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Post by VegettoEX » Thu Aug 05, 2004 3:32 pm

I'm conversation wrote:anwiyayoukhanna: Hello
VegettoEX: Hello~
anwiyayoukhanna: hows it going
VegettoEX: Fine, thanks.
anwiyayoukhanna: are you busy?
VegettoEX: Only somewhat. Can I answer something for ya'?
anwiyayoukhanna: i wanted you to read something
anwiyayoukhanna: http://www.araden.com/ay/ its on my website on the updates section
*visits site... notices he's been there before*
more IMs wrote: VegettoEX: So you're upset you don't have a link?
anwiyayoukhanna: yes its the idea
VegettoEX: That's pretty childish to make an update about. I think that speaks volumes about why you might not have a link on certain sites, yet.
anwiyayoukhanna: yes of course you know everything
anwiyayoukhanna: childsih
anwiyayoukhanna: yes i know my spelling is terrible
VegettoEX: Well, what kind of answer do you want?
VegettoEX: Should I feel personally responsible for your not having a link on other sites?
VegettoEX: Is life ending for you because of it?
anwiyayoukhanna: i dont remember saying i was dying
anwiyayoukhanna: you could have helped me
VegettoEX: You're right; I could have.
VegettoEX: I certainly won't be linking you, now.
VegettoEX: I'm not much interested in spreading that kind of attitude among readers of my site.
anwiyayoukhanna: you had no reason not to the first time i asked
anwiyayoukhanna: I had been waiting and after reading your editorial about websites
anwiyayoukhanna: I followed everything and yet I bet you still haven't opened my email message
VegettoEX: I'm not much interested in adding links to my site, right now. I certainly add them when I see an absolutely stunning site that offers new things I've never seen before (ex - Lovely Cyborg).
VegettoEX: Just because you sent a link submission and I didn't add it right away, you're upset?
VegettoEX: That's pretty needy sounding.
VegettoEX: Not exactly the type of attitude that's going to encourage people to check out your site.
anwiyayoukhanna: I didn't send this message yesterday
anwiyayoukhanna: it was weeks ago
VegettoEX: OK, great.
VegettoEX: And I didn't add your link.
anwiyayoukhanna: and I sent you one before Months ago
VegettoEX: I'm not obligated to just because you read my editorial.
anwiyayoukhanna: I didn't read it
VegettoEX: "I had been waiting and after reading your editorial about websites"
anwiyayoukhanna: I followed it and did exactly what someone who appears to be knowing what hes doing
VegettoEX: OK, great.
VegettoEX: And I still didn't add your link.
VegettoEX: So you're upset?
VegettoEX: Well, quite frankly, that's just too bad.
anwiyayoukhanna: you know I'm upset
anwiyayoukhanna: your a jerk
VegettoEX: Maybe I saw the site and didn't like it.
VegettoEX: Maybe I didn't get a chance to see it.
VegettoEX: Maybe the e-mail's still in my box.
VegettoEX: Hell if I know.
VegettoEX: Do you think you're the only person who's sitting on a link submission?
anwiyayoukhanna: I'm not that naive
VegettoEX: That I should stop what I'm doing because you read an editorial and think you should have a link?
VegettoEX: Quite frankly, I probably saw your site, didn't find anything of particular interest, and thus didn't link it.
anwiyayoukhanna: you have a links section
VegettoEX: That doesn't mean your site sucks.
VegettoEX: That doesn't mean someone else won't like it or link it.
anwiyayoukhanna: and you claim its always open for submissions
VegettoEX: It just means I didn't find anything of particular value to link for.
anwiyayoukhanna: so I assume that if a send you one it wont take a month for you to open the message
VegettoEX: Well, that's assuming a lot.
anwiyayoukhanna: it isn't
anwiyayoukhanna: its not much effort to read a message that is 4 sentences long
VegettoEX: My site is a fan site. Something I do in my spare time.
VegettoEX: All my link submissions are filed together.
VegettoEX: So I can do them all at once.
VegettoEX: Honestly, I don't remember if I've seen yours.
VegettoEX: Probably not.
anwiyayoukhanna: why do you say that your link submissions are always open then if you dont check them
VegettoEX: I do check them.
VegettoEX: Just not often.
VegettoEX: I'm not obligated to link your site.
anwiyayoukhanna: its not an obligation but at least a bit of courtesy
VegettoEX: Especially one with such a whiney attitude on the main page.
VegettoEX: Wah, wah, VegettoEX didn't link me.
VegettoEX: Netiher did anyone else.
VegettoEX: He's such a jerk.
anwiyayoukhanna: someone did the same thing for you one before
VegettoEX: Poor me, poor me.
VegettoEX: No, my favorite site (Wuken's "Suushinchuu") never linked me.
VegettoEX: It sucked.
anwiyayoukhanna: I'm not crying
VegettoEX: I didn't whine about it.
VegettoEX: I didn't go making updates about how Sherwin was a jerk.
VegettoEX: And ya' know what?
anwiyayoukhanna: does it matter if he was your favorite
VegettoEX: My site eventually got popular.
anwiyayoukhanna: someone did
VegettoEX: Yeah, someone did.
anwiyayoukhanna: plenty of people probably did
VegettoEX: Because I didn't sit there and bitch about how no-one was linking me.
VegettoEX: And what are you doing?
VegettoEX: Bitching to me.
VegettoEX: Link me.
anwiyayoukhanna: look at you
VegettoEX: I read your editoria.
anwiyayoukhanna: talk sensibly
VegettoEX: Blah blah, whatever.
anwiyayoukhanna: am i swearing at you
VegettoEX: This is so retarded, I can't even imagine it.
VegettoEX: You want a link just because you read my editorial, you think you have a good site, and you sent a link submission.
VegettoEX: I run a fansite. I link sites I like.
VegettoEX: I probably didn't like your sit.
VegettoEX: *site
VegettoEX: So I didn't link it.
VegettoEX: Life goes on.
VegettoEX: What a freakin' petty thing to make an update about and I'm the website owner in question about.
anwiyayoukhanna: i cant stand your constant attacks
anwiyayoukhanna: I'm trying to talk to you sensibly
VegettoEX: So don't I'm me anymore.
VegettoEX: You're not obligated to I'm me, just as I'm not obligated to link your website.
anwiyayoukhanna: I never claimed you were obligated
VegettoEX: OK
VegettoEX: Here goes
VegettoEX: I saw your site.
VegettoEX: I didn't like it.
VegettoEX: So I didn't link it.
VegettoEX: The end! :D
VegettoEX: Is there anything else I can help you with?
anwiyayoukhanna: no thanks for your courtesy
anwiyayoukhanna: do you even care to give a little help to another webmaster
VegettoEX: I didn't like your site. Why should I link it? I like to pass on things to my visitors that I find of personal interest. It's my personal site, and that's what I choose to do.
VegettoEX: Just like you chose to make an update about how much of a jerk I am.
anwiyayoukhanna: i think that is interesting
anwiyayoukhanna: that one of the best sites has a webmaster who doesn't care to help other websites that were just like his
VegettoEX: You're totally making things up in your head.
VegettoEX: I did NOT like your site.
VegettoEX: So I didn't link it.
VegettoEX: The
VegettoEX: End.
anwiyayoukhanna: great
anwiyayoukhanna: you could say something that would help though
VegettoEX: I'll especially never link a site with such a pissy attitude right on the main page, just like people didn't link me when my site had such a lame fanboy attitude.
anwiyayoukhanna: like why you didn't like it
VegettoEX: I dunno; I just didn't.
VegettoEX: So I moved on.
VegettoEX: It didn't catch my attention at all
anwiyayoukhanna: to let you know anyway i've never posted something like this on my page before but this has been a constant annoyance
VegettoEX: Poor you.
VegettoEX: I really don't feel any sympathy when people write crap like that.
VegettoEX: Wah wah, these three sites won't link me, so I'm gonna rant about how they're jerks.
VegettoEX: Great attitude.
VegettoEX: I'm sure lots of visitors won't be turned away by that *rolls eyes*
anwiyayoukhanna: yours is no better
VegettoEX: OK, that's fine.
VegettoEX: So don't link to my site; return the favor.
anwiyayoukhanna: this webmaster of Wuken's whatever probably acted like you are right now
VegettoEX: He didn't like my site. So he didn't link it.
VegettoEX: And I left it at that.
VegettoEX: I didn't go IMing him about it, I didn't go making updates about it.
anwiyayoukhanna: there is one post
VegettoEX: I just left it at that, and tried to make a better site that other people might want to visit.
anwiyayoukhanna: i can't express my feelings?
VegettoEX: You sure can.
VegettoEX: Just be aware of what you're saying to whom.
VegettoEX: Right on your site you're bitching about other site owners.
VegettoEX: You're telling your new visitors, "Look at me, I'm going to sit here and bitch about other people."
VegettoEX: Will they find that interesting? Of intellectual value?
VegettoEX: I doubt it.
anwiyayoukhanna: its one post buddy
anwiyayoukhanna: the whole site is not dedicated to hating people
VegettoEX: One too many, I guess.
VegettoEX: You'll definitely never get a link from ME, now.
VegettoEX: I can't speak for SC or Legacy.
anwiyayoukhanna: tell them then
anwiyayoukhanna: not to link me
VegettoEX: I would, if I knew them.
VegettoEX: Actually, no, I wouldn't.
VegettoEX: I don't think I need to.
VegettoEX: They'll get your link submission, they'll go to your site, and they'll see you bitching them out.
VegettoEX: Great way to get them to link to you.
anwiyayoukhanna: thats because i sent them others before genius
VegettoEX: And now, I'm done with work, so I've gotta go.
VegettoEX: Thanks for your time!!
anwiyayoukhanna: great bye
VegettoEX: I appreciate the kind words, and thanks for visiting my site.
anwiyayoukhanna: anytime
anwiyayoukhanna: i'll talk to you later
VegettoEX: I hope not.
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Post by Meri » Thu Aug 05, 2004 3:34 pm

Wow. Lame.

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Post by Ben Plante » Thu Aug 05, 2004 3:35 pm

Oh come now, we both know you enjoyed that immensly Mike. :-P

Edit: Scratch that. I'm sure this is about the 100th time that's happened, so it's not enjoyable anymore.


Must've been fun the first time though. :-P
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Post by TripleRach » Thu Aug 05, 2004 3:48 pm

Yeah, like Ben said, you probably have to deal with people like that all the time. I applaud your patience.

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Post by Deus ex Machina » Thu Aug 05, 2004 6:32 pm

This guys site just plain sucks. Does he really think that his content would make anyone want to visit, let alone link his site? Or is he counting on his charming personality?

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Post by VegettoEX » Thu Aug 05, 2004 8:17 pm

Actually, I think this is the only person that's even thrown a hissy fit (publicly and/or TO ME, anyway) concerning their not getting a link.

I mean, clearly... do you really think you're going to get on someone's good site, to the extent of getting a link, when you I'm them, tell them to go to your site, and sitting there is a giant "FUCK YOU" message (in almost as many words)... ?

What the Hell are these kids thinking... ?
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Post by Ben Plante » Thu Aug 05, 2004 8:36 pm

What the Hell are these kids thinking... ?
What they are thinking is "I'm so cool, my site is so cool, why doesn't the world's population acknowledge me?"

That's my take on it.
"Chrysanthemums will wither together with its leaves, lying beside the fiery eyes soaked with blood. Even then, your sublime status will never be shaken, even if only half of your limbs will remain. To increase the fascination within the drama, should the search for a new partner begin? If so, then head to the east. You will definitely meet the one who is waiting for you."

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Post by Dayspring » Fri Aug 06, 2004 11:29 am

I didn't bother to read all that. I just thought you'd like to know that you linked to his site through the copy+pasting. :P

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Post by VegettoEX » Fri Aug 06, 2004 11:41 am

I don't mind linking it here so you can all see the ridiculous text. He/she has actually made it smaller... let me paste it here just in case they finally realize how much of a dolt they're being and get rid of it... remember kids, nothing's "gone" when it's put on the internet!
I'm a moron, look at me type about how I hate everyone... PLEASE LINK ME, THOUGH!!! wrote:I have been working to exchange links with other webmasters and so far it has been going well. I have been receiving some quick success and I am getting about 50 unique visitors a week. However this message is not going to be all joyous. I would like to express my personal disgust for the few "giant" Dragonball websites out there. I'm talking about DBZ Legacy, DBZSC, and yes even Vegetto EX's Daizenshuu EX has angered me now. You see a few years back when Dragonball was much more popular than it is now, making your site popular was no problem. You could exchange links or partnerships with so many webmasters, that it impossible to be unknown if you just gave a little effort. However now, what exists is mainly just a few huge Dragonball websites out there, that don't allow for a website like mine to make much of an impact. I always try to help webmasters and in the past I have received help from many of the good ones, like Jkwok44 and the webmasters of Planet Namek. What we have now though is mostly just cocky webmasters who don't care for their fans. Vegetto EX will not even bother to consider linking me, although he claims his link submissions are ALWAYS open. For one thing it is ridiculous to have link submission periods because most webmasters don't even receive many of those. I don't care how busy these webmasters' lives are, because I have a life to, and I still am a polite person online. I would be glad to exchange links with almost any Dragonball website out there if someone was to ask. I honestly hope for the worst for these webmasters that are just plain jerks.
Yeah, it's a HUGE cry for attention from the kid. You can almost FEEL my patience start wearing down as they keep talking and spewing nonsense at me.

What makes me laugh the most is how they want a link from me so bad, yet can't get the spacing in "VegettoEX" correct.

<old-school VegettoEX>

And no, it was not fucking easy to make a popular site back in the day. No-one came to my site for well over a year when I put it up. How did it get popular? Not from links from other sites... from word of mouth based on the content I was putting up. The only "central hub" for DBZ fandom back then was Wuken's site, and he never linked me. Did I go whining about it? God, no. It's just a fucking website... make it better and go on with your life. Don't go ranting about how other people are jerks because they don't want to link to your site filled with BOOTLEGGED MANGA SCANS STOLEN FROM OTHER SITES TO BEGIN WITH.

Besides, I'm not popular anymore, anyway. Why the fuck do you want a link on my site? No-one knows who I am, no-one visits this site, and I don't care.

</old-school VegettoEX>
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Post by SSJHitch » Fri Aug 06, 2004 12:54 pm

Heh heh I do find it quite amusing that when you refered to Suushinchuu, he obviously didn't know what it was, later refering to it as "whatever". Wonder if I got a submission from this guy.
*Checks E-mail*
Yeah......guess I'll be putting that right up :roll:
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Post by Dai » Fri Aug 06, 2004 4:10 pm

This guy seems to think that if a site has open link submissions, it obliges them to link to everyone that sends them a submission. His reasoning seems to be that linking is something people do to be nice to others, not because they actually like the site. And true, some webmasters do that. Namely, annoying fannoys who desperately seek attention in any way possible. While these kinds of people are often annoying and whiney, it's mostly doable, and because it doesn't affect anyone else, it is accepted.

But bitching about people because they won't link you, not link them on purpose as a result, bother them personally and then trying to pass it off as reasonable... Dear Lord. I would make some joke about this guy's mental status, but seeing as how his spelling and grammar is actually acceptable, I suppose I can't. This guy doesn't have any excuses for his behaviour. He's just a plain asshole.

Though, I seriously do doubt he's a day past 14.
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Post by Dayspring » Sun Aug 08, 2004 11:35 am

VegettoEX wrote:And no, it was not fucking easy to make a popular site back in the day.
I think his definition of "popular" must have meant high hit counts for your site. In the "second age of DB sites" (when the hub switched over from being Wuken's to PN) n00bish sites gave 15+ pop-ups to their affiliates. That way no matter what fricking site you visited, everybody on your affiliate list got a hit.
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Post by admin » Fri Aug 13, 2004 1:06 pm

VegettoEX wrote:I don't mind linking it here so you can all see the ridiculous text. He/she has actually made it smaller... let me paste it here just in case they finally realize how much of a dolt they're being and get rid of it... remember kids, nothing's "gone" when it's put on the internet!

Yeah, it's a HUGE cry for attention from the kid. You can almost FEEL my patience start wearing down as they keep talking and spewing nonsense at me.

What makes me laugh the most is how they want a link from me so bad, yet can't get the spacing in "VegettoEX" correct.

<old-school VegettoEX>

And no, it was not fucking easy to make a popular site back in the day. No-one came to my site for well over a year when I put it up. How did it get popular? Not from links from other sites... from word of mouth based on the content I was putting up. The only "central hub" for DBZ fandom back then was Wuken's site, and he never linked me. Did I go whining about it? God, no. It's just a fucking website... make it better and go on with your life. Don't go ranting about how other people are jerks because they don't want to link to your site filled with BOOTLEGGED MANGA SCANS STOLEN FROM OTHER SITES TO BEGIN WITH.

Besides, I'm not popular anymore, anyway. Why the fuck do you want a link on my site? No-one knows who I am, no-one visits this site, and I don't care.

</old-school VegettoEX>
Wuken's Sushinchuu was the shit. Beautifully designed website with gorgeous graphics and content to keep you busy for hours. I wish that site was still kickin'. I must also applaud Toriyama.org, Gokou3 was a good friend of mine back in the day and his dedication site to Toriyama was a clean informative website. Too bad some punk ass company took his domain when it expired :evil:
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Post by SDHero » Fri Aug 13, 2004 4:19 pm

"Vegetto EX will not even bother to consider linking me, although he claims his link submissions are ALWAYS open."

It's great to see how he missed the point entirely, that your link submission IS always open, you DID consider linking his site, but, get this, decided not to do so! This is not unreasonable, and the fact that this site doesn't have a front page with 15 hojillion links to it's "affiliates," (or, hell, I've seen ones with various levels of affiliation, based upon, well, who the @#$! knows? ..or cares?) and won't link to sites just to "help out" someone you don't know, and who just offended you!
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Post by SuperFusion » Mon Aug 30, 2004 3:11 pm

He was just being immature and close minded. Haven't we all been before? Though I never took it to that level.

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Post by laserkid » Tue Aug 31, 2004 6:14 pm

I TRIED toi read alkl of that but I died halfway through it. Dear god girl - if your only worry in life is that someone didnt link your site then you've got it pretty damn good. Back when my servers were still working for my DBZ site I used to send links to all sorts of folks, PN, Daizex, never did get on any of them but you know what it was a great motivator to keep working on my site, rather than be insulted that waaah they dont wike me wahhhh! I decided to use that as a way to see where my skills were and kept working at them, still do though what I have now isnt linkable, it just inhabits my local C drive.

All I've got to say is seperate yourselof from your work some - heck EX and I talk on AiM every now and then have for the last few years, were not like uber close but we're familiar with eachother, and yeah I've sent links when I thought I had something, but I've never taken not seeing my stuff on his links page as a personal insult. People should be glad sites dont use "blacklist links" anymore THOSE were insults. gyah this girl makes me want to kill something for going for so much longer past where I was even willing to read.

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Post by Tanooki Kuribo » Wed Sep 22, 2004 12:24 am

Jeez, all over a stupid link. So petty.


Wow, Sorry about the necro- posting, thats Mike's #1 newly added rule. Damn. Sorry guys won't happen again.
Last edited by Tanooki Kuribo on Wed Sep 22, 2004 1:02 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Deus ex Machina » Wed Sep 22, 2004 12:40 am

Necro-posting, my friend..

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Post by Shadow0802 » Tue Sep 28, 2004 3:04 pm

*runs away*
[img]http://img8.exs.cx/img8/6098/2793.gif[/img] [img]http://img50.exs.cx/img50/81/2236.gif[/img]

I don't think we should buy an "Orb of doom" off of this Magus guy....

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Post by Keithito » Sat Jan 01, 2005 1:00 am

theres a solution to all of this .. .DESTR... er ,inadvertantly aid in the causing of the extermination of such crazies... or you could just do like I do, find solace in the fact that everybody thinks your better than them, wait thats the opposite of what i do ......

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