How to sync Dragon Box R2J to video

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How to sync Dragon Box R2J to video

Post by Team-Mirolo » Fri Dec 20, 2019 5:16 am

Dragon Box Z, and all official releases based on Toei's raw Japanese tracks have many sync issues, it's well known and have been discussed here and there.

So we decided to measure all delays between sound and picture, episode by episode, using sounds effects (which is the only relevant thing) and a frame by frame skipping.

Part A & Part B have a different delay, so we wrote down each delay, for each part, in a document.

You can download a PDF ... 7zrCfLiU4L

Otherwise, just look at the following list :

Code: Select all

Episode	Part A	Part B

001	-110	-90
002	-150	-150
003	-150	-150
004	-120	-120
005	-180	-150
006	-140	-140
007	-150	-150
008	-110	-110
009	-130	-130
010	-150	-180
011	-160	-160
012	-110	-110
013	-130	-200
014	-220	-160
015	-180	-150
016	-80	-80
017	-100	-100
018	-210	-150
019	-120	-180
020	-200	-120
021	-120	-120
022	-110	-110
023	-50	-150
024	-150	-180
025	-180	-200
026	-180	-180
027	-180	-200
028	-130	-180
029	-80	-120
030	-160	-160
031	-170	0
032	-170	-170
033	-150	-150
034	-150	-150
035	-150	-150
036	-210	-150
037	-230	-210
038	-250	-180
039	-220	-100
040	-120	-220
041	-190	-220
042	-180	-210
043	-180	-160
044	-190	-190
045	-270	-270
046	-210	-230
047	-210	-230
048	-150	-210
049	-230	-230
050	-200	-210
051	-200	-230
052	-200	-250
053	-210	-250
054	-110	-180
055	-200	-200
056	-220	-260
057	-120	-190
058	-200	-140
059	-170	-220
060	-110	-90
061	-140	-160
062	-180	-180
063	-190	-150
064	-170	-180
065	-110	-290
066	-150	-150
067	-170	-250
068	-240	-90
069	-170	-160
070	-190	-150
071	-200	-230
072	-200	-180
073	-180	-30
074	-210	-200
075	-210	-210
076	-130	-230
077	-190	-170
078	-170	-170
079	-200	-220
080	-140	-200
081	-160	-160
082	-180	-210
083	-240	-160
084	-90	-160
085	-210	-210
086	-230	-230
087	-180	-180
088	-170	-230
089	-180	-190
090	-160	-90
091	-210	-210
092	-250	-250
093	-200	-200
094	-230	-180
095	0	-170
096	-180	-210
097	-230	-140
098	-160	-320
099	-270	-140
100	-70	-100
101	-220	-130
102	-200	-200
103	-210	-230
104	-260	-240
105	-260	-260
106	-220	-220
107	-190	-190
108	-210	-260
109	-240	-240
110	-230	-180
111	-160	-260
112	-200	-240
113	-180	-200
114	-190	-220
115	-200	-200
116	-200	-200
117	-190	-190
118	-250	-250
119	-220	-240
120	-230	-230
121	-200	-190
122	-220	-210
123	-230	-250
124	-180	-180
125	-170	-170
126	-230	-180
127	-150	-180
128	-220	-220
129	-180	-240
130	-140	-210
131	-180	-200
132	-210	-200
133	-230	-230
134	-200	-250
135	-190	-150
136	-180	-180
137	0	-150
138	-160	-240
139	-180	-180
140	-200	-170
141	-260	-260
142	-150	-230
143	-190	-190
144	-230	-200
145	-150	-180
146	-230	-230
147	-190	-230
148	-250	-250
149	-170	-200
150	-160	-200
151	-170	-200
152	-190	-190
153	-240	-180
154	-240	-190
155	-220	-260
156	-230	-230
157	-200	-200
158	-190	-190
159	-230	-180
160	-210	-210
161	-220	-220
162	-210	-260
163	-220	-250
164	-240	-180
165	-260	-260
166	-230	-150
167	-180	-190
168	-220	-180
169	-240	-130
170	-200	-160
171	-250	-200
172	-240	-150
173	-240	-130
174	-230	-210
175	-190	-210
176	-190	-210
177	-180	-180
178	-200	-180
179	-240	-200
180	-230	-170
181	-220	-230
182	-200	-200
183	-230	-260
184	-180	-120
185	-180	-220
186	-220	-160
187	-190	-200
188	-220	-160
189	-210	-170
190	-200	-160
191	-170	-130
192	-240	-200
193	-170	-210
194	-220	-150
195	-210	-170
196	-210	-180
197	-190	-170
198	-260	-240
199	-200	-130
200	-240	-100
201	-140	-150
202	-200	-160
203	-170	-150
204	-190	-150
205	-190	-170
206	-190	-210
207	-200	-160
208	-180	-180
209	-250	-250
210	-210	-250
211	-180	-250
212	-190	-220
213	-210	-230
214	-180	-200
215	-190	-170
216	-190	-190
217	-210	-170
218	-140	-100
219	-210	-170
220	-110	-220
221	-180	-250
222	-190	-190
223	-150	-130
224	-190	-210
225	-200	-180
226	-200	-180
227	-180	-210
228	-200	-200
229	-130	-200
230	-180	-200
231	-210	-210
232	-180	-220
233	-200	-200
234	-210	-180
235	-170	-210
236	-180	-180
237	-260	-260
238	-190	-190
239	-190	-170
240	-90	-50
241	-160	-120
242	-200	-160
243	-220	-180
244	-180	-140
245	-200	-170
246	-200	-100
247	-200	-140
248	-190	-150
249	-210	-170
250	-150	-190
251	-240	-180
252	-220	-180
253	-180	-160
254	-160	-150
255	-240	-170
256	-190	-150
257	-220	-190
258	-260	-200
259	-250	-170
260	-150	-170
261	-190	-190
262	-210	-210
263	-230	-190
264	-210	-170
265	-190	-190
266	-250	-190
267	-250	-140
268	-230	-190
269	-250	-210
270	-200	-190
271	-180	-190
272	-230	-230
273	-200	-180
274	-250	-180
275	-240	-200
276	-240	-220
277	-220	-230
278	-220	-180
279	-240	-200
280	-230	-190
281	-250	-210
282	-220	-240
283	-220	-180
284	-240	-170
285	-180	-250
286	-260	-270
287	-200	-200
288	-210	-170
289	-210	-170
290	-240	-170
291	-240	-200

Now you can apply those delays to raw Dragon Box tracks, or to every tracks sync with Dragon Box. But don't expect that mouth flaps will be perfect, it's impossible; but sometimes it's perfect, sometimes it remains a bit late. It might be because voice actors start reading their text as soon as lips move on screen, so there's a small delay. As for the rest, it feels really natural and way better than offical releases.

Enjoy !
Last edited by Team-Mirolo on Wed Apr 22, 2020 1:55 pm, edited 7 times in total.


Re: How to sync Dragon Box R2J to video

Post by VDenter » Fri Dec 20, 2019 5:30 pm

So all official releases have sync issues that the original Broadcast did not? Crazy how even the best release of DBZ has so many issues. Do Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball GT suffer from this as well?

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Re: How to sync Dragon Box R2J to video

Post by Team-Mirolo » Fri Dec 20, 2019 5:52 pm

VDenter wrote: Fri Dec 20, 2019 5:30 pm So all official releases have sync issues that the original Broadcast did not? Crazy how even the best release of DBZ has so many issues. Do Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball GT suffer from this as well?
There is some Broadcast Video rips available online, and it seems to be a little bit better but still not perfect. It might be the original mix that sucks.

I'm pretty sure that Dragon Ball is the same, but not sure for GT.

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Re: How to sync Dragon Box R2J to video

Post by Robo4900 » Sun Dec 22, 2019 9:55 am

DB and GT also suffer from this.

DB episode 138 actually has a REALLY bad sync issue; everything except the OP is ahead by one and a half seconds.

Aside from that one episode, I haven't done any work on DB before, but I helped out with syncing audio for a GT project a while ago. Format is the rough timecode range of each part (recap, part A, part B. Sometimes multiple parts would be off sync by the same amount, so I only list one entry), followed by (as I recall) the required sync correction in ms (+30ms means you have to add 30ms of silence between parts, -30ms means you remove that much), then in brackets where applicable, the difference between that section's delay and the last. I only did about half the run, but here are my notes for the ones I did:

Code: Select all

Ep 01 - - - - - - - -
 1:48 - 12:?? : +30ms
12:?? - 22:32 : +00ms (-30)

Ep 06 - - - - - - - -
 1:48 -  3:02 : +35ms
 3:02 - 12:13 : +65ms (+25)
12:13 - 22:32 : +15ms (-45)

Ep 13 - - - - - - - -
 1:48 -  3:22 : -60ms
 3:30 - 12:16 : -10ms (+50)
12:30 - 22:32 : +30ms (+40)

Ep 15 - - - - - - - -
 1:48 -  3:02 : +75ms
 3:02 - 13:23 : +60ms (-15)
13:23 - 22:32 : +40ms (-20)

Ep 17 - - - - - - - -
 1:48 -  3:40 : +30ms
 3:40 - 12:41 : +35ms (+10)
12:55 - 22:32 : +40ms (+5)

Ep 19 - - - - - - - -
 1:48 -  3:34 : +30ms
 3:44 - 12:50 : +60ms (+30)
12:50 - 22:32 : +50ms (-10)

Ep 20 - - - - - - - -
 1:48 -  3:?? : +50ms
 3:?? - 12:44 : +35ms (-15)
12:44 - 22:32 :  00ms (-35)

Ep 21 - - - - - - - -
 1:48 -  3:22 : +40ms
 3:22 - 12:48 : -18ms (-58)
12:48 - 22:32 : -25ms (-7)

Ep 23 - - - - - - - -
 1:48 -  3:?? : +60ms
 3:?? - 12:08 : -43ms (-103)
12:08 - 22:32 : -80ms (-37)

Ep 24 - - - - - - - -
 1:48 -  3:?? : +40ms
 3:?? - 12:?? : +45ms (+5)
12:?? - 22:32 : +50ms (+5)

Ep 25 - - - - - - - -
 1:48 -  3:?? : -10ms
 3:?? - 12:09 : ~00ms (+10)
12:09 - 22:32 : +70ms (+70)

Ep 27 - - - - - - - -
 1:48 -  3:?? : +25ms
 3:?? - 12:21 : +45ms (+20)
12:21 - 22:32 : -25ms (-70)

Ep 29 - - - - - - - -
 3:28 - 12:28 : -30ms
12:28 - 22:32 : -00ms (+30)

Ep 31 - - - - - - - -
 1:48 -  3:10 : +45ms
 3:10 - 12:?? : -55ms (-100)
12:?? - 22:32 : +00ms (+55)

Ep 33 - - - - - - - -
 1:48 -  3:?? : +00ms
 3:?? - 12:?? : +00ms
12:?? - 22:32 : +65ms (+65)

Ep 34 - - - - - - - -
 1:48 -  3:?? : +65ms
 3:?? - 12:?? : +50ms (-15)
12:?? - 22:32 : +45ms (-5)

Ep 35 - - - - - - - -
 1:48 -  4:06 : ~00ms
 4:06 - 12:?? : -85ms (-85)
12:?? - 22:32 : -260ms (-175)

Ep 37 - - - - - - - -
 1:48 -  3:?? : ~00ms
 3:?? - 12:?? : +35ms (+35)
12:?? - 22:32 : -60ms (-95)

Ep 39 - - - - - - - -
 1:48 -  3:22 : +60ms
 3:22 - 11:55 : +85ms (+25)
11:55 - 22:32 : -35ms (-120)

Ep 41 - - - - - - - -
 1:48 -  3:?? : -50ms
 3:?? - 12:?? : -20ms (+30)
12:?? - 22:32 : -20ms (~00)

DBGTS - - - - - - - -
 2:26 -  4:08 : ~00ms
 4:08 - 13:05 : -80ms
13:05 - 23:59 : -70ms (+10)
23:59 - 33:56 : -75ms (-5)
33:56 - 44:45 : -140ms (-65)

Ep 43 - - - - - - - -
 1:48 -  4:06 : -70ms
 4:06 - 13:00 : -40ms (+30)
13:00 - 22:32 : -60ms (-20)

Ep 45 - - - - - - - -
 1:48 -  4:14 : -45ms
 4:14 - 12:48 : +00ms (+45)
12:48 - 22:32 : -75ms (-75)

Ep 46 - - - - - - - -
 1:48 -  3:42 : +00ms
 3:42 - 12:29 : +00ms
12:29 - 22:32 : +00ms

Ep 47 - - - - - - - -
 1:48 -  3:?? : -180ms
 3:?? - 12:?? : -180ms
12:?? - 22:32 : +00ms (+180)

Ep 48 - - - - - - - -
 1:48 -  3:?? : +25ms
 3:?? - 12:?? : +25ms
12:?? - 22:32 : +25ms

Ep 49 - - - - - - - -
 1:48 -  3:?? : -30ms
 3:?? - 12:?? : ~00ms (+30)
12:?? - 22:32 : +20ms (+20)

Ep 50 - - - - - - - -
 1:48 -  3:12 : -10ms
 3:12 - 12:29 : -25ms (-15)
12:29 - 22:32 : -95ms (-70)

Ep 51 - - - - - - - -
 1:48 -  3:42 : ~00ms
 3:42 - 12:29 : -200ms (-200)
12:29 - 22:32 : +70ms (+270)

Ep 53 - - - - - - - -
 1:48 -  3:48 : -35ms
 3:48 - 12:29 : ~00ms (+35)
12:29 - 22:32 : ~00ms

Ep 54 - - - - - - - -
 1:48 -  3:30 : +50ms
 3:30 - 12:39 : +80ms (+30)
12:39 - 22:32 : -165ms (-245)

Ep 55 - - - - - - - -
 1:48 -  2:54 : ~00ms
 2:54 - 12:29 : +10ms (+10)
12:29 - 22:32 : +30ms (+20)

Ep 57 - - - - - - - -
 1:48 -  2:?? : +30ms
 2:?? - 12:?? : +25ms (-5)
12:?? - 22:32 : +30ms (+5)

Ep 59 - - - - - - - -
 1:48 -  3:30 : -10ms
 3:30 - 12:02 : ~00ms (+10)
12:02 - 22:32 : +35ms (+35)

Ep 60 - - - - - - - -
 1:48 -  2:52 : -120ms
 2:52 - 12:?? : -120ms
12:?? - 22:32 : -140ms (-20)

Ep 61 - - - - - - - -
 1:48 -  2:54 : -60ms
 2:54 - 12:30 : -50ms (+10)
12:30 - 22:32 : ~00ms (+50)
Some parts will still be out of sync just because Toei weren't very diligent about making sure stuff like footsteps were actually in sync with the animation, but the stuff that was produced in sync with the visuals will become sync'd again, with these changes.
Also, while I haven't tested this myself, in theory these sync changes should also apply to the Japanese audio of the western DVDs of GT, since Funi based their GT releases off of the Dragon Box masters. Though the ranges of each section will be different.
The point of Dragon Ball is to enjoy it. Never lose sight of that.

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Re: How to sync Dragon Box R2J to video

Post by Team-Mirolo » Tue Dec 24, 2019 10:58 am

Robo4900 wrote: Sun Dec 22, 2019 9:55 am DB and GT also suffer from this.

DB episode 138 actually has a REALLY bad sync issue; everything except the OP is ahead by one and a half seconds.

Aside from that one episode, I haven't done any work on DB before, but I helped out with syncing audio for a GT project a while ago. Format is the rough timecode range of each part (recap, part A, part B. Sometimes multiple parts would be off sync by the same amount, so I only list one entry), followed by (as I recall) the required sync correction in ms (+30ms means you have to add 30ms of silence between parts, -30ms means you remove that much), then in brackets where applicable, the difference between that section's delay and the last. I only did about half the run, but here are my notes for the ones I did:

Code: Select all

Ep 01 - - - - - - - -
 1:48 - 12:?? : +30ms
12:?? - 22:32 : +00ms (-30)

Ep 06 - - - - - - - -
 1:48 -  3:02 : +35ms
 3:02 - 12:13 : +65ms (+25)
12:13 - 22:32 : +15ms (-45)

Ep 13 - - - - - - - -
 1:48 -  3:22 : -60ms
 3:30 - 12:16 : -10ms (+50)
12:30 - 22:32 : +30ms (+40)

Ep 15 - - - - - - - -
 1:48 -  3:02 : +75ms
 3:02 - 13:23 : +60ms (-15)
13:23 - 22:32 : +40ms (-20)

Ep 17 - - - - - - - -
 1:48 -  3:40 : +30ms
 3:40 - 12:41 : +35ms (+10)
12:55 - 22:32 : +40ms (+5)

Ep 19 - - - - - - - -
 1:48 -  3:34 : +30ms
 3:44 - 12:50 : +60ms (+30)
12:50 - 22:32 : +50ms (-10)

Ep 20 - - - - - - - -
 1:48 -  3:?? : +50ms
 3:?? - 12:44 : +35ms (-15)
12:44 - 22:32 :  00ms (-35)

Ep 21 - - - - - - - -
 1:48 -  3:22 : +40ms
 3:22 - 12:48 : -18ms (-58)
12:48 - 22:32 : -25ms (-7)

Ep 23 - - - - - - - -
 1:48 -  3:?? : +60ms
 3:?? - 12:08 : -43ms (-103)
12:08 - 22:32 : -80ms (-37)

Ep 24 - - - - - - - -
 1:48 -  3:?? : +40ms
 3:?? - 12:?? : +45ms (+5)
12:?? - 22:32 : +50ms (+5)

Ep 25 - - - - - - - -
 1:48 -  3:?? : -10ms
 3:?? - 12:09 : ~00ms (+10)
12:09 - 22:32 : +70ms (+70)

Ep 27 - - - - - - - -
 1:48 -  3:?? : +25ms
 3:?? - 12:21 : +45ms (+20)
12:21 - 22:32 : -25ms (-70)

Ep 29 - - - - - - - -
 3:28 - 12:28 : -30ms
12:28 - 22:32 : -00ms (+30)

Ep 31 - - - - - - - -
 1:48 -  3:10 : +45ms
 3:10 - 12:?? : -55ms (-100)
12:?? - 22:32 : +00ms (+55)

Ep 33 - - - - - - - -
 1:48 -  3:?? : +00ms
 3:?? - 12:?? : +00ms
12:?? - 22:32 : +65ms (+65)

Ep 34 - - - - - - - -
 1:48 -  3:?? : +65ms
 3:?? - 12:?? : +50ms (-15)
12:?? - 22:32 : +45ms (-5)

Ep 35 - - - - - - - -
 1:48 -  4:06 : ~00ms
 4:06 - 12:?? : -85ms (-85)
12:?? - 22:32 : -260ms (-175)

Ep 37 - - - - - - - -
 1:48 -  3:?? : ~00ms
 3:?? - 12:?? : +35ms (+35)
12:?? - 22:32 : -60ms (-95)

Ep 39 - - - - - - - -
 1:48 -  3:22 : +60ms
 3:22 - 11:55 : +85ms (+25)
11:55 - 22:32 : -35ms (-120)

Ep 41 - - - - - - - -
 1:48 -  3:?? : -50ms
 3:?? - 12:?? : -20ms (+30)
12:?? - 22:32 : -20ms (~00)

DBGTS - - - - - - - -
 2:26 -  4:08 : ~00ms
 4:08 - 13:05 : -80ms
13:05 - 23:59 : -70ms (+10)
23:59 - 33:56 : -75ms (-5)
33:56 - 44:45 : -140ms (-65)

Ep 43 - - - - - - - -
 1:48 -  4:06 : -70ms
 4:06 - 13:00 : -40ms (+30)
13:00 - 22:32 : -60ms (-20)

Ep 45 - - - - - - - -
 1:48 -  4:14 : -45ms
 4:14 - 12:48 : +00ms (+45)
12:48 - 22:32 : -75ms (-75)

Ep 46 - - - - - - - -
 1:48 -  3:42 : +00ms
 3:42 - 12:29 : +00ms
12:29 - 22:32 : +00ms

Ep 47 - - - - - - - -
 1:48 -  3:?? : -180ms
 3:?? - 12:?? : -180ms
12:?? - 22:32 : +00ms (+180)

Ep 48 - - - - - - - -
 1:48 -  3:?? : +25ms
 3:?? - 12:?? : +25ms
12:?? - 22:32 : +25ms

Ep 49 - - - - - - - -
 1:48 -  3:?? : -30ms
 3:?? - 12:?? : ~00ms (+30)
12:?? - 22:32 : +20ms (+20)

Ep 50 - - - - - - - -
 1:48 -  3:12 : -10ms
 3:12 - 12:29 : -25ms (-15)
12:29 - 22:32 : -95ms (-70)

Ep 51 - - - - - - - -
 1:48 -  3:42 : ~00ms
 3:42 - 12:29 : -200ms (-200)
12:29 - 22:32 : +70ms (+270)

Ep 53 - - - - - - - -
 1:48 -  3:48 : -35ms
 3:48 - 12:29 : ~00ms (+35)
12:29 - 22:32 : ~00ms

Ep 54 - - - - - - - -
 1:48 -  3:30 : +50ms
 3:30 - 12:39 : +80ms (+30)
12:39 - 22:32 : -165ms (-245)

Ep 55 - - - - - - - -
 1:48 -  2:54 : ~00ms
 2:54 - 12:29 : +10ms (+10)
12:29 - 22:32 : +30ms (+20)

Ep 57 - - - - - - - -
 1:48 -  2:?? : +30ms
 2:?? - 12:?? : +25ms (-5)
12:?? - 22:32 : +30ms (+5)

Ep 59 - - - - - - - -
 1:48 -  3:30 : -10ms
 3:30 - 12:02 : ~00ms (+10)
12:02 - 22:32 : +35ms (+35)

Ep 60 - - - - - - - -
 1:48 -  2:52 : -120ms
 2:52 - 12:?? : -120ms
12:?? - 22:32 : -140ms (-20)

Ep 61 - - - - - - - -
 1:48 -  2:54 : -60ms
 2:54 - 12:30 : -50ms (+10)
12:30 - 22:32 : ~00ms (+50)
Some parts will still be out of sync just because Toei weren't very diligent about making sure stuff like footsteps were actually in sync with the animation, but the stuff that was produced in sync with the visuals will become sync'd again, with these changes.
Also, while I haven't tested this myself, in theory these sync changes should also apply to the Japanese audio of the western DVDs of GT, since Funi based their GT releases off of the Dragon Box masters. Though the ranges of each section will be different.
Interesting. I didn't work on DB yet (we plan to release a project of Db soon) but I just watched episode 138 and you're right, it's atrocious !

It's impossible they checked it before releasing Dragon Box, it's a shame.

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Re: How to sync Dragon Box R2J to video

Post by thejeremymenace » Wed Dec 25, 2019 10:13 am

Robo4900 wrote: Sun Dec 22, 2019 9:55 am DB and GT also suffer from this.

DB episode 138 actually has a REALLY bad sync issue; everything except the OP is ahead by one and a half seconds.
This is a weird quirk of the way the disc is authored; no other episode in the set is like this. It's on the same logical chunk of video as #137 and if you rip #138 on its own there's a bunch of frames that get clipped from the start but the audio stays the same. To get the correct sync you have to rip the entire VID and split at the episode divide, then assemble it with the OP from there.
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Re: How to sync Dragon Box R2J to video

Post by Robo4900 » Sat Dec 28, 2019 12:56 pm

thejeremymenace wrote: Wed Dec 25, 2019 10:13 am
Robo4900 wrote: Sun Dec 22, 2019 9:55 am DB and GT also suffer from this.

DB episode 138 actually has a REALLY bad sync issue; everything except the OP is ahead by one and a half seconds.
This is a weird quirk of the way the disc is authored; no other episode in the set is like this. It's on the same logical chunk of video as #137 and if you rip #138 on its own there's a bunch of frames that get clipped from the start but the audio stays the same. To get the correct sync you have to rip the entire VID and split at the episode divide, then assemble it with the OP from there.
That's so weird. Thanks for the heads-up, I'll have to try this out myself.
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Re: How to sync Dragon Box R2J to video

Post by Team-Mirolo » Mon Dec 30, 2019 12:49 pm

UPDATE : List is now complete !

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Re: How to sync Dragon Box R2J to video

Post by Team-Mirolo » Thu Jan 02, 2020 4:41 am

UPDATE 2 : Here is a list of delays to sync DBZ TV Special 1 & 2 to Special Selection DVD (I guess the delays are pretty much the same for Dragon Box) :

Code: Select all

TV Special 1

Part A # -260ms
Part B # -210ms
Part C # -180ms
Part D # -180ms

How to sync : -260ms Part A -> +50ms Part B -> +30ms Part C & D

TV Special 2

Part A # -250ms
Part B # -250ms
Part C # -290ms
Part D # -230ms

How to sync : -250ms Part A + B -> -40ms Part C -> +60ms Part D

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Re: How to sync Dragon Box R2J to video

Post by ect5150 » Thu Jan 02, 2020 5:28 pm

Are you guys including the episode recap in the first half?

You should specifically define "Part A and Part B"

Also, you are not the only ones to do this. I can't remember who made the following (kei17?) but I have another set of audio sync values. I believe the first value is for the recap. The 2nd value is for everything before the eyecatch and the 3rd is for after the eyecatch.

Sorry for not writing down the original author, but I thought I'd share. WOuld love to see some numbers for just DB(no Z).

Code: Select all

001	-120	-120	-120
002	-120	-120	-120
003	-140	-140	-140
004	-270	-270	-270
005	-200	-200	-200
006	-120	-120	-120
007	-040	-040	-040
008	-200	-200	-200
009	-240	-240	-240
010	-080	-240	-240
011	-240	-240	-240
012	-300	-300	-300
013	-050	-050	-050
014	-200	-200	-200
015	-200	-200	-200
016	-150	-150	-150
017	-100	-100	-100
018	-200	-200	-200
019	-100	-100	-100
020	-160	-140	-140
021	-160	-160	-160
022	-120	-160	-160
023	-160	-160	-160
024	-220	-220	-220
025	-160	-160	-160
026	-160	-160	-160
027	-120	-120	-120
028	-200	-260	-260
029	-200	-200	-200
030	-240	-280	-280
031	-150	-150	-150
032	-180	-180	-180
033	-240	-240	-240
034	-240	-240	-240
035	-240	-240	-240
036	-300	-300	-300
037	-200	-200	-200
038	-180	-180	-180
039	-300	-300	-300
040	-300	-300	-300
041	-300	-300	-300
042	-400	-400	-400
043	-240	-240	-240
044	-160	-120	-120
045	-200	-240	-240
046	-240	-400	-400
047	-300	-300	-300
048	-280	-360	-360
049	-160	-160	-160
050	-160	-220	-220
051	-240	-240	-240
052	-250	-250	-250
053	-280	-280	-280
054	-250	-250	-250
055	-240	-240	-240
056	-240	-240	-240
057	-240	-240	-240
058	-240	-240	-240
059	-240	-300	-300
060	-300	-360	-360
061	-080	-080	-080
062	-080	-190	-190
063	-240	-240	-240
064	-200	-300	-300
065	-240	-360	-360
066	-250	-250	-250
067	-200	-200	-200
068	-240	-240	-240
069	-240	-200	-200
070	-240	-240	-240
071	-240	-360	-360
072	-280	-300	-300
073	-200	-200	-200
074	-200	-200	-200
075	-200	-200	-200
076	-200	-340	-340
077	-280	-280	-280
078	-240	-360	-360
079	-200	-200	-200
080	-160	-240	-240
081	-240	-240	-240
082	-240	-240	-240
083	-360	-320	-320
084	-250	-250	-250
085	-240	-240	-240
086	-240	-240	-240
087	-240	-240	-240
088	-240	-360	-360
089	-280	-240	-240
090	-360	-240	-240
091	-240	-240	-240
092	-240	-240	-240
093	-240	-240	-240
094	-240	-240	-240
095	-240	-240	-240
096	-360	-360	-360
097	-210	-210	-210
098	-240	-240	-240
099	-320	-280	-280
100	-320	-320	-320
101	-240	-240	-240
102	-320	-320	-320
103	-240	-240	-240
104	-240	-240	-240
105	-240	-240	-240
106	-240	-300	-300
107	-240	-240	-240
108	-320	-360	-360
109	-240	-240	-240
110	-200	-200	-200
111	-240	-240	-240
112	-240	-240	-240
113	-240	-360	-360
114	-320	-320	-320
115	-200	-200	-200
116	-240	-240	-240
117	-240	-240	-240
118	-240	-240	-240
119	-240	-320	-320
120	-280	-320	-320
121	-200	-240	-240
122	-220	-240	-240
123	-240	-320	-320
124	-240	-240	-240
125	-240	-250	-250
126	-400	-360	-360
127	-200	-240	-240
128	-240	-240	-240
129	-240	-280	-280
130	-240	-300	-300
131	-280	-300	-300
132	-360	-360	-360
133	-240	-240	-240
134	-240	-240	-240
135	-260	-260	-260
136	-320	-320	-320
137	-300	-300	-300
138	-200	-220	-220
139	-200	-200	-200
140	-240	-320	-320
141	-360	-300	-300
142	-320	-400	-400
143	-240	-240	-240
144	-240	-240	-240
145	-240	-280	-280
146	-320	-360	-360
147	-240	-400	-400
148	-240	-240	-240
149	-240	-280	-280
150	-240	-240	-240
151	-320	-360	-360
152	-400	-400	-400
153	-440	-440	-440
154	-220	-220	-220
155	-240	-240	-240
156	-280	-280	-280
157	-280	-320	-320
158	-440	-440	-440
159	-500	-500	-500
160	-200	-200	-200
161	-280	-280	-280
162	-280	-400	-400
163	-400	-400	-400
164	-440	-440	-440
165	-560	-560	-560
166	-200	-200	-200
167	-260	-280	-280
168	-240	-240	-240
169	-280	-280	-280
170	-360	-400	-400
171	-420	-420	-420
172	-240	-200	-200
173	-220	-220	-220
174	-240	-240	-240
175	-240	-340	-340
176	-240	-340	-340
177	-320	-320	-320
178	-150	-220	-220
179	-220	-260	-260
180	-200	-320	-320
181	-310	-320	-320
182	-280	-280	-280
183	-300	-360	-360
184	-240	-220	-220
185	-220	-320	-320
186	-240	-280	-280
187	-350	-350	-350
188	-420	-420	-420
189	-420	-450	-450
190	-145	-265	-265
191	-200	-215	-215
192	-240	-320	-320
193	-275	-350	-350
194	-360	-360	-360
195	-415	-415	-415
196	-140	-220	-220
197	-240	-240	-240
198	-380	-380	-380
199	-340	-440	-440
200	-360	-360	-360
201	-360	-400	-400
202	-020	-040	-040
203	-040	-080	-080
204	-240	-280	-280
205	-268	-400	-400
206	-380	-390	-390
207	-240	-420	-420
208	-200	-200	-200
209	-240	-240	-240
210	-280	-280	-280
211	-260	-385	-385
212	-300	-330	-330
213	-300	-300	-300
214	-200	-230	-230
215	-220	-220	-220
216	-220	-220	-220
217	-240	-240	-240
218	-240	-240	-240
219	-260	-260	-260
220	-090	-090	-090
221	-240	-240	-240
222	-220	-220	-220
223	-240	-240	-240
224	-240	-240	-240
225	-280	-280	-280
226	-200	-200	-200
227	-200	-200	-200
228	-240	-240	-240
229	-240	-240	-240
230	-240	-240	-240
231	-280	-280	-280
232	-120	-120	-120
233	-180	-180	-180
234	-240	-240	-240
235	-240	-240	-240
236	-320	-320	-320
237	-360	-360	-360
238	-090	-120	-120
239	-210	-210	-210
240	-240	-240	-240
241	-240	-240	-240
242	-260	-340	-340
243	-320	-320	-320
244	-240	-240	-240
245	-240	-240	-240
246	-240	-240	-240
247	-220	-220	-220
248	-250	-250	-250
249	-410	-410	-410
250	-060	-060	-060
251	-220	-220	-220
252	-230	-230	-230
253	-310	-310	-310
254	-300	-300	-300
255	-460	-460	-460
256	-160	-160	-160
257	-230	-230	-230
258	-240	-240	-240
259	-360	-360	-360
260	-300	-300	-300
261	-360	-360	-360
262	-080	-080	-080
263	-200	-200	-200
264	-240	-240	-240
265	-250	-250	-250
266	-370	-370	-370
267	-480	-480	-480
268	-190	-190	-190
269	-240	-240	-240
270	-260	-260	-260
271	-300	-300	-300
272	-400	-400	-400
273	-400	-400	-400
274	-240	-160	-160
275	-220	-220	-220
276	-290	-300	-300
277	-250	-250	-250
278	-370	-380	-380
279	-450	-450	-450
280	-200	-200	-200
281	-240	-240	-240
282	-240	-260	-260
283	-280	-280	-280
284	-350	-350	-350
285	-380	-390	-390
286	-200	-200	-200
287	-220	-220	-220
288	-220	-220	-220
289	-280	-280	-280
290	-340	-340	-340
291	-400	-400
Better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt.
DB DBox color corrections & DBox color corrections.

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Re: How to sync Dragon Box R2J to video

Post by HakkaiBills93 » Thu Jan 02, 2020 6:52 pm

ect5150 wrote: Thu Jan 02, 2020 5:28 pm Are you guys including the episode recap in the first half?

You should specifically define "Part A and Part B"

Also, you are not the only ones to do this. I can't remember who made the following (kei17?) but I have another set of audio sync values. I believe the first value is for the recap. The 2nd value is for everything before the eyecatch and the 3rd is for after the eyecatch.

Sorry for not writing down the original author, but I thought I'd share. WOuld love to see some numbers for just DB(no Z).

Code: Select all

001	-120	-120	-120
002	-120	-120	-120
003	-140	-140	-140
004	-270	-270	-270
005	-200	-200	-200
006	-120	-120	-120
007	-040	-040	-040
008	-200	-200	-200
009	-240	-240	-240
010	-080	-240	-240
011	-240	-240	-240
012	-300	-300	-300
013	-050	-050	-050
014	-200	-200	-200
015	-200	-200	-200
016	-150	-150	-150
017	-100	-100	-100
018	-200	-200	-200
019	-100	-100	-100
020	-160	-140	-140
021	-160	-160	-160
022	-120	-160	-160
023	-160	-160	-160
024	-220	-220	-220
025	-160	-160	-160
026	-160	-160	-160
027	-120	-120	-120
028	-200	-260	-260
029	-200	-200	-200
030	-240	-280	-280
031	-150	-150	-150
032	-180	-180	-180
033	-240	-240	-240
034	-240	-240	-240
035	-240	-240	-240
036	-300	-300	-300
037	-200	-200	-200
038	-180	-180	-180
039	-300	-300	-300
040	-300	-300	-300
041	-300	-300	-300
042	-400	-400	-400
043	-240	-240	-240
044	-160	-120	-120
045	-200	-240	-240
046	-240	-400	-400
047	-300	-300	-300
048	-280	-360	-360
049	-160	-160	-160
050	-160	-220	-220
051	-240	-240	-240
052	-250	-250	-250
053	-280	-280	-280
054	-250	-250	-250
055	-240	-240	-240
056	-240	-240	-240
057	-240	-240	-240
058	-240	-240	-240
059	-240	-300	-300
060	-300	-360	-360
061	-080	-080	-080
062	-080	-190	-190
063	-240	-240	-240
064	-200	-300	-300
065	-240	-360	-360
066	-250	-250	-250
067	-200	-200	-200
068	-240	-240	-240
069	-240	-200	-200
070	-240	-240	-240
071	-240	-360	-360
072	-280	-300	-300
073	-200	-200	-200
074	-200	-200	-200
075	-200	-200	-200
076	-200	-340	-340
077	-280	-280	-280
078	-240	-360	-360
079	-200	-200	-200
080	-160	-240	-240
081	-240	-240	-240
082	-240	-240	-240
083	-360	-320	-320
084	-250	-250	-250
085	-240	-240	-240
086	-240	-240	-240
087	-240	-240	-240
088	-240	-360	-360
089	-280	-240	-240
090	-360	-240	-240
091	-240	-240	-240
092	-240	-240	-240
093	-240	-240	-240
094	-240	-240	-240
095	-240	-240	-240
096	-360	-360	-360
097	-210	-210	-210
098	-240	-240	-240
099	-320	-280	-280
100	-320	-320	-320
101	-240	-240	-240
102	-320	-320	-320
103	-240	-240	-240
104	-240	-240	-240
105	-240	-240	-240
106	-240	-300	-300
107	-240	-240	-240
108	-320	-360	-360
109	-240	-240	-240
110	-200	-200	-200
111	-240	-240	-240
112	-240	-240	-240
113	-240	-360	-360
114	-320	-320	-320
115	-200	-200	-200
116	-240	-240	-240
117	-240	-240	-240
118	-240	-240	-240
119	-240	-320	-320
120	-280	-320	-320
121	-200	-240	-240
122	-220	-240	-240
123	-240	-320	-320
124	-240	-240	-240
125	-240	-250	-250
126	-400	-360	-360
127	-200	-240	-240
128	-240	-240	-240
129	-240	-280	-280
130	-240	-300	-300
131	-280	-300	-300
132	-360	-360	-360
133	-240	-240	-240
134	-240	-240	-240
135	-260	-260	-260
136	-320	-320	-320
137	-300	-300	-300
138	-200	-220	-220
139	-200	-200	-200
140	-240	-320	-320
141	-360	-300	-300
142	-320	-400	-400
143	-240	-240	-240
144	-240	-240	-240
145	-240	-280	-280
146	-320	-360	-360
147	-240	-400	-400
148	-240	-240	-240
149	-240	-280	-280
150	-240	-240	-240
151	-320	-360	-360
152	-400	-400	-400
153	-440	-440	-440
154	-220	-220	-220
155	-240	-240	-240
156	-280	-280	-280
157	-280	-320	-320
158	-440	-440	-440
159	-500	-500	-500
160	-200	-200	-200
161	-280	-280	-280
162	-280	-400	-400
163	-400	-400	-400
164	-440	-440	-440
165	-560	-560	-560
166	-200	-200	-200
167	-260	-280	-280
168	-240	-240	-240
169	-280	-280	-280
170	-360	-400	-400
171	-420	-420	-420
172	-240	-200	-200
173	-220	-220	-220
174	-240	-240	-240
175	-240	-340	-340
176	-240	-340	-340
177	-320	-320	-320
178	-150	-220	-220
179	-220	-260	-260
180	-200	-320	-320
181	-310	-320	-320
182	-280	-280	-280
183	-300	-360	-360
184	-240	-220	-220
185	-220	-320	-320
186	-240	-280	-280
187	-350	-350	-350
188	-420	-420	-420
189	-420	-450	-450
190	-145	-265	-265
191	-200	-215	-215
192	-240	-320	-320
193	-275	-350	-350
194	-360	-360	-360
195	-415	-415	-415
196	-140	-220	-220
197	-240	-240	-240
198	-380	-380	-380
199	-340	-440	-440
200	-360	-360	-360
201	-360	-400	-400
202	-020	-040	-040
203	-040	-080	-080
204	-240	-280	-280
205	-268	-400	-400
206	-380	-390	-390
207	-240	-420	-420
208	-200	-200	-200
209	-240	-240	-240
210	-280	-280	-280
211	-260	-385	-385
212	-300	-330	-330
213	-300	-300	-300
214	-200	-230	-230
215	-220	-220	-220
216	-220	-220	-220
217	-240	-240	-240
218	-240	-240	-240
219	-260	-260	-260
220	-090	-090	-090
221	-240	-240	-240
222	-220	-220	-220
223	-240	-240	-240
224	-240	-240	-240
225	-280	-280	-280
226	-200	-200	-200
227	-200	-200	-200
228	-240	-240	-240
229	-240	-240	-240
230	-240	-240	-240
231	-280	-280	-280
232	-120	-120	-120
233	-180	-180	-180
234	-240	-240	-240
235	-240	-240	-240
236	-320	-320	-320
237	-360	-360	-360
238	-090	-120	-120
239	-210	-210	-210
240	-240	-240	-240
241	-240	-240	-240
242	-260	-340	-340
243	-320	-320	-320
244	-240	-240	-240
245	-240	-240	-240
246	-240	-240	-240
247	-220	-220	-220
248	-250	-250	-250
249	-410	-410	-410
250	-060	-060	-060
251	-220	-220	-220
252	-230	-230	-230
253	-310	-310	-310
254	-300	-300	-300
255	-460	-460	-460
256	-160	-160	-160
257	-230	-230	-230
258	-240	-240	-240
259	-360	-360	-360
260	-300	-300	-300
261	-360	-360	-360
262	-080	-080	-080
263	-200	-200	-200
264	-240	-240	-240
265	-250	-250	-250
266	-370	-370	-370
267	-480	-480	-480
268	-190	-190	-190
269	-240	-240	-240
270	-260	-260	-260
271	-300	-300	-300
272	-400	-400	-400
273	-400	-400	-400
274	-240	-160	-160
275	-220	-220	-220
276	-290	-300	-300
277	-250	-250	-250
278	-370	-380	-380
279	-450	-450	-450
280	-200	-200	-200
281	-240	-240	-240
282	-240	-260	-260
283	-280	-280	-280
284	-350	-350	-350
285	-380	-390	-390
286	-200	-200	-200
287	-220	-220	-220
288	-220	-220	-220
289	-280	-280	-280
290	-340	-340	-340
291	-400	-400
It was corpsecreate who did it.
About dB you have overdrive work but you need to slow down audios from 25fps to 23,976 as he speed UP japanese audios in his work

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Joined: Thu Dec 19, 2019 4:11 pm

Re: How to sync Dragon Box R2J to video

Post by Team-Mirolo » Thu Jan 02, 2020 7:08 pm

ect5150 wrote: Thu Jan 02, 2020 5:28 pm Are you guys including the episode recap in the first half?

You should specifically define "Part A and Part B"

Also, you are not the only ones to do this. I can't remember who made the following (kei17?) but I have another set of audio sync values. I believe the first value is for the recap. The 2nd value is for everything before the eyecatch and the 3rd is for after the eyecatch.

Sorry for not writing down the original author, but I thought I'd share. WOuld love to see some numbers for just DB(no Z).

Code: Select all

001	-120	-120	-120
002	-120	-120	-120
003	-140	-140	-140
004	-270	-270	-270
005	-200	-200	-200
006	-120	-120	-120
007	-040	-040	-040
008	-200	-200	-200
009	-240	-240	-240
010	-080	-240	-240
011	-240	-240	-240
012	-300	-300	-300
013	-050	-050	-050
014	-200	-200	-200
015	-200	-200	-200
016	-150	-150	-150
017	-100	-100	-100
018	-200	-200	-200
019	-100	-100	-100
020	-160	-140	-140
021	-160	-160	-160
022	-120	-160	-160
023	-160	-160	-160
024	-220	-220	-220
025	-160	-160	-160
026	-160	-160	-160
027	-120	-120	-120
028	-200	-260	-260
029	-200	-200	-200
030	-240	-280	-280
031	-150	-150	-150
032	-180	-180	-180
033	-240	-240	-240
034	-240	-240	-240
035	-240	-240	-240
036	-300	-300	-300
037	-200	-200	-200
038	-180	-180	-180
039	-300	-300	-300
040	-300	-300	-300
041	-300	-300	-300
042	-400	-400	-400
043	-240	-240	-240
044	-160	-120	-120
045	-200	-240	-240
046	-240	-400	-400
047	-300	-300	-300
048	-280	-360	-360
049	-160	-160	-160
050	-160	-220	-220
051	-240	-240	-240
052	-250	-250	-250
053	-280	-280	-280
054	-250	-250	-250
055	-240	-240	-240
056	-240	-240	-240
057	-240	-240	-240
058	-240	-240	-240
059	-240	-300	-300
060	-300	-360	-360
061	-080	-080	-080
062	-080	-190	-190
063	-240	-240	-240
064	-200	-300	-300
065	-240	-360	-360
066	-250	-250	-250
067	-200	-200	-200
068	-240	-240	-240
069	-240	-200	-200
070	-240	-240	-240
071	-240	-360	-360
072	-280	-300	-300
073	-200	-200	-200
074	-200	-200	-200
075	-200	-200	-200
076	-200	-340	-340
077	-280	-280	-280
078	-240	-360	-360
079	-200	-200	-200
080	-160	-240	-240
081	-240	-240	-240
082	-240	-240	-240
083	-360	-320	-320
084	-250	-250	-250
085	-240	-240	-240
086	-240	-240	-240
087	-240	-240	-240
088	-240	-360	-360
089	-280	-240	-240
090	-360	-240	-240
091	-240	-240	-240
092	-240	-240	-240
093	-240	-240	-240
094	-240	-240	-240
095	-240	-240	-240
096	-360	-360	-360
097	-210	-210	-210
098	-240	-240	-240
099	-320	-280	-280
100	-320	-320	-320
101	-240	-240	-240
102	-320	-320	-320
103	-240	-240	-240
104	-240	-240	-240
105	-240	-240	-240
106	-240	-300	-300
107	-240	-240	-240
108	-320	-360	-360
109	-240	-240	-240
110	-200	-200	-200
111	-240	-240	-240
112	-240	-240	-240
113	-240	-360	-360
114	-320	-320	-320
115	-200	-200	-200
116	-240	-240	-240
117	-240	-240	-240
118	-240	-240	-240
119	-240	-320	-320
120	-280	-320	-320
121	-200	-240	-240
122	-220	-240	-240
123	-240	-320	-320
124	-240	-240	-240
125	-240	-250	-250
126	-400	-360	-360
127	-200	-240	-240
128	-240	-240	-240
129	-240	-280	-280
130	-240	-300	-300
131	-280	-300	-300
132	-360	-360	-360
133	-240	-240	-240
134	-240	-240	-240
135	-260	-260	-260
136	-320	-320	-320
137	-300	-300	-300
138	-200	-220	-220
139	-200	-200	-200
140	-240	-320	-320
141	-360	-300	-300
142	-320	-400	-400
143	-240	-240	-240
144	-240	-240	-240
145	-240	-280	-280
146	-320	-360	-360
147	-240	-400	-400
148	-240	-240	-240
149	-240	-280	-280
150	-240	-240	-240
151	-320	-360	-360
152	-400	-400	-400
153	-440	-440	-440
154	-220	-220	-220
155	-240	-240	-240
156	-280	-280	-280
157	-280	-320	-320
158	-440	-440	-440
159	-500	-500	-500
160	-200	-200	-200
161	-280	-280	-280
162	-280	-400	-400
163	-400	-400	-400
164	-440	-440	-440
165	-560	-560	-560
166	-200	-200	-200
167	-260	-280	-280
168	-240	-240	-240
169	-280	-280	-280
170	-360	-400	-400
171	-420	-420	-420
172	-240	-200	-200
173	-220	-220	-220
174	-240	-240	-240
175	-240	-340	-340
176	-240	-340	-340
177	-320	-320	-320
178	-150	-220	-220
179	-220	-260	-260
180	-200	-320	-320
181	-310	-320	-320
182	-280	-280	-280
183	-300	-360	-360
184	-240	-220	-220
185	-220	-320	-320
186	-240	-280	-280
187	-350	-350	-350
188	-420	-420	-420
189	-420	-450	-450
190	-145	-265	-265
191	-200	-215	-215
192	-240	-320	-320
193	-275	-350	-350
194	-360	-360	-360
195	-415	-415	-415
196	-140	-220	-220
197	-240	-240	-240
198	-380	-380	-380
199	-340	-440	-440
200	-360	-360	-360
201	-360	-400	-400
202	-020	-040	-040
203	-040	-080	-080
204	-240	-280	-280
205	-268	-400	-400
206	-380	-390	-390
207	-240	-420	-420
208	-200	-200	-200
209	-240	-240	-240
210	-280	-280	-280
211	-260	-385	-385
212	-300	-330	-330
213	-300	-300	-300
214	-200	-230	-230
215	-220	-220	-220
216	-220	-220	-220
217	-240	-240	-240
218	-240	-240	-240
219	-260	-260	-260
220	-090	-090	-090
221	-240	-240	-240
222	-220	-220	-220
223	-240	-240	-240
224	-240	-240	-240
225	-280	-280	-280
226	-200	-200	-200
227	-200	-200	-200
228	-240	-240	-240
229	-240	-240	-240
230	-240	-240	-240
231	-280	-280	-280
232	-120	-120	-120
233	-180	-180	-180
234	-240	-240	-240
235	-240	-240	-240
236	-320	-320	-320
237	-360	-360	-360
238	-090	-120	-120
239	-210	-210	-210
240	-240	-240	-240
241	-240	-240	-240
242	-260	-340	-340
243	-320	-320	-320
244	-240	-240	-240
245	-240	-240	-240
246	-240	-240	-240
247	-220	-220	-220
248	-250	-250	-250
249	-410	-410	-410
250	-060	-060	-060
251	-220	-220	-220
252	-230	-230	-230
253	-310	-310	-310
254	-300	-300	-300
255	-460	-460	-460
256	-160	-160	-160
257	-230	-230	-230
258	-240	-240	-240
259	-360	-360	-360
260	-300	-300	-300
261	-360	-360	-360
262	-080	-080	-080
263	-200	-200	-200
264	-240	-240	-240
265	-250	-250	-250
266	-370	-370	-370
267	-480	-480	-480
268	-190	-190	-190
269	-240	-240	-240
270	-260	-260	-260
271	-300	-300	-300
272	-400	-400	-400
273	-400	-400	-400
274	-240	-160	-160
275	-220	-220	-220
276	-290	-300	-300
277	-250	-250	-250
278	-370	-380	-380
279	-450	-450	-450
280	-200	-200	-200
281	-240	-240	-240
282	-240	-260	-260
283	-280	-280	-280
284	-350	-350	-350
285	-380	-390	-390
286	-200	-200	-200
287	-220	-220	-220
288	-220	-220	-220
289	-280	-280	-280
290	-340	-340	-340
291	-400	-400
Thanks for asking that. When measuring delays, I found out that previous episodes previews have the exact same delays as Part A. So Part A = from the beginning of the episode before opening and Part B = after the first eyecatch until the end.

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