What if Yamcha was killed by Tambourine instead of Krillin?

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What if Yamcha was killed by Tambourine instead of Krillin?

Post by Dragon Sponge » Sun Oct 16, 2016 10:16 pm

Let say Yamcha agreed to retreive Son Gokus Staff and Dragon Ball and gets Killed afterward by Tambourine instead of Krillin, how would the Events turn out? Would Goku fall into the same kind of Rage and pursue Tambourine or would he wait and hear Piccolos story from Muten Roshi. Would Krillin want to Join Goku on his revenge Quest or would both of them Join Roshi on his Dragon Ball hunt. What do you Guys think?
Last edited by Dragon Sponge on Mon Oct 17, 2016 6:24 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: What if Yamcha was killed by Tambourine instead of Krillin?

Post by Angelus » Sun Oct 16, 2016 10:54 pm

I think if Goku never ran off to chase Tambourine, he would never have met Yajirobe. Yajirobe would have killed Cymbal and then get killed after Tambourine arrives. That's if Tambourine is sent to go after whoever killed Cymbal first instead of continuing with his original mission of killing the WMAT finalists. If Tambourine finds Goku in that mission, Tambourine would be dead. Regardless, Yajirobe dies since King Piccolo is gathering the dragon balls and Yajirobe has one as a necklace. If that happens, then Goku will never meet Yajirobe. He'll have to climb up Korin Tower without Yajirobe's help. Here comes the Saiyan Saga and no one will be there to cut off Vegeta's tail.

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Re: What if Yamcha was killed by Tambourine instead of Krillin?

Post by Lionel » Mon Oct 17, 2016 4:57 am

Goku's temperamental reaction hinges on his feelings for Yamcha. The closest companion of Goku's at the time was Krillin. The mutual interactions they shared coupled with their respect for each other as martial artists and having grown together in the Roshi household is bound to leave a personalised fondness for the person whom you were with all throughout that time. Yamcha was a memorable friend whom Goku knew for several years, but their relationship was hampered by the circumstantial nature of their camaraderie. Most often their exchanges took place at the tournament stadium under mutually interested yearnings to compete, and oftentimes Krillin or the prime competitor of the tournament held the majority of Goku's attention. Frequently, there wasn't that informality between tournaments which allowed Goku to turn to Yamcha as a close companionable friend, not to the degree existing between Goku and Krillin.

So my interpretation of Goku's responce to Yamcha's death envisions him with deep-rooted anger and a strong desire to pursue whatever it was that killed him, but still maintaining his capacity to think rationally; think the Saiyan arc with intense, yet composed fury emanating from Goku as he dominates Nappa in the early segment of their fight. Roshi should likely be able to dissuade him from recklessly chasing after Tambourine; as a result, Goku is witness to the vocal recount of Piccolo Daimao's campaign of horror and savagery. Following this exposition, the group should proceed back to Kame House as they did in the manga to await further news of attacks against martial artists. Unlike the manga's timeline of events, it's Yamcha who is placed into a stasis capsule for preservation. Proposals of using the Dragon Balls to kill Daimao are brought forth and an action plan is put together. The revelation of Nam's death could incentivise Goku to charge out and try his hand, but Roshi's insistence for caution will hopefully convince him to abide by their plans.

A notable but not altogether crucial meeting between Goku and Yajirobe at this time fails to occur. By extension, Yajirobe's seafood meal is preserved for himself as it's not squandered by a hungry Goku. Piccolo Daimao's conception of Cymbal and the centring upon the location of Yajirobe's Dragon Ball take place without any discrepancies to the manga. Now it may take a bit more time for Cymbal to uncover Yajirobe as the lone samurai isn't being distracted by a ravenous poacher; eventually he and the dragonish spawn should meet, though. The backdrop may be somewhat different and with less squabbling to decide who gets to kill it, but the end result of the fight is the same. Piccolo Daimao's metaphysical connection to his spawn will alert to the presence of someone opposing his faction, as in the manga, and his outrage will prompt him to alert Tambourine of the incident and order him to pursue this killer. One interesting deviation here should happen as the informational poster for Yamcha is already torn up after having been killed, instead I suspect it would be Krillin's picture appearing next on Tambourine's list. Ironically, the little guy is spared from his canonical fate by Daimao redirecting Tambourine's attention to Cymbal's killer.

Again, Tambourine may have some initial difficulty finding Yajirobe as there's no Goku to distract the swordsman. Once they meet, the feelings are only mutual irritation and hungriness. Seeing how his past experiences with Cymbal should be fresh in his mind, Yajirobe has no reason to withhold using his sword. Tambourine is swiftly sliced in two. He's now able to sate his desire for mutated Namekian flesh; this causes Daimao's indignation and yearning for reprisal to come to a head. He's now unknowingly chasing after a hermit with a hunger for eccentric foods instead of Goku. On the other hand, Goku should be traveling with Roshi, Tenshinhan and Chaozu as they collect Dragon Balls. Goku's own resentment for the group who precipitated Yamcha's death will have him siding with Tenshinhan in the idea of directly challenging Daimao as Roshi continues to advise them of utilising the wish instead. Another minor change for the dialogue concerns a scenario where they have all died except the fighter remaining behind at Kame House -- in this timeline it's Krillin instead of Yamcha who is imposed as being the last line of defence.

No bickering amongst characters over the Dragon Ball takes place. However, since Yajirobe will be in the process of cooking and eating Tambourine's corpse, Daimao should have ample time to arrive as the swordsman is still enthralled with his meal. The unintentional announcement of Piccolo Daimao's name to the outside is going to put Yajirobe on alert. He mused over a recollection of the name then proceeded to hastily hand off the Dragon Ball to Goku. Since no warnings over the danger of possessing a Dragon Ball are disclosed to Yajirobe, though, he will have no reason to dispose of it. Fleeing into the surrounding jungle is going to paint a sombre picture of the coming death as Daimao is following after him with hatred and intention. Yajirobe is eventually cornered by his pursue. If he had the sense to attempt an immediate Iaijutsu, it's possible he could accomplish a surprise upset by killing Daimao. Given Yajirobe's cowardly and submissive demanour when cornered, however, he'll likely try to plead for his life. Piccolo Daimao will hear nothing of it as Yajirobe had already signed his death warrant by killing Cymbal and Tambourine. This timeline diverges drastically as now Yajirobe has been killed. No one is to examine him for vitals, either. In a disturbing twist, his body will probably become food for some nearby animals or parasites.

Piccolo Daimao flies away in celebratory contentment of having killed the murderer of his spawn. Meanwhile, the group locates a fifth Dragon Ball. No exchange of dialogue between a haggard Goku and Yajirobe as they make their way to Karin's Tower since the latter is deceased. Now I presume Roshi would have allowed Goku to participate in snatching away the Dragon Balls since it does make the load for each thief less cumbersome. He should be hiding with Tenshinhan and Roshi beneath the same outcrop. Once Daimao swallows the Dragon Balls and the group resolves itself to a direct encounter, the anesthetic spray used to incapacitate Tenshinhan should be used on Goku as well. With their bodies out of the way, events pan out normally with three silent witnesses instead of two. Chaozu is killed mid-wish as per usual. Daimao usurps control of the world government normally as well.

This next course of action hinges on what Goku and Tenshinhan intend to do. Since they never separated, an argument on how they should best try to handle Piccolo Daimao occurs. Tenshinhan could suggest harnessing the power of the Mafuba while Goku reveals the existence of a senbyo fighting teacher, Karin. Since the latter isn't an assurance for death and because Tenshinhan originally wanted to fight Daimao personally, I could see him agreeing to accompany Goku all the way to Karin's Tower. When they arrive, Upa and Bora will greet them as per usual, perhaps with a bit more formality and seriousness conveyed in Tenshinhan's exchanges. Rather than have Bora awkwardly lift someone of Tenshinhan's stature up, the two of them would simply begin climbing the tower. It takes until nighttime for them to arrive. No Senzu is required since neither character was injured. Because of Tenshinhan's eagerness to fight, I could see him agreeing to drink the Chonshinsui as well. Some may dispute his vitality isn't up to par with Goku's, but the fact he's survived multiple usages of the Kikoho -- a technique that's powered by genki -- provides a basis for him to survive. His shouki and yuuki are just as incredible as Goku's, if not moreso in some respects.

The pair endure the trials of the Choshinsui and hopefully come out alive during the next morning. Our only precedent for side-by-side potential unlocks between Saiyans and humans occurs on Namek when the Grand Elder unlocked Krillin and Gohan's potential at the time. Until the latter began to experience zenkais, the two were still relatively close to each other in terms of power. I'm going to assume the same would be true of Goku and Tenshinhan during the Piccolo Daimao arc.

Instead of a one-man kamikaze flying towards certain death, both Tenshinhan and Goku are hit with a reverie as they bask in their new power. They can sense Daimao's malevolent Ki in the distance. Karin bequeaths Goku with a new Nimbus cloud for transportation as Tenshinhan brandishes his capsule plane to ride alongside Goku in. Kame House is eventually contacted and informed of what occurred. Krillin speaks in Yamcha's place at the radio. Piccolo Daimao's televised announcement of the destruction lottery is learned by everyone. However, the mood is a bit more hopeful as both fighters possess strength comparable to Daimao's. Since it takes a bit longer for Goku to arrive, Daimao could already be traveling to West City when Goku and Tenshinhan arrive. I assume Daimao has yet to leave the capital completely so they should be able to fight there like in the manga. Drum being summoned would only result in his quick and expected death by either of the pair along with Piano.

If Goku alone posed such a harsh threat to Piccolo Daimao, then imagine someone of virtually equal strength fighting alongside him. Imagine #17 and #18 acting together to fight Piccolo Jr (post-fusion). Daimao may not even get the opportunity to shatter any limbs or level the city. One thing I'm confident will happen -- Daimao is going to be destroyed completely. He was only allowed to expel his essence due to circumstances with Goku only perforating his chest and not completely atomising him. A potential Kikoho used in tandem with the Kamehameha is going to ouright kill him immediately. These actions are going to have far-reaching implications as Piccolo Jr and his resultant influence over the course of events never transpires. The Dragon Balls have also become irrevocably inactive as killing Daimao resulted in Kami's death as well.

What follows next is Goku and Tenshinhan coming out of this fight with, in all likelihood, only moderate to significant but not severe injuries. They should make their way back to Karin's as promised like in the manga. Bulma has piloted a capsule plane with Launch and Krillin in tow, prepared to fight an enemy who is already dead. They have no one to treat as Tenshinhan is accompanying Goku back to Karin's. The news of Daimao's death is conveyed to the world. Turns out Baba's prediction failed to account for the integral role Tenshinhan would play! No Piccolo Jr in a child form makes an appearance to pledge retribution.

Yajirobe's banter with Karin doesn't occur, though perhaps Karin's projections of the fight may have been more optimistic since it's two-vs-one. There is no incentive to visit the Lookout since the creator of the Dragon Balls was inadvertently killed when Daimao was destroyed. In a sobering revelation, Karin reveals the essentiality for Daimao to have survived so his benevolent counterpart could restore the Dragon Balls. Now Roshi, Yamcha, Chaozu, Yajirobe, and all of the martial artists who were killed are left to suffer endlessly since being killed by a demon, according to Karin, relegates them to wander aimlessly without the ability to ascend. With this shocking and horrifying information, Goku and Tenshinhan are forced to move forward without being able to resurrect their fallen friends.

The following three years are spent training in isolation across the globe. On the day of the tournament, the Crane Hermit could remark derisively of the deceased Roshi. It wouldn't sit well with anyone, but why sully their fists over such pettiness? Absent of Yamcha, Chaozu, Hero, Yajirobe and Piccolo Jr, the preliminaries see only Goku, Tenshinhan, Krillin, Cyborg Tao, and Chichi making it to the quarter-finals. Familiar old tension would permeate as Tao bickers with Tenshinhan over his treacherous actions and the absence of Chaozu -- this latter action probably galvanising Tenshinhan more. During said quarter-finals, events between Tenshinhan and Tao, and Goku and Chichi are the same. Krillin is essentially given a free avenue for surviving until the finals as the replacement contestants should be fodder compared to him. Goku and Tenshinhan, both whom I believe would still be close to each other power, having a long grueling struggle commence between the two of them. Goku winning this time would need to occur via exploitation of the Multi-Form's weaknesses and reversing the Taiyoken. This battle will leave Goku severely exhausted to the point where I suspect Krillin may win. However, since it's safe to assume Krillin traveled to Karin's Tower, he likely has Senzu and would share one with Goku for the sake of fairness. Goku then proceeds to handily take the 23rd tournament in a short friendly bout with his best friend.

Five years elapse and Goku is living with Chichi alongside their son. Raditz's arrival happens unabated. Goku has to visit his friends either at Capsule Corporation or Kame House where Krillin is maintaining it. The ultimate result is Raditz locating him, revealing his true origins, and the proceeding to kidnap Gohan. Goku is drastically weaker in comparison to his manger iteration, and since his first impulse was to brazenly charge after Raditz, this is likely what he will do. Krillin may try to assist, but neither one has the strength to oppose the Saiyan in any meaningful capacity. Gohan's enraged onslaught is the only portion of damaged suffered by Raditz. He afterwards proceeds to kill all of them, followed by the planetwide population. The original intention of placing the planet on the intergalactic market comes to fruition. The Saiyans remain subservient, but alive under Freeza's control.

Gero may eventually begin to make his move, but with considerably different data used as a blueprint for the strengths of his cyborgs, it will only require the intervention of Freeza to annihilate them. Life continues with Freeza reigning as the active ruler of the universe. Buu is never released due to insufficient energy supplies and Beerus quickly returns to sleep after fulfilling his duties. Zamasu could defect, thus leaving the universe devoid of any life unless one of the gods choose to intervene.

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Re: What if Yamcha was killed by Tambourine instead of Krillin?

Post by Dragon Sponge » Mon Oct 17, 2016 6:23 am

I would say Goku against Piccolo would be a little bit weaker than in the Canon Version because he did not get his two Zenkais from Tambourine and Old Piccolo, so he alone should have a harder time against young King Piccolo but should still be strong enough to fight him good enough. And together with Tenshinhan, both of them should be able to defeat the Namekian. But what if Piccolo somehow still manages to reinkarnate himself to Piccolo Jr. how would that change the later Events?

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Re: What if Yamcha was killed by Tambourine instead of Krillin?

Post by FoolsGil » Mon Oct 17, 2016 12:21 pm

Dragon Sponge wrote:I would say Goku against Piccolo would be a little bit weaker than in the Canon Version because he did not get his two Zenkais from Tambourine and Old Piccolo,
You're implying that Goku needed a zenkai to match Yajirobe - you know you're saying that right? :mrgreen:

Anyways, Goku would be angry, but not enough to go out on a blind rage, even if he did I think Krillin would be able to talk him down. I suppose the plan would stay the same, gather the dragonballs. After Tambourine and Cymbal are killed, Piccolo will attend to matters, may go after Yajirobe first to get his dragonball before meeting Master Roshi's group. Either Yajirobe dies to Piccolo, or Master Roshi and everyone gets to Yajirobe first. The fight of Piccolo vs the group would likely be a bloodbath, Master Roshi would fail again most likely. Goku, maybe Tenshinhan, definitely Yajirobe whose hiding would survive. Daimao gets his wish, leaves everyone else still alive alone. One way or another, someone is going to get Goku to Korin's, and the story continues the same way

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Re: What if Yamcha was killed by Tambourine instead of Krillin?

Post by Dragon Sponge » Mon Oct 17, 2016 2:19 pm

You're implying that Goku needed a zenkai to match Yajirobe - you know you're saying that right? :mrgreen:
Not really, I consider Gokus Zenkai Boost from Tambourine very Minor, let say an Powerlevel increase from 180 to 185, so not much stronger than before.

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Re: What if Yamcha was killed by Tambourine instead of Krillin?

Post by Lionel » Wed Oct 19, 2016 6:02 am

In the event of Piccolo Daimao succeeding in transmigrating his essence into an offspring, Goku and Tenshinhan now have tangible incentive to continue their blueprinting of revitalising the Dragon Balls. Moreover, the Senzu Beans could come into effect as useful restorative implements for both of the weary fighters. Krillin's armed party arrives onto the desolated wasteland that was once the capital. No assisting role exists for them as Goku and Tenshinhan have returned to Karin's Tower. Conveying the demise of Daimao is the only purpose for their appearance at this time.

At the tower, the realisation of Kami existing and the potentiality for the Dragon Balls being restored are told to Goku and Tenshinhan. Karin's specification of credentials for meeting with Kami should logically prohibit Tenshinhan from accompanying Goku -- strength and courage exist in ample amounts for him, but the purity stipulation is lacking. Tenshinhan's intentions are good overall, yet his character is still besmirched by hints of corruption like the brutality he acquired under the Crane Hermit's tutelage. But tenacious insistence coupled with the integral nature of Tenshinhan's role in defeating Daimao should persuade Karin to allow the martial artist to meet with Kami as well. The incredulity expressed by Yajirobe at the possibility of Kami existing is not part of the conversation here.

Due to the drastic alterations in the set up of the fight against Piccolo Daimao, the chances of Goku losing his Power Pole are decreased. For convenience's sake, let's argue Tenshinhan siphoning away Daimao's attention and wrath prevented the Power Pole from being forcefully discarded. Both fighters can make their way to the roof of the tower. Two ritualistic bells of worthiness are bequeathed to the duo. Afterwards, they proceed to insert the Power Pole into the resting place. The test of acceptability is conveyed. All of the necessary information is given, so Goku and Tenshinhan can now grip the Power Pole as it extends into the atmosphere above. Once reaching the lowermost extremity of the lookout, they climb the adjacent ladder and encounter Mr Popo. Some banter is exchanged then the pair is recognised for their accomplishment of defeating Piccolo Daimao. A fight with Popo begins, as is the qualification for meeting with Kami, and they're easily overcome. Working together only compels Popo to use more of his appendages.

Popo's lesson in humility would seem a tad bit more out of place because Goku still recognises Tenshinhan as his equal; both of them survived the trials of the Choshinsui and should be comparable to each other still. Learning of the martial artist's tenet of someone always being more powerful is instilled, nonetheless. Also, the other lesson of bodily and psychological unity with the world is largely the same, only Tenshinan is also participating. Goku's eagerness to acquire these skills impresses Kami enough to where he will see the two of them. The striking resemblance to Daimao spurs them to attack. Kami can repel them with two flicks of his fingers. Popo restrains them both and the clarification of Kami's identity occurs. More appreciation for Daimao's demise is expressed to the duo. Kami then requests for a training regimen be undertaken for the next three years. Tenshinhan and Goku are relieved to hear of the Dragon Balls being revived.

Goku and Tenshinhan will insist to see their newly revived friends, but Kami halts them with the reiterated expectation they stay to be trained. Piccolo Jr's existence is made known in the process. Since two fighters of exceptional calibre are being instructed, one of them will ultimately oppose Jr. Should they fail, the other can resume the struggle and hopefully win. Tenshinhan may overhear the conversation between Kami and Popo concerning the mutual thread of life as Goku leaves to use the bathroom. He may interject, but the necessity for defeating Piccolo should continue to take precedence.

Without Goku's brief appearance at Kame House to inform everyone of the possibility for the Dragon Balls to help resurrect everyone, the group will need to discover this on their own. As the slain martial artists are revived, Krillin, Yamcha and Chaozu resolve to improve themselves. The latter will either have to train alone or with one of the other two. Shenron unveils that the pair is training with Kami and they will have to wait patiently before seeing them again.

Launch and Roshi meet up with Bulma, Oolong, and Puar as per the manga's rendition of events. Goku and Tenshinhan soon afterwards make their appearance together in unique looking attire provided by Kami. Their presence astonishes the group by how much they've changed. Usual small-talk is expressed with Tenshinhan around to give his input. Krillin, Yamcha, and Chaozu appear within a short time -- heartwarming reunions between Goku and Krillin and Tenshinhan with Chaozu happen. An intercom message is heard, prompting would-be contestants to come for registration. Roshi dismisses Tenshinhan's inquiry of joining the competition due to believing himself to be surpassed. When Krillin asks of the experiences with Kami's training, he asks both Goku and Tenshinhan about it. Once inside the preliminary gymnasium, Goku and Tenshinhan reveal their combat attire -- both are donning dark undershirts, weighted wristbands, and weighted boots. Yamcha and Krillin take notice of Goku being without his tail. He explains how Kami intentionally removed it for the sake of recreating the Moon.

When Piccolo Jr shows before Goku and the others, Tenshinhan's placidity is undisturbed as he anticipated this meeting thanks to Kami's forewarning. They both silently agree to not tell the others of Piccolo's identity. Chichi's longtime reunion with Goku is marred by the lack of familiarity on Goku's part and Chichi storms off to sulk. Soon the preliminary matches commence. Tenshinhan harbours no secretive misgivings as he's already well prepared for the battle with Jr. He'll instruct Chaozu to assort the numbers of his companions apart from each other, including Jr's. The preliminaries happen normally with Tenshinhan exhibiting the same serenity as Goku. Unfortunately, Chaozu is taken out by Cyborg Tao as he still doesn't have the strength to go up against his former mentor. Old enmities surface as Tao assures he will kill them all before strutting off in overconfidence. Chichi and Cyborg Tao predictably qualify for the quarter-finals. Shen's fabricated haphazard style is used against a generic fodder instead of the masked Yajirobe who never met Goku and is likely still residing in the jungles.

The Kame students confide in Roshi and others the appearance Tao. Normal conversations proceed. The Crane Hermit interjects himself in the conversation and exaggerates the danger posed by Cyborg Tao before strutting off with the leers of Kame house watching him. Once the announcement for contestants is relayed, the Kame students begin discussing their experiences with Karin. Tenshinhan is omitted from the group who climbed Karin's Tower together and trained before receiving Senzu Beans. At the main stadium. Tao's fumbling pans out unchanged. The cloak & dagger manoeuvre grants Tao the minor satisfaction of scarring Tenshinhan's chest, but his following Super Dodonpa gets repelled and he's swiftly incapacitated. Chichi's defeat and subsequent engagement to Goku pans out the same too. Krillin's bout with Piccolo Jr is consistent as he impresses everyone with his progress and comprehension of Bukujutsu; maybe Tenshinhan also advises him on the danger of Krillin's opponent.

Both Tenshinhan and Goku feel something is amiss with Shen as he prepares to fight Yamcha; this transpires like in the manga. Goku puts the pieces together and informs Tenshinhan that Shen is Kami in disguise. Following the match, Shen winks to both of them knowingly. We soon come to the first meaningful deviation in the tournament when Goku and Tenshinhan battle each other -- there is no discreet suppression of power or covert belief of Goku's certain victory, these two are rivals through-and-through. Goku may hold a tiny smidge of an advantage due to his Saiyan physiology (no more than 5% at the absolute maximum, in my opinion), but it's so negligible that Tenshinan's vaster repertoire of abilities more than compensates for it. Shen observes, interested to see who of his two students will go on to win and challenge Jr. Some time elapses as the battle rages on heatedly. They eventually agree to remove their weights and unleash all of their power. To the wonderment of everyone, it's learned how they have been fighting so inhumanely as they were hindered by 90 kilograms of weight. As the battle recommences, none is able to follow their movements except for Piccolo Jr; think of this match as hearkening to the manga's rendition of Goku and Piccolo Jr's battle. During Kami's regimen, the two will have sparred with each other on many occasions -- as a result, the imperfections of the Multi-Form technique should already be known by Tenshinhan. He opts to use other manoeuvres, possibly his techniques from the last tournament. It's needless to say this battle will be continuing for as long as the finals, if not longer. Goku should eventually come out victorious thanks to his experience with Tenshinhan's abilities and adaptability, but it's going to leave him so exhausted he may be in the same condition as their battle at the 22nd tournament.

Tenshinhan vows to continue improving so he can surpass Goku. Because of the continual sparring with a comparably strong fighter, they both will have surpassed Jr by a comfortable degree more than in the manga. Shen is confronted by Goku and they discuss what happens next. It'll be recognised how Goku, and Tenshinhan for that matter, have far surpassed expectations and are already greatly more powerful than he is. Rather than elect himself to fight Jr, I see Shen allowing Goku to handle things in the worst case scenario. In the hopes of resolving things before they escalate to that point, Shen will attempt the Mafuba. Goku may confide in Tenshinhan what was said behind close doors. After some much needed rest and food, hopefully Goku will be prepared to fight. The announcer offered Goku a period of remission back in the 22nd tournament, surely he would extend the same courtesy now.

Shen and Piccolo Jr's battle isn't the spectacle Goku and Tenshinhan's was. They still impress, but not to the same degree. What's more, the result is the same like the manga's. Goku and Tenshinhan will demand for the jug, but Piccolo swallows it to deny it to them. I question if his certainty in victory would be so pronounced after witnessing what both Goku and Tenshinhan are capable of -- nevertheless, he'll project a facade of confidence so as not to allude to his own misgivings. The pair finally reveal Jr's identity to the rest of the group. They're unnerved by this realisation, but with the semi-final match still fresh in their minds, there's little question of Goku's victory. When Jr appears, he may give acknowledgement to Tenshinhan also posing as an obstruction to his aims. Confidently, Goku prepares for this final battle.

I can best describe this climactic fight as being a disjointed campaign with Goku steering the overall course of things as Piccolo Jr strains to hold his ground. If I were to compare it to another discrepancy battle, it would be a serious Monster Zarbon rematching a non-devious Vegeta or Freeza in his first form grappling with Vegeta. Projectile attacks can be mostly repelled with physical motions by Goku. A Super Kamehameha will significantly damage Piccolo Jr, but the resultant injuries should not be enough to kill him. The crowd flees in terror upon realising who Jr is. As Piccolo increases his size to provide an advantage for himself, Goku aptly blocks and counterattacks, no sustained damage. Jr will be compelled to heighten his size further, but this only grants Goku the opening he needed to reclaim the jug and release Kami. No one will have to offer their assistance, the advantage is demonstrably in Goku's favour, moreso than in the manga. None can follow the battle except Tenshinhan who obverses with anticipation. Much fewer of Piccolo's attacks will reach the intended target, as a result Kami may not feel inclined to interfere. Quite a generous amount of intermediary dialogue is lost as we move directly into the homing missile attack. Piccolo's disbelief is ailed with an underlying feeling of fear because he knows both Goku and Tenshinhan exhibited strength greater than his own; overcoming the former somehow would still leave the latter to contend with and he's exhausted at this point. It's even easier for the attack to be lured into backfiring on Jr.

Limb mutilation and regeneration happens, depleting Piccolo Jr's power by a good amount. He deals his final trump card which is the Full-Power Shockwave. Being of similarly stalwart power, Tenshinhan uses his Kikoho to carve a makeshift fortification for the others in the ground before positioning himself to endure the blast like Goku. What minor damage he endured in the manga is replaced by superficial marks at worst, for both students of Kami. A round of ovation emanates through the air as Goku proceeds to dominate the exhausted Piccolo and conclude the barrage with a Kamehameha. Piccolo should not recover under these circumstances because of the enlarged strength gap formed because of the attack draining his reserves of Ki. He will be incapacitated and the battle ends there as the announcer completes the countdown. Without Yajirobe to provide any Senzu Beans, Goku may need to go to the hospital. He should still have enough stamina to prevent Kami from killing Piccolo Jr. Similar final words are given. Goku would want to restore Piccolo Jr's injuries so I believe he would do something drastic in taking Piccolo to Karin's. Chichi and the others are told to stay where they are.

Goku hoists Piccolo Jr's unconscious body through the air alongside his Nimbus before reaching Karin's. This request for healing will no doubt horrify Karin, but at Goku's insistence and assurances of wanting to protect Kami's life, he will begrudgingly hand over two Senzu while informing Goku of their restorative properties. After taking one for himself then feeding the other to Piccolo Jr, the Namekian-to-be regains consciousness and swears he will one day kill Goku. He flies from the tower and off into the horizon. Meanwhile, after having returned to the desolated ruins of the tournament stadium, Goku will admit he allowed Piccolo Jr to escape. The expected reactions happen followed by Kami's self-reflection of unworthiness for having created Piccolo. Roshi and the others calm his guilt by clarifying how it was thanks to him Goku became the capable saviour who could oppose Piccolo in the first place. Kami offers Goku his position, but it is soundly rejected. Both he and Chichi ride off together atop the Nimbus. Tenshinhan reavows his determination to surpass Goku and fight Piccolo personally next time. Kami could speak with Tenshinhan next to ask him if he wishes to become the guardian of Earth, believing him to be the most qualified after Goku. Of course this offer is denied with the assertion of his passion being martial arts, not overseeing the Earth

Onset of Dragon Ball Z -- Raditz's arrival onto the planet occurs unabated. He murders the agitated farmer then proceeds to follow the trail of Piccolo Jr's resonating energy signature. The Namekian observes this abnormally massive power fast approaching his position. He could conceivably include Tenshinhan in the self-inquiry of whom the power belongs to -- order of importance would situate Goku before Tenshinhan, though. A standoff similar in style to the manga's resumes until the moment of retaliation by Raditz. Rather than calculate one power, his scouter will discover a second of almost equally proportionate readings coexisting next to a power of fractional worth. Preferring to investigate the largest power, Raditz sets off in the direction of Kame House. Piccolo is left petrified of this unknown being.

Lack of anomalous factors allow for the manga's rendition of the reunion to happen. Goku's old companions discover he has a child who lives a sheltered childhood with emphasis on study and social etiquette. Soon after the reunion begins, Raditz appears. His expositional speech on the subject of Goku's origins and the objective for being sent to Earth continue without incident. Goku's refusal in accepting the invitation to accompany Raditz in his gesture for assistance in purging an undisclosed world leads to Raditz kidnapping Gohan and fleeing after dealing a crippling injury to Goku; this following an ultimatum of 100 corpses being provided or Gohan dies. The petrified group dissuades Goku from brazenly charging towards his death. Roshi and Krillin offer what assistance they can since Tenshinhan or Yamcha can't be located; the former can discern Ki signatures thanks to Kami's training, but the distance separating Kame House from Tenshinhan was 3000 kilometres, he would not have registered anything. Some additional words of regret for not having Tenshinhan's power could be told as he is the most worthwhile ally for Goku to have. Piccolo soon afterwards appears. The two embittered rivals put their differences aside and agree to join forces so they can defeat Raditz.

No conditions are in place to change the chronology of the fight. Goku and Piccolo plunge into the thick of things once they touch down on the mountainous area where Raditz and his ship are located. Gohan's abnormally high power reading is distressing to the Saiyan pirate, but he redirects his attention to the newly arrived team. Until the death of Raditz and Goku, nothing should change. Maybe the pair could offer some brief acknowledgements of regret for not having Tenshinhan available to help throughout the course of the fight, as his power is equally as strong as theirs. Vegeta and Nappa electronically overhear the reference to the Dragon Balls and decide to venture across the universe in expectance of gaining immortality. Goku's body is magically transported away by Kami. Bulma confiscates the scouter from Raditz's corpse to assess it, believing it will help to locate Tenshinhan and Yamcha. As part of his own strategy in preparing for the Saiyans, Piccolo abducts Gohan in the hopes of harnessing the enormous power he exhibited earlier.

Would it not make sense for Kami to allow Tenshinhan to accompany Goku in his journey across Snake Way? He has already long since surpassed Kami five years ago. Nothing else could be gained from Tenshinhan engaging in more training under him. The second most powerful being on the planet who underwent the same rigours as Goku in surviving the Choshinsui, defeating Daimao, training under Kami, and being deemed a potential successor as guardian should be enough merit to qualify for the task -- especially since he, along with Piccolo, Yamcha, and Chaozu already crossed Snake Way in the manga. Kami can rely on his Far-Seeing Arts to locate Tenshinhan on Earth, teleport to him using Kai-Kai, inform him of the situation, then propose he follow alongside Goku to meet with King Kai. Tenshinhan would harbour some misgivings of leaving Chaozu alone, but the guarantees of him being allowed to train under Kami with Krillin and Yamcha should assuage his concerns.

Tenshinhan and Goku exchange some brief heartfelt welcomes and sympathies before addressing King Yemma. Some minor but interesting differences happen in the conversation as the more socially awkward Goku converses informally with Yemma while Tenshinhan is more resolute and careful in his words The ogre assesses their backstories each. They should both qualify. A bit of thorniness when Goku suggests training under Yemma but Kami dissuades him with a silent assurance of King Kai being more powerful. They're left by Kami as he wishes them luck. His introspective monologue on the state of affairs should be the same except instead of deferring only to Goku as their only hope, he perhaps uses the phrase "my old apprentices". Goku and Tenshinhan are driven in the car to the beginning of Snake Way with some banter exchanged over the condition of being dead and what King Kai is like. They're astounded at the scope of the pathway, but if Yemma can accomplish crossing it then so can two others. The instruction to not have Goku resurrected before a year is relayed. More trivial banter before the pair head off down Snake Way.

Gohan's first day under Piccolo's regimen is reflected in how the manga potrays it. He is left to forage and survive on his own. Meanwhile, Kami and Popo reflect upon Piccolo's changing disposition, believing he may be aspiring to have Gohan act as a legacy for him. Events of the night also transpire normally as Gohan discovers the full Moon, transforms, rampages briefly, and then is forcibly reverted back to his human form with new attire as Piccolo destroys the reconstructed Moon. The necessity for food and recuperation could prompt Tenshinhan and Goku to rest in place for some time before resuming their journey. The next day, Bulma and the others discover only two signatures are registering on the newly recalibrated scouter besides Piccolo's, Yamcha and Chaozu's. Their reaction may be incredulous, suspecting the scouter's functionality is off. Someone from within Kami's line of communications will need to come and inform Krillin that's he being summoned to the lookout for training. I suspect without Yajirobe never having met any of the cast, it'll be Baba. Goku's instruction to not be resurrected for another year is conveyed, along with the stunning realisation of Tenshinhan currently being with Goku in the afterlife to train. For the group, it may seem peculiar how Tenshinhan would leave Chaozu, but the prospect of the little psychic being with the others to train under Kami would help to satisfy their curiosity.

Six months elapse. The collection of fighters training atop the lookout should be making their own progress. I would hope Chaozu is roused to battle confidently as he becomes more self-sufficient, but such dramatic character shifts are not so frequent in DBZ. Gohan at least is able to become more self-sufficient as he commences direct training with Piccolo. Goku and Tenshinhan continue to trek across Snake Way.

Debilitated and weary of the pathway's length, Goku and Tenshinhan have finally arrived at the end of Snake Way. Some initial confusion about where this King Kai's residence is, they look above and jump up only to be caught in the gravitational pull of the miniature planet. The sheer intensity of the gravity is grueling. When Bubbles appears, the manic gullibility of Goku shown in believing this ape is a martial arts trainer and deity irks Tenshinhan who is not so foolish. One he makes his debut soon after some nonsensical shenanigans with the ape, King Kai's joviality may take the normally solemn Tenshinhan by surprise. The fact he is alive could prompt King Kai to question how he was allowed to travel on Snake Way. His candidness with their intentions prompts him to clarify what they're on his planet for. Now they must demonstrate their power. An incitement to attack is replied by the complaint of the two being unable to fight properly under the 10x gravity. They impress him by their jumping ability -- Goku's being slightly higher. The pair describe their situation and how much time they have. Discovering how the Saiyans are more powerful than King Kai himself will unsettle them, but the value of the training will hopefully work for them to surpass and become powerful enough. Bubbles is used as part of the initial segments for the test. Undressing from the weighted garments temporarily makes their momentum greater. King Kai insists they put them back on for the benefit of growing stronger. Goku and Tenshinhan should be able to capture Bubbles in the same time frame. Hopefully their accomplished power will help King Kai to realise the potentiality for mastering the Kaioken. Yes, Tenshinhan is included because under these distinct circumstances, their potential should be almost equally impressive unlike after the Freeza arc where the inflation of power levels was too severe for the Kaioken t allow any human to stay on-par. The diligant triclops has no reason to deny learning the technique as he and Goku remain equals to each other.

The training is concluded. Chaozu and the others are told to improve themselves in the wilderness with weighted training clothes adorned. Within the afterlife on King Kai's planet, Goku is amassing genki from the nearby environment for a miniature version of the Spirit Bomb for practice with King Kai. Tenshinhan is monitoring his friend's progress with the technique King Kai alloted to Goku only as he is the only one who meets the criterion for using it (Tenshinhan is still moralistically tainted to some degree). He may offer his input as to the effectiveness of the attack and its weaknesses during the conversation concerning it, outlining the mutual teamwork which should allow the Spirit Bomb to form as the enemy is distracted. On the other hand, thanks to applying the mechanics of Kaioken to the Kikoho, its potency is magnified like the Shin Kikoho (something along these lines was implied in the manga and I suspect King Kai would help him to improve his own techniques). It's hoped that the Kaioken will suffice in allowing the pair to win, but they should not exceed a x2 multiplier if it can be helped. Following this, the sudden realisation of having to traverse back over Snake Way hits King Kai. The pair is staggered by this new unexpected challenge being put before them, but King Kai assures them they should reach Yemma's palace in less than 2 days. Due to the advantageous condition of having each other to spar with, I think the trainees will experience a considerably higher increase of power as sparring partners generally provide. Using arbitrary but reasonable projections, Goku will have a power level of 12,000 and Tenshinhan will have 11,000 (Saiyan physiology should grant superior amounts of return). Goku is instructed to place his hand on King Kai's back and request Roshi to bring him back now. The portion of the telepathic conversation concerning the warning of the Saiyans' premature arrival is relayed. Things differ slightly as Roshi asks how the training went for both Goku and Tenshinhan, inquiring how the latter was doing.

Frayed and grubby from the sixth months of intensive training, King Kai materialises newly resistant and lightly comfortable apparel for the pair of students. Goku is bequeathed with his definitive orange gi, boots, wristband and dark undershirt. As in the manga, the insignia on his back reflects his tutelage under King Kai. For Tenshinhan, some loose-fit pants, shoes, and wristbands characteristic of the traditional Crane Hermit aesthetic is offered along with a dark undershirt similar to the one provided by Kami, except it's created with defencive enhancements in mind. Shenron is summoned forth and Goku's life is restored by Roshi and Bulma; this familiar meteorological trait helps Piccolo to deduce that the Saiyans are arriving earlier than expected. With Goku revived, some final words of warning and parting are traded between the trainees and their teacher before easily leaping off of the planet and hastening back to Yemma's at Tenshihan's insistence. King Kai's final reflection notes of the incredible progress the pair have made, particularly Goku whom he singles out for his boundless potential and purity of soul.

Now I looked over the timeline and estimated length for the events of the Saiyan battle prior to Goku's arrival in the manga. Despite King Kai projecting he would arrive in two days, it actually only takes him one somehow, given the fact that the Saiyans are arriving the next day. Since he and Tenshinhan are approximately a third more powerful in this timeline than 8000, this would logically trim down the duration of time necessary for reaching the beginning of Snake Way. For the purposes of simplicity, I'll guesstimate it as 16 hours instead of 24, the presumed span of time in which Goku arrived in the manga. Nappa and Vegeta's landfall to Earth occurs at 11:43 AM. They track down Piccolo and Gohan's Ki signatures, then begin fighting shortly after 12:20 PM. Not too long afterwards, Vegeta granted a stay of execution for three hours to allow Goku the opportunity to reach them. In this hypothetical timeline, Goku is accompanied by Tenshihan and their travel time is reduced by 8 hours -- meaning that they should in fact arrive back to Earth roughly 4 hours before the Saiyans make it.

In a remarkable turn of events, Goku and Tenshinhan have arrived at King Yemma's greatly ahead of schedule. Yemma comments on the surprising return of the two who actually made it to King Kai's. Kami teleports to the afterlife, retrieves them, and then returns to the lookout with the pair in tow. Instead of an hysterical short-lived greeting and making a frantic beeline to rescue beleaguered friends, the two are greeted with satisfying news of the Saiyans not having yet arrived. Logically, they should still hasten to where the others are so everyone is accounted for when the Saiyans arrive. After some quick discussion regarding the experiences on Snake Way and King Kai's training, the two fighters leave Kami's. Before leaving, Kami will inform Goku that Piccolo has been training his son throughout the past year -- a surprising discovery to learn of. Tenshinhan is also informed of Chaozu having been undergoing training of his own. Both are told where to locate their companions. They briefly stop at Karin's to acquire the last remaining Senzu. One of the two mystical beans is broken into halves and they both eat one to restore their strength, preserving a whole bean for an emergency. Once having fully descended to Earth, Goku and Tenshinhan part ways until the time comes for them to contend with the Saiyans.

Tenshinhan uses the coordinates provided by Kami to locate his long-time friend and training mate in the desert undergoing intense preparation of his own. Some heartfelt exchanges and accounting of what happened during their respective year's worth of time apart later, they set off to meet up with the others. Goku eventually comes across Piccolo and Gohan in a rugged wilderness, both having sensed his coming approach. A mixture of emotions is felt by everyone as father and son are reunited -- Goku being astounded at the dramatic transformation of Gohan's appearance and character. Piccolo is aghast at the enormity of power he feel is emanating from Goku. He could be spluttering in his mind how his sworn enemy could have acquired so much power in less than a year's amount of time -- the ever widening gap that exists has now become a chasm. To exacerbate his already deeply felt mortification, Piccolo swears he could have felt another Ki signature depart from where Goku's Ki could be traced to initially. He works out the identity of this associative signature as belonging to Tenshinhan. Before he can ask any questions, Krillin followed by Yamcha, Tenshihan himself, and Chaozu should arrive in quick succession.

A touching group reunion takes place with everyone officially welcoming Goku back into the living world. Tenshinhan is also happily greeted back. Everyone is dumbfounded by the amount of progress the newly returned pair made. Both Goku and Tenshinhan explain the happenings from meeting with Yemma so they can be permitted to engage in the challenge of traveling across Snake Way to see King Kai and undergo his training; they may even comment on the different insignia on Goku's back, making the Saiyan finally realise how King Kai did in fact change the desig. This knowledge of a level surpassing even that of Kami's by so much may inspire the thought of one day traveling to the afterlife and meeting with this King Kai to experience the same training throughout the minds of Krillin, Yamcha, and Chaozu. A stunned Piccolo cannot fathom how he intends to surpass these two when they continue to pull ever further ahead. His aspirations for world domination have effectively been halted until this all-important question can be answered.

Hours pass and the Saiyans finally arrive just as scheduled. The gathered fighters can sense their power, but their apprehensions should be calmed when they remember the enormous amount of progress Goku and Tenshinhan have made. Soon after having landed, the newly arrived Saiyan invaders annihilate the city encompassing their crash site. From the area where everyone is, this power can be felt as a stormlike flurry reaches them. It alarms everyone but Goku and Tenshinhan who remain composed. Meanwhile, at the devastated wasteland that was a city, Vegeta and Nappa assess the repercussions of this destruction in the planet's worth being lowered and a Dragon Ball potentially being destroyed. Moving on, they elect to find the strongest power reading, presuming it to be the one who spoke of the Dragon Balls and killed Raditz, Piccolo. To their horror, their scouters discover a large cluster of powers grouped together, the two largest being 7500 and 6875 each (this is my projected estimation of Goku and Tenshinhan's suppressed levels after calculating the relative percentage of 5000 in 8000, which is 62.5%). Both Saiyans, especially Nappa, will be aghast at how such beings can exist on a remote planet like Earth. They nevertheless set out to confront the powers.

Discarding what weighted clothes they had on, the group stands in wait for the Saiyans to arrive at their location. Unbeknownst to Roshi and the others at Kame House, Goku and Tenshinhan have already returned and are waiting for the Saiyans. Thirty-seven minutes pass before the Saiyans finally come upon all of the Z-Warriors standing at attention for them. There is no audacity or condescension in their reactions at the site before them -- a fresh-faced Goku standing confidently in the front, very much alive, with a strange bald-headed triclops man positioned next to him in front of five others who each have notable power levels in the high hundreds to low thousands. Once the Saiyan pair touch down, a fraught verbal trade goes on back and forth. Goku's incense from the manga is replaced with unruffled determination. When Piccolo interjects in the conversation, Vegeta recognises the voice and from visually looking over his body, deduces that he's a Namekian. Same reactions as before, except now everyone of the Z-fighter is arpimd to react in shock at this news. Some expositional info on the Namekians and the presumption of Piccolo having been the one to create them are expressed, except the two invaders are taught with weariness and gritted teeth in their features as they keep an eye on Goku and the peculiar three-eye man. This realisation compels Piccolo into posturing just as in the manga as he brazenly denies the allegation, but appreciates the information about his origins. Same scene with Kami's monologue of always having been curious about where he hails from transpires.

Because of these strange discoveries, Vegeta and Nappa have lost interest in the Dragon Balls for the time being. They're instead flummoxed by Goku's massive upsurge of power when less than a year ago he was at Raditz's mercy. Furthermore, the imposition of this unknown three-eyed human whose power rivals Goku's is also disconcerting. Under the circumstances, using the Saibamen would be a fruitless endeavour in the face of powers so enormous. Nappa steps forward earnestly to begin things. Vegeta advises him to power up to his maximum immediately which Nappa obliges as he can numerically verify what he's faced with. All of the Z-fighters sans Goku and Tenshinhan naturally gape to express their intense shock; the immensity of the adversary's power should dissuade any of them from volunteering to step forward. Tenshinhan, with nothing to deter him from going first, obliges the unspoken request before Goku can. He powers up fully to his maximum in responce to Nappa. If the Saiyans were unnerved before, now it should escalate to panic, at least for Nappa who is faced with battling Tenshinhan personally. He should likely crush the scouter in rageful disbelief before charging forward. Remember when Tenshinhan became serious against Cyborg Tao and imperceptibly dealt a savage blow which incapacitated him? Imagine the same happening to Nappa.

So Nappa is taken out right at the starting gate. You can imagine how everyone will react. Vegeta understand now how these earthlings are able to elevate their power levels whenever they please. He promptly disposes of his scouter. Tenshinan retracts back into his original position. Goku cuts into the stunned remarks from everyone by advising Vegeta of leaving the planet with Nappa. The Saiyan Prince's mind is single-mindedly focused on the potential strength this earthling wields and what the implications could be for Goku possessing more. Something that I question about the manner in which Nappa's ultimate fate plays out is who it will be that kills him. In the manga, Nappa was crippled yet conscious. He incessantly begged Vegeta to help him, prompting Vegeta to dispose of him because of his perceived lack of value in combat. Here -- not only is Nappa still physically capable of fighting, he's unable to articulate any pleas which might have annoyed Vegeta and he didn't violate any orders, so I see no reason for Vegeta to kill Nappa under these circumstances.

With one Saiyan down, no casualties for the Z-warriors, and their fighting power effectively at full capacity, this line of events seems drastically more optimistic. Everyone is told to remain far behind by Goku and Tenshinhan as they prepare to face off with Vegeta. There is no need to hold back now -- Vegeta powers up to his maximum. The cataclysmic upsurge of power causes everyone to recoil in fear, distressing even Goku and Tenshinhan. Now the stronger fighters fear for the safety of their friends. Everyone is told to leave. Some objections will be expressed, mostly from Gohan and Chaozu, but Krillin's persuasions will ultimately motivate them to leave. Piccolo is staunchly opposed to abandoning such a spectacle. He wants to see how it will pan out. Any recommendations that he flee will be returned with a threat of violence. In the end, everyone but Piccolo flies away to safety, who continues to hover far off in the background.

The usual banter of Saiyan elitism and Goku's "privilege" to do battle with a member of the upper echelon coupled by Goku's responces are seen, except Tenshinhan has his own intejections to throw into the verbal exchange. Vegeta's attention is divided amongst the two as he scorns the three-eyed man for his arrogance, attesting how he's beneath the Saiyans' notice. Tenshinhan becomes vexed, intending to demonstrate his strength. Everyone assumes their iconic fighting positions. When the battle begins, Vegeta obviously holds the upperhand, but the choreography is much more intense as Vegeta is needing to block and parry against two people. The result is similar to the manga's rendition of the initial exchange. A few variances from the original script follow the battle -- Vegeta does not insist the Kaioken be used because it has yet to be shown. Goku does not comment to himself of Vegeta restricting himself for amusement.

Disparities in power will need to be compensated with Kaioken. Both Goku and Tenshinhan go through with amplifying their power using the Kaioken -- both are now 18,000 and 16,500. On his own, Goku would be exchanging blows perfectly equally. The inclusion of a supplementary fighter with near-even strength puts the team over the top. Is this enough provocation to make Vegeta heedlessly attempt to destroy the planet? Goku has not surpassed Vegeta yet, but having to exert so much effort against a "low-class" Saiyan next to a random human and having his blood shed may be enough impetus anyway. In a tirade of emotions and the usual rhetoric, Vegeta explodes with fury and ascends upward to fire a Galick Gun. In responce, Goku and Tenshinhan increase the Kaioken to x2 -- their power levels are now 24,000 and 22,000. Normally it would take Goku heightening the multiplier and using the Kamehameha to counter, but with Tenshinhan around to supplement Goku's power with Shin-Kikoho, the entire battle could very well end right there. However, let's argue for the sake of continuance that Vegeta survives, critically injured but still alive and conscious. King Kai, who has been telepathically observing the entire battle, is relieved his students came out of the battle with only moderate injuries and not being forced to exceed the Kaioken's boundaries he specifically laid out. At the end of his mental monologue, he alludes to the existence of Freeza and his faction.

Unlike the manga, this battle differentiated itself quite a bit by taking place in the same location where Nappa and Vegeta first encountered the Z-fighters. Yajirobe is not concealed amongst the terrain as he never met any of the protagonists to help indirectly precipitate his involvement in the story. Vegeta's tail is still undamaged. Everyone is alive and accounted for. Piccolo should still be observing from afar. Obviously he's going to be completely stunned by the battle unfolding before him, probably seething and clenching his fists for not being able to fight too. Nappa is also still alive, though the shockwaves emitted from the battle would have thrown his unconscious body out into the distance. My suspicion is Piccolo would discreetly finish him off as Goku and Tenshinhan are preoccupied with Vegeta. Past experiences would instinctually tell him that Goku is incapable of ensuring that any enemies are permanently taken care of. He may try to incite Goku into killing Vegeta while he's calling for his ship, but Goku will refrain, to Tenshinhan's surprise who needs to be convinced, much like Krillin, that he will surpass Vegeta and defeat the Saiyan Prince when the time comes again. Some portentous words of warning later and Vegeta flies off in his ship. Interesting to note -- Goku never was reduced to a near-death state, meaning he does not experience any kind of zenkais. The scouter Bulma had should still short-circuit because of the rapid amplification of power.

Piccolo advances forward to reprimand Goku for his naivete. It falls upon deaf ears as the weary Saiyan believes he can surpass Vegeta. At this stage of the timeline, Piccolo's personality has been influenced greatly by Goku and Gohan, but it's still not completely rid of its old Daimao roots. The conversation is enlivened by inquiries and speculation of what Namek could be; they should be able to put two-and-two together and realise the possibility of Dragon Balls existing on this other planet without Vegeta disclosing it like he did in the manga. King Kai may choose to speak up and reveal what he knows about Namek; beforehand he congratulates Goku and Tenshinhan for a job well done, though he is dubious about Goku allowing Vegeta to escape. Afterwards, King Kai begin to reveal all he knows about Namek. The information is a startling revelation for everyone, but most especially Piccolo and Kami, who should also be listening in. At the inquiry of what became of the Saiyan whom Tenshinhan beat, Piccolo brazenly confesses to killing him. Goku is upset at this news, but Piccolo only needs to cite the responce to him trying to show mercy towards Raditz for settling the matter. Some final words of gratitude for taking care of Gohan are given, much to Piccolo's tsunderish irritation, before Goku and Tenshinhan fly off to provide the good news to everyone. What Piccolo and Kami chooses to do with this news of their homeworld is up to them.

Celebrations are had at the Kame House over the defeat of the Saiyans. Some misgivings about Goku sparing Vegeta may permeate throughout the conversation, but it's overall a positive experience. I believe the others would be upset over their training not being of any use in the battle; they should still continue to train, nevertheless. The bond developed with Piccolo over the course of his year surviving in the wilderness could put Gohan at odds with his mother, but he might hope to see Piccolo again. In a year's time they may intend to use the Dragon Balls to resurrect everyone killed by the Saiyans. Peace returns to Earth for some time. Nappa's ship remains in the hands of investigative scientists who explored the wasteland that was once East City.

Events on Planet Freeza 79 largely occur just as the manga portrayed them. Some minor alterations in dialogue are engendered thanks to the different preceding events. The soldier who oversaw Vegeta's recovery process does not have to apologise for the tail not regenerating as it's still fully attached to the Saiyan Prince. Cui arrives to goad Vegeta about his defeat on Earth and reveal that Freeza has journeyed to Namek so he can acquire immortality, thanks to the transmission of the Dragon Balls' existence from a year ago. Taken aback at this news, Vegeta rushes off to Namek in a pod with Cui in close pursuit. The earthlings have no incentive to undergo a voyage across Space with Kami and the Dragon Balls still functioning. Vegeta will be alone in his battle against Freeza and his underlings.

Once on Namek, Vegeta's presence is quickly made known to Freeza and his group. They acknowledge Cui's arrival and his inevitable battle with the traitorous Saiyan. Nothing is stated about two anomalous power signatures or the need for a scouting part to be sent out -- Banan and Sui continue to live by remaining at their leader's side. Vegeta's pursuer is executed just as in the manga. Due to the overflux of power emitted, Zarbon's scouter short-circuits. Freeza and his guardsmen learn of the impressive strength growth Vegeta underwent thanks to constant exposure to adverse combat conditions. Soon after they talk about Vegeta's insurrection, Freeza and his escort fly to the next Namekian village. No registering of Ki blips by Dodoria since Vegeta is the only opposition. The remainder of Freeza's "negotiations" with the Namekians ensue normally until Dodoria is brandishing his fist above Dende. In a tragic change of events, the small Namekian child is brutally killed. Being that it was the intervention of Gohan and Krillin which inadvertently separated Dodoria from Freeza and made him an acquirable target for Vegeta, it will need to be Freeza's personal directive that separates the subordinate from his leader. Zarbon and Appule should also be dispatched to search for a Namekian. Vegeta can now hunt down Freeza's personal guard at his leisure.

Shortly after they break off into search parties, Vegeta ambushes Dodoria. The manga reflects what happens next with one omission of the detail about earthlings being on the planet. Vegeta can immediately locate the village he destroyed in canon and submerge it beneath the water for safekeeping. Some time passes as he searches fruitlessly for another village to locate the final Dragon Ball. Once again, no earthlings are on the planet to divert Vegeta's attention away. He will eventually come across Zarbon and everything goes as according to the manga's script -- Zarbon's hand is dealt in transforming to overwhelm Vegeta, he leaves prematurely without confirming the kill, Appule discovers the ruins of the village Vegeta destroyed, Zarbon returns to Freeza to give his report, Appule soon afterwards appears to inform Freeza of the destroyed village, and then Zarbon is instructed to leave and bring Vegeta back for interrogation. It's Freeza's description of a strange omen he has about the development of a Saiyan who could oppose him that compelled him to request for the Ginyu Force to involve themselves; without the prospect of Goku's arrival, this uneasiness should not exist, therefore the Ginyu Force is not called at this time.

Absent of any messages conveyed by Dende or the Dragon Ball being taken by Krillin, the Grand Elder and Nail remain the possessors of the one start ball. Meanwhile at Freeza's ship, Vegeta's recuperation and abscondment with the Dragon Balls are accomplished without issue. Now he has to set out for the remaining Dragon Ball. The one hour period will have elapsed for Zarbon in the meantime. His vanity and desperation to survive will prompt him to escape from the planet using either Vegeta or Cui's space pod. Vegeta will be given several days to locate the final Dragon Ball before Freeza calls for reinforcements. In another hypothetical timeline I thought of, I outlined how Vegeta could have in fact located the Grand Elder's residence eventually. When this happens and he arrives to claim the ball, he is met with Nail who challenges him to battle in the interest of protecting the Grand Elder. Vegeta obliges -- by doing so, he has unknowingly signed his own death warrant. Some distance away from the ship, the two face off with Nail powering up to maximum. The Saiyan Prince is astonished by the size of ki this Namekian wields, it eclipses even his own. Oozaru could be used in this scenario, but with insufficient speed boosts, what good would it do? Their battle is a short lived one as Vegeta is killed soon after things begin, his long sought quest for immortality having ended in failure and Goku's expectation of an eventual rematch never coming to pass.

Unbeknownst to Freeza at this time, no opposition remains on the planet except Nail. His Ginyu Special Forces arrive days after they were originally intended to in the manga. The Grand Elder could have already passed away during these extra few days. Since his life span was coming to an end beforehand, it doesn't seem unreasonable to conclude it happened. When the Ginyu Force and everyone is outfitted with new scouters, including Freeza, they're surprised to discover only one energy signature remaining on the planet, the one belonging to Nail. Freeza instructs the Ginyu Force to scavenge for the Dragon Balls and Vegeta -- maybe they believe he could be suppressing his power -- while Freeza searches out the final Namekian.

No matter if the Ginyu Force discovers the inactive Dragon Balls first or Freeza counters Nail, the end result is the discovery of the balls losing their functionality as a result of the Grand Elder's passing. Nail may pass along the news of Vegeta's death at his hands; this surprises Freeza as all of the Namekians he encountered prior were far too weak to oppose his own guardsmen, let alone Vegeta. Nail is soon afterwards killed as Freeza's agenda intended originally for all of the Namekians to be killed. With his aspiration wrenched from his hands, he calls for the Ginyu Force to evacuate the planet and they proceed to annihilate it. His only remaining hope for immortality lies on Earth where the Dragon Ball transmission originated.

It shouldn't take much time for Freeza and his army to arrive on Earth. Everyone is taken aback by this overwhelming force. No one is anywhere close to challenging the galactic tyrant. Goku and Tenshinhan could have improved moderately , but conventional relaxed training won't suffice against the likes of the entire Ginyu Force -- a Kaioken x4 would be necessary for them to contend with just one of the three primary members, much less three together and their leader. Let's say for argument's sake they're able to kill Guldo. Recoome proceeds to dominate them until a concerted x4 multiplier is unleashed. Together, they can hope to defeat Recoome with powerful Ki attacks, the Shin Kikoho will likely have to come into play. Jeice and Burter retaliate by killing the exhausted warriors. All of the opposing Z-fighters are massacred, including Piccolo since they're not aware of his essentiality to the Dragon Balls' viability. You're left with a fairly grim world similar to the one in Trunks' timeline, except everyone is killed thanks to the usage of scouters.

One of two options can happen now -- Freeza can destroy the planet or place it on the galactic market after purging it of its inhabitants as was originally intended. Should the former option transpire, Gero's creations never see the light of day and Freeza rules as emperor of the universe. Babidi's faction will be searching for usable energy to resurrect Buu. Beerus fulfills his duty as God of Destruction and returns to sleep after having learned that the Saiyans are fully extinct. Finally, Zamasu becoming a renegade deity is left up in their as no coercive circumstances with Goku or the realisation of gods being challenged pervades his thoughts. If he defects, it's up to the eventual intervention of a more powerful god to defeat him.

The latter option would see Earth's population completely wiped out and replaced with some extraterrestrial species. Years would pass before Gero's cyborgs awaken and proceed to kill the newly colonised civilisation. Freeza himself is eventually requested to contend with the threat, but the cyborgs, being who they are and how much power they have, would kill him. They usurp authority over the planet for however long it takes for King Cold to be informed of his son's death and chart a voyage to Earth. Rather than personally attack the murderers of Freeza, he opts to destroy the planet from orbit. Exposure to the vacuum of Space causes the blood in Gero's brain to become deoxygenated and soon afterwards he dies. #19 hunts down Cold and kills him in responce. Since Gero and #19 would have been made aware of all the events that occurred on Earth, they know Goku has long been dead and nothing remains for them to conquer. I suppose #19 is left to wonder the universe in search of a new world to conquer or some other meaning to his existence.

This all sounds like heavy embellishment of Tenshinhan's character, but I only took the deuteragonist status and convenient circumstances surrounding Vegeta's ability to remain relevant and apply them to a much earlier era of DB where Tenshinhan could still compete with Goku.

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Re: What if Yamcha was killed by Tambourine instead of Krillin?

Post by szopman » Wed Oct 19, 2016 11:06 am

"What if Yamcha was killed by Tambourine instead of Krillin?"
Then, no one would care :D :D

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Re: What if Yamcha was killed by Tambourine instead of Krillin?

Post by Akyon » Wed Oct 19, 2016 7:50 pm

My first thought was that Goku wouldn't have reacted quite the same, but I actually think it might be Krillin who would have raged. After all Krillin had spent as much time with Yamcha as he had Goku by that tournament so chances are they would of been pretty close by that point.

Both boys would want to avenge Yamcha, but I imagine Roshi would just about be able to reel them both in stopping the initial vs. Tambourine bout. Could still see the pair sneaking out whilst Roshi wasn't looking to hunt for the killer though. Could of been quite interesting seeing the two pair up.

Tenshinhan would probably blame himself, thinking Yamcha might have stood a chance had he not have shattered his leg in their battle, and so he would probably have had greater emotional stake and guilt in the arc.

Master Roshi would likely be just as upset as Yamcha was still his pupil and his storyline would have continued along the same route.

Bulma and Puar would of been even more devastated as both are closer with Yamcha than Krillin. Hell, Oolong would be more upset too since he had spent a decent amount of time with Yamcha comparitively.

Actually thinking about it, there'd of arguably been more emotional weight for other characters had Yamcha had died since he had more connections at that point. The only one who'd of been affected less would arguably have been Goku.
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Vice wrote:"Look at all these characters getting some shine in the buildup for the tournament of power, maybe we'll get to see some other characters do some stuff instead of the same old shit."
1. Goku (Universe 7) has eliminated 6 competitor & Vegeta (Universe 7) has eliminated 6 competitors


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Re: What if Yamcha was killed by Tambourine instead of Krillin?

Post by TobyS » Wed Jan 17, 2024 12:40 pm

Any "Kami ends up dying" scenario is interesting because it could lead to Popo revealing the Namekian ship much much sooner.
Getting Guru unlocks makes them safe from anything outside the androids and Boo, and no beef with Freeza.

EDIT: Ack sorry didn't mean to Necro post this, must have found it searching for something and forgot that's where the tab came from.
Yamcha almost certainly did not cheat on Bulma:
He was afraid of Women, Bulma was the flirty one.
Yamcha wanted to get married (it was his gonna be his wish)
He suggested they settle down in the Trunks saga.
Alternate future Trunks is not a reliable source.
Toriyama wanted new SSJ Kids and not make new characters.

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Re: What if Yamcha was killed by Tambourine instead of Krillin?

Post by FoolsGil » Thu Jan 18, 2024 11:04 am

Goku loves all his friends, any of their deaths would have enraged him, he would have blamed himself, and he'd go after Tambourine the exact same way. And we'd have Krillin as an extra combatant. Him and Tenshinhan facing off against Drum could have been real cool, maybe they could have been able to fight him off before King Piccolo jumps in.

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