a non-humanoid.

Seriously, people, if you're going to complain about something at least take the time and effort to actually get it right. :roll:
Iam sure thats how much they have to spend for the three movies, that cannot be for just one movie. That would be stupid crazy.
What's 'stupid crazy' about a $100 million budget? As I said, the original Matrix cost $63 million. Revenge of the Sith was $113 million. The Transformers movie ran about $143 million.
But we don't NEED a female villain lead, and Piccolo already has henchmen to choose from.
It's a movie being made by Hollywood. Therefore it requires a female villain character in a high ranking position. Don't ask me why. It's just the way they think.

And personally, I think Mai sounds pretty kick ass in this. She's basicly a less inept version of manga self. Sure, the shape-sifting is out of left field but meh.
No matter how much you try to polish this movie, a turd is still a turd. This movie seems awfully familiar to the Super Mario Bros. Movie.
Actually, to me, it sounds more like the Street Fighter movie. Which, while not a very good *Street Fighter* movie, was still awesome fun IMO.
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<Kaboom> I'm just glad that he now sounds more like Invader Zim than Rita Repulsa
<Xyex> Original Freeza never sounded like a chick to me.
<Kaboom> Neither does Rita
<Xyex> Good point.

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Post by Kunzait_83 » Wed Oct 03, 2007 11:33 pm

Oh dear... could it be that this fucker is actually in the pipeline for real?

First off I gotta say one thing; some SERIOUS character related shit notwithstanding (I'll get to that in a sec) I honestly have to say; I was majorly impressed with the overall (I stress overall) approach this movie is taking.

This movie appears to be 1) a Dragon Ball movie and not a DBZ film and 2) it's described as essentially a martial arts/adventure story. The fact that I'm dolling out kudos for even getting the fucking genre right shows how little I expected from this movie. I was honestly expected a FUCKLOAD worse than this. I really was.

I was expecting a full on superhero-esque movie. I was expecting Vegeta as the villain front and center (perhaps even Freeza). I was expecting a Z in the title. I certainly wasn't expecting to hear Granpa Gohan of all people being mentioned, never mind Lord Piccolo (as the head bad guy no less!).

For anyone whose major disappointment is that this movie isn't diving straight into Z, Scouters, and Super Saiyans I have two words; blow me.

That out of the way, as amazed as I may be for the fact that the filmmakers appear to have the correct general idea of where to start from, there are of course many words, phrases, and sentences in the character descriptions that illicit even the most casual of Dragon Ball fans to scream "a world of fuck no!"

I'll tick off a few of the highlights.

[LORD PICCOLO] An ancient being who despite his humanoid appearance, is from an alien race determined to take over the world.

Oh dear. I hope this isn't implying that the Namekians are supposed to be a whole race of villains. Cause that would be just... ick.

Crafty and smart, Piccolo has some disturbing news for Goku, namely that the boy is actually a Saiyan

Piccolo being the one to tell Goku of his alien heritage is just... all sorts of wrong for all sorts of reasons.

[GOHAN] Goku's kindly, wise grandfather, he looks like he's in his 70s but moves like Jet Li. An accomplished martial artist who trains Goku on the bow staff, he loves his grandson and is happy to prepare a special feast for him on his 18th birthday, as well as a special gift: a 3 star Dragon Ball.

It's a minor detail in the grand scheme of things, but it's one that’s way, WAY, WAAAAAAAAY too iconic to fuck up, and something that can be all too easily remedied. I sincerely hope that this was merely a typo.

Tragically, Gohan is struck down by the high ninjas of the Namek-Jins, and as he dies he sends his grandson out to do face his destiny and do battle against them...

:shock: BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! :lol:

I'm sorry... just... HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! :lol:


But of course I saved the absolute worst, most cringe inducing for last.

[GOKU] 18 years old, Goku is considered uncool and unpopular at school

I can sympathize with Xyex in his frustration with "online fandoms". I've mentioned this much earlier in this thread, and it should be fairly apparent now, but I am MORE than forgiving when it comes to big screen Hollywood adaptations of geekish crap.

But that only carries so far. There's a great divide between "adapting the work" and "missing the point entirely". Goku being a fucking highschool student is so completely inane and unnecessary, that that one detail all by itself irrevocably alters the character far beyond recognition from the original idea.

I don't mind that they aged him a bunch of years; but if Goku is anything but an uneducated, hickish "mountain man" who knows jack shit about civilization, then I don't give fuck one how badass the fight scenes are... my ass is NOT in that movie theatre seat. Period.

And by the way... the hell is UP with the flat out obsession Hollywood seems to have in making every single fucking one of its major blockbuster protagonists highschool students?

I know I know... demographics and all that jazz, but enough is e-fucking-nough already! Let another age/social group get the spotlight for a change.

You will of course excuse my thoughts for not being as coherent as they might normally have been; it's obnoxiously late where I live, and I need to get some damned sleep.

Perhaps I'll be back in the morning with something better written.

P.S. Whoever it was that compared this to the Super Mario Bros. movie.... damned fine annalogy there. This could EASILY wind up as much the same sort of bizarre "WTF were they smoking?" adaptation, especially if some of the more "out there" aspects of this character write up are to be believed.

And in a way... I'm STILL not buying this until we get some screenshots or a trailer of some sort. Am I not the only one who remembers that supposed "synopsis for a rough draft of an early script" that leaked online somewhere back on '01 or so? Back when Roland "ID4" Emmmerich was a "dead lock" for director?

Kunzait's Wuxia Thread
Journey to the West, chapter 26 wrote:The strong man will meet someone stronger still:
Come to naught at last he surely will!
Zephyr wrote:And that's to say nothing of how pretty much impossible it is to capture what made the original run of the series so great. I'm in the generation of fans that started with Toonami, so I totally empathize with the feeling of having "missed the party", experiencing disappointment, and wanting to experience it myself. But I can't, that's how life is. Time is a bitch. The party is over. Kageyama, Kikuchi, and Maeda are off the sauce now; Yanami almost OD'd; Yamamoto got arrested; Toriyama's not going to light trash cans on fire and hang from the chandelier anymore. We can't get the band back together, and even if we could, everyone's either old, in poor health, or calmed way the fuck down. Best we're going to get, and are getting, is a party that's almost entirely devoid of the magic that made the original one so awesome that we even want more.
Kamiccolo9 wrote:It grinds my gears that people get "outraged" over any of this stuff. It's a fucking cartoon. If you are that determined to be angry about something, get off the internet and make a stand for something that actually matters.
Rocketman wrote:"Shonen" basically means "stupid sentimental shit" anyway, so it's ok to be anti-shonen.

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Post by tinlunlau » Thu Oct 04, 2007 12:30 am

That's it! This movie does not sound promising. I would rather have FOX hire someone more capable than James Wong. James Wong mainly makes horror/thriller flicks. Totally not his usual style.

M. Night Shyamalan would have been perfect judging from his vision of the live-action "Avatar The Last Air Bender" flick. I wouldn't even mind if they got someone like Gordon Chan (Yes, I know "The Medallion" sucked but it's the American producers that got in his way) for a live-action DBZ flick.
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Post by Sebastian (SB) » Thu Oct 04, 2007 1:06 am

Tsukento wrote:It's like the director flipped through the manga and wiped his ass with the Piccolo Daimao arc. That arc has so much potential to be an awesome movie, yet it's getting such an awful treatment.

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[quote="penguintruth"]In the case of the Mountain Dew, the DBZ dub is like drinking Mountain Dew and thinking, "I sure do love Coca Cola!"[/quote]

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Post by SonEric84 » Thu Oct 04, 2007 1:13 am

I seriously hope this is someone's idea of a sick joke. Even though this is sort of their own take on things, it's ruining characters stories and things that make up who they are. Namek ninjas? Mai shapeshifting? Goku in highschool? This sounds absolutely retarded. If they wanted to do something like this why not just make original characters and have the dragon balls be part of the story. Also, highschool is not cool.

Sebastian (SB) wrote:
Tsukento wrote:It's like the director flipped through the manga and wiped his ass with the Piccolo Daimao arc. That arc has so much potential to be an awesome movie, yet it's getting such an awful treatment.

Consider it my sig.

haha Yes, that was quality. I had an analogy like that earlier when I was telling a friend about this..

SonEric84: if this(link) is real
SonEric84: life is fucked (exaggeration of course...we were talking about life being shitty so yeah, it just fit.)
makiten: no.
makiten: no.
makiten: no.
SonEric84: Since when can Mai fucking shapeshift!?
SonEric84: and namek ninjas!?
makiten: NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SonEric84: and school...
SonEric84: it's like superman and spiderman had gay sex and this ran down one of their legs

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Post by Sebastian (SB) » Thu Oct 04, 2007 1:19 am

Anonymous Friend wrote:Aren't we tired of the same exact retelling of the series?
For the video games, yes. But for a movie adaption that will be most likely shown worldwide?...NO.

Oh lord, I can just imagine how the Japanese viewers who practically grew up with the story will react. Priceless.
It's like superman and spiderman had gay sex and this ran down one of their legs.
My good man. You just made my day. With watching a new South Park & this recent DB movie news, I just can't stop laughing.....& dying a bit on the inside.
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[quote="penguintruth"]In the case of the Mountain Dew, the DBZ dub is like drinking Mountain Dew and thinking, "I sure do love Coca Cola!"[/quote]

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Post by Rocketman » Thu Oct 04, 2007 1:30 am

Kunzait_83 wrote:And by the way... the hell is UP with the flat out obsession Hollywood seems to have in making every single fucking one of its major blockbuster protagonists highschool students?
In Spider-Man's case, he was a high school student when he got his powers. That was his "deal" - the first non-sidekick teenage superhero.

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Post by SonEric84 » Thu Oct 04, 2007 1:40 am

Sebastian (SB) wrote:
Anonymous Friend wrote:Aren't we tired of the same exact retelling of the series?
For the video games, yes. But for a movie adaption that will be most likely shown worldwide?...NO.

Oh lord, I can just imagine how the Japanese viewers who practically grew up with the story will react. Priceless.
It's like superman and spiderman had gay sex and this ran down one of their legs.
My good man. You just made my day. With watching a new South Park & this recent DB movie news, I just can't stop laughing.....& dying a bit on the inside.
haha Glad to entertain. Yeah, I definitely know what you mean, if this turns out to be true dragonball is going to be even more disrespected than it already is/deserves to be. Actually, what am I saying? With the way people are in this day and age they'll probably eat it up. :roll:

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Post by Gyt Kaliba » Thu Oct 04, 2007 1:42 am

So...this isn't a sick joke?

OH GOD NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 :evil:

WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!! I swear, if this goes through, I will slap anyone who says that GT is the worst generated story of all DB stuff. I mean, c'mon! This is like an FFnet AU fic gone horribly, horribly wrong! That stuff hardly works in fic form, but to make a god-damned movie! WHAT THE HELL!

Seriously - someone please tell me this is another prank, like maybe the DBAF one pulled on us by VegettoEX himself. FOR GODS SAKE, SAY IT AIN'T SO!
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Post by Chuquita » Thu Oct 04, 2007 1:54 am

Someone from DA told me its possible this could just be a rumor (the plot/character mutilation) so I'm clinging to that small hope. TT_TT

Nothing Funi has ever done to the dub's script could even begin to measure up to the sheer madness of Goku (UNPOPULAR?! WTH!!) and Chi-Chi in high school.

Seriously, that whole "I am truth" thing; totally forgiven. @_@

I'm glad Vegeta's been spared in this movie. I find it ironic he's not in it as he was so wildly popular back in the day.
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Post by SonGokuGT » Thu Oct 04, 2007 1:59 am

Wow... after that description now I HAVE TO watch this movie just to see how bad it's going to bastardize everything...

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Post by XxAtarisCorexX » Thu Oct 04, 2007 3:04 am

Well, I'm certainly waiting to hear Mike and Meri's opinion on this. Should be an interesting topic in the podcast this week.
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Post by Steven Perry » Thu Oct 04, 2007 5:00 am

Gyt Kaliba wrote:So...this isn't a sick joke?

OH GOD NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 :evil:

WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!! I swear, if this goes through, I will slap anyone who says that GT is the worst generated story of all DB stuff. I mean, c'mon! This is like an FFnet AU fic gone horribly, horribly wrong! That stuff hardly works in fic form, but to make a god-damned movie! WHAT THE HELL!

Seriously - someone please tell me this is another prank, like maybe the DBAF one pulled on us by VegettoEX himself. FOR GODS SAKE, SAY IT AIN'T SO!


Anger... building... up... can't... maintain... pressure...


People who have prejudice against the movie right now can NEVER enjoy it when it comes out, even if it turns out to be awesome. When you go into the cinema thinking 'This is gonna be crap', you can make even the best movies crap in your mind. That's what someone here has done with the unbelievably awesome show that is 'HEROES'- they kept saying to themselves 'It's an X-Men rip-off', then they wrote an overly negative review. When I watched the next episode, it really spoiled the experience, because I was looking for flaws in the show, and not immersing myself as I usually do.

Just stop all this negative thinking, please. No one's gonna be able to enjoy it at this rate! With fandom like this, even Steven Spielberg won't be able to 'do it right'. :(
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