Fan-Created Works: General Rules

Any general discussion regarding fan-created works of the Dragon Ball franchise, including AMVs, fan-art, fan-fiction, etc.

Moderators: General Help, Kanzenshuu Staff

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Fan-Created Works: General Rules

Post by VegettoEX » Thu Oct 16, 2008 10:27 am

Hey, everyone:

I've decided to consolidate a few things here and there, and in the end it really just made sense to go ahead and form it into something that everyone's been asking for... a place to share and discuss fan-created works.

As with every other section of this forum, this is to be almost-entirely dedicated solely to things concerning DragonBall. This can be AMVs, parodies, fanfic, artwork, whatever. As long as it's fan-created and related to DB, you can discuss it here. There may be a couple exceptions from time to time, but that's pretty much how it goes.

More so than any other section of this forum, remember that you're expected to follow all of the rules which you agreed to, but especially being kind to one another. There's a huge difference between constructive criticism and being a douchebag. Furthermore, there's a huge difference between accepting and listening to what others are saying to you, and throwing a temper-tantrum.

So have fun, follow the rules, and make it a great place.
:: [| Mike "VegettoEX" LaBrie |] ::
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