The Longest Days

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The Longest Days

Post by Herms » Mon Jun 14, 2010 1:12 pm

This exercise in trivia is in belated celebration of Kamehameha Day (June 11th). OK, so there's no logical connection between that holiday and this thread other than the word "day", but just humor me here.

One of the things about DB is that it'll spend a zillion chapters on a single day (or even 5 minutes), then skip years ahead in the blink of an eye. So what actually is the longest day in DB history, in terms of manga chapters? It turns out to be December 24th, Age 762 (date taken from Daizenshuu 7), the date of the battles with the Ginyu Special-Squad and Freeza. This day spans from chapters 270 to 329 (Z 76 to 135 in Viz terms). That's 60 chapters out of DB's 519, meaning it takes up 11.6% of the entire series!

I was going to have a top 10 list of long DB days, but due to a few two-way ties I settled on a top 11 list. Exact dates are the official ones from Daizenshuu 7's timeline.

The 11 Longest Days in DB
1. 60 chapters (270-329): December 24th, Age 762—battles with Ginyu and Freeza
2. 49 chapters (430-478): May 7th, Age 774—25th Tenkaichi Budoukai, Boo’s revival
3. 35 chapters (482?-517): May 9th, Age 774—everyone ever vs. Boo
4. 32 chapters (212-243): November 3rd, Age 762—battle with Vegeta and Nappa
5. 30 chapters (336-365): May 12th, Age 767—battle with androids, Cell appears
6. 29 chapters (166-194): May 7th, Age 756—23rd Tenkaichi Budoukai
7. 25 chapters (112-136): May 7th, Age 753—22nd Tenkaichi Budoukai, Daimao appears
7. 25 chapters (394-418): May 26th, Age 767—Cell Games
9. 24 chapters (89-112): May 12th, Age 750—Tao Pai Pai and RR defeated, Uranai Baba
10. 23 chapters (32-54): May 7th, Age 750—21st Tenkaichi Budoukai
10. 23 chapters (366-388): May 16th, Age 762—Cell reaches perfect form

And here's the full record, more or less, of all the days which the main story of DB takes place over. Not counting Trunks' side-story chapter (partially because it's a side-story, and partially because I didn't want to bother with it), DB's 519 chapters occur over 57 separate days, spread over 35 years (Age 749-784). This list here was originally made for Kanzentai's upcoming Timeline Guide, so some of the dates are different from those in Daizenshuu 7. If you're curious about exactly how Daizenshuu 7's exact dates were determined in the first place, or why I would change some of the Daizenshuu 7 dates, check out my timeline evaluation thread.

Age 749
September 1st: 2 chapters (1-2)—Goku and Bulma meet
September 2nd: 3 chapters (2-4)—Goku and Bulma meet Kame-sennin
September 5th: 3 chapters (4-6)—Goku meets Oolong
September 6th: 3 chapters (7-9)—Goku meets Yamcha
September 7th: 1 chapter (10)—Goku fights Yamcha again
September 9th: 12 chapters (11-22)—Mt. Frypan, the Rabbit Gang, and Pilaf
September 10th: 7 chapters (23-29)—Goku meets Kuririn, Lunch
September 14th: 2 chapters (30-31)—Kame-sennin’s training begins

Age 750
April 6th: 1 chapter (32)—Goku and Kuririn get heavier weights
May 6th: 1 chapter (32)—Goku and co. set off for TB
May 7th: 23 chapters (32-54)—21st TB
May 8th: 13 chapters (55-67)—Goku beats Colonel Silver, goes to Muscle Tower
May 9th: 20 chapters (67-87)—Goku battles General Blue, Tao Pai Pai
May 10th: 3 chapters (87-89)—Goku meets Karin
May 12th: 24 chapters (89-112)—Tao Pai Pai and RR defeated, meets Uranai Baba

Age 753
May 7th: 25 chapters (112-136)—22nd TB, Daimao appears
May 8th: 16 chapters (136-151)—Goku meets Yajirobe, drinks Super God Water
May 9th: 15 chapters (151-165)—Daimao defeated

Age 756
May 7th: 29 chapters (166-194)—23rd TB

Age 761
November 28th: 14 chapters (195-208)—Raditz attacks, Gohan goes Oozaru
November 29th: 1 chapter (209)—Chi Chi and Yajirobe visit Kame House

Age 762
May 29th: 3 chapters (209-211)—Goku meets Kaio
July 8th: 1 chapter (211)—Goku catches Bubbles
November 2nd: 1 chapter (212)—Goku returns to life
November 3rd: 32 chapters (212-243)—battle with Vegeta and Nappa
November 4th: 3 chapters (243-245)—Kami’s spaceship found
November 14th: 1 chapter (245)—Bulma and co. depart for Namek
September 21st: 1 chapter (246)—Vegeta revived
December 18th: 16 chapters (246-261?)—Bulma and co. reach Namek
December 19th: 4 chapters (261?-264)—Zarbon beats Vegeta
December 20th: 7 chapters (264-270)—Kuririn meets Great Elder, Vegeta kills Zarbon
December 22nd: 1 chapter (270)—Goku trains in 100 Gs
December 23rd: 1 chapter (270)—Goku finishes his training
December 24th: 60 chapters (270-329)—battles with Ginyu and Freeza

Age 763
May 3rd: 1 chapter (329)—Kuririn and Yamcha revived
September 10th: 1 chapter (329)—Tenshinhan and Chaozu revived

Age 764
August ?th: 8 chapters (329-336)—Trunks kills Mecha Freeza

Age 767
May 12th: 30 chapters (336-365)—battle with androids, Cell appears
May 15th: 2 chapters (365-366)—Goku revives, Vegeta and Trunks enter ROSAT
May 16th: 23 chapters (366-388)—Cell reaches perfect form
May 17th: 3 chapters (389-391)—Cell Games announced
May 19th: 3 chapters (392-394)—Dende becomes new God of Earth
May 26th: 25 chapters (394-418)—Cell Games
May 27th: 1 chapter (418)—Trunks returns to future

Age 774
April 7th: 3 chapters (421-423)—Gohan enters high school, Great Saiyaman is born
April 8th: 3 chapters (424-426)—Videl unmasks Great Saiyaman
April 9th: 3 chapters (426-428)—Gohan starts teaching Videl to fly
April 10th: 2 chapters (428-429)—Trunks goes SSJ, flying training continues
April 20th: 1 chapter (429)—Videl masters flying
May 7th: 49 chapters (430-478)—25th TB, Boo’s revival
May 8th: 5 chapters (478-482?)—Elder Kaioshin is freed, Gotenks is born
May 9th: 35 chapters (482?-517)—everyone ever vs. Boo
September 7th: 1 chapter (517)—Earthling’s memories of Boo erased

Age 784
May 6th: 2 chapters (517-518)—Trunks visits Gohan
May 7th: 2 chapters (518-519)—28th TB

Age 785 (Trunks’ timeline)
Unknown month and day: 1 chapter (419)—Trunks destroys 17 and 18

Age 788 (Trunks’ timeline)
Unknown month and day: 1 chapter (420)—Trunks destroys Cell
Kanzenshuu: Is that place still around?
Sometimes, I tweet things
We might, if they screamed all the time, for no good reason.