Herms Rates the Show (update: all done!)

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Herms Rates the Show (update: all done!)

Post by Herms » Tue May 31, 2016 1:35 am

Throughout 2016, while the world went to hell I watched through all of DB/Z/GT, covering my progress on Twitter. Naturally this is not the greatest platform for long-term archive purposes, so I figured I should collect it here. For now, here are all the little episode reviews, sans pictures or any more in-depth comments I may have made. Not sure how interesting these will be on their own, but whatever. These number scores are far from scientific and really just convey my feelings immediately after watching each episode. Still, before now I've always judged the series on a story arc basis, so trying to assess each individual episode on its own merits has been an interesting exercise if nothing else.

===Hunt for the Dragon Balls===

DB ep.1: Solid start. Exposition-y, but love a good pterodactyl. Hard to tune out the "how it all began" vibes and judge on own merits. 3/5? [Twitter]

DB ep.2: You can really tell it was adapted from two fairly standalone chapters. Stops at an odd place. Still, felt like a lot happened. 2.5/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.3: I love Bear Bandit. Pretty good Pilaf filler. And nice to see Roshi back when his pervy antics were still somewhat fresh. 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.4: Decent adaptation of the Oolong chapters, yet something feels lacking. Maybe I'm just not super fond of that story? 2.5/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.5: Slow at first, but picks up once Yamcha arrives. Bandit Yamcha is the best. In an alternate universe, he stars in his own show. 3/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.6: Favorite episode so far. Love everyone's schemes backfiring, and some nice action in the second half. Good filler too. 3.75/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.7: early Ox King is another character I wish we got more of. In another universe, he'd be a major antagonist. Good episode too. 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.8: Buff Roshi (Boshi?) gives the first and still one of the best Kamehamehas in the series. And Baby Gamera! 4/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.9: Bit draggy. Probably the first time I've really noticed how much better the same events play out in the manga. 2.5/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.10: Not bad, but somehow knowing there are 3 more Pilaf episodes to go makes this seem slow. Love Goku vs empty robot suit. 2.5/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.11: Killer pinball's one of the weirdest filler ideas ever. Love the awkward moment when Bulma and co. run into the Pilaf gang. 3/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.12: The wish scene and Goku's transformation are big highlights. Attack dog filler was hit and miss, but still some good bits. 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.13: Wraps things up nicely and sets the stage for what's to come. I could watch newly tailless Goku trip all day. 3.5/5 [Twitter]

===21st TB===

DB ep.14: Plane crash filler gives me a headache, but everything else is a lot of fun. Goku's cluelessness is still cute, not annoying. 4/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.15: Lingerie-clad old man and 2 boys getting shot at isn't something you see in most series. Saloon/train heist filler great too. 4/5? [Twitter]

DB ep.16: Darn it, I love this one too. I can't just give all the training episodes 4/5, can I? 3.75...? [Twitter]

DB ep.17: Another good one. Roshi's speech is halfway deep, and I love any scene of people climbing stairs leading up a huge mountain. 3.75/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.18: Not quite as good as the last few, but I love all the wacky training methods. Somehow feels more "real" than later training. 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.19: Fantastic opening scene of misty morning. More halfway deep stuff from Roshi. Tournament grounds look great. Best yet? 4.25/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.20: Bit of a comedown. Some good fights, but the Bulma+Oolong filler got tiresome. The very first "people watching fights" filler! 3/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.21: Bacterian's far from my favorite character, but the fight had some nice-looking bits. 3/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.22: They played Namu's tragic backstory one too many times. The second half of the episode recaps the flashback from earlier! 2.5/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.23: Dinosaur monster wearing raincoat and fedora walks into bar, orders milk. 4/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.24: Mix of good action with some truly ridiculous gags. Jackie's song and dance still haunts my dreams. 3.75/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.25: Probably the episode with the most straight-up action so far. Still too many flashbacks to Namu's tragic backstory! 3.75/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.26: The first beam struggle! Everything else a bit dull in comparison. A slow start to a great fight. 3/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.27: Hypnosis bit is kind of cheesy, but rest makes up for it. I'm a sucker for Oozaru Goku and Buff Roshi. 4/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.28: If you had to pick one DB/Z/GT episode that sums up the series, this would be a pretty good choice. 5/5 [Twitter]

===Red Ribbon===

DB ep.29: A dumb episode in a number of ways. An entire village of Girans should be way cooler than this. Why is Namu such a weakling? 1.5/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.30: Filler-y, and not a great way to kick off new story arc. Love Pilaf's airship and RR's jaunty theme. 2.5/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.31: I probably shouldn't like this episode as much as I do, but I laughed a lot. 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.32: Some fun bits, but a comedown from last episode. Destruction of the flying fortress a highlight. 2/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.33: One point for Silver's voice (always so mellifluous), and one point for the crazy legend. Total score: 2/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.34: Mostly the same as the manga, but following on from that filler arc kills its momentum. 2.5/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.35: Starting to pick up. The appeal of "little kid vs huge army" really comes across for the first time 3.25/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.36: One long, solid fight. I love how Metallic gets progressively more battle-damaged. 4/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.37: [picture of Goku removing Nyoibo from Murasaki’s rectum] 4.25/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.38: Still fun, but feels like more of the same. More of the same. Get it? Oh, never mind. 3/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.39: Once No.8 breaks his chains, not much else happens this episode. Maze filler mostly tedious. 2.25/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.40: Again, I like this part in the manga, but somehow the anime version doesn't quite do it for me. 2.25/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.41: Feels drawn out, but the depiction of the Powered Gun and #8 knocking down the tower are highlights. 2.5/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.42: More Murasaki and cool flashbacks to #8's origin more than make up for any Android arc plot holes. 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.43: Debut of West City+Capsule Corp, nice "fish out of water" humor, plus a cool fight. Feels historic. 3.75/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.44: Bulma's parents are fantastic. The Husky subplot...eeeehhhh. 2.5/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.45: I still really dislike the premise behind this filler mini-arc, but this episode had some fun bits. 2.5/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.46: Sets new arc up well; Tsuru gives extra good performance (maybe happy to have more to do than usual?) 3/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.47: An entire episode of waiting around for Kuririn to get back from the store. Still liked it, though. 2.75/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.48: Blue is (at this point) a fun villain. Bonus points for insert song consisting largely of color names. 3/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.49: Always love seeing Roshi fight (especially in regular, non-Chun clothes). Other stuff happened too. 3.25/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.50: Fun "canon" material, and some good filler too: Red's portrait, lava pit, Blue vs electric eel. 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.51: Boy, I loved this one. Lots of filler added to the fight, but it all works real well. I'd say. 4.25/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.52: Filler's getting weirder and weirder, but still good. Also, Goku vs giant octopus! 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.53: Felt rea~ally drawn out, and I'm not a big fan of the Rat ex Machina conclusion to the Blue fight. 1.5/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.54: This and ep.53 really should have been one episode. The cave escape's not bad, then...nothing. 1.75/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.55: The tail end of the pirate cave arc drags on, but we're finally moving on to something...different. 2.25/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.56: If you're a Dr. Slump fan, this is lots of fun. If you're not, then it's...probably not. I'm a fan. 4/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.57: A little too much wandering around looking for Blue and other filler, but still great stuff. 3.75/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.58: Another solid set-up episode. Bonus points for first appearance of Tao and Tower. 3.25/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.59: Tao Pai Pai is in this episode. 4/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.60: One of my favorite Goku defeats, and also a favorite training sequence (the tower-climbing). 3.75/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.61: Another great character debut, and some truly weird and wonderful filler. 4/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.62: I can watch Goku chase Karin around all day, and I'm quite fond of the water plot twist. 3.75/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.63: This is great...but would be so much better without the "Tao runs off to climb Karin Tower" filler. 4/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.64: I love Tao's interactions with Karin, but again, the fight would've been better without the filler. 3.75/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.65: Goes from "Goku's about to attack RR HQ!" to "Goku's about to attack RR HQ"! Good filler, though. 3/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.66: Finally, Goku vs loads of soldiers! Still too much "Bulma and the gang" filler, but oh well. 3.25/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.67: Reorders manga events, not really for the better. Still, Red dies and...giant robot! 3.25/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.68: Giant robot! Giant robot! Giant robot! Also, apparently the RR arc's over. Hey, that wasn't so bad. 3.25/5 [Twitter]

===Uranai Baba===

DB ep.69: A competition between two teams of five fighters? That's an OK idea for a story arc, I guess. 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.70: Pure, wonderful silliness. 4/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.71: The Invisible Man segment...needs no introduction. Some lovely scenery in the second half. 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.72: One of the few times where I like something in the manga, and the anime manages to improve on it. 4.25/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.73: Another episode that makes things more dramatic than in the manga. I think they're on a roll. 3.75/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.74: Lots of repeated and/or iffy animation, but the introduction of Gohan more than makes up for it. 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.75: So much action, plus one of the series' few shock revelations. This whole mini-arc needs more love. 4.5/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.76: Gohan slapping Goku on ground gets repetitive, but their emotional reunion is a series highlight. 4.25/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.77: When BoG came out, some asked "why do people care about Pilaf?!" And the answer is this episode. 4/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.78: Not so good as other recent episodes, but wraps things up nicely. 1st time anyone's "wished back"! 3.75/5 [Twitter]

===Training Journey===

DB ep.79: Ginkaku and Kinkaku are memorable villains. More Journey to the West references are always welcome. 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.80: More so-so filler elevated by a cool villain. Kaneto Shiozawa pretty much makes this episode for me. 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.81: Pretty much "Sleeping Princess in Devil's Castle"-lite. Which is absolutely fine by me. 4/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.82: Freakishly weird seeing Ten+Chiaotzu debut so differently than in the manga, but still a good ep. 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.83: I admit it, the fox guy got on my nerves. Nice to see Baba again, though. 2.5/5 [Twitter]

===22nd TB===

DB ep.84: Fun to see everyone reunite and the Crane Crew properly introduced, but I'm more hyped for next ep. 3/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.85: I love me a good preliminaries. Lots of crazy background characters. And Chapa debuts! 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.86: Chapa's great, and Namu's filler reappearance is too, but there's a bit too much filler overall. 3.75/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.87: One of those eps titled after something we don't see until the end. Still, what we do see is great. 3.75/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.88: Some strange but effective animation. One of the best fights for either of these characters. 4/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.89: The last purely silly fight we get for quite a while, and a rare stab at consequences for past events. 3/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.90: Loses points for overly long Tao battle flashback, but this is the start of another very cool fight. 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.91: Rest of the K+C fight is great. Ninja Crane Hermit filler is...weird, but overall I like it too. 3.75/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.92: One of the most successful uses of filler to stretch a very short fight out to an entire episode. 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.93: First half of the episode (the filler): 2/5. Second half (the fight): 4/5. Overall...3/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.94: Quite a brutal fight at times, with drawn-out moments that are suspenseful rather than dull. 4/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.95: R+T's talk is fantastic, and so is the start of G vs K. You know, this is a pretty good story arc. 4.25/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.96: More nice action, and the thrill of seeing G+K actually fighting each other bumps it up a notch. 3.75/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.97: Loads of filler, but it helps build up the big fight and the action we do get's very well animated. 3.75/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.98: Slow at times, and the sunglasses thing was way over-explained, but still a great fight. 3.75/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.99: The "Goku's paralyzed!" bit gets drawn out too long, but Ten's conversion is a story arc highlight. 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.100: 4-arms thing feels like a waste of time (but some good animation). Things pick up with the Kikoho. 3.25/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.101: The battle's climax...actually just so-so. But everything after that's great, including [spoilers] 4.25/5 [Twitter]

===Piccolo Daimao===

DB ep.102: Great new villain introduction. The extended Mutaito flashback is some of the best filler ever. 4.25/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.103: Goku/Tambourine fight's stretched out too much, but the "Tambourine kills everyone" filler is fun. 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.104: I continue to love watching Tambourine kill people, and Pic's egg-laying is unforgettable. 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.105: Some we~ird filler. Plus roughly 67% of all the fighting we ever see from Yajirobe. 3.25/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.106: Goku+Yajirobe's interactions=good. Tambourine vs Giran=also good. Filler=headache-inducing. 2.5/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.107: The "Ten makes amends" bit was kind of interesting, but otherwise this ep's just stalling for time. 2/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.108: An excellent revenge match. Loses points for filler where Roshi and co. are menaced by crows. 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.109: For only the second time, Goku totally gets his ass handed to him. Fun stuff. 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.110: Transitions between one big showdown and the next. The fan is certainly being hit. 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.111: Roshi's big moment! A favorite of mine in the manga, and the anime version doesn't disappoint. 4/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.112: Seeing a bad guy actually get his wish is pretty cool. And Shenlong dies! Oh, and Chiaotzu too. 4/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.113: Basically Piccolo's version of Goku vs RR HQ. I always like this sort of thing. 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.114: Seeing a bad guy successfully take over the world is fun. The Bulma and co. filler a bit of a letdown 3/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.115: Not a great start to the Super Water Quest. Still better than the manga's notable lack of quest. 2.75/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.116: Evil clone Roshi, The Last Temptation of Goku, Umibozu, poison death water. This is more like it. 4.25/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.117: DB's own version of The Purge begins. As shown in filler, it's fairly corny. Rest of ep good. 2.5/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.118: Filler continues to be a real drag, but the main story's good. The big showdown's almost here! 3/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.119: Wraps up the Mafuba plot line far better than the manga's "whoops, jar's cracked, never mind". 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.120: The start of one of my top three fights. 4/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.121: Little kid vs huge green monster. It's kid Goku's last big fight, and probably his definitive one. 4.25/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.122: Some fairly annoying filler, but one of the coolest endings to any fight. 4.25/5 [Twitter]

===Heavenly Training===

DB ep.123: Piccolo (Mach II) is born! Other things may have happened. 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.124: In today's episode, Goku ascends to Heaven, where God's butler casually kicks his ass. 4/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.125: Imagine if Batman went to Heaven and found out God looks just like the Joker. This ep right here. 3.75/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.126: How to Repair Your Dragon. Also, the series' first "mass revival". 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.127: I like the crown+shrine's design and the idea behind it, but not a heck of a lot happens this ep. 2/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.128: Again, I like the idea of Goku learning ki skills via fishing, but the execution's a letdown. 2.25/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.129: Better than the last two, but they could have done so much more with this time travel premise. 2.75/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.130: Ditto ditto. 2.25/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.131: After four episodes of Goku's failures, this is a nice change of pace. Still only so-so overall. 2.75/3 [Twitter]

DB ep.132: In today's episode, Yamcha saves the day! Sort of. OK, not really. 2.75/5 [Twitter]

===23rd TB===

DB ep.133: Right, well, this is what everyone looks like now. Any questions? 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.134: I always like the preliminaries. Lots of short fights back-to-back. Also, cyborgs. 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.135: This episode contains 15% of the total fighting we see from Yajirobe. 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.136: One of DB-dom's best one-sided fights, thanks to the character relationships. And the sword-hand. 4.25/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.137: As romantic as DB ever gets. Which is to say, not actually very romantic. 3.75/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.138: One great fight ends and another begins. Possibly Kuririn's finest hour. Definitely not Yamcha's. 4.25/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.139: OK, now *this* might be Yamcha's finest moment. He still loses, of course. 4.25/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.140: A remarkable amount of stripping in this episode. 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.141: In today's episode, Fortyshinhan!......My apologies. 3.44/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.142: In today's episode, God vs the Devil. The Devil wins, swallows God. Gotta love DB. 4/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.143: The start of maybe my favorite fight in all DB-dom. Maybe. Probably. Just about. 3.75/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.144: Hit or miss animation, but some great voice acting (pretty much all DB anime in a nutshell). 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.145: In the manga this is my least favorite part of the fight, but the anime version is really well-done. 4/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.146: Hey, another really good episode. 4.25/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.147: Goku is completely paralyzed?! Looks like Piccolo's going to win the tournament for sure! 4.25/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.148: If this had been the last episode in all of DB-dom, I'd be pretty content. 4.5/5 [Twitter]

===Wedding Dress===

DB ep.149: Seemed to last a full 50 minutes: one decent filler episode followed by another, terrible one. 1.75/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.150: More of the same, but bonus points for Pilaf and Chi Chi showing off her martial arts skills. 2/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.151: Better than the last two, with some cool images with the fire at the end. 2.25/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.152: The arbitrariness of the plot is still annoying, but overall this is fun with lots of nice images. 3.25/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.153: Some fun bits, but it's kind of an odd way to end the series. They should do a sequel, someday. 3.5/5 [Twitter]



DB ep.154: Very slow start to new story arc. We probably didn't need *quite* that much introduction to Gohan. 2.75/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.155: Apparently Goku is supposed to be some sort of space alien now? What a load of crap. 0/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.3: In today's episode, Superman and Lex Luthor team up to stop Doomsday! 4/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.4: A pretty jam-packed episode, fight-wise. Definitely not into the "drag-on" phase yet. 4.25/5 [Twitter]

DB ep.158: Goku dies!!! 4.5/5
DBZ ep.5: That green guy's attack is really cool! Oh, and spikey-haired guy dies. 3/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.6: The DB manga was a big influence on Yu Yu Hakusho creator Yoshihiro Togashi. For the record. 4/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.7: Great filler, with Kuririn's struggle to tell Chi Chi and the Star Wars-esque afterlife cantina. 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.8: On today's episode, Man-Wolf's dreams are dashed yet again. 3/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.9: In Masako Nozawa's favorite episode in all of DB/Z/GT, Gohan annoys a robot to death. 3.75/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.10: The Gohan plot feels like a total repeat of last time's, but hey, baseball!Yamcha. 2.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.11: A regular work day for Vegeta and Nappa. Plus a rare (in this series) look at a totally alien world. 3.75/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.12: Last episode was a crazy sci-fi alien planet, this episode Goku goes to Hell. Pretty good variety. 3/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.13: In today's episode, Goku visits the Home for Evil Lads and Lasses. 3.25/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.14: Boa Hancock guest stars. 3.25/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.15: Some nice scenery, and Piccolo's doppelganger training is cool, but otherwise...eh. 2/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.16: This is a pretty good episode of some other show. 3/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.17: In one of the series' most atmospheric episodes, Yamcha and co. travel into 80s anime, die horribly. 4/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.18: This would be a complete waste if it wasn't for the scene of Goku finally reaching Kaio's planet. 2/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.19: Trying to think of some sort of pun here. Ugh..........um..........................Blast it. 4/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.20: The Gregory bits: OK. The history flashback: fantastic, plotholes and contradictions be damned. 3.75/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.21: A big turning point episode that's exciting because it sets up the next act. Also, toilets. 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.22: Apparently Piccolo's supposed to be some sort of space alien? That...actually, that seems reasonable. 3/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.23: While Yamcha hogs the spotlight, two innocent Saibaimen die tragically unmourned. 3.25/5 [Twitter]


DBZ ep.25: An emotional suicide attack, which proves shockingly ineffective. This time, it's 3-eyed guy. 3 (eyes)/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.26: Successfully conveys the sensation of waiting for three hours. 2/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.27: Not the greatest animation day, but the ending and some other cool moments more than make up for it. 3/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.28: The great demon king Piccolo, dying to save some brat? How pathetic. 4.75/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.29: Thankfully the end of this fight is real good, because we'll be seeing it again in the Namek arc. 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.30: It's Goku vs Vegeta. Really, what else do I have to say? 4.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.31: This is why people like DBZ. 5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.32: Some lovely scenery in this episode. Also, fighting. 4/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.33: Yajirobe saves the day, decides to sit the rest of the series out. 4/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.34: The sudden tail regrowth is a bit sketchy, but otherwise this is another great episode. 4.25/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.35: A big monkey falls on him. They let him go. To be continued. 3.75/5 [Twitter]


DBZ ep.36: Pointless question: is this the last episode of the Saiyan arc, or the first one of the Namek arc? 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.37: Space 1990: A Dragon Ball Odyssey. 3/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.38: One small step onto the grand tour for man, one giant leap onto the grand tour for mankind. 3/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.39: Bulma and co. spend an entire episode finding the actual filler plot line. It's filler for filler. 2/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.40: Much better. An interesting way of introducing Freeza, by showing the aftermath of his actions. 3/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.41: All that we see or seem, is but a dream within a dream. Also, this episode sucks. 1/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.42: Narrowly avoids being a complete waste of time thanks to the Vegeta scenes. 1.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.43: Fake Namek nonsense=1/5. Vegeta stuff=3/5. Overall score=2/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.44: Again, Fake Namek nonsense=1, actual content=4, overall score=2.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.45: Pretty good start to the Really Real for Real Namek arc (as it's commonly known). 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.46: Remarkably, it's not until the tail end of this episode that we finally see live native Namekians. 3.25/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.47: A pretty great fight from three random, nameless characters. Everything Freeza says is gold. 3.75/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.48: The first half's really good. The second half's pretty boring. Overall score...*spins a wheel*...2.5/5! [Twitter]

DBZ ep.49: Quite a lot of standing around. Plus surprising revelations! (Or they would have been, at the time) 2.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.50: The canon bit's drawn out, and the filler's even worse. 1.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.51: The episode where this happens [picture of Lupin!Vegeta] (the rest is better). 2.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.52: You know, if this were Digimon, things would be just about over by now. Not that I'm complaining. 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.53: Animation could be better, but I do love Monster Zarbon (or "Marbon", as nobody else calls him). 3.25/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.54: A very exposition-heavy episode, setting the stage for the end of Appule's all too brief life. 3/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.55: Goodnight, sweet prince. Appule is prince of something, right? Well, I'll say that he is. 2.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.56: Vegeta makes smart decisions. All of his smart decisions. 3/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.57: For some fool reason, Goku's filler gets so much focus that Vegeta+Zarbon's rematch becomes the B-plot. 2/5 [Twitter]


DBZ ep.58: Vegeta and Gohan's confrontation and the Ginyu Force's departure are both great scenes. 3.75/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.59: [picture of Bulma in sub] At least this part looked kind of cool. 0/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.60: The canon bit at the end is worth a point. 1/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.61: Now this is more like it! The Ginyu Force make one of the series' most stylish entrances. 3/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.62: We learn Gurd stops time and Burta's really fast. Only one of those things will be relevant later. 3/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.63: Some cool bits, but too many long pauses. Long pauses, get it? Oh, never mind. 3.25/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.64: Cream of the crop. 4/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.65: If you like Gohan, this is a pretty good ep. If you hate Gohan...this is also a pretty good ep. 3.75/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.66: Goku arrives and defeats Recoom in a single blow! And...um, that's about it. 3.25/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.67: Some. Good. Action. But. Very. Drawn. Out. The opening recap is three minutes long! 2.5/5 [Twitter]

(Further DBZ review tweets delayed until Monday as I endlessly watch and re-watch the first 67 episodes.)

DBZ ep.68: Ginyu is a pretty cool guy. This is a pretty cool episode. 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.69: Not bad, but another episode that moves things ahead by pretty much only one plot point. 3.25/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.70: Freeza breathes on some guys. 2.25/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.71: Nail vs Freeza--Good, (non-filler) Ginyu bits--Good, Bulma filler--Bad. 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.72: The Vegeta-killing-mooks filler might actually be better than the canon Ginyu-Goku scenes. 3/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.73: Supposedly this episode contains other scenes in addition to Vegeta vs Jeice. 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.74: The end of the Ginyu stuff drags, but there's some nice downtime in the second half. 3/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.75: Still a tad slow, but the summoning of Porunga is a real highlight. 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.76: Some great animation, including Porunga's vanishing scene. I wish we got to see this guy more often. 4/5 [Twitter]


DBZ ep.77: Some nice bits but overall a slow, padded start to the Freeza fight. Hopefully this won't become a trend 3/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.78: A cool filler flashback, a nifty transformation, and oh! What an ending! 4/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.79: The rest of the episode is a bit of a come-down. 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.80: The game of "Keep Away" goes on forever, but I always love it when Piccolo makes a big entrance. 2.75/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.81: There's some great action this episode...so great that they show it twice. 3/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.82: Better paced than last time, with another great transformation scene. 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.83: Another great transformation sequence! Immediately after the last great transformation sequence! 3.75/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.84: Great Freeza stuff in the first half, followed by Vegeta powering up for several years. 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.85: Excessive back-punching aside, this is another great 25 minutes spent with Freeza. 3.75/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.86: Vegeta dies in this one. 4.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.87: Good up until the volcano (as so often seems to be the case). 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.88: Some clever strategy, but filler's starting to be a real nuisance again. 2.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.89: The canon bit is stretched way the heck out. And the filler is Bulma&Frog. 1.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.90: There's great animation, but the fighting is getting same old, same old. Meanwhile, more Ginyu-Bulma. 2/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.91: Pacing problems persist, but the ending with the Kaio-ken x20 is fantastic. 3.75/5 [Twitter]

(If I keep saying "paced too slow, with dumb filler" it'll get tedious, so from now on I'll say "xylophone" instead.)

DBZ ep.92: Xylophone xylophone xylophone. But we do get naked Vegeta! 2/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.93: Xylophone. But there's some exciting bits and the energy-gathering scenes look nice. 2.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.94: Xylophone. 2/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.95: Thank God this Ginyu Force filler is finally over. Oh, and something's gone wrong with Goku's hair. 4/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.96: Wonderful voice acting, some choice lines, and nice action. 4.25/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.97: Some actually halfway interesting filler, and a cool explosion. 3.5 minutes out of 5. [Twitter]

DBZ ep.98: More good animation/action/voice-acting. Come on, only nine more episodes! Let's keep this up! 3.75/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.99: Interesting Death Note-style finagling around with different sets of mystic rules. 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.100: After the nifty beam struggle, it's pretty much all garbage filler. 2/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.101: You know what? They're still fighting. 3/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.102: A decent overview of Piccolo's life up to this point. Apparently Goku and Freeza are in this too. 2.25/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.103: If I didn't know any better, I'd say that the plot has finally moved forward a tad. 3/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.104: Nakao saying "help me". 4/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.105: Freeza dies. Thank God we'll never have to see him again. 4/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.106: Planet Namek finally explodes. No, really. 3.25/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.107: Now that this Freeza nonsense is over with, I can finally move on to the Garlic Junior arc! 3.5/5 [Twitter]
Kanzenshuu: Is that place still around?
Sometimes, I tweet things
We might, if they screamed all the time, for no good reason.

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Re: Herms Rates the Show

Post by Herms » Tue May 31, 2016 1:36 am

===Garlic Junior===

DBZ ep.108: Not even that bad, but it's still only a taste of the horrors to come. 2.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.109: demon squirrel. 2/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.110: For my money one of the funniest episodes in all DB-dom. Unintentionally. 2/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.111: If I pretend this was just an episode about Vegeta searching for Goku in space, it's almost OK. 1.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.112: On the bright side, there's only five more Garlic Junior episodes to go! 1.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.113: Pretty good by recent standards, with all sorts of crazy stuff. 2.25/5. [Twitter]

DBZ ep.114: Today on Dragon Ball Z, Kami and Popo run around a bunch. 1/5 [Twitter]

DBZ 115: Like much of this arc, there are all the ingredients for a good episode here, sitting around, unused. 1.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.116: Boring climatic battle just a Dead Zone retread, but some of the aftermath stuff is good. 2/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.117: It's tough being a Kuririn. 3.5/5 [Twitter]


DBZ ep.118: Still mostly filler, but at least we're finally getting back on track. 2.75/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.119: The "birth of Mecha Freeza" flashback is cool beans. Oh, and what's-his-face finally shows up. 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.120: Freeza dies. Thank God we'll never have to see him again. 4.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.121: The animation (rather famously) doesn't live up to last time, but it's still a good ep overall. 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.122: Goku swings his finger around, then stands around listening to a bunch of farfetched exposition. 3.75/5 [Twitter]

DBZ 123: True to the title, it mostly just introduces Goku's new technique, but the Yadrat flashback is neat. 3.25/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.124: Really good character-based filler. Makes Bulma+Vegeta's relationship seem halfway reasonable. 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.125: The driving episode. You know, it's good, but I don't think it quite lives up to its reputation. 3.5/5 [Twitter]


DBZ ep.126: A great villain intro; having to track them down is a nice touch. Too bad these two don't last. 3.75/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.127: Highlights include 20 blowing up the city Linda Blair style, and the Big Brother flashback. 3.75/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.128: Nice action, but off-model designs, a ree~aally long flashback, and worst of all, Maron's back. 2.75/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.129: Fun times. The filler flashback fleshes out Vegeta's transformation in really interesting way. 4.25/5 [Twitter]

DBZ 130: More of Vegeta's greatest hits: tearing 19's arms off, the Big Bang Attack, actual strategic thinking! 4/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.131: Bit slow, but with a nifty Piccolo fight. Plus the return of Poochy. 3.25/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.132: Not too much happens, and the animation's iffy, but there are some good character moments. 3/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.133: 17+18 are (intentionally) not in-character yet, but all their subtle conspiratorial looks are fun. 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.134: Gero's death and 16's debut are neat. Lots of foreshadowing for stuff that kinda never happens...3.25/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.135: A great fight with not the best animation. I like how in the anime they keep changing locations. 3.75/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.136: A rare type of fight for DBZ (2 vs many, everyone fighting at once). Plus more Maron nonsense. 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.137: Nice post-battle downtime. Piccolo arriving at the lookout is a great moment. 3.25/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.138: Great Piccolo+Kami scene, and even the extended android/biker gang car chase filler is pretty fun. 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ 139: Trunks' musical flashback+Goku's dream are great filler, and the time machine reveal is a knock-out. 3.75/5 [Twitter]

===Imperfect Cell===

DBZ 140: If you don't already know about Cell, this is a creepy-ass episode. If you do...it's still creepy. 3.75/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.141: Between the big merger and the situation in Ginger Town, this is another super atmospheric episode. 4/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.142: Cell absorbing that guy is so much cooler than him doing a Kamehameha (which is also pretty cool). 4/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.143: Cell's impromptu autobiography. A cross between a James Bond villain monologue and Forest Gump. 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.144: Apart from Cell legging it, not a whole lot happens. 2.75/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.145: I love a good lab-smashing. 3.25/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.146: Mostly filler, but I'm all for the Twilight Zone-y airport scene, and halfway romantic Goku+Chi Chi. 3/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.147: More romantic Goku+Chi Chi moments, interesting direction, and the start of the Piccolo+17 fight. 3.75/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.148: Yeah, it's a pretty good fight. 4/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.149: Continues to be a pretty good fight. 4/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.150: A bit drawn out, but love Cell's "ghost aura" and the spiffy ki blasts. 3.75/5 [Twitter]

DBZ 151: Not the best animation, but some good fighting. 17+18 helpfully stand around, waiting to be absorbed. 3/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.152: Today on Dragon Ball Z, what's-his-face with the three eyes actually does stuff! 3.33/5 [Twitter]

DBZ 153: Three Eyes continues his noble act of extreme valor, but more importantly, Trunks has a new hairstyle. 3/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.154: The amazing mysteries of Saiyan hair are finally explained, while Cell plays whack-an-island. 3.25/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.155: Did you ever think that Vegeta needed to be bigger? Than this my friend is the episode for you! 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.156: Lousy animation overall, but I do like the trippy training flashback/hallucination thing. 2.75/5 [Twitter]

DBZ 157: Last ep Vegeta beat up Cell, with bad animation. This ep, Vegeta beats up Cell...with good animation 3.75/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.158: Vegeta makes a bad decision. Sounds crazy, but it's true! 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.159: More non-running and other general stupidity, but looks great with another fantastic transformation. 4/5 [Twitter]

===Perfect Cell===

DBZ ep.160: Great-looking debut for Perfect Cell, plus wonderful (mostly filler!) Gohan transformation scene. 4.25/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.161: Lousy animation, and drawn-out in a way that messes up what made this part cool in the manga. 2.25/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.162: We're back to the good animation, and Vegeta's got a fancy new attack and clever strategy. 4.25/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.163: A whole lot of people powering up and/or staring at it each, but it looks really good! 3.75/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.164: The story stops dead for two lengthy flashbacks. But they're, like, the two best flashbacks ever. 4.25/5 [Twitter]

DBZ 165: Bad animation, but interesting ideas about balancing power+speed. Coming soon, this arc's final act! 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ 166: Almost all filler, but Cell making the ring is nifty, and it's nice to see the old tournaments again 3.25/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.167: Cell! Come on, come on, Cell! Cell!
Cell TV!

DBZ ep.168: A laid-back, largely filler episode that helps set up the upcoming main event. 3.25/5 [Twitter]

DBZ 169: Some dreadful animation at times, but Cell punching meteors and Goku+Gohan fishing make it worthwhile. 3/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.170: At long last, it's Resurrection T(PP)! And there's some chick called "Lime" in this one as well. 3.25/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.171: A-flippin'-dorable. 4/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.172: Another laid-back episode (apart from the army getting blown up). Nice to finally see Kaio again. 3/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.173: Introducing your new hero, Satan, and your new god, this little green slug kid. Any questions? 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.174: Silly filler at its finest. All this pre-Cell Games stuff really flew by. 4/5 [Twitter]

===Cell Games===

DBZ ep.175: Oh hey, the big game's on. 3/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.176: This and last ep should really have been combined into one. Still, the disciples are kind of fun. 2.75/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.177: Nice start to the fight, with some good action, though the Mr. Satan filler's already distracting. 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.178: Iffy animation, but I enjoyed Cell's retro technique extravaganza. 3.25/5 [Twitter]

DBZ 179: Some of the best animation, and one of Goku's best moves. What the show is always like, in your head. 4.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.180: Goku forfeits in the middle of a big tournament match? That's an OK plot twist, I guess. 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.181: Disappointing animation, but a major turning point (which is later turned back, but still). 3.75/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.182: Padded with flashback to Gohan's past freak-outs, but at least they brought back the good animation. 4/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.183: Gohan's two daddies argue over how to best raise him. Meanwhile, Cell starts a family of his own. 4/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.184: Mostly Cell Junior hijinks, followed by one big moment. But that moment is the moment. 5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ 185: I'm always a sucker for when one guy plows through a bunch of mooks. Exploding mooks a nice bonus. 3.75/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.186: Cell tries to hit Gohan, fails. Gohan tries to hit Cell, succeeds. 3/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.187: Cell's day just keeps getting worse and worse. 3.75/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.188: This is the episode where Bubbles dies. 4.25/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.189: Cell patiently explains why his latest power-up actually makes perfect sense. Really. Honest. 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.190: Cell's life story. Again. 2.75/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.191: Despite all this story arc's problems, this gets my vote for most cathartic end to a fight. 4.75/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.192: A quite touching send-off for Goku. Shame we'll never see him again. 4/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.193: A nice low-key, wrap-up episode. Getting to see baby Trunks' first steps was really neat. 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.194: The animation's a let-down, but it's nice to tie up Trunks' story. Happily ever after...3.25/5 [Twitter]

===Afterlife Tournament===

DBZ ep.195: Ties the power scale in knots, but I love how it expands the DB cosmos. Decaf Piccolo neat too. 3.75/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.196: A tournament between the champions of rival gods? That's an OK idea for a story arc, I guess. 3/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.197: Races through several pretty fun fights, with not!Piccolo vs not!Hercules a particular highlight. 3.75/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.198: Not bad, but the fights feel a little lifeless. Lifeless, get it? Oh, never mind. 3.25/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.199: Solid by not amazing finish to the fight/tournament/filler arc. Best DB/Z filler arc? Probably. 3.5/5 [Twitter]

===Great Saiyaman===

DBZ ep.200: Good start to a new era...tainted slightly by knowing this high school stuff never goes anywhere. 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.201: Half canon, half filler. All Saiyaman. 3.25/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.202: Ever wanted to see Gohan's underwear? Then this is the episode for you! 3/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.203: Not terrible, but the Great Saiyaman setup is getting a bit stale. 2.75/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.204: The DBZ version of a kaiju movie (Gorgo, to be precise). Not nearly as exciting as it should be. 2.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.205: Nice seeing the old crew again. By which I mean Commander Red and Farmer with Shotgun. 3/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.206: Goten is adorable. 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.207: Flying for Dummies. A nice-looking episode with interesting training scenes. 3.75/5 [Twitter]

===World Tournament===

DBZ ep.208: More training, plus a lovely reunion scene at the end. 3.25/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.209: Could do without the Sharpner subplot, but the Punch Machine stuff is a hoot. 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ 210: "Repeat to yourself, it's just a show, I should really just relax, for Dragon Science Theater 3000!" 3.75/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.211: I love Goten innocently 1HKO-ing people, and the Goten vs Trunks fight is off to a good start. 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.212: Not the greatest animation, but a pretty good fight. 3.75/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.213: Trunks v Satan is the fight of the century. Plus Kaioshin makes a suitably (?) intriguing debut. 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.214: Mostly just the characters drawing lots, but Mighty Mask is amazing. 3.25/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.215: Nice to see Kuririn actually win one. Don't miss the series' most controversial staring contest! 3.25/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.216: Nice start to the Videl/Spopovitch fight. Hey, Kaioshin's pretty cool! Enjoy it while it lasts. 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.217: Horrific brutality gets a tad repetitive. This and last time should have been a single episode. 3/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.218: Mostly bad filler, but Gohan feeding Videl the Senzu is sweet. 2.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.219: A type of tension and mystery we don't often get in this series. Plus Gohan looks really cool. 4/5 [Twitter]


DBZ ep.220: Nice animation, good intro for Babidi+Dabura, and one extremely memorable death for Spopovitch. 3.75/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.221: Dabura's attack is cool, but after that everything freezes up.
Never mind.

DBZ ep.222: I love a good one-sided beat-down. Weighed down by pointless Trunks+Goten filler. For a change. 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.223: Interesting ideas and a different kind of fight, marred by bad art and more Goten+Trunks filler. 2.75/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.224: Fun times. I get the feeling Toriyama's way more into this than the Babidi's spaceship stuff. 3.75/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.225: Too much generic punching and kicking, but still a good time. 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ 226: Mr. Satan v 18 is great. Gohan v Dabura pretty cool too. Videl and Goten+Trunks not half bad either. 4.25/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.227: Animation takes a hit, but still some good fighting. Wish we could've seen how this ended. 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.228: Vegeta falls under Babidi's spell! And, uh...sadly, that's about all that happens this episode. 3.25/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.229: The episode where Vegeta goes like this [picture of Majin Vegeta smiling]. 4.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.230: Solid Goku/Vegeta fighting. Good filler: Gohan vs mooks. Bad filler: Trunks and Goten pee on rock. 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.231: Between, punches, Goku and Vegeta have a touching heart-to-heart. Also, the world's about to end. 3.75/5 [Twitter]

===Majin Buu===

DBZ ep.232: Majin Buu face reveal. 3.75/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.233: A Festivus episode, with Buu's feats of strength and Goku+Vegeta's airing of grievances. 3.25/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.234: Fat Buu at his most menacing. He really beats the shit out of people! 4/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.235: Dabura gets turned into a cookie. 3.75/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.236: More interesting attacks from Buu. Meanwhile, Vegeta's never looked cooler. 4/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.237: 5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.238: A padded front half and it doesn't look so hot, but Buu's regeneration is nicely trippy. 2.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.239: Mostly filler, but it looks pretty this time! Goku waking up makes me happy. 2.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.240: Mostly setting the stage for what's next, but I always like I good dragon-summoning. 3/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.241: This was the episode that appeared briefly in the movie Boyhood. It's mostly filler. 2.75/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.242: Like the Kaioshin Realm and Z Sword intro, but panicked crowd reaction filler steals the episode. 3/5 [Twitter]

DBZ 243: Neat sword-pulling scene and some funny bits, but we're mainly waiting for the next big plot point. 2.75/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.244: All just an excuse to introduce Super Saiyan 3...and a rather weak excuse at that. 2.75/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.245: Goku's hair addiction is officially out of control. 4.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.246: Goku vs Buu is...good, not great. Babidi's death more satisfying. 3.75/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.247: Buu's antics become increasingly Dr. Slump-y, but the real highlight is the Fusion dance's debut. 3.25/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.248: Shamelessly padded with SS3 rerun, but Buu's house tour is weird fun, and Goku's goodbye's sweet. 2.75/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.249: Returning to the afterlife nicely expands the scale. Special guest star: Megumi Hayashibara! 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.250: Very funny. 4/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.251: Today's fairy tale, Goldilocks and the Three Gotenks. Gotenkses? Gotenkii? 3.75/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.252: Hysterical and filled with tons of nice little touches. Probably one of the best directed eps. 4.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.253: Takes the series in some new directions. For the most part, it works. For the most part. 3.75/5 [Twitter]


DBZ ep.254: The anime changes things around in ways that kind of blunt the impact, but still not bad. 3/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.255: A nicely animated fight, one of the craziest deaths in the series, and a pretty good cliffhanger. 4/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.256: This episode is literally about stalling for time. Buu's Genocide Attack is super cool, though. 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.257: More stalling, less genocide. Chi Chi's death is pretty memorable, though. 3.25/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.258: Crazy cakes. 4.25/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.259: Continued insanity, with a badass Piccolo moment at the end. 3.75/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.260: You know, I could have watched Cowboy Bebop ten times in a row by now. But this is good too! 3.75/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.261: Some neat attacks, but too padded out with filler. The fight's starting to loose steam. 2.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.262: A fitting end to the Gotenks fight, but now it's finally Gohan's time to shine! Yep. 3.75/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.263: First half bogged down in fluff, but second half full of solid ass-kicking. 4/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.264: Some more good fighting, followed by a slow but necessary break in the action. 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.265: I like Buu playing Kirby. The filler here reuses poses from classic fights in a way that seems lazy. 3/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.266: Gohan/Buu fight getting a bit stale, but Elder Kaioshin's death and Vegeta's return are pluses. 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.267: Great animation. A nice cliffhanger. A special guest star! Still feels like this arc's dragging. 3.25/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.268: Good performances from our two leads, plus a good (but pointless) filler fight scene. 3.75/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.269: Can and should be skipped. 1.75/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.270: Weird as all get-out. Looks good though. 3/5 [Twitter]

DBZ 271: Easily the best Vegetto episode, very creative and looks nice. Still feel this should be over by now. 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.272: It took a while, but the next plot point has finally arrived. 2.5/5 [Twitter]

===Into the Majin===

DBZ ep.273: Really not the kind of filler we needed right in the middle of this arc. Nice scenery though. 2/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.274: Almost literally a waste. 1/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.275: Goku and Vegeta argue like an old married couple. I think Majin Buu may have been in this one too. 2.5/5 [Twitter]

===Kid Buu===

DBZ 276: Words cannot express my joy that they are finally outside of Buu. Meanwhile, we get 2 Buu transformations for the price of 1! 3/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.277: One of the coolest filler flashbacks. Also, the Earth explodes and everyone dies. 4/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.278: The episode immediately prior to SS2 Goku vs Buu. 2.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.279: The episode that contains SS2 Goku vs Buu. 4.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.280: Obviously it'd be weird to end the series right here, but all subsequent episodes seem a bit pointless. 4.75/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.281: Plenty of good Vegeta moments, more good action, and everything continues to look great. 4/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.282: A comedown after the last two eps; the end of SS3 is (intentionally) anticlimactic. But hey, more Fat Buu! 3.25/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.283: Buu vs Buu getting a bit same-y, but still some creative attacks. What little we learn of Vegeta's plan is intriguing. 3.25/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.284: Better Buu/Buu fighting this time around. Vegeta asking for favors is a side of him we haven't seen before. 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.285: Good animation and lots of fun cameos. Mr. Satan's intervention is an inspired moved. 4/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.286: Done? Done. 4.5/5 [Twitter]

===The End===

DBZ ep.287: A nice wrap-up with some good Buu filler in the second half, after they've mind-wiped everyone in the world. 3.75/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.288: The animation? Terrible. Just about everything else is great though. 3.75/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.289: Remember DBZ? See its cast then and now! 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.290: Feels very old school. These last three episodes are a laid-back epilogue to the series, nice but nothing too amazing. 3.75/5 [Twitter]

DBZ ep.291: Goku sets off in search of greater strength. A low-key and often unappreciated ending that sums up the themes of the series. 4/5 [Twitter]


===Black-Star Dragon Balls===

DBGT ep.1: Not actually terrible. There are many good moments here, but this has to be the most contrived setup for any story arc. 2.75/5 [Twitter]

DBGT ep.2: Enjoyed the spaceship preparation and Goku kidnapping subplot, but they're not doing a good job setting Pan up as new lead. 2.5/5 [Twitter]

DBGT ep.3: A new and vibrant setting, that perhaps tries a little too hard to be weird. Pan continues to be Pan. Oh, Gill is here now. 3/5 [Twitter]

DBGT ep.4: Looks good, with a solid if generic story...stretched out by having the gang run from the enemy for no real reason. 2.75/5 [Twitter]

DBGT ep5: I don't want to say it's the best yet GT ep because it has a good fight, but it is the best yet, and does have a good fight. 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DBGT ep.6: Looks great, and seeing giant stuff is kind of neat, but it's a boring story with a "brush your teeth!" morale at the end. 2.5/5 [Twitter]

DBGT ep.7: A pretty good opening sequence, followed by an uninspired re-do of the Oolong story, but with way worse character designs. 2.25/5 [Twitter]

DBGT ep.8: Oolong the Revenge, Part II. This time, there's a volcano. 1.75/5 [Twitter]

DBGT ep.9: A pretty nice-looking episode in which Goku and co. are menaced by some random worms they happen across. 2/5 [Twitter]

DBGT ep.10: Ugh. 1/5 [Twitter]

DBGT ep.11: Wa~ay better than the last few episodes, with lots of strange and/or funny stuff, plus cool scenery. 3.25/5 [Twitter]

DBGT ep.12: The fight is mostly uninteresting, and Doltakki is creepy in a very way that makes things unpleasant to watch. 1.5/5 [Twitter]

DBGT ep.13: Dr. Mu makes an interesting first impression, and Lood is not a bad opponent. I still hate Doltakki though. 3/5 [Twitter]

DBGT ep.14: A big baby turns red and starts attacking indiscriminately. Disappointing conclusion, but still fairly entertaining. 2.75/5 [Twitter]

DBGT 15: What they've desperately been trying to make all along. The one ep that feels like the same show as the opening/ending themes. 4/5 [Twitter]


DBGT ep.16: An atmospheric new setting, very cool-looking opening scene, plus a shocking(ish) twist. Some bad villain designs, though. 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DBGT ep.17: Solid but not amazing start to the Found Episodes, with interesting medal ceremony and fairly creepy M2 backstory scene. 3.25/5 [Twitter]

DBGT ep.18: An OK fight, made worse by more dumb character designs, and the revelation that it was all pretty much a waste of time. 2.5/5 [Twitter]

DBGT ep.19: Best-looking ep yet, and best fight. Would be so much better if Rild's transformation looked a little less ridiculous. 3.75/5 [Twitter]

DBGT ep.20: The fight continues to be pretty good, but watching Pan go in circles is a bit of a drag. Not too much ultimately happens. 3/5 [Twitter]

DBGT ep.21: Imbecilic plot twist, but the Rild fight continues to be decent, and there's a pretty good cliffhanger. 2.75/5 [Twitter]

DBGT ep.22: Mostly standing around explaining the nonsensical plot. Still looks pretty cool. 3/5 [Twitter]

DBGT ep.23: Anticlimactic end for Rild, and the hospital/ship parts are full of clichés, but I like the "lurking menace" aspect. 2.5/5 [Twitter]


DBGT ep.24: Baby taking over people is pretty neat, but would've been scarier without another "it was Trunks' plan all along!" twist. 2.5/5 [Twitter]

DBGT ep.25: Some pretty good comedy (re:moustache) and action (re:Baby). Baby appearing on Earth a nice twist. Plus a big tiger. 3.75/5 [Twitter]

DBGT ep.26: Not quite as good as last time, but more good family dynamics and a pretty decent Gohan/Goten fight. 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DBGT ep.27: Another pretty good fight in an interesting location, and a very cool flashback. 3.75/5 [Twitter]

DBGT ep.28: Goku and co. return to Earth, discover that the next story arc has already started without them. 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DBGT ep.29: A solid "new big bad beats Goku" episode that could seem by-the-numbers, but instead feels nicely old school. 3.75/5 [Twitter]

DBGT ep.30: Weird, funny interlude in Sugoroku Space, with great animation (that they probably should have used last episode). 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DBGT ep.31: A rather abrupt end to the Suguroku Space subplot. Pan's plan is (literally) shit. Great cliffhanger, though. 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DBGT ep.32: The fighting's nothing to write home about, but the Buu+Satan scene's sweet, and the Buu+Uub transformation's nifty. 3.25/5 [Twitter]

DBGT ep.33: Uub? Who? Sorry, doesn't ring a bell. But please enjoy Goku's latest amazing transformation! 3/5 [Twitter]

DBGT ep.34: The Super Saiyan 4 transformation...4/5. The other stuff...1.5/5. Totally score...2.75/5 [Twitter]

DBGT ep.35: Possibly one of the best-looking episodes in all of DB-dom, SS4 at its coolest, Goku's naked butt, and more evil Bulma. 4.5/5 [Twitter]

DBGT ep.36: Some good moments, but the fight's starting to feel too generic, with too many moments ripped off from previous big fights. 3/5 [Twitter]

DBGT ep.37: We take a break in the fight so that Kaioshin can run around with Dende and Popo. Evil Bulma remains great, though. 2/5 [Twitter]

DBGT ep.38: Some cool poses...without any good action. Drawn out, but a good ending. Uub's "plan" another unbelievably dumb twist. 2.25/5 [Twitter]

DBGT ep.39: I'm not entirely sure what happened, but apparently the fight's over now. Hooray? 2.5/5 [Twitter]

DBGT ep.40: A whole pile of stupid, but an interesting set-up for an episode, plenty of neat cameos, and really good animation. 3.75/5 [Twitter]

===That One Tournament Episode===

DBGT ep.41: Very funny and nostalgic standalone episode, held back by some stupid bits and ugly animation. 3.5/5 [Twitter]

===Super 17===

DBGT ep.42: Good family dynamics. Most of the cast gets time to shine. Looks pretty good. Dumbest, dumbest plot. 2.5/5 [Twitter]

DBGT ep.43: Resurrection "F+C". Fun at times, but mostly dumb. Some pretty good animation. Some...not so good animation. 2.25/5 [Twitter]

DBGT ep.44: ~22 minutes worth of Dragon Ball-esque content. 1.75/5 [Twitter]

DBGT ep.45: Better than last time. That's it. That's all I've got. 2/5 [Twitter]

DBGT ep.46: Through some bizarre fluke, they actually managed to sneak a pretty good episode in here. 4/5 [Twitter]

DBGT ep.47: Goku's epic battle against Super 17 contin...no, wait, screw that shit. Let's have some evil dragons instead. 2.75/5 [Twitter]

===Evil Dragon===

DBGT ep.48: Packed with cool-looking evil dragons. The only episode this arc to feature any such dragons, strangely enough. 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DBGT ep.49: Looks pretty good. Some funny parts. Seemingly an hour long. 2/5 [Twitter]

DBGT ep.50: Even more boring than last time, with far worse animation and a Rain ex Machina ending. Good music and sound effects though! 1/5 [Twitter]

DBGT ep.51: An actual interesting dragon for a change, a distinctive setting, and nice animation. Still cliché and not too exciting. 3.25/5 [Twitter]

DBGT ep.52: A really good-looking episode. Just really, really great visuals. No complaints there. But boy do I hate that mole. 2.5/5 [Twitter]

DBGT ep.53: My personal least favorite episode in all of DB-dom. 0/5 [Twitter]

DBGT ep.54: Goku and Red Arremer spend an episode playing hide-and-seek. Could have been suspenseful, but isn't. 2.25/5 [Twitter]

DBGT ep.55: Bulma and Vegeta get bored with GT, rewatch some classic DBZ episodes. 2.75/5 [Twitter]

DBGT ep.56: Some solid, well-animated action. Cliché characterization, but at this point I'll take clichés over nothing. 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DBGT ep.57: It's still very generic, but this is competently executed, and quite a lot happens. 3.5/5

DBGT ep.58: There's a cool roaring Golden Ape head in this episode. Rest fails to make an impression. 2/5

DBGT ep.59: Well, a lot happens. Much of it was pointless, and none of it will ultimately lead anywhere, but it all looked cool. 3.25/5

DBGT ep.60: Today's special guest star, Gogeta! Fun, but after this there are still three more episodes of this fight left to go... 3.25/5

DBGT ep.61: Stalling for time, but gets a bit more exciting in the second half. And one of the weirdest cliffhangers in the series. 2.25/5

DBGT ep.62: Just skip this one. The next two are actually good. 1/5

DBGT ep.63: An absolutely shameless retread of the Buu arc's climax, but still very effective. 4/5

DBGT ep.64: Offers a dramatic, nostalgic, definitive conclusion to the entire DB franchise. Antimatter Toriyama, but fan-pleasing. 5/5

===Movies & Specials===

DB Movie 1: At times disjointed, but looks great, with cool original villains and some great set-pieces. 4.25/5 [Twitter]

DB Movie 2: A personal favorite that hits all my sweet spots. Too many cool moments and images to count. 5/5 [Twitter]

DB Movie 3: Lots of great designs, and more character development and emotion than any other DB/Z movie. 4.25/5 [Twitter]

DBZ Movie 1: Not actually worth owning 17 different copies of. But close. 4.75/5 [Twitter]

DBZ Movie 2: Tons of great fight choreography and creative imagery. Makes zero sense. 3.75/5 [Twitter]

DBZ Movie 3: A darker, evil version of Goku? That's an OK idea for a villain, I guess. 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ Movie 4: Far better than its reputation. Still not exactly the greatest DBZ movie. 3/5 [Twitter]

DBZ Movie 5: Shameless, unimaginative Freeza arc retread. Still pretty cool. 3.75/5 [Twitter]

DBZ Movie 6: Not bad. Not bad. Not bad. Not bad. Not bad. Not bad. Not bad. Not bad. Not bad. Not bad. Not bad 3.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ Movie 7: Blond guys fighting beefy guys, because reasons. What people who've never seen DBZ think it's like. 3/5 [Twitter]

DBZ Movie 8: It's easy to get annoyed by all the incessant Broly hype, but on its own, this is a great movie. 4.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ Movie 9: Easily one of the best-looking DBZ movies. And hey, non-Goku people get to do stuff! 4.25/5 [Twitter]

DBZ Movie 10: You know, there are some really amazing landscapes in this movie. 2.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ Movie 11: Not nearly as bad as its reputation. Still not that great. 2.5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ Movie 12: Changes the history of fighting. 5/5 [Twitter]

DBZ Movie 13: Characterization, characterization, characterization, GIANT EXPLODING GOLD DRAGON FROM NOWHERE, characterization. 4.5/5 [Twitter]

Path to Power: Like RF, the main problem is the sense that it could have been so much more. Animation's way better than RF's, though. 3.5/5

Battle of Gods: Goku becomes god, fights cat, loses. Worth waiting 17 years for? Maybe. 4.75/5 [Twitter]

Resurrection "F": Freeza un-dies, dies. On its own, this is perfectly good fun. As a follow-up to BoG, it's fairly disappointing. 3/5 [Twitter]

Bardock Special: As Toriyama said, it's a story he could never make. Which, in this case, is a very good thing. 5/5 [Twitter]

Trunks Special: Looked at objectively, it's just a bunch of similar fights with 17+18. But I can't be objective. 5/5 [Twitter]

DBGT Special: Feels like a backdoor pilot for another, less interesting series. But sense of time, Pan+Goku Jr's relationship nice. 3.25/5 [Twitter]
Kanzenshuu: Is that place still around?
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Re: Herms Rates the Show

Post by TekTheNinja » Tue May 31, 2016 1:49 am

Every episode? Jeez Herms. You got your work cut out for you there.

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Re: Herms Rates the Show

Post by Nejishiki » Tue May 31, 2016 1:58 am

I'm glad you put these into a neat collection, especially since I've recently pondered how cumbersome it would be if I wanted to revisit this in the future, knowing the hurdles of Twitter. It's a shame about the screen captures, seeing as most of your humor came from that, but I don't think anyone wants to do the work in individually preserving those. :)

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Re: Herms Rates the Show

Post by Grimlock » Tue May 31, 2016 2:04 am

Oh! I didn't expect to see each rate for each episode all grouped in one place! Nice of you saving these stuff, Herms. I sure need to watch Dragon Ball all over again because it's been a long time since I did that last time (and now to see if my rate matches yours, which would be cool :P). Keep up, Herms!
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Re: Herms Rates the Show

Post by Saikyo no Senshi » Tue May 31, 2016 2:16 am

Even Herms destroyed Yamucha. :lol:

This is great stuff keep it coming.

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Re: Herms Rates the Show

Post by MozillaVulpix » Tue May 31, 2016 2:24 am

Ooh, this makes things a lot more convenient! I'm assuming you're going to put the other tweet comments up later? Those have been really insightful.
I could have gotten into anything...and yet I chose the story aimed at young Japanese boys about martial arts, and later about super-powerful aliens punching each other really hard.


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Re: Herms Rates the Show

Post by RandomGuy96 » Tue May 31, 2016 2:36 am

I love these, thanks for posting them. It's a shame that you're not doing those really long blog post style reviews again, as in the "Herms watches the show" thread, but I can see how that'd get annoying.
The Monkey King wrote:
RandomGuy96 wrote:
dbgtFO wrote: Please elaborate as I do not know what you mean by "pushing Vegeta's destruction"
He's probably referring to the Bardock special. Zarbon was the one who first recommended destroying Planet Vegeta because the saiyans were rapidly growing in strength.
It was actually Beerus disguised as Zarbon #StayWoke
Herms wrote:The fact that the ridiculous power inflation is presented so earnestly makes me just roll my eyes and snicker. Like with Freeza, where he starts off over 10 times stronger than all his henchmen except Ginyu (because...well, just because), then we find out he can transform and get even more powerful, and then he reveals he can transform two more times, before finally coming out with the fact that he hasn't even been using anywhere near 50% of his power. Oh, and he can survive in the vacuum of space. All this stuff is just presented as the way Freeza is, without even an attempt at rationalizing it, yet the tone dictates we're supposed to take all this silly grasping at straws as thrilling danger. So I guess I don't really take the power inflation in the Boo arc seriously, but I don't take the power inflation in earlier arcs seriously either, so there's no net loss of seriousness. I think a silly story presented as serious is harder to accept than a silly story presented as silly.

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Re: Herms Rates the Show

Post by Darknat » Tue May 31, 2016 11:53 am

Nice to see your opinions on the entire show. I prefered your longer reviews from some time ago, but better this than nothing. Thanks for sharing.

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Re: Herms Rates the Show

Post by Lord Beerus » Tue May 31, 2016 4:43 pm

DBZ ep.14: Boa Hancock guest stars.
As fan of One Piece, I got a kick out that. :lol:

Great work, Herms.

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Re: Herms Rates the Show

Post by Dr. Casey » Tue May 31, 2016 7:00 pm

This is a great read. One thing it reminded me of was how good the filler was during the Piccolo Daimao, 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai, and Saiyan saga era. Rather than dragging out the canon material so much, I would much rather there have been long stretches of anime original episodes, ala the 10 episodes spent training for the 23rd Budokai or Vegeta and Nappa - I loved those extended filler arcs and thought they really enhanced the story. Afterwards the anime returned to having filler episodes as standalones or in shorter bursts rather than lengthy mini-arcs. (Well, I just remembered the Garlic Jr. arc... which I did enjoy, if nowhere near as much as the training arcs.)

It's also nice to be reminded of many small details that I'd forgotten about, like baseball Yamcha.

So yeah, really good read so far, and looking forward to the next update.
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Re: Herms Rates the Show

Post by ShaneisMC » Tue May 31, 2016 10:39 pm

I really want to know your real score for DBZ episode 1, unless you were serious giving it a 0.

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Re: Herms Rates the Show

Post by Cipher » Wed Jun 01, 2016 3:32 am

ShaneisMC wrote:I really want to know your real score for DBZ episode 1, unless you were serious giving it a 0.
I think you mean episode 2.

Z's first episode really is hot garbage, though. Of course, decades later, Super would continue the tradition of foregrounding a tensionless plot about children fighting woodland animals while a new threat receives one or two foreshadowing scenes to hook viewers, so I guess that's just how things roll when Dragon Ball hits the screen.

Re: Thread: Herms, I'm not sure if you're aware, but your offering actual opinions on the series is a bit of a rare sight (or maybe it just seems that way since you're so on top of Super updates in a purely intellectual/translation-based capacity). This is a pretty fun take on it.

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Re: Herms Rates the Show

Post by ABED » Wed Jun 01, 2016 6:44 am

I like DBZ episode 1, it does a good job of introducing Gohan and giving a good amount of foreshadowing.

And why did DBZ ep. 2 get a score of 0?
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Re: Herms Rates the Show

Post by Saikyo no Senshi » Wed Jun 01, 2016 7:02 am

And why did DBZ ep. 2 get a score of 0?[/quote]

He mentioned it very clearly that Gokuu being a space alien was a load of crap. Thats what ep 2 was all about Gokuu's origin and i think he didn't like it.

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Re: Herms Rates the Show

Post by ABED » Wed Jun 01, 2016 7:07 am

Saikyo no Senshi wrote:[quote="ABED"]
And why did DBZ ep. 2 get a score of 0?

He mentioned it very clearly that Gokuu being a space alien was a load of crap. Thats what ep 2 was all about Gokuu's origin and i think he didn't like it.

- Travis[/quote]And everything else in the episode? And what's wrong with the alien angle?
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Re: Herms Rates the Show

Post by Ajay » Wed Jun 01, 2016 7:15 am

I mean, I'm 99.9% sure he was being sarcastic.
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Re: Herms Rates the Show

Post by ABED » Wed Jun 01, 2016 7:16 am

Ajay wrote:I mean, I'm 99.9% sure he was being sarcastic.
Who knows? It's hard to tell tone on the internet.
The biggest truths aren't original. The truth is ketchup. It's Jim Belushi. Its job isn't to blow our minds. It's to be within reach.
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Re: Herms Rates the Show

Post by rereboy » Wed Jun 01, 2016 9:35 am

ABED wrote:
Saikyo no Senshi wrote:[quote="ABED"]
And why did DBZ ep. 2 get a score of 0?

He mentioned it very clearly that Gokuu being a space alien was a load of crap. Thats what ep 2 was all about Gokuu's origin and i think he didn't like it.

- Travis
And everything else in the episode? And what's wrong with the alien angle?[/quote]

You are basically just questioning an opinion. He is free to just not like the alien angle (either because he thinks it came out of nowhere, because it marks a shift from the mystical tone of the series, or any other reason even if he can't put his finger on exactly what that reason is) and he is free to consider it bad enough to tarnish the whole episode for him.

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Re: Herms Rates the Show

Post by ABED » Wed Jun 01, 2016 9:37 am

You are basically just questioning an opinion. He is free to just not like the alien angle (either because he thinks it came out of nowhere, because it marks a shift from the mystical tone of the series, or any other reason even if he can't put his finger on exactly what that reason is) and he is free to consider it bad enough to tarnish the whole episode for him.
There's nothing wrong about asking why someone doesn't like something. I don't see what your issue is with me asking him to elaborate. You don't think I though about the reasons you gave?
The biggest truths aren't original. The truth is ketchup. It's Jim Belushi. Its job isn't to blow our minds. It's to be within reach.
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