Super Episode 127 (11 February 2018)

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Re: Super Episode 127 (11 February 2018)

Post by TheShadowEmperor8055 » Mon Feb 12, 2018 1:30 am

OLKv3 wrote:Image
I love this image because I was thinking the same thing lmao.
Oh my god, that's hilarious :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Super Episode 127 (11 February 2018)

Post by Miracles » Mon Feb 12, 2018 1:32 am

OLKv3 wrote:Image
I love this image because I was thinking the same thing lmao.
I'm sorry. I don't get it?

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Re: Super Episode 127 (11 February 2018)

Post by Freeza9000 » Mon Feb 12, 2018 1:37 am

Miracles wrote:
OLKv3 wrote:Image
I love this image because I was thinking the same thing lmao.
I'm sorry. I don't get it?
The amount of time spent on that info dump on Jiren’s backstory took what should have been 2 minutes remaining of the TOP until Universe 7 has enough numbers to win the tournament.

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I don't really care, but...

Post by Zillamon51 » Mon Feb 12, 2018 1:42 am

ZenkaiBoosts wrote:He's getting eliminated. Episode 129 spoilers even specifically mention it (if the title for 128 wasn't enough)
If that's some kind of reliable / confirmed leak, then you're a dick for posting spoilers. Nice job, tough guy! :thumbup:
"...It’s still going to be the same sort of easy-to-understand content as always." - Akira Toriyama, on transitioning from DBZ to DBS.

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Re: Super Episode 127 (11 February 2018)

Post by Rebel Instinct » Mon Feb 12, 2018 1:47 am

ZenkaiBoosts wrote:This is to the both of you

The manga isn't any more canon. It's written by Toyotaro who loves to constantly do his own thing (Vegetto and SSgod Vegeta not being in Toriyama's transcripts are just some examples etc)

The anime(Toei) are following Toriyama's outlines and transcripts. And even if Toei wants to make little changes, it always is approved by Toriyama first (has to be approved by Toriyama first)

If anything the anime is "more canon" because Toei themselfes just came out and said that they treat the word of Toriyama as the word of god. The anime has been more in line with Toriyama's original visions etc.

And in my personal opinion the manga is a forgettable afterthought compared to the anime. Very boring to read the manga. It's very plain. The anime is far superior imo due to character moments, epicness, excitement, music, fights etc

This idea that the manga will "fix" everything is funny to me because

1. What needs "fixing" exactly? What can they do? According to many people the anime is better.

2. The manga will follow the same outlines that the anime hit lol. Both follow Toriyama's outlines lol. Some people seem to not truly understand that

Unless Toyotaro makes drastic changes which is a possibility considering how much of a loose canon Toyotaro is, which therefore would make the manga non canon. Non canon being anything that veers away from Toriyama's transcripts that Toriyama doesn't first approve
ZenkaiBoosts wrote:You have to keep in mind, Dragon Ball and DBZ were not around during the age of the internet where theres now hyper-analysis and rampant cynicism culture etc

If DBZ came out today with the internet the way it is today, I guarantee you there would be a lot of people claiming DBZ was awful too.

Anyway, I think the artistic liberties that Toyotaro takes are much worse imo.

The manga is so plain and forgettable. That's just my opinion though

But remember, Toei themselfes just came out and said that they treat the word of Toriyama as the word of all likelyhood, Toei is trying to follow Toriyama's outlines as much as possible

I bet filler episodes just have vauge outlines. I agree

But when we are talking about major moments and the ending, you bet Toriyama's outlines are more thorough - and that Toriyama is much more involved.

Everything major you have seen happen in the anime. It's going to be the same in the manga. Both follow Toriyama's outlines...It's all the same major story beats...xcept we actually had Toei themselfes come out and say that they follow Toriyama more closely
I'm curious if you read my reply to you in the (Spoilers for 126) Writing inconsistency - One of worst parts of Super thread the other day. Some of the things you say give me the impression that you at least looked it over, but you still don't fully acknowledge all of the points made and are still intent on devaluing the validity of the manga and the nature of Toyotaro's contributions to the franchise.

First and foremost, you keep referring to this statement of Toei treating Toriyama's word as the "word of God" in order to claim that they follow Toriyama's outlines more closely than Toyotaro. The only thing I can find on the subject is this roughly translated quote from the interview with DBS series director Masatoshi Chioka and producer Hiroyuki Sakurada:

Does Toei have power to change Toriyama's draft?

*Both laugh*

"Basically not" They might make requests, but "you can't tell God to change"

I'm fairly sure this is the line you're repeatedly referring to, but the initial translations were rough and I think you've misinterpreted the meaning of the line. A more detailed and accurate breakdown of the interview was posted here: ... del-manga/ In this interview, both the interviewer and Chioka and Sakurada are referring to Toriyama's draft. The draft is the outline that Toriyama sends to both Toei and Toyotaro. This is the material that neither Toei or Toyotaro can deviate from. It is the bedrock that Super is rooted in before either party expands upon it in their own way.

I feel that you've gotten the impression that the draft they are referring to is meant for the anime only and that means the anime is unchanged from Toriyama's "word of God", but that isn't the case. Since this is Toriyama's original draft and not specifically for the anime, the point they are making is that the details provided in that draft are immutable. This doesn't mean that the anime follows them more closely, it just means that the staff at Toei don't have the power to change Toriyama's basic narrative - same as Toyotaro. Everything else, they have freedom to do as they please.

In a nutshell, Toei injects plenty of their own ideas and events into the story of DBS that are not rooted in Toriyama's draft and is no more in-line with his vision than Toyotaro's manga is. It isn't accurate to suggest that the anime is "more canon" than the manga. Both mediums are on equal footing as far as canon is concerned. The idea of "more" or "less" canon regarding DBS is a community fabrication. The only real difference is that the anime receives more focus when it comes to promotion.
ZenkaiBoosts wrote:It's written by Toyotaro who loves to constantly do his own thing (Vegetto and SSgod Vegeta not being in Toriyama's transcripts are just some examples etc)
This is why I question whether or not you actually fully read my original response and the interviews I linked the other day. You continue to go on about the inclusion of Vegito as some sort of proof that Toyotaro goes off the rails and does his own thing, but it was stated in one of the interviews I linked that this is not true. This isn't even Toyotaro doing his own thing, it was personally added to the original draft by Toriyama himself and is present in both the anime and the manga. Toyotaro is just the one who suggested the idea. He didn't force it into the story, Toriyama liked the idea and chose to add it to the bedrock draft of Dragon Ball Super.

Like Vegito, Toyotaro also had a direct hand in creating more than half of the Gods of Destruction - characters baked into the backbone of DBS. ... 1bb_hq.jpg (forgive the incorrect naming/spelling, the image is from before the names were finalized) Toyotaro's input shapes parts of the original outline and his manga has been used to help inform the anime as well - particularly during the Tournament of Power arc.

This exchange is all that needs to be said about how Toriyama wholeheartedly welcomes his original ideas:

Toriyama: No, it's better that way! I think it's better to let your individuality as an author shine through, rather than just follow the path I set down for you. it would be unbalanced if it were all just my ideas, so it's better like this.

Toyotaro: While I tried not to take things too far afield, I certainly did get to use many of my own ideas at points. Like thinking "wouldn't it be interesting if Trunks trained in the Kaioshin Realm, and had healing powers?" (laughs)

Toriyama: It's definitely better that way.
ZenkaiBoosts wrote:considering how much of a loose canon Toyotaro is
Also, this bit about Toyotaro being a "loose cannon" is patently false. Nothing he does is unsupervised by Toriyama and he actively encourages Toyotaro to do his own thing and add more of his own ideas into the manga. In fact, Toriyama gave advice to Toyotaro suggesting that he be more loose with his work and try to differentiate himself Toriyama's own methods. Toriyama straight up says that Toyotaro is actually too careful and straight-laced when trying to emulate his work.

Toriyama: Let's see...if I have to say something else, then I guess it's that you're too careful! Particularly with battle scenes, it might actually be good to cut corners a bit.

Toyotaro: Battle scenes are really difficult, and I'm always fretting over them...

Toriyama: I had trouble drawing fights too. But sometimes drawing them with a rough touch can produce good results, oddly enough. That's why it's important to cut corners (laughs). Then it'll be perfect!

Toyotaro: I'll keep that in mind!

I don't plan on beating you over the head with this. This is hopefully the last time I'll bring it up. I'm just trying to make sure you are fully aware of the nature of Toyotaro's involvement with Dragon Ball Super, Toriyama's involvement with the both mediums and the idea of what constitutes as "canon". Even if you adore the anime and hate the manga's guts, that's fine, but it is a canon interpretation of Super and the anime is no more in-line with Toriyama's "word" than the manga is. Neither Toriyama, Toyotaro, the writers, director or producer have said that the anime or the manga more closely follows Toriyama's outline. There are no official statements about the subject and there is no "more canon". Feel free to criticize the manga all you like, but enough of this "anime is more canon and more closely follows Toriyama's vision" stuff. None of it is true.
The post-Super fandom has ruined my love for Dragon Ball.

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Re: Super Episode 127 (11 February 2018)

Post by Miracles » Mon Feb 12, 2018 1:51 am

Freeza9000 wrote:The amount of time spent on that info dump on Jiren’s backstory took what should have been 2 minutes remaining of the TOP until Universe 7 has enough numbers to win the tournament.
Oh. lol. Thank you. :D

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Re: Super Episode 127 (11 February 2018)

Post by Kataphrut » Mon Feb 12, 2018 1:55 am

fadeddreams5 wrote:
Kataphrut wrote:Here's another thing we can add to the growing pile of "good ideas, terrible execution", but I like that Jiren's backstory gave no explanation as to why he became so strong. As in, there was nothing explaining his power level, no mention of him being a prodigy or a mutant or any of the usual excuses. It was all about character motivation.

I guess we can infer from it that he just trained really really hard because he was unhealthily obsessed with strength. While I'm sure there are many who would've preferred we get a strength explanation, I'm honestly sick of prodigies and mutants and all the other convenient excuses Dragon Ball has to make people strong as they need to be for the plot. I prefer the direction they were going for, even if it could have been better handled.
I don't think it could have been handled better, honestly. It wasn't a good idea at all, given the fact that training is at the root of this franchise. Everyone trains for different reasons, but this guy somehow became a level above a GoD, as opposed to everyone else ever. Just dumb.
The idea is that it became this unhealthy obsession and that's all he cares about. There's potential in that, which could've been more interesting than a fantastical reason. I don't care how he got stronger than a GoD. The fact that he forsook everything to do it is an idea that has legs and could set up for an interesting comparison to Goku, if the show can be bothered to go that route.

Speaking of, Android 17's rise to prominence has been such an unexpected delight, but I do think it's weird that he of all people was the one to get this backstory and motivation out of Jiren, as opposed to Goku or Vegeta.

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Re: Super Episode 127 (11 February 2018)

Post by ZenkaiBoosts » Mon Feb 12, 2018 3:40 am

The more I think about it, the more I'm happy with how they "explained" Jiren

We don't need this big, elaborate, over complicated explaination for why Jiren is so strong

They simply told us, "here's why Jiren was obsessed with strength"

That obsession lead to Jiren's persuit. Fueled Jiren's motivation, drive and training...

That's all you really need to know for now. They told us just enough to explain it, yet left it open ended enough to elaborate on it in future arcs, and keep us speculating lol

And it was clearly implying that Belmond enamored and fascinated by Jiren's unwavering thirst for strength, took Jiren under his wing and gave Jiren the ultimate training as a prodigy to surpass a god etc.

I'm sure when chapter 2 of Super comes back we will get much more on Jiren that dives even deeper into Jiren

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Re: Super Episode 127 (11 February 2018)

Post by ZenkaiBoosts » Mon Feb 12, 2018 3:55 am

Rebel Instinct wrote:
ZenkaiBoosts wrote:This is to the both of you

The manga isn't any more canon. It's written by Toyotaro who loves to constantly do his own thing (Vegetto and SSgod Vegeta not being in Toriyama's transcripts are just some examples etc)

The anime(Toei) are following Toriyama's outlines and transcripts. And even if Toei wants to make little changes, it always is approved by Toriyama first (has to be approved by Toriyama first)

If anything the anime is "more canon" because Toei themselfes just came out and said that they treat the word of Toriyama as the word of god. The anime has been more in line with Toriyama's original visions etc.

And in my personal opinion the manga is a forgettable afterthought compared to the anime. Very boring to read the manga. It's very plain. The anime is far superior imo due to character moments, epicness, excitement, music, fights etc

This idea that the manga will "fix" everything is funny to me because

1. What needs "fixing" exactly? What can they do? According to many people the anime is better.

2. The manga will follow the same outlines that the anime hit lol. Both follow Toriyama's outlines lol. Some people seem to not truly understand that

Unless Toyotaro makes drastic changes which is a possibility considering how much of a loose canon Toyotaro is, which therefore would make the manga non canon. Non canon being anything that veers away from Toriyama's transcripts that Toriyama doesn't first approve
ZenkaiBoosts wrote:You have to keep in mind, Dragon Ball and DBZ were not around during the age of the internet where theres now hyper-analysis and rampant cynicism culture etc

If DBZ came out today with the internet the way it is today, I guarantee you there would be a lot of people claiming DBZ was awful too.

Anyway, I think the artistic liberties that Toyotaro takes are much worse imo.

The manga is so plain and forgettable. That's just my opinion though

But remember, Toei themselfes just came out and said that they treat the word of Toriyama as the word of all likelyhood, Toei is trying to follow Toriyama's outlines as much as possible

I bet filler episodes just have vauge outlines. I agree

But when we are talking about major moments and the ending, you bet Toriyama's outlines are more thorough - and that Toriyama is much more involved.

Everything major you have seen happen in the anime. It's going to be the same in the manga. Both follow Toriyama's outlines...It's all the same major story beats...xcept we actually had Toei themselfes come out and say that they follow Toriyama more closely
I'm curious if you read my reply to you in the (Spoilers for 126) Writing inconsistency - One of worst parts of Super thread the other day. Some of the things you say give me the impression that you at least looked it over, but you still don't fully acknowledge all of the points made and are still intent on devaluing the validity of the manga and the nature of Toyotaro's contributions to the franchise.

First and foremost, you keep referring to this statement of Toei treating Toriyama's word as the "word of God" in order to claim that they follow Toriyama's outlines more closely than Toyotaro. .
Geekdom posted the actual video interview about it

Remember when they did that big interview for spanish outlets, and they were answering fan questions etc?

I forgot what the question was but someone from Toei responded to one of the questions, "we treat the word of Toriyama as the word of God" in that exact specific phrasing.....He said they always follow Toriyama's outlines etc

It's on video. Go back a couple months on Geekdom's videos where he posts it.

It isn't some quote soundbite that was taken from a written interview and written about in articles

It was said in an actual video interview during fan Q and As from actual words spoken out

The Toei guy's exact words were "we treat the word of Toriyama as the word of god"....I will try and find the video

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Re: Super Episode 127 (11 February 2018)

Post by JazzMazz » Mon Feb 12, 2018 3:58 am

ZenkaiBoosts wrote:
Rebel Instinct wrote:
ZenkaiBoosts wrote:This is to the both of you

The manga isn't any more canon. It's written by Toyotaro who loves to constantly do his own thing (Vegetto and SSgod Vegeta not being in Toriyama's transcripts are just some examples etc)

The anime(Toei) are following Toriyama's outlines and transcripts. And even if Toei wants to make little changes, it always is approved by Toriyama first (has to be approved by Toriyama first)

If anything the anime is "more canon" because Toei themselfes just came out and said that they treat the word of Toriyama as the word of god. The anime has been more in line with Toriyama's original visions etc.

And in my personal opinion the manga is a forgettable afterthought compared to the anime. Very boring to read the manga. It's very plain. The anime is far superior imo due to character moments, epicness, excitement, music, fights etc

This idea that the manga will "fix" everything is funny to me because

1. What needs "fixing" exactly? What can they do? According to many people the anime is better.

2. The manga will follow the same outlines that the anime hit lol. Both follow Toriyama's outlines lol. Some people seem to not truly understand that

Unless Toyotaro makes drastic changes which is a possibility considering how much of a loose canon Toyotaro is, which therefore would make the manga non canon. Non canon being anything that veers away from Toriyama's transcripts that Toriyama doesn't first approve
ZenkaiBoosts wrote:You have to keep in mind, Dragon Ball and DBZ were not around during the age of the internet where theres now hyper-analysis and rampant cynicism culture etc

If DBZ came out today with the internet the way it is today, I guarantee you there would be a lot of people claiming DBZ was awful too.

Anyway, I think the artistic liberties that Toyotaro takes are much worse imo.

The manga is so plain and forgettable. That's just my opinion though

But remember, Toei themselfes just came out and said that they treat the word of Toriyama as the word of all likelyhood, Toei is trying to follow Toriyama's outlines as much as possible

I bet filler episodes just have vauge outlines. I agree

But when we are talking about major moments and the ending, you bet Toriyama's outlines are more thorough - and that Toriyama is much more involved.

Everything major you have seen happen in the anime. It's going to be the same in the manga. Both follow Toriyama's outlines...It's all the same major story beats...xcept we actually had Toei themselfes come out and say that they follow Toriyama more closely
I'm curious if you read my reply to you in the (Spoilers for 126) Writing inconsistency - One of worst parts of Super thread the other day. Some of the things you say give me the impression that you at least looked it over, but you still don't fully acknowledge all of the points made and are still intent on devaluing the validity of the manga and the nature of Toyotaro's contributions to the franchise.

First and foremost, you keep referring to this statement of Toei treating Toriyama's word as the "word of God" in order to claim that they follow Toriyama's outlines more closely than Toyotaro. .
Geekdom posted the actual video interview about it

Remember when they did that big interview for spanish outlets, and they were answering fan questions etc?

I forgot what the question was but someone from Toei responded to one of the questions, "we treat the word of Toriyama as the word of God" in that exact specific phrasing.....He said they always follow Toriyama's outlines etc

It's on video. Go back a couple months on Geekdom's videos where he posts it.

It isn't some quote soundbite that was taken from a written interview and written about in articles

It was said in an actual video interview during fan Q and As from actual words spoken out

The Toei guy's exact words were "we treat the word of Toriyama as the word of god"....I will try and find the video
I really wouldn't bother, because he already made a gigantic ass post qualifying the context for that claim.

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Re: Super Episode 127 (11 February 2018)

Post by ZenkaiBoosts » Mon Feb 12, 2018 4:00 am

If you speak Spanish here is the original video.

There's also a second interview with just audio.

I'm not sure which one it is.

Try both

Here is the first one

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Re: Super Episode 127 (11 February 2018)

Post by ZenkaiBoosts » Mon Feb 12, 2018 4:04 am

JazzMazz wrote:
ZenkaiBoosts wrote:
Rebel Instinct wrote:
I'm curious if you read my reply to you in the (Spoilers for 126) Writing inconsistency - One of worst parts of Super thread the other day. Some of the things you say give me the impression that you at least looked it over, but you still don't fully acknowledge all of the points made and are still intent on devaluing the validity of the manga and the nature of Toyotaro's contributions to the franchise.

First and foremost, you keep referring to this statement of Toei treating Toriyama's word as the "word of God" in order to claim that they follow Toriyama's outlines more closely than Toyotaro. .
Geekdom posted the actual video interview about it

Remember when they did that big interview for spanish outlets, and they were answering fan questions etc?

I forgot what the question was but someone from Toei responded to one of the questions, "we treat the word of Toriyama as the word of God" in that exact specific phrasing.....He said they always follow Toriyama's outlines etc

It's on video. Go back a couple months on Geekdom's videos where he posts it.

It isn't some quote soundbite that was taken from a written interview and written about in articles

It was said in an actual video interview during fan Q and As from actual words spoken out

The Toei guy's exact words were "we treat the word of Toriyama as the word of god"....I will try and find the video
I really wouldn't bother, because he already made a gigantic ass post qualifying the context for that claim.
It doesnt matter how long someone's post is. I believe the quote was "we(toei) treat the word of Toriyama as the word of god"

I'm pretty sure it was from one of those interviews. Theres also a 2nd audio one. Or could've been another one. Geekdom made a whole video about it. Still searching for it
Last edited by ZenkaiBoosts on Mon Feb 12, 2018 4:23 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Super Episode 127 (11 February 2018)

Post by JazzMazz » Mon Feb 12, 2018 4:06 am

ZenkaiBoosts wrote:
JazzMazz wrote:
ZenkaiBoosts wrote:
Geekdom posted the actual video interview about it

Remember when they did that big interview for spanish outlets, and they were answering fan questions etc?

I forgot what the question was but someone from Toei responded to one of the questions, "we treat the word of Toriyama as the word of God" in that exact specific phrasing.....He said they always follow Toriyama's outlines etc

It's on video. Go back a couple months on Geekdom's videos where he posts it.

It isn't some quote soundbite that was taken from a written interview and written about in articles

It was said in an actual video interview during fan Q and As from actual words spoken out

The Toei guy's exact words were "we treat the word of Toriyama as the word of god"....I will try and find the video
I really wouldn't bother, because he already made a gigantic ass post qualifying the context for that claim.
It doesnt matter how long someone's post is. Facts are facts. Those were the exact words out of his mouth "we(toei) treat the word of Toriyama as the word of god"

I'm surprised that someone who seems to be as up to date on all this, as he seems to be, never saw that Q and A interview
Um, he referenced the interview, and he explained what was actually meant by that statement far better than you have, so I don't see whats the point of linking him to stuff he already knows and can rationally explain.

His not denying that the "treat the word of Toriyama as the word of God" comment, his providing context for it.
Last edited by JazzMazz on Mon Feb 12, 2018 4:08 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Super Episode 127 (11 February 2018)

Post by ZenkaiBoosts » Mon Feb 12, 2018 4:07 am

Still looking for Geekdom's video about it because he specifically talks abour that part. He has such a huge back catalog to go through. Dang lol
Last edited by ZenkaiBoosts on Mon Feb 12, 2018 4:23 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Super Episode 127 (11 February 2018)

Post by ZenkaiBoosts » Mon Feb 12, 2018 4:13 am

JazzMazz wrote:
ZenkaiBoosts wrote:
JazzMazz wrote: I really wouldn't bother, because he already made a gigantic ass post qualifying the context for that claim.
It doesnt matter how long someone's post is. Facts are facts. Those were the exact words out of his mouth "we(toei) treat the word of Toriyama as the word of god"

I'm surprised that someone who seems to be as up to date on all this, as he seems to be, never saw that Q and A interview
Um, he referenced the interview, and he explained what was actually meant by that statement far better than you have, so I don't see whats the point of linking him to stuff he already knows and can rationally explain.
I think I posted the correct video. Give it a watch
Last edited by ZenkaiBoosts on Mon Feb 12, 2018 4:21 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Super Episode 127 (11 February 2018)

Post by ZenkaiBoosts » Mon Feb 12, 2018 4:15 am

JazzMazz wrote:
ZenkaiBoosts wrote:
JazzMazz wrote: I really wouldn't bother, because he already made a gigantic ass post qualifying the context for that claim.
It doesnt matter how long someone's post is. Facts are facts. Those were the exact words out of his mouth "we(toei) treat the word of Toriyama as the word of god"

I'm surprised that someone who seems to be as up to date on all this, as he seems to be, never saw that Q and A interview
Um, he referenced the interview, and he explained what was actually meant by that statement far better than you have, so I don't see whats the point of linking him to stuff he already knows and can rationally explain.

His not denying that the "treat the word of Toriyama as the word of God" comment, his providing context for it.
Also I don't think he's talking about the same quote I was

"We treat the word of Toriyama as the word of god" was the actual quote from the Toei representative during the video interview Q and A.

He's talking about another entirely different quote based on what he was saying

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Re: Super Episode 127 (11 February 2018)

Post by JazzMazz » Mon Feb 12, 2018 4:26 am

ZenkaiBoosts wrote:
JazzMazz wrote:
ZenkaiBoosts wrote:
It doesnt matter how long someone's post is. Facts are facts. Those were the exact words out of his mouth "we(toei) treat the word of Toriyama as the word of god"

I'm surprised that someone who seems to be as up to date on all this, as he seems to be, never saw that Q and A interview
Um, he referenced the interview, and he explained what was actually meant by that statement far better than you have, so I don't see whats the point of linking him to stuff he already knows and can rationally explain.

His not denying that the "treat the word of Toriyama as the word of God" comment, his providing context for it.
Also I don't think he's talking about the same quote I was

"We treat the word of Toriyama as the word of god" was the actual quote from the Toei representative during the video interview Q and A.

He's talking about another entirely different quote based on what he was saying
You do know he linked the video you linked right?

Even then, how does what you say go against his points?

What is your counter-argument beyond a pedantic translation that basically has the same meaning?

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Re: Super Episode 127 (11 February 2018)

Post by Rebel Instinct » Mon Feb 12, 2018 4:33 am

ZenkaiBoosts wrote:Geekdom posted the actual video interview about it

Remember when they did that big interview for spanish outlets, and they were answering fan questions etc?

I forgot what the question was but someone from Toei responded to one of the questions, "we treat the word of Toriyama as the word of God" in that exact specific phrasing.....He said they always follow Toriyama's outlines etc

It's on video. Go back a couple months on Geekdom's videos where he posts it.

It isn't some quote soundbite that was taken from a written interview and written about in articles

It was said in an actual video interview during fan Q and As from actual words spoken out

The Toei guy's exact words were "we treat the word of Toriyama as the word of god"....I will try and find the video
ZenkaiBoosts wrote:Also I don't think he's talking about the same quote I was

"We treat the word of Toriyama as the word of god" was the actual quote from the Toei representative during the video interview Q and A.

He's talking about another entirely different quote based on what he was saying
No offense, but you really ought to read further into my post than the first couple paragraphs. As JazzMazz pointed out, I linked the page here on Kanzenshuu that contains the exact same video you're referring to. You'd do well to actually properly read through the whole post before responding, since I more than addressed the context of the quote mention in it. That said...
ZenkaiBoosts wrote:Naw he didn't. Does he speak Spanish or Japanese? Just because he made a massive post doesnt make him any authority on it. What makes his "Interpretation" the best

You're telling me he explained it better then me, so he's right. Well there are people who understand way better then him who went far more in-depth about it. Geekdom for one. I'm going to believe Geekdom.
...I don't think there's any point in going any further with this. You've clearly made up your mind and I'm not about to try and change it if you're going to ignore everything other piece of information I've provided. There would be no real point. Do as you please, but I'll be leaving the conversation here.
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Re: Super Episode 127 (11 February 2018)

Post by ZenkaiBoosts » Mon Feb 12, 2018 4:34 am

I think I may have linked the wrong interview. I'm still not sure yet

I'm just going to speak to Geekdom directly and ask him for the link.

Not having any luck remembering which video it was and going through his back catalog

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Re: Super Episode 127 (11 February 2018)

Post by JazzMazz » Mon Feb 12, 2018 4:39 am

ZenkaiBoosts wrote:I think I may have linked the wrong interview. I'm still not sure yet

I'm just going to speak to Geekdom directly and ask him for the link.

Not having any luck remembering which video it was and going through his back catalog
If this is any help, here's a page made by a sakuga website detailing how scripts for anime episodes are formed and how that translate to what happens on screen.

EDIT: I can elaborate on how this would apply for Super if you want, though I have to say Rebel Instinct[/url] has done a pretty solid job in his posts explaining how Toriyama's drafts are implemented.

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