Dragon Ball Super: Manga Chapter 82 - Official Discussion Thread

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Re: Dragon Ball Super: Manga Chapter 82 - Official Discussion Thread

Post by emperior » Sat Mar 19, 2022 1:27 pm

Lord Beerus wrote: Sat Mar 19, 2022 7:43 am To get back to the main point before I continue to ramble on -- I hope Goku's getting triggered of his last memories of Bardock and Gine don't lead to the sickly sentimental bullshit of "My parents... loved me?" or something of that tone to act as a segue into Goku attaining a unique version of Ultra Instinct. That's the kind of glurge bullshit that shonen manga over the past 20+ years have indulged in and Dragon Ball, at least in the manga, tactfully avoided. Not to mention shit like that would have such a negative ripple effect on some of the core themes of several arcs in the manga, as well as Goku's entire character development.
Yeah, that would be bad.

I would prefer it if this leads to Goku finding a new calmness in his heart, as if deep down that hidden memory of his was still messing up with his heart. Not emotional bullshit, just an acknowledgment that he feels much more serene now that he fully remembers all about his origins, and that he can 100% embrace them.

And if the new power-up is somehow related to something Bardock used against Gas, then so be it. I wouldn’t be against that.

(Could we also get more of Goku’s memories, like his first encounter with Gohan and that incident which led him to lose all his memories? He must have forgotten about those too, I think, and it would be cool to get some acknowledgment of Grandpa Gohan)
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Re: Dragon Ball Super: Manga Chapter 82 - Official Discussion Thread

Post by Miracles » Sat Mar 19, 2022 4:51 pm

TKA wrote: Fri Mar 18, 2022 2:54 pm Couple thoughts:

1. Hey, a chapter where shit happens. This should've been last month's. Maybe even the month before's.

2. Gas is finally getting traits that make him different from any generic "serious but strong" villain you'd get in a bad Toei movie or Dragonball Heroes.

3. This is potentially very fucking bad. Saying that Goku has unresolved issues because he can't remember stuff about his parentage is really fucking lame. Goku doesn't care about his saiyan heritage because he was raised on Earth. Bringing back up shit just to reference the movie and thrusting his father into a key role just because he's Goku's father is some lame determinism shit that the original manga went out of its way to shit on. Determinism tied to genetics isn't Dragonball.

3B. It fucking sucks to integrate so much Saiyan history into Goku's development when the whole crux of the conflict between him and Vegeta during the original manga was that Goku was a saiyan who didn't give 2 shits about any of Saiyan culture, and thus was unshackled, while Vegeta was the opposite.
That's the problem [Conflict] for Goku tho. Since he doesn't know his history or father [didn't even care to know as you stated], he can't stand up to Gas. Goku has neglected his true makeup for too long. Yes he was raised on earth, however, it does not change the fact that he has been determined to be a natural born Saiyan.

Goku has been using the given fighting gifts as a Saiyan his whole life. It's what always separated him from the rest of the earthlings since he was competing in tournaments as a child in Draganball [This was always pointed out too]. In order to develop further he has to embrace his true nature. This is why even in the Broly movie Toriyama made Goku acknowledge his Saiyan birth name "Kakarrott" after being inspired by Broly's awesome power.

Goku knowing who he was bred from and what was instilled into him will only help him develop UI in his own way. Whis is an angel, he acknowledges that. It's time for Goku to adhere to what he really is so he can get UI fully under control, under his own life-form; As a Saiyan.

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Re: Dragon Ball Super: Manga Chapter 82 - Official Discussion Thread

Post by Magnificent Ponta » Sat Mar 19, 2022 5:05 pm

Well, I have to agree with the general consensus that this is the best Chapter of the arc in some months (probably since Chapter 76, which on re-read is totally electrifying, to me). Of all the elliptical plot moves Super has made, this one is certainly the best, and the tone of the Chapter is a very welcome change, with its combination of levity and intensity - I'd like to see more of it in Dragon Ball Super, honestly. But also, the levity helped communicate something serious and thematically relevant, rather than simply being there for its own sake.

I'd like to return to a couple of suggestions I made about some of the thematic elements of the arc - firstly, in the main manga thread, I'd made a (slightly abstruse) suggestion that one's 'Innate Nature' is important to understanding some things about the arc (particularly with respect to Vegeta and Wagamama no Goku'i, and Goku and Migatte no Goku'i), and secondly, in the Chapter 78 discussion thread, I'd suggested 'Intel(ligence) vs. Instinct' was thematically important - 'intelligence' both in the sense of useful information that can be appropriately exploited ('intel'), and in the more general sense of a rational, controlling intellect that can make use of such information (particularly with respect to Elec's own role in the context of the Heeters). I'd drop the strictly oppositional aspect ("vs.") of the second part now, but I think this Chapter has solidified how important the idea of innate nature, and the interplay between the elements of Intel(ligence) and Instinct (with Instinct as a straightforward outgrowth of one's Nature), are for the arc. Also, I think it's particularly worth noting the role of memory as a carrier of intel(ligence), which in turn has an impact on one's own nature - this is all over this chapter, and, in retrospect, appears through the arc.

Gas, for instance, is partly characterised in this Chapter by the things that other people remember about him (the Bandit Brigade remember him as a scared little boy totally dependent on his big brother), and the things he remembers about himself (i.e., that he used to be the weakest of the Heeters, before Elec worked his will upon him) - this seems, in turn, to tell us that occupying the role of 'muscle' for the Heeters is not something that comes naturally to Gas, but is rather something that Elec chose for him a long time ago, just like he's been making similar choices for Gas all across the arc, fundamentally making Gas into something he isn't, because it suits Elec's plans (as Gas says, "Elec's will is absolute"). It seems likely that this Chapter foreshadows the eventuality that Gas had less capacity to become the strongest than even Granolah did, and will run out of time here, as Elec has impressed a sense of urgency a few times on Gas now, and seems to be showing the pressure as Goku continues to make Gas waste time. Elec's controlling intelligence has caused a problem by going against the innate, natural capacities and inclinations of his little brother. I'd also suggest that this also does something to explain why Gas is the way he is (i.e., a taciturn, scowling, apparently completely flat character): it's a pose that he thinks is appropriate to the role chosen for him (in the way of all brooding, uncommunicative Toriyama antagonists). But as this Chapter hints to us, this isn't actually his true nature. Being treated like he's a specific bodily appendage of the 'brain' that is Elec has tension with the fact of his own existence as an individual, with his own innate nature. If nothing else, this is likely to enforce his limits.

And, of course, the big development of the arc is founded on the memory of Bardock, as Monaito reveals a critical source of intel (Bardock's own Scouter), which reveals the memory of Bardock's fateful battle with Gas (more than what Monaito is able to tell us by his own personal memories, which have already been crucial to the development of the arc), and provokes further memory of Bardock in Goku (with the critical injunction to survive, and an unspecified amount of memory of Goku's own past). We also get the foreshadowing from Whis that this is going to reveal something to Goku about who he truly, innately is, and that this is going to fundamentally affect the way he approaches Ultra Instinct in the arc climax. I think this serves as a counterpoint to what Goku and Vegeta have been doing so far - Vegeta notes that "power derived solely from Instinct...is unbounded", but both Goku and Vegeta have also been engaging in a conscious, rational (i.e., intelligent) approach to how they wield these powers - namely, by imitation, rather than by true Instinct. Vegeta consciously imitates Beerus in his approach (for instance, a lot of people saw the similarity between Beerus's taunting Vegeta in Chapter 70 and Vegeta's taunting Granolah in Chapter 73), and he perceives his failure in Chapter 76 to be that he can't use the power like Beerus can, because he can't be like he used to be - he's trying to imitate Beerus (and also his former self) directly, rather than use the power in a way that suits his own true nature, even though, as he notes in Chapter 75, the power is innately within him. Similarly, in the last arc, Merus was Goku's direct exemplar, and Goku fell short at a critical juncture (he makes the comparison between himself and Merus at that time, supposing his shortcoming to be that "I need more God Power"), and in this arc, Whis told him "Copying me won't get you far. You must develop your own style" (Chapter 69) and compared the difference between Angels and Goku (Chapter 71), which has developed further and more specifically in this Chapter, as Whis has re-impressed the idea that they are fundamentally different beings, so Goku can't strive to be more like an Angel - he has to be more like himself.

Whatever that ends up being. The 'intel' he gets in the next Chapter will doubtless be critical to the development of his (Ultra) Instinct, which will benefit from being better-aligned with his own Innate Nature. I don't think there's much need for real concern on the part of the fanbase as to what that might be - as noted in this topic, the finding of tranquility in the midst of a jarring shock to the emotions is already established as crucial to Ultra Instinct, and is pretty likely to be relevant now - or the implication that it maybe makes Bardock 'too special' relative to Goku, because the arc has already done the work of telling us that the only reason Bardock was acting the way he did on that day, and therefore the way he did when he saved Goku also, was because of the Instinct that the infant Goku provoked in him - Goku did all this to Bardock, which is now rebounding on Goku himself in the present. One way or another, Goku's a 'self-made man' coming out of this, like he always was. And as we know from the end of Dragon Ball, he'll still be very much the same man - he'll simply be more in touch with himself. Again, how that exactly manifests itself remains to be seen.

There's more to say (I know, shocking, right) about all this when you bring in Granolah and the question of his own memory and the intel within it, flawed as it is, manipulated as it has been by misinformation from the Heeters/Monaito (but against which his own Instinct rebels, for instance, as he continues in the early part of the arc to have dreams about a day he thought was a closed issue that he 'knew' all about), and his own innate gifts as a Cerealian being brought forth in unexpected ways, even as he acts increasingly in a way that runs contrary to his true nature as he pursues his plan of vengeance (which is brought home to him in Chapter 76 in particular, as he becomes a destructive force that looks to the Suga-jin just like the Saiyans look to Granolah). Or the manipulation and acquisition of information (intel) by the Heeters in engineering the fight, stacking the deck in their favour by the intel (again, strictly memories) gleaned from OG73-I, and how this rubs up against, say, Gas's innate nature (both as covered above, and as seen in Chapter 80, where it's revealed that all the Heeters have an unthinking, savage True Nature when not brought under control), etc., etc. And you could probably discuss how Beerus's statement that "Before Creation comes Destruction" might relate to the general journey of this arc, too. But that'll do for now, I think.

So, when considering questions such as the following:
kemuri07 wrote: Fri Mar 18, 2022 11:39 amI mean, can anyone tell me what this arc has even been about.
I would suggest, at this point, that the arc pivots on two main questions.

The first, given the foregoing, is "What makes us who we really are?" The answer is big and varied, with innate nature (e.g. Goku and Ultra Instinct, the Heeters), 'family' and/or personal connections and their influence (e.g., The Heeters as a family, Goku and Bardock, Granolah with Monaito as his surrogate father and Oatmeel as his companion, Goku and Vegeta), our pasts generally (which obviously encompasses the arc as a whole as the characters bear their pasts in different ways), including things we've lost (e.g. Granolah, Monaito, Vegeta and Goku, who have lost their people/family), things we (think we) know (e.g. Granolah and the destruction of the Cerealians, Gas and his 'knowing who he is' as a member of a family), or remember (e.g. Monaito remembering the work of the Heeters and their threats), or learn (e.g., Goku and Vegeta's training, or the things revealed to Granolah and Goku as the arc progresses), and choices we make/goals we set ourselves (e.g. Granolah's decision to make his rash wish to be #1, and the general pursuit of that position in the arc), all coming to the forefront in the arc for various characters, at various times, and all of which feeds into the stuff covered about Innate Nature, Intel(ligence) and Instinct, which are the specific thematic ways in which this question is explored in the arc.

The second, given that this is Dragon Ball and fighting is always at the centre of everything, is "Why do we fight?" Again, various answers present themselves depending on the characters involved and the shifts in the plotting, which include (but are not limited to) to do business (e.g., Granolah, to earn money as a bounty hunter; the Heeters, to enrich themselves and gain pre-eminence in the wider Universe), to survive attack (e.g., Granolah, against Soshiru, the Cerealians, against the Saiyans), to validate ourselves (e.g. Vegeta, to prove himself the strongest, Gas, to show what he's really made of), to avenge wrongs (e.g. Granolah, throughout), for the sheer joy of it (e.g. Goku and Vegeta, most obviously and covered in depth in Chapter 74, but also all the Saiyans as a matter of course and in a more negative way), to improve ourselves (e.g. Goku, as a personal character lodestar), and to protect others (e.g., Bardock in the past, and Goku now).

And the various ways in which these two questions intersect and find concrete events to answer them, is one of the things about this arc that is keeping me thinking right now, and which I think I'm really going to enjoy on re-read.

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Re: Dragon Ball Super: Manga Chapter 82 - Official Discussion Thread

Post by capsulecorp » Sat Mar 19, 2022 5:43 pm

Magnificent Ponta wrote: Sat Mar 19, 2022 5:05 pm And as we know from the end of Dragon Ball, he'll still be very much the same man - he'll simply be more in touch with himself. Again, how that exactly manifests itself remains to be seen.
Great post, I think you're more or less spot on. I wanted to highlight this comment because I think it ties in to the question at the heart of DBS, at least to me: what happened inside of Goku that led him to become willing to train a student, Uub, for the first time?

Maybe that IS how this development manifests itself, in that he becomes comfortable enough and selfless enough (Goku is pretty selfish for most of his life!) to devote significant time to improving someone ELSE'S strength.

I do think this question is on Tori and Toyo's minds as well, especially when I remember the incredible panels of Goku staring down at Uub and Uub staring back up from the last arc.

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Re: Dragon Ball Super: Manga Chapter 82 - Official Discussion Thread

Post by TKA » Sat Mar 19, 2022 7:42 pm

Miracles wrote: Sat Mar 19, 2022 4:51 pmGoku knowing who he was bred from and what was instilled into him will only help him develop UI in his own way. Whis is an angel, he acknowledges that. It's time for Goku to adhere to what he really is so he can get UI fully under control, under his own life-form; As a Saiyan.
I don't know how to explain this clearer.

Yes, it's obvious this is the conflict Toyotaro is introducing to the character of Goku.

What should also be obvious is it runs counter to the original manga. This is introducing Western-style (re: greek-style) storytelling tropes where only people of noble birth can be of consequence because fate has deemed it so. Goku, as written by Toriyama, spat on that kind of genetic determinism by saying "I'm an Earthling." His saiyan blood means nothing and does not have any role in him as a person because the original manga firmly decided nurture is more important than nature.

Yes, Toyotaro can say Goku is going to find his saiyan heritage and this will make him a whole, complete person or some shit. Yes, this can be done well. But, again, is introducing this shit something that's necessary to Goku's character? It makes him more like every other shonen main character when he's supposed to be the one who makes trends.

It's fucking boring and trite, is what I'm saying. Of course, it could all be saved if next month Goku's like "Oh, that happened. Neat. Anyway," and that's the end of how much he cares. But it won't be because fanboys, which Toyotaro is even though he is in an official capacity now, need everything connected to the main character to be of the greatest importance.
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Re: Dragon Ball Super: Manga Chapter 82 - Official Discussion Thread

Post by LightBing » Sat Mar 19, 2022 7:47 pm

capsulecorp wrote: Sat Mar 19, 2022 5:43 pm
Magnificent Ponta wrote: Sat Mar 19, 2022 5:05 pm And as we know from the end of Dragon Ball, he'll still be very much the same man - he'll simply be more in touch with himself. Again, how that exactly manifests itself remains to be seen.
Great post, I think you're more or less spot on. I wanted to highlight this comment because I think it ties in to the question at the heart of DBS, at least to me: what happened inside of Goku that led him to become willing to train a student, Uub, for the first time?

Maybe that IS how this development manifests itself, in that he becomes comfortable enough and selfless enough (Goku is pretty selfish for most of his life!) to devote significant time to improving someone ELSE'S strength.

I do think this question is on Tori and Toyo's minds as well, especially when I remember the incredible panels of Goku staring down at Uub and Uub staring back up from the last arc.
The set up for Goku's teacher role was done long before Super.
It started when he trained Gohan to be his successor, which failed, then he left the responsibility to Goten and Trunks which failed as well. Oob is the next in line.
The bonus is Goku can mold the perfect opponent for him to play with, the selfish part.

The exponential power growth and the new rivals in Super makes Goku interest in Oob unlikely without a good reason.

I find it hard to believe anyone currently helping to write Super(manga and others) has any plan at all or care to connect any of this to the epilogue.

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Re: Dragon Ball Super: Manga Chapter 82 - Official Discussion Thread

Post by capsulecorp » Sat Mar 19, 2022 8:04 pm

LightBing wrote: Sat Mar 19, 2022 7:47 pm It started when he trained Gohan to be his successor, which failed, then he left the responsibility to Goten and Trunks which failed as well. Oob is the next in line.
When did he train Gohan exactly? Are you talking about the week or so of relaxation before the Cell fight?

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Re: Dragon Ball Super: Manga Chapter 82 - Official Discussion Thread

Post by mute_proxy » Sat Mar 19, 2022 8:09 pm

capsulecorp wrote: Sat Mar 19, 2022 8:04 pm
LightBing wrote: Sat Mar 19, 2022 7:47 pm It started when he trained Gohan to be his successor, which failed, then he left the responsibility to Goten and Trunks which failed as well. Oob is the next in line.
When did he train Gohan exactly? Are you talking about the week or so of relaxation before the Cell fight?
Umm.. A year in the time chamber?

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Re: Dragon Ball Super: Manga Chapter 82 - Official Discussion Thread

Post by capsulecorp » Sat Mar 19, 2022 8:28 pm

mute_proxy wrote: Sat Mar 19, 2022 8:09 pm
capsulecorp wrote: Sat Mar 19, 2022 8:04 pm
LightBing wrote: Sat Mar 19, 2022 7:47 pm It started when he trained Gohan to be his successor, which failed, then he left the responsibility to Goten and Trunks which failed as well. Oob is the next in line.
When did he train Gohan exactly? Are you talking about the week or so of relaxation before the Cell fight?
Umm.. A year in the time chamber?
Oh of course lol, they barely show it so I guess I didn't even think of that!

For what it's worth, I'd still draw a distinction between that, where they're training for the sake of survival, and the relationship between Goku and Uub, or Goku and Roshi, or Goku and Whis.
Last edited by capsulecorp on Sat Mar 19, 2022 8:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Dragon Ball Super: Manga Chapter 82 - Official Discussion Thread

Post by UpFromTheSkies » Sat Mar 19, 2022 8:31 pm

capsulecorp wrote: Sat Mar 19, 2022 8:04 pm
LightBing wrote: Sat Mar 19, 2022 7:47 pm It started when he trained Gohan to be his successor, which failed, then he left the responsibility to Goten and Trunks which failed as well. Oob is the next in line.
When did he train Gohan exactly?

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Re: Dragon Ball Super: Manga Chapter 82 - Official Discussion Thread

Post by emperior » Sat Mar 19, 2022 8:52 pm

TKA wrote: Sat Mar 19, 2022 7:42 pm His saiyan blood means nothing and does not have any role in him as a person because the original manga firmly decided nurture is more important than nature.
Are we sure? From the moment it was revealed that Goku is a Saiyan, many of his traits have been repurposed as Saiyan-traits. When fighting against Vegeta, he wonders why he’s excited, and he thinks it’s due to his Saiyan blood, etcetera.

Later he is able to become the strongest precisely because of his Saiyan blood, with Super Saiyan, but also thanks to the Saiyan trait of getting stronger after being driven to the brink of death and recovering.

Son Goku was the Saiyan raised on Earth. That’s what defined him. I don’t see how him suddenly regaining his lost memories alters any of that, unless he started to refer to himself as Kakarot and to go on a killing spree of the Sugarians living behind the corner (because this is the kind of shit that Saiyans, including Bardock, were doing). The focal aspect of the Saiyan-Earthling difference was also their deterministic point of view, ie Goku was a low class warrior and that was it. None of that has changed.

I think Goku regaining those memories is a very cool and unexpected twist. The hint was there in last month’s chapter but as far as I know nobody connected the dots. I just expect this to lead to a power up as Goku rediscovers everything about himself to find his inner nature. Which is great in my opinion.
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Re: Dragon Ball Super: Manga Chapter 82 - Official Discussion Thread

Post by Mr Baggins » Sat Mar 19, 2022 9:01 pm

emperior wrote: Sat Mar 19, 2022 1:27 pm I would prefer it if this leads to Goku finding a new calmness in his heart, as if deep down that hidden memory of his was still messing up with his heart. Not emotional bullshit, just an acknowledgment that he feels much more serene now that he fully remembers all about his origins, and that he can 100% embrace them.
That's my impression so far. I don't think any of this is being sappy or glorifying Goku's genetics, necessarily, but Ultra Instinct is all about peace of mind and Goku's been both curious and confused about his father ever since Monaito and Vegeta spilled the beans. It stands to reason they'd be connected under that context, which seems like an elegant way to do it without completely shitting on Goku's individualism.

But also, this chapter has "Toriyama" written all over it. Aside from the obvious gags, Bardock being a major (albeit indirect) influence on Goku's development has been an intended angle since Minus and was a particularly strong thematic point in Broly, the latter of which culminated in Goku nodding to his Saiyan birth name. This, to me, just feels like a continuation of that thread.

For better or worse, love it or hate it, I have no doubt that he's gonna show some level of appreciation for his dad when all is said and done. But I also don't think T&T are trying to imply what people think; Chapter 77 went out of its way to show us that it was Goku who rubbed off on Bardock first.

We shall see.
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Re: Dragon Ball Super: Manga Chapter 82 - Official Discussion Thread

Post by Lukmendes » Sun Mar 20, 2022 12:10 am

Tai Lung wrote: Sat Mar 19, 2022 12:22 pm Normal humans couldn't do anything... and Otto controlled himself a lot even when MJ denied the approaches, he accepted it
What does it matter if Otto "controlled himself" when he was doing a horrible Peter Parker impersonation that MJ really should've noticed?
and I don't know what you're talking about the avengers literally kidnapped him
Yeah, then they were like "hey we did some tests, you're okay, get the fuck outta here".

Otto does a piss poor job at impersonating either Peter and Spidey, and an even worse job than the impersonators who actually made an effort (Most noticeably Chameleon, who tried twice and both MJ and aunt May sniffed him out rather quickly), the plot requires everyone to become stupider for 30 issues for the story to keep going, which again, Otto doing a terrible job at impersonating Peter is bad enough, but remembering everytime someone else impersonated Peter/Spidey and they generally did a better job sniffing out the imposter, yeah...

Again, it wasn't far fetched to see people comparing its writing quality to a fanfiction, story's definitely a hit or miss kind, to put it very lightly lol.
LightBing wrote: Sat Mar 19, 2022 7:47 pm The set up for Goku's teacher role was done long before Super.
It started when he trained Gohan to be his successor, which failed, then he left the responsibility to Goten and Trunks which failed as well. Oob is the next in line.
The bonus is Goku can mold the perfect opponent for him to play with, the selfish part.

The exponential power growth and the new rivals in Super makes Goku interest in Oob unlikely without a good reason.

I find it hard to believe anyone currently helping to write Super(manga and others) has any plan at all or care to connect any of this to the epilogue.
Toyotaro did establish that Oob has Fat Kaioshin's "Godly power" for some reason (Not explained at all why Kid Boo has it when Fat Boo is the one who had fat Kaioshin absorbed), so that's something going on for Oob.

But regardless, even with that power, Goku being so interested in Oob is weird anyways, part of the point of End of Z is that the world has been peaceful in like forever and Goku is gonna groom his next fight buddy, and he hasn't been "this excited" in a long time, but having Super in mind makes that really questionable when the 10 years between Boo and and EoZ have been the most overfilled era in DB itself in the shortest amount of time, and with characters like Jiren and Broly in particular, the "godly power" better be super busted for Goku to care so much about Oob lol.
capsulecorp wrote: Sat Mar 19, 2022 8:28 pm Oh of course lol, they barely show it so I guess I didn't even think of that!

For what it's worth, I'd still draw a distinction between that, where they're training for the sake of survival, and the relationship between Goku and Uub, or Goku and Roshi, or Goku and Whis.
There was also 3 years before androids' arrival, though Piccolo is also there.

Besides those, Goku didn't have any opportunity, before saiyan saga Chi Chi wouldn't let him, after Cell saga he was dead, and after Boo Gohan didn't want to train anymore, and when he does want to train he goes after Piccolo.

Goku's character doesn't necessarily seem to care about training people, he only went after Oob and that's just to have another fight buddy on his pocket, if there isn't a random crisis coming, it seems that you have to ask him to train you for it to happen , something Gohan never does.
jjgp1112 wrote: Sat Mar 12, 2022 12:08 am My man, all Goku had to do was go SSJ3 and shock Vegeta so much the M on his head would have turned into an L and Buu would have never happened.

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Re: Dragon Ball Super: Manga Chapter 82 - Official Discussion Thread

Post by emperior » Sun Mar 20, 2022 3:44 am

Mr Baggins wrote: Sat Mar 19, 2022 9:01 pm
emperior wrote: Sat Mar 19, 2022 1:27 pm I would prefer it if this leads to Goku finding a new calmness in his heart, as if deep down that hidden memory of his was still messing up with his heart. Not emotional bullshit, just an acknowledgment that he feels much more serene now that he fully remembers all about his origins, and that he can 100% embrace them.
But also, this chapter has "Toriyama" written all over it. Aside from the obvious gags, Bardock being a major (albeit indirect) influence on Goku's development has been an intended angle since Minus and was a particularly strong thematic point in Broly, the latter of which culminated in Goku nodding to his Saiyan birth name. This, to me, just feels like a continuation of that thread.
I agree, this chapter felt incredibly Toriyama.

Even the art looked close to his, more than ever, to the point that I wonder if he touched up something? The two panels where Whis tells Goku to discover who he is, the noses look different from how Toyotaro usually draws them. I think it’s possible that Toriyama corrected both the dialogue and the art there.

Other instances are the panel with Vegeta trying the scouter, the panel with Monaito uncovering it, or the “see ya, Gas” panel. Those looked a bit different from usual, but Toyotaro is improving so much in his art that it’s likely it was all his.
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Re: Dragon Ball Super: Manga Chapter 82 - Official Discussion Thread

Post by Xeogran » Sun Mar 20, 2022 5:41 am

So about Oatmeel.. where did he get the upgrade all of a sudden? Isn't it kinda suspicious.. He's becoming more and more independent.

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Re: Dragon Ball Super: Manga Chapter 82 - Official Discussion Thread

Post by TKA » Sun Mar 20, 2022 5:44 am

This didn't feel Toriyama at all. I know, strange thing to say since different people experiences these subjective things differently. But this is a forum and we're all nerds arguing about things that are inherently subjective, so :P

Can you imagine a 3-week stretch of the dragonball manga where no twist occurs? This chapter is just the first in literal months where something has happened that feels like the plot is progressing, and even then a big chunk of the chapter was spent with more repetitive fight choreography.

This is the best chapter in 5 months, but that's more an indictment of where the manga is than this being amazing.
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Re: Dragon Ball Super: Manga Chapter 82 - Official Discussion Thread

Post by Gt91 » Sun Mar 20, 2022 10:29 am

Xeogran wrote: Sun Mar 20, 2022 5:41 am So about Oatmeel.. where did he get the upgrade all of a sudden? Isn't it kinda suspicious.. He's becoming more and more independent.
I thought the same thing.
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Re: Dragon Ball Super: Manga Chapter 82 - Official Discussion Thread

Post by Mr Baggins » Sun Mar 20, 2022 11:19 am

TKA wrote: Sun Mar 20, 2022 5:44 am Can you imagine a 3-week stretch of the dragonball manga where no twist occurs? This chapter is just the first in literal months where something has happened that feels like the plot is progressing, and even then a big chunk of the chapter was spent with more repetitive fight choreography.
When I say this chapter is heavy in Toriyama vibes, I'm referring to some of the general plot beats we're seeing this month. The pacing and delivery is 100% Toyotaro; he's the one drawing it, after all. And the last several months? All Toyotaro, IMO.

For any major story development, Toriyama takes just as much responsibility as his co-writer. An interview already made it clear that he wrote the outline for this arc (based on an initial pitch from Toyotaro). Toyotaro also implied that most of the story's riskier aspects tend to come from Toriyama.

I also mentioned a while ago that the Cerealian Dragon Balls felt like a Toriyama thing, which would later be confirmed. Personally, I don't think my intuition in this department has failed me just yet. :wink:
TKA wrote: Sun Mar 20, 2022 5:44 am This is the best chapter in 5 months, but that's more an indictment of where the manga is than this being amazing.
I agree with that much. This chapter was fun by itself, but all this just feels like a completely different story from the stuff we got pre-Gas.
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Re: Dragon Ball Super: Manga Chapter 82 - Official Discussion Thread

Post by OLKv3 » Sun Mar 20, 2022 2:39 pm

Xeogran wrote: Sun Mar 20, 2022 5:41 am So about Oatmeel.. where did he get the upgrade all of a sudden? Isn't it kinda suspicious.. He's becoming more and more independent.
Skynet arc is next

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Re: Dragon Ball Super: Manga Chapter 82 - Official Discussion Thread

Post by Bardock God of Time » Sun Mar 20, 2022 2:57 pm

If this leads to Goku deciding to revive Gine & Bardock (alongside Raditz probably), I feel like we could get a Planet Sadala arc where they all visit it.

At the end of that arc, maybe Bardock, Gine and Raditz decide to stay on Planet Sadala/in Universe 6. It would be a good way to bring back old characters and have fun character interactions (Gohan remeeting Raditz, Vegeta interacting with Raditz) but to also push them aside at the end kinda like they did with Future Trunks.

Who knows, maybe after the End of Z - Bardock & Gine have another kid (Goku gets another brother) and Raditz has a kid with a saiyan woman. (imagine if Raditz gets together with Caulifa :lol: )

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