Episode #0353 (12 January 2014)

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Episode #0353 (12 January 2014)

Post by VegettoEX » Tue Jan 14, 2014 4:14 pm

Episode #0353 (download MP3) (rss feed) (subscribe in iTunes) (YouTube version)
87:25; 96 kbps, mono; 60.2 MB

Episode #0353! VegettoEX and Julian discuss their own top three Dragon Ball stories from 2013. What were the biggest things to smack us upside the head over the last twelve months? How did we do with our predictions from last year, and what do we see on the horizon for 2014?

Referenced sites:
  • n/a
Unfortunately, Robo-Julian makes a slight return, and it's riiiiiiight as he's doing his predictions. It's just for that little bit, and then he's back to normal. Do not adjust your television sets! Everyone remain calm!
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Re: Episode #0353 (12 January 2014)

Post by qjz123 » Tue Jan 14, 2014 11:39 pm

Great podcast guys! Here's hoping for another great and exciting year. Hopefully we'll finally see the release of the Buu saga of Kai.

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Re: Episode #0353 (12 January 2014)

Post by B » Wed Jan 15, 2014 12:28 am

What FOX decides to do with Battle of Gods in the U.S. will be very interesting; don't know if it's certain they'll contract FUNi for a dub. If I had to make a prediction, we won't hear anything about it this year.

FUNimation will finally announce DRAGONBOX: THE MOVIES about two seconds after DBZ Blu-ray Season 9.

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Re: Episode #0353 (12 January 2014)

Post by Chuquita » Wed Jan 15, 2014 12:45 am

I also don't think we're gonna hear anything about BOG for a U.S. release this year; it's stuck in limbo.

Other predictions:
I'm also gonna say that Buu Kai eventually takes Toriko's timeslot. Well, either Buu Kai or the new Sailor Moon will take Toriko's timeslot.

Bardock will get ssj3 before the year is over.

Still no Heroes3DS or Zenkai port overseas.

BOZ does well enough money-wise to warrant another game, which'll get announced near the end of the year.

There will be a Jump Anime Tour special. I don't know what it'll be about (DBHeroes? More tsundere Bardock?) Honestly I'd like to see some slice-of-life of Goku using his ssjg powers to mess with Vegeta. X3 Think the end of BOG, or several different scenes in the 08 special.

BOG sequel happens, but not until 2016 (to match both the anime's anniversary and Beerus waking up 3 years from when BOG takes place). Goku learns how to travel from universe to universe in a quick/easy(?) new technique.

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Re: Episode #0353 (12 January 2014)

Post by GarrettCRW » Wed Jan 15, 2014 1:55 am

Funimation announces Dragon Ball Dragon Boxes ten seconds after I give in an buy the series on DVD (which I've been strongly debating doing for the past couple of weeks).

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Re: Episode #0353 (12 January 2014)

Post by rs_chaosmaster » Wed Jan 15, 2014 2:36 am

1) The big Funimation announcement at New York Comic-Con will be Battle of Gods licensed by Funimation for a Holiday 2014 release.

2) Both Nicktoons and CW will be passed up for the Buu Saga of Kai in favor of Adult Swim's Toonami starting to air in September of 2014

3) Their will be no Dragon Boxes in 2014 unless the blu-rays fail if so Dragon Ball Z Dragon Box the Movie on DVD :/

4) The Dragon Ball Z Blu Rays will be semi successful allowing them to at least finish them in 2015 5th volume will be in December

5) Their will be no new game announced this year Battle of Z will be it

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Re: Episode #0353 (12 January 2014)

Post by DragonBoxZTheMovies » Wed Jan 15, 2014 2:48 am

Great episode! Really looking forward to seeing what this year holds for us, now. Can't wait to snap up those 'Full Colour Comics' from Viz and listening to Julian talk about 'Jaco' really makes me feel like I should get around to reading it soon.

This year, I'm trying to be a little creative with my predictions, so a lot of these (if not all of them) will probably turn out wrong, but as Tanooki said: "Shit's been so crazy, it seems anything is possible." So I could be dead-on with one of these! :P

- Something bad or controversial, relating to 20th Century Fox, will happen to FUNimation's dub of Battle of Gods

- Toei will tie the Buu arc of DB (Z) Kai in with both the 25th anniversary of DBZ and the fifth anniversary of Kai.

- Viz will put out a Jaco the Galactic Patrolman graphic novel.

- We'll hear rumblings of a new movie coming out in 2015, but this year we'll only see a spread in Jump and a promotional website.

- For the 30th Anniversary of the Manga, the first chapter of DB will be re-printed in one of the Jump magazines, along with comments from other Manga authors, as well as Toriyama himself. Perhaps we'll see some sort of special illustration from him as well.

- 30th Anniversary celebrations will carry on into 2015, and we may hear of something big at the end of this year that relates to this.

- Madman will do subtitled theatrical screenings of BOG in NZ (hopefully), along with further screenings in Austalia as part of Reel Anime. Potentially, we will see a subtitle-only DVD, but I think they'll wait for FUNimation on this one.

- FUNimation finally puts out Dragon Box: the Movies to tie-in with their dub of BOG.

- We will see delays with Viz's 'Full Colour Comics', in a similar fashion to when the 'Viz-Big' volumes were coming out.
Last edited by DragonBoxZTheMovies on Thu Jan 16, 2014 9:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Episode #0353 (12 January 2014)

Post by SaiyaJedi » Wed Jan 15, 2014 2:54 am

Looks like Mike's prediction about "Super Saiyan God Bardock" has already been proven wrong... at least for now. :D He'll "only" get up to Super Saiyan 2.
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Re: Episode #0353 (12 January 2014)

Post by DragonBoxZTheMovies » Wed Jan 15, 2014 3:06 am

SaiyaJedi wrote:Looks like Mike's prediction about "Super Saiyan God Bardock" has already been proven wrong... at least for now. :D He'll "only" get up to Super Saiyan 2.
Didn't the same thing happen a couple of years ago when he predicted that Episode of Bardock wouldn't receive a home release or something? I think a week later, they announced the DVD that would come with Saikyo Jump. :lol:

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Re: Episode #0353 (12 January 2014)

Post by medama_oyaji » Wed Jan 15, 2014 3:20 am

Woo! These year end episodes are always fun!

My personal top 3 DB things for 2013 would be:

1. Jaco
2. Battle of Gods
3. Chogashu

As for predictions...

-Jaco collected volume will be released in Japan, perhaps in a nice large format like Neko-majin, with color pages included. Viz will release a digital graphic novel soon after, BUT (and it hurts my heart to say this) no print volume (ohhh I hope this is wrong)

-DB Full-Color will be discontinued in Viz's Shonen Jump after the Saiyan Arc for the reasons I mentioned in the Full-Color thread recently. However, the print volumes will do well enough to at least continue with print & digital volumes through the Freeza Arc.

-Battle of Gods will be announced for North American release, no theatrical release, but will not come out until 2015.

-I would say Kai Buu Arc announced but not released yet, except I like Julian's prediction about it taking Toriko's spot. I didn't realize that Toriko wasn't doing so hot in Japan. I know it hasn't really caught on in the US... hey, the manga has been pretty exciting lately! Anyway, so I'll say Kai announced for international release, and we will see it released at least on home video, possibly on TV in America.

-Big hoopla over DB's anniversary this year? What could even be released that hasn't yet? It seems weird to do a big DB art show or book after that JUST HAPPENED in 2013. But something like Kai or Heroes seems like it's not special enough for a big anniversary celebration. SO, no idea... hopefully we'll get some new Toriyama illustrations! I'll predict that it will be the characters having a party :lol:

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Re: Episode #0353 (12 January 2014)

Post by Hellspawn28 » Wed Jan 15, 2014 5:32 pm

I think Funi getting the rights to BOG in the US seems like the most likely thing for 2014. I doubt we are ever going to get the boxes of Dragon Ball, the movies and GT anytime soon. I think the DBZ boxes didn't sell as much as Funi hope which is why they are not bothering with the rest of them. For now, we might just have to import them and watch them RAW.

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Re: Episode #0353 (12 January 2014)

Post by SuperSaiyan3Goku » Thu Jan 16, 2014 2:32 am

- Funimation announces Battle of Gods. At *least* announces it, maybe an early 2015 release.

- The Buu arc of Kai will be formally announced in Japan, airing on TV in Toriko's slot.

- Funimation releases more Dragon Boxes. I want my movies, damnit!

- Funimation will continue with the DBZ Blu-Rays - these probably won't die.

- Viz will release Dragon Ball/Z in manga form in some sort of release (either single volumes or "Viz-Big" like books.

As always, great "Year-end round-up" Podcast, guys!

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Re: Episode #0353 (12 January 2014)

Post by Gyt Kaliba » Thu Jan 16, 2014 11:05 am

Pretty fun podcast listen, though the continued non-news on Boo Kai really is getting old isn't it? I think I'm actually going to have to re-read it a few times just to believe it when we finally DO get official confirmation on something. :P

As for my own predictions (not that I'll probably remember I even made any to check for next year) -

- FUNimation will somehow finally get to do Battle of Gods. Whether this means just dubbing it while Fox puts it out, or if they get full rights to it, I've no idea. But something is coming, even if it's just news and the actual product doesn't drop until the following year.
- FUNimation will also somehow find a way to get a few of the other missing new things. JSAT special may well go on the Battle of Gods release as it did in Japan, and Episode of Bardock/Plan to Eradicate the Super Saiyans may just get tossed onto a cheap-ish 'Special Set' release.
- FUNimation will also continue to pump out the Bluray season sets and they'll sell pretty well, causing some to slowly lose their faith in humanity that people are buying them, while myself and others still will just be entirely apathetic to the entire thing.
- Battle of Z will do well enough to get another game that's more refined with in-game transformations and may even feature the return of character creation.
- Viz will continue to put out the Three-in-Ones which it makes me curse under my breath.

And for my crazy prediction, somewhat going off of Mike's SS God Bardock idea...

- Super Saiyan 3 Bardock will eventually become a thing, but no SS God Bardock. Instead Heroes will throw us for a completely insane loop, and come up with a storyline where Raditz, Nappa, Turles, Paragus, and King Vegeta all randomly (and especially shocking for Paragus and King Vegeta, considering) come together to do a certain 'ritual' and make Broly the true ultimate foe for the ages - SUPER SAIYAN DEVIL BROLY. (c) Gyt Kaliba, 2014


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Re: Episode #0353 (12 January 2014)

Post by Hellspawn28 » Fri Jan 17, 2014 4:04 pm

My predictions:

- New DBZ toys for both kids and adults in Japan

- Funi picks up the rights to BOG and we could see a screening for it at Otakon this year.

- BOZ gets mixed reviews from critics and DBZ fans. The game sells well enough and it will be our last DBZ game on the current gen systems. BOZ 2 comes out in 2016 for the Xbox One and PS4.

- DBZ Blu-Ray releases keep on selling well. The Hardcore fans want the DB boxes while the causal fan is happy to watch their childhood show in HD.

- For Heroes, I think SSj5 Goku could happen. We have Adult Gotenks, SSj Bardock, SSj3 Vegeta, SSj3 Future Trunks, LSSj3 Broli and Bebi Janemba. Those characters only exist in AF fan fiction 10 years ago. At this rate, anything is possible.

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Re: Episode #0353 (12 January 2014)

Post by Hujio » Fri Jan 17, 2014 6:24 pm

Finally had a chance to listen this episode (thanks to being home with a sick child), and I feel like I did the best out of everyone, but that may be 90% me being biased. I really did want to join in this episode, but I'm quickly realizing how little I check my e-mail without having my phone. So here are my predictions for 2014:
  • The Majin Buu arc of Dragon Ball Kai will make some sort of appearance in Japan in 2014; either by replacing Toriko on TV or just as a home video release (I like Julian's theory, but I'm not as committed to it as he is).
  • If the Majin Buu arc is broadcast in Japan, FUNimation will also simulcast it in the U.S., both with their English dub and a subtitled version (I know it sounds crazy, but I'm going out on a limb with this one). A home video release is announced for 2015.
  • April 2014 marks the 5th anniversary of Dragon Ball Kai, and also the 25th anniversary of Dragon Ball Z. Either of these facts will be used to promote the return of Kai, at least in Japan.
  • Battle of Gods makes a short theatrical run in select U.S. cities via FOX in mid-to-late 2014 and FUNimation announces a home video release shortly following in early 2015 (possibly somehow tying it in with the Dragon Ball Kai release).
  • The Dragon Ball Z Blu-ray season sets sell well, as expected. They actually release all of them without having to cancel yet another line of Dragon Ball Z releases. No Dragon Boxes are announced within the year.
  • The Dragon Ball GT animanga will come to an end having only covered the Evil Dragon arc. Its existence will quickly be forgotten.
  • A second volume of Dragon Ball SD will be released.
  • Midway through 2014 "something" will be announced in celebration of the manga series' 30th anniversary. More than likely it will be some sort of manga exhibit in Japan.
  • No new movie will be announced or even hinted at by any official entity. If we do catch wind of anything, it will be through Twitter or a blog.
  • Battle of Z will do moderately well, but we won't see another console video game until at least 2015.
  • With everyone's busy schedules, the 400th episode of the podcast won't happen in 2014. Instead we will have a huge gathering in early 2015 to celebrate!
In the end, I think 2014 will be another roller coaster ride. We'll have lots of news all at once, but otherwise things will be relatively quiet for long periods of time. Oh, and we'll launch the Wiki!
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Re: Episode #0353 (12 January 2014)

Post by Eddie » Fri Jan 17, 2014 10:27 pm

- Dragon Ball Kai will make its grand (?) return.
- We will hear rumblings of a new (anime) movie.
- A new anime special of some sort will release. Something in the same vein as Episode of Bardock.
- Bardock and King Vegeta fusion will be a thing in Dragon Ball Heroes.
- No new Dragon Ball games on PS4 or XBox One will release this year, but one will be announced for 2015.
- Coola and/or Cold will get never before seen forms in heroes.
- There will be a new Heroes game on 3DS.
- An angry PM will be sent to Hujio (probably from some guy named Eddie) complaining about the lack of an Alligator With Sunglasses character page on the Wiki.
- A new guidebook will provide vague hints about the other eleven universes.
- Yet another Dragon Ball character will get a previously unheard of sibling.

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Re: Episode #0353 (12 January 2014)

Post by Hellspawn28 » Sat Jan 18, 2014 12:29 am

I think we could see a short anniversary film. Maybe have all of the characters together in one short cross film. It does not have be canon to anything and can be one big fan service movie.

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Re: Episode #0353 (12 January 2014)

Post by Kakarot88 » Sun Jan 19, 2014 4:59 pm

I think one of my favorite parts of this episode was the post itself.

"Referenced Sites:


I predict
"The Who's that Character Segment" will be continuously forgotten
We will get 3 GT Reviews of Awesomeness episodes...mmm better make that 2 to be on the safe side
Funimation will have another limited release of the Z series in the form of the fan voted Greatest Fights thing that was discussed once...and it will be presented in 4:3
Funimation will have another survey of a limited release of some dragon box discs which will disappoint everyone when nothing happens
Toriyama will have another interview where he drops 2 out of left field bomb shells like in the Super Exciting Guide
Buu arc Kai is gonna have some special box set bundle release
Jaco will only have a digital release and it will happen May 12, 2014
Whatever release of Battle of Gods the US gets Mike will be unhappy with :lol: jk I'm sure it will disappoint everyone.

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Re: Episode #0353 (12 January 2014)

Post by MagicBox » Mon Jan 20, 2014 1:32 pm

It's kind of hard to pick my top three stories from this year. Hmm...

03.) A tie between Mazako Nozawa's trip to America and the boatloads of brand new merchandise/books.
02.) The 2013 movie premiere
01.) Jaco The Galactic Patrolman

To port over my predictions from another thread...

- "Battle Of Gods?" We're getting it. In America. From FUNimation. By year's end. By year's end, this movie will be dubbed and in select theaters. I'm calling it. No DVD or blu-ray release until 2015, but definitely dubbed.

- The Jump Special? By year's end. FUNimation will surprise us all by giving the special its very own DVD release in preparation for "Battle of Gods." Extras will include a credit-less opening, credit-less ending, a trailer for the upcoming movie, and a collection of short bonuses from the FUNi cast (like the intros for conventions that Vegeta appears in, for example).

- Akira Toriyama will draw a special anniversary "epilogue" one-shot that takes place after Goku and Uub take off and start training. Probably after being pressured by his editors or something. Tights and the Jaco cast will appear. Toriyama will make yet another comment about how he probably won't draw anything again.

- Dragon Box ZA MOVIEZ will be released by FUNimation in two volumes. This is the year, folks!

- A nationwide celebration of the series' 30th anniversary will commence in Japan, courtesy of Shueisha and Toei (not a collaboration; each company will be doing their own thing). A brand new Dragon Ball Z film will be announced by Mayumi Tanaka on Twitter. It will be released in 2015 with a brand new story and characters. Beerus and Whis only make a short cameo appearance or are mentioned off-screen. Fans riot.

- FUNimation will continue to do absolutely nothing with the Detective Conan franchise.

- Masako Nozawa will come to America AGAIN. She'll accompany Toshio Furukawa and Ryusei Nakao to the same convention they went to this year. MagicBox is still unable to attend and falls into a deep depression.

- A new two-disc "30 YEARS ALL THE BEST" compilation CD will be released in Japan. "CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA" will be track #01, while "Mystical Adventure!" will be pushed back to roughly track #09. No new songs will be recorded, but the full version of the "Dragon Ball Heroes" theme will finally be released on this set, forcing all of us to buy it for one freaking track. :x

- Dragon Ball X One Piece X Toriko THE SEQUEL. Toei will try one last time to make Toriko relevant. Fans get so excited that they forget to show any interest whatsoever, just like this year.

- Everything mentioned above will have happened, both good and bad. The Kanzenshuu staff and forum members will do a retrospective on 2014 this time next year. Our verdict? "2014: It was a thing."

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