Episode #0310 (16 September 2012)

We cover anything and everything Dragon Ball in hopes of enlightening... and a little bit of entertaining. Hosted every week by the Kanzenshuu staff and regular special guests from the professional and fandom communities. Your first, best, last, and only Dragon Ball podcast!

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Episode #0310 (16 September 2012)

Post by VegettoEX » Mon Sep 17, 2012 9:04 pm

Episode #0310 (download MP3) (rss feed) (subscribe in iTunes) (YouTube version)
46:58; 96 kbps, mono; 32.4 MB

Episode #0310! VegettoEX and Meri discuss the variety of ways to show your love for "Dragon Ball" in public. What level do you take it to? Are you one for the full-on cosplay walking down the street, or are the subtle logo-parodies more your style? News catch up and your questions about "Dragon Ball Kai" round out the episode! Referenced sites:
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Re: Episode #0310 (16 September 2012)

Post by Kaboom » Mon Sep 17, 2012 9:37 pm

Black t-shirt with big white Capsule Corp. logo on the front. Just obvious enough for people to "get it" while subtle enough to avoid getting banished from my village.
Dragon Ball ended in 1997.

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Re: Episode #0310 (16 September 2012)

Post by samuraix123 » Mon Sep 17, 2012 10:04 pm

Thank you VegettoEX for hosting the podcast up on Youtube. I'm taking care of my grandparents for the week, and can't really download it. but with Youtube I can just listen away so thanks.

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Re: Episode #0310 (16 September 2012)

Post by Chuquita » Mon Sep 17, 2012 11:26 pm

V-neck Goku gi shirt with the "GO" symbol on the back. I adore the shirt, I just haven't worn it anywhere yet. I do plan to as it gets colder out.

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Re: Episode #0310 (16 September 2012)

Post by Nex Carnifex » Tue Sep 18, 2012 12:29 am

I remember there was a girl in school wearing a Homestuck shirt (an obscure webcomic) that I happened to know of. She flipped the fuck out when I said I knew what it was from and ran screaming down the hallway. I don't know if she was happy or scared but it was awkward in my opinion.

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Re: Episode #0310 (16 September 2012)

Post by DNA » Tue Sep 18, 2012 4:45 am

Nex Carnifex wrote:I remember there was a girl in school wearing a Homestuck shirt (an obscure webcomic) that I happened to know of. She flipped the fuck out when I said I knew what it was from and ran screaming down the hallway. I don't know if she was happy or scared but it was awkward in my opinion.
xD That was really awkward, I love Homestuck but the fandom is weird.

I've got an orange shirt stylized like Goku's dougi but I don't wear it much because it's too tight. I do wear my black shirt with the RR logo on the back, it's got a small one on the front too. It's subtle, most people don't "get it". It's a bit taboo for me to admit how much I like the franchise because I tend to be viewed as a man-child for it.

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Re: Episode #0310 (16 September 2012)

Post by songohan619 » Tue Sep 18, 2012 5:24 am

I have an orange Goku t shirt, and i wore it, and a kid came up to me and said he loved Dragonball Z Kai.
I`m 16, btw.

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Re: Episode #0310 (16 September 2012)

Post by JeffJarrett » Tue Sep 18, 2012 9:36 am

A lot of people wear the Red Ribbon logo. I don't know why??


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Re: Episode #0310 (16 September 2012)

Post by Piccolo Daimao » Tue Sep 18, 2012 1:00 pm

Years ago, my sister bought me a red Dragon Ball Z t-shirt, where the image was based on Sparking! NEO’s cover art. Sometimes I wear it bare, but other times I cover it up so I don’t have people constantly coming up to me and commenting on my shirt. That’s not embarrassment; I just don’t like attention.

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Re: Episode #0310 (16 September 2012)

Post by Flamzeron » Tue Sep 18, 2012 1:30 pm

I purchased the orange Goku gi t-shirt with the logo on it from Hot Topic a while ago. I've been wearing it to places since. I'm definitely going to wear it to AWA this year.

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Re: Episode #0310 (16 September 2012)

Post by Insertclevername » Tue Sep 18, 2012 8:15 pm

The real question is whether you wear Red Ribbon or Capsule corp merch.

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Re: Episode #0310 (16 September 2012)

Post by VenomSymbiote » Wed Sep 19, 2012 12:13 am

I highly enjoyed this week's podcast episode. It's nice to hear a topic that's not about a product.

I had a lot of thoughts on this week's topic.

As was noted in the episode, people are constantly being judged for reasons as trivial as the kind of car you drive, or the way you run. It's human nature to do so, and that's why we take great care (usually, anyway) to present ourselves in a way that is acceptable to society at large. No one wants to be judged negatively, or to put it differently, to have a social stigma applied to them.

From here then, we can establish that in order to avoid said stigma, we must first figure out what causes it. For the sake of this discussion (and from Meri's description of her day at the gym), we can infer that perhaps one thing that causes people to be embarrassed is to be wearing something that is perceived to be "childish."

There's a neat verse in the Bible, 1 Corinthians 13.11. "When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things." Taken this statement at face value, it describes what we all know to be true. We get older, and eventually grow out of things that we were into when we younger that are no longer appropriate for one reason or another. Obviously there are exceptions, such as the lovely hosts of the show, but of course, that fact that exceptions exist means that for the majority of people, they DO grow out of these things. This is why my father know longer cares about He-Man, or my sister about Clifford The Big Red Dog. They got older.

But again, because exceptions exist, we now have two separate groups of people- those who grew out of something, and those who maintain some sort of interest in it. For Dragonball specifically, we have people who, as Mike says, watched the show as kids, and that was that. And then there are people like myself and my college roommate who have maintained a very active interest in Dragonball. But it seems that we are the minority, and indeed, most people I meet just watched Dragonball as a kid, and then dropped it. And since so many people have done that, Dragonball is perceived as a "kid's show."

Which means that if someone wears a T-shirt somewhere with Goku on it (a character from a kid's show), I imagine that they think that they'll be instantly judged as being something, whether it be childish, foolish, cool, or any other sentiment. It's usually a negative stigma, and that's why people sometimes have a hard problem displaying their fandom- to take a different example, there are people who LOVE MLP: Friendship is Magic, but wouldn't dare wear an MLP shirt outside for fear of being taken as a "brony."

So what it ultimately comes down to is the individual and how they feel they want to be perceived in society. For the non-fans, they don't want to be dressed in DBZ T-shirts. For the fans who like to be subtle, they'll wear it, and if someone knows what it is, great! And for the super fans, they'll cosplay in the middle of the day just to show how much they love their fandom. But guess what? People who act like the last 2 examples are few and far between.

To bring this down from the abstract to the personal, I will use myself as an example. First of all, I don't necessarily buy into everything I just wrote. A lot of people I know do act like what I've written, but I myself do not. For instance, by now I've realized that society will prejudge me no matter what I do. Therefore, I may as well be myself- I can't be something I'm not, anyway. Second of all, when it comes to displaying things about fandom, I see it as coming down to two options. If I wear something, people are either going to get it, or they won't. If they don't get it, then they won't bother me about it. So why in the world would I concern myself with what they "might" think? And if they DO get it, then they might be the kind of people I socialize with anyway, and it's a win-win situation! So with that in mind, I'll go down a couple of things that I have that display my fandoms on an essentially daily basis, and how its taken (oddly enough, none of these things are Dragonball, but that's due more to a lack of money to buy Dragonball stuff I can show off, rather than me being fearful of a negative reaction).

1). An item I wear on my belt daily is the Pokewalker. There is nothing more childish I have on me than something that's related to Pokemon. The good thing is that since most of my shirts cover my belt, people don't always notice it (why is that a good thing?! Hmm...). The awesome part, however, is that many people have noticed it for some reason or another, and guess what? The reactions have always been something along the lines of one of two responses. "Wow, that's neat. What is it?" or "Wow! A Pokewalker! Why do you wear it?" No one has ever criticized or even spoken negatively about the fact that I wear it every day, even those who know what Pokemon is and don't like it.

2). On my bedroom wall, I have this poster. I consider it a public display of my fandom because a lot of people come into my room at college. Just today I had two friends walk over and chat. And just today, one of my friends (a girl, no less) told me how jealous she was that I had that poster, because she had watched The X-Files as a child. And we ended up having a nice discussion about the series, and there was no embarrassment on either one of our parts. As for the other friend, he simply stayed silent and listened to us chat, but not once did he say "Wow, they're so weird for liking a show about aliens and F.B.I. agents."

3). Across from the above poster, I have this one. Interestingly enough, no one ever comments on this one, and you can only imagine why. But again, they don't question me on it, so why should I be worried? And if they do, I'm an intelligent human being (I think); I can provide a rational explanation as to why I have a bikini-clad Storm poster on my wall. I'm a fan, what can I say?

4). On my iPhone, I have this as my Lock Screen, and this as my Home Screen. I don't think I need to mention the two reasons I have Ryofu Housen (from Ikki Tousen, a fanservice/fighting manga & anime) as my wallpaper on my phone. But again, people who don't know any better just assume I like pretty women (and they would be right). Plenty of people have used my phone, and no one's ever made any comments on these. This is why I am so not concerned with people's reactions- they don't even know what they're looking at.

4). This one is perhaps my best example. I own this shirt. You want to know where this shirt originates from? Here's a link (beware; extremely NSFW). I've worn this shirt many times, and no one ever gets where its from. I remember once, one guy came up to me and said, "You know where that shirt's from, right?" I simply nodded, and so did he, and we had what I would call a mutual understanding about our enjoyment of all things hentai. That simple nod justified my wearing of said shirt. And again, If I wear something, people are either going to get it, or they won't. If they don't get it, then they won't bother me about it. So why in the world would I concern myself with what they "might" think? And if they DO get it, then they might be the kind of people I socialize with anyway, and it's a win-win situation! This is why I never worry about how I'll be taken on public with the things I have that show off what I'm into.

Because ultimately, it's not bad to still be into childish things- it's all a manner of how you handle it. And I think people who don't know how to handle the things they're into need to grow up a little bit. I am extremely comfortable with who I am and what I'm into, and that alone is more than enough to justify me wearing whatever it is that I want, or buying whatever it is I want, to show off the fandoms I love. Then again, I imagine most people are simply really worried about this and that or this happening to them.

One last story I have: recently, a friend of mine, a guy friend, crossplayed as a typical Japanese miko and came into my Japanese class in full crossplay. And the class loved him for it. So even when one goes to the extreme to display your love for something in public, the reaction isn't always, and in my experiences, rarely ever negative.

...I apologize if this post ends up being somewhat lengthy. I spent more time on this post than on some of my homework assignments.

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Re: Episode #0310 (16 September 2012)

Post by Hellspawn28 » Wed Sep 19, 2012 2:49 am

Nice to see another podcast. I don't have any DB t-shirts at the moment but I did had a SSj3 GT Kid Goku t-shirt when I was 12. Too bad I quickly grew out of it once I hit my growth spurt at the time.

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Re: Episode #0310 (16 September 2012)

Post by Castor Troy » Wed Sep 19, 2012 1:35 pm

I think that pseudo anime brand shirt was called "Plastik".

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Re: Episode #0310 (16 September 2012)

Post by SaiyamanMS » Wed Sep 19, 2012 11:16 pm

I don't have any Dragon Ball shirts, but I do have a One Piece one featuring the crew circa Alabasta on it that I'll wear in public. I've also been known to wear my Ash Ketchum hats (I have both the original series and Best Wishes versions) when out and about. On the other hand, my big pink antlered Tony Tony Chopper top hat and my winged Arale Norimaki hat don't see much use in public. :lol:

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Re: Episode #0310 (16 September 2012)

Post by Cipher » Fri Sep 21, 2012 8:08 pm

What level do you take it to?

I ...

I don't. : |

(But I also generally don't wear T-shirts unless I'm working out.)

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Re: Episode #0310 (16 September 2012)

Post by El Diabeetus » Sat Sep 22, 2012 1:12 am

I have that same Goku Gi-esque shirt, my brothers and cousin got it for me, haha.

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Re: Episode #0310 (16 September 2012)

Post by sailorspazz » Sat Sep 22, 2012 6:47 pm

I used to have this hanging in my car:


It's a window sticky plush featuring Super Saiyan Trunks holding a sign for "SUPER safe driving". I had it sticking in my car window for a few years, and one time a gas station attendant said "wow, DBZ, that's awesome!" but otherwise no one really commented on it. The reasons I no longer have it in my car are because, 1) the sticky things don't stick as strongly anymore, so it kept falling off, and 2) after my car was broken into earlier this year, I didn't really want to put anything in it that might attract a thief's attention (though they didn't steal my plushies, they did steal several CDs from the car, including a DBZ Song Collection set, grrrrr)

As for t-shirts, I only have one DBZ shirt, and I only wear it at cons. I do have a bunch of other geeky shirts that I wear on occasion, though (Nintendo, TMNT, a Slytherin shirt from Harry Potter). I guess it's mainly because the other geeky shirts are form-fitting women's shirts, whereas most of the anime shirts I have are bulkier men's style shirts, which I don't prefer to wear so much. So if I found some form-fitting shirt featuring Vegeta (and maybe Trunks), I'd have no problem busting it out for everyday wear. I kind of went through a period in my early 20s when I was self-conscious about wearing geeky stuff in public, but in my late 20s I've come around to not caring what people think, and wear my "childish" geeky attire with pride :D

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Re: Episode #0310 (16 September 2012)

Post by Craddle » Tue Sep 25, 2012 11:46 am

My 17 year old little brother has one of those "Hawaiian style" DBZ shirts. He got it a couple years ago and I thought the same thing as you did Mike, I would not be caught dead wearing something like that. (A T-Shirt, sure. I have a few.)

Btw, I thought it was hilarious when Meri said "He showed me his giant robot."

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Re: Episode #0310 (16 September 2012)

Post by Hellspawn28 » Sun Sep 30, 2012 6:02 pm

I remember some kid dress up as Goku for Halloween last year. I thought that was cool since I haven't seen anyone dress up as a DBZ character for Halloween since 2001.

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