At its core, why is Dragon Ball so loved?

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Re: At its core, why is Dragon Ball so loved?

Post by LoganForkHands73 » Thu Jul 22, 2021 5:55 pm

I mean, while I usually lurk during political debate and I'm not exactly a card-carrying fan of the trend of it being brought into nearly every discussion, banning those topics entirely would be pretty draconian... and probably quite boring. Folks here being slightly more politically conscientious of how they consume media than they generally were ten/fifteen years ago isn't a bad thing.

Nerd circles are among the many, many countless subculture spheres infiltrated by the right wing grift, though they're probably the most visible online. Oh, so you're a fan of '70s British punk rock? Sorry, John Lydon's been convinced to support Trump because right wingers are actually the cool ones now, don'tchaknow -- get with the program! Like hanging around Trans Twitter circles? Good luck discerning an actual Trans person from a flamebaiting troll. Fan of, I dunno, atheist YouTubers ranting about organised religion? Good luck finding one who didn't sell out to anti-SJW pandering in the mid-2010s.

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Re: At its core, why is Dragon Ball so loved?

Post by PurestEvil » Thu Jul 22, 2021 5:58 pm

Adamant wrote: Thu Jul 22, 2021 4:47 pm A big part of why this forum changed from a Dragonball forum to a "politics as they pertain to Dragonball" forum is precisely because the admins did NOT handle things the right way, which would have been to put a blanket ban on any kind of political discussions.
The Dragon Ball political discussions would be fine as long as the users spoke with even a little shred of courtesy.
And besides, I believe that the trend of discussing sexism in DB has since ebbed.
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Re: At its core, why is Dragon Ball so loved?

Post by Soppa Saia People » Thu Jul 22, 2021 5:59 pm

the day any josei series gets popular with most anime fans is the day you know hell is frozen over. cus like even ignoring like slice of life seinen stuff, i think a fair amount of seinen is decently popular in most anime communities, akira obviously is and always will be really popular, a lot of those mid 00s clamp manga like xxxHolic (which eventually ran in a shounen magazine but still), chobits, kobato. are always gonna be pretty popular, madoka is still incredibly popular, and even stuff like sangatsu is like one of the higher rated shows on mal or whatever. but with josei it's like, chihayafuru is decently popular, honey and clover kinda has a presence among weebs and then it's like...the gay stuff (a lot of which is shoujo anyway), and absolutely nothing pre 2000s. shout out akiko higashimura!

edit : i meant to quote a post with this cus now it's just kinda in the void lol :S
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Re: At its core, why is Dragon Ball so loved?

Post by Raki » Thu Jul 22, 2021 9:47 pm

Dragonball for me has always been a fun show to watch. Goku succeeds after failing and I think that is something the average person can relate to.
The series doesn't start with the arrival of Raditz. Stop being lazy and watch Dragonball.

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Re: At its core, why is Dragon Ball so loved?

Post by Kunzait_83 » Thu Jul 22, 2021 10:09 pm

Adamant wrote: Thu Jul 22, 2021 4:47 pmA big part of why this forum changed from a Dragonball forum to a "politics as they pertain to Dragonball" forum is precisely because the admins did NOT handle things the right way, which would have been to put a blanket ban on any kind of political discussions.
As I recall, the most major thread that initially opened up much of the dams of political discourse on here was the Vic Mignogna thread. Which was left open by the admins for as long as it was (rightly or wrongly) for what I understood to be specific reasons at the time. I've mixed emotions about it myself, but ultimately there's a LOT of dark, gross shit buried within parts of this community that it ultimately uncovered, and I tend to generally be of the view that its ultimately better to have shit exposed to daylight than be allowed to continue to fester in the shadows.

Adamant wrote: Thu Jul 22, 2021 4:47 pmCertain other communities did that, and those communities remain extremely apolitical and focused on the actual topic intead of contantly getting threads derailed into off-topic political fights.
First of all, its not like there weren't PLENTY of threads and topics throughout this forum that derailed off-topic PLENTY before. The main thing that's changed is that now political topics are among the myriad of off-topic digressions added to the list of things that certain threads derail into. Whereas before, it was generally just other nerd and children's franchises outside of Dragon Ball (or outside of anime in general for that matter).

Lets not pretend like this forum was ever WHOLLY 100% focused at ALL times on just Dragon Ball alone without threads EVER going off topic into non-DB territory. Because that was NEVER the case.

And secondly, I don't really agree that it was preferable when this place was 100% "apolitical" before. For one thing, and god knows there's still a whole TON of stuff I disagree vehemently with her on, but Julie's nonetheless 1000% correct when she says that NOTHING in this world is EVER truly "apolitical". Every facet of life, up to and very much including entertainment and media (and yes, even many of our precious and beloved "nerd" properties), is in SOME way political in nature. Oftentimes even the act of trying to be apolitical can often in and of itself be taking an inherently political stance, like it or not.

Ultimately the way I see it, this was nearly always, from close to day one almost, a community that was filled with ENTIRELY too many unbelievably sheltered, ignorant people who didn't know or care about shit from fuck about the real world outside of kids' cartoons and kids' media: and for both good and bad, the past 5 years or so have dragged a LOT of this community, very much kicking and screaming, into the real, adult world; albeit WAY too damned belatedly and in a predictably VERY ugly and messy fashion.

Some kind of a serious reckoning with how willfully insulated and walled off from the real world a lot of this community's makeup has been was always a long, LONG time coming, and pretty much an inevitability that was ALWAYS bound to happen at SOME point and in SOME form or fashion.

Should go without saying that I'd have obviously MUCH preferred that said reckoning didn't come in the form of a white nationalist astroturfing campaign that specifically targeted these kinds of online anime/gaming nerd spaces broadly... but sadly, that's how it ultimately played out and here we are roughly 5 or 6 years later into the aftermath of it, still sifting through the rubble and dealing with all the consequences of it.

But ultimately, while I obviously don't want this forum to devolve into a mess of constant political bickering every five seconds (and contrary to what some folks seem to think, I don't think its gotten nearly quite THAT bad just yet: things generally stay on the topic of Dragon Ball about as much as they ever have around here; we've simply added political topics to the list of things that might come up when threads derail outside of DB: which again, they ALWAYS have before previously), I don't in any way agree with it having been "better" when a vast bulk of this community was as willfully ignorant of the real world outside of children's media as it was before the past 5 or 6 years now.

That level of real world ignorance that defined so much of this community beforehand is in fact PRECISELY why the sudden, abrupt, and FAR too belated "political awakening" of so many folks in this place was as ugly and grotesque and horrible as it was in the first place: people all across anime/gaming nerd communities like this one got suckered into joining a far right wing online cult in no small part BECAUSE OF how absurdly ignorant of the real world and how historically illiterate they were just several short years previously.

To me, going back to the so-called "good old days" of when this community was "apolitical" means also going back to a time when the average person here didn't have the first fucking clue about even INCREDIBLY major, historic global events and figures from the VERY recent past, and needed complete rando nobodies online like myself to have to pick up where their parents and teachers had obviously failed them miserably and have to spoon feed what should've been 1st through 3rd grade level Social Studies to them well into their 20s.

And a guy like me, for all my faults, is at bare minimum at least a genuine, honest, reasonably educated and read, regular person and not a Neo Nazi recruiter: imagine how many people like this had their real world/political/civics/world news/history bubble first popped online (often in places like 4chan or in similar anime/gaming nerd forums like this one) by someone who was actually working as a staffer for Stormfront or the Daily Stormer and the like (or even more common, by someone further down the pipeline who was already radicalized by those people beforehand, and so on). The answer to that question is in fact "waaaaaaay too fucking many" to the point where we now find ourselves where we currently are with this stuff.

Adamant wrote: Thu Jul 22, 2021 4:47 pmA lot of people have left because they disliked how it was no longer possible to discuss Dragonball here without the thread being very likely to be hijacked by a political debate of some sort, which was NOT the norm here in the past, and the admins' modding deserves a ton of credit for that happening.

It may have been handled better than some other places. But it was not handled well. At all.
On the one hand, I should apologize, I don't mean to extend TOO much credit to the modding team here and make apologetics for their own failures. Were mistakes made by them? Abso-fucking-lutely. Could things have been handled better by them? Without a doubt.

On the other hand though, I must reiterate that compared to a LOOOOOT of other forums I've seen and how THEY'VE devolved over the past few years now? To the point where a lot of them don't even fucking exist anymore and have shuttered as a result? This place is still more or less relatively intact and hasn't been corroded into a total wasteland nightmare, and a LOT of would-be trolls, shit-stirrers, and bad faith users that started coming out of the woodwork here were definitely banned and purged en masse.

All throughout, we've had some ugly-ass blowouts and dumpster fire threads around here for certain: like I said, this place was NEVER going to escape the post-GamerGate, post-Alt Right, post-MAGA landscape 100% unscathed. Not with the makeup of total naive, gullible-ass obliviousness and lack of critical engagement with the world that I'd been seeing from much of the core community here for so many years long prior to all that.

But end of the day, the place is still standing, much of the core userbase remains, and we're all still talking Dragon Ball in more or less the same fashion we were beforehand: basically, we've weathered a LOT of the storm, and the place is still standing (albeit with a lot of dings and dents).

And like I said previously, the "halcyon" days of this site being largely filled with intelligent and informed discourse on the series had begun to wane WELL long many years before things got more overtly political, so I don't in any way blame THAT for the IQ drop across a lot of threads.

Kunzait's Wuxia Thread
Journey to the West, chapter 26 wrote:The strong man will meet someone stronger still:
Come to naught at last he surely will!
Zephyr wrote:And that's to say nothing of how pretty much impossible it is to capture what made the original run of the series so great. I'm in the generation of fans that started with Toonami, so I totally empathize with the feeling of having "missed the party", experiencing disappointment, and wanting to experience it myself. But I can't, that's how life is. Time is a bitch. The party is over. Kageyama, Kikuchi, and Maeda are off the sauce now; Yanami almost OD'd; Yamamoto got arrested; Toriyama's not going to light trash cans on fire and hang from the chandelier anymore. We can't get the band back together, and even if we could, everyone's either old, in poor health, or calmed way the fuck down. Best we're going to get, and are getting, is a party that's almost entirely devoid of the magic that made the original one so awesome that we even want more.
Kamiccolo9 wrote:It grinds my gears that people get "outraged" over any of this stuff. It's a fucking cartoon. If you are that determined to be angry about something, get off the internet and make a stand for something that actually matters.
Rocketman wrote:"Shonen" basically means "stupid sentimental shit" anyway, so it's ok to be anti-shonen.

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Re: At its core, why is Dragon Ball so loved?

Post by MasenkoHA » Thu Jul 22, 2021 10:31 pm

It would be downright impossible to just talk about Dragon Ball and only Dragon Ball without getting into real life social politics.

If a discussion about Dragon Ball’s writing for women or a discussion about Mr.Popo or General Blue comes up it’s impossible to talk about what issues those characters bring without talking about real world social dynamics. Things don’t exist in a vacuum. You can’t possibly discuss why people have a problem with Roshi without bringing up real world context.

As far as other entertainment being brought up on this forum I think it’s just natural when talking about Dragon Ball other pieces of media entertainment are going to be brought up. If we’re talking about Dragon Ball’s censorship in America other kids anime that got censored are going to get brought up, if we talk about Dragon Ball copious amount of filler, other shows with a lot of filler will be brought up for comparison. Dragon Ball derives so much from pop cultures its influences are going to get brought up be it Journey to the West or Terminator or Superman or Frankenstein or Kamen Rider or old school Jackie Chun flicks.

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Re: At its core, why is Dragon Ball so loved?

Post by PurestEvil » Fri Jul 23, 2021 5:09 am

MasenkoHA wrote: Thu Jul 22, 2021 10:31 pm Jackie Chun flicks.
Mr. Roshi was a movie star?
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Re: At its core, why is Dragon Ball so loved?

Post by MasenkoHA » Fri Jul 23, 2021 6:50 am

PurestEvil wrote: Fri Jul 23, 2021 5:09 am
MasenkoHA wrote: Thu Jul 22, 2021 10:31 pm Jackie Chun flicks.
Mr. Roshi was a movie star?
Damn typos 🤣

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Re: At its core, why is Dragon Ball so loved?

Post by Spadexxione » Sun Jul 25, 2021 3:38 am

Kunzait_83 wrote: Thu Jul 22, 2021 10:09 pm
Adamant wrote: Thu Jul 22, 2021 4:47 pmA big part of why this forum changed from a Dragonball forum to a "politics as they pertain to Dragonball" forum is precisely because the admins did NOT handle things the right way, which would have been to put a blanket ban on any kind of political discussions.
As I recall, the most major thread that initially opened up much of the dams of political discourse on here was the Vic Mignogna thread. Which was left open by the admins for as long as it was (rightly or wrongly) for what I understood to be specific reasons at the time. I've mixed emotions about it myself, but ultimately there's a LOT of dark, gross shit buried within parts of this community that it ultimately uncovered, and I tend to generally be of the view that its ultimately better to have shit exposed to daylight than be allowed to continue to fester in the shadows.

Adamant wrote: Thu Jul 22, 2021 4:47 pmCertain other communities did that, and those communities remain extremely apolitical and focused on the actual topic intead of contantly getting threads derailed into off-topic political fights.
First of all, its not like there weren't PLENTY of threads and topics throughout this forum that derailed off-topic PLENTY before. The main thing that's changed is that now political topics are among the myriad of off-topic digressions added to the list of things that certain threads derail into. Whereas before, it was generally just other nerd and children's franchises outside of Dragon Ball (or outside of anime in general for that matter).

Lets not pretend like this forum was ever WHOLLY 100% focused at ALL times on just Dragon Ball alone without threads EVER going off topic into non-DB territory. Because that was NEVER the case.

And secondly, I don't really agree that it was preferable when this place was 100% "apolitical" before. For one thing, and god knows there's still a whole TON of stuff I disagree vehemently with her on, but Julie's nonetheless 1000% correct when she says that NOTHING in this world is EVER truly "apolitical". Every facet of life, up to and very much including entertainment and media (and yes, even many of our precious and beloved "nerd" properties), is in SOME way political in nature. Oftentimes even the act of trying to be apolitical can often in and of itself be taking an inherently political stance, like it or not.

Ultimately the way I see it, this was nearly always, from close to day one almost, a community that was filled with ENTIRELY too many unbelievably sheltered, ignorant people who didn't know or care about shit from fuck about the real world outside of kids' cartoons and kids' media: and for both good and bad, the past 5 years or so have dragged a LOT of this community, very much kicking and screaming, into the real, adult world; albeit WAY too damned belatedly and in a predictably VERY ugly and messy fashion.

Some kind of a serious reckoning with how willfully insulated and walled off from the real world a lot of this community's makeup has been was always a long, LONG time coming, and pretty much an inevitability that was ALWAYS bound to happen at SOME point and in SOME form or fashion.

Should go without saying that I'd have obviously MUCH preferred that said reckoning didn't come in the form of a white nationalist astroturfing campaign that specifically targeted these kinds of online anime/gaming nerd spaces broadly... but sadly, that's how it ultimately played out and here we are roughly 5 or 6 years later into the aftermath of it, still sifting through the rubble and dealing with all the consequences of it.

But ultimately, while I obviously don't want this forum to devolve into a mess of constant political bickering every five seconds (and contrary to what some folks seem to think, I don't think its gotten nearly quite THAT bad just yet: things generally stay on the topic of Dragon Ball about as much as they ever have around here; we've simply added political topics to the list of things that might come up when threads derail outside of DB: which again, they ALWAYS have before previously), I don't in any way agree with it having been "better" when a vast bulk of this community was as willfully ignorant of the real world outside of children's media as it was before the past 5 or 6 years now.

That level of real world ignorance that defined so much of this community beforehand is in fact PRECISELY why the sudden, abrupt, and FAR too belated "political awakening" of so many folks in this place was as ugly and grotesque and horrible as it was in the first place: people all across anime/gaming nerd communities like this one got suckered into joining a far right wing online cult in no small part BECAUSE OF how absurdly ignorant of the real world and how historically illiterate they were just several short years previously.

To me, going back to the so-called "good old days" of when this community was "apolitical" means also going back to a time when the average person here didn't have the first fucking clue about even INCREDIBLY major, historic global events and figures from the VERY recent past, and needed complete rando nobodies online like myself to have to pick up where their parents and teachers had obviously failed them miserably and have to spoon feed what should've been 1st through 3rd grade level Social Studies to them well into their 20s.

And a guy like me, for all my faults, is at bare minimum at least a genuine, honest, reasonably educated and read, regular person and not a Neo Nazi recruiter: imagine how many people like this had their real world/political/civics/world news/history bubble first popped online (often in places like 4chan or in similar anime/gaming nerd forums like this one) by someone who was actually working as a staffer for Stormfront or the Daily Stormer and the like (or even more common, by someone further down the pipeline who was already radicalized by those people beforehand, and so on). The answer to that question is in fact "waaaaaaay too fucking many" to the point where we now find ourselves where we currently are with this stuff.

Adamant wrote: Thu Jul 22, 2021 4:47 pmA lot of people have left because they disliked how it was no longer possible to discuss Dragonball here without the thread being very likely to be hijacked by a political debate of some sort, which was NOT the norm here in the past, and the admins' modding deserves a ton of credit for that happening.

It may have been handled better than some other places. But it was not handled well. At all.
On the one hand, I should apologize, I don't mean to extend TOO much credit to the modding team here and make apologetics for their own failures. Were mistakes made by them? Abso-fucking-lutely. Could things have been handled better by them? Without a doubt.

On the other hand though, I must reiterate that compared to a LOOOOOT of other forums I've seen and how THEY'VE devolved over the past few years now? To the point where a lot of them don't even fucking exist anymore and have shuttered as a result? This place is still more or less relatively intact and hasn't been corroded into a total wasteland nightmare, and a LOT of would-be trolls, shit-stirrers, and bad faith users that started coming out of the woodwork here were definitely banned and purged en masse.

All throughout, we've had some ugly-ass blowouts and dumpster fire threads around here for certain: like I said, this place was NEVER going to escape the post-GamerGate, post-Alt Right, post-MAGA landscape 100% unscathed. Not with the makeup of total naive, gullible-ass obliviousness and lack of critical engagement with the world that I'd been seeing from much of the core community here for so many years long prior to all that.

But end of the day, the place is still standing, much of the core userbase remains, and we're all still talking Dragon Ball in more or less the same fashion we were beforehand: basically, we've weathered a LOT of the storm, and the place is still standing (albeit with a lot of dings and dents).

And like I said previously, the "halcyon" days of this site being largely filled with intelligent and informed discourse on the series had begun to wane WELL long many years before things got more overtly political, so I don't in any way blame THAT for the IQ drop across a lot of threads.
Man you're a hateful leftist, where have you even seen alt right posts? All I've seen on this forum are people saying that capitalism is the source of all the world's problems and other people that want women to be the main characters in dragon ball to urther their feminist agenda. Who gives you the right to judge people that come on a Dragon Ball forum to talk just about Dragon Ball? Also things can definetly be not political, people that consume them see them as political. How do you even know the real life experiences of those people enough to tell that they don't know anything about the real world? Is it just because you are on the side that you think is right and all people who disagree with you are wrong? This forum is as real disappoinment, I thought I could come here and discuss about actual DB news but every thread turns into a shitshow of people who argue about who is morally superior and say asinine things, and when it gets political almost only right wing people are banned for completely reasonable views. Excuse me but I think DB doesn't need transgender, female, black or whatever group of the week representation, and I don't think Roshi should be killed for his sexualharassment, and I don't think it is a sexist manga, not every piece of media needs to have women as important charactes. I've seen posts on here posting straight and gay sexual fanart of characters and talking about how Vegeta is definetly a sub and gets pegged by Bulma and saying things that wouod label them as sexist and probably banned if they were directed towards women. I'm sorry but enough is enough this sub became feminist, gynocentric and whenever you talk about issues that men have you are labeled a MRA asshole,it's completely one sided and delusional even about the way women were treated in the past,(not saying it was exactly good but normal men lived like shit too) not that I ever wanted to talk about shit like that here. This could have been an awesome forum and even more impressive for its longevity since there are members like you that are here from the nineties but I guess that ship sailed. I know how you'll label me if you ever reply but try to not see things only from your perspective and see both sides like I try to. I look forward to your insults and to probably being banned. I'm out

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Re: At its core, why is Dragon Ball so loved?

Post by PurestEvil » Sun Jul 25, 2021 9:06 am

Spadexxione wrote: Sun Jul 25, 2021 3:38 am Snip
You, a newbie who joined 5 months ago, are questioning the observations a 10+ year-long user made throughout his whole experience on this forum?
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Re: At its core, why is Dragon Ball so loved?

Post by JulieYBM » Sun Jul 25, 2021 9:30 am

I actually complained once about the double-standard of topless men being allowed in the Sexy Fan Art Thread but not topless women. I was then basically told to deal with it by a user whose name I can't remember, so yeah, the idea of what counts as inappropriate is pretty firmly rooted in a cishet male gaze on a societally systemic level and that has sometimes slipped out here from the user base.

Anyway, time to go be a marginalized group of the week on a very special episode.
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Re: At its core, why is Dragon Ball so loved?

Post by MasenkoHA » Sun Jul 25, 2021 10:44 am

Spadexxione wrote: Sun Jul 25, 2021 3:38 am [I know how you'll label me if you ever reply but try to not see things only from your perspective and see both sides like I try to.
While your entire performative piece was a riot this was by far the most hilarious part.

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Re: At its core, why is Dragon Ball so loved?

Post by Polyphase Avatron » Sun Jul 25, 2021 11:08 am

Spadexxione wrote: Sun Jul 25, 2021 3:38 amtalking about how Vegeta is definetly a sub and gets pegged by Bulma
Without even looking I can easily guess who made that post. :roll:
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Re: At its core, why is Dragon Ball so loved?

Post by JulieYBM » Sun Jul 25, 2021 11:30 am

Polyphase Avatron wrote: Sun Jul 25, 2021 11:08 am
Spadexxione wrote: Sun Jul 25, 2021 3:38 amtalking about how Vegeta is definetly a sub and gets pegged by Bulma
Without even looking I can easily guess who made that post. :roll:
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Re: At its core, why is Dragon Ball so loved?

Post by Grimlock » Sun Jul 25, 2021 11:46 am

Spadexxione wrote: Sun Jul 25, 2021 3:38 amExcuse me but I think DB doesn't need transgender, female, black or whatever group of the week representation, and I don't think Roshi should be killed for his sexualharassment, and I don't think it is a sexist manga, not every piece of media needs to have women as important charactes.
It's not about necessity, it's about world. The world is like that, there are people of every kind so why there should be entertainment that satisfy only a certain group? If you will feel so offended if Dragon Ball represents a transgender, female, black, maybe you should get some help.

To be honest, I particularly don't think we need people like you who thinks like this, but there you are. Can't you at least try to live with it? It is what it is, we either accept it and respect it, or we simply ignore and life moves on, you know. And yes, Muten Roshi should be killed. Nothing more or good can come from a character like that. Retire him permanently already.

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Re: At its core, why is Dragon Ball so loved?

Post by JulieYBM » Sun Jul 25, 2021 11:49 am

Frankly, I always get upset when women and trannies and homos have something critical to say about one small aspect of my life, this 30 year old children's franchise I like.

(Disregarding people's lived experiences and how they influence their perception and analysis of art is kinda dehumanizing, pushes marginalized peoples out of fandom spaces by centering the fandom on the experiences and perceptions of non-marginalized people and waters down discussion).
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Re: At its core, why is Dragon Ball so loved?

Post by Polyphase Avatron » Sun Jul 25, 2021 12:55 pm

I just think it's off-putting to constantly post about your weird sexual fantasies. I have kinks too, believe it or not, but they're not something that's really appropriate to discuss in a public forum like this, so I don't. It would be fine in some kind of specialized forum focused on that kind of thing, but on Kanzenshuu? Keep it to yourself.
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Re: At its core, why is Dragon Ball so loved?

Post by JulieYBM » Sun Jul 25, 2021 1:14 pm

Polyphase Avatron wrote: Sun Jul 25, 2021 12:55 pm I just think it's off-putting to constantly post about your weird sexual fantasies. I have kinks too, believe it or not, but they're not something that's really appropriate to discuss in a public forum like this, so I don't. It would be fine in some kind of specialized forum focused on that kind of thing, but on Kanzenshuu? Keep it to yourself.
I think it's weird to disregard the role sexuality plays in our perception and understanding of art, most especially a work that centers so heavily on characters and making characters so likable that adult fandom cultures (Otaku) form and exist across decades. Anime and manga are inherently and historically imbued with sexuality, after all, and it is the basis of that that has led to Otakudom, said Otaku entering the professional and commercial arenas in the late 1970s up through today and spreads not just through Otaku-centric titles but inevitably over into works like Dragon Ball through the bringing on said Otaku into production fandom.

Clearly it's not something I want to be my personality or anything *side eyes 2016-2019 Julie* but it's inevitably going to come up considering the intertwined nature of gender, sexuality and art (Japanese or not).

Furthermore, society shames women (and queer fems especially) into burying their sexuality and that's definitely something I've struggled with a lot. Having a fan of a comic with a ton of horny bullshit honk their horn at me for making a joke in what is nominally an adult space about Vegeta being a switch for Blooma in the bed is kind of silly in my point of view but whatever.
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Re: At its core, why is Dragon Ball so loved?

Post by Polyphase Avatron » Sun Jul 25, 2021 1:32 pm

JulieYBM wrote: Sun Jul 25, 2021 1:14 pm
Polyphase Avatron wrote: Sun Jul 25, 2021 12:55 pm I just think it's off-putting to constantly post about your weird sexual fantasies. I have kinks too, believe it or not, but they're not something that's really appropriate to discuss in a public forum like this, so I don't. It would be fine in some kind of specialized forum focused on that kind of thing, but on Kanzenshuu? Keep it to yourself.
I think it's weird to disregard the role sexuality plays in our perception and understanding of art, most especially a work that centers so heavily on characters and making characters so likable that adult fandom cultures (Otaku) form and exist across decades. Anime and manga are inherently and historically imbued with sexuality, after all, and it is the basis of that that has led to Otakudom, said Otaku entering the professional and commercial arenas in the late 1970s up through today and spreads not just through Otaku-centric titles but inevitably over into works like Dragon Ball through the bringing on said Otaku into production fandom.

Clearly it's not something I want to be my personality or anything *side eyes 2016-2019 Julie* but it's inevitably going to come up considering the intertwined nature of gender, sexuality and art (Japanese or not).
Fair enough, but bringing it up all the time in completely unrelated discussions is unnecessary and unwanted.
Furthermore, society shames women (and queer fems especially) into burying their sexuality and that's definitely something I've struggled with a lot. Having a fan of a comic with a ton of horny bullshit honk their horn at me for making a joke in what is nominally an adult space about Vegeta being a switch for Blooma in the bed is kind of silly in my point of view but whatever.
You don't have to overcompensate for that by posting every sexual thought that enters your head, though. The same would apply if it was a cis straight guy constantly barging into every topic regarding the female characters and constantly posting his creepy fantasies about fucking them or whatever.
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Re: At its core, why is Dragon Ball so loved?

Post by JulieYBM » Sun Jul 25, 2021 1:41 pm

Polyphase Avatron wrote: Sun Jul 25, 2021 1:32 pm
JulieYBM wrote: Sun Jul 25, 2021 1:14 pm
Polyphase Avatron wrote: Sun Jul 25, 2021 12:55 pm I just think it's off-putting to constantly post about your weird sexual fantasies. I have kinks too, believe it or not, but they're not something that's really appropriate to discuss in a public forum like this, so I don't. It would be fine in some kind of specialized forum focused on that kind of thing, but on Kanzenshuu? Keep it to yourself.
I think it's weird to disregard the role sexuality plays in our perception and understanding of art, most especially a work that centers so heavily on characters and making characters so likable that adult fandom cultures (Otaku) form and exist across decades. Anime and manga are inherently and historically imbued with sexuality, after all, and it is the basis of that that has led to Otakudom, said Otaku entering the professional and commercial arenas in the late 1970s up through today and spreads not just through Otaku-centric titles but inevitably over into works like Dragon Ball through the bringing on said Otaku into production fandom.

Clearly it's not something I want to be my personality or anything *side eyes 2016-2019 Julie* but it's inevitably going to come up considering the intertwined nature of gender, sexuality and art (Japanese or not).
Fair enough, but bringing it up all the time in completely unrelated discussions is unnecessary and unwanted.
Furthermore, society shames women (and queer fems especially) into burying their sexuality and that's definitely something I've struggled with a lot. Having a fan of a comic with a ton of horny bullshit honk their horn at me for making a joke in what is nominally an adult space about Vegeta being a switch for Blooma in the bed is kind of silly in my point of view but whatever.
You don't have to overcompensate for that by posting every sexual thought that enters your head, though. The same would apply if it was a cis straight guy constantly barging into every topic regarding the female characters and constantly posting his creepy fantasies about fucking them or whatever.
I don't bring it up all the time, though. I've kept my posts pretty clean for about a year now (Disclaimer: I have the memory of a banana peel). Furthermore, I don't post every thought that pops into my head.

Jeez, I don't even remember making that Vegeta post. I just assumed it was me and went along with your posts because it was funny to me. 😆
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