DragonballGT Remake!

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DragonballGT Remake!

Post by MajinKing » Sun Feb 08, 2009 1:08 pm

Ten years have come and passed, it all happened quickly huh? Our adventure begins with a setting on the Kame house.

Chapter 01
It is a bright sunny day, not too cold, not too hot. The fish are jumping in and out of the ocean, Goku, Oob, Master Roshi are standing on the island watching the fish play. It's a beautyfull day is it not," asked master roshi. Sure is old timer," answered goku. Goku is wearing the same clothes he wore when Z last left off, the difference is his shirt is white, his martial arts pants are black, oob is wearing the same thing, except both his shirt and martial arts pants are black, he is also wearing a blue weighted shirt as a under shirt. Master roshi is wearing white shorts, a black shirt that says rocking, he is also wearing a cap, he is wearing it backswards. Hahaha, who woud have thought this dunce of a thinker woud become a teacher of the martial arts himself, well I guese I shoudnt be surprised, he always has been a genius in his own way, and for that I am proud of you goku," said master roshi in his thoughts.

Well it was great seeing you again master roshi," said goku. The same goes to you my pupil, I hope you and your student have a good day, cuz I'm gonna go and read me some magazines if ya know what I mean," said master roshi, while laughing. Hahahaha, you never change do ya old timer," asked goku. Realy sir, you shoud give that horrible habit away," said turtle. CANT YOU MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS FOR ONCE TURTLE," exclaimed master roshi.
Well we are off, come on oob," said goku. Yes sensei," replied Oob. They begin to levitate and quickly fly off the island waving goodbye. While they are flying, goku can I ask you something," asked oob. Sure Oob, what is it," asked goku. Who is that guy we were just talking too," oob asked. Just my master, he is the guy to thank, for getting me to be able to get as powerfull as this, to some extent," said goku.

Woah, that guy," said a surprised oob. Goku looks at a peice of land and notices tenshinhan and chaozu training. Hey lets stop over at that island," said goku. Is something there," asked oob. They both fly over to that island and take landing. Tenshinhan and chaozu take notice. G-goku," asked tenshinhan. Goku walks over to tenshinhan, it's been awhile ey old freind," asked goku. Tenshinhan smiles, both him and goku shake hands. It's been ages actualy," said tenshinhan. Hey come on, oh! I know how to make it up to you," said goku. Make it up to me," asked tenshinhan. Lets have a sparring match," exclaimed goku. As exciting as it sounds, I dont think I coud keep up with you anymore," Tenshinhan replies. Oh dont be that way, it's just a match for a little fun," said goku.

Heh, alright. I get to atleast see how I compare to you now," said tenshinhan. Goku smiles. Tenshinhan throws a kick at goku, goku reacts and blocks it with his left arm. Tenshinhan smirks, points his index finger at goku, DODON...PA," Screamed tenshinhan. Goku quickly counters with a kamehameha, both beams cancel eachother out, blowing goku and tenshinhan back, but they dont fall. Instead it sends them sliding on the ground with their feet. Not bad," said goku. Ofcourse, I expected no less from you," Replied tenshinhan. Both begin to gather energy, A-amasing," said Chauzu. I-incredible," said oob. Both are done gathering their energy, they both have a white aura around them. This is my full power, atleast without turning Super Saiyajin," said goku.

Tenshinhan rushes at goku, goku sees through tenshinhan and punches him on the jaw, sending him back a few steps, after he catches his balance he prepares to punch goku, but before he can goku kicks him on the gut so hard it causes tenshinhan to spit blood out, he is holding his stomach, Uhh...grughh, h-how," asked a tenshinhan who can barely speak. Goku kicks tenshinhan on the face sending him sliding on the ground, oob and chaozu look surprised. Tenshinhan gets up on his feet, your punches and kicks are harder then ever," said tenshinhan. tenshinhan rushes at goku, he is sending his punches as fast as he can but goku is avoiding them all. Woah your tough, I'm having trouble avoiding these punches,' said goku. Tenshinhan smiles, suddenly two arms pop out of his back, goku is now having twice as much trouble avoiding all the punches. Boy, your strong. Your making me sweat hear," said goku. Tenshinhan punches goku on the face with his left back arm, just when he is about to punch him again with his right back arm this time, goku turns into a super saiyajin and avoids it and sends even faster punches then all four of tenshinhans arms, eventualy tenshinhan is the one trying to avoid getting hit, goku punches him on the chest sending him flying and transports behind him and kicks him, sending him flying again, he hits the ground.

Goku powers down to base form, This is enough for...haaa, haaa, a sparring match," said tenshinhan. Ten-San," said chaozu. Oob is smiling. Goku walks over to tenshinhan and gives him a helping hand to stand up. I couldn't help but notice, but who is that boy," asked tenshinhan. He's my pupil," responded goku. I'm sure he is as strong as you," said tenshinhan. Well he's getting there but is still a bit flawed," said goku. Hmm, well it's time for me and chaozu to take our leave, goodbye old freind and rival," said tenshinhan. They both shake hands. Hey, you take care of yourself," said goku. Tenshinhan walks over to oob and shakes his hand, your lucky to have a teacher like him," said tenshinhan. Thanks," said oob. Tenshinhan walks over to chaozu and both fly away.

So oob are you going to be heading back to your village," asked goku. Yes ofcourse," answered oob. Then Ima be heading back to my family, oob you've grown these 10 years. I'm proud of you," said goku. Thank you goku, for everything, said oob. Both begin to levitate and wave at oneanother. They fly away, each on a oposite direction. I wonder how they are doing right now," asked goku in his head. Scene shifts to oob. He is flying over to his village, suddenly a ki blast is following him. He quickly turns around and slaps it away hitting the ocean causing an explosion. Who are you," asked oob. The guy who shot the ki blast is a tall red skinned muscular creature. He has gray eye's with red pupuls. He is wearing a gray robe with a hood. Your god," replied the creature.

To be continued...
90% of dragonball fans detest dragonballgt. If you are one of the 10% who like GT, post this in your signature.

Read my DBGT Remake fanfic! http://db.schuby.org/daizex/viewtopic.php?t=9747
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Post by MajinKing » Mon Feb 09, 2009 8:15 pm

Chapter 02
Oob and the creature stare at oneanother for a bit. A god," oob asked. The creature points his five fingers at oob, his fingers begin to grow longer and sharper, his arm begins to grow long, until his arm begins to try and reach oob, it seems he is trying to stab oob with his sharp long nails, oob is avoiding all atempts at being stabbed, from left, to right, from under and from above, oob is avoiding the creatures arm. The creatures arm is about to stab oob on the face but oob grabs his arm and stops it. Look, I dont want to fight you, please tell me your reason for attacking me," asked oob. The creature charges over to oob to attack him, oob's grip on the arm is now harder, Sayaaaah," screamed oob. He pulls the arm back and throws the arm back causing the creature to be thrown behind oob aswell, his other arm begins to extend from where he is to oob's front side, to oob's surprise. The creature manages to scratch oob on the chest, leaving five long scratches on oob's chest and also through his weighted shirt.

Oob begins to look angered. Grrr...damn it, if you want a FIGHT I will give you one," screamed oob. The creature is floating on the air while his arms extend back to their normal length. Oob begins to gather his ki, a white aura is beginning to appear around oob's body. Oob is screaming, hyaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!! He is done increasing his ki. H-his ki has rosen up dramatically in just a few seconds," said the creature. Oob quickly disappears and reappears infront of the creature and elbows him on the gut while his back is infront of it. Scene shifts over inside the Son house. Chichi and videl are in the dining room setting up the table, Chichi looks excactly the same from when Z left off, she is also wearing the same outfit, videl also looks the same from where Z left off, she is wearing a yellow sweater that says son on it, she is also wearing those pants that are under your kness but above your ankles, also some slippers.

Videl sets the final plate of food on the table. Chichi wipes her forehead. Whew, finaly a morning and noons worth of food is finished," said chichi. I know, sometimes men dont know how hard this stuff is," said videl. Gohan, goten, pan, dinners read," yelled chichi. Gohan walks in the dining room talking on his cell. Yeah I can make it tommorow. Yeah ok, thanks! Bye," said gohan. What is it honey," asked videl. Oh they are going to let me give a lecture tommorow at the SATAN museum," replied gohan. That's great," replied videl excitedly. So what do ya think of the food we prepared," asked chichi. Woah!! It looks too good to be real," said gohan.
Mmhm mmhm," said chichi smiling. If dad were here he wo-huh," asked gohan. Suddenly videl and chichi hear someone chewing, they turn around and they see goku sitting on the table eating, videl and chichi fall in your typical manga gag style, videls slipper is thrown on the air when she fell.

G-goku? What ar-WHY ARE YOU EATING ALL THE FOOD!! IT TOOK US ALL DAY, JUST SO YOU CAN COME HERE AND PIG OUT," asked chichi while screaming. Om my, the market said that was the biggest chicken on sale...but he just swallowed it whole, oh my," said videl. Hmmm? Oh hey chichi, videl, gohan. I woud have gone in by the door snd greeted you but I saw the food on the window and got distracted. Welcome back father," said gohan. So are you going to be staying," asked chichi. That's the plan, said goku. I dont know if I shoud be happy, you always leave every few years, but I've gotten use to it, but goku, no wife shoud have to go through this," said an evil looking chichi. EEP!! I told you ill stay ill stay," said a scared goku. Chichi begins to smile. Good," said chichi. It's such a nice day," said chichi. I dont remember her being so scary," said goku in his thoughts.

So gohan, have you been training," asked goku. Ofcourse, remember what the old lord of lords said," asked gohan. A flashback begins at the lord of lords planet. Gohan and the old lord of lords are sitting on the ground while he is unlocking gohan's hidden powers. Remember this kid, after I unlock your powers remember to train for atleast thirty minutes everyday, or else, since your body will not be the one that unlocks your powers, your body will not be use to it and thus your powers will leave you. That is why you must train atleast thirty minutes everyday. Training will help you to eventualy get use to that power. Flashback ends. That's good to hear," said goku. Well I doubt there is anything that coud get me mad now," said chichi. Goten walks in with his girlfreind. Suddenly chichi's face begins to turn red. Outside you can hear chichi screaming. WHAT HAVE I TOLD YOU ABOUT DATING THOSE CITY GIRLS!?

Scene shifts back to oob. Both oob and the creature are thowing blows which are clashing together, they cant land a hit on eachother. Suddenly though the creature punches oob on the stomach and inturn oob kicks him on the face. Oob backs away. He has a few scrapes and bruises. He is breathing hard. Haa,haa,haa,...Aargh how much longer will this take," asked oob in his head. The creature rushes at oob, oob gathers enough ki to shoot a kamehameha, kamehamehaaaa," screamed oob. The creature still rushing at oob shoots a laser from his eyes and destroys the kamehameha to oob's surprise. He punches oob, sending him to the ground. Oob slowly gets up. He is strong...," said oob. You are strong mortal, I shall show you my true power," said the creature. The creature begins to gather his ki. He was not fighting at full power," asked oob.

To be continued...
90% of dragonball fans detest dragonballgt. If you are one of the 10% who like GT, post this in your signature.

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Post by MajinKing » Sun Feb 15, 2009 1:40 am

Chapter 03
Oob is on the ground on a island, his shirt and his weighted shirt are gone, his chest and stomach area both have scratches, scrapes and a few bruises. The creature lands with his feet infront of oob's face. Get up, said the creature. Oob does not respond, causing the creature to pick oob up from his neck, choking him. Oob quickly opens his eyes and punches the creature on his stomach, making him let go of him. Oob then kicks him on the chin sending him back a bit. The creature wipes the bit of blood on his chin and smiles. Glad to see your alive," said the creature. Oob powers up and has a white aura around him. You have yet to see my full power," screamed oob. Oob rushes at the creature and tries to punch him but he is avoiding everything oob throws at him. He tries to kick him but the creature grabs his leg and throws him to the ground.

Realy? I think you do," said the creature. He's right, damn," said oob in his head. The wind begins to blow, blowing oob's hair. This will be my full power. An image of goku apears behind oob. This will be my first time fighting at full power with someone who is not him.," said oob. He must be realy weak then," said the creature. Heh, funny," replied oob. He clenches both his fist and begins to power up, it causes a quake on the island they are on. He stops powering up his ki and has a purple aura around him. Shall we begin," asked oob. Ofcourse," replied the creature. Oob smirkes and apears behind his head. Sayyaaah," screamed oob while he punches the creature on the head, throwing him to the ground. I know I didn't hit you that hard. Get up," said oob. The creature smirks and gets up. I apoligise, but it will be over soon, little by little I will keep gaining the upper hand.

Both rush at oneanother, oob throws a punch at the creature, the creature dodged it, he inturn throws a kick in which oob grabs. The creature then shoots lasers from his eyes at oob, they hit oob and explode causing high winds on the island and on the ocean. The creature backs up from the explosion. The leg oob grabbed was lost in the explosion. His leg then quickly grows back. Suddenly he notices that there are five medium sized ki blast on his left side, right side, front side, back side and top side. They each hit him. Oob is on the sky smiling, he has a sweat mark on his forehead and wipes it off. The creatures robe has been blown off and has fully been revealed. He has a lot of spikes on his head and a few on his back. His ribcage area is black and so are his knee caps.

He is a bit bruised but with minor bruises, he is also a bit dirty. His look has changed, he now looks angry but calmed at the same time. He looks up and sees oob up in the sky and quickly flies up there. Scene now shifts over to goku. He is eating his dinner as if he has never eat in his life. Where is that young lady," asked videl. The last time I saw pan was- huh," asked gohan. What is it dear," asked videl. Goku stops eating. I sence two strong ki's going at it," said goku. He stands up. Goku dont tell me," said chichi. I have too," said goku. Dad I'm coming too," said gohan. Alright, we're going to need all the help we can get," replied goku. You said you- ahh forget about it. I'm tired of arguing with someone who is just imposible to reach," said chichi. Thanks chichi, are you coming," goku asked to goten. Nah I have my girlfreind and I probably wont be much use anyway," said goten. Goku and gohan are outside and both fly away.

Dad do you think we can beat this guy," asked gohan. Well, he's strong but...," said goku. Scene shifts back to oob. Oob punches the creature, the creature punches oob back, oob kicks him on the stomach, the creature then punches oob on the stomach and apears behind oob and his spikes from his back impale oob, slightly missing his heart. He is impaled on his right side of of the chest and two on his stomach and rib area. Grauuuugh... impossible...," said oob. His spikes extend back to their normale length and out of oob. Oob slowly falls to the ground and hits on his front side. The creature goes flying to oob at a very fast speed. It seems he is prepared to kill him now. Until he is hit by a medium sized ki blast and is pushed over, he stops and his skin looks like it's shaking. That actualy stung a bit," said the creature. It is none other then tenshinhan with his hands in that position in which he does when he shoots a kikoho. He is standing on a boulder. Thanks, it's called Ki-Ko-Ho by the way. Tch, have a death wish," asked the creature.

To be continued...
90% of dragonball fans detest dragonballgt. If you are one of the 10% who like GT, post this in your signature.

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Post by MajinKing » Mon May 25, 2009 12:53 pm

I woud like to let you know that this will be continued. It's just that my computer dealed with some problems these few months.
90% of dragonball fans detest dragonballgt. If you are one of the 10% who like GT, post this in your signature.

Read my DBGT Remake fanfic! http://db.schuby.org/daizex/viewtopic.php?t=9747
Read my DBAF fanfic, it has terrible writing the first few chapters but I improve in later ones, http://anime.myfavoritegames.com/creative-corner/fanworks-library/101320-dragonballaf.html

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Post by MajinKing » Sat Jun 06, 2009 1:23 pm

Hope you like it! Enjoy!

Chapter 04

Tenshinhan removes his shirt and floats slowly to the creature. Can he realy do it?," Asked oob with doubt on his face. The creature smiles. Heheheheh, you must have a death wish.," The creature claimed. Tenshinhan smiles. The creature begins to get annoyed. Grrr, you weak insect.," The creature said in a angry voice. He punches tenshinhan on his third eye. Oh no!!," Screamed oob. Tenshinhan is holding his forehead with both hands in pain. Argggh....," Was what he reacted to the pain. The creatures nails begin to grow longer and longer, tenshinhan quickly notices, so the creature tries to peirce him on his third eye but tenshinhan sidesteps it and only gets a scratch by the left side of his eye. He kicks the creature in the chest, but with no effect. The creature smiles. To tenshinhan's shock he quickly backs away.

The creature's long nails go back to their normal size and he quickly flies over to tenshinhan and knees him on the stomach and kicks him away to the ocean with his other leg. Oh no.... I shoud help him but.... DARN!! I'm SO USELESS!!! WHAT WAS ALL THAT TRAINING FOR!?," Oob said in his head. Tenshinhan floats up from the ocean and is breathing hard. His head has a bit of blood on top of it and a few scrapes in his body. I underestimated him, luckily I have that move in reserve...," said tenshinhan in his head. Coming back for more earthling!?," Yelled the creature. Tenshinhan suddenly looks angry and has hs fists in a grip causing two extra arms pop out behind him.

Oob has a surprised look. That is...!!," Yelled oob. Oooooh, you seem to have more in your sleeve ey?," Said the creature. Oob is it!?," Asked tenshinhan. Y-yeah! What is it?," asked oob. Tenshinhan floats over to oob. I'm going to need you to be a decoy for me. I have a plan.," Said tenshinhan. A plan? What is it?," asked oob. We cant waist time talking about it. All you need to do is stall him.," Said tenshinhan. What are those two talking about?," Said the creature. Tenshinhan floats in the air while oob flies over to the creature and throws a kick which the creature grabs. Tenshinhan appears behind the creature to punch him but he misses him and the creature shoots a ki blast from his mouth vaporising him. Just then he realises that was not tenshinhan, instead it was one of his clones from that tecknique he used on goku in their second bout.

Oob then shoots a ki blast at the creatures head and escapes from his grasp. Oob then lands multiple punches on the creatures chest and runs behind him and punches him on the center of his back. Kamehamehaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oob shoots a huge Kamehameha pushing the creature to a huge mountain which then explodes. It's ready!!," yelled tenshinhan. Woah!! Both pairs of arms are glowing," said a surprised Oob. The creature blows away all the rubble that is covering him and begins flying quickly over to oob while he prepares a huge ki blast from his mouth, he is very angry.

Tenshinhan then spots him and targets him with both glowing pairs of arm that show the triangular shape he makes when he is about to shoot the kikoho. He combines both glows into one big glow and screames. Ni KI-KO-HO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tenshinhan shoots it at the creature. The creature begins to notice it and stops and tries to block it. The kikoho reaches him causing a huge explosion. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!! The creature begins to screame. Oob looks in shock. Scene shifts over to goku and gohan. They feel the aftershock and high winds the attack caused. D-dont tell me it's tenshinhan!," Said gohan. Him and oob wont last long!! We have to hurry!!," Said goku. Both power up and continue to fly but with maximum speed. Their is nothing but smoke dust and rubble in the scene. He's not dead. Ill have to use it!!," Said tenshinhan in head. His third eye begins to rotate and glow.

Just what is tenshinhan's new power? Will it be enough?
90% of dragonball fans detest dragonballgt. If you are one of the 10% who like GT, post this in your signature.

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Post by MajinKing » Wed Jun 10, 2009 9:56 pm

Chapter 05
Tenshinhan's body is glowing along with his rotating eye. The smoke clears and the creature is standing but looks wounded. He has both his arms and a leg missing. Although he quickly regenerates all his missing parts and looks good as new. "W-what!? All that and he's as good as new!?," Cried oob. The creature may look good as new but he is hurt, he is starting to breath hard and is about to take this serious. The creature's arms begin to get longer, along with his nails. The creature shoots his arms with a lot of speed up to where tenshinhan is floating with his nails preparing to peirce him while he has a big smile on his face. Tenshinhan is just staring as the arms come to him. The arms hit tenshinhan but are suddenly slapped away when they touch him without tenshinhan even lifting a finger. "!!? How did you do that!!? ," asked the creature.

The creature then looks up and see's that tenshinhan is not floating in the sky anymore. Oob notices too and begins to try and find him with his eyes but has no luck. The creature notices where he is and quickly turns around is kicked on the face by tenshinhan and he begins gathering his energy for a dodonpa. He has enough energy and shoots a huge dodonpa at the creature before he hits the ground. A small explosion is caused. The dust clears and the creature is on the ground. "I awakened this power only a few nights ago, it seems that my true potential is concealed in this third eye of mine. It has been for all these years. It's strange but when my powers awakened I remembered a bit of my origins but this is not the place to talk about it. ," said tenshinhan.

The creature gets up and rushes at tenshinhan with an angry look. He throws a punch which tenshinhan dodges, the creature's nails grow longer and sharper which he uses to try and cut tenshinhan. "I'll cut you to peices you bastard!!! ,"yelled the creature. He continues to try and cut tenshinhan but he fails to even scratch him once beacause of tenshinhan's speed. "Whoa, he's better then I thought! ," said oob in his thoughts. Tenshinhan finally grabs the creature by the sides of his head and head butts him on the face and then kicks him away. The creature catches his balance and quickly flies over to tenshinhan again with his arms growing longer and preparing to shoot a ki blast from his mouth, he reaches tenshinhan and a big flash appears.

Goku and gohan are getting close to the scene. "Just a little more. Man tenshinhan realy has improved. ," Said goku. Scene shifts back to tenshinhan and the creature. The creature is just standing there staring at tenshinhan, he's bleeding from his mouth and his arm. He looks shocked and fearfull. "It's time for me to end this. ," said tenshinhan. Tenshinhan puts his second finger and his middle finger from both his hands on one side of his third eye each, it begins to glow and then cover the whole area tenshinhan is in and is still growing. "You won't kill me mortal. You just won't! ," said the creature.

Suddenly the creature is inside of the glow. "Now! It's over! ," yelled tenshinhan. The creature shuts his eyes. Nothing happens and the glow begins to disappear. "Huh? My attack!? ," said a shocked tenshinhan. The creature looked surprised himself. "It seems I cant use this power for too long... I'm finished.... I lost... ," Said tenshinhan in his thoughts. "Tenshinhan what happened!? ," cried oob. The creature looking calm begins to walk over to tenshinhan. "Sorry, but I told you that you will not kill me. ," said the creature.

He punches tenshinhan in the gut and kicks him in his left cheek. The creature rips out his useless arm and grows another arm, a different arm that is white with small spikes. Tenshinhan is kneeling on the ground koffing out blood. The creature begins to slowly walk over to tenshinhan. "This is it. We coudn't win in the end. ," said a frustrated tenshinhan in his head. Someone then arrives and grabs tenshinhan and sets him next to oob. It is none other then goku. Gohan is right infront of the creature. "M-master! ," cried a happy oob. "You did well. Both of you. But for now let gohan handle it. ," said goku.

To be continued...
90% of dragonball fans detest dragonballgt. If you are one of the 10% who like GT, post this in your signature.

Read my DBGT Remake fanfic! http://db.schuby.org/daizex/viewtopic.php?t=9747
Read my DBAF fanfic, it has terrible writing the first few chapters but I improve in later ones, http://anime.myfavoritegames.com/creative-corner/fanworks-library/101320-dragonballaf.html

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