Vic Mignogna

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Re: Vic Mignogna

Post by Planetnamek » Mon Feb 17, 2020 11:41 am

Scsigs wrote: Mon Feb 17, 2020 10:12 am
Planetnamek wrote: Sun Feb 16, 2020 6:37 pm Oh I agree he's a homophobe for sure.

I actually like Big Bang Theory and to be fair the writers did clarify that they never specifically wrote Sheldon as being autistic, I always saw him as kind of a live-action version of Fry from Futurama.

Some people with autism have spoken positively about him, and I personally never once felt like that show was taking aim at me personally ... tic-adult/
It's true that Sheldon was never intentionally written as an Aspie, but when he exhibits enough traits a case for undiagnosed Asperger's, & the writers just blatantly ignore the unfortunate implications for 12 years without addressing it in the show itself or change how they write the character to come off less like one, that's a problem in my eyes. I know it's just a stupid sitcom that was unjustifiably popular to the degree it was, but, let's be honest here, usually shows try to shake up things or address things over their runs, but the writers didn't care about that because "insensitive people are funny!" or some shit. :roll: These are mostly the same writers & producers of Two and a Half Men after all, so I'm not surprised with the constant bad writing, but at least THEY tried for 5 seasons, then the quality dipped off. Looking bad, BBT didn't really try too often. It has more problems than Sheldon, but we're not discussing those right now.

As for him being like Fry. Like, what? Fry was dumb & couldn't always pick up on emotions because of it, but he's also a genuinely good person the rest of the time. Sheldon has no real explanation for why he's like how he is outside of undiagnosed Asperger's. I actually like Fry. Sheldon gets on my nerves. Like, if we apply real world logic, no one would like Sheldon, which is semi-acknowledged int he show itself with very few people actually liking him.
JulieYBM wrote: Sun Feb 16, 2020 6:38 pm I fucking hate that show. Not just because Sheldon is handled with insensitivity, but because it's insanely transphobic, homophobic and it hates women in general. It murders me every time my folks watch it.
I don't really see how it was transphobic (outside of the old neighbor Sheldon had, which was only for a few episodes), since it never really dealt with those topics or kinds of people, but those other 2, I can definitely see. Homophobic in how they make fun of Raj for being more in touch with his feminine side & how they make fun of his & Howard's close friendship basically nonstop & misogynistic in that the women on the show aren't written that well most of the time. I would say this mostly comes off from the toxic masculinity the writers injected into the scripts more than anything, though, considering it was written by Gen Xers who grew up in the 70s & 80s where that was more commonplace. Still is in some places.
Planetnamek wrote: Sun Feb 16, 2020 6:42 pm For me if there is any show that comes off as genuinely hateful (particularly towards trans people) and ignorant it's South Park, I gave up on that show years ago because of Matt and Trey's tiresome "you're stupid for caring about anything!" attitude.
South Park has only devolved from that in the last several years. In its prime years, South Park didn't make fun of people for caring about things, it just made fun of shit the writers found incredibly stupid. In terms of the trans stuff, they NEED to learn how to portray that shit right. They've never handled that stuff with any real care. That goes back to making Mr. Garrison trans out of nowhere for some reason, which, I guess, is how gay people work (which at least was heavily foreshadowed for a while before he came out as gay & not really treated that badly) :roll:.
The creators clearly stopped giving a fuck, even though they still preach for certain things. It's hypocritical. The Family Guy writers, though clearly worse in many areas, at least clearly don't give a fuck & don't do research or think through their implications. South Park has always been smarter than that.
Planetnamek wrote: Sun Feb 16, 2020 6:57 pm The first few episodes weren't great i'll admit and that did turn me off the show for a while, but once I saw some episodes in later seasons it improved considerably. Penny, Amy and Bernadette certainly got a lot better about being more open-minded.
That most certainly depended on the writers & seasons. However, I would say season 6 is where the show changed for the worst. A show about nerds, & later their girlfriends, in their everyday lives with their hobbies & interests suddenly became all about the relationships for some reason, yet the relationships were really toxic, so it made the show worse.
miguelnuva1 wrote: Sun Feb 16, 2020 7:05 pm The entire point of South Park is they make fun and attack everyone. South Park is for a audience that doesn't mind seeing all people getting attacked.
I mean, yes, & no. Usually, South Park makes fun of the stupider things about everything, not just taking the piss out of everything because they can, but not usually for no reason. They usually do a great job of showing exactly why they shit on something & do a good amount of research & thinking about it, which is impressive considering they only produce an episode in 6 days. In the last several seasons, they just haven't made an overly great episode, like the creative spark isn't there anymore, which is sad, since it was the best example of biting social satire I could think of.
Dbzfan94 wrote: Sun Feb 16, 2020 9:36 pm
Planetnamek wrote: Sun Feb 16, 2020 9:05 pm Except they don't always, I remember Matt and Trey's lame-ass excuses for not covering Trump a few years ago. So I never bought into that line of reasoning that SP fans keep telling me.
They turned Mr. Garrison into a full on parody of Trump though. What are you talking about?
Unfortunately, that resulted in the worst season of the show that holds up extremely poorly, but started out very promising. I really wish they hadn't done that season the way they did. Hinging on Hilary winning the election to make all of the plot threads, messages, & themes (some of which, like the member berries, being absolutely awful) of a season of your show was BEGGING for disaster. It was the ultimate gamble. Not a lot of people liked either candidate for various reasons, so it's no surprise when Trump won that everything crumbled from under them.
Polyphase Avatron wrote: Sun Feb 16, 2020 11:04 pm Also, just because I would be remiss not to mention it, the 13th Doctor in Doctor Who is great because the plot device of Time Lord regeneration (which was established way back in the 60s) provides the perfect vehicle to change the character this way. Despite looking human, the Doctor is decidedly not a human being, and doesn't view race and sex the same way humans do. We already knew that Time Lords can regenerate from male to female and vice-versa, that was established years before Jodie Whittaker took the role. To them, changing both biological sex and gender is a normal thing that they think nothing of.
And yet, we have the horrible joke from Series 9 of the General from Day of the Doctor regenerating into a woman who then says, "Back to normal, am I? First time I've been a man that last one. How do you cope with all that ego?" I know it was meant to be played as a joke, but you have an alien race that is established to be gender fluid & beyond insults like that because they have total equality as a result, yet have some people that are that sexist? That doesn't add up, especially since she was just a man & was a man for hundreds of years at least, knowing how long Time Lords live for in a single incarnation & how long the Time War was a thing in-universe.
Zeon_Grunt wrote: Mon Feb 17, 2020 1:13 am
Hellspawn28 wrote: Sun Feb 16, 2020 8:55 pm They did a csi white guy as Spawn before and it was awful. A lot of people in the Spawn fandom hated it and it took over 50 issues for Al Simmons to come back.
Yes, but did he suck because he was badly written and featured in poorly written storylines or because he was just white? From what I've heard, Spawn is pretty notorious for drastic drops in quality at times. That said, I only have a passing experience with Spawn (saw the movie, which I like on a schlock level, played him in SC2 and some PS1 game) so maybe I've heard wrong about that.
Comic book movies for a while were extremely touch & go for a long time until Marvel showed how you can do them right, since they were usually either super serious, or super silly. Any in-between was, sadly, missing or barely existed for a while. Probably the only country to have that was Japan, since they at least gave the medium some respect, even if most of it's meant for kids or families.
I quite enjoyed Two and a Half Men as well(at least until Sheen got fired and replaced with Ashton Kutcher, the show definitely wasn't as good, the ending was quite underwhelming and after that I was afraid Big Bang Theory would also have a weak series finale, thankfully unlike Two and a Half Men and How I Met Your Mother it actually had a satisfying conclusion)

I found Sheldon funny and charming. Personally I never saw any real toxic masculinity in the show. I think the people that wrote the show were certainly ignorant on some issues, but I wouldn't go so far as to call them bigots outright, at least not like say John Cleese and Terry Gilliam, who both outed themselves as ignorant bigots in recent years. Certainly wouldn't go so far as to shame the actors over their early stuff, I think that's a bit extreme.

I always thought Family Guy and Simpsons were better at satire then South Park ever was(Family Guy is certainly better at portraying trans people, as Quagmire's father Ida was at least written like a real persona and not like a caricature, and I don't think they intended to legitimately offend GSRM folks). As a kid I used to like South Park because back then I thought anything with swearing in it was cool, but I quickly outgrew it. South Park is definitely not a "smarter" show at all, not with how it frequently dismisses valid concerns GSRM have. I still remember when that show outright plagiarized a sketch from College Humor, say what you will about Family Guy at least they never resorted to outright stealing someone else's content and passed it off as their own.

Most people were sane enough to recognize that Clinton was far better than Trump. He only really won cause of Russia.
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Re: Vic Mignogna

Post by XanatosVanBadass » Mon Feb 17, 2020 11:56 am

kemuri07 wrote: Mon Feb 17, 2020 11:22 am
XanatosVanBadass wrote: Mon Feb 17, 2020 11:04 am Yeah, South Park was always kinda problematic and it goes beyond the show’s awful take on trans people. The show has also promoted climate change denial and advocated that bigoted organizations should be allowed to keep their bigoted views. SP may not have created the “alt right” (no one thing can be blamed), but they ABSOLUTELY helped to create the “both sides are bad” argument that the right uses to trick people with in discussions.
To be fair, South Park has softened its views on some of that stuff like Principle PC and devoting an entire episode that's one long apology to Al Gore. So while it's too little too late, I think both Stone and Parker both recognize their place in the current culture wars and that they can't really ignore anymore.

But you're absolutely right about the both sides argument. It just created a bunch of lazy edge-lords who think snarking and trolling everything is some sort of hidden power.
That’s true. The shows been on the air for so long they were bound to modify their stance on SOME things. Similarly, Seth Macfarlane once said he would stop mocking gay characters in his shows.

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Re: Vic Mignogna

Post by Robo4900 » Mon Feb 17, 2020 12:01 pm

Planetnamek wrote: Mon Feb 17, 2020 11:41 am Most people were sane enough to recognize that Clinton was far better than Trump. He only really won cause of Russia.
Russia is one reason, voter obstruction is another, the fact people hated both candidates is another, and very significantly, there's the electoral college (Clinton had 48% of the vote, Trump had 46%, yet Trump won because his votes translated to 304 electoral college votes, whereas Clinton's translated to 227. The elecotral college is a mess). And in general, voter turnout has been crap for years. The 2016 election only got a turnout of 56%. Barely more than half the country. And that's the third highest turnout since 1968 (the two that did better were 2008's 58%, and 2004's 57%).

There are many reasons.
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Re: Vic Mignogna

Post by Planetnamek » Mon Feb 17, 2020 12:26 pm

Robo4900 wrote: Mon Feb 17, 2020 12:01 pm
Planetnamek wrote: Mon Feb 17, 2020 11:41 am Most people were sane enough to recognize that Clinton was far better than Trump. He only really won cause of Russia.
Russia is one reason, voter obstruction is another, the fact people hated both candidates is another, and very significantly, there's the electoral college (Clinton had 48% of the vote, Trump had 46%, yet Trump won because his votes translated to 304 electoral college votes, whereas Clinton's translated to 227. The elecotral college is a mess). And in general, voter turnout has been crap for years. The 2016 election only got a turnout of 56%. Barely more than half the country. And that's the third highest turnout since 1968 (the two that did better were 2008's 58%, and 2004's 57%).

There are many reasons.
Most people didn't hate Clinton, if they did she would not have won the popular vote by over 3 million, but yeah you're right about turnout being another factor.
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Re: Vic Mignogna

Post by SuperSaiyaManZ94 » Mon Feb 17, 2020 12:36 pm

Planetnamek wrote: Mon Feb 17, 2020 12:26 pm
Robo4900 wrote: Mon Feb 17, 2020 12:01 pm
Planetnamek wrote: Mon Feb 17, 2020 11:41 am Most people were sane enough to recognize that Clinton was far better than Trump. He only really won cause of Russia.
Russia is one reason, voter obstruction is another, the fact people hated both candidates is another, and very significantly, there's the electoral college (Clinton had 48% of the vote, Trump had 46%, yet Trump won because his votes translated to 304 electoral college votes, whereas Clinton's translated to 227. The elecotral college is a mess). And in general, voter turnout has been crap for years. The 2016 election only got a turnout of 56%. Barely more than half the country. And that's the third highest turnout since 1968 (the two that did better were 2008's 58%, and 2004's 57%).

There are many reasons.
Most people didn't hate Clinton, if they did she would not have won the popular vote by over 3 million, but yeah you're right about turnout being another factor.
Though of course the popular vote isn't currently the ultimate determination of who the winner of the presidential election is, and yes the last one was indeed quite a doozy for sure but i don't really want to go on a long winded discussion about the electoral process and other politics related things because although they are important topics to talk about especially with another election coming up in a few months time this thread isn't meant specifically for that.
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Re: Vic Mignogna

Post by JulieYBM » Mon Feb 17, 2020 12:54 pm

Planetnamek wrote: Mon Feb 17, 2020 12:26 pm
Robo4900 wrote: Mon Feb 17, 2020 12:01 pm
Planetnamek wrote: Mon Feb 17, 2020 11:41 am Most people were sane enough to recognize that Clinton was far better than Trump. He only really won cause of Russia.
Russia is one reason, voter obstruction is another, the fact people hated both candidates is another, and very significantly, there's the electoral college (Clinton had 48% of the vote, Trump had 46%, yet Trump won because his votes translated to 304 electoral college votes, whereas Clinton's translated to 227. The elecotral college is a mess). And in general, voter turnout has been crap for years. The 2016 election only got a turnout of 56%. Barely more than half the country. And that's the third highest turnout since 1968 (the two that did better were 2008's 58%, and 2004's 57%).

There are many reasons.
Most people didn't hate Clinton, if they did she would not have won the popular vote by over 3 million, but yeah you're right about turnout being another factor.
She got the popular vote because she was considered a lesser of two evils, but people don't actually like Clinton. Her approval ratings are usually abysmal and only rise when she is not in the public light. Trump, on the other hand, now has a newly risen 49% after winning the impeachment, something any sane person knew he was going to win.

If the Democrats wanted Trump impeached they would have impeached him for his numerous war crimes and violations of the emoluments clause of the Constitution. Instead they impeached him because their BFF Joe Biden--who is also a war criminal--got fucked with. You got to remember, the Democrats take most of their money from large donors and corporations: they (in general and especially their leadership) are just as bigoted and corrupt as the Republicans. If Bernie Sanders loses the 2020 nomination it'll be another four years of Trump and a continuation of both parties enacting conservative legislation.
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Re: Vic Mignogna

Post by Planetnamek » Mon Feb 17, 2020 1:02 pm

JulieYBM wrote: Mon Feb 17, 2020 12:54 pm
Planetnamek wrote: Mon Feb 17, 2020 12:26 pm
Robo4900 wrote: Mon Feb 17, 2020 12:01 pm

Russia is one reason, voter obstruction is another, the fact people hated both candidates is another, and very significantly, there's the electoral college (Clinton had 48% of the vote, Trump had 46%, yet Trump won because his votes translated to 304 electoral college votes, whereas Clinton's translated to 227. The elecotral college is a mess). And in general, voter turnout has been crap for years. The 2016 election only got a turnout of 56%. Barely more than half the country. And that's the third highest turnout since 1968 (the two that did better were 2008's 58%, and 2004's 57%).

There are many reasons.
Most people didn't hate Clinton, if they did she would not have won the popular vote by over 3 million, but yeah you're right about turnout being another factor.
She got the popular vote because she was considered a lesser of two evils, but people don't actually like Clinton. Her approval ratings are usually abysmal and only rise when she is not in the public light. Trump, on the other hand, now has a newly risen 49% after winning the impeachment, something any sane person knew he was going to win.

If the Democrats wanted Trump impeached they would have impeached him for his numerous war crimes and violations of the emoluments clause of the Constitution. Instead they impeached him because their BFF Joe Biden--who is also a war criminal--got fucked with. You got to remember, the Democrats take most of their money from large donors and corporations: they (in general and especially their leadership) are just as bigoted and corrupt as the Republicans. If Bernie Sanders loses the 2020 nomination it'll be another four years of Trump and a continuation of both parties enacting conservative legislation.
They do want him impeached, problem is they know the senate is much too spineless and cowardly to actually do it, we saw that firsthand when they refused to allow witnesses. As long as Mitch Mcdumbass is in charge Drump is unfortunately not going anywhere(unless he resigns for medical reasons, which i've heard is a distinct possibility with how bad his mental health has been getting)

I strongly disagree about them being just as bigoted as the rethugs are(though if you're talking about Bloomberg I agree since he was a registered Republican for the longest time), I also certainly don't think Sanders is the only hope(personally I share the same concerns many minorities have about him, especially with how toxic his Bernie Bro supporters can get) i'm personally way more of a Warren supporter, she's demonstrated to me that she's got the most knowledge on how to move things forward.

Besides with Sanders age and health problems, i'd rather not put all my stock in someone who i'm not confident will even be alive at the end of his first time.

I don't like Biden either, but Trump's actions against him were still very much a blatant violation of the law, withholding aid to a foreign country via blackmail to "encourage" them to investigate someone Trump was afraid of is still pretty fucking bad and shouldn't be casually dismissed.
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Re: Vic Mignogna

Post by TVfan721 » Mon Feb 17, 2020 1:28 pm

Kinokima wrote: Tue Feb 11, 2020 1:56 pm Kitchener Con is a joke. Inviting Vic a washed up voice actor accused of harassment is bad enough but then they invite Nick who literally has nothing to do with fandom .

I’m sure Vic’s crazy fans will think this is a win but Vic probably will say yes to any con that invites him. And yeah I am sure they will get some people to line up for his autograph because again his lunatic fans will come out. But the con is basically a con of nobody’s. When Vic is the biggest name you can get that’s not saying much.

Vic might have been a big draw back in 2005 when FMA first came out but that’s hardly the case these days. Even before this whole thing blew up he was a popular VA but one that often made the con circuit so if you went to any of the big cons you would eventually see him. Vic on the con guest list was nothing to be that amazed about. And now he is probably taking any con he can get.

You know why Vic and Nick are on guest lists for cons like Kitchener because they can’t afford anyone else.Thats literally the extent of it. It’s some crappy local comic con and this is the only type of show Vic can get can get. Kitchener Con can’t do any better either.
Kitchener Comic Con has been riddled with controversy for years. I'm in Ontario, Canada and I can tell you that KCC is one of the worst conventions in the province in terms of reputation. The owner himself has had several accusations and allegations made against him as well.

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Re: Vic Mignogna

Post by Scsigs » Mon Feb 17, 2020 1:32 pm

Planetnamek wrote: Mon Feb 17, 2020 11:41 am I quite enjoyed Two and a Half Men as well (at least until Sheen got fired and replaced with Ashton Kutcher, the show definitely wasn't as good, the ending was quite underwhelming and after that I was afraid Big Bang Theory would also have a weak series finale, thankfully unlike Two and a Half Men and How I Met Your Mother it actually had a satisfying conclusion)
T&AHM was good up until season 6 when, for some reason, they thought that Charlie & Rose was a legitimately good pairing, even though she's a crazy 2 generations removed incest baby (yes, they went there at one point, her father is the kid of a woman & her first cousin) who'd been stalking him for years at that point & he's got more issues than anyone else in a Chuck Lorre show that never get resolved, which is the one thing I saw BBT try to do. After that, it was a slow slip until it careened off a damn cliff Thelma & Louise-style with season 9.
Planetnamek wrote: Mon Feb 17, 2020 11:41 am I found Sheldon funny and charming. Personally I never saw any real toxic masculinity in the show. I think the people that wrote the show were certainly ignorant on some issues, but I wouldn't go so far as to call them bigots outright, at least not like say John Cleese and Terry Gilliam, who both outed themselves as ignorant bigots in recent years. Certainly wouldn't go so far as to shame the actors over their early stuff, I think that's a bit extreme.
It's mainly toxic masculinity in that the guys make fun of each other for either tendencies thought of to be "feminine" (Raj got the brunt of these jokes) or weren't their view of "masculine," which is certainly weird since 3/4 of the guys went through awful bullying when they were kids for being weak, scrawny nerds.
Planetnamek wrote: Mon Feb 17, 2020 11:41 am I always thought Family Guy and Simpsons were better at satire then South Park ever was (Family Guy is certainly better at portraying trans people, as Quagmire's father Ida was at least written like a real persona and not like a caricature, and I don't think they intended to legitimately offend GSRM folks). As a kid I used to like South Park because back then I thought anything with swearing in it was cool, but I quickly outgrew it. South Park is definitely not a "smarter" show at all, not with how it frequently dismisses valid concerns GSRM have. I still remember when that show outright plagiarized a sketch from College Humor, say what you will about Family Guy at least they never resorted to outright stealing someone else's content and passed it off as their own.
I mean, I haven't seen much Simpsons (working through it slowly on Disney+), but Family Guy started sucking in season 8-10, then just went full awful in season 12 (Brian's death & resurrection was so bad, as well as a whole list of other bad episodes from that time & it hasn't gotten any better since). When Family Guy wanted to do satire, they were generally competent, but South Park's always been really good on most subjects.
Planetnamek wrote: Mon Feb 17, 2020 11:41 am Most people were sane enough to recognize that Clinton was far better than Trump. He only really won cause of Russia.
Yeah, but Hilary wasn't the best candidate & the political landscape of 2016 was a major shitshow, so I'm not surprised she lost. I don't like that she lost, but I'm not surprised.
XanatosVanBadass wrote: Mon Feb 17, 2020 11:56 am That’s true. The shows been on the air for so long they were bound to modify their stance on SOME things. Similarly, Seth Macfarlane once said he would stop mocking gay characters in his shows.
The worst South Park episode, imo, is just one that's boring. Like, most of the episodes I've seen since season 20 are more boring than anything. The worst Family Guy episode is downright awful. They go for that all the time, so mission accomplished, but why?
Planetnamek wrote: Mon Feb 17, 2020 12:26 pm Most people didn't hate Clinton, if they did she would not have won the popular vote by over 3 million, but yeah you're right about turnout being another factor.
Winning the popular vote by 3 million votes in a country-wide election, though good, doesn't say many more people liked her than Trump, sadly enough. I hope Bernie wins the primary, otherwise I'll have no faith in the Democratic party to course correct after a humiliation like 2016. That should've been a slam dunk, yet they missed the basket.
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Vic Mignogna: Good actor & singer, but a MAJOR douchebag & idiot.

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Re: Vic Mignogna

Post by JulieYBM » Mon Feb 17, 2020 1:35 pm

lolz we're so off-topic now.
Planetnamek wrote: Mon Feb 17, 2020 1:02 pm They do want him impeached, problem is they know the senate is much too spineless and cowardly to actually do it, we saw that firsthand when they refused to allow witnesses. As long as Mitch Mcdumbass is in charge Drump is unfortunately not going anywhere(unless he resigns for medical reasons, which i've heard is a distinct possibility with how bad his mental health has been getting)

I strongly disagree about them being just as bigoted as the rethugs are(though if you're talking about Bloomberg I agree since he was a registered Republican for the longest time), I also certainly don't think Sanders is the only hope(personally I share the same concerns many minorities have about him, especially with how toxic his Bernie Bro supporters can get) i'm personally way more of a Warren supporter, she's demonstrated to me that she's got the most knowledge on how to move things forward.

Besides with Sanders age and health problems, i'd rather not put all my stock in someone who i'm not confident will even be alive at the end of his first time.
Trump has a 90% approval-rating with the Republican voters, the GOP senators--who all agree with his policies, anyway--aren't going to turn on him. If I had been the leader of the Democrats I probably wouldn't have impeached Trump at all and if I did I would throw my entire weight behind his actual criminal activities. That means constantly going to the press and making the case to the people. The only way you're going to successfully impeach him is to mobilize the citizens. The Democrats didn't do that, because they're class-loyalists--the ultimately won't abandon another member of their class, even if he speaks with boorish language.

Bernie has the most diverse voter base and has spent the past four years building an iron-clad coalition. He has the African-American vote and the Latino vote. He also has the queer vote despite a queer person running in the same election (Buttigieg does abysmal with us). The 'Bernie Bros' are a myth cooked up by Clinton--just like the 'Obama Boys' in 2008. Don't erase my gender, please.

Democratic leadership is against Medicare for All, a policy that is proven would help minorities immensely and follows the single-payer systems that successfully work in every other modern nation. Pelosi saying that she is not for Medicare for All is worse than calling me a 'tranny faggot'. She and his friends in leadership couldn't care less if I die because I can't afford my HRT. Her insurance and living wage are important to her because it separates lowly scum like me from her, a modern aristocrat.

32,000-45,000 Americans die every year because they don't have health insurance and put off going to the doctor until it's too late. That number includes minorities, too. Democratic Party leadership knows those statistics and won't even use them in a full-court press campaign to get the population to actively call their representatives and senators to put the fear of god in them so that they vote to approve Medicare for All. Fuck them.
Planetnamek wrote: Mon Feb 17, 2020 1:02 pmI don't like Biden either, but Trump's actions against him were still very much a blatant violation of the law, withholding aid to a foreign country via blackmail to "encourage" them to investigate someone Trump was afraid of is still pretty fucking bad and shouldn't be casually dismissed.
Giving military aide to foreign nation is dubious in the first place but the real question is whether or not impeaching Trump for an action that fulfills his campaign promise of 'draining the swamp' in addition to exposing the Democrats' corruption is a good idea. It's a terrible idea. That said, I'd just say imprison them both. Biden was the vice-president of an administration that turns two wars into seven, none of which had Congressional approval or were in response to a nation state declaring war on the United States.
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Re: Vic Mignogna

Post by Planetnamek » Mon Feb 17, 2020 1:56 pm

JulieYBM wrote: Mon Feb 17, 2020 1:35 pm lolz we're so off-topic now.
Planetnamek wrote: Mon Feb 17, 2020 1:02 pm They do want him impeached, problem is they know the senate is much too spineless and cowardly to actually do it, we saw that firsthand when they refused to allow witnesses. As long as Mitch Mcdumbass is in charge Drump is unfortunately not going anywhere(unless he resigns for medical reasons, which i've heard is a distinct possibility with how bad his mental health has been getting)

I strongly disagree about them being just as bigoted as the rethugs are(though if you're talking about Bloomberg I agree since he was a registered Republican for the longest time), I also certainly don't think Sanders is the only hope(personally I share the same concerns many minorities have about him, especially with how toxic his Bernie Bro supporters can get) i'm personally way more of a Warren supporter, she's demonstrated to me that she's got the most knowledge on how to move things forward.

Besides with Sanders age and health problems, i'd rather not put all my stock in someone who i'm not confident will even be alive at the end of his first time.
Trump has a 90% approval-rating with the Republican voters, the GOP senators--who all agree with his policies, anyway--aren't going to turn on him. If I had been the leader of the Democrats I probably wouldn't have impeached Trump at all and if I did I would throw my entire weight behind his actual criminal activities. That means constantly going to the press and making the case to the people. The only way you're going to successfully impeach him is to mobilize the citizens. The Democrats didn't do that, because they're class-loyalists--the ultimately won't abandon another member of their class, even if he speaks with boorish language.

Bernie has the most diverse voter base and has spent the past four years building an iron-clad coalition. He has the African-American vote and the Latino vote. He also has the queer vote despite a queer person running in the same election (Buttigieg does abysmal with us). The 'Bernie Bros' are a myth cooked up by Clinton--just like the 'Obama Boys' in 2008. Don't erase my gender, please.

Democratic leadership is against Medicare for All, a policy that is proven would help minorities immensely and follows the single-payer systems that successfully work in every other modern nation. Pelosi saying that she is not for Medicare for All is worse than calling me a 'tranny faggot'. She and his friends in leadership couldn't care less if I die because I can't afford my HRT. Her insurance and living wage are important to her because it separates lowly scum like me from her, a modern aristocrat.

32,000-45,000 Americans die every year because they don't have health insurance and put off going to the doctor until it's too late. That number includes minorities, too. Democratic Party leadership knows those statistics and won't even use them in a full-court press campaign to get the population to actively call their representatives and senators to put the fear of god in them so that they vote to approve Medicare for All. Fuck them.
Planetnamek wrote: Mon Feb 17, 2020 1:02 pmI don't like Biden either, but Trump's actions against him were still very much a blatant violation of the law, withholding aid to a foreign country via blackmail to "encourage" them to investigate someone Trump was afraid of is still pretty fucking bad and shouldn't be casually dismissed.
Giving military aide to foreign nation is dubious in the first place but the real question is whether or not impeaching Trump for an action that fulfills his campaign promise of 'draining the swamp' in addition to exposing the Democrats' corruption is a good idea. It's a terrible idea. That said, I'd just say imprison them both. Biden was the vice-president of an administration that turns two wars into seven, none of which had Congressional approval or were in response to a nation state declaring war on the United States.
Warren has an equally diverse voter base though, and comments like this still make people nervous about Sanders: ... 1841187465

I disagree that giving aid to a foreign nation is inherently dubious, especially not Ukraine who have been suffering greatly at the hands of Russia.

For all of his promises very few of them actually happened, if he truly really cared about "Draining the swamp" he wouldn't have been palling around with billionaires like Mark Zuckerberg.

I'm more pissed at Biden over that 1994 Crime Bill he defended and what he did to Anita Hill than anything else.

No the Bernie Bros are not a "myth cooked up by Clinton" at all, they are very much real is shown here: ... 1032635393

Plenty of websites that have been very vocally anti-Clinton also echo concerns about his supporters, like this one: ... on/605836/ so you can't totally dismiss every single claim against them(many of which are valid)

plenty of margnialized individuals like yourself have been attacked by Sanders supporters and there's a lot of concern that if he wins the U.S. will become more like the U.K. where it's become fashionable for some on the left to go into all-out bigotry against Trans folks(Graham Lineham being the most major example)

Was not attempting to erase your gender, i'm just saying a lot of other GSRM folks have very valid concerns about Sanders and that's not something you can just ignore or sweep under the rug: ... 2442671104

There are some things I like about Sanders, but Warren has all of Bernie's good points with none of his drawbacks IMO. His biggest drawback is that he is still very much stuck in the mindset that class is more important than race and plenty of minorities will tell him how wrong he is on that.

Also i'm tired of people falling back on the "he has a diverse support group" excuse, maybe so but that does not erase the existence of numerous minorities that are concerned about Sanders own shortcomings.
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Re: Vic Mignogna

Post by Polyphase Avatron » Mon Feb 17, 2020 3:23 pm

I'd vote for a dead cow over Trump TBH.
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Re: Vic Mignogna

Post by Scsigs » Mon Feb 17, 2020 3:27 pm

We just need more young people voting. Honestly, we'd probably get more people voting if there's some kind of safe, secure website the gov't would set up. That way, everyone who's registered can vote, it's more convenient, & we'd actually get more people we want in gov't. It'd be great.
Only dubs that matter are DB, Kai, & Super. Nothing else.
Vic Mignogna: Good actor & singer, but a MAJOR douchebag & idiot.

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Re: Vic Mignogna

Post by Polyphase Avatron » Mon Feb 17, 2020 3:30 pm

Scsigs wrote: Mon Feb 17, 2020 3:27 pm We just need more young people voting. Honestly, we'd probably get more people voting if there's some kind of safe, secure website the gov't would set up. That way, everyone who's registered can vote, it's more convenient, & we'd actually get more people we want in gov't. It'd be great.
There are a lot of concerns with hacking in that kind of situation.
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Re: Vic Mignogna

Post by Zeon_Grunt » Mon Feb 17, 2020 3:43 pm

Polyphase Avatron wrote: Mon Feb 17, 2020 3:30 pm
Scsigs wrote: Mon Feb 17, 2020 3:27 pm We just need more young people voting. Honestly, we'd probably get more people voting if there's some kind of safe, secure website the gov't would set up. That way, everyone who's registered can vote, it's more convenient, & we'd actually get more people we want in gov't. It'd be great.
There are a lot of concerns with hacking in that kind of situation.
Not just that, but ID fraud. You can ask for a SSN, but people have circumvented that for things like stealing people's tax returns before. If it's done at home, there's nothing to truly verify that the 5-6 people logging in to vote from 1 IP are in fact those individual 5-6 people and that they aren't being forced or levied to vote a given way.

Like, say, if somewhere were living at home with a parent who is a Trump supporter. How does the government verify that the parent isn't hovering over the person demanding they vote Trump or get thrown out onto the streets? Likewise, what if that parent took all their kids' SSNs and used them to vote for their candidate?

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Re: Vic Mignogna

Post by Peach » Mon Feb 17, 2020 4:13 pm

I got such sanctification when i went to the Motor City Comic Con in Michgan and saw Vic's booth across from Rob Schneider's with no people in line. Even before companies parted ways with Vic, i think people were getting burnt out from him being a guest at literally every anime convention for years and years

At the same time, he's built up a small, yet extremely loyal group of fangirls and fanboys that thinks his shit doesn't stink and he can do no wrong. These people are using the same alt right/republican talking points people did with Justice Kavanaugh. Except there's much more proof, and more recent proof, of Vic's wrong doing.

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Re: Vic Mignogna

Post by Planetnamek » Mon Feb 17, 2020 4:48 pm

Polyphase Avatron wrote: Mon Feb 17, 2020 3:23 pm I'd vote for a dead cow over Trump TBH.
Yeah and one thing I will give Sanders credit for is that he said he would support whoever won the democratic nomination, too bad a decent chunk of his supporters most likely won't do the same, i've already seen a few ignorant clods with a lot of followers on social media doing that tired old "Bernie or bust" nonsense that was part of the reason agent orange came into power in the first place.
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Re: Vic Mignogna

Post by SHINOBI-03 » Mon Feb 17, 2020 5:11 pm

Gentle reminder that this thread is about a (former) Dragon Ball voice actor. :P
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Re: Vic Mignogna

Post by Planetnamek » Mon Feb 17, 2020 5:30 pm

SHINOBI-03 wrote: Mon Feb 17, 2020 5:11 pm Gentle reminder that this thread is about a (former) Dragon Ball voice actor. :P
Fair enough, though having looked through this thread for months well before I officially joined this forum, I can see this is definitely not the first time this thread has gone off into other tangents.

Getting back to the topic, I was bummed to hear that Marzgurl was actually afraid to go out in public for a bit because of how relentless the Vic stans were in going after her.
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Re: Vic Mignogna

Post by Dbzfan94 » Mon Feb 17, 2020 9:33 pm

Scsigs wrote: Mon Feb 17, 2020 10:12 am
Dbzfan94 wrote: Sun Feb 16, 2020 9:36 pm
Planetnamek wrote: Sun Feb 16, 2020 9:05 pm Except they don't always, I remember Matt and Trey's lame-ass excuses for not covering Trump a few years ago. So I never bought into that line of reasoning that SP fans keep telling me.
They turned Mr. Garrison into a full on parody of Trump though. What are you talking about?
Unfortunately, that resulted in the worst season of the show that holds up extremely poorly, but started out very promising. I really wish they hadn't done that season the way they did. Hinging on Hilary winning the election to make all of the plot threads, messages, & themes (some of which, like the member berries, being absolutely awful) of a season of your show was BEGGING for disaster. It was the ultimate gamble. Not a lot of people liked either candidate for various reasons, so it's no surprise when Trump won that everything crumbled from under them.
Yeah, it was a messy year for them. The seasons where they tried overarching plots in general were pretty bad.
