Oh Dear God, It's Been Ten Years

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Oh Dear God, It's Been Ten Years

Post by Suupaa Gohan 2 » Sat Dec 20, 2008 9:06 pm

This thread is mostly intended to be a haven for those of us who have been fans of this series for at least that long...and to look back on how far we've gone with that fandom, and what a ride it's been.

I was bored today, and still trying to hold onto my usual short-lived once-a-year Dragonball kick before it vanishes once again into obscurity until next November, I decided to browse through good ol' DBZ Uncensored..I actually think I was looking for something in particular, but I ended up getting caught up in my nostalgia and reading through each and every episode comparison and remembering back so many years ago, maybe memories of sitting at this same ancient piece of crap computer (well...the big-ass monitor that barely fits on my desk is the same, at least), and just marveling in disbelief that it's been this long.

I remember when Cartoon Network's Boomerang announced that they were airing the original seasons of Pokemon a few years back and thinking to myself, 'God, am I really that old that my childhood is already on BOOMERANG?'...and somehow, this little exercise in reliving my old fandom evoked the same feelings.

Once I finished the episode comparisons I started reading Chris' editorials. I was thoroughly amused in how often he'd predict the future correctly, and just how many times he'd also be dead wrong. In so many ways, FUNimation has come far with their handling of the series, but at the same time, things haven't really changed all that much. Overall it was a fun little diversion from real life (given that we're in the middle of some heavy snowstorms right now, the only other 'constructive' way I could have spent my day would have been cleaning my room...and Lord knows I couldn't allow that to happen), but I felt a particularly strong pang of 'oh my God, it's really been that long?!' when I read this editorial.

It reminded me that I, like many others did (and still do, for some!!) once worshiped the ground these webmasters walked on, completely disregarding the notion of 'internet celebrity' (this phenomenon sadly continues to this day, whether inside the DBZ community or not; the names LittleKuriboh and moot in particular come to mind :P ). Back then I would have never dared to imagine the webmaster of this community as a human being I could freely refer to as Mike; Dear Lord, no, he was the almighty VegettoEX and I was far too inferior to ever be in his presence (I felt 'I'm not worthy' back in the old days when I got into Ask VegettoEX twice, and even more recently a few years back when Lemmy first told me that he was friends with this digital god among men)!! So yeah...I totally got hit with the nostalgia bug over the concept of 'elites' Psaros discusses in that editorial, to say nothing of 'oh God, Mr. E?! Castor Troy?! Names I haven't heard in years are taking me back in time!!'.

Aaaanyways...I decided I could make a thread out of this, and find out who else would get a kick out of this. I mean, everyone here has still somehow remained faithful to the DBZ community over these many years, and I know most of us older fans especially remember how, as much as we complain nowadays, things were so much worse back then - and little things like a Live Action Movie really aren't that much to be concerned with anymore. There were days when many of us didn't believe we'd see the day when American DBZ would ever come this far, and at the end of the day, the things we do find to complain about these days are far less...how shall I say... 'urgent', as they were back then, when the fandom literally consumed every fiber of our beings. You know, back when we'd run to all of the old DBZ message boards and write page-long rants about how everything holy was being violated and that the world would stop turning if FUNimation mispronounced another attack name. Ah...the good ol' days.


Personally, for me, the oldest days of my DBZ fandom were back before the series took hold and became insanely popular with the fanboys, albeit not terribly long before. By the time it did, I was well aware of the original Japanese version thanks to Psaros and others convincing me to hunt down 'the original' (which were pretty much the AnimeLabs fansubs back in the days before everyone's rock, YouTube, existed :P ), and spend my time watching those during my computer 'SWAP' (a thing we had in middle school where we'd sign up for a club-type activity to spend the last 45 minutes of the school day and be stuck with for the remainder of the semester; computer SWAP was basically just going to the computer lab and doing whatever the Hell you wanted to in the Golden Age of the internet...you remember, back when we were all n00bs), going home and printing out DBZ pictures to hang on my wall or reference (IE: trace) to make my own awesome DBZ fanart, and to start frequently writing in mangled Japanese on all my school notebooks and calling everyone 'baka' and other Japanese words I thought were swears back then, because it just made me sound so amazingly cool.

Other kids still thought all there was to Japanese animation was Pokemon, but come on, man...I was into Dragonball Zeeee. It was graphic and violent and everyone said all these hardcore swears and there were dirty jokes and it was all just so wicked sweet, and I was totally cool for liking it because unlike stupid smelly Pokemon DBZ wasn't a well-known or popular fad (yet). Hell, I even remember one day on the school bus I was drawing (read: tracing) a picture of MEE RAI NO TRORANSKU and some kid called me lame for drawing James from Pokemon, and I considered to - in an ultra-cool way - educate him on how this was actually someone way cooler from a way more violent show and that this guy actually sliced people in half with his sword, and even went so far as to show him screencaps (that I had printed and conveniently on my person at all times, of course) of the dream sequence in which #17 impales him with his own sword. I was all like, Pokemon? Shit. DBZ is so much more hard core, for realz, yo.

Eventually as time went by and DBZ became a fad, I got a little more quiet about how 'cool' I was, but still exuded that holy superiority - non-fans knew of the show readily by then (no more mistaking Trunks for James), but due to the atrocity of the dub, most couldn't take it seriously and I was branded a loser. So I'm all like 'whatever, man, you don't know the truth, you don't know why the English version is so bad'. Then I'd sit in class and draw horrifically bad (no seriously...I still have my old notebooks laying around, I cringe at the caricatures I once thought were good) DeeBeeZee characters until it was time for Computer SWAP again, wherein I could lose myself in the world of PlanetNamek.com and Temple O' Trunks, and then go home and wait for DBZ to be on Toonami so I could sit in the middle of the livingroom floor and watch it - making sure that my mom and brother knew full well that while I was watching this it was for the sole purpose of ranting about what was wrong with it while it was on, for all to hear, even though no one cared about it but me. Because, of course, that made me feel all the more cool about my super special awesome favorite series/hobby/way of life.

So no...I was no webmaster, and no, I had no internet 'elite' status to make my superiority 'official', but man, out there on the playground at recess, me and my DBZ binder, we were the shit. I didn't need other people to acknowledge how cool I was. I knew. And that was enough for me.

As time went by and the dub reached the Buu Saga, and everyone I knew was a fan of the series, I became even more quiet about liking it. I was getting into non-DBZ series' by that point, Anime and Manga...my computer crashed, and I lost all my precious precious DBZ music and pics...the message board that was basically the precursor to my forum (it's where I first formed my internet clique, since I obviously had no real life friends) was shut down in late 2003, and basically my at-the-time brand-new Dragonball fanfic, IGNO, was my last remaining tie to the DB world. Towards the end I was satiating myself almost entirely on Doujinshi and tracking down rare songs I didn't have, anyways...once I felt I cleaned the internet of the last traces of even those, me and DBZ more or less called it quits.

Since then, I've essentially been in the same DB-limbo for the past 5 years...once a year I celebrate my self-created 'holiday' Dragonball Remembrance Week to recapture the nostalgia I ignore the rest of the year 'round (a similar but more unconscious phenomenon seems to happen with Pokemon every year, too; DBR week is kinda forcefully imposed), and then I ride the DB nostalgia train as long as the feeling lingers, only to once again disappear into obscurity and get back to my other interests.



So...for all my other fellow 'older' DBZ fans, who have followed this crazy, crazy series' journey through the US and been caught up in its amazing fandom, feel free to discuss (or rant, like I did) how far you've come, and all your silly little memories of the good ol' days when Dragonball still felt 'new' to you.
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Post by Zenkai Power » Sat Dec 20, 2008 9:07 pm

I'm pretty sure it's been more like 11 or 12 years.

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Post by Kingdom Heartless » Sat Dec 20, 2008 9:09 pm

Sadly, for me, I have no real idea what year I became a proper fan.

I wish I did.
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Post by Suupaa Gohan 2 » Sat Dec 20, 2008 9:33 pm

Zenkai Power wrote:I'm pretty sure it's been more like 11 or 12 years.
Sorry, the title's a bit misleading; I actually meant that it's been 10 years since I got into it, and I know a lot of other fans didn't get into it as soon as it started airing in the US (at least for most of the people I know it didn't really pick up until it started running on Cartoon Network).

Though even if it's been more than 10 years, it's still been ten years...ah, forget it. :oops:
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Post by Big Momma » Sat Dec 20, 2008 9:33 pm

I became a fan when I first saw the first Episode of DBZ at about 5AM on FOX...waaaay back around 1998.

So, yes, I have been a fan for 10 years!(or more!:D)
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Post by B » Sat Dec 20, 2008 10:51 pm

I wanna say I got started inbetween the fourth and fifth grades, mainly because I remember I was watching the Buu Saga every afternoon in sixth grade. The Cell Saga had finished its US run November 2000... It was the summer of 2001 when I was 9 when I seriously became interested in DBZ. So I've been a fan for seven years.

not enough :<

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Post by theoriginalbilis » Sat Dec 20, 2008 11:00 pm

Yeah. It's been a long road since I watched DBZ in 1998. Yet it feels like yesterday. Here's to 10 more years of enjoying the franchise. Hopefully there will be some more new animation for me to enjoy soon, if the Jump Special is any indication.
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Post by MajinVejitaXV » Sun Dec 21, 2008 1:40 am

Oh yeah, let's see...I started watching the old, old DragonBall dub in 1995 I believe so...yeah. 13 years. A few years before that, I had read articles in the import section of EGM that introduced me to Son Goku and friends via the Butoden games and their coverage. Time flies, no?

It's amazing to think about things and how they've changed...and not changed. Nevertheless, while many other animes have come into my life, DragonBall still holds a special place in my heart and probably always will.

Hell, if you can spend the money I did on the DragonBoxes and still feel it's worth it after this many years, you must really love something ;p


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Post by Conan the SSJ » Sun Dec 21, 2008 6:15 am

A very cool and fun-to-read rundown of your history with DBZ, SG2. I admit, I'm really gonna miss you here on the forums once Remembrance Week completely fades out for ya', though I do hope we can stay in often contact on AIM. You're a cool gal, a cool online friend, and someone I do enjoy hearing from, so an insight like this is quite nifty. I was very sorry to hear on DA about the ice storm you guys got, someone like yourself really shouldn't have to go through that type of hell. But hey, you're okay, and still as awesome a fellow anime fan as ever.

As for my history with DBZ, long story short, Christmas 93 or so is when I first got Dragon Power for the NES. Fast-forward to 95 or 96 when I catch glimpses of original DB here and there, but like yourself, I never really got a genuine interest in it till probably 98 when it started airing on Cartoon Network. Some of my first DBZ websites included DBZ Uncensored like yourself where we all learned so much about our favorite anime (I only first got into it a few months after Chris closed it down sadly), DB Arena, DB-Unlimited, even FUNi's official DBZ site at the time. Of course, when I started, I was as much a dubbie as anyone, though gradually became exposed to the Japanese version and now prefer it over the dub, though not so much as to skip something dub-related.

So yep, in a way, 10 years for me too!

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Post by Kingdom Heartless » Sun Dec 21, 2008 6:33 am

I think it may be 10 years for me next year, actually.
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Post by Chuquita » Sun Dec 21, 2008 6:35 am

Only 8 so far for me. ^^;
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Post by Captain Awesome » Sun Dec 21, 2008 7:03 am

I'm on nine years, though it's really probably only like 8 years and one month.

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Post by tinlunlau » Sun Dec 21, 2008 11:19 am

Thank god that the English dub was completely irrelevant to me.
The Cantonese dub from TVB served me well for Dragon Ball Z over the years.
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Post by Vekurotto » Sun Dec 21, 2008 11:36 am

It's been 11 years for me :lol:
Be grateful the filler in Dragon Ball doesn't suck like the 3rd arc of Rurouni Kenshin.

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Post by Sun_Wukong » Sun Dec 21, 2008 12:58 pm

Fall of 1999, so almost 10 years for me. I feel old when i realize I got into anime before it was mainstream. DBZ, Sailor Moon, and G-force were the only anime on CN. Best Buy's selection was non-existant, Borders and BN didnt carry manga. And you actually had to go to conventions for fansubs, on VHS tape non the less.

Hell i remember streaming Planet Namek's quicktime clips on a 56k modem. The first thing i did when i got Comcast in 2000 was go to Planet Namek's clips.

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Post by jjgp1112 » Sun Dec 21, 2008 1:10 pm

I've known about the show for 9 years, but have been a fan for only 7.
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Post by laserkid » Sun Dec 21, 2008 1:14 pm

I too started in 1995 with the first FUNi sub of DB. I fell for it. HARD. I was confused with the skipping but followed DBZ in 96' as well. I sort of dropped off for a year, then in 97' I found VHS tapes and relived the love all over again collecting the dub only censored tapes, and loving it. I found DBZ Uncensored in 1998, found Vegetto EX's homepage shortly after, ran a REALLY CRAPPY website on DBZ for a few years, participated heavily in the old DBZ boards for Daizex (Tenkai), and the Planet Namek boards.

I was someone who watched the dub by necessity - I just didnt know where to find the fansubs at the time, so when the DVDs finally hit I ate each and every one of them as they came out.

I was kind of a jackass back then though, totally going off on every last thing, I wrote an "editorial" just about the frothing water. I was also a bit snippy with people who didnt agree with me.

Time marched on and I mellowed out, had a mess of shit coming down on me helped with that some.

My last major DBZ thing was finishing up my DVD collection last year with a few singles, and the season 1 and 2 sets. Now owning the whole show I tried to do what I had always dreamed of, marathon run from Pilaf to Buu. I made it halfway through Freeza before I caught the Bleach bug which interrupted it.

However, recently, I moved into an apartment with a friend who had never seen DB/Z. I got him started with Pilaf, and we're currently just starting Freeza up, had a minor delay to show him Gurren Lagann but we're back at it.

So yeah, these days most of my DBZ time is showing it to others.

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Post by Shiyonasan » Sun Dec 21, 2008 9:17 pm

I started watching the series in 1997 and became a fan of it in 1998, so 10 years of fandom for me. :)

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