A Different GT

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A Different GT

Post by Deus ex Machina » Sun Aug 01, 2004 8:56 pm

Wolfkids topic about how we would've changed DBZ inspired me to try a seperate topic along the same lines; since a lot of people were adding their ideas about GT while they were at it. I'm going to say what I think would've made GT great, and you can add your own. But please, no posts saying "Scrap GT altogether", it adds nothing to the conversation. If you do I'll slap you around with a big trout.

Black Star Dragonball Saga: I don't care what anyone else says; these early episodes were great to me. Transforming Goku into a child was the only conceivable way for Goku not to instantly kill every villian in the universe with a single blow.

Anyways, that being said I would've liked to have seen a few side plots happening on Earth. Maybe a few villians coming to Earth to seek revenge on Goku, etc.

Baby Saga: (Yes, it's BABY, not Bebi. The same trout slapping rule applies if you say Bebi)

Firstly; make General Rild's power reasonable. Saying that he's more powerful than Majin Boo, and then to have a child Goku as a SSJ fight with him is completly ridiculous. I would make him as powerful as perfect Cell, then atleast it would feasible.

Around this time Pan could've been showing more signs of having hidden powers, like Gohan did at her age. Like when she destroyed Nutt (the machine mutant from the Sigma Cannon); she got super pissed off and destroyed him, they could've hinted at some kind of SSJ transformation.

I would've liked to have seen a much more dramatic fight between Goku and the newly born Baby. Goku should've been forced to transform into SSJ3 to beat him, before Dr. Mu fled with the Baby parasite.

From there everything is pretty ok until Baby goes to Earth; either they should've explained that Gohan had somehow lost his power-up from the Old Kaioshin, or Baby should've stayed with Gohan instead of Vegeta. There's no way that Vegeta could've been more powerful than Gohan.

Fast forward to Fat Boo merging with Oob; but instead of becoming "Majoob" they would just become Majin Boo again. (Kid Boo at the same age of Oob, but now good instead of evil). The new Majin Boo would start beating Baby, until the evil Goten and Trunks fuse into an evil SSJ3 Gotenks and step in to save him. Gotenks would defeat Boo; Baby would become enraged that Gotenks inteferred and beat him nearly to death.

Goku returns after having his tail re-grown; fights Baby at SSJ3, but finds he still can't beat the Baby-possesed Gohan. Everything happens like it's supposed to; Goku transforms into a Super Ozaru, Baby backs off, Goku transforms into SSJ4.

Here I would change the definition of SSJ4. I would keep the design the same, but explain that it's not more powerful than SSJ3, but it allows Goku to reach his maximum power again now that he's an adult, and without the extremly draining effect of SSJ3. Baby would fight with Goku, getting his ass handed to him by Goku's new power until Baby reveals that his body is now fully matured, and now he no longer needs to steal bodies because he's much more powerful himself.

Baby would abandon Gohans body and fight Goku; the fight would go on a long time, Baby would start winning, everyone gives their energy to Goku, etc etc. At the end Goku would win, but choose to spare Baby's life because he had been created to hate all Saiyans for killing the Tuffels, and Goku hopes he would see that they weren't like that.

Baby leaves peacefully, everyone goes to planet Tuffel, Earth blows up, Piccolo dies, Namekian DB wish back the Earth. Everyone goes back. That's as far as I've thought about it; beyond that I wish Super 17 had a better character design, I would've liked to have seen SSJ4 Vegeta play a bigger role in helping defeat the Shadow Dragons, and better character designs for all the Dragons too.

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Post by SpaceKappa » Sun Aug 01, 2004 10:03 pm

I'm probably the only person in the entire universe who likes GT for what it is. It's a bit silly at times, yes, but it's entertaining to me. I like how everyone's not uberpowerful. They managed to keep Goku's fight with the Evil Dragon (the one who could make himself really hot, I forget his name, and I haven't watched it dubbed) inside a building!

I do like the idea of Pan's hidden power, a la Gohan, though. Pan's one of my favorite characters and I think they could have used her in better ways.

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Post by Detective X » Sun Aug 01, 2004 11:15 pm

BlackStar Dragonballs

Goku is turned into a child by the BlackStar Dragonballs. It is still set for Goten, Trunks, and Goku to go into space to find the Dragonballs, but Vegeta insists on coming along to make sure they don't mess up. Pan sneaks on board as well. Things go the same until they reach the robot planet (I don't remember the name). Rild fights Vegeta and everyone else goes to the main place after Gill. Vegeta kills Rild and Baby is released.

Baby Vegeta

Since Vegeta and Baby are already in close proximity, Baby takes over Vegeta successfully. Goten and Trunks fuse into Gotenks, and he handles Baby Vegeta very well. During this time, Goku explains the concept of fusion to Pan and teaches her the basics of the technique. Baby Vegeta, since Vegeta never really saw Gotenks and has no idea that it'll wear off soon, retreats into space with the gang following close behind. Baby lands on Earth and begins spreading his seeds into the Earthlings. The gang lands afterwards, and things go back as it was in GT.

I wish the Super 17 saga was more drawn out, and that the Evil Dragon saga was much better explained.[/i]
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Post by Izlude » Mon Aug 02, 2004 1:12 am

Blackstar DragonBalls

Just about the same, with ONE exception, Emperor Pilaf says "YOUR GOKU!? DAMNIT! What is with you!? I wish you got old like us!" And bam! Goku is turned into an old man!


But from there, everyone goes as planned...although Goku has difficulty fighting, always weezing, coughing, getting tired, he can only maintain super saiyan for five minutes, and he's completely lost the ability to go super saiyan 2 and 3! And also, he no longer can use Kaio Ken, making him even weaker!


Baby is unleashed upon the Earth, however, he goes to the strongest person on Earth...Herc...errr...Mr.Satan!!


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Post by SpiritBomb » Mon Aug 02, 2004 1:13 am

Heh..I just noticed that I basically said everything in the DBZ section that i'd change in GT. So,yeah, no Uub and more characters adventuring with them although I like your idea of having side stuff on earth. The characters are too lovable to just leave them out like that! I also higly agree with you,Deus, on how its a good thing that Goku is a kid. I mean, sometimes it just gets me ticked off how they're so powerful cause then you can just say "Why didint he do this....?" and stuff like that.
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Post by sailorspazz » Mon Aug 02, 2004 4:10 am

I also agree with the idea of more focus on the characters on Earth (maybe have Vegeta beat up Pilaf or something :lol: ) Hell, more Vegeta period would do it for me :wink: I also wish they would have done more with the female characters. Considering how easy it was for Trunks and Goten, Pan should have been able to go Super Saiyan. It would have been funny if Bra went Super Saiyan after Gohan destroyed her shopping (and then Vegeta would just chuck her away anyway :P ). They also could have brought back the long forgotten characters for more than just brief cameos. "Why, this looks like a job only Yamcha can handle!" OK, I'd have trouble thinking up situations where that would actually be the case, but it still would have been nice to see a slight reversal of the total Saiyan focus that started in DBZ.
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Post by B-kun » Mon Aug 02, 2004 7:07 am

Like Mizugi, I seem to be one of the only fans who actually liked GT for what it was. Though I agree with most of Deus's ideas, except that I've always gone under the belief that "Mystic" (almost typed "Mystique", damn X-Men obsession...) was just another stage of power you powered up into.. Like in movie 13, when Goku and Goten went into SSJ1, and Gohan made the same power-up motion, but he got a white aura. That's backs the theoryh up enough for me. >_>


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Post by oponok » Mon Aug 02, 2004 5:26 pm

READ: If you don't want to hear my rant, just read below the line on this post.

Firstly, I think Vegeta should've easily caught up with Gohan and surpassed him. Remember he was equal with Goku in SSJ2 at the end of the Buu era, which would put him on the brink of achieving SSJ3. In fact, I think Vegeta might even catch up with or surpass Goku, since, Vegeta's been training in some odd-times gravity while Goku's been playing around in the fields with Goten and, after the end of DBZ, Uub. Recall that we never see what any of the characters are capable of at the end of Z.

In MY GT, if I really felt it needed to exist (which it doesn't deserve), Goku would not be God. Yes, some other characters would have their glory days. In fact, I'd have Uub be the strongest character, since he has the power of Kid Buu, and now he's been trained by Goku, and is therefore stronger than anyone. In the end, HE would overcome the main villian.

The series wouldn't begin with the black star balls. That was silly and dumb. Again, in no way like real life like Dragonball Z is. Thus, Goku wouldn't turn into a kid. We've spent so many years of our lives watching him grow up and change that to have him revert to a kid is just awkward. He's not like he was when he was a child, innocent and goofy. He's hardened and more serious than he was in DB (nevermind in GT he's an overconfident prick). It just always seemed wierd and unnatural to me. In fact, I would have Goku gone missing for the first have of GT so all the other character have time to show they don't need him, now that Gohan is all growd up, Vegeta knows that "evil never wins" crap, and Uub has matured. Trunks and Goten would be SSJ2 or three by now. I only say this because they reached SSJ1 so long before, and had been training with their respective fathers since.

Also, none of the GT character designs would stay. Vegeta looks like white trash, Trunks looks like the biggest sissy this side of mullet-donning 80's rock bands, Bra looks like a whore whom other whores with prostitution degrees from Prostitution U on the whoriest day of the year would call a whore behind her back, Gohan sometimes looks more like Vegeta than Vegeta does, and everyone's bodies shrinks indoors.

Yes, Pan would be a SSJ, and so would Bra. Perhaps Bra could have her father's old arrogance, and would be Bra's rival. I never really liked Pan or Bra (well, GT Pan and Bra), but I feel they do need SOME place in GT.

And there would be no SSJ4. It's hideous and stupid.

Bebi "Saga"

Bebi would be redesigned (probably renamed, too...). Hell, I'd just forget Bebi existed. Goku fighting Vegeta is now tiresome, nevermind that the fight sucked and Bebi Vegeta looked like a cross between Buzz Lightyear and that crooked Superman clone that appeared after the real Superman died.

Onto the Super 17 saga then.

Now, let's get rid of Super 17. I do like the portal from hell thing. Let's make it so Babidi did it with his magic, or maybe he just enslaved all of Hell. And then he possesses pretty much every villian from Dragonball Z, making them even stronger (ie Majin Nappa, Majin Freeza, Majin Cell). I think it would be cool if "Tiencha" was actually in this saga, so Yamcha and Tien would be able to partake in GT in some way.

Evil Dragons or whatever...

The dragons were all really poorly thought up, so I'd have them all redesigned to be villians you'd actually want around in a Budokai game (I won't even blink if Atari tells us Omega isn't in Budoukai 3... or any GT character for that matter). I'd have it be hell on Earth, with the heroes seperating and fighting the various Dragons. Goten and Trunks fighting one (they would fuse into Gotenks, of course), Uub would fight the strongest, Vegeta and Goku would fight the second strongest, Gohan and Pan would fight one, Piccolo, Krillin, and 18 would fight one, "Tiencha" would fight one, and Fat Buu and Mr.Satan would fight one in a battle of both comedic and dramatic highlights. Goku and Vegeta would be forced to give up their lives to beat their opponent, ala Majin Vegeta vs. Buu (it may the first time a heroic sacrifice actually kills anything). The others would win their fights (maybe a couple of deaths), with Uub finishing last with a spirit bomb, as Goku actually TAUGHT him something, as at least I think he would have.

In the end, the dragon would appear as he did in GT, and would announce that the Dragonballs are going bye-bye (even though that never made sense to me...), so no more wishes for Goku, perverted communist pigs, or anybody. Anyway, Pan would secretly ask the dragon for a last wish: if he can't revive Goku, Vegeta, and whomever else all here and now, can he do it someday, so that she could see everyone again. Cut to the tournament some decades into the future. Pan is an old lady, Goku Jr's there, etc. However, when Vegeta Jr. appears, she notices something about the other youths in the tourney. They resemble Piccolo, Krillin, and the others, and remembers the wish she made. Then cue that charming "Dan Dan" song that doesn't seem relevant to Dragonball at all as various clips from the series are played over Goku Jr. and Vegeta Jr's fight.

Yeah, it's a stupid ending, but makes more sense than the GT we have now.


Now, I know many of you like GT the way it is, and I utterly changed it, so I now offer you my SECOND idea: A CONTINUATION in the tradition of our most beloved GT.

So Goku, now master of all space and time, shows up again. Don't need an explanation, this is GT. Forget what happened on the last episode. Anywho, Vegeta's alcoholism has really set in, his impressive physique now replaced by a beer belly, lanky arms, and short, thin legs, and he now weighs 350 pounds. He wears Hawaiian shirts, reading glasses, and has a comb over and only talks about hockey. Trunks now wears mascara and a pink skirt. Goten now works as an fashion manaquin for stores selling preppy kids clothing. Uub serves even less of a purpose, now unable to dress himself. So now everyone sucks even more but Goku, who no longer needs speak or move, as anything evil, whether now or 4000 years back in time or in the future, is immediately destroyed by no more than a single thought from Goku. Yep, he's infinitely powerful, and he need no longer move or speak. After a while, the Sons use him as a coat hanger and a door stop. There is no one stronger than Goku. Nope.

Suddenly, a great evil appears that's stronger than Goku! Gasp! And since it's GT, it has a huge chin, a stupid face, an origin that defies all previous plot information, and looks like a cross between a German World War I pilot and Snagglepuss. So Goku and... uh... his... friends *cough*... must stop this evil. Goku's held up in traffic or something, so it's up to the others! Vegeta's too busy talking about hockey, though, so it's up to the even MORE incompetent bunch! Goten is blown away immediately by the fiend's Ki, before even setting foot outside the house... 14,000 miles away. Gohan fires the same generic Ki blast that we all know never works, but it's no use! Out of ideas (after that one attack) Gohan remains behind the sidelines as Trunks is bitchslapped and impaled on something. Trunks is okay 2 seconds later and joins Gohan. Meanwhile, while painting his deck, Krillin randomly explodes! All hope seems lost until Goku arrives! Yippy! He turns SSJ4... blablabla... dumb plot twist... blabla... Trunks points out the obvious even though Goku, a master fighter, has completely overlooked it... blablabla... Goku, even in SSJ36, appears as though he can't win! Trunks and Goten suggest the fusion into Gotenks, but Goku explains that this would be too dynamic a plot element, and they must never speak of it again. Instead, they must give all their Ki to him. Trunks asks if he has to, and Goku pimp slaps him for his mutiny.... blablabla... Villian shoots horrible death ball. Vegeta, now ascended to true Saiyan power, vows to deflect the attack at all costs. He calmly stands in its path, the picture of raw power and tranquility. Suddenly, Goku tackles him out of the way, shouting, "NO! MY GLORY!" With that business out of the way, Goku then prepares to deflect the attack... blablabla... Goku's invincible... blabla... let's here it for Goku... blablablabla... Goku wins, there will be Christmas this year, after all.

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Post by Deus ex Machina » Mon Aug 02, 2004 8:10 pm

Wow, lots of really good ideas from everyone, especially for a series that most people hated. I especially like Oponoks idea of GT's continuation...you should work at Toei. However, you said the dreaded "Bebi", so...

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Post by Dayspring » Mon Aug 02, 2004 8:38 pm

I've only seen what YTV's aired, the Super 17 saga up to when Goku's ABOUT to fight him and the second to last Funi DVD so I can't make a decent opinion here, but I'd have Goku and Vegeta be older since yet another 5-10 years have gone by after Z, and I'd have what wants done to Goku (he'd look like my avy). As a result, Goku couldn't use SSJ3 at all anymore, and using SSJ2 would be as difficult to him now as SSJ3 was difficult in Z. Instead of SSJ4, I'd like to see Vegeta simply finally reach SSJ3.
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Post by Adamant » Mon Aug 02, 2004 8:57 pm

Eh, I haven't seen all of GT, but..

*Pan goes SSJ.
*Vegeta, Gohan, Uub and Piccolo fight. And win. Vegeta and Goku are about equal, Gohan is the strongest. Uub is somewhere between Gohan and Goku. And, um, Piccolo fuses with Dende, get a huge powerup, and becomes almost as strong as the others. Yay.
*No Gill.
*No stupid plot holes. Yeah, we'd have to rewrite the entire series, but whatever..

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Post by Jerseymilk » Mon Aug 02, 2004 9:19 pm

Just wondering what everyone has against Gill? I mean, I never minded him. I thought he was cute.
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Post by Spyderjsr » Tue Aug 03, 2004 12:51 am

Dear oponok;

I have honestly never laughed so hard at the mental images you put in my head with that last post. Freaking hilarious.

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Post by sailorspazz » Tue Aug 03, 2004 4:01 am

I don't have anything against Gill, either. He had his cute little moments (and then got killed, like, twice....geez, are you just a new character or running for Krillin here?) But I'm a fan of GT (blasphemy!), and a lot of the things that bug others about the series just don't bother me.

Oh, and oponok....oh my god, that was hilarious :lol: Seriously, you need to come to Japan and convince Toei of the brilliant move it would be to do another Dragonball series at this point. The franchise is going on twenty years old, and the fans need something new (besides the dozens of capsule machines that threaten to take my 100 yen coins at every turn *_*) We need more random Krillin explosions!
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Post by snen » Tue Aug 03, 2004 6:11 am

I like Oponok's continuation of GT XD That made me laugh out loud!

The plot of GT was bearable, but it would be so much better if some of the other characters were used properly and were more in character. And Goku not being god, like Oponok said.

I also think it would be funny if Vegeta was turned into a child too - imagine all the comedy you could get out of a situation like that! (Jokes about his height not changing, behaving like more of a baby than usual etc) Also, Goku and Vegeta wouldn't STAY as children, the effects of the black star DBs would wear off because they brought them back to earth on time, or because this is GT ^^;

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Post by parron » Tue Aug 03, 2004 1:14 pm

I also liked DBGT more-or-less as it was, but I still have several general things I wish were different:

1. That stupid art team. Every few episdes there was this really really ugly animation... um, I think that episode 3 had it, I know the episode where Baby was killed had it. I HATED that animation team.

2. A few character design changes... Trunks' outfit (didja notice he wears what looks a lot like #17's clothes?), Pan should actually look in the neighborhood of 14 years old (at the very least, she should be taller), Vegeta's hair... basically what other people have said for character design. ^^

3. I wish that other people besides Goku and Vegeta had taken the spotlight. I mean, we've had a focus on them (and Gohan) for most of DBZ... but what about the younger cast? Trunks and Pan were given some spotlight, but how about Goten? Or Uub -- after that big deal made out of him, he should have been around for more then three episodes...

4. Same goes for Bra and Marron -- even if they don't fight, they're still the children of Bulma and Kuririn, respectivly... a little more of a role would have been nice, maybe Bra helping Bulma build the Brute Ray and Marron telling everyone what #17 did to her parents... even something little like that would be nice.

5. Pan in general. She's one of my favorite characters, and you can tell an effort was made to introduce her, show her as a strong character and give her character development, but it didn't carry very well. Something with "hidden powers," as mentioned, would have been cool, but I'd be happy with even a simpler "only fought in practice and so am pretty bad ---> Have expirence so now I'm strong!" type arch.

6. I also agree that the SSJ4 is flawed. My personal theory is that it's not a Super Saiyan level at all, but a super-modified powered-up version of the Oozaru level, and that the real Super Saiyan level has yet to be discovered, and the blonde-haired-green-eyes bit was just attempts to reach Super Saiyan without tails and no-one knew better. >.> I'll hold off on that theory, though, but it would have been nice if Toei agreed with me. XD

7. The ending. Not the whole "Goku dies" bit, I thought that was kinda cool in a way, but the epilogue. I mean, what screams more of cop-out then "and they all lived happily ever after and lost complete contact, despite the families being great friends." I heard that, and was just like, "wtf?" It made no sense at all....

So those are my weird little ideas. 9.9

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Post by Sun_Wukong » Tue Aug 03, 2004 3:04 pm

Id say make the Black star/ Baby saga into a two part OVA. Make each part an hour and a half or so long. At the end of the OVA have everything happen as it was but have the end of episode 64 happen at the end of the OVA. You know, have Shenron say that they can no longer use the DBs. I honestly thought everything after the Baby saga was a waste.

A two part OVA would make everyone happy.

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Post by Xyex » Tue Aug 03, 2004 3:46 pm

Well, this is an idea I've thought of turning into a Fanfic, but I've got too many as it is to do so, so (wow, that's a lot of 2 letter words...) I'll just post it here. Any of the other Fanfic writers like it feel free to go for it. ^_^

First of all, the crappy character designs are gone. Vegeta looks like Vegeta, Pan and Bra look their ages (10 years older than in Z, we're going with 10 here), Goten's hair isn't funky, and Trunks looks like Trunks not some space cowboy. -_- All that stuff.

Also, no back tracking with Veggies personality. He dropped his hatred of Goku during the Kid Buu fight thank-you very much.

Now, as for the sagas:

Black Star DB Saga: Firstly, no Kid Goku. Pilaf is still interupted but his wish is "I wish you on another planet so you couldn't bother me anymore!" So, of course, he get's his wish. ^_^ Goku winds up on, of all places, M2. Trunks, Goten, Pan, and Vegeta all go to find the Black Star DBs and Goku.

Bebi Saga: So, Goku's on M2 and get's tricked by Myuu. Bebi is born and takes over Goku. Meanwhile the others have recovered 3 of the DBs and are coming to M2 for the rest which Myuu's gathered. Upon arrivin they find "Goku" waiting for them, who then attacks them!

Bebi Goku goes SSJ3 and begins beating up an SSJ2 Goten, SSJ2 Trunks, and, GASP!, SSJ3 Vegeta! But, Goten and Trunks Fuse into SSJ3 Gotenks and begin to dominate the battle. In the end Bebi Goku's beaten and they 'see' Bebi leave Goku and make an escape, Vegeta blasting him into oblivion.

Gathering the last of the DBs they take the unconcious Goku back to Earth with them where Bebi senses two even grater powers than Goku, Uub and Gohan (who still has his Mystic power and is even stronger than he was in Z). He sneaks out of Goku's body and finds the stronger of the two powers, Gohan, who's much stronger than all the others.

So, now, Bebi Gohan begins to take over the Earth. Goten and Trunks Fuse once more as Goku is brought a Senzu by Vegeta. Gotenks, Buu, and Uub go after Bebi Gohan, Pan going too even though told not to. Gotenks gets pounded into a pulp, as does Uub and Buu. Pan goes SSJ to try and protect them, and since she's so damn strong already her SSJ is stronger than the other level one SSJ's, about the same level as SSJ2 Goku. Still, she's getting pounded.

Piccolo, Tien, Yamcha, Krillin, and 18 get there to try and help. Krillin and 18 launch several 'Destructo Disks' to keep Bebi Gohan busy, Yamcha keeps Bebi Gohan busy doding a Spirit Ball, Piccolo fires off a massiave ass 'Scatter Shot' and Tien hovers above them channeling everything he his into a 'Tri-beam' to blast him. After a few moments Tien releases the attack which slams Bebi Gohan into the ground. But he get's back up and blasts them all killing them. Seeing this Buu and Uub rejoin and instead of getting the Uubu that we did get we get a pink version of Uub.

Uubu now begins to pound on Bebi Gohan. At this time Goku finally get's the senzu and comes around again. He and Vegeta head off to try and help Uubu if he needs it. Uubu looks like he's going to win against Bebi Gohan but Bebi leaves Gohan's body and takes over Uubu just as Goku and Vegeta get there. Bebi Uubu laughs at them, points a hand at the ground, and bye-bye Earth, Goku just managing to save Vegeta, Gohan, Gotenks, and Trunks.

Vegeta suggest he and Goku Fuse via the dance, the Supreme Kai says it wont be enough. Gohan suggests he fuses with somone. Supreme Kai says that wouldn't be enough either. Gohan suggests Goku and Vegeta fuse, and that Goten and Trunks Fuse via the dance and then they fuse via the Potaras. After same arguing and debating it's decided, they'll do it! Gogeta is born for the fist time in GT and Gotenks returns again. Then the Potaras are used to merge them in Gogetenks.

So, Gogetenks heads off to fight Bebi Uubu. He finds him out that Bebi Uubu had gone to New Namek and used their DBs to restore Planet Vegeta/Plant, whatever, and that's where he finds him. Complete with the entire 'Tuffle' population, compeletly resored by the powers of the Namek DBs.

Gogetenks challanges Bebi Uubu and reveals he can go Super Saiya-jin. And the battle starts, but he's getting his ass kicked so goes to level two. After an interesting battle Gogetenks fires a huge ass 'Final Kamehameha' that destroys Bebi Uubu. Time passess, the Namek DBs regenerate, and Gogetenks uses them to seperate himself again, and then restore the Earth and everyone who died. Everyone goes back to Earth. Gohan keeps the Potara's with him.

Super Android Saga: During this recovery time Gero and Myuu have been busy designing their revenge plans. They use some weird machine thing to transport a comptetely evil and controlled new models of both 17 and 18 to Earth, stronger than the originals (hence forth E17 and E18). While E17 searches for 17 E18 goes to Roshi's island to find 18. There E18 finds Krillin, Yamcha, 18, Goten, and Pan. Goten and Pan do their best to hold off E18 but she eventually gets a hold of 18 and merges with her, E18 has control of the new Super 18.

Meanwhile E17 finds 17 alone in the woods at his house and merges with him. And now the Super Androids (who's looks DID NOT CHANGE! THEY'RE TWINS MERGING FOR CRYING OUT LOUD, THEY WON'T LOOK DIFFERENT!). Anyway, now the Super Androids go after Goku. SSJ3 Goku and SSJ3 Vegeta get their asses kicked, they fuse, SSJ3 Gogeta starts kicking ass. Then E16 shows up. (Plot twist! XP) Super 17, Super 18, and E16 merge into Super 16. (Now the looks can change.) Super 16 pounds the shit out of SSJ3 Gogeta. Uubu shows up and starts helping SSJ3 Gogeta and the tide begins to turn, until Gogeta defuses.

During all of this Bulma discovers stuff on her comptuer that she didn't put there. Notes created by Bebi Gohan before he started his take over of Earth. The notes are detailed schematics of the Saiya-jin's genes and a device the 'Tuffles' had created to reverse the Oozaru transformations. Bulma begins reverse design it to trigger the Oozaru transformation.

Now Super 16 starts turning Uubu into pulp, Gohan shows up and starts getting pounded. Goku goes up to fight again, even though he's still not a 100%, and gets knocked out. Gohan calls to Uubu how backs off and the two use the dance to fuse into Gobu. Gobu turns Super 16 into scrap metal. The Earth DBs are used to revive 18, and at her request, use their second wish to revive 17.

Evil Dragons Saga: Only the second wish isn't granted. The seven DBs are transformed into Humanoid Dragon People with a good bit of power. The transformation of the DBs creates a backwash of power throughout the galaxy that screws fusion making it impossible now. Goku goes after one Dragon, Vegeta goes after another, Gohan another, Uubu another, Goten another, Trunks another, and Pan the last of them. None of the fights are uber-hard though, each of them just uses their maximum power to obliterate the Evil Dragon they chased after.

But now things don't happen as expected. That backwash of power shinks down in again Fusing the DBs into one ball before spreading across the galaxy once more. This one DB transforms into a new Evil Dragon. The 1 star DB is visable inside his right shoulder, the 2 star in his left, the 3 star in his right knee, the 4 star in his left, the 5 star is his right eye and the 6 his left. The 7 star is in the center of his chest.

Anyway, this new Dragon is now beating the crap outta everyone. Goten and Trunks are the first to learn the Fusion wont work as they try and end up getting blasted apart from each other by a big explosion. Things look bad for everyone and then Bulma shows up with her new toy. ^_^ She tells them what it does and Goku tells her to use it on him. So she does. But Goku, still in SSJ, dosen't go ape like in GT. The result is what GT calls SSJ4, but what Vegeta names as Super Oozaru.

While Goku heads in to fight the Evil Dragon Vegeta tells Bulma to shoot him with the gun too. But, as she does, SSJ Pan jumps into the way wanting to help too. She gains a Super Oozaru form as well. Then Vegeta, Goten, and Trunks are all zapped as well. Bulma zaps Gohan too but, it dosen't do anything to him. A side effect of his Mystic powers. It takes a combined effort from all of them to even hold off this new Evil Dragon, but they are still losing, even after Uubu comes along to help again. After some more fighting the first of them falls, Uubu is killed.

So, Goku falls back on the old 'Stand By Attack', the Spirit Bomb. Reverting to base all the others keep the Dragon busy while he gathers energy from the Earth and the Galaxy to stop it. The Spirit Bomb (HUGE AS HELL, 5x bigger than the one used against Kid Buu) is finished and launched at the Evil Dragon. The Spirit Bomb goes boom and... The Dragon is still there. The battle continues and everyone starts getting pounded again.

The Evil Dragon begins to show that it can learn moves by watching them as it begins to counter with everyone elses attacks. A Big Bang attack knocks Gohan out. A little later Pan is killed. Goku and Vegeta attack with all they have again but get knocked back. And then, while Goku and Vegeta are recovering, the Evil Dragon kills Trunks and, inadvertantly, Bulma. Vegeta snaps (^_^) let's out one hell of a scream of rage, and begins to transform.

The hair on his head grows longer and turns red like the hair on his body, his eyes go from gold like Goku's to blue as he goes to Super Oozaru 2. Vegeta is then attacks the Evil Dragon again and it's revealed that the Dragon had been holding back during the battle. Vegeta does better than he had been but still isn't doing to well. After a more fighting Vegeta charges up a Galick Gun and launches it. The Dragon counters with a Final Flash. Goku comes up beside Vegeta and sends out a Kamehameha. Goten comes up and fires one too. The three of them are holding off the Final Flash but just barely, and they're tiring and running low on energy.

The attack begins to slip, they start losing the struggle. And then three familiar KIs appear. Uubu, Pan, and Trunks. All three with halos. Pan and Uubu fire off Kamehameha's and Trunks launches a Galic Gun. They begin to over take the Dragon now but it pours on more power and the stalemate returns. Goku feels a few KIs he knows and looks to see Piccolo, Tien, Yamcha, and Krillin come up to the same level as the rest of them. They three Humans fire Kamehameha's as well while Piccolo launches a Masenko.

The struggle continues, but the Z fighters are slowly gaining again, as Gohan comes to once more. He knows they're powers will run out before they win so he launches into the air and joins them. Gohan fires his own Masenko and, with this last added attack, they overcome the Dragon and obliterate it.

The ending: The Dragon is gone, and with them, the DBs. The destruction of the the Evil Dragon sent yet another shockwave through the galaxy which cracked and destroyed both the Black Star DBs and the Namek DBs which means Pan, Trunks, Bulma, and Uubu are all dead for good. :( And, well, the ending isn't fully set-up in my head yet so you can do whatever from this point on.
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<Kaboom> I'm just glad that he now sounds more like Invader Zim than Rita Repulsa
<Xyex> Original Freeza never sounded like a chick to me.
<Kaboom> Neither does Rita
<Xyex> Good point.

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Post by Jerseymilk » Tue Aug 03, 2004 4:40 pm

I actually like a lot of your version better Xyex. Too bad, the writers at TOEI couldn't have put as much thought into as you did. ^_^
Jerseymilk: "Can I tell you something?"
B-kun: "What?"
Jerseymilk: "I see Fangirls."

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Post by wolfkid » Tue Aug 03, 2004 5:00 pm

Same here, much stuff sounds actually cool.

Ofcourse you've got a lot of fantasy :D But you really entertained me 8)

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